
Sukurta: 18 May 2011

The timetable of each semester is available:

  • in January – for Spring semester
  • at the end of August – for Autumn semester

There may be slight changes in the timetable at the beginning of each semester therefore students are advised to check it during the first and/or second week after the beginning of studies.

 Timetable of the Spring semester, 2024/2025: 

Please note that some of the lectures/seminars can take place not every week. This is indicated in the timetable by saying “odd week” or “even week”. The academic calendar by week is available here.

Please note that you have to register online if you choose one of the courses at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LAMT) or Vilnius Academy of Arts (VAFA). Registration for the courses takes place:

  • from the 2nd to the 6th September for LMTA courses
  • from the 1st until the 13th of September for VAFA courses

Additional registration on Spring semester:

  • from the 3rd to the 7th February for LMTA courses



Faculty Coordinator Contacts List


Business School

Mrs. Danutė Butkienė 

Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences

Assoc. Prof. dr. Rasa Šimanauskienė 

Ms. Gintarė Rimkutė

Faculty of Communication

Dr. Ingrida Girnienė

Ms. Guoda Skripkauskaitė

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Mrs. Aistė Simanavičienė

Faculty of History

Mrs. Akvilė Naudžiūnienė

Faculty of Law

Prof. dr. Vigita Vėbraitė

Ms. Jurgita Mickevičiūtė

Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics

Ms. Justina Krauledaitė


Faculty of Medicine

Mrs. Vita Petronytė

Faculty of Philology

Ms. Viktorija Zujūtė

Faculty of Philosophy

Mrs. Rūta Dragūnevičienė

Faculty of Physics

Ms. Andželika Jankauskytė

Institute of International Relations and Political Science

Ms. Marija Kozlovskaja

Kaunas Faculty Ms. Livija Grikietis

Life Sciences Center

Ms. Sigita Mėlynytė

Šiauliai Academy 

Mrs. Beatričė Poškuvienė