Study Quality and Assurance
The study quality assurance system of Vilnius University was developed within the project “Development and Implementation of the Internal Study Quality Management System of Vilnius University” and is implemented in accordance with the study quality assurance provisions of the European Higher Education Area. Study quality assurance is based on fostering a quality culture arising from the values enshrined in the mission of Vilnius University, monitoring and analysis of study data and internal dialogue on continuous quality improvement, which is based on collected data and external study evaluation results.
The model of the study quality management system in Vilnius University reflects:
- the core system processes: strategy implementation, development, evaluation and approval of study programmes intended to carry out, evaluation and improvement of on-going study programmes, student admission (to Bachelor and Master studies), study process, residency study management , doctoral study management, student support and services; planning of research activities; implementation of research activities; evaluation/improvement of research activities; planning of university’s external services; delivery of university’s external services; evaluation/improvement of university’s external services;
- processes influencing the quality of studies: academic personnel management; material resource management; financial resource management; information resource management, project management. All complimentary processes influencing the quality of studies as well as the research and learning environment form the basis for today’s study quality that satisfies the internal and external needs.
At the University, the Study Programme Committees (hereinafter – SPC) are responsible for the quality assurance and continuous improvement of study programs, which follow the Regulations of the Study Programme Committee in their activities. The committee consists of the academic staff members, who are implementing the program, the representatives from students and social partners communities. The SPC reports to the Faculty Council and reports to it at least once a year on the study programme implementation matters.