

Transferable Skills Training:
- Transferable skills training facilitates work both in research work during the PhD and in a subsequent research career.
- Activities to strengthen general competences: theoretical and practical training in Vilnius and/or other universities, summer/winter schools to develop general competences, etc.
- The doctoral candidate must report to the doctoral committee on the activities aimed at strengthening general competences. The committee must approve the credits collected.
- When reporting on the generic skills activities, the doctoral student should provide a document (certificate, letter, etc.) confirming his/her participation in the activities.
- The doctoral committee of each field of study may set its own requirements for activities that enhance the general competences of doctoral students.
- The doctoral student shall complete a table after participating in the generic capacity-building activities and in preparation for reporting the credits to the doctoral committee.

- Certificates for general competences training organised by the Department of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies are issued at the end of one academic year (autumn and spring semesters) by September.
- A single certificate shall indicate all the training courses attended by the doctoral student during the previous academic year.
- From 2021 onwards, the certificates are electronic, signed and registered in the document management system "Avilys".
- Signed and registered certificates are either forwarded by email or handed over to the "Avilys" system itself (by University staff).
- If a certificate is required earlier than the scheduled date of issue, please contact us:

Information tel. +370 5 268 7094, email:




Sukurta: 28 September 2022