Transferable Skills Training:
- Transferable skills training facilitates work both in research work during the PhD and in a subsequent research career.
- Activities to strengthen general competences: theoretical and practical training in Vilnius and/or other universities, summer/winter schools to develop general competences, etc.
- The doctoral candidate must report to the doctoral committee on the activities aimed at strengthening general competences. The committee must approve the credits collected.
- When reporting on the generic skills activities, the doctoral student should provide a document (certificate, letter, etc.) confirming his/her participation in the activities.
- The doctoral committee of each field of study may set its own requirements for activities that enhance the general competences of doctoral students.
- The doctoral student shall complete a table after participating in the generic capacity-building activities and in preparation for reporting the credits to the doctoral committee.
- Certificates for general competences training organised by the Department of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies are issued at the end of one academic year (autumn and spring semesters) by September.
- A single certificate shall indicate all the training courses attended by the doctoral student during the previous academic year.
- From 2021 onwards, the certificates are electronic, signed and registered in the document management system "Avilys".
- Signed and registered certificates are either forwarded by email or handed over to the "Avilys" system itself (by University staff).
- If a certificate is required earlier than the scheduled date of issue, please contact us:
Information tel. +370 5 268 7094, email:
2025 How to Sell Your Research? Publication in International Journals in English / For PhD Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Lecturer: Dr. Atėnė Mendelytė
Dates: February 13, 19, 27, March 6
Time: 13:00-15:15
Place: Seminar room 238, VU Central Building (3 Universiteto St.)
Registration: (will be announced in January)
Course details:
Number of academic hours: 25 hours (16 contact hours + 9 hours for self-study and written tasks)
Group size: 16 participants
Teaching format: interactive seminars
Language: English
Course requirements: participation in 80% of the seminars is required in order to get 1 ECTS. The participants of the course will have to write a short text and provide feedback on each other’s texts.
Course focus:
This course focuses on research writing and publication practices in English. It is notoriously difficult for researchers who are non-native speakers of English to get their research published in international journals. This is partly due to significant rhetorical differences of academic text construction followed by Anglo-American writing traditions in comparison to many other academic cultures, as well as specific expectations of international journal boards. Another challenge especially to novice researchers at the PhD level is to respond to peer review and to act as peer reviewers themselves. All of these issues will be addressed in the course. The course will also give an opportunity to participants to share their own writing and receive feedback both from peers and from the course instructor.
Course schedule:
February 13, 13:00-15:15
What Is a Publishable Article? What Gets Published and Why
The seminar will address the expectations of academic journals and editors from the humanities and social sciences perspective. The process of conceiving of a publishable idea and producing an article manuscript will also be discussed in detail as well as ways of translating one’s research into a publishable article idea. Various problems and (sub)discipline-specific issues prohibiting articles based on excellent research will be considered as well.
February 20, 13:00-15:15
Common Reasons for Rejection and How to Avoid It
This seminar will delve into the most common reasons for articles being rejected (issues to do with methodology, theory, structure, language, scope, etc.), both from an editor’s and peer reviewer’s perspective, and teach how to think critically about one’s own manuscript – how to become one’s own peer reviewer – in order to address these potential reasons for rejection.
February 27, 13:00-15:15
Responding to a Journal’s Revise and Resubmit/Reject Decision
This seminar will explain the most productive ways to interpret a journal editor’s decision to ask for a revision as well as a decision to reject one’s submission. Various types of peer review comments and ways to properly address/interpret a reviewer’s concerns and rhetoric will be explained. Furthermore, this seminar will give practical advice regarding making one’s manuscript publishable despite rejection and negative feedback. Finally, the best practices of being a peer reviewer and how to best approach others’ work will also be discussed.
March 6, 13:00-15:15
Hands on Practice – Analysing and Giving Peer Feedback
This final seminar will put the knowledge acquired during the previous meetings to practice as the participants will be asked to analyse and critically think about each other’s written work. The participants shall identify any potential problematic aspects of short pieces of writing which might prevent them from being accepted by the desired international journals. The participants will also give constructive feedback as to how the author could improve their manuscript.
2025 Academic Writing Seminars for PhD Students in Natural, Technological, Medicine and Health Sciences
Lectors: Prof. Dr. Roma Kriaučiūnienė (Faculty of Philology); Prof. Dr. Nijolė Burkšaitienė (Faculty of Philology)
Date and time:
Day 1 – January 6, 09:00-14:30;
Day 2 – January 7, 11:00-14:30;
Day 3 – January 8, 09:00-14:30;
Day 4 – January 9, 09:00 -12:30.
Format: Contact seminars
Place: Seminar room 239, VU Central Palace (3 Universiteto St.)
Group size: 40
Credits: 1 ECTS
Working language: English
2024 Using Artificial Intelligence for Academic Research
Lector: Costis Dallas is Professor and Head of the Department of Digital Cultures and Communication at the Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University. His research focuses on digital research methods in the human sciences, on the digital curation of thing cultures “in the wild”, on the role of digital infrastructures in archaeological and humanities research, and on heritage, memory and identity practices on social media. He published over 50 peer-reviewed articles in journals and conference proceedings and was a co-editor of Cultural Heritage Infrastructures in Digital Humanities (Routledge: 2017). He holds a BA in History from the University of Ioannina, Greece, as well as MPhil and DPhil degrees from the University of Oxford and is an Emeritus Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto.
Dates and time: December 5, 6, 9 and 16, 5-8 pm
Format: MS Teams.
Course description: This four-part online course will examine how researchers can utilize generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to enhance their scholarly work. While primarily tailored for doctoral students, it will also be beneficial to anyone engaged in academic research, including established scholars and Master's students. The objective of the course is to develop foundational knowledge concerning GenAI's functionality, potential, limitations, and the ethical and practical considerations and techniques associated with its use. Participants will receive practical guidance for integrating GenAI tools throughout various stages of their own research.
Session 1: Understanding and Using Generative AI Ethically in Research. This session will introduce the capabilities of GenAI, and will explore the epistemological and methodological implications of its application in academic research. It will also address ethical considerations of using GenAI in research, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, authorship, transparency, and reproducibility.
Session 2: Utilizing AI for Literature Reviews and Addressing Prior Knowledge. Participants will learn how to leverage GenAI to identify key themes in existing research and streamline the literature review process. This includes searching for relevant literature, summarizing key findings, identifying research gaps, and critically evaluating existing findings. Additionally, this session will discuss various types of literature reviews and the appropriateness of GenAI in each context.
Session 3: Analyzing Research Data and Evidence with AI. This session will focus on the application of GenAI in the analysis of research data, with a particular emphasis on qualitative research. Topics will cover AI-assisted data exploration, pattern recognition, summarization, and interpretation. The session will address potential biases that may emerge, underscoring the importance of human oversight in managing the generation of GenAI outputs and validating results.
Session 4: Enhancing Research Writing and Scholarly Communication through AI. Participants will discover how to utilize GenAI for drafting research papers, improving language, formatting references, and creating summaries for scholarly communication. They will also be introduced to GenAI tools for generating diagrams and visualizations. The session will examine current publisher guidelines regarding the use of AI in academic writing and discuss the ethical implications related to authorship and plagiarism concerning AI-generated content.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
Working language: English
2024 Entrepreneurship Workshop
Are you a PhD student who wants to boost your research impact? Then join us for an engaging entrepreneurship workshop and discover the exciting world of entrepreneurship to unlock your entrepreneurial potential.
Throughout the workshop, you will learn about:
- Problem and market analysis;
- Techniques of creating a solution;
- Building a business model;
- Crafting a value proposition;
- Protecting your intellectual property;
- Pricing and funding;
- Crafting a compelling pitch;
- Acquire business-building tools and skills!
Lecturers: business development and technology transfer experts from Vilnius University – Pavel Ragozin, Juliana Schotte, Žiedūnė Kiznytė, Aistė Žvirblienė.
Duration: 50 academic hours (contact hours and independent group work).
Date and time of contact seminars: 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22 November 2024. Time: 13:00 - 17:00 (EET, UTC+2), groupwork time is flexible.
Credits: 2 ECTS credits will be granted to students participating in seminars, group work and final pitch.
Delivery mode: Online via MS Teams.
Study areas: PhD students from all study programmes are welcome.
Language: English.
Register here: Registration is open until 5 November 2024. The meeting link will be sent a day before the workshop.
2024 Data Repositories and Data Papers
Lecturer: Dr. Gintė Medzvieckaitė, Research Data Officer at Vilnius University Library
Date: 2024-11-22
Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Place: MS Teams.
Group size: unlimited
Registration closes: 2024-11-22, 8:00
Course description: In this lecture, we will look at different online platforms built for storing and publishing research data, known as “research data repositories”. We will discuss the different types of repositories that exist and what to look for when choosing a repository for your data. We will also look at data journals and the so-called “data papers” as an emerging type of academic papers.
Format: online lecture with an optional individual task
Credits: 0.1 ECTS for attending the lecture and 0.3 ECTS for completing the task
2024 Preparing a Data Management Plan
Lecturer: Dr. Gintė Medzvieckaitė, Research Data Officer at Vilnius University Library
Date: 2024-11-21,
Time: 9:00 – 10:00
Place: MS Teams.
Group size: unlimited
Registration closes: 2024-11-21, 8:00
Course description: In this training session, we will discuss the specifics of a Data Management Plan (DMP), a document that commonly needs to be submitted to research funding organisations either as part of the project proposal or as an early deliverable of the project. The lecture will discuss the questions that need to be answered in a DMP and will introduce some online tools that could be helpful when preparing the document.
Format: online lecture with an optional individual task
Credits: 0.1 ECTS for attending the lecture and 0.45 ECTS for completing the task
2024 The FAIR Data Principles
Lecturer: Dr. Gintė Medzvieckaitė, Research Data Officer at Vilnius University Library
Date: 2024-11-20
Time: 15:00-16:00
Place: MS Teams.
Group size: unlimited
Registration closes: 2024-11-20, 8:00
Course description: In this training, you will get to know the FAIR data principles, a set of guidelines that help to make research data more transparent, reusable and reproducible. The FAIR data principles are supported by many research performing and research funding organisations, including the European Union, which has declared the FAIR principles mandatory in most of its research programmes.
Format: online lecture with an optional individual task
Credits: 0.1 ECTS for attending the lecture and 0.4 ECTS for completing the task
2024 Introduction to Research Data Management
Lecturer: Dr. Gintė Medzvieckaitė, Research Data Officer at Vilnius University Library
Date: 2024-11-19
Time: 15:30 – 17:00
Place: MS Teams.
Group size: unlimited
Registration closes: 2024-11-19, 8:00
Course description: The majority of research projects conducted at academic institutions involve research data – information, experimental results and primary materials on which the conclusions and findings of the research are based. Considerate and responsible handling of research data helps to achieve the goals of the project more efficiently and to deliver more reliable results. Moreover, good research data management can enhance the transparency and the impact of the research. In this lecture, you will become familiar with research data management best practices that are recommended during the different stages of the research project lifecycle.
Format: online lecture
Credits: 0.15 ECTS
2024 Entrepreneurship Workshops for Junior Researchers

Are you a PhD or graduate (Master) student who wants to boost your research impact?
Then join us for an engaging entrepreneurship workshop and discover the exciting world of entrepreneurship to unlock your entrepreneurial potential.
Throughout the workshop, you will learn about:
- Problem and market analysis;
- Techniques of creating a solution;
- Building a business model;
- Crafting a value proposition;
- Protecting your intellectual property;
- Pricing and funding;
- Crafting a compelling pitch;
- Acquire business-building tools and skills!
Workshop alumni rated the workshops with an outstanding 4.5 out of 5.
The workshops are free of charge and organised by Vilnius University (Lithuania) under an EIT project UNITeD.
Lecturers: Innovation Office team from Vilnius University (Lithuania).
Duration: 50 academic hours (31 contact hours and 19 hours for independent group work).
Date and time* of contact seminars:
Cohort 1
Cohort 2
Cohort 3
Cohort 4
Cohort 5
Cohort 6
Day 1
26 February
9:00 – 12:30
20 March
13:00 – 16:30
2 April
9:00 – 12:30
22 April
13:00 – 16:30
6 May
9:00 – 12:30
3 June
9:00 – 12:30
Day 2
27 February
9:00 – 13:15
21 March
13:00 – 17:15
3 April
9:00 – 13:15
23 April
13:00 – 17:15
7 May
9:00 – 13:15
4 June
9:00 – 13:15
Day 3
28 February
9:00 – 13:15
22 March
13:00 – 17:15
4 April
9:00 – 13:15
24 April
13:00 – 17:15
8 May
9:00 – 13:15
5 June
9:00 – 13:15
Day 4
29 February
9:00 – 13:00
25 March
13:00 – 17:00
8 April
9:00 – 13:00
25 April
13:00 – 17:00
9 May
9:00 – 13:00
6 June
9:00 – 13:00
Day 5
4 March
9:00 – 12:30
26 March
13:00 – 16:30
9 April
9:00 – 12:30
26 April
13:00 – 16:30
13 May
9:00 – 12:30
10 June
9:00 – 12:30
Day 6
5 March
9:00 – 11:30
27 March
13:00 – 15:30
10 April
9:00 – 11:30
29 April
13:00 – 15:30
14 May
9:00 – 11:30
11 June
9:00 – 11:30
Day 7
6 March
13:00 – 17:00
28 March
13:00 – 17:00
11 April
13:00 – 17:00
30 April
13:00 – 17:00
15 May
13:00 – 17:00
12 June
13:00 – 17:00
*the indicated time is in EET (UTC+2) (or EEST (summer time) starting from Cohort 3)
Credits: 2 ECTS credits will be granted to students who participate in seminars, group work and final pitch. ECTS for PhD students will be issued for general competences trainings. ECTS for graduate (Master) students would stand for micro credentials that may additionally enrich your diploma supplement, demonstrating your entrepreneurial skills for future employers.
Delivery mode: Online via MS Teams.
Study areas: PhD and Master students from all study programmes are welcome.
Language: English.
Registration: Please choose only one cohort, which suits you best. A meeting link will be sent a day before the workshop.
Registration for Cohort 4 → Open until 18 April
Registration for Cohort 5 → Open until 2 May
Registration for Cohort 6 → Open until 30 May

2023 Entrepreneurship Workshops for Junior Researchers

Workshop description:
Are you a PhD or graduate (Master) student engaged in research and do you wonder how to use entrepreneurship to boost your research impact? Then join us for an engaging entrepreneurship workshop tailored for PhD and Master students! Discover the exciting world of entrepreneurship and unlock your entrepreneurial potential. Throughout the workshop, you will delve into the area of deep tech entrepreneurship and learn valuable techniques for problem-solving. Explore market analysis techniques and develop a strong value proposition for your idea. Gain insights into business models, intellectual property protection, marketing strategies, pricing, sales techniques, funding options, and financial planning. Additionally, discover how to build a winning team and craft a compelling pitch to captivate investors. Throughout the workshop you will put your newfound knowledge into action with group exercises and receive valuable feedback along the way. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your entrepreneurial skills and pave the way for your future success.
Lecturers: technology transfer experts from Vilnius University (Lithuania) and Tartu University (Estonia).
Duration: 50 academic hours (31 contact hour and 19 hours for independent group work).
Date and time of contact seminars:

Credits: 2 ECTS credits will be granted to students who participate in seminars, group work and final pitch.
Delivery mode: Online via MS Teams.
Study areas: PhD and Master students from all study programmes are welcome.
Language: English.
Please choose only one cohort, which suits you best:
Cohort 4 registration is open here:
Cohort 5 registration is open here:

International Negotiations and Conflict Management |
Attention!!! Training is postponed!
We will announce new dates in the near future.
Date: January
Time: 16.00-19.00
Place: ‘Vilniaus balso salė’ (Faculty of Communication), Maironio st. 7
Registration: click here. (Registration will start on December 30th, 9:00)
- ECTS: 1 - Number of academic hours: 25 hours - Teaching format: live sessions (lectures and seminars) - Coordinating lecturer: associate professor dr. Mariana Sueldo - Number of participants: up to 40
Annotation: Negotiation practice itself is undergoing much change and gaining momentum in all spheres of life, where we defend our rights, make claims and express our expectations. All this requires application of effective bargaining, conflict management and negotiation skills. In present times, international negotiation requires abilities to appropriately deal with many new urgent issues on the global agenda, different actors and new emerging norms. This module may equip participants with practical skills needed to be successful in the international negotiation and diplomacy arena, as well as in everyday life situations.
Aims: • To provide core knowledge of conflict management and negotiations • To acquire and apply main concepts of intercultural negotiations strategies and styles and national profiles.
Learning outcomes: participants will be • Able to communicate, cooperate, compete, and engage in negotiation with people from their own and other cultures; • Assess and analyze ethical dilemmas at negotiation; • Able to evaluate the potential outcomes of problem solving or negotiation with members of their own culture or another culture; • Able to better solve conflicts, negotiate and bargain in the way so that individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds can work effectively together in multicultural environment.
Attendance and participation in 80% of lectures are mandatory to get the certificate.Seminar activities and peer assessment when other groups present their cases.Participants will evaluate each other based on assessment criteria facilitated by the lecturer.
Assignments to get ECTS |
Weight % for 1 ECTS |
Negotiation fundamentals: personal profile, individual culture and values. Position Based Negotiations vs Interest Based Negotiation. |
Attendance and participation in 80% of lectures are mandatory to get the certificate. Seminar activities and peer assessment when other groups present their cases. Participants will evaluate each other based on assessment criteria facilitated by the lecturer. |
40% |
Culture and negotiation Integrative deals. Strategies: questioning and offering (Q& A; S&O) |
Resolving disputes. Third parties and dispute resolution |
Practical case in groups: an extensive negotiation case in which teams negotiate on a specific negotiation scenario. Participants will be asked to present/ oppose on a given topic. |
60% |
Negotiating decisions and managing conflicts in multicultural teams. Social Dilemmas: competing vs cooperating; taking vs contributing |
These trainings are moved from 2022. fall semester.
Lectors: prof. dr. Roma Kriaučiūnienė (Faculty of Philology), prof. dr. Nijolė Burkšaitienė (Faculty of Philology)
Date and time: Day 1 – January 30, 9:00-14:30; Day 2 – January 31, 9:00-12:30; Day 3 – February 1, 9:00-14:30; Day 4 – February 2, 9:00-12:30.
Format: cantact seminars.
Place: Seminar room 239, VU Central Palace (3 Universiteto St.)
Group size: 40.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
Training program: click here.
Registration: Registration for the remaining free places will start 10 days before the start of the training. Please register for training using the e-mail provided by the institution.
!The training will be held in English!
How to Present a Dissertation in 3 Minutes? |
Training to prepare for the "Three Minute Thesis" competition
When: 21 February from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 17:30
Where: in MS Teams / Zoom or similar (to be confirmed)
Format: distance learning.
Language: English.
What it is: international public speaking training for those who want to prepare for the "3-Minute Dissertation" competition. The rules of the competition and the requirements for the presentation of the dissertation will be discussed. We will learn about the presentations of the best winners. This will be followed by practical sessions in small groups of 2-4 people. All participants will present their speech in 3 minutes, and the audience will give insights on whether the speech is understandable, interesting, inspiring, etc. Each group will also be advised by a representative from one of the universities.
Prerequisites: a working microphone and a camera.
Registration: Completed.
2023 MARCH
How to Sell your Research? Publication in International Journals in English For PhD Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Lecturer: Dr. Jolanta Šinkūnienė
Dates: March 10, 17, 24, 31
Time: 09:00-12:15
Place: Universiteto str. 3, Seminar room 238.
Registration: click here. (Starting on February 10)
Course details: ECTS: 1 Number of academic hours: 25 hours (16 contact hours + 9 hours for self-study and written tasks) Group size: 16 participants Teaching format: interactive seminars Language: English Course requirements: participation in 80% of the seminars is required in order to get 1 ECTS. The participants of the course will have to write a short text and provide feedback to each other’s texts.
Course focus: The focus of this course is on research writing and publication practices in English. It is notoriously difficult for researchers who are non-native speakers of English to get their research published in international journals. This is partly due to significant rhetorical differences of academic text construction followed by Anglo-American writing traditions in comparison to many other academic cultures, as well as specific expectations of international journal boards. Another challenge especially to novice researchers at the PhD level is to respond to peer review and to act as peer reviewers themselves. All of these issues will be addressed in the course. The course will also give an opportunity to participants to share their own writing and receive feedback both from peers and from the course instructor.
Course schedule:
March 10, 09:00-12:15 Clash of the titans: Features of Anglo-American academic discourse in comparison to other academic cultures
March 17, 09:00-12:15 Opening the Pandora’s box: Research article as a genre and international journals as publishers
March 24, 09:00-12:15 The good, the bad and the ugly: Aspects of responding to and writing reviews
March 31, 09:00-12:15 And all that jazz: Hands on practice – analysing and giving peer feedback to written work
About the lecturer: Dr. Jolanta Šinkūnienė is associate professor of English linguistics at the department of English Philology at Vilnius university. Her research interests focus on cross-linguistic, cross-disciplinary and cross-generic studies of academic discourse, EAP (English for Academic Purposes), research publication and reviewing processes, evaluation of research, effective scientific discourse, academic identity aspects. Jolanta is a reviewer for a number of international journals, she is also a member of international advisory board of journals Iperstoria, Discourse and Interaction, and a member of the editorial board of ESP Today. More information:
2023 APRIL
Mentoring Sessions on Intellectual Property Management |
Lecturers: Representatives of Plaugmann Vingtoft (Denmark).
Date ant Time: Day 1 - April 13th 9:00-16:00 Day 2 - April 20th 9:00-16:00 Day 3 - April 27th 9:00-16:00, Day 4 - May 4th 9:00-16:00, Day 5 - May 11th 9:00-16:00.
Place: MS Teams.
Credits: 2 ECTS. The participation certificates will be issued only for those participants who will attend at least 4 training sessions out of 5.
Registration: click here. Sessions are for VU PhD students only (there is no possibility to accept joint PhD students).
Session language: English.
These mentoring sessions in IPR will provide an introduction to the different types of intellectual property rights (IPR) and how to navigate in the world of IP. Among others, the trainings will provide knowledge about patenting, trademarks and design, while also give an overview of valuable IP tools to use. Further, the trainings will also provide insights within commercialisation of IP rights and how to move a start-up/spin-out forward from a commercial perspective. The course includes the following themes: - Introduction to IPR and when to use different kinds of IPR - Patent and utility models - Trademarks and design protection - Search tools and typical pitfalls when patenting in different industries - Commercial assessment of IP and technology
ACADEMIC WRITING SEMINARS For PhD Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities |
Lectors: prof. dr. Roma Kriaučiūnienė (Faculty of Philology), prof. dr. Nijolė Burkšaitienė (Faculty of Philology)
Date and time: Day 1 – April 17, 9:00-14:30; Day 2 – April 18, 9:00-14:30; Day 3 – April 19, 9:00-12:30; Day 4 – April 21, 9:00-12:30.
Format: cantact seminars.
Place: Seminar room 239, VU Central Palace (3 Universiteto St.)
Group size: 40.
Credits: 1 ECTS.
Training program: click here.
Registration: click here. (Starting on March 17) Please register for training using the e-mail provided by the institution.
!The training will be held in English!