Smart Internship
Every Vilnius University student (disregarding study program, degree or year of studies) can do a smart internship. Most important for this internship is your desire to improve your competences, willingness to try out different learning and training opportunities during your studies, and your openness to new things.
2024/2025 academic year spring semester Smart internship
Smart internship plan for 2024/2025 academic year spring semester:
02.28 Announcement of teams
03.01 Design Thinking methodology training (Location: VU Career Centre, 9 Saulėtekio Ave., Building III, Room 104)
03.03 - 05.13 Internship duration: detailed in the Smart internship plan
- student’s motivation;
- student’s priorities (prioritization of cases);
- diversity of the team (students of different faculties/ study programs in one team);
- up to 7 persons in a team;
- gender equality aspect.
Case proposed by organisation
Vilnius University
CASE: What measures and activities can ensure the integration of international students at Vilnius University? DESCRIPTION: One of Vilnius University's key goals is the active involvement of international students and partners in various University activities. As an increasing number of international students choose to study at Vilnius University, there is a growing need to expand the integration measures and services offered by the University. One existing integration measure is Orientation Days, which provide international students with the opportunity to participate in engaging and interactive introductory events. Another initiative includes Lithuanian language courses, which could be complemented by events and activities that encourage connections with local students. Additionally, the University promotes participation in informal activities that strengthen the sense of community, foster social interaction and enhance networking opportunities. However, it is essential to analyze how international students perceive these initiatives and what variety of activities they expect. The University expects the student team to conduct a needs assessment of international students at Vilnius University. Based on the findings, it is expected that the team will develop an action plan that incorporates existing integration initiatives, enhances international students' engagement and motivates them to learn the Lithuanian language. |
What is smart internship?
Smart internship is organised in interdisciplinary teams of 5–7 students solving real-life organisations' problems. The whole process is leaded by the internship supervisor from the University and a mentor from a company. Students can do a smart internship voluntarily or as their compulsory internship, if it corresponds to the requirements. A note about the performed internship is included into student's diploma supplement. What is more, every student gets a smart internship diploma confirming gained competence, and a recommendation from the company.
How smart internship is smart?
Benefits to students:
- one more opportunity to gain practical experience during studies;
- development of hard skills and soft skills: team-work, creativity, non-standard thinking, adaptability, problem-solving, etc.;
- growth of social network;
- opportunity to take a wider look at the ways of employing professional competences.
Benefits to organisations:
- opportunity to contribute to the training of future professionals;
- selection of talents – future employees at early stage;
- new (fresh) glance to the problem.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
How does a Smart internship work?
Once a week the team meets/calls to discuss the activities carried out individually, together make assumptions and allocate work for the next meeting. At least once every two weeks there is a meeting/call with the organization’s representatives, to whom the team members present the interim results. Responsibilities in the team are shared in order to achieve the weekly task, so the contribution of each participant is very important.
To find out more about the expected activities, take a look at the Smart internship plan!
Does the internship take place face-to-face or remotely?
The format of the internship - online, face-to-face, hybrid - is decided by the team members and the internship supervisor. In the last semesters, teams usually choose to visit the organization at least once in person, with regular team meetings scheduled online and those that require a higher level of involvement scheduled in a contact format.
Where do team meetings take place?
If the team decides to work face-to-face, the participants meet at the organization's premises or in VU spaces (Career centre, Central library or MKIC workrooms) or cafés. In case the team works online, meetings take place on the Teams platform.
Can I combine a Smart internship and a job?
The minimum involvement of a participant is 6 hours per week - 2 hours for the team meeting/call, 2 hours for the team meeting/call with the host organization representatives and 2 hours for homework. Team meetings are organized at a time convenient for all members (after lectures), so if in your schedule you have 6 hours per week for new activity, you can certainly join having other responsibilities!
Do my studies have to meet the Smart internship case?
A Smart internship develops generic competencies, so you can choose to do a Smart internship in an area that's far removed from your professional life.
Can a Smart internship be counted as a compulsory internship?
Vilnius University offers this possibility, but the final decision depends on the internship provisions of the student's department (faculty), for example, whether the practical activities done during Smart internship are related to the study program.
For an individual case, please contact the Internship coordinator Karolina Urban ().
What if I'm not approved?
Next semester, mention in your application form that you have already been applied and your application will be considered in priority order. You may also receive an invitation to swap with a team member in case of a change in the team.
If you are interested in an organization you can contact the representatives by yourself asking about individual internship opportunities.