Emotional well-being
Vilnius university Catholic Chaplaincy team offers students spiritual help and space for personal prayer, and also invites students to join a community where they can grow not only in faith but also in a deeper knowledge of themselves and others. The VU Chaplaincy team can also be contacted for the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Marriage or Confirmation, and bereavement.
If you would like to meet Pastoral Team at any other time or to get more information about other activities, please contact them by email or phone number. If you would like to get more information, please contact chaplain Vidmantas Šimkūnas, .
Emergency psychological help
Psychological help in case of crisis is provided free of charge (up to three sessions).
Register for the consultation by writing an email to or by calling VU community psychologists directly by phone: +370 658 99392, +370 699 34818, +37069009131 or you can immediately register for a consultation. Consultations are available in Lithuanian, English, Russian, and Ukrainian.
Urgent free-of-charge emotional support by phone:
Line of Hope 116123 (24/7)
Help for Women 080066366 (24/7)
Линия Доверия 080077277 (от 16:00 до 19:00)
Psychological counselling
Vilnius University students can receive professional psychological support when they experience a whole range of psychological difficulties, effecting their well-being, relationship with others, academic life and daily functioning. We offer students up to 4 free of charge individual sessions with experienced and qualified practitioner. Sessions can be held either remotely or face to face in counselling facilities. You can register for a concultation here. The administrator will contact you regarding the date and time for your appointment.
For more information, click here
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
A member of the community or a third person who has experienced, noticed, or learned about cases of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, violence or persecution, may contact either the head of their unit or the heads of the units where the complainee or the victim works or studies, or the direct supervisors of such persons, or the appointed responsible employees at such units. These cases can also be addressed to the University's Trust Line by e-mail at
For more information, click here