Centre for Religious Studies and Research
9/1–105 Universiteto, LT–01513 Vilnius
Tel./faks. 268 7189
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Director - Prof. Dr. Rita Šerpytytė
Professors: Dr. A. Narbekovas (part-time). Dr. R. Šerpytytė, Dr. T. Sodeika,
Associate professors: Dr. A. K. Pažėraitė, Dr. M. Gutauskas (part-time), Dr. D. Bacevičiūtė (part-time).
Lecturers: Dr. V. Mackela (part-time), Dr. S. Maslauskaitė (part-time), Dr. D. Razauskas (part-time), Dr. V. Silius (part-time).
Postdoctoral student – Dr. V. Daraškevičiūtė.
Religion and Culture
Religion and everyday life: challenges of the contemporary world
Philosophy of religion
New religious movements
Nihilism and secularization
Religion and visualization
Role of the church in the post-modern transformations
International conference After Ontology?
Conference Intuition or Understanding? Direct Experience and Interpretation in Phenomenology
Conference Jacques Derrida and Religion (with Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology)
Projects Supported by University Budget
Religion and Culture. Prof. R. Šerpytytė. 2014.
Interdisciplinary Research on Religion.
During the year 2014 one article was published in the national journal and 4 articles in the international collection of articles. The material for publishing in two volumes of the journal Religion and Culture (vol. 14–15, 5 articles) was prepared.
Main publications:
Sodeika, T. 2014. Das Heilige im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit. In Rudolf Otto. Theologie–Religionsphilosophie–Religionsgeschichte, Hrsg. von Jörg Lauster, Peter Schüz, Roderich Barth und Christian Danz. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, p 639–650.
Šerpytytė, R. 2014. Religious Wiederholung: Søren Kierkegaard and Giorgio Agamben. Topos. Journal for Philosophy and Cultural Studie,s no. 1, 53–67, Vilnius: European Humanities University, http://www.littman.co.uk/cat/polin-25.html
Šerpytytė, R. 2014. Nihilistinis teisingumas su Ricoeuru ir Derrida. Problemos, vol. 85, 42–56.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania.Transformations of Ontology: Nihilism, Ethics, Media (No. MIP-011/2013). Prof. T. Sodeika. 2013–2015.
The project in 2014 was focused on exploring three directions in relation to the transformations of ontology: 1) analysis of nihilism and ontology of accident; 2) analysis of H. Jonas ethical investigations in relation with phenomenon of technology; 3) analysis of media enabling and forming the participation of the person in reality (ontology of cinema).
On the basis of the project investigations, there were 7 papers at the international conferences presented and 4 articles for publishing prepared.
Main publications:
1. Sodeika, T. 2014. Ontology of Cinema. Athena. Filosofijos studijos, vol. 9, 26–45.
International Research Projects
The international research project ONLENHER – Ontology. Language. Hermeneutics (under the guidance of Dr. Maria Teresa Oñate Zubia). Prof. Rita Šerpytytė is a member of the international group of investigation ONLENHER at the National Distance Education University (UNED) in Spain. http://portal.uned.es/portal/page?_pageid=93,8843313&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&idContenido=5
The project in 2014 was focused on the problems of contemporary hermeneutics. On the basis of the project investigations, there was the meeting-seminar of the projects Transformations of Ontology: Nihilism, Media, Ethics (Vilnius University) and OnLenHer (UNED, Madrid, Spain) organized (Vilnius, 27 April, 2014) and 1 plenary paper at the international conference presented.
Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies of Luigi Pareyson, Turin (Italy)
University of Turin (Italy)
University of Eastern Piedmont (Italy)
University of Lisbon (Portugal)
National Distance Education University (UNED) (Spain)
The Pontifical University of John Paul II Cracow (Poland)
University of Latvia (Riga)
Prof. R. Šerpytytė –
- president of the Lithuanian Philosophy Teacher’s Association;
- member and national representative (correspondent) of International Association for Philosophy Teachers (Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie, enregistrée á Bruxelles), http://www.aipph.de;
- editorial board member of the scholarly journal HYBRIS: Revista de Filosofia (HYBRIS: Journal of Philosophy); http://revistas.cenaltes.cl/index.php/hybris/about/editorialTeam;
- editorial board member of the scientific journal Žmogus ir žodis (Man and the Word), http://www.vpu.lt/leidykla/zmzodis2.php;
- editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Religija ir kultūra (Religion and Culture), http://www.rstc.vu.lt;
- editorial board member of the journal Экзистенциальная традиция: философия, психология, психотерапия (Existential Tradition: Philosophy, Psychology, Psychotherapy), http://www.existrad.nm.ru;
- member of the organising committee and jury of Lithuanian Philosophy Olympiad;
- member of the Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) in Lithuania, http://www.kaad.de/deutsch/inhalt.htm;
- member of the Research Council of Lithuania (Committee of Humanities and Social Sciences), http://www.lmt.lt/lt/apie-taryba/hsm.html;
- chair of the Research Council of Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, http://lkti.lt/apie_mus/taryba.html;
- board member of the Lithuanian Society of Philosophers;
- member of organising committee of international conference Existential Interpretation of Being Human in Philosophy and Psychology: Validity and Topicality, 3–6 October.
Prof. T. Sodeika –
- editorial board member of the scholarly journal Athena: filosofijos studijos (Athena: Philosophical Studies), http://www.kfmi.lt/athena/?lang=en&no=editorial-board
- editorial board member of the journal Religija ir kultūra (Religion and Culture), http://www.rstc.vu.lt
- editorial board member of the interdisciplinary journal Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas (Sociology. Thought and Action), http://www.ku.lt/sociologija/page.php?id=staff
- board member of the Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology;
- deputy chairman of Lithuanian Society of Philosophers;
Prof. A. Narbekovas –
- member of the Council of Faculty of Catholic Theology at Vytautas Magnus University;
- member of the Senate of Vytautas Magnus University, http://www.vdu.lt/en/about-vmu/structure-and-management-of-vmu/senate/;
- editorial board member of the journal of religious science SOTER, http://biblioteka.vdu.lt/?q=node/545#01;
- member of the Lithuanian Cultural Psychiatry Association;
- member of the World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life, http://www.zmogausgyvybe.lt/pgf/lietuvos-asociacija;
- member of the National Health Council under the Seimas, http://www3.lrs.lt/docs2/EYHHHLAP.PDF.
Assoc. Prof. A. K. Pažėraitė –
- directress of Lithuanian Jewish Culture Research Centre (in Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, former Culture, Philosophy and Arts Research Institute);
- board member of the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religion, http://en.religijotyra.lt/members/.
Assoc. Prof. M. Gutauskas –
- editorial board member of the journal Religija ir kultūra (Religion and Culture), http://www.rstc.vu.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Philosophers;
- member of the Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) in Lithuania, http://kaadbonn.de/stipendien/.
Assoc. Prof. D. Bacevičiūtė –
- editor of the scholarly journal Athena: filosofijos studijos (Athena: Philosophical Studies) (since 2006), http://www.kfmi.lt/athena/?lang=en&no=editorial-board;
- executive secretary of the journal Religija ir kultūra (Religion and Culture), http://www.rstc.vu.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology.
Dr. S. Maslauskaitė –
- editorial board member of the journal Religija ir kultūra (Religion and Culture), http://www.rstc.vu.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Art Historian Society, http://www.ldid.lt/en/members/;
- member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association;
- member of International Council of Museums (ICOM).
Dr. D. Razauskas –
- senior editor of the journal Liaudies kultūra (Folk Culture), http://www.llkc.lt/index.php?1349237352;
- editorial board member of the scholarly journal Res Humanitariae, http://www.ku.lt/hmf/res_humanitariae/redkolegija.pdf.
Dr. V. Mackela –
- board member of New Religions Research and Information Centre, http://religija.lt/nrtic-steigejai-valdyba-darbuotojai-specialistai-bendradarbiai.
Dr. V. Daraškevičiūtė -
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Philosophers;
- member of the Lithuanian Association of Aesthetics.