Annual Work Plan (Council)

Sukurta: 06 September 2021



5 February, 15:00, Senate Hall

1. Consideration of the Draft Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2025.

Speaker – Chancellor Raimundas Balčiūnaitis

2. On the opinion of the Council on the cost of study programmes.

Speaker – Pro-Rector for Studies Dr Valdas Jaskūnas

3. On the work plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the first half of 2025.

Speaker – Chairperson of the Council Marius Jurgilas

26 February, 15:00, Senate Hall

1. Presentation of the structure of the Vilnius University Performance Report 2024.

Speaker – Head of the Strategic Planning Division Jurgita Petrauskienė

2. Presentation of the guidelines, principles, and progress of the draft Vilnius University Strategic Plan.

Speaker – Rector Prof. Rimvydas Petrauskas  

3. On changing the Rules of Procedure of the Council of Vilnius University.

Speaker – Chairperson of the Council Marius Jurgilas

26 March, 15:00, Senate Hall

1. On the approval of the report on the implementation of the Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2024.

Speaker – Chancellor Raimundas Balčiūnaitis

2. On the approval of the Vilnius University Performance Report for 2024.

Speaker – Rector Prof. Dr Rimvydas Petrauskas

3. On the approval of the Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2024.

Speaker – Chancellor Raimundas Balčiūnaitis

4. The Council of Vilnius University Performance Report for 2024.

Speaker – Chairperson of the Council Marius Jurgilas

30 April, 15:00, Senate Hall

1. Vilnius University from students’ perspective.

Speaker – President of the Vilnius University Students’ Representation Klėja Merčaitytė

2. On the approval of the Vilnius University Financial Statements for 2024.

Speaker – the Chancellor of Vilnius University.

6 May, 9:00, Kairėnai Botanical Garden

Strategy meeting of the Council, the Senate, and the Rector's team.

28 May, 15:00, Senate Hall

1. Deliberation on the progress of drafting of the Vilnius University Strategic Plan and submission of the Council’s comments on the draft prepared by the working group.

Speaker – Chairperson of the Council Marius Jurgilas

2. On the amendments to the Description of the Procedure for the Election to the Position of the Rector of Vilnius University.

Speaker – Chairperson of the Council Marius Jurgilas

18 June, 15:00, Senate Hall

1. On the work plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the academic year 2025/2026.

Speaker – Chairperson of the Council Marius Jurgilas