If you are on this page it means you are either considering coming to Vilnius University or already here. We are happy to welcome you and assist you in making your visit or long/short stay experience pleasant and without stress.
The regulations and conditions of your acceptance and work at the university will depend on the length, purpose and sources of financing of the stay. But if you are an academic and/or researcher, a doctoral student or post-doctoral researcher this page is for you.
International House Vilnius provides services and information to people relocating to Lithuania’s capital: persons from abroad can obtain a residence permit, mandatory health insurance, consult on tax issues, declare their place of residence and receive information on other relevant topics. Many other opportunities such as workshops, mentorship program, Lithuanian language classes, networking events and job fairs are constantly being offered.
Career at Vilnius university (adcademic and management vacancies)
Welcome and Registration
If you aim at a permanent position at Vilnius university you are requested to take part in selection for new employees announced by the Department of Human Resources of Vilnius University, apply as a post-doctoral researcher or get invited by the faculty.
If you would like to come as a visiting staff the main point of contact regarding your individual work programme will be the Faculty which makes the decision on accepting their visiting staff members.
Visiting or Permanent?
There is a difference in procedures depending whether you will be employed as a permanent staff member or will come as a visiting one. What information applies to you depends on your situation. When applicable, differences will be marked in the text.
a) you are considered permanent VU staff when you have a paid position with Vilnius University. More information on this status is available here.
b) you are considered a visiting staff when you are:
a PhD candidate, guest lecturer or guest researcher employed by another university and:
1. Your stay is financed by a 3rd party/project/programme
2. You take an unpaid position at Vilnius University (Adjunct Agreement)
3. Your are offered a Vilnius University grant.
Finding the Right Contact
Please note, that all the decisions on any staff position are made by the faculty, department authorities and/or individual researches. Therefore, you are encouraged to contact the responsible person at the respective faculty to find out about available short-stay positions. In case of doubt of the right contact at the Faculty, do not hesitate to use general address (e-mail: ) and your enquiry will be forwarded to the right addressee. If you agree with the department about the goals of your stay the invitation letter will be sent to you. As soon as you receive the Invitation letter you may proceed your relocation (depending on your citizenship: EU/Non-EU).