Bilateral Agreements

Sukurta: 17 February 2015

Bilateral Agreement is an inter-institutional agreement between Vilnius University and partner institution to develop mutual activities, student exchange among them. It offers excellent opportunity for Vilnius University students to spend a semester or two in Australia, Canada, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Brazil, etc.


  • Bilateral Agreement guarantees tuition free studies at partner institution for one or two semesters;
  • Some agreements foresee financial support for exchange students, i.e. stipend and/or free accommodation;
  • There is a possibility to participate in the exchange several times. However, overall period spent on exchanges cannot exceed 4 semesters (BA students), 1-2 semesters (MA students).

Vilnius University has more than 200 bilateral agreements, but only around 70 agreements foresee student exchange. The majority of bilateral agreements with European higher education institutions are dedicated to administrative cooperation and staff exchange.


If you have any questions, it is recommend to check the information about exchange or ask questions directly to the coordinator: 


Julius Pukelis

International Relations Office , Universiteto St. 3, Room 242



Student selection procedure:


Stage I. 

Students can choose up to 3 Universities from Bilateral exchange, ARQUS and Coimbra exchange. 

1. Application form online is open until September 23 (midnight), register: here

2. To apply for selected Universities Erasmus+ scholarship you only need to register through Bilateral Agreements application. Erasmus+ scholarship is only for 1 semester exchange it is 700 euro per month. Erasmus+ scholarship also provide support for travel in accordance to the distance to the destination.



Below you will find a list of partner Universities with which we have active student exchange agreements (the number in brackets indicates what semester exchange student quota we have for 2024/2025 Spring semester)


CountryPartner UniversityBenefits
Armenia Eurasia International University (4) Free tuition and accommodation, monthly scholarship
Yerevan State University (2) Free tuition
Australia University of Melbourne(1) Free tuition (University factsheet), possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
Azerbaijan Ada University (4) Free tuition only for Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Brasil  Universidade Paulista (2)
Free tuition
Universidade Federal Fluminense (2) Free tuition
Universidade de Sao Paulo (2)  Free tuition (University factsheet
Canada Concordia University of Edmonton (0) Free tuition
Czech Republic Charles University (0) Free tuition 
Georgia Tbilisi State University (6) Free tuition and accommodation, monthly scholarship (Academic offer in English)
Hong Kong Hong Kong University (0) Free tuition (University factsheet), possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
City University of Hong Kong (2) Free tuition (University factsheet), possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
Lingnan University (2) Free tuition, accommodation (University factsheet)
Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (2) Free tuition  (University factsheet)
Education University of Hong Kong (2)  Free tuition
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2) Free tuition
India Lovely professional University (2) Free tuition (University factsheet)
Jawahrlal Nehru University (0)  Free tuition
Indonesia  Bandung Institute of Technology (2)  Free tuition, possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship
Japan Akita International University (2) Free tuition, possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University(2) Free tuition (University factsheet)
Ryukoku University (1) Free tuition, possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship
Waseda University (2) Free tuition, possibility to apply for MEXT scholarship (University factsheet), possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship

University of Tsukuba (2)

Free tuition
Yamagata University (2) Free tuition
Yamanashi Gakuin Univeristy (1) Free tuition (University factsheet)
Osaka Gakuin University (2) Free tuition
Niigata University (4) Free tuition
Meiji Gakuin University (2) 
Free tuition
Tohoku University (2) Free tuition, possibility of JASSO scholarship
Kindai University (2) Free tuition (University factsheet)
Kanagawa University(2) Free tuition, monthly scholarship (University factsheet
Hokkaido University (2) Free tuition, possibility of JASSO scholarship (University factsheet
Sophia University (1) 
Free tuition, possibility of JASSO or Erasmus+ scholarship (University factsheet
Fukui University (2) 
Free tuition, sometimes university scholarship provided (University factsheet
Toyo University (0)  Free tuition  (additional information
Gakushuin University (2)  Free tuition, possibility of JASSO or University scholarship, accommodation partly covered 
Meiji Univeristy (0) Free tuition
Tokyo Metropolitan University (0) Free tuition
Kanazawa University (4) Free tuition, possibility to get MEXT scholarship for Japanese major students
The University of Nagano (2) Free tuition
Tokyo Foreign Studies University (2) Free tuition
Gunma University (2) Free tuition, only for Faculty of Philology students
Kazakhstan E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University (4) Free tuition
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (3) Free tuition and accommodation (courses in English 2017/2018)
 China     Beijing Foreign Studies University (0) Free tuition and accommodation

Guizhou University (0)

Free tuition, accommodation, monthly scholarship
Columbia El Rosario University (2) Free tuition (University factsheet)
Jordan  Yarmouk University (1) Free tuition, Erasmus+ scholarship for Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Asian and transcultural studies, BA students 
South Korea Ajou University (2) Free tuition and accommodation, possibility to apply for ASEM-DUO, GKS scholarships (University factsheet)
Chonbuk National University (2) Free tuition
Kyung Hee University (2) Free tuition and accommodation (University factsheet)
Seoul National University (0)  
Free tuition (University factsheet)
Kyungpook University (4) Free tuition and accommodation, possibility to apply for ASEM-DUO, GKS scholarships (University factsheet)
Chung-Ang University (2) Free tuition (University factsheet), possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
University of Seoul (2) Free tuition (University factsheet), possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship
Sungkyunkwan University (1)
Free tuition (University factsheet) possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
Kongju National University (2) Free tuition, possibility to apply for GKS scholarships
Pusan National University (4) Free tuition, possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship  (University factsheet)
Pukyong National University (2) Free tuition, possibility to apply for GKS scholarships (University factsheet)
Sejong University (4) Free tuition
Seoul National University of Science and Technology (4) Free tuition and accommodation (University factsheet
Kookmin University (4) Free tuition (University factsheet)
Korea University Sejong Campus (2) Free tuition (University factsheet)
Sookmyung Women's University (2) 
Free tuition (University factsheet
Handong Global University (4) Free tuition, possibility to apply for ASEM-DUO scholarship
Hallym University (2) Free tuition, possibility to apply for free accommodation and scholarship  (University factsheet
Chungbuk National University (2) Free tuition, only for Šiauliai Academy students
The Catholic University of Korea (2) Free tuition, only for Šiauliai Academy students
Poland Wroclaw University of Economics(2) Free tuition
Singapore  National University of Singapore(0) Free tuition (University factsheet) possibilty to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
Singapore Management University  (0)
Free tuition possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
Thailand Thammasat University (2) Free tuition (University factsheet)
Taiwan National Chengchi University (2) Free tuition and accommodation, monthly scholarship (University factsheet)
National Dong Hwa University  (2)  Free tuition and accommodation 
National Cheng Kung University (4)  Free tuition and possible scholarship 
National Sun Yat-sen University (4) Free tuition and scholarship
National Taiwan University (2) Free tuition (University factsheet) possible Taiwan government scholarship, possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship
National Taipei University of Technology (4) Free tuition and accommodation (University factsheet)
National Tsing Hua University (4) Free tuition and scholarship
National Central University (4) Free tuition
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (2) Free tuition (University factsheet), possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
National Taiwan Normal University (2) Free tuition 
Yuan Ze University (2) Free tuition
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (2) Free tuition
United Kingdom  Lancaster University (2) Free tuition, only for Business School students possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship 
University of East Anglia (2) Free tuition, possibility to get Erasmus+ scholarship only for bachelor students
United States of America Oklahoma University (1) Free tuition (information about exchange)


MAUI (USA) and AEN (Australia) a
ISEP (Worldwide, except Europe) 

REARI-RJ (Brazil) tuition waiver universities in Rio De Janeiro region, for more information contact: Julius Pukelis  



How is student selection organized?

Students can choose up to two partner universities and they list them in order of priority. If the student is selected to go to the first site on the Application Form, placement to other university is not considered. Students may choose 2 universities in the Application Form, but they should write one Motivation Letter for the selection committee. If student is not selected Application comitee may suggest third option. Selection results are announced during 10 work days from the indicated deadline by email. All students who submitted Application Forms are informed about the selection results. Those students who are selected to participate in the exchange are given further instructions on how to apply to exchange university. Once selection results are announced, change in the site request cannot be made. It is important to note that final acceptance decision is made by Host University.


Stage II. Document Submission.

Selected students get the information about the application procedure at their site by email. It is very helpful if students have already revised application procedure and know what documents/language tests are required because they usually have very little time to prepare final document package for the Host University once the selection results are announced. Passport is always necessary, so please make sure you have it.


Stage III. Letter of Acceptance Received.

The student must read the package carefully and submit all additional documents that Host University may request. Having received Letter of Acceptance, the students have to fill in the Request form for Studies abroad on VUSIS system. 


What is Transcript of Records?
It is a list of courses you have followed at Vilnius University. It is prepared at the Dean's Office at the Faculty in English.

What are the requirements for the Letter of Motivation?
Your Letter of Motivation has to justify your academic needs to participate in the exchange. It has to be clear and selection committee has to see how selected host sites suit your academic aims. Your Letter of Motivation has to be exact and not too long.

What is ASEM-DUO scholarship?
This scholarship is offered by the Korean Government. There are no guarantees that you will get a scholarship because the competition is international. One Vilnius University student is nominated (we usually nominate those students who have to most realistic possibility to win the scholarship). This scholarship can be offered only to those students who plan to participate in the exchange in Fall semester.

What is GKS  (Global Korea Scholarship)?

This scholarship is offered by Korean Universities. One student is nominated, application is analysed and decision made by Korean University.

Will the study abroad period be recognised upon my return to Vilnius University?
Yes, if you got the approval to the proposed Learning Agreement before departure.