Application Procedure

Sukurta: 18 May 2011

Deadlines and Contacts

The application with all required enclosures must be registered in the system at and sent by e-mail  from 2024 May 2 to June 1 (until 23:59)


The list of the documents:

  • an application addressed to the Rector;
  • a copy of the passport or any other valid identification card;
  • a copy of the Master’s diploma or of a higher education diploma comparable to it and their supplements (it might be asked to submit a copy of the certificate on the recognition of higher education qualifications obtained abroad);
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • a completed questionnaire with a photo;
  • a research project;
  • a list of research works and their copies, conference presentations, works awarded at academic competitions (if there is any);
  • recommendations by two academic referees from the topic of the relevant field of science (candidates to PhD studies in biochemistry and physics have to submit one recommendation written by a supervisor of dissertation theme);
  • a certificate proving the level of English (not lower than B2);
  • 15 Eur instalment cheque.


A consent to the processing of personal data at the University is necessary.

Other important documents, such as a certificate of completion of various courses or examinations passed at the doctoral level, are welcome too.


Note: An international applicant might be asked to submit additional documents. All documents issued in a language other than English, Russian or Lithuanian should be supplemented with an official translation.

Legalizations of Educational Documents

Applicants who received their education in the countries acceding to the 1961 Hague Convention should have an attached Apostille to their educational documents. The Apostille is issued by the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the home country of an applicant.

Applicants who received their education in the countries not acceded to the 1961 Hague Convention should get double legalization of their educational documents:

  1. The documents must be legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Education in the applicant’s home country.
  2. The documents must be legalized either by the Lithuanian Diplomatic Mission or Consulate in the applicant’s home country or the country of permanent residence or the Consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.

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