Faculty of Law

Sukurta: 31 August 2013

tf9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6162, 236 6185, fax 236 6163
www http://www.tf.vu.lt

Dean - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomas Davulis


81 teachers (67 holding research degree), 3 research fellows (3 holding research degree), 72 doctoral students.


Integration of the Legal System of Lithuania into the Legal System of European Union


L. Paškevičienė. Public administrative body as a party to the contract.
K. Savickaitė. Peculiarities of transfer pricing legal regulation in Lithuania.
B. Kozubovska. Arguable aspects and trends of arbitrability.
M. Limantas. Mixed agreements in the legal system of the European Union.
J. Apolevič. The impact of the principles of international environmental law on nuclear law.
N. Bruskina. State compensation of crimes of Nazi and communist regimes: interface between international and domestic law.
P. Miliauskas. Company law aspects of shareholders’ agreements in listed companies.
L. Didžiulis. Professional civil liability of the financial intermediaries as an instrument of investor protection.
K. Pranevičienė. Rules of Jurisdiction and the Application of them in Parental Responsibility Cases under the Council Regulation (EC) NO. 2201/2003 (BRUSSELS IIA).
E. Tcaregorodskaia. Legal custom: its nature and operation mechanism.


International conference Contemporary Challenges for Criminal Justice
Scientifical-practical conference Research of Criminal Justice Law Branches
International conference Lithuania in the Council of Europe: Twenty Years of Membership
International conference Challenges of Economic Crisis to Human Rights
International conference Novelties of Civil Procedure in the EU


Lithuanian legal system under the influence of European Union law: collection of scientific articles on the influence of European Union law on Lithuanian constitutional, administrative and environment protection, criminal, civil and civil procedure, labour and social protection, finance law. - Vilnius, 2014.

Šileikis Egidijus. Insights into legal systems of financing parties. The Association of Lithuanian Serials, 2014.


9 Saulėtekio, building I, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel.: 236 61 67, 236 61 68, fax  236 61 63

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Gintaras Švedas


Professors: Habil. Dr. G. Švedas, Dr. A. Abramavičius, Dr. J.  Prapiestis.
Associate professors: Dr. E. Bieliūnas, Dr. I. Michailovič (part-time), Dr. G. Goda, Dr. R. Merkevičius, Dr. G. Juodkaitė-Granskienė (part-time), Dr. P. Kuconis, Dr. A. Sakalauskas, Dr. R. Aliukonienė (part-time).
Lecturers: Dr. P. Veršekys, Dr. A. Vosyliūtė,  Dr. J. Namavičius, Dr. A. Gorbatkov (part-time),  Dr. A. Juozapavičius (part-time), D. Stasiulis (part-time),  M. Aidukas (part-time).
Assistants: (all part-time) G. Jasaitis, A. Meška, V. Kilinskas, M. Aidukas, D. Prapiestis, J. Levon.


Substantive Criminal Law
Juvenile Criminal Law
Penitentiary and Probation Law
Qualification of Criminal Acts
Comparative Criminal Law
Criminal Policy
International and EU Criminal Law
Law of Criminal procedure
International and EU Criminal Procedure Law


Projects Supported by University Budget

Theoretical and Practical Problems of Implementation of the Legal Acts of European Union as well as Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and Code on Punishment Execution. Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas. 2011–2015.

Collection of scientific articles on the criminal law, criminal procedure and probation was published.
The manual on General Part of the Criminal Law including a lot of theoretical and practical tasks from the criminal law, Supreme Court of Lithuania jurisprudence, etc. was published.
The manual on Criminal Procedure Law including a lot of theoretical and practical tasks from the law of criminal procedure, Supreme Court of Lithuania jurisprudence, etc. was published.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Project Reception of Criminal Justice in Society (VP1-3.1-SMM-07-K-01-049). Doc., Dr. R. Merkevičius. 

Main publications:

Goda, G. 2014. Vertybiniai prioritetai baudžiamajame procese. Vilnius: VĮ Registrų centras.

Sakalauskas, G. 2014. Lithuania. In: Drenkhahn K., Dudeck M., Dünkel F. (Eds.). Long-Term Imprisonment and Human Rights (Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice). Routledge.

Švedas, G., Merkevičius, R. 2014. Landerbericht Litauen. In Kai Ambos, Stefan Konig, Peter Rackow (Eds.). Rechtshilferecht in Strafsachen.

International Research Projects

Study on Minimum Sanctions in the EU Member States (contract notice: 2013/S 158-275091, ECLAN, Vienna University, Austria) initiated by the European Commission, DG Justice; researcher in Lithuania.Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas,

Study on Drug Trafficking Penalties (Vienna University, Austria), researcher in Lithuania.Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas,

Restorative Justice and Mediation in Penal Matters in Europe (JUST/2010/JPEN/AG/1525, Greifswald University, Germany), researcher in Lithuania. Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Sakalauskas.


Ministry of Justice (Lithuania)
Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania
Supreme Court of Lithuania
Appeal Court of Lithuania
Prison Department (Lithuania)


Prof. Dr. A. Abramavičius

Prof. Dr. J. Prapiestis

Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Goda –

Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Bieliūnas –

  • editorial board member of the journal Teisės problemos (Legal issues).

Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. G. Sakalauskas –

  • editorial board member of the journal Sveikatos ir socialinių mokslų taikomieji tyrimai: sandūra ir sąveika.

Dr.  J. Levon –

  •   organizing committee member of the international conference Contemporary Challenges for Criminal Justice. Vilnius, Vilnius, May 02–03, 2014.

Asist. M. Aidukas –

  • organizing committee member of the international conference Contemporary Challenges for Criminal Justice. Vilnius, Vilnius, May 02–03, 2014.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Juodkaitė-Granskienė. –

  • organizing committee chairwoman of the  national conference The Criminal Procedure: Justice Guarantee or Hindrance. Vilnius, 26 September, 2014.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Merkevičius –

  • organizing committee member of the  national conference The Criminal Procedure: Justice Guarantee or Hindrance. Vilnius, 26 September, 2014.

Dr. A. Gorbatkov –

  • organizing committee member of the  national conference The Criminal Procedure: Justice Guarantee or Hindrance. Vilnius, 26 September, 2014.


9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6175, fax 236 6163

Head – Assoc. Prof.  Dr. Haroldas Šinkūnas


Professors: Dr. B. Sudavičius, Dr. E. Kūris, Dr. J. Machovenko, Dr. E. Šileikis, Dr. A. Andruškevičius, Dr. D. Žalimas.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Bakševičienė (part-time), Dr. L. Butkevičius, Dr. J. Gumbis, Dr. I. Jarukaitis,  Dr. G. Lastauskienė, Dr. A. Medelienė (part-time),  Dr. A. Normantas, Dr. A. Paulauskas (part-time),  Dr. H. Šinkūnas (part-time), Dr. V. A. Vaičaitis, Dr. S. Žalimienė, Dr. I. Žvaigždinienė, Dr. J. Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė.
Lecturers: Dr. I. Danėlienė, Dr. V. Milašiūtė, Dr. V. Vasiliauskas (part-time), Dr. M. Vasiliauskas, Dr. A. Veršelytė, Dr. E. Matulionytė (part-time), Dr. R. Svetikaitė (part-time), Dr. I. Isokaitė, Dr. R. Latvelė (part-time), Dr. D. Poška (part-time).


Theory of law
Theory of state
History of law
History of state
Legal sociology
Legal philosophy
Constitutional justice
Constitutional principles
Parliamentarism, Ombudsmen
Administrative courts
Principles of public administration
Ecological responsibility
Problems of the taxes’ administration
Public international law
Diplomatic and consular law
EU law
EU institutional law
Humanitarian law
EU substantial law
NATO and its legal framework
NGO and its legal framework
Comparative law of modern legal systems
Law of refugees
Private international law
Legal informatics in global and EU context
Law of international organizations
History of international relations
Law of treaties
EU constitutional law
Case law of the European Union Court of Justice
Human Rights in Europe and EU
Law of the sea
International trade law


National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuanian. Challenges of the Economic Crisis (Recession) to the Rule of Law and Human Rights. Project No VPI-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-085. Experts of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University: E. Kūris, D. Žalimas, D. Petrylaitė, A. Andruškevičius, D. Kriaučiūnas, G. Lastauskienė, M. Lukas, A. Medelienė, V. Petrylaitė, I. Isokaitė, E. Masnevaitė, V. Milašiūtė. Supervisor E. Kūris. 20132015.

Research Council of Lithuanian. EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as the Application of the Standard for the Protection of Individual Rights at Supranational and National Levels. Supervisor S. Žalimienė. 20142016.

Research Council of Lithuanian. History of Lithuanian Constitutionalism. Experts of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University: V.V. Vaičaitis, J. Machovenko. 20142015.

International Research Projects

Data Collection and Research Service on Fundamental Rights Issues – FRANET. 20142018.

The Project is aimed at legal research and providing information on human rights issues to the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency. Experts from the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University: D. Žalimas, S. Žalimienė, I. Jarukaitis, R. Bakševičienė, J. Paužaitė Kulvinskienė, I. Isokaitė, E. Leonaitė, L. Urbaitė. Supervisor M. Vasiliauskas.

Dainius Žalimas is International Scholar in the Republic of Moldova under the Academic Fellowship Programme of the Higher Education Support Program of Open Society Foundations. 2013–2015.  

Main publications:

Судавичюс, Б. 2014. Сочетание краткосрочного и долгосрочного планирования доходов бюджета в Литовской Республике. Публичные финансы и налоговое право. Ежегодник, вып. 4, 615.

Sudavičius, B. 2014.  Public law and solidarity: Republic of Lithuania. European Review of Public Law, vol. 26, 237256.

Sudavičius, B. 2014. Multiannual budgetary framework in the Republic of Lithuania. Bialostockie Studija Prawnicze, vol. 16, 6372.


National Court Administration
Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania
Law Institute of Lithuania
State Commission of the Lithuanian Language


Prof. Dr. B. Sudavičius –

  • editorial board member of the journal Central and Eastern European Legal Studies (Athens, Greece), http://www.eplo.eu;

Prof. Dr. J. Machovenko

  • executive secretary of the journal Teisė (Law), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/teise/redakcine-kolegija;
  • editorial board member of the journal Studia z dziejów Państwa i prawa polskiego, http://szd.ka.edu.pl/;
  • editorial board member of VĮ Registrų centras.

Prof.  Dr. E. Šileikis –

Prof. Dr. D. Žalimas –

  • member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, http://www.pca-cpa.org/;
  • editor of the book review section of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law Review, http://www.brill.nl/m_brill.asp?sub=6;
  • National director of EIUC;
  • consultant of the governmental Commission on Evaluation of the Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes in Lithuania and its publication Crimes of the Soviet Totalitarian Regime in Lithuania;
  • member of the ESF (European Science Fund) Pool of Reviewers.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Žalimienė –

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. V. Vaičaitis –

  • editorial board member of the  journal Legisprudence;
  • organising committee chairman of theconference Acts of March 11, 1990 and their Legal Framework. Vilnius. March 10, 2014.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Jarukaitis –

  • editorial board member of the journal Administrative Jurisprudence.

Dr. V. Milašiūtė –

  • editorial board member of the  journal Legal Problems.

Prof.  Dr. E. Kūris –

  • organising committeechairman  of theinternational conference Challenges of Economic Crisis to Human Rights. Vilnius, October 10–11, 2014.

Dr. I.  Isokaitė –

  • organising committee member  of the international conference Challenges of Economic Crisis to Human Rights. Vilnius, October 1011, 2014.


9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel.: 236 6169, 236 6170, fax 236 6163

Head - Prof. Dr. Vytautas Mizaras


Professors: Dr. T. Davulis (part-time), Habil. Dr. V. Mikelėnas, Dr. V. Mizaras, Habil. Dr. V. Nekrošius.
Associate professors: Dr. T. Bagdanskis, Dr. A. Bitinas, Dr. D. Bublienė (part-time), Dr. D. Petrylaitė, Dr. R. Simaitis (part-time), Dr. A. Smaliukas, Dr. D. Soloveičik (part-time,) Dr. A. Taminskas, Dr. J. Usonis, Dr. V. Vėbraitė.
Lecturers: Dr. S. Aviža (part-time), Dr. A. Brazdeikis (part-time), Dr. L. Didžiulis, Dr. S. Drazdauskas (part-time), Dr. M. Jakutavičius (part-time), Dr. K. Janušauskaitė (part-time), Dr. N. Kasiliauskas (part-time), Dr. Š. Keserauskas (part-time), Dr. T. Kontautas (part-time), Dr. J. Maculevič, Dr. P. Miliauskas, Dr. L. Mikalonienė , Dr. V. Petrylaitė, Dr. I. Povilaitienė (part-time), Dr. M. Rimkevičius (part-time), Dr. G. Urbanavičiūtė (part-time), Dr. J. Truskaitė-Paškevičienė (part-time), Dr. E. Zemlytė (part-time).


Civil law
Civil procedure
Labour law
Social security law
Roman private law
Employment contract
Labour disputes
Collective agreement
Competition law
Corporate law
Law on Torts
Intellectual property law
Enforcement and bankruptcy in civil procedure
Family law
Public procurement law
International private law
International and EU civil law
International and EU civil procedure
International and EU labour law
International and EU social security law


National Research Projects

The Creation of Legal-Administrative Model of Labour Relations and Social Insurance. Head of the project - prof. Dr. T. Davulis, members - Dr. D. Petrylaitė, Dr. V. Petrylaitė, Dr. J. Usonis, Dr. T. Bagdanskis.

Social, Economic and Legal Measures for Stability and Development of Families (together with Lithuanian Law Institute, SIN-10/2012). Head of the project - Prof. V. Mizaras.

Main publications:

Bublienė, D. 2014. The Future of consumer credit in Lithuania: Quo vadis, consumer credit? Learning from neighbours’ experiences: Property Law and Consumer Credit. Juridica International, Nr.22, 149167.

Nekrošius, V., Vėbraitė, V. 2014. Baltic Countries. Civil and commercial mediation in Europe. In: Carlos Esplugues (Ed.) Cross-Border Mediation, vol. 2, 2937.

International Research Projects

International scientific project European Project on Collective Redress (Focus on Collective Redress) (Vilnius University, Law Faculty is a partner of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London, UK) (Project coordinators Dr. Eva Lein, Dr. Duncan Fairgrieve) (http://www.collectiveredress.org/collective-redress/staff) (grant by the European Commission (JUST/2011-2012/JCIV/AG/3398)) Prof. V. Mizaras, Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Bublienė, Dr. M. Rimkevičius).

Contractual Research

Common Core of European Private Law Security Rights in Immovable Property (editors Cornelius van der Merve (South Africa), Gary Walt (UK), Francesca Fiorentini (Italy) (national report) (Prof. V. Mizaras, Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Smaliukas).


Lithuanian Law Institute
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich (Germany)
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London (United Kingdom)
Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries (Lithuania)
Chamber of Bailiffs of Lithuania


Prof. V. Mikelėnas –

Prof. V. Nekrošius –

Prof. T. Davulis –

Prof. V. Mizaras –

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. D. Petrylaitė –

Assoc. Prof.  Dr.  A. Smaliukas –

  • national reporter by Common Core of European Private Law project Security Rights in Immovable Property (editors Cornelius van der Merve (South Africa), Gary Walt (UK), Francesca Fiorentini (Italy).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Simaitis –

  • expert of the Council of Europe on mediation (from 2006) of the research projects: presenting
  • expert on development of mediation in various countries of Europe (Russia, Moldova, etc.), inclusion of ADR in justice systems of European countries, mediation training for judges and other related matters;
  • chairman of the experts working group of the Council of Europe European Commission for the
  • Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ-GT-MED).

Dr. P. Miliauskas –

  • editorial board member of the Athens Journal of Law ATINER.