26 February 2025, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-4 on the Implementation of the Objectives of Investment Project No. 09.1.1-Cpvav-720-12-0001 “Modernisation of the Education Science and Social Welfare Study Infrastructure at Vilnius University” and the Assumption of the Financing Risk (English | Lithuanian)
5 February 2025, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-2 on the Approval of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2025 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2025 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-3 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2024/2025 (English | Lithuanian)
15 January 2025, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-1 on the Approval of the Decision to Borrow Funds for Partial Funding of Projects (English | Lithuanian)
27 November 2024, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-19 on the Assessment of the Candidate for the Position of the Rector of Vilnius University and the Approval of the Schedule of Meetings for the Introduction of the Candidate (English | Lithuanian)
30 October 2024, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-16 on the Repeal of Certain Resolutions of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-17 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2025 (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2025 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-18 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-25 of 15 December 2021 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian) (Annex to the Resolution is available on the intranet of Vilnius University)
11 September 2024, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-15 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2015-2-1 of 14 January 2015 "On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Election to the Position of the Rector of Vilnius University” and the Announcement of an Open International Competition for the Position of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
Description of the Procedure for the Election to the Position of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) (consolidated version valid from 11 September 2024)
Announcement of an Open International Competition for the Position of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
26 June 2024, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-14 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-25 of 15 December 2021 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
21 May 2024, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-13 on the Expiration of the Mandate of Lijana Savickienė, a Member of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
26 April 2024, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution No. TPN-12 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Financial Statements for 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Financial Statements for 2023 (Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Consolidated Financial Statements for 2023 (Lithuanian)
24 April 2024, meeting of the Council
- Resolution No. TPN-11 on the Approval to Expand the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory by Taking Over Real Estate of the State Located in Vilnius City Municipality (English | Lithuanian)
8 April 2024, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution No. TPN-9 on the Approval of the Reorganisation of the Public Establishment Vilnius University Hospital Žalgirio Klinika by Way of Merging It Into Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, a Public Establishment Participating in the Reorganisation (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. TPN-10 on the Determination of the Remuneration of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
27 March 2024, meeting of the Council
- Resolution No. TPN-6 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Performance Report 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Performance Report 2023 (Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. TPN-7 on the Approval of the Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
The Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. TPN-8 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
31 January 2024, meeting of the Council
- Resolution No. TPN-1 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-17 of 30 October 2019 "On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Allocation of the Appropriations From the State Budget for Science to the Units of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Allocation of the Appropriations From the State Budget for Science to the Units of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. TPN-2 on the Determination of a Monthly Payment for a Professor Emeritus of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. TPN-3 on the Approval of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2024 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2024 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. TPN-4 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. Tpn-25 of 15 December 2021 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution No. TPN-5 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024 (English | Lithuanian)
20 December 2023, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-20 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2024 (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resoluton TPN-21 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-25 of 15 December 2021 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
29 November 2023, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-19 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2017-2-10 of 7 April 2017 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Use of Funds and the Management, Use and Disposal of Assets of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Use of Funds and the Management, Use and Disposal of Assets of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
27 September 2023, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-15 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the First Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the First Semester of the Academic Year 2023/2024 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-16 on the Repeal of Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2017-2-5 of 29 March 2017 “On the Approval of the Rates of the Business School of Vilnius University (Not Related to the Implementation of Study Programmes) and the Costs of Other Services Provided” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-17 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-14 of 23 June 2020 “On the Approval of Construction Works of the Building of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences of Vilnius University on Saulėtekio Al. in Vilnius” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-18 on the Investment of the Assets Managed by Vilnius University by the Right of Trust and Located at Vilniaus g. 141 and Architektų g. 1 in Šiauliai (English | Lithuanian)
28 June 2023, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-11 on the Repeal of Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2017-3-5 of 8 May 2017 “On the Rental Prices of the Premises Available for Rent at Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-12 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-25 of 15 December 2021 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for Work Remuneration of Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-13 on Granting Financial Support to the Synthetic Biology Organization (‘Sintetinės Biologijos Organizacija’) (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-14 on the Approval to Expand the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory by Purchasing Real Estate with Land Parcels in Merkio g. 13, Puvočiai Village, Marcinkonys Eldership, Varėna District Municipality and Kairėnų g. 65, Vilnius (English | Lithuanian)
19 May 2023, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-10 on the Expiration of the Mandate of Neda Žutautaitė, a Member of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-11 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Financial Statements for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
9 May 2023, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-9 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Financial Statements for 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
27 April 2023, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-8 on the Changes in the Remuneration of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
29 March 2023, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-5 on the Approval of the Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2022 (English| Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-6 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN- 7 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Performance Report For 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
Vilnius University Performance Report for 2022 (English| Lithuanian)
17 March 2023
- The Council of Vilnius University activity report for 2022 (English| Lithuanian)
1 February 2023, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-1 on the Approval of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-2 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-25 of 15 December 2021 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-3 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2023 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-4 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2022–2023 (English | Lithuanian)
30 November 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-16 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-25 of 15 December 2021 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
26 October 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-15 on the Approval to Changing the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory and Setting the Reserve Price of the Real Estate Being Sold (English | Lithuanian)
10 October 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-14 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the First Semester of the Academic Year 2022/2023 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the First Semester of the Academic Year 2022/2023 (English | Lithuanian)
8 July 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-13 on the Approval to Become a Stakeholder in the National Cancer Institute (VŠĮ) and on the Ivestment of Vilnius University Assets Into the Stakeholders’ Capital of This Establishment (English | Lithuanian)
29 June 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-12 on Granting Financial Support to the Synthetic Biology Organization (‘SintetinėS Biologijos Organizacija’) (English | Lithuanian)
25 May 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-10 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-11 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Financial Statements for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
25 April 2022, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-9 on the Changes in the Remuneration of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
30 March 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-7 on the Approval of the Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
The Implementation of the Revenue and Expenditure Estimate of Vilnius University for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
Report on the Implementation of the Revenue and Expenditure Estimate of Vilnius University for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-8 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Performance Report for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Performance Report for 2021 (English| Lithuanian)
The Council of Vilnius University Performance Report for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
9 March 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-6 on the Investment of Part of the Assets That Vilnius University Manages by the Right of Trust, Ensuring the Realisation of the Objectives of the Construction Investment Project of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences and the Assumption of the Financing Risk (English | Lithuanian)
23 February 2022, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-1 on the Approval of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-2 on the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2022 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-3 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-25 of 15 December 2021 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-4 on Granting Financial Support to “Vilnius University Foundation” Endowment Fund (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-5 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2021/2022 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2021/2022 (English | Lithuanian)
21 December 2021, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-25 on the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees (English | Lithuanian) (addenda to the Resolution) (AMENDED by Resolution TPN-12 of 28 June 2023; Resolution TPN-21 of 20 December 2023)
27 October 2021, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-24 on the Investment of Part of the Assets That Vilnius University Manages by the Right of Trust (English | Lithuanian)
List of the State-Owned Real Property Invested to Increase the Owner’s Capital of the Public Institution Vilnius University and Managed by the Public Institution Vilnius University by the Right of Trust (English | Lithuanian)
29 September 2021, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-18 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Report on the Management, Use, and Disposal of State Assets in 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-19 on the Repeal of Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-25 of 22 December 2020 “On the Temporary Remuneration Procedure for Employees of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-20 on the Approval to the Allocation of Funds for the Infrastructure of Teacher Training (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-21 on the Approval to Expand the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory by Concluding a Lending Agreement on a State-Owned Land Parcel Located in Petro Baublio g., Vilnius (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-22 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. TPN-17 of 30 October 2019 “On the Approval of the Description of the Procedure for the Allocation of the Appropriations From the State Budget for Science to the Units of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-23 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the First Semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021 (English| Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the First Semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021 (English | Lithuanian)
15 September 2021, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-17 on the Expiration of the Mandate of a Member of the Council Raimundas Balčiūnaitis (English | Lithuanian)
30 June 2021, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-15 on the Approval to the Allocation of Funds for the Implementation of the Project “The Establishment of the Science Centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-16 on Granting Financial Support to the Synthetic Biology Organization (‘Sintetinės Biologijos Organizacija’) (English | Lithuanian)
26 May 2021, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-14 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Financial Statements for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
17 May 2021, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-13 on the Expiration of the Mandate of a Member of the Council Justas Kvedaravičius (English | Lithuanian)
6 May 2021, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-10 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2018-2-2 of 14 February 2018 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
28 April 2021, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-9 on the Approval of the Draft of the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Amendment to Article 15 of the Statute of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
21 April 2021, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-8 on the Changes in the Remuneration of the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
31 March 2021, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-4 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Performance Report for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
The Council of Vilnius University Performance Report for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-5 on Granting Financial Support to “Vilnius University Foundation” Endowment Fund (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-6 on the Approval of the Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
Implementation of the Revenue and Expenditure Estimate of Vilnius University for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
Report on the Implementation of the Revenue and Expenditure Estimate of Vilnius University for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-7 on the Approval of the Use of Funds Allocated for Strategic Initiatives in 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
The Use of Funds Allocated for Strategic Initiatives in 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
24 February 2021, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-3 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Strategic Plan for 2021–2025 (English | Lithuanian)
The Mission, Vision and Values of Vilnus University (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Strategic Plan for 2021–2025 (English | Lithuanian)
27 January 2021, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-1 on the Approval of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2021 and the Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Procedure for the Structure and Formation of Vilnius University Budget for the Year 2021 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-2 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021 (English | Lithuanian)
The Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021 (English | Lithuanian)
16 December 2020, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-25 on the Temporary Remuneration Procedure for Employees of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian) (repealed by Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University TPN-19 of 29 September 2021)
- Resolution TPN-26 on the Approval of the Letter of Intent on the Activities of Šiauliai University Botanical Garden in the Composition of the Infrastructure of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
Letter of Intent on the Activities of Šiauliai University Botanical Garden in the Composition of the Infrastructure of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
8 December 2020, e-voting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-24 on Awarding a Targeted Grant “Rewriting the Code of Life” for the Development of Prof. Virginijus Šikšnys Research in 2021–2022 (English | Lithuanian)
25 November 2020, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-22 on the Approval to Expand the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory by Taking Over the Assets of Šiauliai University (English | Lithuanian)
Real Estate Owned by the State and Real Estate Held in a Trusteeship by Šiauliai University (English | Lithuanian)
Real Estate Owned by Šiauliai University (English | Lithuanian)
Assets Owned by the State and Held in Trusteeship by Šiauliai University, Used to Ensure the Activity of the Lithuanian Research and Education Network (LITNET) and the Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT) and to Implement the Programme of the Lithuanian Virtual University (English | Lithuanian)
28 October 2020, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-20 on the Approval to Expand the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory by Taking Over Real Estate of the State With Appurtenances, Located in Švitrigailos g. 4, Vilnius City Municipality (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-21 on the Approval to Expand the Boundaries of Vilnius University Territory by Taking Over Real Estate of the State Located in Žvaigždžių g. 12, Kulionys Village, Čiulėnai Eldership, Molėtai District Municipality (English | Lithuanian)
20 September 2020, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-19 on the Approval of the Work Plan of the Council of Vilnius University for the First Semester of the Academic Year 2020/2021 (English | Lithuanian)
8 September 2020, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-16 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2018-2-2 of 14 February 2018 “On the Approval of the Description of the Remuneration Procedure for Vilnius University Employees” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-17 on Granting Financial Support to the Synthetic Biology Organization (‘Sintetinės Biologijos Organizacija’) (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-18 on the Approval to Become a Stakeholder of the Public Establishment Republican Vilnius University Hospital and the Public Establishment Republican Vilnius Psychiatric Hospital and on the Investment of Vilnius University Assets Into the Stakeholders’ Capital of These Establishments (English | Lithuanian)
23 June 2020, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-12 on the Approval to the Investment of ‘Universiteto Vaistinė’ UAB Shares Into the Stakeholders’ Capital of Vilnius University Into the Stakeholders’ Capital of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-13 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2015-7-3 of 27 May 2015 “On the Priority Infrastructure Development Projects in 2015–2020” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-14 on the Approval of Construction Works of the Building of the Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences of Vilnius University on SaulėTekio Al. in Vilnius (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-15 on the Allocation of Funds for the Commemorative Scholarships to Mark the 450th Anniversary of Vilnius University for the Academic Year 2020/2021 (English | Lithuanian)
16 June 2020, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-11 on the Expiration of the Mandate of a Member of the Council Klaudijus Melys (English | Lithuanian)
27 May 2020, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-9 on the Approval of the Description of the Terms for the Reorganisation of Šiauliai University by Integrating It Into Vilnius University and the Reorganisation Plan of Šiauliai University by Integrating It Into Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Description of the Terms for the Reorganisation of Šiauliai University by Integrating It Into Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
The Reorganisation Plan of Šiauliai University by Integrating It Into Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-10 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Consolidated Financial Statements for 2019 (English | Lithuanian)
29 April 2020, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-7 on the Repeal of Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2017-5-1 of 28 June 2017 “On the Price List for Accommodation in Vilnius University Dormitories” (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-8 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Financial Statements for 2019 (English | Lithuanian)
6 April 2020, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-6 on the Appointment of the Vice-Rector of Vilnius University and the Repeal of Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2015-6-1 of 22 April 2015 “On the Appointment of the Vice-Rector” (English | Lithuanian)
31 March 2020, e-meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-5 on Granting a Premium to the Rector of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
25 March 2020, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-3 on the Report on the Implementation of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2019 (English | Lithuanian)
Report on the Implementation of the Revenue and Expenditure Estimate of Vilnius University for 2019 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-4 on the Approval of the Vilnius University Performance Report for 2019 (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Performance Report for 2019 (English | Lithuanian)
The Council of Vilnius University Performance Report for 2019 (English | Lithuanian)
26 February 2020, meeting of the Council
- Resolution TPN-1 on the Approval of Vilnius University Revenue and Expenditure Estimate for 2020 (English | Lithuanian)
- Resolution TPN-2 on the Amendment to Resolution of the Council of Vilnius University No. T-2018-2-1 of 14 February 2018 “On the Approval of the Vilnius University Strategic Plan for 2018–2020” (English | Lithuanian)
The Vilnius University Strategic Plan for 2018–2020 (English | Lithuanian)
27 December 2017, meeting of the Council
The Rules of Procedure of the Council of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
29 March 2017, meeting of the Council
The Description of the Methodology for Calculating the Prices of Non-Formal Education Programmes of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)
16 October 2016, meeting of the Council
The Regulations for Social Partnerships of Vilnius University (English | Lithuanian)