Nr. |
Disertacijų tematikos |
Galimi vadovai |
1. |
Dirbtinio intelekto įtaka žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo funkcijoms The impact of artificial intelligence on human resources management functions |
Doc. dr. Asta Stankevičienė (EVAF) |
2. |
Darbo vietų skaitmenizavimo vaidmuo kuriant dalijimosi žiniomis kultūrą: pasitikėjimo, bendradarbiavimo ir darbuotojų įsitraukimo tyrimas The Role of Digitalization in Creating Knowledge-Sharing Cultures: A Study of Trust, Collaboration, and Employee Engagement |
Doc. dr. Virginijus Tamaševičius (EVAF) |
3. |
Inovatyvių valdymo apskaitos priemonių taikymo naudingumo suvokimo įtaka viešojo sektoriaus organizacijų veiklos rezultatams The impact of perceived usefulness of innovative management accounting tools on the performance of public sector organizations |
Doc. dr. Daiva Tamulevičienė (EVAF) |
4. |
Dirbtinio intelekto galimybių pritaikymas apskaitos informacijos formavimo bei įmonių veiklos vertinimo procese Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in the Process of Accounting Information Formation and Corporate Performance Evaluation |
Prof. dr. Rasa Subačienė (EVAF) |
5. |
Nematerialiųjų išteklių atskleidimo finansinėse bei tvarumo ataskaitose įtaka įmonės vertei, investuotojų sprendimams bei informacijos asimetrijai Disclosure of Intangible Resources in Financial and Sustainability Reports: Implications for Corporate Value, Investor Decision-Making, and Information Asymmetry |
Doc. dr. Ramunė Budrionytė (EVAF) |
6. |
Bankroto prognozavimo patobulinimas naudojant dirbtinį intelektą Improvements in Bankruptcy prediction with AI |
Dr. Ranadeva Jayasekera (EVAF) |
7. |
Aplinkosauginė apskaita atskleidžianti tikrąjį įmonės anglies emisijų poveikį Environmental accounting for the true impact of a firm’s carbon emissions |
Dr. Ranadeva Jayasekera (EVAF) |
8. |
Požiūris į nuolatos jautrius asmens duomenis renkančius dirbtiniu intelektu grindžiamus nešiojamus išmaniuosius prietaisus: privatumo, naudos ir įpročio perspektyvos Attitudes toward AI-powered wearable smart devices that continuously collect sensitive personal data: perspectives of privacy, benefits and habit |
Prof. dr. Sigitas Urbonavičius (EVAF) |
9. |
Įsitraukimo (engagament) į tvarumo klausimus ir dirbtiniu intelektu grindžiamų produktų naudojimą įtaka elgsenai dalijimosi ekonomikoje The impact of engagement with sustainability issues and with AI-based products on behaviour in the sharing economy |
Prof. dr. Sigitas Urbonavičius (EVAF) |
10. |
Generatyvinio dirbtinio intelekto produktų naudojimas aukšto įsitraukimo prekių pirkimo procese The use of generative AI products in the purchasing process of high-involvement goods |
Prof. dr. Sigitas Urbonavičius (EVAF) |
11. |
Vidinių ir išorinių veiksnių įtaka ketinimui pirkti prekes iš mažai žinomų užsienio internetinių parduotuvių Impact of internal and external variables on intention to buy product from unknown crossborder online stores |
Prof. dr. Vytautas Dikčius (EVAF) |
12. |
Pasitikėjimo įtaka ketinimui gyventi sveikiau ir ilgiau (tema apima maisto inovacijas, tiek telemediciną, tiek ir genų inžinieriją) skirtingose kartose The influence of trust on the intention to live healthier and longer (the topic includes food innovation, both telemedicine and genetic engineering) in different generations |
Prof. dr. Vytautas Dikčius (EVAF) |
13. |
Vartotojo asmeninių veiksnių įtaka "žaliųjų" produktų pirkimui arba jų vengimui "žaliojo smegenų plovimo" kontekste The impact of personal consumer factors on the purchase or avoidance of "green" products in the context of greenwashing |
Doc. dr. Karina Adomavičiūtė-Sakalauskė (EVAF) |
14. |
Vartotojų nuostatos ir sprendimų priėmimas tvarios ir su sveikata susijusios elgsenos srityje Consumer attitudes and decision making in the area of sustainability and health-related behavior |
Prof. dr. Justina Baršytė (EVAF) |
15. |
Naujos intervencijos motyvuojančios pozityvius vartojimo pokyčius Novel interventions to motivate positive behavioral change |
Prof. dr. Justina Baršytė (EVAF) |
16. |
Darbo prasmingumas skaitmenizacijos kontekste Work meaningfulness in the digitalized age |
Dr. Bernadeta Goštautaitė (EVAF) |
17. |
Vizualinio grožio patyrimo poveikis darbo našumui The effect of experiencing visual beauty on work performance |
Dr. Yannick Joye (EVAF) |
18. |
Multinacionalinės įmonės veiklų fizinių lokacijų parinkimo kriterijų tyrimas Research on criteria for locations of a multinational enterprise (MNE) operations |
Doc. dr. Andrius Jaržemskis (EVAF) |
19. |
Strateginis atitikties valdymas didinant ilgalaikius verslo rezultatus Strategic Compliance Management for Enhancing Long-Term Business Performance |
Doc. dr. Aurelija Ulbinaitė (EVAF) |
20. |
Rinkodaros vadovų demografija, skaitmeninė transformacija, inovacijos ir įmonės veiklos rezultatai CMO demographics, digital transformation, innovation and firm performance |
Prof. dr. Michael Christofi (EVAF)
21. |
Dirbtinio intelekto vaidmuo aukščiausio lygio vadovų komandose The Role of AI in Top Management Teams |
Prof. dr. Michail Christofi (EVAF) |
22. |
Lyderystės kompetencijų įtaka tvarių organizacijos vertės kūrimo grandinių formavimui The impact of leadership competencies on the development of sustainable organizational value chains. |
Prof. dr. Asta Mikalauskienė (KNF) |
23. |
Pokalbių robotų dirbtinio intelekto modelių įtakos vertinimas verslo procesų transformacijai Assessment of the impact of Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbot Models for Business Process Transformation |
Prof. dr. Dalia Krikščiūnienė (KNF) |
24. |
Verslo darnumo strategijų poveikis verslo atsparumui The impact of business sustainability strategies on business resilience |
Dr. Rasa Bartkutė (KNF) |
25. |
Bendruomenės turizmo įtaka įtraukiam ir darniam jų vystymuisi The impact of community-based tourism on the inclusive and sustainable development of communities |
Prof. dr. Virginija Jurėnienė (KNF) |
26. |
Orumo darbe patirtys dirbtinio intelekto (DI) taikymo žmogiškųjų išteklių vadybos praktikose kontekste Experiences of workplace dignity in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) application to human resource management practices |
Doc. dr. Raminta Pučėtaitė (KNF) |
27. |
Žaliųjų talentų valdymo įtaka privataus sektoriaus įmonių darbuotojų novatoriškam elgesiui skaitmeninėje darbo erdvėje The Impact of Green Talent Management on Innovative Behavior of Employees in the Private Sector in the Digital Work Environment |
Prof. dr. Edmundas Jasinskas (KNF) |
28. |
Tvarių verslo modelių poveikis vartotojų įsitraukimui į tvarumo iniciatyvas The impact of sustainable business models on consumer engagement in sustainability initiatives |
Doc. dr. Ilona Kiaušienė (KNF) |
29. |
Lygių galimybių užtikrinimo priemonių poveikis organizacijos veiklos rodikliams Impacts of equal opportunities measures on the performance indicators of the organization |
Prof. dr. Aurelija Novelskaitė (KNF) |
30. |
Verslo aplinkos pokyčių poveikis įmonių apskaitos ir atskaitomybės transformacijai The Impact of Business Environment Changes on the Transformation of Corporate Accounting and Reporting |
Prof. dr. Kristina Rudžionienė (KNF) |
31. |
Sumanus viešojo sektoriaus organizacijų valdymas diegiant e. vadovavimo priemones Smart governance of public sector organizations by implementing measures of e-leadership |
Doc. dr. Vita Juknevičienė (ŠA) |
32. |
Vertės bendrakūra kaip kompleksinis adaptyvus procesas Value co-creation as a complex adaptive process |
Doc. dr. Milda Damkuvienė (ŠA) |
33. |
Antikorupcinių priemonių diegimo įtaka organizacijų atsparumui The impact of the implementation of anti-corruption measures on the resilience of organizations |
Doc. dr. Rita Toleikienė (ŠA) |
34. |
Priežastys, lemiančios įsitraukimą į prekės ženklą, prekės ženklo „evangelizavimą“ bei intencijas skleisti neigiamus atsiliepimus apie konkuruojančius prekės ženklus skirtingų sub-kultūrų ir uždarų grupių (uždari fanklubai, kaliniai, paauglių sub-kultūros ir kt.) tarpe The antecedents of brand engagement, brand evangelism and intentions to spread oppositional referrals towards rival brand among the representatives of different sub-cultures and closed groups (i.e. closed fan clubs, prisoners, teenagers’ sub-cultures, etc.) |
Prof. dr. Mangirdas Morkūnas (VM) |
35. |
Dirbtinio intelekto įtaka influencerių rinkodaroje: žinutės reikšmės poveikis vartotojų ketinimui pirkti Artificial Intelligence in Influencer Marketing: Analyzing the Power of Message on Intention to Purchase |
Doc. dr. Elzė Rudienė (VM) |
The Challenges of the EU Law for the National Criminal, Criminal Procedure and Punishment Execution Law
Prof. habil. dr. Gintaras Švedas
Problematical Aspects of Criminal Policy
Problematical Aspects of the International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Matters
Repeat Offences and their Significance in Accordance with EU and National Law
Doc. dr. Gintautas Sakalauskas
Applying the Criminal Intelligence Act and Protecting Human Rights in Modern Life
The Challenges of Globalisation for Criminal Justice: Legal Regulation and the Application of Criminal Law and Procedure
Individual Institutes of Criminal Procedure Law – Problems and Tendencies
Atkuriamasis teisingumas ir mediacija baudžiamojoje justicijoje
Restorative Justice and Mediation in the Criminal Justice System
Criminal Justice and Gender-Based Violence
A Comparative Perspective on Contemporary Models of Juvenile Justice
Information Technologies and Principles of Civil Procedure
Challenges of New Technologies for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Protection of Digital Data in Private Law
Labour Rights as Human Rights
Fair Competition within Labour Law (protection of confidential information, non-compete agreements etc.)
Collective Labour Relations in an Era of Sustainability
Use of Artificial Intelligence in Dispute Resolution Field
Įvairių ginčų sprendimų metodų naudojimas civiliniame procese
Use of Different Dispute Resolution Methods in Civil Procedure
Socialinės garantijos ir vieniši asmenys: teisinių garantijų (ne)pakankamumas
Social Guarantees and Single Persons: the (In)Sufficiency of Legal Guarantees
Problemic Aspects of the Case-Law of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania
Judicial Precedent and Legal Custom in the System of Lithuanian Legal Sources in 1918-1940
Lithuanian Health Law and its History
Europinis ir nacionalinis konsensusas dėl teisminės apsaugos veiksmingumo administraciniame procese
European and National Consensus on the Effectiveness of Judicial Protection in the Administrative Process
Technological Innovations Impacts on Public Administration
Protection, Supervision and Compliance of Economic Activities of Companies in the Face of Technological, Geopolitical and Sustainable Development Challenges
Legal Reasoning in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
The Impact of Modern Technologies on Human Rights and Democracy
A Comparative Study of Tax Law and Tax Disputes
Current Challenges to the Aims and Values of International Law
Challenges of Implementation of Sustainability Strategy in Public Law
Ensuring Security and Protecting Human Rights
The Scope of State Obligations to Safeguard Human Rights in the Digital Domain under International and EU Law
The Use of AI Methods in Legal Reasoning
Challenges to the Protection of Constitutional Human Rights in Modern Society
Doctrine of Social Contract: Historical Perspective
Rule of Law and its Features
Conscept of Constitutional Human Rights
Politikos mokslai
Changing nature of Lithuanian external interdependencies [trade, migration, cyber space, information and others]: causes and impact on foreign policy
Effects of international structural changes and domestic politics on transatlantic relations and implications for Lithuania
The impact of crises/external shocks on public policy and state cooperation in Europe
Prof. dr. Vitalis Nakrošis
Prof. dr. Ramūnas Vilpišauskas
Identities in the (post-)Soviet and democratic political regimes
Doc. dr. Nerija Putinaitė
The Political Economy of FinTech
Politics of the (Post)Soviet Aesthetics
Shifts in the U.S. Foreign Policy: A Challenge to the Contemporary World Order
The Politics, Economics and Culture of (Anti-)Corruption in Central Asia
Doc. dr. Konstantinas Andrijauskas
Emerging powers as the source of multifaceted challenges and opportunities for Lithuania and the EU
The Global Governance of Catastrophic Technological Risk
The Glocal Impact of Foreign Volunteer Fighters in Modern Conflicts: Transitional Justice and Security Implications
Memory, Technology, and Conflict: Digital Platforms as Arenas for Memory Activism
EU Enlargement and the Legacy of War Crimes Tribunals: Navigating Justice and Politics in the Western Balkans
Laisvoji tema:
Šiuolaikinės politikos problemos
Problems of contemporary politics
Prof. dr. Alvydas Jokubaitis,
Prof. dr. Vitalis Nakrošis,
Prof. dr. Ainė Ramonaitė,
Prof. dr. Margarita Šešelgytė,
Prof. dr. Gediminas Vitkus,
Prof. dr. Ramūnas Vilpišauskas,
Prof. dr. Tomas Janeliūnas,
Prof. dr. Violeta Davoliūtė,
Prof. dr. Natalija Arlauskaitė,
Doc. dr. Vytautas Kuokštis,
Doc. dr. Mažvydas Jastramskis,
Doc. dr. Žilvinas Martinaitis,
Doc dr. Inga Vinogradnaitė,
Doc. dr. Nerija Putinaitė,
Doc. dr. Liutauras Gudžinskas,
Doc. dr. Lina Strupinskienė,
Doc. dr. Florian Caspar Rabitz,
Doc. dr. Konstantinas Andrijauskas,
Doc. dr. Justinas Dementavičius
The impact of artificial intelligence on human resources management functions
The Role of Digitalization in Creating Knowledge-Sharing Cultures: A Study of Trust, Collaboration, and Employee Engagement
The impact of perceived usefulness of innovative management accounting tools on the performance of public sector organizations
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in the Process of Accounting Information Formation and Corporate Performance Evaluation
Disclosure of Intangible Resources in Financial and Sustainability Reports: Implications for Corporate Value, Investor Decision-Making, and Information Asymmetry
Improvements in Bankruptcy prediction with AI
Environmental accounting for the true impact of a firm’s carbon emissions
Attitudes toward AI-powered wearable smart devices that continuously collect sensitive personal data: perspectives of privacy, benefits and habit
The impact of engagement with sustainability issues and with AI-based products on behaviour in the sharing economy
The use of generative AI products in the purchasing process of high-involvement goods
Impact of internal and external variables on intention to buy product from unknown crossborder online stores
The influence of trust on the intention to live healthier and longer (the topic includes food innovation, both telemedicine and genetic engineering) in different generations
The impact of personal consumer factors on the purchase or avoidance of "green" products in the context of greenwashing
Consumer attitudes and decision making in the area of sustainability and health-related behavior
Novel interventions to motivate positive behavioral change
Work meaningfulness in the digitalized age
The effect of experiencing visual beauty on work performance
Research on criteria for locations of a multinational enterprise (MNE) operations
Strategic Compliance Management for Enhancing Long-Term Business Performance
CMO demographics, digital transformation, innovation and firm performance
Prof. dr. Michael Christofi (EVAF)
The Role of AI in Top Management Teams
The impact of leadership competencies on the development of sustainable organizational value chains.
Assessment of the impact of Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbot Models for Business Process Transformation
The impact of business sustainability strategies on business resilience
The impact of community-based tourism on the inclusive and sustainable development of communities
Experiences of workplace dignity in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) application to human resource management practices
The Impact of Green Talent Management on Innovative Behavior of Employees in the Private Sector in the Digital Work Environment
The impact of sustainable business models on consumer engagement in sustainability initiatives
Impacts of equal opportunities measures on the performance indicators of the organization
The Impact of Business Environment Changes on the Transformation of Corporate Accounting and Reporting
Smart governance of public sector organizations by implementing measures of e-leadership
Value co-creation as a complex adaptive process
The impact of the implementation of anti-corruption measures on the resilience of organizations
The antecedents of brand engagement, brand evangelism and intentions to spread oppositional referrals towards rival brand among the representatives of different sub-cultures and closed groups (i.e. closed fan clubs, prisoners, teenagers’ sub-cultures, etc.)
Artificial Intelligence in Influencer Marketing: Analyzing the Power of Message on Intention to Purchase
Analysis of Agricultural Markets
The determinants and economic impacts of international labour migration in Lithuania
Unveiling the Impact of the EU AI Act on Innovation and Digital Transformation in the Baltics
Artificial Intelligence and Inequalities in Education and human capital development
Retail Finance Markets in the Context of the European Green Deal and FinTech Disruption
Economic Impacts of Digital Transformation on Organizational Adaptability and Strategic Decision-Making in Medium and Large Enterprises
Circular supply chain networks: optimization, resilience, and sustainability
Knowledge spillovers, innovation and technology based economic development
Marginality, Social and Labour Market Exclusion, ALMP Measures and Labour Market Participation
Sanctions in a Geopolitically Fragmenting Global Economy (The topic is developed with the Bank of Lithuania)
Firms and Aggregate Productivity (The topic is developed with the Bank of Lithuania)
Konsultantas – dr. Jose Garcia-Louzao (EVAF)
Topics in behavioural and experimental economics
Firms, Institutions, and Workers' Labor Market Outcomes (The topic is developed with the Bank of Lithuania)
The Economic Determinants of Population Health
Fintech for Sustainable Development: Assessing the Implications
Effectiveness of taxation systems for achieving SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) goals
The Impact of Sustainable Development on Enterprise Financial Performance
Integration of ESG profiles to equity value, risk and performance valuation models
The impact of financial sector development on environmental sustainability of the country
The Impact of interactions of institutional factors and activities on the processes sustainable development implementation and climate change mitigation
Evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate sustainability and its disclosure
The impact of sustainable initiatives on the green economy
The impact of the application of circular economy principles on the performance of companies
Corporates’ financing decisions modelling in the context of the financial system resilience
The Impact of Automation on the Wage-Productivity Gap
Assessment of regional economic resilience
Assessing the riskiness of the country and its economic processes and/or modeling the resilience
Assessment of the impact of labor market factors on international economic relations
The Efficiency of Investment Portfolio Diversification Strategies Valuation Under Climate Risk and the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy
Sustainable business strategies in the era of artificial intelligence (AI)
Research on Innovative Paradigms and Models of Social Work and Social Services
Doc. dr. Eugenijus Dunajevas
Prof. dr. Violeta Gevorgianienė
Doc. dr. Lijana Gvaldaitė
Doc. dr. Jurga Mataitytė-Diržienė
Doc. dr. Donata Petružytė
Prof. dr. Eglė Šumskienė
Doc. dr. Birutė Švedaitė - Sakalauskė
Prof. dr. Laimutė Žalimienė
Social Control and Construction of Criminological Discourses
Doc. dr. Algimantas Čepas
Prof. dr. Aleksandras Dobryninas
Doc. dr. Simonas Nikartas
Doc. dr. Maryja Šupa
Doc. dr. Laimutė Žilinskienė
Sociological Analysis of Society and Culture
Doc. dr. Liutauras Kraniauskas
Doc. dr. Sigita Kraniauskienė
Prof. habil. dr. Zenonas Norkus
Prof. dr. Arūnas Poviliūnas
Doc. dr. Daumantas Stumbrys
Challenges for Social Policy and Opportunities for Improvement
Doc. dr. Eugenijus Dunajevas
Prof. dr. Boguslavas Gruževskis
Doc. dr. Jekaterina Navickė
Prof. dr. Daiva Skučienė
Doc. dr. Lina Šumskaitė
Gender, Families and Intimate Lives
Prof. dr. Boguslavas Gruževskis
Prof. dr. Daiva Skučienė
Doc. dr. Lina Šumskaitė
Territorial Studies of Sustainable Society Development
Prof. dr. Jurgita Mačiulytė
Doc. dr. Ieva Misiūnė
Doc. dr. Ričardas Skorupskas
Prof. dr. Darijus Veteikis
Dissertation themes and descriptions
Possible supervisors
Prevention od personality disorder (risk) in adolescence: risk profile, detection, developmental course, and possibilities for prevention
The biopsychosocial factors of the well-being of older people
Prof. dr. Vilmantė Pakalniškienė
Doc. dr. Vytautas Jurkuvėnas
Doc. dr. Olga Zamalijeva
Psychotraumatology: the psychological effects of trauma and stress on the individual and society, and the effectiveness of psychological interventions
Doc. dr. Paulina Želvienė
Doc. dr. Odeta Geležėlytė
Psychological, Social and Organizational Factors of Employee Optimal Functioning in Organization in the New World of Work
Doc. dr. Ieva Urbanavičiūtė
Risk and protective factors of suicidal behavior in the Lithuanian population
Prof. dr. Paulius Skruibis
Mental health and psychopathology: neuropsychological factors, personality and research on the effectiveness of psychological support and psychotherapy
Doc. dr. Neringa Grigutytė
Doc. dr. Alfredas Laurinavičius
Doc. dr. Jonas Eimontas
Doc. dr. Inga Truskauskaitė
Towards the effective teaching: The role of different contexts in learning
Prof. dr. Roma Jusienė
Doc. dr. Sigita Girdzijauskienė
Improving the quality of educational organisations' activities (educational processes) in the context of sustainable change
Projections of Embodied Professional Development and Growth in the Context of Teacher Education and Reflective Professional Practice
Pedagogy and Didactics
Doc. dr. Irena Stonkuvienė
Culture of education
Doc. dr. Irena Stonkuvienė
Evidence-based construction of positive behaviour in inclusive education
Applying the Potential of Digital Innovation in Development of Physics Teaching
Early teaching and learning in mathematics and computational thinking
How to Engage the Modern Student? The Application of Eye-Tracking Technology in Neuropedagogical Research for Analyzing the Interaction Between Educational Content and Cognitive Processes
Komunikacija ir informacija
Responsible and Sustainable Development Communication
Prof. dr. Asta Mikalauskienė
Doc. dr. Daiva Siudikienė
Doc. dr. Mariana Sueldo
The origin, information and communication of documentary heritage
Prof. dr. Konstantinos Dallas
Prof. dr. Rimvydas Laužikas
Prof. dr. Remigijus Misiūnas
Prof. dr. Aušra Navickienė
Prof. dr. Arvydas Pacevičius
Doc. dr. Tomas Petreikis
Research on information and communication practices, mechanisms and impacts
Doc. dr. Vincas Grigas
Prof. dr. Arūnas Gudinavičius
Prof. dr. Rimvydas Laužikas
Doc. dr. Martynas Petrikas
Prof. dr. Andrius Šuminas
Prof. dr. Arvydas Pacevičius
Information Management in Digital Transformation Context
Doc. dr. Erika Janiūnienė
Prof. dr. Renata Matkevičienė
Prof. dr. Asta Mikalauskienė
Doc. dr. Daiva Siudikienė
Doc. dr. Mariana Sueldo
Doc. dr. Marija Stonkienė
Scholarly and Science Communication and Information
Doc. dr. Kęstas Kirtiklis
Prof. dr. Aušra Navickienė
Prof. dr. Arvydas Pacevičius
Doc. dr. Marija Stonkienė
Research on digital mediation, narratives and storytelling
Prof. dr. Rimvydas Laužikas
Prof. dr. Renata Matkevičienė
Prof. dr. Arvydas Pacevičius
Doc. dr. Martynas Petrikas
Doc. dr. Renata Šukaitytė-Coenen
Prof. dr. Andrius Šuminas
Digital and Traditional Publishing, Advertising and Reading in the System of Media
Prof. dr. Remigijus Misiūnas
Prof. dr. Aušra Navickienė
Prof. dr. Arvydas Pacevičius
Doc. dr. Tomas Petreikis
Journalism, media and political communication in Lithuania and Europe
Doc. dr. Viktor Denisenko
Prof. dr. Deimantas Jastramskis
Doc. dr. Kęstas Kirtiklis
Prof. dr. Renata Matkevičienė
Doc. dr. Renata Šukaitytė-Coenen
Prof. dr. Andrius Šuminas
Prof. dr. Andrius Vaišnys