Summer Courses
Summer courses are designed to meet various needs and offer: training in Lithuanian, Law and Asian languages. Some courses, such as Yiddish language and literature in Lithuania might answer quite specific needs while the 10 days course on the key features of Lithuanian domestic and foreign policy might be of interest for students with various educational backgrounds.
The duration of the courses vary from one to four weeks and tought all of them have slightly different eligibity requirements they are targeted at both students and those who left universities a long time ago but are still interested to learn.
Most of the courses are offered in the old campus of Vilnius University thus allowing our students to enjoy medieval courtyards and get glimpses of the Vilnius Old Town life during the breaks between the lectures and seminars. Summer courses in Law are offered in Saulėtekis campus of Vilnius University thus allowing our students to feel the spirit of the student campus of the 70-ties.
The Summer Course descriptions are given in the language of instruction. This booklet should provide you with all basic information needed for you to make your choise: short description of courses, course range and dates, requirements, fees. If you need any further information, you are welcome to contact the address given at the end of the each course description.
Full list of the courses:
- Lithuanian Language Two–Week Summer Course
- Lithuanian Language Four–Week Summer Course (Call for Scholarship)
- European Summer Law School