18 February 2025, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-2 on the Approval of the Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2025/2026 at Vilnius University, and the Cost of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2025/2026 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2025/2026 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2025/2026 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-3 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2015-7-5 of 22 September 2015 “On the Approval of the Vilnius University Regulations on Emeritus, Affiliation and Honours and the Composition of the Emeritus, Affiliation and Honours Commission” (English | Lithuanian)
28 January 2025, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-1 on Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2025 (English | Lithuanian)
18 December 2024, resolutions of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-88 on Correcting Technical Errors in Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-81 of 17 December 2024 “On the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-58 of 18 October 2022 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Development, Implementation and Improvement of Study Programmes at Vilnius University and the Repeal of Resolution of a Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SK-2012-17-5 of 18 October 2012 “On the Criteria for Evaluating the Study Programmes Intended to Be Implemented at Vilnius University””” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Development, Implementation and Improvement of Study Programmes at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) consolidated version as of 18 December 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-89 on Correcting Technical Errors in Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-85 of 17 December 2024 “On Changing the Name of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘English Philology’ of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
17 December 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-80 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-48 of 20 September 2022 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Standing Committees of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-81 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-58 of 18 October 2022 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Development, Implementation and Improvement of Study Programmes at Vilnius University and the Repeal of Resolution of a Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SK-2012-17-5 of 18 October 2012 “On the Criteria for Evaluating the Study Programmes Intended to Be Implemented at Vilnius University”” (English | Lithuanian) (amended by Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-88 of 18 December 2024 (Lithuanian))
The Description of the Procedure for the Development, Implementation and Improvement of Study Programmes at Vilnius University (Lithuanian | English) as of 17 December 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-82 on Granting the Pedagogical Titles of Professor and Associate Professor (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-83 on the Approval of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Language and Artificial Intelligence Management’ of Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-84 on Awarding Magna Cum Laude Vilnius University Diplomas (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-85 on Changing the Name of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘English Philology’ of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) (amended by Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-89 of 18 December 2024 (Lithuanian))
- Resolution No. SPN-86 on Changing the Name of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Sustainable Corporate Finance and Investments’ of the Business School of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-87 on Changing the Name of the Minor Study Programme ‘German Philology’ of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
10 December 2024, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-79 on the Expiration of the Mandate of Justinas Čeponkus, a Member of the Senate of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
19 November 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-75 on Granting the Title (Status) of a Professor Emeritus of Vilnius University to Alfredas Račkauskas, Meilutė Ramonienė, Rimvydas Skyrius, and Rita Šerpytytė (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-76 on Granting the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Professor of Vilnius University to Virgilijus Sakalauskas (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-77 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2015-2-3 of 17 February 2015 “On the Approval of the Regulation of Residency Studies at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Regulation of Residency Studies at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-78 on the Candidate for the Position of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
7 November 2024, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-73 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2015-7-5 of 22 September 2015 “On the Approval of the Vilnius University Regulations on Emeritus, Affiliation and Honours, and the Composition of the Emeritus, Affiliation and Honours Commission” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-74 on the Candidates to Become the Full Members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (English | Lithuanian)
22 October 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-67 on the Approval of the Description of the Conditions and Procedure for Recruiting Vilnius University Teaching Staff by Way Other Than Open Competition (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Conditions and Procedure for Recruiting Vilnius University Teaching Staff by Way Other Than Open Competition (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-68 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-2-1 of 21 February 2017 “On the Approval of the Rules for Admission to Vilnius University Study Programmes and the Description of the Procedure for the Admission of Foreign Nationals to Full-Time First Cycle, Second Cycle, and Integrated Study Programmes of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Admission of Foreign Nationals to Full-Time First Cycle, Second Cycle, and Integrated Study Programmes of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-69 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-53 of 18 June 2024 “On the Approval of the Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2025/2026“ (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2025/2026 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-70 on Changing the Name of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘German Philology’ of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-71 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-39 of 21 May 2024 “On the Approval of Concluding Fixed-Term Employment Contracts With the Lecturers and Researchers at Vilnius University Over the Age of 65“ (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-72 on the Approval of the Editor-In-Chief of the Scientific Journal of Vilnius University ‘Information & Media’ (English | Lithuanian)
4 October 2024, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-66 on the Proposal of Candidates for the 2024 Election of Members of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (English | Lithuanian)
24 September 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-59 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-48 of 20 September 2022 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Standing Committees of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-60 on the Approval of the Composition of the Central Dispute Resolution Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-61 on the Approval of the Composition of the Central Academic Ethics Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-62 on the Establishment of the Working Group for Updating the Model Regulations of a Core Academic Unit of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-63 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2011-7-1 of 25 October 2011 “On the Procedure for Granting Pedagogical Titles at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for Granting Pedagogical Titles at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-64 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-56 of 18 October 2022 “On the Establishment of the Commission for Granting Pedagogical Titles at Vilnius University and on the Repeal of Certain Resolutions of the Senate and a Senate Commission of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-65 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-53 of 18 June 2024 “On the Approval of the Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-state-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2025/2026“ (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2025/2026 (English | Lithuanian)
17 September 2024, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-58 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. Spn-34 of 21 May 2024 “On the Initiation of the Election of the Council of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
13 September 2024, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-57 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Senate of Vilnius University for the Academic Year 2024/2025 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Senate of Vilnius University for the Academic Year 2024/2025 (English | Lithuanian)
30 August 2024, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-56 on the Expiration of the Mandate of Rimvydas Skyrius, a Member of the Senate of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
28 August 2024, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-55 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-39 of 21 May 2024 “On the Approval of Concluding Fixed-Term Employment Contracts With the Lecturers and Researchers at Vilnius University Over the Age of 65“ (English | Lithuanian)
18 June 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-45 on Awarding Juozas Šulskus the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Professor of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-46 on Awarding Arvydas Kregždė, Feliksas Kuliešius, and Aušra Vektarienė the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Researcher of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-47 on Awarding Angelė Matilde Kazlauskienė and Sigitas Pranas Kazlauskas, and Gediminas Vaitiekūnas the Honorary Name of a Vilnius University Patron (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-48 on the Approval of the Number of Student Places of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Number of Student Places of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-49 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2014-3-3 of 20 May 2014 “On the Approval of the Regulations of the Central Electoral Commission of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Regulations of the Central Electoral Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) as of 19 June 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-50 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-7-6 of 13 June 2017 “On the Approval of the Regulations of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Regulations of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University (Lithuanian) as of 19 June 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-51 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-43 of 17 October 2023 “On the Approval of the Concept of Interdisciplinary Studies at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-52 on the Approval of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Sustainability and Future Societies’ of the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-53 on the Approval of the Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2025/2026 (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2025/2026 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-54 on the Approval of the Guidelines on Artificial Intelligence Usage at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Guidelines on Artificial Intelligence Usage at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
21 May 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-32 on the Expiration of the Mandate of Klėja Merčaitytė, a Member of the Senate of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-33 on the Approval of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Commitments of the Research Assessment Reform Agreement of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Action Plan for the Implementation of the Commitments of the Research Assessment Reform Agreement of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-34 on the Initiation of the Election of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-35 on the Approval of the Cost of Third Cycle Studies Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-36 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2015-9-2 of 24 November 2015 “On the Approval of the Criteria for Awarding Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude Diplomas” (English | Lithuanian)
The Criteria for Awarding Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude Diplomas (English | Lithuanian) as of 1 September 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-37 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-43 of 21 June 2022 “On the Approval of the Study Regulations of Vilnius University and on the Repeal of Certain Resolutions of a Senate Commission of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Study Regulations of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) as of 1 August 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-38 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Cases and Procedures of Changing the Study Programme and Study Form at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Cases and Procedures of Changing the Study Programme and Study Form at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-39 on the Approval of Concluding Fixed-Term Employment Contracts With the Lecturers and Researchers at Vilnius University Over the Age of 65 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-40 on Awarding Magna Cum Laude Vilnius University Diplomas (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-41 on the Deregistration of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Business Administration’ of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-42 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-19 of 19 March 2024 “On the Approval of the Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University, and the Cost of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University“ (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-43 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-10-3 of 24 October 2017 “On the Approval of the Regulation of Doctoral Studies at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Regulation of Doctoral Studies at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) consolidated version as of 1 July 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-44 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-12-11 of 19 December 2017 “On the Approval of the Regulations for the Preparation, Defence and Storage of Research Papers of Students Studying at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Regulations for the Preparation, Defence, and Storage of the Studying Persons’ Research Papers (English | Lithuanian) as of 1 September 2024
16 April 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-21 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-4-6 of 25 April 2017 “On the Approval of the Regulations of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
Regulations of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University (Lithuanian) consolidated version as of 17 April 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-22 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2014-7-2 of 30 September 2014 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Election and Termination of the Powers of the Members of the Council of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Election and Termination of the Powers of the Members of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) consolidated version as of 17 April 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-23 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2014-3-3 of 20 May 2014 “On the Approval of the Regulations of the Central Electoral Commission of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Regulations of the Central Electoral Commission of Vilnius University (Lithuanian) consolidated version as of 16 April 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-24 on the Approval of the Composition of the Central Electoral Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-25 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University of 13 June 2006 on the Approval of the Code of Academic Ethics of Vilnius University (Minutes No. S-2006-05) (English | Lithuanian)
The Code of Academic Ethics of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) consolidated version valid from 16 April 2024
- Resolution No. SPN-26 on the Approval to Expand the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory by Taking Over Real Estate of the State Located in Vilnius City Municipality (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-27 on “On Changing the Name of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Public Economic Policy’ of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University” (AMENDED by Resolution No. SPN-31 of the Senate of 17 April 2024) (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-28 on the Approval of the Minor Study Programme ‘Translation’ of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-29 on Changing the Name of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Polish Philology’ of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-30 on the Approval of the Cost of Bridging Study Programmes Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
19 March 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-9 on the Approval of the Draft Vilnius University Performance Report 2023 (English | Lithuanian) (submission to the Council of Vilnius University)
- Resolution No. SPN-10 on the Approval of the Draft Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2023 (English | Lithuanian) (submission to the Council of Vilnius University)
- Resolution No. SPN-11 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2018-10-5 of 25 September 2018 “On the Approval of Representational Items of Core Adacemic and Sui Generis Units of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-12 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2018-9-2 of 18 December 2018 “On the Approval of Representational Items of Core Adacemic Units of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-13 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-79 of 18 November 2020 “On the Approval of Representational Items of the Sui Generis Core Academic Unit of Vilnius University Šiauliai Academy” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-14 on the Approval of the Lithuanian and English Templates of Outgoing Documents of the Methodological Steam Education Centre of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-15 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Guide to Quality of Studies (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-16 on the Approval of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Lithuanian Studies / Lituanistinės Studijos’ of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-17 on Changing the Name of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Chemistry of Nanomaterials’ of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-18 on Changing the Name of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Heritage Research Studies’ of the Faculty of History of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-19 on the Approval of the Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University and the Cost of Second Cycle, and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2024/2025 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-20 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-2-1 of 21 February 2017 “On the Approval of the Rules for Admission to Vilnius University Study Programmes and the Description of the Procedure for the Admission of Foreign Nationals to Full-Time First Cycle, Second Cycle, and Integrated Study Programmes of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Rules for Admission to Vilnius University Study Programmes (English | Lithuanian) consolidated version as of 19 March 2024
20 February 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-8 on the Establishment of the Working Group for the Revision of the Legal Acts Regulating the Election of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
30 January 2024, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-2 on the Approval of Draft Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University “On the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-17 of 30 October 2019 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Allocation of the Appropriations From the State Budget for Science to the Units of Vilnius University”” (English | Lithuanian) (submission to the Council of Vilnius University)
- Resolution No. SPN-3 on Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2024 (English | Lithuanian) (submission to the Council of Vilnius University)
- Resolution No. SPN-4 on the Approval of the List of Potential Members of the Central Recruiting Commission Suggested by the Senate of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-5 on the Approval of the Minor Study Programme ‘Legal Protection of Individuals in a Global World’ of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-6 on Changing the Names of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Languages and Cultures of Northern Europe’ of the Faculty of Philology and the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Business Finance’ of the Business School of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-7 on the Approval of the Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2024/2025 (English | Lithuanian)
The Approval of the Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2024/2025 (English | Lithuanian)
19 January 2024, e-voting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-1 on Awarding a Magna Cum Laude Diploma of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
19 December 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-51 on the Approval of the Second Cycle Joint Study Programme ‘Financial Data Analytics and Sustainable Finance’ of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-52 on the Deregistration of the First Cycle Study Programmes ‘Financial Mathematics’, ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Pedagogy of Integrated Natural Sciences’ of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-53 on Changing the Name of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Life and Chemical Physics’ of the Faculty of Physics of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-54 on Awarding Magna Cum Laude Vilnius University Diplomas (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-55 on Awarding the Pedagogical Titles of Professor and Associate Professor (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-56 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2018-12-4 of 20 November 2018 “On the Approval of Vilnius University Regulations for the Organisation of Teaching Staff and Research/Art Staff Recruiting Competitions and Certification” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-57 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-28 of 19 May 2021 “On the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2018-12-4 of 20 November “On the Approval of Vilnius University Regulations for the Organisation of Teaching Staff and Research/Art Staff Recruiting Competitions and Certification”” (English | Lithuanian)
23 November 2023, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-50 on the Submission of Research Papers to the 2023 Competitions for the Nominal Prizes of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (English | Lithuanian)
21 November 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-45 on on Awarding Kęstutis Kubilius and Albinas Plėšnys the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Professor of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-46 on Awarding Romas Lazutka, Valdas Sirutkaitis and Sigitas Tumkevičius the Title (Status) of a Professor Emeritus of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-47 on Awarding the Title of an Honorary Doctor of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-48 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-48 of 20 September 2022 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Standing Committees of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-49 on Awarding Sigitas Dapkūnas the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Researcher of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
17 October 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-43 on the Approval of the Concept of Interdisciplinary Studies at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Concept of Interdisciplinary Studies at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-44 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-10-3 of 24 October 2017 “On the Approval of the Regulation of Doctoral Studies at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Regulation of Doctoral Studies at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
4 October 2023, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-42 on the Proposal of Candidates for the 2023 Election of Members of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (English | Lithuanian)
19 September 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-39 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-48 of 20 September 2022 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Standing Committees of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-40 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Senate of Vilnius University for the Academic Year 2023/2024 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Senate of Vilnius University for the Academic Year 2023/2024 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-41 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-7-8 of 13 June 2017 “On the Approval of the Vilnius University Visual Identity Guide” (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Visual Identity Guide (English | Lithuanian)
31 August 2023, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-37 on the Expiration of the Mandate of a Member of the Senate of Vilnius University Nerija Putinaitė (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-38 on the Expiration of the Mandate of a Member of the Senate of Vilnius University Jonas Prapiestis (English | Lithuanian)
20 June 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-28 on Registering the General University Studies Modules in the Vilnius University Register of the Descriptions of General University Studies Modules (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-29 on the Approval to Expand the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory by Purchasing Real Estate with Land Parcels in Merkio g. 13, Puvočiai Village, Marcinkonys Eldership, Varėna District Municipality and Kairėnų g. 65, Vilnius (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-30 on the Repeal of Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2016-1-2 of 19 January 2016 “On the Approval of the Concept of General University Studies” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-31 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-2-1 of 21 February 2017 “On the Approval of The Rules for Admission to Vilnius University Study Programmes and The Description of the Procedure for the Admission of Foreign Nationals to Full-Time First-Cycle, Second-Cycle, and Integrated Study Programmes of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Admission of Foreign Nationals to First Cycle, Second Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-32 on Awarding Saulius Gudas and Bronislovas Kaulakys the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Professor of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-33 on Awarding Rimvydas Janulis the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Researcher of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-34 on the Repeal of Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2016-2-4 of 11 February 2016 “On the Composition of the General University Studies Commission (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-35 on the Establishment of the Working Group to Recast the Criteria for Awarding Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude Diplomas at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-36 on the Approval of Vilnius University Diversity and Equal Opportunities Strategy 2020-2025 Implementation Plan for the Period of 2023-2025 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Diversity and Equal Opportunities Strategy 2020-2025: Implementation Plan for the Period of 2023-2025 (English | Lithuanian)
23 May 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-22 on the Expiration of the Mandate of Member of the Senate of Vilnius University Lijana Savickienė (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-23 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-48 of 20 September 2022 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Standing Committees of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-24 on the Approval of the Cost of Third Cycle Studies Admission Thereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2023–2024 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-25 on the Approval of Concluding Fixed-Term Employment Contracts With the Lecturers and Researchers at Vilnius University Over the Age of 65 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-26 on Awarding Magna Cum Laude Diplomas at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-27 on the Approval of the Cost of Bridging Study Programmes Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2023–2024 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Bridging Study Programmes Admission Thereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2023–2024 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
21 April 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-19 on the Approval of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Cosmetic Chemistry’ of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-20 on the Approval of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘International Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence’ of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-21 on the Amendment of Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-41 of 31 July 2020 "On the Approval of the List of Potential Members of the Commission for the Investigation of Appeals on Procedural Violations in the Central Admissions Commission and the Commission for the Awarding of the Distinguished Professor Status" (English | Lithuanian)
21 March 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-15 on the Approval of the Draft Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2022 (English | Lithuanian) (submission to the Council of Vilnius University)
- Resolution SPN-16 on the Approval of the Draft Vilnius University Activity Report for 2022 (English | Lithuanian) (submission to the Council of Vilnius University)
- Resolution SPN-17 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-48 of 20 September 2022 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Standing Committees of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-18 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2014-6-1 of 9 September 2014 “On the Approval of the Rules of Procedure of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Rules of Procedure of the Senate of Vilnius University (English| Lithuanian)
21 February 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-9 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-70 of 13 December 2022 “On the Change of the Length of the Medicine Study Field Residency Study Programmes Of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-10 on the Approval of the Cost and the Number of Student Places of First-Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Thereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2023–2024 at Vilnius University; The Cost of Second-Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Thereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2023–2024 at Vilnius University; and the Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Thereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-state-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2023–2024 (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Thereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2023–2024 (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost and the Amount of Student Places of First-Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2023–2024 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Second-Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2023–2024 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-11 on the Approval of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Midwifery’ of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-12 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-48 of 20 September 2022 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Standing Committees of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-13 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2016-2-4 of 11 February 2016 “On the Composition of the General University Studies Commission” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-14 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-53 of 20 September 2022 “On the Approval of The Composition of the Central Electoral Commission of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
31 January 2023, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-1 on the Expiration of the Mandate of a Member of the Senate (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-2 on Registering the General University Studies Module ‘Media and Information Literacy’ of the Faculty of Communication in the Vilnius University Register of the Descriptions of General University Studies Modules (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-3 on Changing the Names of the First-Cycle Study Programmes ‘Economics’ and ‘Social Pedagogy’ of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University and the First-Cycle Study Programme ‘Applied Systems of Finance and Accounting’ of Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-4 on the Repeal of Resolution of the Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SK-2009-4-40 of 26 March 2009 “On Issuing Additional Statements About Studies and the Procedure of Service Provision” and Items 5(1)(2) And 5(2) Of Resolution of the Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University (Meeting of 23 April 2009, Minutes No. Sk-2009-5) (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-5 on the Approval of the Guidelines for Developing the Concept of a Study Programme Intended to Be Implemented at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
Guidelines for Developing the Concept of a Study Programme Intended to Be Implemented at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-6 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2015-5-5 of 26 May 2015 “On the Approval of the Study Internship Regulation of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
Study Internship Regulation of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-7 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2015-2-10 of 17 February 2015 “On the Approval of The Regulations of the Research Promotion Fund of Vilnius University” and the Repeal of Certain Resolutions of the Senate of Vilnius University (English |Lithuanian)
Regulations of the Research Promotion Fund of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-8 on Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
The Senate of Vilnius University activity report for 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
21 December 2022, e-voting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-74 on Awarding Regina Prapiestienė the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Researcher of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-75 on Awarding Virginija Grabauskienė, Rimantas Ramanauskas and Stasys Tautkus the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Professor of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
13 December 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-67 on the Approval of the Language Policy Guidelines of Vilnius University and the Repeal of Resolution of the Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SK-2012-7-4 of 19 April 2012 “On the Concept of Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Language Policy Guidelines (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-68 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-64 of 22 November 2022 “On Awarding Vilijandas Bogdonavičius, Linas Čekanavičius, Teodoras Medaiskis, Algirdas Miškinis and Gediminas Stepanauskas the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Professor” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-69 on the Expiration of the Mandate of a Member of the Senate (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-70 on the Change of the Length of the Medicine Study Field Residency Study Programmes of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) (amended by Resolution No. SPN-9 of the Senate of 21 February 2023)
- Resolution SPN-71 on Awarding Magna Cum Laude Vilnius University Diplomas (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-72 on Awarding the Pedagogical Titles of Professor and Associate Professor (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-73 on Changing the Names of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Meteorology and Hydrology’ of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences of Vilnius University and the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘MBA Entrepreneurship’ of the Business School of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
2 December 2022, e-voting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-66 on the Submission of Research Papers to the 2022 Competitions for the Nominal Prizes of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (English | Lithuanian)
22 November 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-61 on the Deregistration of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University Study Programmes (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-62 on Registering the General University Studies Modules in the Vilnius University Register of the Descriptions of General University Studies Modules (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-63 on Awarding Kęstutis Girnius the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Researcher of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-64 on on Awarding Vilijandas Bogdonavičius, Linas Čekanavičius, Teodoras Medaiskis, Algirdas Miškinis and Gediminas Stepanauskas the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Professor of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) (amended by Resolution No. SPN-68 of the Senate of 13 December 2022)
- Resolution SPN-65 on Awarding Vytautas Balevičius, Zenonas Butkus, Aleksandras Laucevičius, Ričardas Rotomskis, Jonas Prapiestis and Artūras Žukauskas the Title (Status) of a Professor Emeritus of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
28 October 2022, e-voting of the Senate
- Resolutions SPN-60 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2011-7-1 of 25 October 2011 “On the Procedure for Granting Pedagogical Titles at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
Description of the Procedure for Granting The Pedagogical Titles of Professor and Associate Professor at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
25 October 2022, e-voting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-59 on the Candidates for the Full Members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (English | Lithuanian)
18 October 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-55 on the Approval to the Change of the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-56 on the Establishment of the Commission for Granting Pedagogical Titles at Vilnius University and on the Repeal of Certain Resolutions of the Senate and a Senate Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-57 on the Deregistration of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Applied Information Systems’ of Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-58 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Development, Implementation and Improvement of Study Programmes at Vilnius University and the Repeal of Resolution of a Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SK-2012-17-5 of 18 October 2012 “On the Criteria for Evaluating the Study Programmes Intended to Be Implemented at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
Description of the Procedure for the Development, Implementation and Improvement of Study Programmes at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
20 September 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-46 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2015-7-5 of 22 September 2015 “On the Approval of the Vilnius University Regulations on Emeritus, Affiliation and Honours and the Composition of the Emeritus, Affiliation and Honours Commission” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-47 on the Approval of the Composition of the Academic Protocol Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-48 on the Approval of the Composition of the Standing Committees of the Senate of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) (amended by Resolution SPN-12 of the Senate of 21 February 2023; Resolution SPN-17 of the Senate of 21 March 2023; Resolution SPN-23 of the Senate of 23 May 2023; Resolution SPN-39 of the Senate of 19 September 2023; Resolution SPN-48 of the Senate of 21 November 2023)
- Resolution SPN-49 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Senate of Vilnius University for the Academic Year 2022/2023 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Senate of Vilnius University for the Academic Year 2022/2023 (Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-50 on the Submission of Research Papers to the 2022 Competition for the Nominal Prize of Meilė Lukšienė of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-51 on the Repeal of Certain Resolutions of the Senate of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-52 on the Approval of the Composition of the Central Dispute Resolution Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-53 on the Approval of the Composition of the Central Electoral Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) (amended by Resolution SPN-14 of the Senate of 21 Debruary 2023)
- Resolution SPN-54 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-45 of 21 September 2021 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Central Academic Ethics Commission of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
21 June 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-29 on the Approval of the Representative Flag of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Representative Flag of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University
- Resolution SPN-30 on the Approval of the Concept of Teacher Training at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Concept of Teachers Training at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-31 on Awarding Sigitas Kučas and Gytis Vektaris the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Researcher of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-32 on the Repeal of Resolution of the Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SK-2013-8-7 of 20 June 2013 “On the Approval of the Rules for the Processing of Personal Data of Persons Studying at Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-33 on the Approval of the Second Cycle Joint Study Programme ‘European Studies’ of the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-34 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-15 of 22 March 2022 “On the Approval of the Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University; The Cost of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University; and the Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-state-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2022/2023“ (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-35 on the Approval of the Number of Student Places of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Number of Student Places of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-36 on the Deregistration of Vilnius University Study Programmes (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-37 on the Approval of the Cost of Third Cycle Studies Admission Whereto Is Carried out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-38 on the Approval of the Editor-In-Chief of the Scientific Journal ‘Acta Humanitarica Academiae Saulensis’ (English | Lithuania)
- Resolution SPN-39 on the Approval of the Editor-In-Chief of the Scientific Journal ‘Special Education’ (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-40 on the Approval of the Editor-In-Chief of the Scientific Journal ‘Social Welfare Interdisciplinary Approach’ (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-41 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure at Vilnius University for Academic Recognition of Education and Qualifications Concerning Higher Education and Acquired Under Educational Programmes of Foreign States and International Organisations (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure at Vilnius University for Academic Recognition of Education and Qualifications Concerning Higher Education and Acquired Under Educational Programmes of Foreign States and International Organisations (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-42 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure at Vilnius University for Academic Recognition of Education and Qualifications Concerning Higher Education and Acquired Under Educational Programmes of Foreign States and International Organisationson the Amendment to Resolution of the Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University No. Sk-2012-12-4 of 21 June 2012 “On the Approval of the Study Programme Regulation” (English | Lithuanian)
The Study Programme Regulation (Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-43 on the Approval of the Study Regulations of Vilnius University and on the Amendments and Repeal of Certain Resolutions of a Senate Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) (AMENDED by Resolution No. SPN-37 of the Senate of 21 May 2024)
Study Regulations of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-44 on On Awarding the Title of an Honorary Doctor of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-45 on Awarding Rūta Dubakienė and Živilė Lukšienė the Title (Status) of an Affiliated Professor of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
24 May 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-23 on the Approval of Concluding Fixed-Term Employment Contracts With the Lecturers and Researchers at Vilnius University Over the Age of 65 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-24 on Awarding Magna Cum Laude Diplomas (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-26 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-29 of 26 May 2020 “On the Approval of the Composition of the Application Selection Commission of the Research Promotion Fund of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-27 on the Approval of the Cost of Bridging Studies, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Bridging Studies, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-28 on the Amendment to the Name, Scope and Duration of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Business Informatics’ of Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
19 April 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-20 on Registering the General University Studies Modules in the Vilnius University Register of the Descriptions of General University Studies Modules (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-21 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2016-8-11 of 20 September 2016 “On the Approval of the Renewed Compositions of the Commissions and Committees of the Senate” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-22 on the Deregistration of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Public Law’ of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
22 March 2022, meeting of the Senate
- SPN-14 on Changing the Name of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Public Administration’ of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- SPN-15 on the Approval of the Cost and the Number of Student Places of First Cycle and Integrated Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University; the Cost of Second Cycle and Professional (Pedagogy) Study Programmes, Admission Whereto Is Carried Out in the Academic Year 2022/2023 at Vilnius University; and the Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-state-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2022/2023 (English | Lithuanian)
The Cost of Vilnius University Study Programmes Implemented in a Foreign Language, Admission Whereto of Foreign Nationals and Stateless Persons Is Carried Out to Non-State-Funded Student Places in the Academic Year 2022/2023 (English | Lithuanian)
- SPN-16 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. SPN-77 of 14 December 2021 “On Awarding the Pedagogical Titles of Professor and Associate Professor” (English | Lithuanian)
- SPN-17 on the Approval of the Editor-In-Chief of the Scientific Journal STEPP (English | Lithuanian)
- SPN-18 on the Approval of the Draft Vilnius University Activity Report for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
The Draft Vilnius University Activity Report for 2021 (in Lithuanian)
- SPN-19 on the Approval of the Draft Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
16 March 2022, e-voting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-13 on the Provisions for the Application of the Legal Acts of Vilnius University Regulating the Study Process to Ukrainian Nationals Studying at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
22 February 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolutions SPN-4 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2014-3-9 of 20 May 2014 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Election of Members of the Senate of Vilnius University”, the Number of Members of the New Senate, and the Number of Members of the Senate Elected at Core Academic Units (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Election of Members of the Senate of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-5 on the Deregistration of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Culture and Creative Industries Management’ of Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-6 on the Amendment to the Name, Scope and Duration of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Econometrics’ of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-7 on the Approval of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Mathematics Teaching and Educometry’ of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-8 on the Amendment to the Name of the Second Cycle Study Programme ‘Economic Analysis’ of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-9 on the Approval of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Cosmetic Chemistry’ of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-11 on Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-12 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Open Science Policy Guidelines (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Open Science Policy Guidelines (English | Lithuanian)
18 January 2022, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-1 on the Approval of Concluding a Fixed-Term Employment Contract With a Lecturer at Vilnius University Over the Age of 65 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-2 on the Deregistration of the First Cycle Study Programme ‘Fine Art’ and the Second Cycle Study Programmes ‘History and Politics’ and ‘Lithuanian Linguistics’ of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-3 on Awarding a Magna Cum Laude Diploma of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
14 December 2021, meeting of the Senate
- Vilnius University Gender Equality Plan (English | Lithuanian)
- The Description of the Procedure for the Implementation of Minor Field Studies at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
23 November 2021, meeting of the Senate
- Description of the Procedure for Concluding Fixed-Term Employment Contracts With Lecturers and Researchers (In either Science or Arts) Over the Age of 65 (English | Lithuanian)
21 September 2021, meeting of the Senate
- The List of General Competencies of Vilnius University Graduates (English | Lithuanian)
22 June 2021, e-meeting of the Senate
- Vilnius University Health Promotion and Sport Concept #HealthyUniversity (English | Lithuanian)
18 May 2021, e-meeting of the Senate
- Vilnius University Regulations for the Organisation of Teaching Staff and Research/Art Staff Recruiting Competitions and Certification (English | Lithuanian)
20 April 2021, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-17 on Registering the General University Studies Modules in the Vilnius University Register of the Descriptions of General University Studies Modules (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-18 on the Approval of the Draft of the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Amendment to Article 15 of the Statute of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-19 the Approval of the Description of the Temporary Procedure for Concluding Fixed-Term Employment Contracts With Lecturers and Researchers (In either Science or Arts) Over the Age of 65 (English | Lithuanian) (repealed by a resolution of the Senate of the University No. SPN-60 of 23 November 2021 (in Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. SPN-20 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Crediting Learning Outcomes at Vilnius University and the Repeal of Resolution of the Commission of the Senate of Vilnius University of 3 June 2004 (Minutes No. 9) on the Procedure for Crediting Learning Outcomes at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for Crediting Learning Outcomes at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
23 March 2021, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-16 on the Approval of the Draft Vilnius University Performance Report for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Performance Report for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
23 February 2021, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-7 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2016-2-4 of 11 February 2016 “On the Composition of the General University Studies Commission” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-8 on the Draft Vilnius University Strategic Plan for 2021–2025 (English | Lithuanian)
The Draft Vilnius University Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-9 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2014-3-9 of 20 May 2014 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Election of Members of the Senate of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Election of Members of the Senate of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-10 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2014-7-2 of 30 September 2014 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Election and Termination of the Powers of the Members of the Council of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Election and Termination of the Powers of the Members of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-11 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2016-7-1 of 14 June 2016 “On the Establishment of a Sui Generis Unit Business School” (English | Lithuanian)
Regulations of the Business School of Vilnius University (English| Lithuanian)
- The Description of the Procedure for Election and Termination of the Powers of the Members of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
19 January 2021, e-meeting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-2 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2016-7-1 of 14 June 2016 “On the Establishment of a SUI Generis Unit Business School” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-3 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2017-10-1 of 24 October 2017 “On the Approval of the Vilnius University Publishing Regulations” (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Publishing Regulations (Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-4 on Awarding Magna Cum Laude Diplomas (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-5 on the Renewal of the Editorial Board of ‘Verbum’ Journal (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution SPN-6 on Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2021 (Lithuanian)
11 January 2021, e-voting of the Senate
- Resolution SPN-1 on Voting Electronically in the Election of a Member of the Senate of Vilnius University at the Faculty of Communication (English | Lithuanian)
17 November 2020, e-meeting of the Senate
- Regulations for the Preparation, Defence and Storage of Research Papers of Students Studying at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
20 October 2020, e-meeting of the Senate
- The Code of Academic Ethics of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- The Regulation of the Academic Ethics Commission of Core Academic Units (English | Lithuanian)
17 December 2019, meeting of the Senate
- Vilnius University Regulations on Emeritus, Affiliation and Honorary Titles (English | Lithuanian)
22 October 2019, meeting of the Senate
- The Rules for Admission to Vilnius University Study Programmes (English | Lithuanian)
16 April 2019, meeting of the Senate
- The Regulations of the Central Dispute Resolution Commission of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
19 March 2019, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution No. SPN-23 on the Approval of the Rules for Admission to Vilnius University Residency Study Programmes (English | Lithuanian)
The Rules for Admission to Vilnius University Residency Study Programmes (Lithuanian)
22 January 2019, meeting of the Senate
- The Procedure for the Assessment of Learning Outcomes (English | Lithuanian)
22 May 2018, meeting of the Senate
- Regulations of Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) consolidated version as of 1 September 2018
17 April 2018, meeting of the Senate
- Regulations of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) consolidated version as of 18 April 2018
19 December 2017, meeting of the Senate
- Model Regulations of a Branch Academic Unit of a Core Academic Unit of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
21 November 2017, meeting of the Senate
- Vilnius University Regulations on Open Access to Research/Art and Study Works (English | Lithuanian)
- The Description of the Procedure for Renewing Studies at Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
24 January 2017, meeting of the Senate
- Regulations of the Faculty of History of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
13 June 2017, meeting of the Senate
- The Temporary Description of the Procedure for the Rotation and Ranking of Vilnius University Students Based on Their Learning Outcomes (English | Lithuanian) as amended by Resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University No. S-2018-10-8 of 25 September 2018
24 May 2016, meeting of the Senate
- Resolution on the Positions of a Partnership Professor and Partnership Associate Professor (English | Lithuanian)
19 January 2016, meeting of the Senate
- Model Regulations of a Core Academic Unit of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
17 February 2015, meeting of the Senate
- Description of the Inauguration Ceremony of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)