Minor field studies (minor field study programme) – a part of the first cycle (bachelor's degree) study programme, which consists of compulsory and (or) optional study course units (modules) of another study field and which meets the minimum requirements of this study field.
In addition to the main study programme, the study programme of another (minor) study field is 60 ECTS credits of volume.
When to Choose?
Students whose undergraduate (bachelor's degree) study programme provides for this option may choose one of the minor study programmes offered by the University.
If the study programme plan does not provide for such an option, the student may apply to the core academic unit (faculty), where he/she is studying with a request to create conditions for studying a minor study programme, by approving an individual study plan.
When Does Enrollment Take Place?
Student registration for Minor Studies is open from 1 April to 30 April (for studies starting in the Autumn semester) and from 1 November to 30 November (for studies starting in the Spring semester).
For additional information and enrolment for minor field study programmes, please contact the core academic unit (faculty) where the specific minor field study programme is organized.
The List of Minor Study Programmes Taught in Vilnius University:
Faculty of Chemistry of Geosciences
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian.
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian.
Contacts in the Faculty: tel. +370 5 219 3105, e-mail:
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Economics and finance |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian. |
Business Management |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian. |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in English.
Contacts in the Faculty: tel. +370 5 236 6126, e-mail:
Faculty of Philology
English Philology |
For students of Philology study field programmes*, who has obtained in English no less than B2 level (according to CEFR) Taught in English. |
English Language |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and English. |
Spanish Language and Culture |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and Spanish.
Italian Language and Culture |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and Italian. |
Latvian Studies |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and Latvian. |
Lithuanian Language |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian. |
Lithuanian Philology |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian. |
Polish Philology |
Students of Philology study field programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and Polish. |
Polish Language and Culture |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and Polish. |
Latin Language and Scripts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania |
For students of Humanities and Social Sciences study fields groups study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian.
Modern Greek Language |
For students of Humanities and Social Sciences study fields groups study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and Greek. |
French Language and Culture |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and French. |
Russian Philology |
For students of Philology study field programmes*, who has obtained in Russian no less than B2 level (according to CEFR) Taught in Lithuanian and Russian. |
Russian Language |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and Russian. |
Russian Literature |
For students of Philology study field programmes*, who has obtained in Russian no less than B2 level (according to CEFR) Taught in Lithuanian and Russian. |
Ancient Greek Language and Helenic Culture |
For students of Humanities and Social Sciences study fields groups study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian. |
Scandinavian Studies (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, English. |
Slavic Linguistics |
For students of Humanities and Social Sciences study fields groups study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and Slavic (Czech, Croats, Serbs and Slovenians) languages. |
German Philology |
For students of Philology study field programmes*, who has obtained in German no less than B1 level (according to CEFR) Taught in Lithuanian and German. |
German Language and Culture |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian and German.
Contacts in the Faculty: tel. +370 5 268 7202, e-mail:
Faculty of Philosophy
Pedagogy (by the subject) |
For students of all study programmes*, which are related with school subjects Taught in Lithuanian.
Philosophy |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian.
Sociology |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian. |
Contacts in the Faculty: tel. +370 5 266 7600, e-mail:
Life Sciences Center
Genetics |
For students, who are studying Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Biophysics, Ecology, Microbiology ir Biotechnology undergraduate (bachelor's degree) study programmes Taught in Lithuanian. |
Contacts in the Center: tel. +370 5 223 4420, e-mail:
Faculty of History
Archeology |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian. |
Bioarcheology |
For students, who are studying History and Cultural History and Anthropology bachelor's degree study programmes Taught in Lithuanian. |
The History of Ethnic Minorities and Anthropology |
For students, who are studying History and Archeology bachelor's degree study programmes Taught in Lithuanian. |
History |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian.
Cultural History and Anthropology |
For students of all study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian. |
Cultural Tourism |
For students, who are studying History and Archeology bachelor's degree study programmes Taught in Lithuanian. |
Source Studies and Archivistics |
For students, who are studying History and Cultural History and Anthropology bachelor's degree study programmes Taught in Lithuanian. |
Contacts in the Faculty: tel. +370 5 268 7280, e-mail:
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Bioinformatics |
For students of Physical and Biomedical study fields groups study programmes* Taught in Lithuanian.
Matematics |
For students of all study programmes*, who have passed Lithuanian state mathematics examination Taught in Lithuanian.
Contacts in the Faculty: tel. +370 5 219 3055, e-mail:
* The first cycle (bachelor's degree) study programme's curricula must provide for the possibility to choose parallel studies, i. y. 60 ECTS credits have been allocated for all students in the programme or there is a possibility to create an individual study plan.