Other opportunities
Vilnius University is a member of the strategic partner universities of the Pan-European Seal Programme.
The Pan-European Seal Programme is a vehicle for early talent detection among Europe’s brightest and highest-achieving graduates. It targets young, aspiring graduates from several academic backgrounds (IP and non-IP) who the EUIPO and the EPO will sponsor for one-year-long, paid traineeships.
Interns have the opportunity to learn from professionals in intellectual property management, access distance learning and courses in their area of expertise, put this knowledge into practice, and learn one of the official languages of the EPO or EUIPO.
Final-year bachelor's or master's degree students or those who have already received master's degrees and are interested in intellectual property issues are invited to participate in the selection.
Candidates who successfully pass the selection process will receive a scholarship and begin their internship in September 2025.
Requirements for candidates and selection procedures are published here.
Send us the required documents by February 14th, 2025 () indicating your field of competence, "EPO/EUIPO internship," in the letter's title. We guarantee confidentiality.
Impressions of those who participated in EPO and EUIPO internships:
The Pan-European Seal Young Professionals Programme at the EPO.
Do you have any questions? Contact us!
VU Innovation Office
Phone: +370 5 2366279
Foreign Practices in Lithuania Program (UPinLT)
We invite international Vilnius University students to undertake additional paid internships in Lithuania!
About UPinLT
Vilnius University, together with the Education Exchanges Support Foundation, has extended the implementation of the project "Foreign Practices in Lithuania Program" (UPinLT), aimed at providing support to international students of Lithuanian higher education institutions for successful integration into the Lithuanian job market. The project has been extended until May 31, 2025 and Vilnius University has received 4 quotas for 2-month student internships. From now on, first-year Master's students are also eligible to apply.
The project allocates scholarships to international Vilnius University Bachelor's (excluding first-year), Master's, and integrated studies (excluding first-year) students who will undertake additional internships at Lithuania-based companies and organizations.
Additional internship – an internship not specified in the study program, intended for acquiring additional practical skills or deepening existing ones related to enrolled study program, carried out during free time from studies.
Important! According to the project conditions, students will not be able to consider this internship as a mandatory internship.
The scholarship amounts to 650 euros per month and is funded by the European Union's NextGenerationEU.
Terms and conditions
- The internship scholarship amount is 650 EUR/month. The scholarship is disbursed at the end of each internship month, upon submission of the required documentation confirming participation in the internship.
- The duration of additional student internships is 2 months, with a minimum weekly workload of 20 hours.
- Internships must begin no earlier than February 26, 2025 and conclude no later than May 31, 2025.
- The scholarship for an internship to a foreign student can only be awarded once throughout the entire implementation period.
- Scholarships for internships cannot be granted if the internship takes place in a higher education institution where the student is an international student.
- An international student intending to undertake an internship with a company or organization cannot have an existing employment contract on the start date of the internship and throughout the entire internship period.
Requirements for the host organisation
- To agree to accept the intern, to provide suitable internship conditions (to appoint an internship supervisor, provide a place to work, allow to observe the work of specialists, allow to work independently, provide practical training assignments, provide the necessary documentation and the necessary means for carrying out these tasks, etc.), to sign an internship agreement.
- To assign tasks related to the specifics of the studies or competencies acquired during the studies, relevant for performing qualified work.
Candidate selection
The candidates must meet the following conditions:
- Be a Vilnius University student in Bachelor's (excluding first-year students), Master's or integrated studies (excluding first-year students), holding citizenship from the European Union or other foreign countries.
- Not have any academic debts.
- The planned activities during the additional internship in Lithuania must be aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills related to their studies and professional activities.
- Complete the application form, including a motivation section and a confirmation letter from the host organization.
By February 26, 2025 (included), from all submitted applications, 4 participants will be selected, based on:
- The rationality of choosing the internship placement in Lithuania.
- Relevance of the candidate's experience/skills/knowledge to be applied at the internship placement.
- Added value of the internship activities in Lithuania to the candidate's future career and personal development.
If the overall motivation assessment of candidates is equal, then the decision to award the scholarship for the internship is made considering the arithmetic average of all subjects.
How to apply?
- Find a host organization based in Lithuania.
- Obtain a confirmation letter from the host organization (recommended form).
- Fill out the registration form by February 19, 2025 (included): https://forms.office.com/e/YTVmDhNCaH.
- Wait for the decision through the provided email by February 26, 2025.
How to find a host organisation?
Important! As per the project conditions, internships must occur within companies and organizations based in Lithuania!
To find an internship placement, contact the organization you are interested in directly, explore available positions on various websites dedicated to internship opportunities:
- https://jobs.workinlithuania.lt/ - is an initiative of the foreign direct investment promotion agency ”Invest Lithuania” that encourages professionals from abroad to build their careers in Lithuania;
- Other internship search portals include platforms such as cvonline.lt, cvbankas.lt, cvmarket.lt, and similar alternatives;
Take a look at the proposals received from VU partners:
- The Lithuanian Agency of Non-formal Education;
- Work in Lithuania;
- Visionary Analytics;
- UAB "Transporto vystymo grupė";
- BMI Executive Institute;
- La Petite Alice.
If you encounter difficulties finding an internship placement, you can sign up for a career consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I receive both the organization's established scholarship/ other compensation and the UPinLT projects scholarship?
According to the project conditions, double financing is not allowed, so you must choose either the organization's established scholarship/ other compensation or the UPinLT project scholarship. In the internship agreement, the parties agree that there will be no double financing. Therefore, if it is revealed that the internship is remunerated elsewhere, the interns must return the UPinLT scholarship.
I am a Vilnius University student, can I undertake a 3-month internship under the UPinLT project?
According to the project conditions, international students' additional internships are required to last exactly 2 months. Applications for student internships with a duration less than or exceeding 2 months will not be considered. If you have agreed with the organization for a 3-month internship, to receive the scholarship for 2 months of the internship, it is recommended to split the internship – sign a 2-month UPinLT project internship agreement and a 1-month voluntary internship agreement. Please note that in this case, the last month of the internship will not be funded, as the internship will be extended under a different agreement.
I am a Vilnius University student currently studying remotely from another country. Can I undertake an internship under this project physically, not residing in Lithuania?
Students decide on the format of the internship in collaboration with the organization; however, the organization informs The State Social Insurance Fund Board under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour about each intern. Along with the internship details, the organization must provide this institution with documented proof that the international intern can engage in the Lithuanian labour market (for EU citizens - a copy of a passport/ID card; for others - a copy of a temporary residence permit in Lithuania or a visa). Considering this, without one of the mentioned documents, you cannot participate in the project. Moreover, the project's goal is to integrate candidates into the Lithuanian labour market, so priority will be given to students who plan to actively engage in the organization's activities, including attending the organization's office and building connections with colleagues.
I am not a Vilnius University student. Does that mean I cannot participate in the project?
Besides Vilnius University, six other Lithuanian higher education institutions are also involved in the project. Check the list, you might be a student at one of them:
- ISM University of Management and Economics;
- Kaunas University of Technology;
- Lithuanian Sports University;
- Lithuanian University of Health Sciences;
- Romeris University;
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH).
Vilnius University
Student Affairs and Career Office
Saulėtekio ave 9, III bldg. (Career Centre)
Phone (370 5) 236 6881