Faculty of Medicine
21/27 M. K. Čiurlionio, LT-03101 Vilnius
Tel. 239 8700
Fax 239 8705
www http://www.mf.vu.lt
Dean – Prof. Dr. Algirdas Utkus
652 teachers (338 holding research degree), 107 research fellows (62 holding research degree), 98 doctoral students.
- Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Department of Anatomy, Histology and Anthropology
- Clinic of Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology
- Clinic of Ear, Nose, Throat and Eyes diseases
- Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine
- Gastroenterology, Nephrourology and Surgery clinic
- Clinic of Infectious, Chest diseases, Dermatovenereology and Allergology
- Neurology and Neurosurgery clinic
- Institute of Odontology
- Department of Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Pharmacology
- Clinic of Psychiatry
- Department of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Physics
- Department of Rehabilitation, Physical and Sports Medicine
- Clinic of Rheumatology, Orthopaedic and Traumatology and Reconstructive Surgery
- Department of Nursing and Fundamentals of Internal Medicine
- Clinic of Cardiovascular diseases
- Clinic of Children‘s Diseases
- Clinic of Internal Medicine, Family Practice and Oncology
- Institute of Public Health
- Department of Human and Medical Genetics
Human genome diversity, its origin and phenotypic realization
Human and public health, quality of life and environment
Etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment of diseases: fundamental and clinical research, innovative technologies
R. Almonaitienė. Permanent teeth emergence time and growth of the face and jaws of Lithuanian children (data of 4-16 years old children, residents of Vilnius city).
A. Bleizgys. Associations between seasonal changes in serum levels of vitamin D and soluble endothelial cell adhesion molecules in young men.
L. Butėnaitė. Characteristics of the functional independence, body functions, activities and participation of patients after spinal cord injury and a united mathematical model for their assessment.
V. Dobrovolskij. The peculiarities of nutrition and lifestyle of the students of Lithuanian universities and the factors determining them.
I. Domarkienė. Investigation of the genetic structure of Lithuanian population, based on the analysis of disease-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms.
D. Daunoravičius. Molecular mechanisms within chronic virus-positive and inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy.
J. Garbaravičienė. P-selectin as a biomarker in psoriasis.
I. Ivaškevičienė. Paralells of molecular epidemiology and clinical features of rotavirus infection in children.
D. Kairevičiūtė. The significance of different biomarkers in the prediction of the development of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery.
R. Kaladytė Lokominienė. Cognitive functions in early-stage parkinson‘s disease according to computerised test results, their relationship with biological markers and clinical noncognitive symptoms.
D. Kanopienė. Clinical relevance of studies on microsatellite instability and DNA mismatch repair protein expression in endometrial carcinomas.
L. Mašalaitė. Value of endoscopic ultrasound in predicting of esophageal varicels renewal after endoscopic ligation.
E. Rinkūnienė. The identification of patients at high-risk of cardiovascular disease and the optimization of methods of active primary prevention.
V. Rudaitis. BRCA1/2 mutation spectrum and its prognostic significance for progression-free and overallsurvival in advanced ovariancancer.
S. Rusonienė. Evaluation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in children with acute arthritis.
D. Rutkauskaitė. Comparative analysis of CT colonography data and the assessment in the examination of tumor formations.
I. Savlan. Value of computerized inhibitory control test and blood tests in minimal hepatic encephalopathy dzagnosis.
D. Schveigert. Matrix metalloproteinases gene expression and their polymorphism in breast and prostate cancer.
V. Sinkevičienė. Features of health care services and health related quality of life in persons with osteoporotic fracture.
I . Stundinė. Transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation: new treatment method evaluation for defecation disorders and investigation of potential predictors of treatment response.
I. Uktverytė. Analysis of genetic structure of Lithuanian ethno-linguistic groups using informative genomic markers.
Conference Laparoscopic Surgery in Gynecology
Conference Evolutionary Medicine: Perspectives in Understanding Health and Disease
Conference Novel Avenues in ART. 2nd annual meeting of Baltic Fertility Society
International conference Fetal Surgery: the Present and Perspectives
Conference Thrombosis Issues: from Laboratory to Clinicians and Backwards
Conference EAU Baltic Meeting
10th EADO Congress Advances in Diagnostics and Treatment of Skin Tumors
Conference Multiple Sclerosis and Autoimmune Disorders
Seminar 8th Baltic Sea Summer School of Epilepsy
Conference 26th ESDE Annual Meeting 2014
Conference ENDOBALTIC 2014
2nd scientific - practical conference Molecular Techniques in Tissue-based Pathology Diagnosis
Conference DSM-5, A Step forward in the Better Understanding of Psychiatric Disorders?
Conference How Art and Science Meet
Conference Music Therapy in Psychiaty
Baltic Congress of Radiology 2014
Conference Nursing Science and Practice: International Experience
Conference 4th Meeting on Intensive and Invasive Cardiology
4th Baltic Heart Failure meeting
12th conference Arrhythmia Lithuania 2014
Conference Progress of Cardiac Surgery in Lithuania and in Neighborhood dedicated to the first open heart operation in Lithuania.
Conference XIX Vilnius International Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology Conference – School
IPOKRaTES international course Paediatric Asthama: Proved, Innovative, Provocative
Conference Vilnius Course 2014
7th annual conference of EUPHA 2014 (European Public Health Association)
Conference Baltic Metabolic Group Meeting
2 Santariškių, 08661 Vilnius
Tel./fax 250 1484, 250 1487
Head – Prof. Dr. Gražina Stanislava Drąsutienė
Professors: Dr. G. S. Drąsutienė, Dr. N. Drazdienė.
Associate professors: Dr. J. Ališauskas, Dr. A. Arlauskienė, Dr. Ž. Bumbulienė, Dr. D. Laužikienė, Dr. D. Ramašauskaitė, Dr. M. Šilkūnas, Dr. J. Zakarevičienė.
Lecturers: Dr. D. Bartkevičienė.
Assistants: A. Amšiejienė, V. Paliulytė, I. Daunoravičienė, T. Lūža, D. Bužinskienė.
Doctoral student: A. Amšiejienė.
Health of mother and fetus: physiology and pathology
Project Supported by University Budget
Health of Mother and Fetus: Physiology and Pathology. Prof. Dr. G. S. Drąsutienė. 2014-2018.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the importance of fetal inflammatory response syndrome for the early and later adaptation of preterms. The correlation between the concentration of the inflammatory markers IL-6 and tTNF-α in umbilical cord blood at 22-34 weeks of gestation and acute RDS, and the death of preterms was determined. Significant values of umbilical cord blood IL-6 and tTNF-α concentration for predicting the lethal outcome in the later adaptation of preterms were determined.
The aim of antenatal screening is to identify GBS colonized mothers suitable for treatment with intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP). The results were obtained from 40 to 60 minutes for rtPCR and in 24-72 hours for culture. Real time PCR assay is a rapid and highly accurate method of identifying GBS infection compared to culture based screening.
Main publications:
Pilypienė, I., Drazdienė, N., Dumalakienė, I., Vezbergienė, N., Bartkevičienė, D., Šilkūnas, M., Bumbulienė, Ž. 2014. The significance of fetal inflammatory response syndrome in early and later adaptation of premature infants. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2014; doi:10.1007/s00404-014-3386-2.
Poškus, T., Bužinskienė, D., Drąsutienė, G., Samalavičius, N. E., Barkus, A., Barišauskienė, A., Tutkuvienė, J., Sakalauskaitė, I., Drąsutis, J., Jasulaitis, A., Jakaitienė, A. 2014. Haemorrhoids and anal fissures during pregnancy and after childbirth: a prospective cohort study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 9 May 2014; doi: 10.1111/1471-0528.12838
Zurich University (Switzerland)
Medical University of Silesia (Poland)
Prof. G. S. Drąsutienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos akušerija ir ginekologija (Lithuanian Obstetrics & Gynecology);
- member of Integrated Health Care Management Committee of Perinatology, Ministry of Health, Republic of Lithuania.
Prof. N. Drazdienė –
- expert neonatologist of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Lithuania;
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos akušerija ir ginekologija (Lithuanian Obstetrics & Gynecology);
- editorial board member of the journal Naujagimis (Newborn);
- board member of Lithuanian Pediatric Society and Vilnius Pediatric Society;
- vicepresident of Integrated Health Care Management Committee of Perinatology, Ministry of Health, Republic of Lithuania;
- vicepresident of Lithuanian Association of Neonatology;
- head of Lithuanian section of German-Baltic Physician Society.
Assoc. Prof. J. Ališauskas –
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos akušerija ir ginekologija (Lithuanian Obstetrics & Gynecology).
Assoc. Prof. A. Arlauskienė –
- board member of Lithuanian Society of Obstetricians Gynecologists;
- member of scientific committee of Lithuanian Society of Obstetricians Gynecologists;
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos akušerija ir ginekologija (Lithuanian Obstetrics & Gynecology.
- member of European Cervical Cancer Association (ECCA);
- member of International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG).
Assoc. Prof. D. Ramašauskaitė –
- expert obstetrician gynecologist of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Lithuania;
- board member of Vilnius region Society of Obstetricians Gynecologists.
Assoc. Prof. J. Zakarevičienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine);
- board member of Vilnius region Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Assoc. Prof. Ž. Bumbulienė –
- head of section of Lithuanian Society of Obstetricians Gynecologists;
- board member of Vilnius Medical Society;
- secretary general of EURAPAG (European Association of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology).
Assoc. Prof. M. Šilkūnas –
- chairman of Vilnius region Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology;
- board member of Lithuanian Society of Obstetricians Gynecologists.
V. Paliulytė –
- board member of Vilnius region Society of Obstetricians Gynecologists.
M. K. Čiurlionio 21/27, LT-03101 Vilnius
Tel. 239 87 06, 239 87 07
Fax 239 87 05
Head – Prof. Dr. Janina Tutkuvienė
Professors: Dr. R. Jankauskas, Dr. J. Tutkuvienė.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Barkus, Dr. R. Čepulienė, Dr. E. M. Jakimavičienė, Dr. Ž. Miliauskienė, Dr. R. Šimkūnaitė-Rizgelienė, Dr. V. Tutkus (part-time), Dr. V. Žalgevičienė.
Lecturers: Dr. A. Suchomlinov, J. Janavičius (part-time).
Assistants: D. Bandzevičienė (part-time), V. Bartuškienė, R. Girčius (part-time), R. Jacevičiūtė (part-time), L. Lapienytė (part-time), K. Kuolienė (part-time), K. Popov (part-time).
Research fellows: S. Šilovė.
Doctoral students: V. Bartuškienė, J. Drąsutis, K. Kuolienė, A. Vaitiekus.
Guest research fellow: Dr. Dario Piombino-Mascali (Bolzano, Italy).
Human Genome Diversity, Its Origin and Phenotypic Realization
Skeletal and dental health indicators in Lithuanian paleopopulations and potential ecological, social, demographic factors of their variability
The peculiarities and factors of prenatal development, growth programming and postnatal development in both humans and experimental animals (chicken embryos, rats)
The physical status of contemporary inhabitants, the internal and external factors of phenotypic variation, the relationship between indices of physical and general health status, the analysis of secular trend and prognosis of future tendencies
Projects Supported by University Budget
Phenotype Variety of Inhabitants of Lithuania, Its Prenatal and Postnatal Factors, Secular changes, Relations with General Health Status. Prof. J. Tutkuvienė, Prof. R. Jankauskas. 2014–2018.
1. Bioarcheological investigations.
Collection of morphometric, paleopathological and paleodemographical data of Lithuanian populations from Medieval and Modern times, also new skeletal samples and their routine analysis was continued. Analysis of dental calculus according to specific microfossils (starch and phytolites) as reflection of nutrition completed. Data on dental status from a large 13th-14th c.c. sample from Vilnius was summarized; paper for international journal accepted. Variations of craniometric data in relation to nutrition factors performed, paper presented at international conference. Trial analysis of stable isotopes was presented at the International Conference. Roentgenological and paleoparasitological analysis of mummified remains completed, four papers published.
2. Experimental (growth programming) investigations.
Data analysis of pilot study on prenatal undernutrition in relation to physical status of second generation rats’ offspring was published. The research on the consequences of prenatal undernutrition on the physical status of the offspring was continued using a larger, more representative sample. In addition, a wider range of possible metabolic alterations was tested, including biometric parameters, blood composition, as well as behavioural changes in the first and the second generation offspring. Data on the early growth of the first and the second generation offspring showed differences among groups in biometric parameters as well as the other alterations in physical status. The studies of prenatal ontogenesis in relation to Shungite saturated water, also ionized (electrolyzed) water were continued, and results were published. The collection of cleared and stained foetuses was prepared for the exhibition.
3. Investigations of the physical status of contemporary inhabitants.
The analysis of data on body size and general health status of Lithuanian newborns in relation to socio-economic factors during the 1995–2011 was continued. The results on Lithuanian longitudinal growth study (1990–2008) – the relationship between birth weight, adiposity rebound and overweight at the age of 17 years were published. Data on physical status and nutritional habits of preschool children (N=66) were analyzed and presented during the International Conference. Physical status of children (N=716) born in 1996 in Vilnius city was investigated and presented during the 19th EAA Congress. Physical, health status and body image of 4–18 years old children (N=163) from Vilnius municipal foster homes were investigated, data were presented during the International Conference. Data on the age at menarche, body size and different demographic, geographic, climatic, socio-economic factors and food consumption during the last decade in Lithuania and worldwide (more than 50 countries were covered) were analyzed and presented during three international and three local conferences. Body image of adolescents, perceived and actual body size was analyzed (N=360), data were published. Analyses of facial attractiveness, age and sex identification from facial features were continued. Pilot results on relationship between growth peculiarities and development of refraction errors (N=151) were presented during the International Conference. The study of breast changes in pregnant females was continued: in total 89 pregnant women were investigated according to wide anthropometric programme, also blood tests were performed; pilot data were presented during the International Conference. The study on the relationship between axis of the lower extremity, the alignment of joints, the morphological structures, the limb function and clinical pathologywas designed, and literature review on the latter topic was conducted.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. The Beginnings of Lithuanian Statehood According to the Exploration of Dubingiai Microregion (project code VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-037). Prof. R. Jankauskas. 2011-2015.
Summarizing of published and new data on demography, burial customs, reconstruction of developing social structures according to general models of social anthropology.
Research Council of Lithuania. Neolithisation of the eastern Baltics (project code VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-037). Prof. R. Jankauskas. 2013–2015.
Revision of current paleoantropological data, selection and submission of samples for radiocarbon dating, stable isotope analysis, ancient DNA analysis. Initial analysis of data from laboratory samples.
International Research Projects
EC project: The New Methodologies and Protocols of Forensic Identification by Craniofacial Superimposition (MEPROCS). Prof. R. Jankauskas – associated partner. 2012–2014.
Testing of objectivity of craniofacial superimposition landmarks, building of optimal set of criteria. Three publications submitted.
Other international projects:
Funeral Culture of Elites in 15th-18th Centuries on the Territory of the Kindgom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Attempt of interdisciplinary analysis (University of Torun, Poland). Prof. R. Jankauskas – foreign partner. 2012–2015.
Detailed analysis of historical burials of elites, analysis if nutrition according to stable isotope data, preparation of monograph chapter.
Molecular History and Paleogenetic Links Between Polish and Lithuanian Populations - Ancient DNA Analysis Since the Neolithic (Medical University of Lodz, Poland). Prof. R. Jankauskas – principal foreign partner. 2013–2016.
Selection of dental samples for human and pathogen genome analysis from the Iron Age Lithuania.
Main publications:
1. Bioarcheological investigations.
Piombino-Mascali, D., Jankauskas, R., Tamošiūnas, A., Valančius, R., Thompson, R. C., Panzer, S. 2014. Atherosclerosis in mummified human remains from Vilnius, Lithuania (18th–19th centuries AD): a computed omographic investigation. American Journal of Human Biology, vol. 26, 676–681 (ISI Web of Science).
Flohra, S., Kierdorfa, U., Jankauskas, R., Püscheld, B., Schultza, M. 2014. Diagnosis of stapedial footplate fixation in archaeological humanremains. International Journal of Paleopathology, vol. 6, 10–19.
Morrowa, J.J., Larsena, A.S., Piombino-Mascalib, D., Jankauskas, R., Kozakaitė J., Araújoc A., Karl, J., Reinhard, K.J. 2014. Taphonomic considerations of a whipworm infection in a mummy from the Dominican Church of the Holy Spirit, Vilnius, Lithuania. International Journal of Paleopathology, vol. 7, 83–87.
2. Experimental (growth programming) investigations.
Araminaite, V., Zalgeviciene, V., Simkunaitė-Rizgeliene, R., Stukas, R., Kaminskas, A., Tutkuviene, J. 2014. Maternal caloric restriction prior to pregnancy increases the body weight of the second-generation male offspring and shortens their longevity in rats. Tohoku J. Exp. Med., vol. 234(1), 41–50 (ISI Web of Science).
3. Investigations of the physical status of contemporary inhabitants.
Ratnayake, M., Obertova, Z., Dose, M., Gabriel, P., Bröker, H.M., Brauckmann, M., Barkus, A., Rizgelienė, R., Tutkuvienė, J., Ritz-Timme, S., Marasciuolo, L., Gibelli, D., Cattaneo, C. 2014. The juvenile face as a suitable age indicator in child pornogrqphy cases: a pilot study on the reliability of automated and visual estimation approaches. International Journal of Legal Medicine, vol. 128(5), 803–808 (ISI Web of Science).
Suchomlinov, A, Tutkuviene, J. 2014. The relationship between birth weight, adiposity rebound and overweight at the age of 17 years (results of the Lithuanian longitudinal growth study, 1990–2008). AnthropAnz2014, vol. 71(4), 329–346 (ISI Web of Science).
Galgauskas, S., Juodkaite, G., Tutkuviene, J. 2014. Age-related changes in central corneal thickness in normal eyes among the adult Lithuanian population. Clinical Interventions in Aging, vol. 9, 1145–1151 (ISI Web of Science).
Institute of Anthropology, University of Vienna (Austria)
Institute of Forensic Medicine, Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf (Germany)
Max-Planck-Institute, Andechs (Germany)
Medical University of Lodz (Poland)
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida (USA)
University of Torun (Poland)
State Forensic Medicine Service (Lithuania)
Prof. J. Tutkuvienė –
- member of the Senate of Vilnius University;
- member of the European Anthropological Association;
- member of the Council of the European Anthropological Association;
- member of the Commission for Human Ecology of International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES);
- member of the International Association of Human Biologists;
- member of the Society for Studies of Human Biology;
- member of the International Auxollogical Society;
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society;
- member of the Commission of Human Morphology of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (Section of Gynaecology of Children and Adolescents);
- editorial board member of the Journal of Human Ecology;
- editorial board member of the journal Acta Medica Lituanica;
- editorial board member of the journal Visuomenes Sveikata (Public Health);
- editorial board member of the journal Anthropologischer Anzeiger;
- editorial board member of the journal Вестник Московского университета. Серия 23. Антропология.
Prof. R. Jankauskas –
- editorial board member of the journals Papers on Anthropology;
http://www.tyk.ee/anthropology); Anthropologischer Anzeiger;
Lietuvos archeologija; Archaeologia Baltica; (http://briai.ku.lt/en/publications/archaeologia-baltica/editorial-board/); Medicinos teorija ir praktika; http://www.mtp.lt/lt/redaktoriu-kolegija-8/; - member of the Board of the European Anthropological Association; (http://eaa.elte.hu/administration_council.html).
- member of the Scientific Council of the Lithuanian Institute of History; http://www.istorija.lt/struktura/taryba/;
- member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, http://lma.lt/old/intranetas/.
Assoc. Prof. A. Barkus –
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society;
- member of the European Anthropological Association;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Archaeology.
Assoc. Prof. R. Čepulienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society.
Assoc. Prof. Ž. Miliauskienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society;
- member of the European Anthropological Association;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Archaeology.
Assoc. Prof. R. Šimkūnaitė-Rizgelienė –
- member of the European Anthropological Association;
- chair of the Lithuanian Morphological Society;
- member of the Committee of Medical Studies Programme.
Assoc. Prof. V. Žalgevičienė –
- board member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society;
- member of Baltic Laboratory Animal Association (Balt-LASA).
Dr. E. M. Jakimavičienė –
- member of the European Anthropological Association;
- member of the International Auxological Society;
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society.
Dr. A. Suchomlinov –
- member of the European Anthropological Association;
- member of the International Auxological Society;
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society.
Dr. V. Tutkus –
- member of European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA);
- member of International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS);
- member of Lithuanian AssociationofArthroscopicSurgeons;
- member of Lithuanian SocietyofOrthopaedicsandTraumatology;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery;
- member of the Ethics Committee of Lithuanian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive
- Surgery;
- member of Lithuanian Bioethical Committee.
J. Janavičius –
- president of Lithuanian Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation Society ,,Manus Lithuanica“;
- secretary of Lithuanian Foot Surgery Society;
- member of International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand;
- member of European Foot and Ankle Society.
D. Bandzevičienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society.
V. Bartuškienė –
- member of the European Anthropological Association;
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society.
R. Girčius –
- member of the Radiological Society of North America.
R. Juocevičiūtė –
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society.
K. Kuolienė –
- member of the European Anthropological Association;
- member of Lithuanian Ophthalmologists Society;
- member of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
L. Lapienytė –
- member of the Lithuanian Morphological Society.
K. Popov –
- member of Lithuanian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.
2 Santariškių, LT-08661, Vilnius
Tel. 236 5235
Head– Prof. Dr. Jūratė Šipylaitė
Professors: Habil. Dr. J. Ivaškevičius, Dr. J. Šipylaitė, Dr. S. Vosylius.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Andrijauskas, Dr. E. Kontrimavičiūtė, Dr. M. Šerpytis.
Lecturers: Dr. D.Činčikas, Dr. A. Klimašauskas, Dr. S. Švedienė, Dr. I. Norkienė.
Assistant: R. Badaras (part-time).
Doctoral students: R. Badaras, D. Ringaitienė.
Etiopathogenesis, Diagnostics, Treatment of Diseases: Fundamental and Clinical Research, Innovative Technologies
Influence of malnutrition on rate of complications and duration of hospital stay in patients after cardiac surgery
The comparison of stress response in rapid opioid detoxication
The influence of perioperative optimization on the results of primary endoprosthesis of the hip joint
Management of patients undergoing regional anaesthesia
Risk factors for organ dysfunction in patients with severe acute pancreatitis
Project Supported by University Budget
Perioperative Patient Optimization and Management of Critical States. Prof. Dr. J. Šipylaitė, Prof. Habil. Dr. J. Ivaškevičius. 2014–2018.
A randomized prospective clinical trial “The relationship between malnutrition, rate of complications and duration of hospital stay in patients after cardiac surgery” was continued. During this year 763 trial patients were fully investigated and their data were collected and systematized. The interim results of the investigation were presented at international conferences.
The data collection in clinical trial “The comparison of stress response in rapid opioid detoxification procedure using different methods of opioid antagonist naltrexone induction and sedation” is completed. Oral presentations about interim results of trial were presented at Vilnius University conference „Evolutionary medicine: perspectives in understanding health and disease“ and at 16th International Society of Addiction Medicine Anual Meeting in Yokohama, Japan. Review about Stress Response during Opioid withdrawall and detoxification was prepared.
Data of 58 patients who underwent shoulder arthroscopy were retrospectively analyzed for identification of factors, predisposing the vasovagal reflex during shoulder arthroscopy. We concluded that hypertensive patients with bradycardia and poor cardiac physical status under medication, smokers without overweight had higher risk to develop vasovagal reflex. Increased fentanyl dose as a component of general anesthesia and longer duration were related to vasovagal events.
In order to clarify the risk factors for acute renal impairment in patients with severe acute pancreatitis we conducted a retrospective observational case–control study. The data of 145 patients admitted to the ICU with the diagnosis of severe acute pancreatitis were abstracted from the hospital database. The results of this study were presented at international congress, symposium.
Main publications:
Samalavičius, R., Ringaitienė, D., Gražulytė, D., Šerpytis, M., Bertašiūtė, R., Matulionytė, R., Šipylaitė, J., Griškevičius, L. 2014. Successful use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a human immunodeficiency virus infected patient with severe acute respiratory distress sindrome. AIDS Research and Therapy, doi: 10.1186/1742-6405-11-37.
Svediene, S. 2014. Ambulatory anaesthesia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, vol. 68(5/6), 194–199.
National Research Projects
The Influence of Perioperative Optimization on the Results of Primary Endoprosthesis of the Hip Joint. Prof. Ch. H. Svensen, Assoc. Prof. A. Andrijauskas. 2013–2015.
We continued the prospective randomized clinical trial in a research project “The influence of perioperative optimization on the results of primary endoprosthesis of the hip joint” funded by the European Social Fund under the Global Grant measure (VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-019; the EU Structural Funds). Patient enrollment, data collection and analysis were continued. Preliminary results were made public at 4 oral presentations during International scientific events in Berlin (Germany), Chicago (USA) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Main publications:
Svensen, C. H., Stankevicius, E., Broms, J., Markevicius, V., Andrijauskas, A. 2014. Evaluation of hydration status calculated from differences in venous and capillary plasma dilution during stepwise crystalloid infusions: a randomized crossover study in healthy volunteers. Medicina, doi: 10.1016/j.medici.2014.09.007.
Markevicius, V., Andrijauskas, A., Navikas, D., Dubauskiene, N., Porvaneckas, N., Stankevicius, E., Uvarovas, V., Gelzinis, G., Cepenas, M., Andriukaitis, D., Malekian, R. 2014. In Silico testing of the semi-closed loop infusion system with a new simulator. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika (Electronics and Electrical Engineering), vol. 20(9), 19–24; do: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.eee.20.9.8520.
Andrijauskas, A., Svensen, C. H., Porvaneckas, N., Kvederas, G., Cincikas, D., Svediene, S. 2014. Mini volume loading test (mVLT) for the evaluation of hydration status: initial validation in patients. Archiv euromedica 2014, vol. 4(1), 4–14.
Research and Education, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska Institutet/Södersjukhuset Section of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (Sweden)
Prof. J. Ivaškevičius –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care;
- member of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA);
- editorial board member of the journal Anestezjologia i Ratownictwo (Anaesthesiology and Rescue Medicine);
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos chirurgija (Lithuanian Surgery).
Prof. J. Šipylaitė –
- president of the Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care;
- member of the European Society of Anaesthesiology;
- member of the Board of Anaesthesiology of Medical Specialists of the European Union;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practise in Medicine);
- vice-president of 7th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care.
Prof. S. Vosylius –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care;
- member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine;
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos chirurgija (Lithuanian Surgery).
Assoc. Prof. A. Andrijauskas –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care.
Assoc. Prof. E. Kontrimavičiūtė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care.
Assoc. Prof. M. Šerpytis –
- treasurer of the Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care.
Dr. A. Klimašauskas –
- president of the Lithuanian Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition ;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care.
Dr. I. Norkienė, Dr. S. Švedienė, Dr. D. Činčikas –
- members of the Lithuanian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care.
2 Santariskiu, LT-08661 Vilnius
Tel. 236 5270, 250 1867; fax 236 5270
Head – Prof. Dr.Eugenijus Lesinskas
Professor:Dr.E. Lesinskas.
Associate professors: Dr. M. Petrulionis, Dr. R. Ašoklis, Dr. A. Cimbalas.
Lecturers: Dr. D. Aukštikalnis, Dr. R. Pliaukšta, Dr. D. Rauba, Dr. J. Ivaška, Dr. S. Galgauskas.
Assistants: V. Beleškienė, A. Matulevičius, K. Malyško.
Estimation of the influence of morphology and clinical peculiarities of otorhinolaryngological and ophtalmological diseases to results of application of novel diagnostic methods and treatment
Projects Supported by University Budget
An Influence of Morphology and Clinical Peculiarities of Otorhinolaryngological and Ophtalmological Diseases to Results of Application of Novel Diagnostic Methods and Treatment. Prof. E. Lesinskas. 2010–2015.
Clinical assessment and analysis of data were made for the scientific projects. These projects involve the Eustachian tube dysfunction and its influence to the middle ear diseases and the endocochlear treatment methods of the inner ear. The impact of the new surgical procedure (laser Eustachian tuboplasty) on the clinical improvement of symptoms or signs of middle ear complaints is observed. The criteria for this surgery were established. The evaluation of the intratympanic medicaments ways in the middle ear, their impact for the inner ear functionwas carried out. The data in the literature were evaluated.
Projects in ophthalmology involve analysis of carcinomatous eye tissues with Aperio algorithms in comparison with stereology and manual establishment of proliferative index. Correlation of macular degeneration autofluorescence findings with functional impairment, use of autofluorescence findings for differential diagnosis of uveal melanomas evaluation of the anterior chamber changes after laser iridotomies by optical coherence tomography, correlation between corneal endothelial cell number and age of Lithuanian population were done.
Prof. E. Lesinskas –
- senior otorhynolaryngologist of the Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Lithuania;
- President of the Lithuanian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists;
- editorial boord member of the journals Medicinos teorija ir praktika, Journal of Hearing Science.
Dr. D. Rauba –
- board member of Lithuanian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists.
Dr. R. Pliaukšta –
- chairman of Vilnius Society of Otorhinolaryngologists.
Dr. R. Ašoklis –
- board member of Lithuanian Society of Ophthalmologists;
- board member of Vilnius County Ophthalmologists Association;
- member of European Board of Ophthalmology;
- National delegate at European Union of Medical Specialists;
- National delegate at International Council of Ophthalmology.
Dr. A. Cimbalas –
- board member of Lithuanian Society of Ophthalmologists;
- board member of Vilnius County Ophthalmologists Association;
- member of Lithuanian Glaucoma Society;
- international member of American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Dr. S. Galgauskas –
- board member of Vilnius County Ophthalmologists Association;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Ophthalmologists;
- member of Lithuanian Glaucoma Society;
- member of European Association for Vision and Eye Research;
- member of Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.
21/27 M. K. Čiurlionio, LT-03101 Vilnius
Tel.: 239 8720, 239 8719, 239 8718; fax 239 8745
Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Zita Aušrelė Kučinskienė
Professors: Habil. Dr. Z. A. Kučinskienė, Dr. A. J. Abaravičius, Dr. A. Kaminskas.
Associate professors: Dr. L. Bagdonaitė, Dr. R. Budrionienė, Dr. V. Hendrixson, Dr. V. Jablonskienė, Dr. T. Kačergius, Dr. R. Matuzevičienė, Dr. J. Valiūnienė, Dr. D. Vitkus.
Lecturers: Dr. S. Abaravičienė, Dr. D. Karčiauskaitė, Dr. A. Kirkliauskienė, Dr. S. Kiverytė, E. Malyško, A. Mažeikienė (part-time), R. Petraitis (part-time).
Assistants: L. Anusaitė, I. Bikulčienė (part-time), M. Davidonis (part time), Ž. Chomanskis (part-time), V. Makarevič, E. Totmianinienė (part-time), A. Virbalis (part time), V. Žėkas (part-time).
Senior research fellow: Dr. D. Karčiauskaitė.
Research fellows: Dr. S. Abaravičienė, Dr. L. Bagdonaitė, Dr. Ž. Daunonavičius (part time), M. Janeliūnienė (part-time), K. Sinkevič (part-time).
Junior research fellows: I. Bikulčienė (part-time), A. Mažeikienė, E. Malyško, E. Ostanevičiūtė (part-time), A. Virbalis (part-time), V. Žėkas (part-time), M. Bratčikov (part-time).
Doctoral students: A. Mažeikienė, V. Banys.
Research and investigation of ethiopathogenetic mechanisms of atherosclerosis
Research and investigation of new methods in laboratory diagnostics of diseases
Investigation of nutrition and evaluation of new high quality food products with increased biological value to human health
Development of new antimicrobials for control of the medically important bacterial biofilms
Design of new molecular biology techniques for identification of the pathogenic and commensal microorganisms, genotyping, antimicrobial resistance and epidemiology
Projects Supported by University Budget
Investigation of Environmental and Metabolic Factors in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis. Prof. Z. A. Kučinskienė. 2014–2018.
The aim-was to evaluate the etiopathogenetic relationship between different clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis: coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome. Different diagnostic biomarkers in healthy individuals and patients with coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome were investigated, including routine and new parameters: lipids, apoproteins, lipoproteins, adipose tissue and blood fatty acids’ composition and its relation with nutrition, stress, inflammation, immunological, genetic markers, and status of oxidative-antioxidant system. Nutrition of different patient groups and the impact of new high quality food products with increased biological value to human health were evaluated.
Main publications:
Gusev, A., Lee, S. H., Trynka, G., Finucane, H., Vilhjįlmsson, B. J., Xu H., Zang, Ch., Ripke, S., Bulik-Sullivan, B., Stahl, E. (Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, SWE-SCZ Consortium, Kähler AK, Hultman ChM, Purcell SM, McCarroll SA, Daly M, Pasaniuc B, Sullivan PF, Neale BM, Wray NR, Raychaudhuri S, Price AL. [from Lithuania Kučinskas ,V., Kučinskienė, Z.A.) 2014. Partitioning heritability of regulatory and cell-type-specific variants –across 11 common diseases. American Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 95(5), 535–552. (ISI Web of Science).
Kučinskienė. Z. A. 2014. Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium [from Lithuania: Zita Aušrelė Kučinskienė]. Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci. Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science,vol.14, 511(7510), 421–427. (ISI Web of Science.)
Ripke, S., Neale, B.M., O’Donovan, M.C., Kučinskas, V., Kučinskienė, Z.A. 2014. Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci. Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium [from Lithuania: Kučinskas V., Kučinskienė Z.A.]. Nature. London: Nature Publishing Group, vol. 511, 421–427. (ISI Web of Science).
Human Cytomics: Research of Diagnostic, Predictive and Treatment Monitoring Markers and Analysis Methods for Cellular Diseases. Prof. Z. A. Kučinskienė, Assoc. Prof. R. Matuzevičienė. 2014–2018.
The method of flow cytometry for the diagnostics and minimal residual disease detection of haematological disorders was optimized. New methods for leukemic cell phenotyping were introduced.
Main publications:
Braziulienė, D., Matuzevičienė. R. 2014. Šiuolaikinio automatizuoto retikulocitų rodiklių tyrimo reikšmė kasdienėje klinikinėje praktikoje: Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės Santariškių klinikų 2012–2013 metų patirtis. Laboratorinė medicina, vol. 16, 2(62), 81–88.
Fundamental, Clinical and Epidemiological Studies on Pathogenic and Opportunistic Microorganisms Involved in the Pathogenesis of Human Diseases. Assoc. Prof. T. Kačergius, Lect. Dr. A. Kirkliauskienė, Dr. S. Kiverytė, Dr. M. Bratčikov. 2014–2018.
The aims were: 1) to evaluate the effectiness of novel compounds that can be used for the inhibition of streptococci biofilms’ formation in order to prevent oral, respiratory tract, skin and cardiovascular infections; 2) to assess the effectiveness of new molecular biology techniques for the identification, genotyping, determination of antimicrobial resistance markers and epidemiology of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms. Inhibitory effect of antisense oligonucleotides with different chemical modifications on the formation of oral streptococci biofilms were tested and determined. Also, currently the development and optimization of PCR High Resolution Melting technology is in progress for genotyping of ESBLs – CTX-M and SHV groups – of Enterobacteriaceae.
Main publications:
Samalavičius, R., Šerpytis, M., Ringaitienė, D., Gražulytė, D., Bertašiūtė, R., Rimkus, B., Matulionytė, R., Ambrazaitienė, R., Šipylaitė, J., Kačergius, T., Griškevičius, L. 2014. Succesful use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a human immunodeficiency virus infected patient with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. AIDS Research and Therapy, vol. 11, 37. (ISI Web of Science).
National Research Projects
Investigation of Bioactive Substances in Food Matrices and their Influence on Human Health. (Together with the Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology). Principal Investigator – Prof. A. Kaminskas. 2012–2015.
In the last years consumers demand for functional foods that prevent disease and improve health has noticeably increased. The positive effect of such foods on human health depends on the biologically active ingredients. The polyunsaturated omega-fatty acids (PUFA), biologically active dietary fiber (BADF) among them prebiotic dietary fibre (PDF), biologically active milk protein (BAMP), soy protein isolate Ca are the most promising functional ingredients. Some of them are sensitive to environmental factors (light, heat, oxygen et cetera). So, during the technological process the stability and biological activity of these ingredients particularly depends on the composition and the features of the food matrixes, physico-chemical methods applied and storage conditions.
The aim of this project is to select the matrixes for nonalcoholic drinks and drinks from buttermilk and milk whey, investigate and optimize the methods for inserting PFA, BADF, PDF, BAMP, soy protein isolate, Ca into selected drink matrixes, investigate the influence of technological factors (stirring, homogenization, heat-treatment, refrigeration et cetera) on the physico-chemical, microbiological, sensory characteristics and qualitative and quantitative stability of biological active ingredients in the food matrixes in fresh state and during storage. The prototypes of technologies for functional beverages with bioactive ingredients will be developed. The effect of the functional beverages, prepared at the experimental conditions, on the human health will be examined by performing complex clinical studies at the Medical Faculty of VU. Obtained new scientific information will be important for the food science and could be applied in the practice of food enterprises in organizing and production of new safe and competitive in market functional food products with bioactive ingredients.
Partners of the project Genetic Diversity of the Population of Lithuania and Changes of its Genetic Structure Related with Evolution and Common Diseases, acronym LITGEN. Project number: VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-013. Prof. V. Kučinskas. 2011–2015.
The main strategic goals of this project are: to estimate the features of genetic diversity and structure of the Lithuanian population according to DNA markers associated with the most widely used in the investigation of the genetic diversity, structure and ancestry of world populations by applying high-throughput genomic, bioinformatical and biostatistical technologies; to create preconditions for human genome wide scale complex investigations in Lithuania, its phenotypic expression and integration into contemporary international research programmes.
Biotechnology and Biopharmacy: Fundamental and Applied Research (VP-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-005; Dr. S. Kiverytė, Dr. M. Bratčikov. 2012–2015.
The aim of this project is to adjust a multiple-run high-resolution melting assay for the molecular identification of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi), genotyping and markers of antibacterial resistance. Currently, the development and optimization of PCR High Resolution Melting technology is in progress for genotyping of ESBLs – CTX-M group – of Enterobacteriaceae.
Peptide Nucleic Acids Applications for Inhibition Of Streptococci Biofilms (PAISBI) (Eureka: VP1-3.1-ŠMM-06-V-01-003; Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology). Dr. M. Bratčikov, Lect. Dr. A. Kirkliauskienė, Assist. V. Makarevič. 2013–2015.
The aim of the PAISBI project is to develop antisense oligonucleotide technology on the basis of peptide nucleic acids for inhibition of streptococci biofilm formation that can be applied for designing of new antibacterial biopharmaceuticals. The results demonstrate that the antisense oligonucleotides based on peptide nucleic acid chemistry are capable to reduce biofilm formation in oral streptococci. However, their specific effect needs to be found out and confirmed. Currently, the experimental work is in progress.
International Research Projects
Treatment Protocol for Children (1.0 - 17.9 years of age) and Young Adults (18-45 years of age) with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia NOPHO (Nordic Pediatric Hemato-Oncology) group, http://www.nopho.org/welcome/frame.htm. Flow Cytometry Coordinator of the Project in Lithuania: Assoc. Prof. R. Matuzevičienė.
Vilnius University Children’s Hospital, http://www.vaikuligonine.lt/centras.php?cen_id=2,
Organizer of the Project – Nordic Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (NOPHO) (www.nopho.org).Countries involved in the Project: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia. 6-year accrual period.
The Baltic countries and young adult patients are already or will soon be participating according to the protocol. The 24th of October is the date when 225 patients were eligible for analysis. Response to therapy at day 15 and day 29 should be determined by FCM. If divergent FCM and M1/2/3 both should be registered and the patient treated by the results of FCM (or PCR if no FCM result). Leukemia-associated phenotypes (LAP) were found in all except two patients in BCP and in all T-ALL patients with FCM. Compliance for the MRD analysis by PCR was not clear. Two combinations out of 3 were evaluated as informative in 31% and 1of 3 in 13% of patients. Within the analysis of T-ALL patients, all 3/3 standardized comb were used as informative in 44% of patients. Two combinations out of 3 were used as informative in 22% and 1 of 3 in 12% of patients. In 22% patients an extra tailored combination was the only informative combinationThe FCM MRD data were registered in 72% of patients entered into study and the PCR registered MRD was available in 31% at time-point day 29. It is possible that the clinicians received the PCR MRD data for the T-ALL patients in spite of the few PCR registered MRD data on-line according to the clinic reported data.
Main publications:
Vaitkevičienė, G., Matuzevičienė, R., Stoškus, M., Žvirblis, T., Ragelienė, L. 2014. Schmiegelow Kjeld. Cure rates of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Lithuania and the benefit of joining international treatment protocol. Medicina, vol. 50, nr. 1, 28–36.
CHANCE: Low Cost Technologies and Traditional Ingredients for the Production of Affordable, Nutritionally Correct Foods Improving Health in Population Groups at Risk of Poverty. Funded under 7th FWP. Coordinator: prof.Capozzi Francesco, Organisation:ALMA MATER STUDIORUM-UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA; Coordinator of the Project at Vilnius University-Prof. A. J. Abaravičius, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, http://www.chancefood.eu . 2011-2013.
According to 2007 Eurostat statistics, there is a robust need to better understanding the nutritional existing barriers to healthy nutrition of 79 million EU-27 citizens at-risk-of-poverty. CHANCE has 3 major objectives: to identify the most significant European population groups at risk of poverty, to identify consumer barriers to healthful eating develop nutritious food products in the lower price range.
In addition to reporting new knowledge about population groups at risk of poverty and their specific nutrition needs, CHANCE will design new food prototypes with improved nutritional value and decreased production cost.
Main publications:
Nikolić, M., Glibetić, M., Gurinović, M., Milešević, J., Khokhar, S., Chillo, S., Abaravičius, J. A., Bordoni, A., Capozzi, F. 2014. Identifying critical nutrient intake in groups at risk of poverty in Europe: fhe CHANCE project approach. Nutrients, vol. 6, no 4, 1374–1393.
Samoggia, A., Arvola, A., Bertazzoli, A., Gurinovic M., Hendrixson, V., Rivaroli, S., Ruggeri, A. 2014. Offering low-cost healthy food: an exploration of food manufacturers and retailers perspectives. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, vol. 17, Issue 4, http://www.ifama.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageID=3562.
International cooperative project with the Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden: Prophylaxis of Dental Caries Using Antisense Oligonucleotides to the Glucosyltransferase Gene Expression. Prof. A. Ambrozaitis, Assoc. Prof. T. Kačergius, P. Kalesinskas, Prof. D. Ericson (Sweden). 2010–2014.
The aim of this research was to investigate whether phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotides targeting glucosyltransferase mRNAs inhibit the formation of mutans group (Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus) biofilm in the presence or absence of saliva, serum and cationic transfection reagent in vitro condition. It was revealed that the presence of saliva, serum and cationic transfection reagent significantly stimulated the penetration of phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotides into bacterial cells, and inhibited biofilm formation by mutans streptococci on the solid surface (i.e. glass).
Main publications:
Kalesinskas, P., Kačergius, T., Ambrozaitis, A., Pečiulienė, V., Ericson, D. 2014. Reducing dental plaque formation and caries development. A review of current methods and implications for novel pharmaceuticals. Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, vol. 16(2), 44–52.
Kalesinskas, P., Kačergius, T., Ambrozaitis, A., Pečiulienė, V., Jimbo, R., Ericson, D. 2014. Inhibition of dental biofilm formation using antisense oligonucleotide to Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus glucosyltransferases. Laboratorinė medicina, vol. 4(64), p.165-171.
NOPHO (Nordic Pediatric Hemato-Oncology) group, http://www.nopho.org/welcome/frame.htm
Malmö University, Malmö (Sweden)
CHANCE Project group:
arba: http://www.chancefood.eu
Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
Department of Human and Medical Genetics (Lithuania)
Prof. Z. A. Kučinskienė –
- member of the Senate of Vilnius University;
- member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- member of the Science and technology Board of the Ministry of National Defence of Republic of Lithuania;
- Past-President of the Baltic Atherosclerosis Society;
- member of the Board of the Baltic Association of Laboratory Medicine (BALM);
- member of the Registration Commission of the European Communities Confederation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EC4); Member of the Working group on registration at the European Communities Conferedation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine – EC4);
- member of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry (AACC);
- member of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS);
- vice-President of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine, www.llmd.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics;
- editor-in-chief of the journal Laboratorin? medicina (Laboratory Medicine),www.llmd.lt;
- editorial board member of the journals: Acta Medica Lituanica, Medicina, Medicinos teorija ir praktika, Sveikatos mokslai, Seminars in Cardiology.
Prof. A. Abaravičius –
- member of the National Food and Nutrition Scientific Committee at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania;
- member of the National Scientific Committee on Novel Foods at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine, www.llmd.lt.
Prof. A. Kaminskas –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine, www.llmd.lt
- executive editor of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), www.mtp.lt.
Assoc. Prof. L. Bagdonaitė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine, www.llmd.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- member of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS).
Assoc. Prof. V. Jablonskienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Laboratorinė medicina (Laboratory Medicine);
- scientific secretary of the journal Laboratorinė medicina (Laboratory Medicine), www.llmd.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine, www.llmd.lt.
Assoc. Prof. V. Hendrixson –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine, www.llmd.lt.
Assoc. Prof. T. Kačergius –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Medical Microbiologists.
Assoc. Prof. R. Matuzevičienė –
- editorial board member of the journals Laboratorinė medicina (Laboratory Medicine), www.llmd.lt, Gydytojų žinios (Doctors’ News);
- member and board member of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine, www.llmd.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Haematology;
- member of the Lithuaninan Medical Association;
- member of the European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis – ESCCA.
Assoc. Prof. D. Vitkus –
- president of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine;
- National Representative at the IFCC, EFLM and EC4 Registration Commission;
- corresponding member of the Committee of Nomenclature for Properties and Units, Reference Systems of Enzymes, Committee of Traceability in Laboratory Medicine of Scientific Division of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC);
- board member of the Baltic Association of Laboratory Medicine;
- member of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry;
- editorial board member of the journal Laboratorinė medicina (Laboratory Medicine), www.llmd.lt.
Lect. D. Karčiauskaitė –
- member of Lithuanian Laboratory Medicine Society;
- member of European Atherosclerosis Society.
Lect. A. Kirkliauskienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine, www.llmd.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Infectious Diseases, www.lid.lt.
Lect. A. Kiverytė –
- member of European Society of Clinical Virology;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Laboratory medicine.
Assist. V. Banys –
- Treasurer of Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine;
- president of the Board of Vilnius Subsidiary of Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine;
- member of the American Association of Clinical Chemistry;
- member of International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius
Tel. 236 5250, fax 236 5101
Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Kęstutis Strupas
Professors: Habil. Dr. K. Strupas, Dr. V. Beiša, Dr. A. Šileikis, Habil. Dr. J. Valantinas, Habil. Dr. A. Irnius (till September 2014), Dr. G. Brimas.
Associate professors: Dr. E. Poškus, Dr. T. Poškus, Dr. G. Simutis Dr. P. Žeromskas (till September 2014), Dr. V. Sokolovas, Dr. D. Speičienė (till September 2014), Dr. E. Gavelinė, Dr. G. Denapienė, Dr. J. Stanaitis, Dr. A. Stašinskas, Dr. K. Trainavičius, Dr. K. Saniukas.
Lecturers: Dr. V. Jotautas, Dr. S. Mikalauskas, Dr. I. Savlan, D. Kubilius, Dr. L. Mašalaitė, Dr. I. Stundienė, Dr. G. Verkauskas, G. Pošiūnas.
Assistants: P. Gradauskas, B. Buckus, E. Brazdžiūtė.
Research fellows: M. Petrulionis, Dr. V. Liakina.
Doctoral students: A. Karpavičius, A. Rybakovas, A. Buivydienė, A. Mickevičius, B. Buckus, A. Laučytė-Cibulskienė, A. Strumila, G. Benotavičius, N. Staikūnienė, A. Gaižauskas, L. Rimševičius.
Minimally invasive surgery of abdominal organs, development and improvement of new procedures and devices for the performance of minimally invasive procedures, especially of abdominal malignancies
Research of liver and pancreas transplantation techniques (listing and preparing of patients for liver, pancreas, kidney transplantation)
Research of liver and pancreas transplantation techniques
Study of dietary treatment of enteropathies
Prevalence of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in patients with liver cirrhosis of various ethiology
Study of novel treatment possibilities for the bleeding from ulcerst, esophageal and gastric variceals
Contemporary diagnostic analysis of ascite liquid by means of biochemical, microscopical and bacteriological examination
Urological cancer
Kidney stone disease
Urinary incontinence
Kidney transplantation
Primary glomerular diseases
Resistant hypertension
Peritoneal dialysis
Medical kidney transplant management
Projects Supported by University Budget
Investigation Innovative Methods of Minimally Invasive and Reconstructive Surgery in Abdominal Trauma and Surgical Diseases for Children and Adults. Research Efficiency of Transplantation Methods and Anomalies. Prof. K. Strupas. 20014–2018.
Possibilities and results of minimally invasive surgery in patients with recurrent inguinal hernias, spleen, liver, adrenal gland, thyroid glands, pancreas and colorectal pathology were collected and evaluated. Results of the research in 2014 were presented at International Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia 2014, 22th Congress of European Association for Endoscopic surgery and at the Congress of the Association of Lithuanian Surgeons.
The successful organ-tissues transplantations-program in Vilnius University Santariškių Hospital is the best fact to take Vilnius University Hospital as the leader Transplantation Center in the Baltic States (K. Strupas, V. Sokolovas, J. Jurgaitis, M. Paskonis).
Main publications:
Simutis, G., Lengvenis, G., Beiša, V., Strupas, K. 2014. Endoscopic retroperitoneal adrenalectomy for adrenal metastases. Int J Endocrinology2014, 806194, doi: 10.1155/2014/806194.
Beiša, V., Klimovskij, M., Simutis, G., Sileikis, A., Strupas, K. 2014. Two-stage bilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy for large pheochromocytomas. Wideochir Inne Tech Malo Inwazyjne, vol. 9(1), 110–4.
Mikalauskas, S., Račkauskas, R., Zeromskas, P., Strupas, K. 2014. Giant Bauhin valve adenoma and laparoscopically assisted colonoscopic polypectomy. Wideochir Inne Tech Malo Inwazyjne, vol. 9(3), 484-5.
The prospective multicenter study Value of inflammation markers for early assessment of the severity of acute pancreatitis (AP) was continued in 2014.
The aim of this study is to identify the significant laboratory markers, which can be used to predict the course, complications and outcomes of AP. Four hospitals are participating in the study. All of them are working under one protocol, which is approved by the Lithuanian Bioethics Committee. Approximately 90 of AP patients are participating in the study now. About the 60 of them are already tested for adipokines levels. The study is expected to involve 100 patients with AP and 50 patients assigned to the control group.
In collaboration with the Department of General Surgery, University of Heidelberg (Germany) the experimental studies were continued (K. Strupas, D. Kazanavičius, M. Petrulionis) and research article have been published by researchers’ team:
Main publications:
Bruns, H., Petrulionis, M., Schultze, D., A., Saeedi, M., Lin, S., Yamanaka, K., Ambrazevičius, M., Strupas, K., Schemmer, P. 2014. Glycine inhibits angiogenic signaling in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Amino Acids, vol. 46(4), 969–76, doi: 10.1007/s00726-013-1662-2.).
The prospective clinical study BRAFV600E mutation and other molecular markers for diagnosis of thyroid malignancies was continued in 2014.
After the investigation of BRAF v600e, K-RAS, H-RAS, N-RAS molecular mutation prevalence, sensitivity and specificity in the thyroid cancer, we planning to create a new guidelines in diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of thyroid nodules and to reduce the amount of diagnostic thyroid surgery. Expected sample of study is 400 patients.
Pathogenetic Relationships of Chronic Liver Disease with Disorders of Other Abdominal Organs, Improvement of Therapeutic and Surgical Treatment. Prof. J. Valantinas. 2014–2018.
The aim of this year study was to evaluate the computerized inhibitory control test (ICT) as a potential diagnostic tool for diagnosis of cognitive and motor disorders in patients with chronic liver disease.
In our cohort cognitive impairment was diagnosed for 55% of chronic hepatitis and 71% cirrhotic patients. Cognitive disorders correlate with ICT parameters, which reflect ability to concentrate and retain attention in chronic hepatitis group and ICT parameters, which indicate suppression of brain activity in cirrhotic group. But the diagnostic value of ICT parameters for cognitive disturbances is barely satisfactory.
Main publications:
Savlan, I., Liakina, V., Valantinas, J. 2014. Concise review of current concepts on nomenclature and pathophysiology of hepatic encephalopathy. Medicina, vol. 50(2), 75–81.
The Value of Spectroscopy and Molecular Markers in Dioagnosis and Prognosis of Urological Cancer. Prof. F. Jankevičius. 2014–2018.
Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was applied to characterize the extracellular matrix (ECM) of kidney tumor tissue and normal kidney tissue. Freshly resected tissue samples from 31 patients were pressed on a CaF₂ substrate. FT-IR spectra obtained from ECM of tumor tissue exhibit stronger absorption bands in the spectral region from 1000 to 1200 cm⁻¹ and around 1750 cm⁻¹ than those obtained from normal tissue. It is likely that the spectra of ECM of kidney tumor tissue with large increases in the intensities of these bands represent a higher concentration of fatty acids and glycerol. Amide I and amide II bands are stronger in the spectra of ECM from normal tissue, indicating a higher level of proteins. Our results suggest that FT-IR spectroscopy of the ECM is an innovative emerging technology for real-time intraoperative tumor diagnosis, which may improve margin clearance in renal cancer surgery.
Promoter methylation of 7 genes was evaluated by methylation sensitive polymerase chain reaction in 149 prostate cancer tissues, 37 noncancerous prostate tissues and 17 benign prostatic hyperplasia samples. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used for DNA methylation analysis of the urine of 253 patients with prostate cancer and 32 with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
In prostate cancer tissue the most frequently methylated genes were RASSF1, GSTP1 and RARB, which combined were positively identified in 85% of cases. These genes were also methylated in the urine of 60% of patients with prostate cancer. RASSF1 was methylated in 45% of prostate cancer urine samples with methylation intensity significantly higher in prostate cancer than in benign prostatic hyperplasia cases (p= 0.018). In a univariate model RASSF1 methylation and the total number of methylated genes in prostate cancer tissue were predictive of time to biochemical recurrence (p = 0.019 and 0.043, respectively). On multivariate analysis RASSF1 methylation together with pathological stage was the most significant predictor of biochemical recurrence in patients with Gleason score 6 tumors when analyzed in tissue and urine (p ≤0.001).
Our results demonstrated that hypermethylation of RASSF1 in cancerous tissue and urine from patients with prostate cancer correlated with biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. The prognostic potential of this biomarker deserves further investigation.
Main publications:
Urboniene, V., Pucetaite, M., Jankevicius, F., Zelvys, A., Sablinskas, V., Steiner G. 2014. Identification of kidney tumor tissue by infrared spectroscopy of extracellular matrix.J Biomed Opt, vol. 19(8), 087005, doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.19.8.087005.
Daniunaite, K., Jarmalaite, S., Kalinauskaite, N., Petroska, D., Laurinavicius, A., Lazutka, J.R., Jankevicius, F. 2014. Prognostic value of RASSF1 promoter methylation in prostate cancer.J Urol, vol. 192(6), 1849–55, doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2014.06.075. Epub 2014 Jun 26.
National Research Projects
Projects, Programmes, Issues Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania
Research council of Lithuania (grant LIG01/2011): The project Colorectal Cancer: Study of Mortality, Disability and Quality of Life in Lithuania was continued in 2014.
Prospective study of the quality of life of patients after resections for colorectal cancer was studied; the data was submitted to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons meeting in USA in 2015.
Main publications:
Lunevicius, R., Poškus, T., Samalavičius, N.E. 2014. National burden of colorectal cancer in Lithuania and country’s ranking across 45 European nations.Oncology Letters 2014 (accepted, confirmed by the editor).
The research project Identification of Early Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers of Pancreatic Intraductal Adenocarcinoma Using Protein Mass Spectrometry Analysis was continued in 2014.
It focuses on tissue and serum biomarkers detection, suitable for early diagnostics of pancreatic intraductal adenocarcinoma. During the year 2014, around 30 samples of different pancreas tissue specimens have been collected and fresh-frozen stored in the tissue bank. Protein mass spectrometry assay protocol for solid tissue samples has been tested and established.
International Research Projects
Projects Supported by COST (European Concerted Research Action designated as COST Action BM1204) were continued in 2014. An integrated European platform for pancreas cancer research: from basic science to clinical and public health interventions for a rare disease. The main objective of the Action is to capitalise on emerging scientific and technological developments in the field of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Last Annual Conference - Public resources omics data sets - processing omics data analysis to which we have participated - was 24 to 26 November 2014 in Liege, Belgium GIGA.
Family Studies in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. Katherine Siminovitch, Prof. J. Valantinas. 2008–2015.
To further characterize the genetic basis of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), 2426 PBC patients and 5731 unaffected controls from three independent cohorts were genotyped using a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array (Immunochip) enriched for autoimmune disease risk loci. Meta-analysis of the genotype data sets identified a novel disease-associated locus near the TNFSF11 gene at 13q14, provided evidence for association at six additional immune-related loci not previously implicated in PBC and confirmed associations at 19 of 22 established risk loci.
University of Heidelberg (Germany)
Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto (Canada)
Karolinska University, Stockholm (Sweden)
Vibrational spectroscopy group at Faculty of PhysicsVilnius University (Lithuania)
Medical University of Gdansk, Department of Nephrology, Gdańsk (Poland)
Renal Services at Westmead Hospital, Sydney (Australia)
Prof. K. Strupas –
- ex-President of Lithuanian Surgical Oncology Society;
- board member of the European Academy of Surgical Scienses (EAcSS);
- member of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association;
- board member of the Association of Lithuanian Surgeons;
- member of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES);
- editorial board member of the international journal Viszeralmedizin; (http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=JournalHome&ProduktNr=223970);
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), http://www.mtp.lt;
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos chirurgija (Lithuanian Surgery), http://www.chirurgija.lt;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicina (Lithuania, ISI). http://medicina.kmu.lt.
Prof. V. Beiša –
- chairman of Vilnius Association of Surgeons;
- member of the European Society of Endocrine Surgeons (ESES);
- member of the International Society of Surgery (ISS).
Prof. A. Šileikis –
- secretary of Vilnius Association of Surgeons;
- member of the International HepatoPancreato Biliary Association (IHPB);
- member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO);
- memberof Lithuanian Surgical Oncology society;
- memberof the Lithuanian Minimally Invasive Surgery Society.
Prof. J. Valantinas –
- editor of the journal Internistas supplement Gastroenterology;
- editorial board member of the journal World Journal of Gastroenterology;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika;
- member of the International “Pancreas-2000“ scientists group;
- member of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL);
- member of the World Organization of Gastroenterology (OMGE);
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Gastroenterology.
Prof. G. Brimas –
- deputy editor-in-Chief of the journal Lietuvos chirurgija;
- editorial board member of the journal Videosurgery and Miniinvasive Techniques;
- President of the Association of Lithuanian Surgeons;
- President of the Bariatric Surgery Society.
Prof. F. Jankevičius –
- chairman of the Lithuanian Early Prostate Cancer Detection Programme;
- member of th European Association of Urology (EAU);
- corresponding Memebr of Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Urologie;
- member of Lithuanian Urological Association.
Prof. M. Miglinas –
- member of the European Dialysis Transplanatation Association – European Renal Association (EDTA-ERA);
- member of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH);
- member of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN);
- member of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH);
- vise-President of the Lithuanian Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Association (LNDTA);
- chairman of Lithuanian Kidney Foundation;
- President of the Lithuanian Hypertension Society;
- cross of the Knight of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.
Assoc. Prof. G. Simutis –
- chairman of the Lithuanian Minimally Invasive Surgery Society;
- member of Vilnius Association of Surgeons;
- memberof Lithuanian Surgical Oncology Society;
- member of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES).
Assoc. Prof. E. Poškus –
- President of Lithuanian Surgical Oncology Society;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists;
- memberof the Lithuanian Minimally Invasive Surgery Society;
- member of the European Society of Coloproctology;
- member of the International Society of University Colon and Rectal Surgeons;
- member of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES).
Assoc. Prof. T. Poškus –
- vice-president of the Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists;
- memberof Lithuanian Surgical Oncology Society;
- member of Vilnius Association of Surgeons.
Assoc. Prof. V. Sokolovas –
- President Lithuanian Association of Transplantology;
- memberof the Lithuanian Minimally Invasive Surgery Society;
- member of Vilnius Association of Surgeons;
- memberof Lithuanian Surgical Oncology Society;
- member of the Lithuanian Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Society
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Gastroenterology.
Assoc. Prof. E. Gavelienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Gastroenterology;
- member of the European Association of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition.
Assoc. Prof. J. Stanaitis –
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos chirurgija;
- board member of the Association of Lithuanian Surgeons.
Assoc. Prof. A. Stašinskas –
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos chirurgija;
- board number of the Association of Lithuanian Surgeons.
Assoc. Prof. H. Ramonas –
- member of the Lithuanian Urology (LUD) Society;
- member of the European Association of Urology (EAU);
- member of the Lithuanian Society for Sexual Medicine (LSSM).
Assoc. Prof. L. Andreika –
- member of the Lithuanian Urology (LUD) Society;
- member of the Lithuanian Medical Society.
Assoc. Prof. A. Želvys –
- member of the Lithuanian Urology (LUD) Society;
- member of the European Association of Urology (EAU);
- member European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT);
- member of the Lithuanian Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Association (LNDTA);
- member of the Lithuanian Society for Sexual Medicine (LSSM).
Assoc. Prof. A. Černiauskienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Urology (LUD) Society;
- member of the Lithuanian Society for Sexual Medicine (LSSM);
- member of the Minimal Invazive Surgery Society;
- member of Lithuanian Surgical Oncology Society.
Assoc. Prof. K. Saniukas –
- President of the Baltic Spinal Cord Injury Scientific Society;
- President of Lithuanian Scientific Society of Paediatric Orthopaedics and Traumatology.
Assoc. Prof. K. Trainavičius –
- member of the Baltic Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAOPS);
- member of the Council of Lithuanian Society of Pediatric Surgery;
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics), www.idejugrupe.lt.
Dr. V. Liakina –
- member of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL);
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Gastroenterology.
Lect. V. Jotautas –
- member of the Lithuanian Minimally Invasive Surgery Society;
- member of Vilnius Association of Surgeons;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists;
- member of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES).
Lect. S. Mikalauskas –
- board member of the Lithuanian Minimally Invasive Surgery Society;
- member of Vilnius Association of Surgeons;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Coloproctologists;
- member of European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES).
Lect. L. Rimševičius –
- member of the European Dialysis Transplanatation Association – European Renal Association (EDTA-ERA);
- member of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN);
- member of Lithuanian Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association (LNDTA).
1 Birutės, LT-08117 Vilnius
Tel. 272 4657; fax 275 8885
E-mail: ;
Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Arvydas Ambrozaitis
Centre of Infectious Diseases
1 Birutės, LT-08117 Vilnius
Tel. 272 4657; fax 275 8885
E-mail: ; ;
Head– Prof. Habil. Dr. Arvydas Ambrozaitis
Centre of Pulmonology and Allergology
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius
Tel. 250 1871
E-mail: ;
Head – Prof. Dr. Edvardas Danila
Centre of General Thoracic Surgery
2 Santariškių, LT–08661 Vilnius
Tel. 261 1636, fax 261 1636
E-mail: ;
Head – Habil. Dr. Ričardas Janilionis
Centre of Dermatovenereology
2 J. Kairiūkščio, LT-08411 Vilnius
Tel. 272 0385, fax 272 0256
E-mail: ,
Head – Prof. Dr. Matilda Bylaitė-Bučinskienė
Professors: Habil. Dr. A. Ambrozaitis, Habil.Dr. R. Dubakienė, Dr. E.Danila, Dr. M. Bylaitė-Bučinskienė, Dr. K. Žagminas (part-time).
Associate professors: Habil.Dr. R. Janilionis, Dr. L. Jančorienė, Dr. R. Matulionytė, Dr. A. Blažienė, Dr. R. Zablockis, Dr. V. Gruslys.
Lecturers: Dr. D. Radzišauskienė (part-time), Dr. J. Grigaitienė (part-time), Dr. R.Gancevičienė (part-time), Dr. V. Šileikienė (part-time), A. Marcinkutė (part-time), B. Zablockienė (part-time), Dr. J. Grigaitienė (part-time), Dr. R. Gancevičienė (part-time).
Assistants: T. Orlovskytė (part-time), I. Balčiūnienė (part-time), Ž. Jagelavičius (part-time), R. Aleksonienė (part-time), I. Buckutė-Butkevičiūtė (part-time, in maternity leave).
Research fellows: Dr. V. Kvedarienė (part-time), Dr. L. Malinauskienė (part-time), A. Stiklerytė.
Doctoral students: R. Jurčiukonytė, R. Aleksonienė, B. Zablockienė, I. Balčiūnienė.
Pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases: scientific assessment of a current methods used in the diagnostics, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases; search of a new diagnostics, treatment and prevention methods; study of the mechanisms of infectious diseases pathogenesis; study of a safety and efficacy of new vaccines and drugs for the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.
Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of psoriasis and acne: fundamental and clinical research, innovative technologies
Epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of epithelial skin cancers
Evaluation of the efficacy diagnostic and therapeutic methods in obstructive, interstitial, neoplastic and allergic disorders
Strategy and tactics of the surgical management of patients with different thoracic pathology
Projects Supported by University Budget
Pathogenesis, Diagnostics, Treatment and Prevention of Infectious Diseases. Prof. A. Ambrozaitis, Assoc. Prof. L. Jančorienė, Assoc. Prof. R. Matulionytė Prof. K. Žagminas, D. Radzišauskienė, B. Zablockienė, A. Marcinkutė, A. Stiklerytė. 2014–2018.
Clinical Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of Triple Antiviral Treatment with either Telaprevir (TPR) or Boceprevir (BOC) for Naïve and Experienced Chronic Hepatitis C Patients.
Clinical and epidemiological aspects of influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 and post-pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in Lithuania.
The descriptive study of hospitalized patients with laboratory confirmed influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Lithuania was conducted. The most frequent symptoms of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 were fever and dry cough. Shortness was a leading symptom in lethal cases. Patients with comorbidities had a greater risk for pandemic influenza complications than individuals without comorbidities (50% vs. 34,7%). The most frequent complication was bacterial pneumonia (13/69, 18,8%) in the peak group. Primary influenza pneumonia was diagnosed in 15 of 19 patients (78,9%) and secondary bacterial pneumonia in 9 of 18 patients (50%) of those who died.
Lithuania experienced two waves of pandemic influenza during summer and autumn 2009. The most severe period of the pandemic occurred in the second autumn wave. The early 2009 H1N1 pandemic cases and postpandemic cases were milder compared to those at the peak of pandemic a ctivity.
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) in Vilnius region in 2005-2014.
The aim of this retrospective study is is to assess the epidemiologic and clinical aspects of TBE in Vilnius region from 2005 to 2014, including the descriptive analysis of TBE epidemiology and determination of the main clinical features and sequelae of TBE in Vilnius region.
Evaluation of preventive value of suppression in nitric oxide production for the development of influenza-induced pneumonia.
80 BALB/c mice lung samples were analyzed microscopically in a blinded approach using the coded slides. Statistically significant differences were found between the histological changes of influenza virus-infected and treated with zanamivir and/or antisense oligonucleotide to iNOS, compared to placebo treated mice (p<0.05).
Evaluation of Epidemiology and Efficacy of the Diagnostic and Treatment Methods in Lung and Allergic Diseases and Disorders. Prof. E. Danila, prof. R. Dubakienė, Assoc. Prof. Habil. Dr. R.Janilionis, Assoc. Prof. A.Blažienė, Assoc. Prof. R. Zablockis, Assoc. Prof. V. Gruslys, Dr. V. Kvedarienė, Dr. L. Malinauskienė, Dr. V. Šileikienė, R. Aleksonienė, Ž. Jagelavičius. 2014–2018.
Diagnosis and treatment of interstitial lung diseases
The aim of the study is to evaluate the significance of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid examination in sarcoid patients and patients with rare interstitial disorders (eosinophilic pneumonija, hypersensitivity pneumonitis). Clinical symptoms, cell differentials and distribution of lymphocyte subgroups in BALF, chest X-ray, spirometric indices, blood gases are examine.
Assessment of pulmonary function of patients with lung diseases
Comparison of different methods for evaluation of bronchial obstruction. Evaluation of lung ventilation reserve with different methods of lung ventilation reserve evaluation. Evaluation of metabolic changes of patients with COPD. Changes of exercise tolerance of COPD patients after treatment with corticosteroids and respiratory muscle function reduction in patients with COPD are examine.
Main publications:
Bousquet, J., Addis, A., Adcock, I., Kvedarienė, V. et al. 2014. Integrated care pathways for airway diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs). Eur Respir J, vol. 44(2), 304–323.
D –dimer levels in pleural fluid
A significance of pleural fluid D-dimer concentration is to evaluate patients with pleural effusion. The patients with cancer, parapneumonic effusion, tuberculosis, congestive heart failure, pulmmonary embolism, uremia, and nephrotic sindrome are including in the study. Pleural D-dimer levels are comparing with D-dimer concentrations in plasma. Pleural fluid LDH, protein, pH, glucose levels are examine as well.
Evaluation of hypersensitivity reactions to cytostatic drugs in patients with lung cancer
The aim of the study is to evaluate type of adverse reactions to different type of cytostatic drugs in patients with lung cancer. Correlations between adverse reactions and patients’ age, lung cancer stage and histological type are examined.
Differences between self-reported drug hypersensitivity reactions in Lithuanian adults and children
The aim of sudy to assess the prevalence of self-reported DHRs in adults and in children and to analyse the risk factors in both groups. Cross-sectional survey of a population was made. 35 questions about drug allergy symptoms and also about food and pollen allergy, family history were examined. 5370 patients included in the study. 3222 of them were children (1628 females, median age 8.25 [3-14]), and 2148 were adults (1247 females, median age 48 [28-63] years) recruited from both adults and children general practices. Data are in amassment and preliminary analysis.
Allergen immunotherapy: patients selection, efficacy of different methods and treatment results
The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy and adverse reactions in adults with allergic rhinoconjuctivitis with/without asthma. Data were collected using our made questionnaire from 47 patients. 30 patients received SLIT, 17 – SCIT. There was no statistical significant difference between SCIT and SLIT groups in nose itching, sneezing, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, palate and eyes itching and asthma symptoms. Eyes tearing significantly improved in SLIT group after half a year. ASIT is effective and safe treatment.
Strategy and tactics of the surgical management of patients with different thoracic pathology.
The main research was carried out in the surgical management of the patients with pleuropulmonary suppurations. New surgical methods using ultrasound intraoperatively and VATS were elaborated. Tracheobronchial resection and reconstruction (as well as stenting of trachea, main bronchi and esophagus) for malignant and benign stenoses. Treatment of the patients with chest trauma and sequelae. Surgical management of the patients with lung carcinoma and surgical pathology of the mediastinum. Conservative (bougienage, dilation, stenting) and surgical management of patients with tumorous and benign esophageal stenosis. Surgical management of COPD patients.
The value of VAM (videomediastinoscopy) and VATS (videoassisted thoracoscopie surgery) in diagnostics and management of the patients at the Department of General Thoracic Surgery. The project started in 2008.
Main publications:
Jagelavičius, Ž., Jovaišas, V., Kybartas, A., Žilinskas, A., Lukoševičiūtė, L., Janilionis, R., Samalavičius, N. E. 2014. Successful video-assisted thoracic surgery for pleural empyema. Lithuanian Surgery, vol. 13(3), 168–176.
Janilionis, R., Falcoz, P. E., Jovaišas, V., Jagelavičius, Ž. 2014. Titanium implants in the management of chest instability; first experience in Lithuania. Health Sciences, vol. 24, nr. 2, 30–34.
Lengvenis, G., Janilionis, R., Žurauskas, E., Dementavičienė, J. 2014. Intralobar pulmonary sequestration: 15 year data of single centre series. Health Sciences, vol. 24, nr.3, 38–43.
Diagnostic and Treatment Peculiarities of Epithelial Skin Tumours.
Prof. Dr. M. Bylaitė-Bučinskienė , R. Jurčiukonytė.
The aim of the study is to assess the ethology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of basal cell carcinoma: fundamental and clinical research, innovative technologies. A paper was published on epidemiology of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in Lithuania for the period 1996-2010 by analyzing population-based incidence, with special emphasis on sex- and subsite-specific changes over time. Different morphological forms of BCC are selected for the pathological and IHC evaluation.
International Science Programmes and Projects
Genetic Study of Psoriasis with Onset in Childhood. Prof. M. Bylaitė-Bučinskienė , I. Šaferienė, Prof. M. Stahle (Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden). 2013–2018.
The aim of the study is to investigate specific biomarkers of patients with onset of childhood psoriasis (<15 years): to establish a cohort of patients with onset of childhood psoriasis (<15 years) for careful clinical examination and epidemiological survey; to build a bio bank that will serve for genetic and biological studies; to analyze differences between adult onset and children onset of psoriasis at clinical, immunological and genetic levels; to establish a collaborative relationship with Dermatology and Venereology Unit, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institute Stockholm, Sweden. The prospective cohort study will be managed by the Center of Dermatovenereology in cooperation with Professor Mona Stahle and her research group at Karolinska Institute Department of Medicine Solna, Dermatology and Venereology Unit, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness against Influenza in 2012-2013: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study in Lithuania. G. Gefenaitė-Bakker (University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands), Prof. A. Ambrozaitis, L. Jancoriene, prof. K. Zagminas (Vilnius University, Lithuania), Assoc. Prof.. A. Mickienė, Assoc. Prof. D. Vėlyvytė (Lithuanian Health Sciences University, Kaunas, Lithuania). 2012–2014.
The main aim was to conduct a case-control study in two university hospitals of Lithuania to assess the seasonal vaccine effectiveness in preventing influenza related hospitalizations. Sesonal influenza vaccination in 2012-2013 was associated with reduced occurrence of laboratory-confirmed influenza, but due to low sample size the estimate of SIVE is impricise. Given high prevalence of influenza in hospitalized ILI cases and low influenza vaccination coverage, there is a need to increase influenza vaccination rates.
Main publications:
Gefenaite, G., Rahamat-Langendoen, J., Ambrozaitis, A., Mickiene, A., Jancoriene, L., Kuliese, M., Velyvyte, D., Niesters, H., Stolk, R.P., Zagminas, K., Hak, E. 2014. Effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine in hospitalized adults in Lithuania. Vaccine, vol. 32(7), 857–63.
Contractual Research
A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Withdrawal Extension Study of Subcutaneous Secukinumab in Prefilled Syringes to Demonstrate Long-Term Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability up o 2 Years in Subjects with Moderate to Severe Chronic Plaque-Type Psoriasis Completing Preceding Psoriasis Phase III Studies With Secukinumab. Prof. M. Bylaitė-Bučinskienė. 2012–2015.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of a novel drug secucinumab in patients with severe chronic plaque psoriasis. Two patients with chronic plaque psoriasis were involved.
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel Group Phase III Multi-Center Trial to Compare Twice Daily Topical Application of M518101, Daivonex® and Vehicle in Patients with Plaque Psoriasis. Prof. M. Bylaitė-Bučinskienė. 2013–2015.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of a novel topicalaplication of M518101, compared to Daivonex® and vehicle in patients with plaque psoriasis. The study is finished, 8 patients were enrolled, two patients were dismissed.
University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen (the Netherlands)
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (USA)
Immunology Research Institute of New England (USA)
University of Strasbourg (France)
Ludwig – Maximilians University, Munich (Germany)
Prof. A. Ambrozaitis –
- chairman of the Lithuanian Society of Infectious Diseases, www.lid.lt;
- country representative and member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID), www.escmid.org;
- member of the International Society of Infectious Diseases, www.isid.org;
- member of the European Association of the Study of the Liver, www.easl.ch;
- national representative and board member of the Infectious Diseases Section of European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), www.uems.net;
- board member of the Baltic Immunoprophylaxis Association, www.baltipa.lt
- editorial board member of the journal Laboratorinė medicina (Laboratory Medicine), www.llmd.ip.lt;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), www.mtp.lt;
- editorial board member of the journal Sveikatos mokslai (Health Sciences), www.sam.lt/lt/sam/moksliniai/straipsniai/;
- editorial board member of the journal Internistas (Internist), www.medpraktika.lt;
- editorial council member of the journal Acta medica Lituanica, www.lmaleidykla.lt;
- member of Allergology Commission of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, www.lma.lt.
Assoc. Prof. R. Matulionytė –
- chair of the Vilnius Society of Infectious Diseases, www.lid.lt;
- board member of the Lithuanian Society of Infectious Diseases, www.lid.lt;
- member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, www.escmid.org;
- member of the European AIDS Clinical Society, www.eacs.ws;
- member of the Scientific and Programme Committee of the 14th European AIDS Conference; Brussels, October 16-19, 2013.
Assoc. Prof. L. Jančorienė –
- member of the European Association of the Study of the Liver, www.easl.ch;
- member of the International Society of Travel Medicine, www.istm.org;
- board member of the Lithuanian Society of Infectious Diseases, www.lid.lt;
- board member of the Baltic Immunoprophylaxis Association, www.baltipa.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Gastroenterology, www.santa.lt/gastro.
B. Zablockienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Infectious Diseases, www.lid.lt;
- member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, www.escmid.org;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Pulmonologists, http://www.chest.lt/.
A. Stiklerytė –
- member of the European Society of Clinical Virology, www.escv.org;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Infectious Diseases, www.lid.lt.
Prof. E. Danila –
- member of European Respiratory Society (ERS), http://www.ersnet.org/;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Pulmonologists, http://www.chest.lt/;
- editorial board member of the journal Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija(Children’s Pulmonology and Allergology), http://www.pulmonologija.lt/informacija.htm.
Prof. R. Dubakienė –
- member of European Commission Scientific Committee on Consumer products, http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_risk/committees/04_sccp/04_sccp_en.htm;
- expert member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, http://lma.lt/index.php?lang=lt;
- chairman of Allergology Commission of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, http://lma.lt/index.php?lang=lt;
- expert of Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation, http://www.vsf.lt/;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Alergologija ir klinikinė imunologija (Allergology and Clinical Immunology);
- editor-in-Chief of the on-line journal Alergologija ir klinikinė imunologija(Allergology and Clinical Immunology);
- editorial board member of the journal Acta Medica Lithuania, http://www.lmaleidykla.lt/ojs/index.php/actamedicalituanica;
- editorial board member of the journal Revue of Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), http://www.mtp.lt/;
- editorial board member of the journal Immunopathologia;
- member of the Lithuanian Immunology Society, www.imcentras.lt/lid/;
- member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, http://www.eaaci.org/;
- vice-chairman of the Immunology Institute Council of Vilnius University;
- head of internet website Alergija, astma, imunologija (Allergy, Asthma, Immunology), http://www.aai.lt.
Assoc. Prof. A. Blažienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), http://www.mtp.lt/;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Alergija, astma, imunologija (Allergy Asthma Immunology);
- member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS), http://www.ersnet.org/;
- member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, http://www.eaaci.org/;
- member of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, http://www.aaaai.org/home.aspx;
- member of American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, http://www.acaai.org/Pages/default.aspx;
- member of European Society of Immunodeficiencies, http://www.esid.org/;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Immunology, www.imcentras.lt/lid/;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Pulmonologists, http://www.chest.lt/.
Dr. R. Zablockis –
- chairman of Lithuanian Society of Pulmonologists, http://www.chest.lt/;
- member of European Respiratory Society (ERS), http://www.ersnet.org/;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Pulmonology News, http://www.chest.lt;/
- editorial board member of the journal Pulmonology and Allergology, http://www.pulmoalerg.lt/.
Dr. L. Malinauskienė –
- member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, http://www.eaaci.org/;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, http://www.aai.mf.vu.lt/alerimun/draugija.htm;
- member of European Society for Pigment Research, http://www.espcr.org/;
- Head of the Vilnius Regional Committee for Bioethical Research, http://www.mf.vu.lt/lt/content/vilniaus-regioninio-biomedicininiu-tyrimu-etikos-komiteto-informacija.
Dr. V. Šileikienė –
- member of European Respiratory Society (ERS), http://www.ersnet.org/;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Pulmonologists, http://www.chest.lt/;
- Head of referential Center of Interstitial Lung Diseases of Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu klinikos, http://www.santa.lt/.
Dr. V. Kvedarienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Pulmonologija, imunologija ir alergologija(Pulmonology, Immunology and Allergolgy);
- vice-chairman of rewever board of the journal Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija(Children’s Pulmonology and Allergology),http://www.pulmonologija.lt/informacija.htm;
- member of Allergology Commission of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, http://lma.lt/index.php?lang=lt;
- member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, http://www.eaaci.org/;
- member of UCB Institute of Allergy, http://www.theucbinstituteofallergy.com/Home;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, http://www.aai.mf.vu.lt/alerimun/draugija.htm;
- member of Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA), http://www.whiar.org/
- member of European Network on Drug Allergy (ENDA);
- member of Integrated Care Pathways for Airways Diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs), http://macvia.cr-languedocroussillon.fr/index.php/en/whoarewe;
- medical advisor of Lithuania Asthma Patient Association, http://www.chest.lt/lietuvos-astmos-klubu-asociacija.
R. Aleksonienė –
- member of European Respiratory Society (ERS), http://www.ersnet.org/;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Pulmonologists, http://www.chest.lt/.
Habil. Dr. R. Janilionis -
- board member of the Lithuanian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, www.lkscd.lt
- member of European Respiratory Society (ERS) www.ersnet.org;
- Member of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, www.eacts.org., CTSNet<>;
- editional broard member of the journal Medicina, www.medicina.kmu.lt;
- editional broad member of the journal Lithuanian Surgery, http://www.chirurgija.lt.
Assoc. Prof. V. Gruslys –
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons, www.lkscd.lt;
- member of European Respiratory Society (ERS), www.ersnet.org;
- board member of Lithuanian Society of Minimal Invasive Surgery, http://www.mic.lt;
- member of Lithuanian Respiratory Society, http://www.chest.lt.
Ž. Jagelavičius –
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons, www.lkscd.lt;
- member of European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS), www.ests.org;
- member of European Respiratory Society (ERS), www.ersnet.org.
Prof. M. Bylaitė -Bučinskienė –
- President of the Lithuanian Society of Dermatovenereology, www.ldvd.lt;
- board member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, www.eadv.org;
- board member of the European Association of Dermatooncology, www.eado.org;
- board member of the Baltic association of Dermatovenereologists, http://www.conferencelithuania.eu;
- national representative and board member of the Dermato-Venereology Section of European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS), www.uems.net;
- member of the European Dermatology Forum, www.euroderm.org;
- member of the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), www.espd.com;
- member of the International Society of Dermatology, www.intsocderm.org;
- board member of the Euro-Asian Association of Dermatovenerologists, www.eaad.com;
- editorial board of the Journal of Health Sciences, http://jhs.pharm.or.jp/.
J. Grigaitienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Dermatovenereology, www.ldvd.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, http://www.eaaci.org/;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Lasers, http://www.lazerineklinika.lt/en/;
- member of the Baltic Society of Dermatovenereology, http://www.eadv.org/.
I. Balčiūnienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Dermatovenereology, www.ldvd.lt;
- member of the Baltic Society of Dermatovenereology, http://www.eadv.org/.
R. Gancevičienė –
- board member of the Lithuanian Society of Dermatovenereology, www.ldvd.lt;
- member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, www.eadv.org;
- member of the Baltic Society of Dermatovenereology, http://www.eadv.org/;
- member of the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists, http://www.ifscc.org/.
T. Orlovskytė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Dermatovenereology, www.ldvd.lt;
- member of the Baltic Society of Dermatovenereology, http://www.eadv.org/.
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius
Tel. 236 5220, fax. 236 5220
Head – Prof. Dr. Valmantas Budrys
Professors: Dr. V. Budrys, Dr. D. Jatužis, Dr. G. Kaubrys.
Associate professors: Dr. S. Ročka, Dr. K. Laurikėnas.
Lecturers: Dr. K. Ryliškienė, Dr. R. Kvaščevičius, R. Kaladytė-Lokominienė, G. Terbetas.
Senior research fellows: Habil. Dr. V. Gaigalaitė.
Research fellows: Dr. R. Mameniškienė, Dr. J. Valaikienė.
Junior research fellows: I. Sereikė, R. Kizlaitienė, A. Klimašauskienė, A.Preikšaitis, Ž. Chomanskis.
Doctoral students: A. Vilionskis, N. Giedraitienė, I. Sereikė, D. Valadkevičienė.
Cognitive disorders in degenerative, cerebrovascular, demyelinating diseases and epilepsy
Assessment and practical application of new diagnostic and treatment methods in cerebrovascular, demyelinating, degenerative diseases, epilepsy and migraine
Neurology in history and art
Center of Neurology
Clinical and cognitive characteristics of different neurological disorders
Assessment and practical application of new diagnostic and treatment methods in cerebrovascular, demyelinating, degenerative diseases, epilepsy and migraine Evaluation of neurophysiological and clinical peculiarities of patients with critical illness
Description of artworks related to neurology and artists with neurological disorders
Center of Neuroangiosurgery
New methods of endovascular treatment of cerebrovascular disorders
Epidemiology and prognostic factors, as well as clinical evaluation of new monitoring devices
New modalities in minimally invasive degenerative spinal diseases management Epidemiological studies and evaluation of new strategies of surgical treatment
Projects Supported by University Budget
Cognitive Disorders in Neurological Diseases. Assessment and Practical Application of New Diagnostic and Treatment Methods in Neurology Neurology in History and Art. Prof. V. Budrys. 2014–2018.
Centre of Neurology continued clinical research focussed on clinical and cognitive characteristics of different neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy); assessment and practical application of new diagnostic and treatment methods in cerebrovascular, demyelinating, degenerative diseases, epilepsy and migraine; evaluation of neurophysiological and clinical peculiarities of patients with critical illness; description of artworks related to neurology and artists with neurological disorders.
Main publications:
Laucevičius, A., Rinkūnienė, E., Skujaitė, A., Petrulionienė, Z., Puronaitė, R., Dženkevičiūtė, V., Kasiulevičius, V., Jatužis, D., Ryliškytė, L., Slapikas, R. 2014. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in Lithuanian middle-aged subjects participating in the primary prevention program, analysis of the period 2009-2012. Blood Press, vol. 30, 1–7.
Karlinski, M., Kobayashi, A., Czlonkowska, A., Mikulik, R., Vaclavik, D., Brozman, M., Svigelj, V., Csiba, L., Fekete, K., Kõrv, J., Demarin, V., Vilionskis, A., Jatuzis, D., Krespi, Y., Ahmed, N., Wahlgren, N. 2014. Role of preexisting disability in patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis for ischemic stroke. SITS Publications, vol. 45(3), 770–5.
Rotomskis, R., Margevičiūtė, A., Germanavičius, G., Kaubrys, K., Petraškaitė, A., Bagdonas. 2014. Validation Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-Revised for the differential diagnostics of Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease in the Lithuanian-speaking population A. Neurologijos seminarai 2014, vol. 18(62), 262–266.
Diagnostic Evaluation and Treatment of Cerebrovascular Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injuries Degenerative Spinal Diseases and Cerebral Neoplasms. Assoc. Prof. S. Ročka 2011–2016.
Centre of Neuroangiosurgery is establishing new methods of endovascular treatment of cerebrovascular disorders. Research in traumatic brain injury is concentrated to epidemiology and prognostic factors, as well as clinical evaluation of new monitoring devices. New modalities in minimally invasive degenerative spinal diseases management are being evaluated. Research in cerebral neoplasms is based on epidemiological studies and evaluation of new strategies of surgical treatment.
Main publications:
Petkus, V., Preiksaitis, A., Krakauskaite, S., Chomskis, R., Kalasauskiene, A., Kalvaitis, E., Ragauskas, A. 2014. Novel method and device for fully non-invasive verebrovascular autoregulation monitoring. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika, vol. 20(8), 24–29.
International Programmes, Projects and Contracts
SITS (Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke)
SITS is an academic-driven, non-profit, international collaboration with a base at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. It is an initiative by the medical profession to accelerate clinical trials and to certify excellence in acute and secondary prevention stroke treatment. The SITS Network includes a broad range of hospitals. SITS centres are therefore representative of normal stroke care facilities, i.e. not only expert centres or very advanced centres. SITS has engaged leading stroke scientists as National Coordinators in each participating country.
SITS-EAST started as a study of implementation of evidence-based stroke therapy supported by the SITS International Registry. The study was initiated in autumn 2007 with the support of European Grant. It is now an ongoing registry for the documentation and immediate statistical evaluation of stroke management in Eastern Europe.
The EuroHYP-1 trial is a pan-European, open, randomised, phase III clinical trial which will assess the benefit of therapeutic cooling in adult patients with acute ischaemic stroke. In addition to efficacy and safety, the economic impact of therapeutic hypothermia will be also evaluated. The EuroHYP consortium brings together leading European experts in statistical design and analysis, therapeutic hypothermia, imaging, health economics, ultrasound, biomarkers, and trial execution (implementation and monitoring) as well as European patient and family advocacy groups and Small and Medium-size Enterprises.
The Standardised Computer-based Organised Reporting of EEG (SCORE)
The aim of the project was to create a computer-based system for EEG assessment and reporting. The faculty was approved by the Commission on European Affairs of the ILAE. The working group produced a consensus proposal that went through a pan-European review process, organized by the European Chapter of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. SCORE software was constructed based on the terms and features of the consensus statement and it was tested in the clinical practice.
Current Status of Epilepsy Health Care for Adult Patients from Central and Eastern European Union Countries
The aim of this survey was to review and compare the current approaches to epilepsy management in central and eastern EU countries. Experts from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia participated in the project, focused on the epilepsy treatment of adults. We concluded that the lack of unified procedures pertaining to the evaluation and therapy of epilepsy is reflected by marked differences in access to treatment modalities for patients from CEEU countries.
Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm (Sweden)
Dianalund Epilepsy Centre (Denmark)
Prof. V. Budrys –
- President of the Lithuanian Neurological Association;
- delegate of Lithuania for the World Federation of Neurology (WFN), www.wfneurology.org;
- delegate of Lithuania for the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), www.ean.org;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Neurologijos seminarai (Seminars in Neurology), http://www.neuroseminarai.lt/en/editorial-board/;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicina (Medicine);
- chief neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania for Vilnius region;
- consultant neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.
Prof. D. Jatužis –
- President of the Lithuanian Stroke Association;
- secretary of the Lithuanian Neurological Association;
- educational co-ordinator of World Federation of Neurology (WFN) for Lithuania;
- editorial board member of the journal Neurologijos seminarai (Seminars in Neurology), http://www.neuroseminarai.lt/en/editorial-board/;
- member of ESO (European Stroke Organisation) Trials Network Committee,
http://www.eso-stroke.org/eso_committee.php?cid=20&sid=2; - National Coordinator in SITS (Safe Implementation of Treatments in Stroke) and member of SITS-EAST, https://sitsinternational.org/, https://sitsinternational.org/sits-projects/sits-east;
- Lead Investigator in EuroHYP-1 trial, http://www.eurohyp1.eu/joint-research-project/consortium/vilnius-university-hospital-santarikiu-klinikos/.
Prof. G. Kaubrys –
- vice-president of the Lithuanian Neurological Association;
- member of the Council of the Lithuanian Pain Society;
- executive editor of the journal Neurologijos seminarai (Seminars in Neurology).
Assoc. Prof. S. Ročka –
- member of Lithuanian Neurosurgical Society;
- President of Baltic Neurosurgical Association;
- member of Brain IT group;
- member of European association of Neurosurgical societies;
- member of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies;
- member of Lithuanian Neuroscience association.
Assoc. Prof. K. Laurikėnas –
- editorial board member of the journal Chirurgija (Surgery);
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Vascular Surgery.
Dr. R. Kvaščevičius –
- member of Lithuanian Neurosurgical Society;
- member of Baltic Neurosurgical Association;
- member of European Association of Neurosurgical Societies;
- member of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies;
- member of Lithuanian society of vertebrology.
Lect. R. Kaladytė-Lokominienė –
- member of Cochrane Neurological Network.
Lect. K. Ryliškienė –
- head of Neurology Panel of Students Research Society of Vilnius University Medical Faculty.
115 Žalgirio, LT-08217 Vilnius
Tel. 272 7589, fax 272 8569
Head - prof. Dr. Vytautė Pečiulienė
Professors: Dr. A. Pūrienė.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Manelienė, Dr. L. Zaleckas (part-time), Dr. V. Rutkūnas, Dr. E. Miliūnienė, Dr. S. Drukteinis, Dr. V. Brukiene, Dr. L. Linkevičienė, Dr. T. Linkevičius, Dr. R. Bendinskaitė.
Lecturers: Dr. D. Ivanauskaitė (part-time).
Assistants: Dr. J. Rimkuvienė, Dr. K. Sveikata (part-time), V. Almonaitis (part-time), G. Grigaitė (part-time), R. Pletkus (part-time), A. Rimkevičius (part-time), J. Žekonienė (part-time), R. Trumpaitė-Vanagienė (part-time), M. Baseckas (part-time), R. Rasteniene (part-time), P. Kalesinskas (part-time), V. Zaleckiene (part-time), Janavičiene (part-time).
Doctoral students: P. Kalesinskas, V. Janulytė.
Oral health and treatment needs of patients with haemophilia A and B in Lithuania
Long term ortodontic treatment results, stability, complications, patients self-evaluation
Influence of resorcinol-formaldehyde resin on root dentin properties. Study in vitro
Management of traumatic dental injuries: a survey of Lithuanian dentists
Prevalence of traumatic injuries to the permanent front teeth among 6th grade Lithuanian schoolchildren in Vilnius city
Specialities of medical services and management of patients with odontogenic maxillofacial infections in Lithuania
Lichen planus patients with clinical indicators and their relations with the social and lifestyle risk factors and subjective assessment of life quality
The supply and requirement for dentists and dental specialists in Lithuania. Planning projections
The quality of life of the retirement-age dentists in Lithuania
Complications around dental implants
Long term ortodontic treatment results, stability, complications, patients self evaluation
Traditional and digital implant impression techniques. Evaluation and comparison of accuracy
Biocompatibility of prosthetic materials in implant prosthodontics
CAD/CAM and other digital technologies to improve treatment protocols in prosthodontics
Prospective randomised long term three centre study of the Baltic Cleft Network (Rostock, Germany; Ryga, Latvia and Vilnius, Lithuania)
Influence of the surgical technigues and orthodontical treatment on facial growth of cleft patient
Prevention of dental caries using antisense oligonucleotides to glucosyltransferases of Mutans Group Streptococci
Prevalence and etiology of facial bone fractures in Lithuania
Theory based oral hygiene education in adolescents
Salivary factors and caries in family members
Projects Supported by University Budget
Evaluation of Prevalence, Treatment Methods Modalities, Rehabilitation and Prevention of Patients with Congenital and Acquired Diseases of Stomatognatic System. Prof. Dr. V. Pečiulienė. 2014–2018.
The aim of the project is to evaluate: the prevalence of congenital and acquired stomatognatic system diseases and to select the most effective methods of treatment and prevention, attitude of patients and dentists towards the quality of dental treatment procedures, dental health behaviour modification in adolescents, and the dental fear. This project overwhelms different scientific fields which are devoted to different topics in odontology.
Main publications:
Zaliuniene, R., Aleksejuniene, J., Peciuliene, V., Brukiene, V. 2014. Dental health and disease in patients with haemophilia--a case-control study. Haemophilia, vol. 20 (3), e194–8.
Linkevicius, T., Puisys, A., Steigmann, M., Vindasiute, E., Linkeviciene, L. 2014. Influence of vertical soft tissue thickness on crestal bone changes around implants with platform switching: a comparative clinical study.Clin Implant Dent Relat Res, vol. 25(4), 417–425, doi: 10.1111/cid.12222.
Baltriukienė, D., Sabaliauskas, V., Balčiūnas, E., Melninkaitis, A., Liutkevičius, E., Bukelskienė, V., Rutkūnas, V. 2014. The effect of laser-treated titanium surface on human gingival fibroblast behavior. J Biomed Mater Res A, vol. 102(3), 713–20.
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
Vancouver University (Canada)
Institute of Biotechnology Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Prof. V. Pečiulienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Stomatologija (Dentistry); Euroepan Journal of General Dentistry;
- organizing committee member of the international conference 26th ESDE Annual Meeting 2014;
- organizing committee member of the international conference ENDOBALTIC 2014, www.endodontologija.lt.
Prof. A. Pūrienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Stomatologija (Dentistry); Dental and Medical Problems; Quintessence International Lietuva;
- president of the international conference 26th ESDE Annual Meeting 2014.
Assoc. Prof. V. Rutkūnas –
- editorial board member of the journal Stomatologija (Dentistry); Quintessence International Lietuva;
- organizing committee member of the international conference ENDOBALTIC 2014, www.endodontologija.lt;
- president of organizing committee of the national conference Clinical Aspects of Teeth and Implant Prosthodontics, www.oosk.lt.
Assoc. Prof. V. Brukienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Stomatologija (Dentistry); Quintessence International Lietuva;
- organizing committee member of the international conference ENDOBALTIC 2014, www.endodontologija.lt.
J. Rimkuvienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Stomatologija (Dentistry);
- organizing committee member of the international conference ENDOBALTIC 2014, www.endodontologija.lt.
Assoc. Prof. S. Drukteinis –
- editorial board member of the journal Quintessence International Lietuva;
- organizing committee president of the international conference ENDOBALTIC 2014,www.endodontologija.lt.
Lect. L. Linkevičienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Quintessence International Lietuva.
Lect. R. Bendinskaitė –
- editorial board member of the journal Quintessence International Lietuva.
J. Žekonienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Quintessence International Lietuva.
21 M. K. Čiurlionio, LT-03101 Vilnius
Tel. 239 8727
E-mails: ;
Head – Prof. Dr. Virginija Grabauskienė
Laboratory of Biologically Active Materials
29 a Geležinio Vilko, Vilnius
Tel 239 8992
Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Rūta Dubakienė
Professors: Dr. A. Laurinavičius, Habil. Dr. V. Basys, Habil. Dr. R. Dubakienė, Dr. V. Grabauskienė, Dr. D. Characiejus.
Associate professors: Dr. N. Janulevičiūtė, Dr. A. Jasulaitis, Dr. D. Vaitkienė. Dr. J. Gulbinovič, Dr. A. Laurinavičienė, Dr. A. Barakauskienė, Dr. E. Žurauskas, Dr. J. Kasnauskienė.
Lecturers: Dr. M. Balčiūnas, Dr. K. Ivanauskas.
Assistants: U. Mickys, D. Petroška, V. Baltrūnienė, T. Baltrūnas, D. Daunoravičius, D. Dasevičius, A. Drąsutienė, M. Klimovskij, R. Dzetaveckienė, R. Katkus, S. Budrikienė, A. Gintautas, I. Baltrušaitytė, I. Lisauskienė, J. Stasiūnienė, K. Garuolienė, A. Šimbelyte, J. Drachneris, R. Stulpinas.
Research fellows: Dr. D. Bironaitė (part-time).
Doctoral students: D. Daunoravičius, S. Laima, I.Lisauskienė , V.Rutkauskaitė, I. Baltrušaitytė, S. Mažeikienė, J. Besusparis.
Development of the new diagnostic and prognostic molecular markers and tools for their quantification in the tissues
Diagnostic value of pathology tests and efficiency of cancer prevention programs
Development of the predictive, preventive, personilize and prognostic biomarkers of the diseases
The molecular mechanisms of the allergic diseases formation among Lithuanian population, development of new diagnostic and treatment strategies
Genesis and gnoseology of violence
Utilization of cardiovascular medications and impact on changes in cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in Lithuania
Projects Supported by University Budget
Development of the New Diagnostic and Prognostic Molecular Markers for Major Disease. Diagnostic Value and Clinico-Pathologic Correlations of the Pathological Tests. Prof. A. Laurinavičius. 2014–2018.
The selected new molecular biomarkers of major disease can help more precisely predict the course of the disease and allow the use of the most appropriate treatment, thereby reducing the number of unnecessary radical interventions and improving patients' quality of life. Identification and validation of such biomarkers will allow expanding range of non-invasive disease prognosis methods. The integration of mathematical theories to the domain of human pathology diagnosis in terms of methodology, quantitative analysis, and added value of newly developed tissue heterogeneity metrics.
Main publications:
Daunoravičius, D., Besusparis, J., Žurauskas, E., Laurinavičienė, A., Bironaitė, D., Pankuweit, S., Plancoulaine, B., Herlin, P., Bogomolovas, J., Grabauskienė, V., Laurinavičius, A. 2014. Quantification of myocardial fibrosis by digital image analysis and interactive stereology. Diagnostic Pathology, vol. 9. Art. no. 114 (10 p.), http://www.diagnosticpathology.org/content/9/1/114 .
Juškevičius, D., Dietsche, T., Lorber, T., Rufle, A., Ruiz, C., Mickys, U., Krasnigi, F., Dirnhofer, S., Tzankov, A. 2014. Extracavitary primary effusion lymphoma: clinical, morphological, phenotypic and cytogenetic characterization using nuclei enrichment technique. Histopathology, vol. 65, iss. 5, 693–706, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/enhanced/doi/10.1111/his.12478/.
Janavičius, R., Rudaitis, V., Mickys, U., Elsakov, P., Griškevičius, L., Böhling, T., Husgafvel-Pursiainen, K. 2014. Comprehensive BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutational profile in Lithuania. Cancer Genetics, vol. 207, iss. 5, 195–205, www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221077621400088X.
Development of the Predictive, Preventive, Personilize and Prognostic Biomarkers of the Diseases. Prof. V. Grabauskienė, Prof. D. Characiejus, 2014–2018.
The use of the new biomarkers has evolved in a better identification of the aetiology and pathophysiology of the disease and development of novel treatment strategies. We are searching new immunohistochemical and molecular biology biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and disease progression of dilated cardiomyopkathy and for patient selection for novel aetiology-directed treatment strategies. Also we investigate the prognostic and predictive biomarkers in cancer patients with special attention on T lymphocytes which are most important payers of the control of neoplastic disease.
Main publications:
Sūdžius, G., Mieliauskaitė, D., Šiaurys, A., Vilienė, R., Butrimienė, I., Characiejus, D., Dumalakienė, I. 2014. Could the complement component C4 or its fragment C4d be a marker of the more severe conditions in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome? Rheumatology International, vol. 34, iss. 2, 235–241.
Jacobs, J.J.L., Snackey, C., Geldof, A.A., Characiejus, D., van Moorselaar, R.J.A., den Otter, W. 2014. Inefficacy of therapeutic cancer vaccines and proposed improvements. Casus of prostate cancer. Anticancer research, vol. 34, no. 6, 2689–2700, http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/34/6/2689.full.
Ručinskas, K., Čibiras, S.V., Žurauskas, E., Jakubauskas, A., Daunoravičius, D., Žąsytytė, I., Maneikienė, V., Čelutkienė, J., Griškevičius, L., Grabauskienė, V. 2014. Non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: biopsy proved markers of disease sub-entities. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, vol. 33, iss. 4, S272, http://www.jhltonline.org/article/S1053-2498%2814%2900737-2/fulltext.
Genesis and Gnoseology of Violence. Assoc. Prof. A. Jasulaitis. 2014–2018.
Comparative analysis of 1422 cases of violence of children against children was carried out, with particular emphasis on distribution causes and consequences. Most children suffer from different types of violence, while the most common type of violence is physical violence. A trend towards decrease of violence against children was determined. However, it has to be pointed out that determination of cases of violence may not be adequate, because information is not complete in all cases.
Main publications:
Stasiūnienė, J., Jasulaitis, A., Andriuškevičiūtė, G. 2014. Savo naujagimius nužudžiusių moterų psichosocialinė charakteristika iki padarant nusikaltimą. Laboratorinė medicina, vol. 16, nr. 2, 76–80.
Stasiūnienė, J., Jasulaitis, A., Andriuškevičiūtė, G., Chmieliauskas, S. 2014. Naujagimių žudymas - motinų psichologinio žiaurumo pasekmė. Medicinos teorija ir praktika, vol. 20, nr. 1, 21–26. http://www.mtp.lt/files/3_str_21-26psl.pdf
Stasiūnienė, J., Jasulaitis, A., Chmieliauskas, S. 2014. Teismo psichiatrinių ekspertizių, atliktų baudžiamosiose bylose, iškeltose dėl naujagimio nužudymo, analizė (1994-2013 m.). Laboratorinė medicina, vol. 16, nr. 1, 28–33.
The Molecular Mechanisms of the Allergic Diseases Formation among Lithuanian Population, Development of New Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies. Prof. R. Dubakiene. Doctoral student I. Būtiene. 2008–2016.
The most common food allergens were assessed and changes in prevalence of sensitization to them during the first 30 months of life were analyzed, also the role of possible determinants for the development of food allergies, such as genetic background, maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding, way of birth, infections, medicines, psycho-social and environmental factors, were examined and different food allergy diagnostic methods were evaluated. According to the data results, guidelines for food allergy diagnosis in small children have been provided.
Main publications:
Būtienė, I., Dubakienė, R., Būta, M., Rudzevičienė, O., Arlauskienė, A., Dalgėdienė, I., Žvirblienė, A. 2014. Motinų ir kūdikių mitybos įtaka alergijai maistui išsivystyti. Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija, vol. 17, nr. 1, 5505–5514.
Oliver, E.M., Grimshaw, K.E.C., Schoemaker, A.-F.A., Keil, T., McBride, D., Sprikkelman, A.B., Ragnarsdottir, H.S., Trendelenburg, V., Emmanouil, E., Reche, M., Fiocchi, A., Fiandor, A., Stanczyk-Przyluska, A.P., Wilczynski, J., Busacca, M., Sigurdardottir, ST, Dubakienė, R. 2014. Dietary habits and supplement use in relation to National Pregnancy Recommendations: data from the EuroPrevall Birth Cohort. Maternal and Child Health Journal, vol. 18, iss. 10, 2408–2425.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. Significance of Titin Ligands Murf and CARP in Dilated Myocardium -Timuc A. (No. MIP-011/2014). Prof. V. Grabauskienė. 2014–2016.
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the most common cause of the heart failure. The only treatment for advanced or therapy-resistant end-stage DCM is heart transplantation. Therefore, the need for new, cost-effective DCM treatment and diagnostic tools is particularly acute in modern cardiology. However, the poor understanding of underlying molecular mechanisms is inhibiting development of such tools. Most of the insights into the molecular development and progression mechanisms of cardiomyopathy come from the animal model research, that do not always reflect the processes occurring in the human body. In this work we plan to investigate the relationship between the expression of two titin (a protein that organize sarcomere) ligands and the myocardial injury in mice experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM) model and standardized DCM patient cohort. We would focus on the titin associated ubiquitin ligases MuRF1 and MuRF2 and the stress response protein CARP (Cardiac Ankyrin Repeat Protein). Using DCM patient heart biopsies, we will assess how the expression of studied proteins correlates with the nature and severity of myocardial injury. We shall investigate causative links between studied proteins and by comparing wildtype mice with MuRF and CARP knock-out mice during the EAM/DCMP. Mouse model studies will assess whether titin ligands might be new molecular targets for treatment, diagnosis and prevention of DCM. Pilot study of patient heart biopsies have shown that CARP expression correlates with the severity of myocardial injury in DCM patients. This study due to the cooperation between medical doctors and biologists will combine clinical and experimental aspects of dilated cardiomyopathy. Obtained results will create a scientific basis for further research on molecular pathogenesis of human DCM and the search for new therapeutic targets
Main publications:
Bironaitė, D., Daunoravičius, D., Bogomolovas, J., Čibiras, S.V., Vitkus, D., Žurauskas, E., Žąsytytė, I., Labeit, S., Venalis, A., Grabauskienė, V. 2014. Mechanism of fibrosis in inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy. Journal of Cardiac Failure, vol. 80, no. 8, S81. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1071916414004606#.
Research Council of Lithuania. Bioluminescence Imaging of Lymphocytes in Antitumour Reactions MIP-046/2013. Prof. D. Characiejus. 2013–2015.
Methods of optical imaging open new avenues for studies of immune antitumour reactions. The aim of this project is to investigate the lymphocyte migration and proliferation in vivo using bioluminescence imaging equipment and to determine whether these properties of lymphocytes are related to their antitumour effect. During 2014, antitumour effect of transferred lymphocytes have been studied in allogeneic murine tumour model. Preliminary results suggest that tumour rejection is associated with accumulation of lymphocytes within the tumour and their proliferation.
Research Council of Lithuania. Lithuanian National Non-Infectious Diseases Programme Allergy Project ALRIGEN (No. LIG- 02/2012). Project Leader – Prof. Ruta Dubakiene. 2012–2014.
The aim of ALRIGEN project is to study genetic and environmental based on birth cohort: 203 cohort children and 77 their family members were partially evaluated. New system for PGR for FCER1A gene VNP rs2251746 genotype detection was created and optimized. It was establish that in the control and allergy group system FCER1A gene VNP rs2251746 C/T ir C/C genotipe are more frequent in the study group comparing with the control (p=0.046). In the study and control group it was found that CD14 gene VNP rs2569190 A/A genotype is statistically significant in the control group comparing to study group (p<0,05). The allergens 21 component, to hazel, birch, mugwort were studied in 203 cohort members blood samples.
Research Council of Lithuania, Lithuanian National Non-infectious Diseases Program. Development of Complex Biomarkers for the Evaluation of Clinical Significance of Prostate Cancer. Project manager (research leader) – Prof. Juozas Lazutka, Chief researcher – Prof. Arvydas Laurinavičius, junior researchers: D. Petroška, I. Baltrušaitytė. 2012–2015.
The main goal of current project is to select new molecular biomarkers of prostate cancer (gene mutations and epimutations, changes in gene and microRNA expression, etc.) that can help more precisely predict the course of the disease and allow the use of the most appropriate treatment, thereby reducing the number of unnecessary radical interventions and improving patients' quality of life. Biomarkers indentified in our previous studies will be further evaluated together with new biomarkers that would be selected on basis microarray analysis. The sensitivity of the method will be increased by using sample micro-dissection that will allow to separate tumor cells from normal stromal cells. Special attention will be paid to the search and analysis of biomarkers urine sediments and blood plasma. Identification and validation of such biomarkers will allow expanding range of non-invasive disease prognosis methods.
Main publications:
Daniunaite, K., Jarmalaite, S., Kalinauskaite, N., Petroska, D., Laurinavicius, A., Lazutka, J.R, Jankevicius, F. 2014. Prognostic value of RASSF1 promoter methylation in prostate cancer.J Urol, S0022-5347(14)03913–5.
Research Council of Lithuania. A Comprehensive Biomarkerintra-Tumour Heterogeneityevaluation by Digital Immunohistochemistry Image Analysis. (Project is funded under measure VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K “Support to Research Activities of Scientists and Other Researchers” (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Global Grant Measure’), Priority 3 “Strengthening of Capacities of Researchers and other Scientists” of the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development for 2007–2013, EU Social fund). Research leader – Prof. A. Laurinavičius, Senior researcher - Prof. Ian Ellis, Prof. Paulette Herlin, Researcher – A. Laurinaviciene, Ph.D. Junior researchers: I. Baltrusaityte, R. Meskauskas.
We aim to develop and test methodologies of intra-tumour heterogeneity assessment based on various techniques of immunohistochemistry (IHC) digital image analysis and tissue microarray (TMA) simulations. Principles of stereology and image texture analysis will be applied to arrive to best strategies. Selected methodologies will be optimised for efficient and robust application on whole slide images (WSI) and TMA. Validated tools will be applied on well-characterised breast cancer patient cohorts in Caen, Nottingham, and Vilnius to derive new generation of prognostic models, based on multivariate analyses of the IHC biomarker expression taking into account spatial heterogeneity of the events. The methodologies developed and prognostic models obtained will be cross-validated in this multi-centre study. This work is innovative due to the integration of mathematical theories to the domain of human pathology diagnosis in terms of methodology, quantitative analysis, and added value of newly developed tumour heterogeneity metrics.
Main publications:
Laurinavicius, A., Plancoulaine, B., Laurinaviciene, A., Herlin, P., Meskauskas, R., Baltrusaityte, I., Besusparis, J., Dasevicius, D., Elie, N., Iqbal, Y., Bor, C., Ellis, IO. 2014. A methodology to ensure and improve accuracy of Ki67 labelling index estimation by automated digital image analysis in breast cancer tissue. Breast Cancer Research, vol. 16(R35), 1465–5411.
Research Council of Lithuania. Pharmacist Assistants (Pharmatechnicians) Professional Development in the Pharmaceutical Specialisty. Nr.VP1-2.2-ŠMM-04-V-06-017. K. Ivanauskas, PhD. October 01, 2013–June 30, 2015.
International Research Projects
FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES project Sarcomere based Signals in Muscle Remodelling, acronym SarcoSi Nr.291834. – PEOPLE MARIE CURIE ACTIONS International Research Staff Exchange. Prof. V. Grabauskienė. 2011–2015.
In SARCOSI, eight European laboratories will team up that have demonstrates scientific excellence and complementary expertise in the field of sarcomeric signalling. The network structure reflects also the geographic diversity of ERA with participating teams from France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherland, and the UK. The SARCOSI network included both senior scientists that are scientific leaders within the ERA, as well as young team leaders that are now setting up their own independent research groups. SARCOSI will support these teams to become internationally competitive.
FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP project Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology AIDPATH Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP). Prof. A. Laurinavičius. 2013–2017.
The scientific and technology programme of the AIDPATH project will research and develop fundamental technologies underpinning digital pathology. Thus, it will research and develop technologies to optimize the imaging pipeline including standardizing and calibrating the display of digital slide images. It will research and develop mathematical models and computer software tools for processing, analysing and mining tissue-derived images of cancers. Using a systems approach, biologically and clinically useful features and information will be extracted for integrated disease modelling to provide deep comprehensive holistic insights into the relations of various disease patterns and thus laying the foundation for personalized treatment and medicine.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (USA)
Leuven University, Leuven (Belgium)
Ruprecht-Karls-universitat Heidelberg, EMBL (Germany)
University Hospital Gießen and Marburg (Germany)
Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University (Sweden)
Prof. V. Grabauskienė –
- National coordinator of Euro Heart Survey Programme (ESC), http://www.escardio.org/initiatives/ehs/structure/ehscoord.htm;
- fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC), http://www.escardio.org/bodies/membership;
- member of the European Association of Echocardiography (EAE) of the ESC, http://www.escardio.org/bodies/associations/EAE;
- member of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC, http://www.escardio.org/bodies/associations/HFA;
- member of the American Society of Echocardiography;
- UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialist) Diploma of European Cardiologist Nr.52546, http://www.uems.net;
- member of the European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine (EPMA).
Prof. R. Dubakienė –
- National representative for Lithuania in EU FP7 Health programme;
- member of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Products of the European Commission, www.eu.int.sccp;
- expert member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- Chairmain of Allergology Commission of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- expert of Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Alergologija ir klinikinė imunologija (Allergology and Clinical Immunology), www.alergija.lt;
- editorial board member of the journal Acta medica Lituanica;
- editorial board member of the journal Revue of Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- editorial board member of journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine;
- editorial board member of the journal Immunopathologia;
- vice-president of Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- member of the Lithuanian Immunology Society;
- member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology;
- member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS);
- member of UEMS board for Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- vice-chairman of the Council of the Institute of Immunology, Vilnius University;
- Head of internet website Alergija, astma, imunologija (Allergy, Asthma, Immunology), http://www.aai.lt.
Prof. A. Laurinavičius –
- member of the International Society of Nephrology;
- affiliate-member of the College of American Pathologists;
- member, Clinical Nephrology Committee, Lithuanian Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation;
- member, European Society of Pathology;
- vice-chairman of the board of the Lithuanian Society of Pathology;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicina (Medicine);
- editorial board member of the journal Diagnostic Pathology;
- management board chairman of the Lithuanian Association of Health Informatics and Bioinformatics.
Prof. D. Characiejus –
- National Representative of the European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine (EPMA) in Lithuania;
- editorial board member of The EPMA Journal;
- member of the European Society of Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy (ESCII);
- member of the Council of the Lithuanian Society of Immunology.
Prof. V. Basys –
- corresp. member, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Division of Biological, Medical and Geosciences;
- corresp. member, German Society of Pediatrics;
- editor-in-chief of the journal Acta medica Lituanica;
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos akušerija ir ginekologija (Lithuanian Obstetrics & Gynaecology);
- member of Lithuanian Pediatric Society.
Assoc. Prof. E. Žurauskas –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Pathology.
Assoc. Prof. D. Vaitkienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Pathology.
Assoc. Prof. A. Laurinavičienė-
- president of Lithuanian Association of Pathology Technologists.
Assoc. Prof. Jūratė Kasnauskienė-
- member of European Society of Human Genetics;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics.
U. Mickys –
- board member of the Lithuanian Society of Pathology.
R. Meškauskas –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Pathology.
Baltrušaitytė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Pathology.
D. Petroška –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Pathology.
5 Vasaros, LT-10309 Vilnius
Tel. 261 1043, fax 231 3747
Head – Prof. Dr. Vita Danilevičiūtė
Professors: Dr. D. Pūras, Dr. A. Germanavičius.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Šiurkutė, Dr. S. Lesinskienė, Dr. E. Laurinaitis, Dr. A. Navickas, Dr. B. Diomšina.
Lecturers: Dr. R. Aranauskas, Dr. A. Deksnytė, Dr. R. Viliūnienė.
Research fellows: Dr. A. Dervinytė-Bongarzoni.
Assistants: R. Balčiūnas, I. Gaškaitė, I. Veličkienė, L. Bukelskis, E. Dlugauskas, D. Natkevičienė, J. Ulevičienė, S. Ašvydienė, V. Stulpinas, E. Paužienė, E. Petkutė, J. Daškevičienė, V. Mickutė, B. Kazilionytė, B. Didžiokaitė, L. Andrikienė, R. Židonienė, A. Nemanienė, I. Treigienė.
Doctoral students: J. Radzevičienė, I. Veličkienė, E. Dlugauskas.
Evaluation of functioning and quality of life of patients with psychiatric disorders
Analysis of outcome variables of the treatment of psychotic, affective and neurotic disorders
Different approaches on psychosocial rehabilitation and assertive outreach for comprehensive integrated community care for people with mental disorders in the community settings
Evaluation of services for people with mental illness and their carers
Projects Supported by University Budget
Prevalence, Clinical Pecurliarities of Psychotic, Affective and Neurotic Disorders; Relation of Treatment and Preventive Methods with Functioning of Patients and Quality of their Life. Prof. V. Danilevičiūtė. 2014–2018.
During 2014 Clinic of Psychiatry concentrated on research on anxiety disorders. Research of biological markers for patients with different anxiety disorders has been conducted. Publication on anxiety disorders is in process of preparation. We started to collect data on addictive disorders and published review on alcoholic withdrawal. Data on psychological trauma and psychotic disorders has been collected.
Main publications:
Dlugauskas, E., Utkus, A., Danilevičiūtė, V. 2014. Citochromų P450 įtaka psichofarmakoterapinių vaistų klinikiniam efektyvumui. Neurologijos seminarai, vol. 18, nr. 2, 113–120.
Deksnytė, A., Danilevičiūtė, V., Aranauskas, R., Budrikaitė, J., Palinauskaitė, K. 2014. Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakulteto studentų fizinio aktyvumo įtaka nerimastingumui ir depresiškumui. Neurologijos seminarai, vol. 18, nr. 1, 42–48.
Račkauskaitė, J., Danilevičiūtė, V., Navickas, A. 2014. Haliucinacijų etiologijos aspektai. Sveikatos mokslai, vol. 24, nr. 1, 77–83.
Research on Suicide Behaviour and Implementation of the Suicide Prevention Methods in Lithuania. Assoc. Prof. A. Navickas. 2014–2018.
Research of suicidal behavior among alcohol and drug addict patients; epidemiological analysis of suicidal behavior within Vilnius population; comparative analysis of suicides among EU countries; meta-analysis of suicidal behavior and endocrine diseases; a study of a link between antidepressant use and suicidal behavior in Lithuania. Following results were presented in 1 national and 2 international conferences, 3 scientific article published and 3 prepared for publishing.
Main publications:
Fountoulakis, K. N., Kawohl, W., Theodorakis, P. N., Kerkhof, A. J., Navickas, A., Höschl, C., Lecic-Tosevski, D., Sorel, E., Rancans, E., Palova, E., Juckel, G., Isacsson, G., Korosec Jagodic, Helena, Botezat-Antonescu, Ileana, Warnke, Ingeborg, Rybakowski, Janusz, Azorin, J. M., Danileviciute, Vita et al. 2014. Relationship of suicide rates to economic variables in Europe: 2000-2011. British Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 205, no 6, 486–496, doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.114.147454.
Čiūras, E., Navickas, A., Danilevičiūtė, V. 2014. Pacientų, gydomų nuo priklausomybės opioidiniams narkotikams ir alkoholiui, depresijos sunkumo ir savižudybės rizikos bei socialinių demografinių rodiklių palyginimas. Sveikatos mokslai, vol. 24, nr. 1, 59–64.
Navickas, A., Liausėdas, A., Navickienė, J. 2014. Nepakaltinamų asmenų socialinė dezadaptacija bei resocializacijos galimybės. Sveikatos mokslai, vol. 24, nr. 1, 50–55.
Complex Care for Children with Mental and Developmental Disorders: Implementation of the Model and Evaluation opf Need for Services. Prof. D. Pūras. 2014–2018.
Management of mental, behavioral and developmental disorders in children and adolescents: development of effective model of services and evaluation of need of services.
Research was carried out on the need of services for children with mental, behavioral and developmental disorders. Preliminary results identified substantial gaps in the system of services and the need for increasing quantity and quality of mental health services for children and adolescents. Recommendations of this research are reflected in publications. These recommendations were used by the Ministry of Health in formulation of guidelines for further development of child and adolescent mental health serrvices in the Republic of Lithuania.
Main publications:
Lesinskienė, S., Kovess, V., Keyes, K. M., Hamilton, A., Pez, O., Bitfoi, A., Koc, C., Goelitz, D., Kuijpers, R., Mihova, Z., Otten, R., Pilowsky, D. J., Susser, E. 2014. The health consequences of child mental health problems and parenting styles: Unintentional injuries among European schoolchildren. Preventive Medicine; doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.07.030. October 2014 (vol. 67), p. 182–188. http://www.pubfacts.com/fulltext_frame.php?PMID=25073079&title=The%20health%20consequences%20of%20child%20mental%20health%20problems%20and%20parenting%20styles:%20unintentional%20injuries%20among%20European%20schoolchildren.
Lesinskienė, S., Kovess, V., Keyes, K. M., Hamilton, A., Pez, O., Bitfoi, A., Koc, C., Goelitz, D., Kuijpers, R., Mihova, Z., Otten, R., Fermanian, C., Pilowsky, D. J., Susser, E. 2014. Maternal smoking and offspring inattention and hyperactivity: results from a cross-national European survey. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 21 Nov 2014, no.787; doi: 10.1007/s00787-014-0641-9. http://www.pubfacts.com/detail/25413602/Maternal-smoking-and-offspring-inattention-and-hyperactivity:-results-from-a-cross-national-European.
Siniauskaitė, I., Lesinskienė, S. 2014. Elective mutism: the message in the silence that should be heared by pediatric specialists. Pediatrics, vol. 2–2 (66–67), 87–91.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. Study on History of Psychiatry in Soviet Lithuania 1944-1990 (Case of One Psychiatric Hospital) (Post-doc research project Nr. 004/55/MTS-150000-317. Lithuanian Research Council admin. Nr. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-01-V-02-004). Dr. T. Vaiseta, Prof. Dr. A. Germanavičius. 2013–2015.
Dr. Tomas Vaiseta (led by scientific supervisor prof. Dr. A. Germanavičius) has performed search and analysis of national archives for documents related to Vilnius psychiatric hospital (Vasaros str. 5, Vilnius). All information was preliminary analysed. In September 2014 Dr. T. Vaiseta visited Munich Ludwig Maximilians university (Germany) for 1 month, where he studied methodologies aimed for historical analysis. Also he carried out interviews with former psychiatric clinic employees and ex-patients. These interviews were recorded and analysed.
He gave two presentations at international conferences Soviet Ulysses: Memoirs and Narratives of Ex-patients of Soviet Psychiatric Hospital and What Does it Mean Late Soviet Psychiatry?
Main publications:
Vaiseta, T. 2014. Society of Boredom: Everyday and Ideology in the Late Soviet Period (1964-1984), Vilnius: Naujasis Židinys-Aidai.
COST programme project: IS1302. Prof. A. Germanavičius is deputy coordinator of National coordinator assoc. prof. Ilona Česnienė (Vilnius University Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology) at EU COST project Action IS1302 Towards an EU research framework on forensic psychiatric care: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/isch/Actions/IS1302.
In October 2014 prof. A.Germanavičius participated in international conference of the project in Nottingham (UK), where he has joint Working Group WG1 activities (http://lfpc-cost.eu/). Since then prof. A. Germanavicius has started to collect data on the characteristics and determinants of inpatients of forensic psychiatric patients in Lithuania.
New research project proposal was submitted to Research Council of Lithuania. Study on biopsychosocial risk and treatment prognostic factors among adult males with violent crimes treated in forensic psychiatry. (No. MIP-15501/2014). Prof. A. Germanavičius. 2015–2018.
Main publications:
D'Aulerio, M., Carli, V., Iosue, M., Basilico, F., Angela, D. M., Recchia, L., Balazs, J., Germanavicius, A., Waller, T.I.M., Masip, C., Varnik, A.I.R.I., Wasserman, C., Hoven, C., Sarchiapone, M., Wasserman, D. 2014. Objective and methodologies of Supreme project for youth suicide prevention through internet and media (EPA-1120 abstract). European Psychiatry, vol. 29, suppl. 1, p. 1.
Šileikaitė, A., Germanavičius, A. 2014. Psichikos sutrikimų ir alkoholizmo komorbidiškumas: epidemiologija, etiologija, diagnostika, gydymas. Biologinė psichiatrija ir psichofarmakoterapija, vol. 16, Nr. 1, 18–23. http://lsmuni.lt/media/dynamic/files/4755/bpp_2014_t16_nr1.pdf
Zoppei, S., Lasalvia, A., Bonetto, C., Van Bortel, T., Nyqvist, F., Webber, M., Aromaa, E., Van Weeghel, J., Lanfredi, M., Harangozó, J., Wahlbeck, K., Thornicroft, G. 2014. ASPEN Study Group. Social capital and reported discrimination among people with depression in 15 European countries. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, vol. 49(10), 1589–98; doi: 10.1007/s00127-014-0856-6. Epub 2014 Mar 18. PubMed PMID: 24638892. (prof. A.Germanavičius was collaborating in this publication)
Institute of Psychiatry Kings College, London (UK)
Viena S. Freud Private University (Austria)
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of Heidelberg University (Germany)
Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy (Lithuania)
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)
Prof. Dr. V. Danilevičiūtė –
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), www.mtp.lt.
Prof. A. Germanavičius –
- editorial board member of the journals Medicina (Biomedicine), Biologinė psichiatrija ir psichofarmakologija (Biomedicine, Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology), Visuomenės sveikata (Public Health), Sveikatos mokslai (Health Sciences).
Prof. D. Pūras –
- editorial board member of the national journal Visuomenės sveikata (Public
- Health), http://www.hi.lt/content/D2_redkolegija.html;
- editorial board member of the national journal Medicina;
- international advisory board member of the Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, http://www.archivespp.pl/International-Advisory-Board.html.
Assoc. Prof. E. Laurinaitis –
- editorial board member of the International Journal of Psychotherapy;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicina (Medicine), http://medicina.kmu.lt;
- editorial board member of the journal Pain Medicine;
- board member of European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), www.europsyche.org;
- President of European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP),www.europsyche.org.
Assoc. Prof. A. Šiurkutė –
- member of Lithuanian Psychiatric Association (LPA).
Assoc. Prof. S. Lesinskienė –
- consultant for child and adolescent psychiatry, Ministry of Health Care of the Republic of Lithuania;
- vice-president of Lithuanian Psychiatric Association;
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics), www.medpraktika.lt/leidiniai/leidinys/2/Pediatrija.
Assoc. Prof. A. Navickas –
- President of the Lithuanian Association of Suicidology;
- President of the Lithuanian Psychiatric Association;
- member of International Association of Suicide Prevention;
- editorial board member of the journal Biologinė psichiatrija ir psichofarmakologija (Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology), http://www.pri.kmu.lt/biological-psychiatry.ht;
- editos-in-Chief of the journal Psichiatrijos žinios (News of Psychiatry);
- member of section on classification, diagnostic assessment, nomenclature of World Psychiatric Association.
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius
Tel. 868862803
Tel./faks. 236 5177
Head - Prof. Dr. Algirdas Edvardas Tamošiunas
Professors: Dr. A. E. Tamošiunas, Dr. N. Valevičienė.
Associate professors: Dr. J. Dementavičienė, Dr. R. Briedienė, Dr. S. Letautienė, Dr. E. Aleknavičius.
Lecturers:Dr. A. Samuilis, Dr. B. Gricienė, Dr. R. Grigienė.
Assistants: J. Stankevičienė.
Junior research fellow:K. Kristinaitytė.
Doctoral students: A. Brazaitis, D. Vajauskas, D. Palionis, A. Neverauskienė.
To create new functional and anatomical imaging techniques and evaluate effectiveness diagnosing cardiovascular and oncological diseases
Iron overload estimation in liver and heart, and functional neuroimaging on 3T MRI
Musculoskeletal imaging of knee mechanics with weight simulation and correlation with surgical findings
Projects Supported by University Budget
New Functional and Anatomical Imaging Techniques in Cardiovascular and Oncology Diagnostics. Prof. Dr. A. E. Tamošiunas. Prof. Dr. N. Valevičienė. 2014–2018.
Purpose is to develop and evaluate new functional and anatomical imaging techniques in cardiovascular and oncology cancer diagnostics.
National Research Projects
Multi-Parametric MRI for Glial and Metastatic Brain Tumors. Value of Multi-Parametric MRI Biomarkers for Glial Brain Tumors Morphology and Physiology. Assessment of Glial Brain Tumors Morphology and Physiology by Multi-Parametric MRI Biomarkers. 2013–2019.
The purpose of this study is to compare MRI perfusion, spectroscopy and tractography findings with tumour histological and molecular biology examination. We want to find if there are any specific MRI markers which can help determine histological tumor type and grade and predict its behaviour. Trial aim is to evaluate accuracy and applicability of multiparametric MRI biomarkers for diagnosis of brain tumours histological type, differential grade and neovascularisation assessment. Participants include National Cancer Institute, Neuroangiosurgery Center of Vilnius University, UZ Brussels.
International Research Projects
Euro CMR registry
The European Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (EuroCMR) Registry is an initiative of the ESC Working Group Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Enrolment of patients on a European level started in March 2009, resulting in the largest database on the clinical use, the impact on patient management, image quality and safety of cardiovascular MR (CMR) available so far. Including the German pilot phase (2007–2009) 31.500 patients from 58 centers in 15 countries all over Europe have been collected. In addition to the questionnaire of the pilot phase, dedicated scientific issues will be addressed by individual additional protocols.
Participants : 15 coutries all overs Europe one of these Vilnius University, MF, Department of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine amd Physics of Medicine.
Partners (co-applicant) to Horizon 2020 project with dr. James Moon, Barts Heart Centre, Cardiac MRI Unit of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London (UK).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Dementavičienė –
- editorial board member of the Theory and Practice in Medicine.
Dr. R. Briedienė –
- managing editor of the jornal Acta medica Lituanica.
Dr. R. Grigienė –
- editorial board member of the journal World Journal of Surgical Oncology.
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. 236 5170
Head – Prof. Dr. Alvydas Juocevičius
Professors: Dr. A. Juocevičius, Dr. V. Alekna, Dr. M. Tamulaitienė.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Dadelienė, Dr. J. Raistenskis.
Lecturers: Dr. L. Būtėnaitė, Dr. J. Indriūnienė, Dr. I. E. Jamontaitė, Dr. D. Janonienė, Dr. S. Le-nickienė, Dr. I. Muntianaitė, Dr. A. Mastavičiūtė, Dr. I. Tvarijonienė, Dr. A. Valiulis.
Assistants: A. Adomavičienė, L. Aučynienė, J. Bernatavičius, F. Blužaitė, A. Budejienė, A. Cirtautas, Dr. J. Kesienė, J. Kupčiūnas, A. Miezienė, L. Mikulėnaitė, T. Palšytė, J. Stasiukynienė, S. Strička, A. Šidlauskienė, L. Varnienė, R.Venskaitis.
Doctoral students: A. Adomavičienė, G. Narmontaitė, I. Raudonytė, I. Slivovskaja.
Etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of disease: fundamental and clinical research
Projects Supported by University Budget
Prognostication of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Effectiveness in Patients with Movement Disturbances. Prof. A. Juocevičius. 2014– 2018.
The aim of this research is to search comprehensive rehabilitation effectiveness prognostication parameters; to prepare methodology of comprehensive rehabilitation prognosis in patients with movement disturbances; to perform comparable examination of comprehensive rehabilitation prognostication, using functional status evaluation.
In 2014, the staff of the Department continued performance of comparable examination and methodology development of comprehensive rehabilitation effectiveness prognostication. On the base of these data, 9 articles were published in scientific journals, and research workers took part at international (6 poster presentations) and at national (2 oral reports) scientific events.
Main publications:
Kowalski, I. M., Protasiewicz-Faldowska, H., Dwornik, M., Pierozynski, B., Raistenskis, J., Kiebzak, W. 2014. Objective parallel-forms reliability assessment of 3 dimension real time body posture screening tests. BMC Pediatrics, vol. 14, 221.
Varnienė, L., Sinkevičius, R., Raistenskis, J., Cirtautas, A., Puišienė, J., Jorgensen, I. 2014. The psychosocial risk factors of low back pain in 10-13 years old children. Reabilitacijos mokslai, vol. 1(10), 29–33.
Strukcinskiene, B., Giedraitis, V., Raistenskis, J., Martinkenas, A., Strukcinskaite, V., Stukas, R., Baysal, SU. 2014. Similarities between self-reported road safety behavior of teenage drivers and their perceptions concerning road safety behavior of their parents. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, vol, 24, 8–16.
National Rehabilitation Centre Vaivari (Latvia)
Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (Estonia)
Karolinska Institute (Sweden)
Notwill Rehabilitation Centre (Switzerland)
Hannover Medical School (Germany)
Prof. Habil Dr. A. Juocevičius –
- vice-president of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS - PRM) Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Board;
- member of the European Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Scientific Board;
- General Secretary of the Baltic and North Seas forum on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine;
- President of the Baltic Spinal Cord Injury Scientific Society;
- Head of Vilnius Region Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians’ Association;
- editorial board member of the journals Gerontologija (Gerontology), Internistas (Internist), Neurologijos seminarai (Neurology Seminars);
- Chairman of the Expert Group of the Ministry of Education, Industry Branch (Health and Social Work);
- Permanent secretary and member of Health Ministry Commissions on Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Issues;
- Chairman of the Rehabilitation Master studies programme committee.
Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Alekna –
- Editor-in-Chief of the journal Gerontologija (Gerontology);
- Vice-President of Lithuanian Society of Geriatricians;
- President of Lithuanian Osteoporosis Foundation.
Prof. Dr. M. Tamulaitienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Gerontologija (Gerontology).
Dr. D. Janonienė –
- chairman of the Occupational Therapy Undergraduate studies programme committee;
- member of the self-assessment work group of Rehabilitation field studies programmes.
Dr. I. E. Jamontaitė –
- chairman of the Physiotherapy Undergraduate studies programme committee;
- member of the work group of Rehabilitation field studies programmes description under Education and Science Ministry;
- board member of Lithuanian Physiotherapy association.
Dr. S. Lenickienė –
- board Member of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS - PRM) Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section.
A. Cirtautas –
- board member of ENOTHE;
- board member of Lithuanian Physiotherapy Association;
- Honory member of Lithuanian Ooccupational therapy Asociation.
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius-21
Tel. 236 5303, fax. 236 5302
Head - Prof. Habil. Dr. Algirdas Venalis
Professors: Prof. Dr. I. Butrimienė, Prof. Habil. Dr. N.Porvaneckas, Prof. Habil. Dr. K.Vitkus.
Associate professors: Dr. M. Kocius, Dr. V. Uvarovas, Dr. R. Rugienė, Dr. S. Stropuvienė, Dr. L. Zabulienė.
Lecturers: Dr. I. Šatkauskas, Dr. S.Ryliškis, Dr. M. Minderis.
Research fellows: Dr. J. Kurtinaitis, Dr. R. Rugienė, Dr. D. Miltinienė.
Doctoral students: G. Kvederas, T. Sveikata, D. Karpec, R. Šakalytė, J. Janavičius, G. Stundžaitė–Baršauskienė.
Evaluation of femoral head blood flow and ischemic factors after femoral neck fracture
Influence of the psychosocial factors on the early knee joint replacement outcomes
Influence of the perioperative optimization on the hip replacement outcomes
Anatomical and clinical study: medialisation of the stitches in modified Ma Griffith MI repair for Aciles tendon rupture
Photodynamic therapy for the treatment of rheumatic diseases
Light emitting diodes effect in systemic sclerosis patients
Peculiarities of applying biological therapy to rheumatic patients in Lithuania
Evolution of immunogenicity in rheumatic patients with anti-TNF treatment
Early arthritis
Vitamin D status in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Projects Supported by University Budget
Clinical, Psychosomatic and Radiologic Peri- and Postoperative Evaluation of Axial Skeleton and Joint Degenerative Diseases. Prof. N. Porvaneckas. 2014–2018.
Comparison of three tourniquet application methods in primary total knee arthroplasty surgery.
The protocol were approved by the Regional Ethical Committee and registered at Clinicaltrials.gov (identifier: NCT01355900). Double blinded randomized study was performed from January 2010 to February 2014. Estimated timeline for the thesis defence is May 2015.
The Areas of Photoactivation in Inflamed Joints of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Supervisor: Prof. A. Venalis. Coordinator: Dr. R. Rugienė. 2010–2014.
Results in vivo study: spectroscopic studies have shown that the inflammatory joints from the control places can be distinguished by the higher blood reabsorption in the 550–600 nm spectrums. The autofluorescence spectral comparisons of RA patients hand with healthy tested hands emphasised a presumption of combining quantitative changes in the degree of spectral forms to the inflammation. However, the presumption is based on the need for further research. Spectroscopic detection system has been improved.
Results in vitro study: samples for in vitro study of synovial and cartilage tissues were obtained as postoperative tissue during articular replacement surgery from patients with osteoarthritis (OA) (n=6) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (n=6). The findings demonstrated a clear perspective for the selective synovial sensitization with endoporphyrins, as compared with cartilage, which was particularly remarkable during the initial incubation period.
Positive results of this study encouraged us to further investigate the effect of phototherapy in clinical practice, a photo bandage designed for use in rheumatoid arthritis patients is under creation.
As a result of collaboration of the scientists from Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Physics of Vilnius University doctoral dissertation in the field of Biomedical sciences, biophysics (02 B) Detection of endogenous pporphyrins by means of spectroscopy and microscopy in the case of rheumatoid arthritis was defended on October 10, 2014.
Phototherapy Application for the Systemic Sclerosis Patients in Clinical Practice. Supervisor: Prof. A. Venalis. Coordinator: Dr. R. Rugienė, D. Karpec, 2014–2018.
The main objective of the project is evaluation of narrow band light beam of ultraviolet A1 (UVA1) infrared (IFR) effect on skin elasticity, microcirculation and general condition in patients with systemic sclerosis. Light emitting diodes (LEDS) of UVA1 (365 nm) and IFR (820 nm) will be constructed in one light module. Study design and methodology protocol is developed according to the literature analysis. Primary documents for The Lithuanian Bioethics Committee are prepared, but the final version will be submitted next year due to technical parameters of light module compatibility procedures. Application form for the State Health Care Accreditation agency under the Ministry of Health is being developed in order to conduct a clinical trial.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. Influence of the Perioperative Optimization on the Results of the Hip Replacement Outcomes. Prof. C. Svensen, Dr. A. Andrijauskas, Prof. N. Porvaneckas. 2013–2015.
We continued the prospective randomized clinical trial within a research project The Influence of Perioperative Optimization on the Results of Primary Endoprosthesis of the Hip Joint funded by the European Social Fund under the Global Grant measure (VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-019; the EU Structural Funds).
Main publications:
Andrijauskas, A., Svensen, C.H., Porvaneckas, N., Kvederas, G., Cincikas, D., Svediene S. 2014. Mini volume loading test (mVLT) for the evaluation of hydration status: initial validation in patients. Archiv euromedica, vol. 4(1), 4–14.
Markevicius, V., Andrijauskas, A., Navikas, D., Dubauskiene, N., Porvaneckas, N., Stankevicius, E., Uvarovas, V., Gelzinis, G., Cepenas, M., Andriukaitis, D., Malekian, R. 2014. In silico testing of the semi-closed loop infusion system with a new simulator. Elektronika ir elektrotechnika (Electronics and Electrical Engineering), vol. 20(9), 19–24. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.eee.20.9.8520
Development of Lithuanian Database of Biologic Therapy for the Treatment of Rheumatic Diseases. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. I. Butrimienė, Coordinator: I. Arštikytė. Since 2007, Ongoing.
With the help of IT specialists a software program was created for developing a medical database for patients treated with biological therapy in Lithuania. The Bioethics Committee of Lithuania on November 14, 2007 issued a permit to conduct this biomedical research project Creation of a Lithuanian database of Rheumatic illness. Since 01 December, 2007, data of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondilitis, psoriatic arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis treated with biologics is entered in the Lithuanian database of biologic therapy in rheumatic diseases (BIOLIT) from 5 Centres of Rheumatology across Lithuania.
By December 2014 information was collected and recorded from 430 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondilitis, psoriatic arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis treated with biologics in the Centre of Rheumatology at Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos (total 2535 questionnaires). We continue analyzing patients’ data concerning treatment efficacy, drug immunogenicity and adverse events profile, with special attention to latent tuberculosis and infectious complications.
Main publications:
Arštikytė, I., Butrimienė. 2014. Lietuvos reumatinių ligų biologinės terapijos duomenų bazė: 2007–2013 metų veiklos ataskaita. Vilniaus reumatologijos seminarai, vol. 1(8), 46–53.
Arstikyte, I., Butrimiene, I., Zablockis, R., Venalis, A. 2014. The value of the QuantiFERON TB Gold test in the identification of latent tuberculosis in rheumatic patients before treatment with TNF-ɑ blockers in Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos. Abstract No. PP155. Scan J Rheumatol, vol, 43(s127), 44–45.
Arštikytė, I., Kaplerytė, G., Butrimienė, I. 2014. Autoimuninės uždegiminės reumatinės ligos ir skiepijimo tikslingumas. Sveikatos mokslai, vol. 24(6), 100–104.
Peculiarities of Applying Biological Therapy to Rheumatic Patients in Lithuania. Prof. Dr. I. Butrimienė, I. Arštikytė. Since 2007, ongoing.
Data obtained from the database of biological therapy for the treatment of rheumatic diseases in Lithuania is used for analysis of peculiarities of applying biological therapy to rheumatic patients in Lithuania. The data collected from paper questionnaires and in digital format are used only by researchers. This research is conducted according to the Law on Patient Confidentiality, i.e. only scientific research findings will be published.
The conclusions from the analysis of the results will help determine the optimal drug choice indications and methods.
Evolution of Immunogenicity in Rheumatic Patients with Anti-TNF Treatment. Supervisor: I. Butrimienė. Coordinator: I. Arštikytė. 2012–2014.
The project is devoted to the investigation of secondary failure of treatment of rheumatica patients with anti-TNF. Patients treated with anti-TNF are investigated for the concentration of medication and antibodies to the drug. Correlation of these parameters with clinical effectiveness, adverse events and other possible events will be determined.
International Research Projects
The EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research group (EUSTAR) initiated multicentral online study Minimum Essential Data Set. Cordinator:Walker, Ulrich A. University of Basel.
Minimal essential data set (MEDS) Online is an international registry established by the European League against Rheumatism scleroderma trial and research (EUSTAR), which collects data from over 8000 patients from 92 centres worldwide, including 21 European centres (R. Rugiene in Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos) and 9 centres outside Europe. Center contribution:clinical patient data input online, updated on an annual basis.
Main publications:
Maurer, B., Graf, N., Michel, B.A., Müller-Ladner, U., Czirják, L., Denton, C.P., Tyndall, A., Metzig, C., Lanius, V., Khanna, D., Distler, O. EUSTAR co-authors. Prediction of worsening of skin fibrosis in patients with diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis using the EUSTAR database.Ann Rheum Dis, 2014 Jun 30.
Elhai, M., Avouac, J., Walker, U. A, Matucci-Cerinic, M., Riemekasten, G., Airò, P., Hachulla, E., Valentini, G., Carreira, P.E., Cozzi, F., Balbir Gurman, A., Braun-Moscovici, Y., Damjanov, N., Ananieva, L.P., Scorza, R., Jimenez, S., Busquets, J., Li M., Müller-Ladner, U., Kahan, A., Distler, O., Allanore, Y. EUSTAR co-authors; EUSTAR co-authors. A gender gap in primary and secondary heart dysfunctions in systemic sclerosis: a EUSTAR prospective study.Ann Rheum Dis, 2014 Oct 23.
Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Outcomes
The aim of the study was to compare mortality in early rheumatoid arthritis cohorts, comparing patients from Lithuania and Finland (Jyvaskyla Central Hospital Jyvaskyla, Finland and Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania). It was a 13-year follow-up study.
Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis to Target: Are Recommendations Met? A multinational study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis who receive usual care in 33 countries. Cordinator:Prof. Sokka Tuulikki. Central Finland Healthcare District: Jyvaskyla Central Hospital. All 140 clinicians in 86 clinics who participate in QUEST-RA are invited collaborate in the present study (S. Stropuvienė at Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos).
The aim is to study whether the recommendations of treatment targets in patients with RA are met in 86 clinics in the 33 QUEST-RA countries (Project called Quantitative Standard Monitoring of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (QUEST-RA) was established in 2005 with the objectives to promote quantitative assessment in usual rheumatology care, and to develop a baseline cross-sectional database of consecutive RA patients seen outside of clinical trials in regular care in many countries; to study trends of clinical measures of disease activity and in patient reported outcomes in 2011–2013 compared to the QUEST-RA baseline in 2005–2009. Thus, two cross sectional cohorts 4–5 years apart in each clinic will be compared.
Main publications:
Grøn, K. L., Ornbjerg, L. M., Hetland, M. L., Aslam, F., Khan, N. A., Jacobs, J. W., Henrohn, D., Rasker, J. J., Kauppi, M. J., Lang, H. C., Mota, L. M., Aggarwal, A., Yamanaka, H., Badsha, H., Gossec, L., Cutolo, M., Ferraccioli, G., Gremese, E., Bong, Lee, E., Inanc, N., Direskeneli, H., Taylor, P., Huisman, M., Alten, R., Pohl, C., Oyoo, O.,Stropuviene, S., Drosos, A. A., Kerzberg, E., Ancuta, C., Mofti, A., Bergman, M., Detert, J., Selim, Z. I., Abda, E. A., Rexhepi, B., Sokka, T. 2014. The association of fatigue, comorbidity burden, disease activity, disability and gross domestic product in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Results from 34 countries participating in the Quest-RA program. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2014 Oct 20.
EULAR initiated multicentral study Development and Validation of a New Patient Reported Outcome (Pro) Questionnaire to Estimate Vitamin D Status (D-Pro) and its Correlation with Quality of Life, Disease Activity and Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Europe.Coordinator: Prof. I. Butrimienė. 2012–2015.
As a part of the above mentioned study 25(OH)D3 serum levels in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) population were investigated in 2013, looking for correlations with disease activity and specific autoantibodies.
Main publications:
Puncevičienė E., Butrimienė I. 2014. Vitaminas D: nuo vitamino, hormono iki imunomoduliatoriaus. Vilniaus reumatologijos seminarai, vol. 1(8), 31–37
EMerging EUlar NETwork (EMEUNET).
D. Karpec is a working group member and country liaison of EMEUNET. EMEUNET is a EULAR working group of young clinicians and researchers in rheumatology. The objectives of EMEUNET are to promote education, perform research, widen collaborations and integrate with EULAR activities. Being country liaison Diana Karpec is responsible for disseminating and promoting provided information amongst young clinicians and scientists within country. As working group member she belongs to the website subgroup (www.eular.emeunet. org).
Main publications:
Frank-Bertoncelj, M., Hatemi, G., Ospelt, C., Ramiro, S., Machado, P., Mandl, P., Gossec, L., Buch, MH. 2014. Mentoring of young professionals in the field of rheumatology in Europe: results from an EMerging EUlar NETwork (EMEUNET) survey.Clin Exp Rheumatol, vol. 32(6), 935–941.
Department of Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska Institutet Södersjukhuset (Sweden)
State Research Institute Centre for Innovative Medicine (Lithuania)
Tuulikki Sokka-Isler, MD, PhD Jyvaskyla Central Hospital (head of international QUEST-RA project) (Finland)
The EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research group (Italy)
The European League against Rheumatism (Switzerland)
Prof. N. Porvaneckas –
- editorial board member of the journal Medicina;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika.
Prof. A. Venalis –
- board member of European League against Rheumatism;
- member of executive committee for clinical trials in European League against Rheumatism;
- member of the Lithuanian Rheumatology Association;
- editorial board member of the journals Reumatologijos seminarai (Seminars in Rheumatology);
- co-president of the organizing committee of annual conference Vilnius Rheumatology Seminars;
- editorial board member of the journal Rheumatology (Poland).
Prof. I. Butrimienė –
- board member of Opinion Leaders for Biological Therapy, Europe;
- member of executive committee for clinical trials in European League against Rheumatism;
- president of Lithuanian Arthritis Foundation;
- member of the Lithuanian Rheumatology Association;
- editorial board member of the journals Reumatologijos seminarai (Seminars in Rheumatology) and Skausmo medicina ( Pain Medicine);
- co-president of the organizing committee of annual conference Vilnius Rheumatology. Seminars.
Assoc. Prof. M. Kocius –
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika.
Dr. S. Stropuvienė –
- EULAR Standing Committee on Education and Training (ESCET), Delegate member;
- editorial board member of the journals Reumatologijos seminarai (Seminars in Rheumatology);
- acting secretary of the Lithuanian Rheumatology Association.
Dr. R. Rugienė –
- editorial board member of the journals Reumatologijos seminarai (Seminars in Rheumatology);
- member of the organizing committee of annual conference Vilnius Rheumatology Seminars;
- member of The EULAR Scleroderma Trials and Research group (EUSTAR);
- member of the Lithuanian Rheumatology Association.
57 Antakalnio, LT-10207 Vilnius
Tel. / fax 271 1176, 234 4261
Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Danutė Kalibatienė
Professors: Habil. Dr. D. Kalibatienė, Habil. Dr. V. Gaigalaitė, Habil. Dr. R. Ėmužytė (part-time), Dr. V. Alekna (part-time), Dr. S. Cicėnas (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. V. Ožeraitienė, Dr. A. Gradauskas, Dr. Ž.Visockienė (part-time).
Lecturers: Dr. R. Staigis, Dr. S. Varvuolytė, Dr. A. Mikaliūkštienė, M. Buitkus (part-time), Dr. R. Šturienė (part-time), Dr. R. Stundžienė (part-time), Dr. Z. Gierasimovič (part-time), E. Gruodytė (part-time).
Assistants: V. Karpavičienė, J. Stankūnienė (part-time), V. Kielaite (part-time), R. Verikienė (part-time), I. Dailidkienė (part-time), J.Gimžauskienė (part-time).
Senior specialist: Z. Svirid.
Specialist: E. Kuzienė.
Doctoral students: V. Sinkevičienė, V. Karpavičienė, A. Šalaviejūtė.
Investigation of etiopathogenetic risk factors of internal diseases
Development of optimal methods of diagnosis in ischemic cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, internal diseases (gastrointestinal, diabetes, bone), pediatric allergology, allergology and clinical immunology, abdominal surgery
Quality of life of patients with internal diseases
Investigation of new factors influencing cancer treatment efficiency
Nursing needs of patients with internal, surgical, mental, children’s diseases
Projects Supported by University Budget
Research of the Etiopathogenesis of Internal Diseases, Detection of Optimal Diagnostic and Treatment Methods. Prof. D. Kalibatienė. 2014 –2018.
In the field of developing of optimal methods of diagnosis in cardiovascular disease one of research aims was to validatespecific questionnaire AF-QoL (Quality of life of patients with atrial fibrillation). Cross-translation from Spanish to Lithuanian and to Spanish again in order to assure the comprehension of patients regarding the questionnaire was performed.Overview of literature analyzed and procedure of questionnaire validation was issued in scientific publication.
The aim was to investigate vertebral artery hypoplasia (VAH) (diameter less than 3 mm) in posterior circulation in the cases of cerebral ischemia. The study includes 330 patients suffering from vertebrobasilar insufficiency (stroke or TIA) and 250 patients without vertebrobasilar symptoms (control group). Patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency had a higher frequency of VAH (50%) compared to the control group (29%). Moreover severe hypoplasia (<2.2 mm) was detected in 3.1% of cases in the control group and in 18.4% of cases of patients suffering from vertebrobasilar insufficiency. The conclusion is that VAH presumably contributes the hypoperfusion in the posterior circulation of brain and can be relevant to the cause of cerebral ischemia. This research is continued.
In the field of endocrinology two studies were performed. The aim of one study was to evaluate prevalence and determinants of anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). 1500 patients were invited to participate in study. The prevalence mild to severe depression score was 28.5% and anxiety was 42.4%. The conclusion is that duration of the diabetes was risk factor significantly associated with higher scores of anxiety among the patients with T2DM. The aim of next study was to make a retrospective analysis of patients found to have adrenal mass lesions during 3 years and assess the diagnostic approach used and hormonal activity of tumours. There were 527 patients with medium age of 62.5±1.5 years. 425 (81%) of tumours were found incidentally. Malignant adrenal lesions were diagnosed in 2.8% of patients. The prevalence of nonsecreting adrenal tumours in our cohort was estimated to be similar as reported in the literature. The data were published in journal Baltic Endocrinology.
Establishing new methods of treatment in surgery was performed 35 operations (retroperitoneoscopical laparoscopic) due to ureterolythiasis, stones of renal pelvis. Besides, laparoscopic renal pelvioplastics, nefrectomies and renal resections were started.
Main publications:
Mikaliūkštienė, A., Žagminas, K., Juozulynas, A., Narkauskaitė, L., Sąlyga, J., Jankauskienė, K., Stukas, R., Šurkienė, G. 2014. Prevalence and determinants of anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with type 2 diabetes In Lithuania. Med Sci Monit 2014, vol. 20, 182–190.
Karpavičienė, V., Kalibatienė, D. 2014. AF-QoL klausimyno validavimo Lietuvoje procedūra. Theory and Practice in Medicine, vol. 20(4), 319–323.
Šilinis, D., Sabalys, J., Štarolis, E., Gradauskas, A., Andreika, L. 2014. Laparoskopinių nefrektomijų, nefrureterektomijų ir inksto rezekcijų rezultatų analizė. Theory and Practice in Medicine, vol. 20 (4), 333–339.
The Evaluation of Nursing Needs and Quality of Life and Perfection of Health Care and Education of Patients. Prof. D. Kalibatienė. 2014–2018.
Two studies were carried out concerning motivation of nursing speciality choice and work and which inner motivational factors are the most connected with the factors determining nurses’ job satisfaction. The first study assessed 267 nurses who worked in two Vilnius health care institutions. Most of the nurses chose this profession based on internal motivational factors such as willingness to help diseased people (24.7%) or “it was my dream” (35.6%). A nursing job is favorite and interesting for almost half of the participants (44.9%) and they would choose it again. Hospital nurses were more satisfied with their job compared to polyclinic nurses. Another study surveyed 186 nurses, 94 of them working in the hospital surgery and 92 in the therapeutic departments, the average age being 42.4±8.9 years. 40 respondents had a university degree, 60 of them had non-university higher education and the rest had lower education. The nurses’ overall job satisfaction is average. With the increase in the nurses’ age, years of service and workload, job satisfaction is associated with a better salary and fringe benefits, while younger nurses are more interested in their career opportunities and relations with their co-workers. The main inner motive of their professional activity is to establish themselves in a team, which is extremely strong for nurses with non-university higher education and those working in surgical departments. Professional excellence motives prevail for nurses with a university degree. The respondents with weaker inner motivation were found to derive more satisfaction from relations with co-workers, possibility to receive some benefits and awards.
Another research was to assess the management of diabetes patients at the Centre of Family Medicine compared to guidelines valid in Lithuania. A retrospective audit of medical records of diabetic patients was performed, collecting data from 2011 to 2012. An audit form was developed based on aims and contained information on basic characteristics, diabetes type and duration, diabetes complications, concomitant diseases, glycated hemoglobin, annual examinations, referrals to ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, patients education, foot care. The audit revealed a very good level of diabetes care at Family Medicine Centre in reaching glycemic goals, particulary in type 2 diabetes subjects; however, results did not meet valid guidelines for patients education, continuous monitoring for diabetes complications and cardiovascular risk factors.
The aim of next study was to evaluate the change of patients’ life quality before and after the lung resection. 68 patients were interviewed with medium age of 59±10.09. They were interviewed two times, before and one week after lung resection. The research concludes that after the lung resection the health status and the life quality of all the respondents stay similar like before operation. After the operation the respondents mostly suffered from the following symptoms: pain in chest area, fatigue, cough, breathlessness. Also, all the respondents mentioned strong emotional behaviour (92.16 points of 100 points).
Main publications:
Ožeraitienė, V., Gaigalaitė, V., Arnatkevič, J. 2014. Research into the characteristics of the inner motivation and job satisfaction of professional practice. Medical Theory and Practice, vol. 20 (4), 292–299.
Visockiene, Ž., Siauliene, L., Beisyte, J., Bukelskiene, Ž., Lyskoit, K., Juchneviciene, I., Patrova, J., Puronaite, R., Venceviciene, L., V. Kasiulevicius, V. 2014. Audit of diabetes care at the centre of family medicine of Vilnius University Hospital Santariskiu Klinikos. Theory and Practice in Medicine, vol. 20 (4), 387–394.
Kalibatienė, D., Zaksaitė, K., Cicėnas, S. 2014. The change of patients’ life quality before and after the lungs resection. Theory and Practice in Medicine, vol. 20 (4), 286–291.
National Centre of Pathology (Lithuania), http://www.vpc.lt/
The Institute of Oncology Vilnius University, Laboratory of Biomedical Physics (Lithuania), http://www.vuoi.lt/index.php?541183821#
The Faculty of Physics, Laser Research Centre (Lithuania)
STŘEDNÍ ZDRAVOTNICKÁ ŠKOLA (LEONARDO DA VINCI – MOBILITA – VETPRO project Gaining of teaching experience and skills in vocational training in EU countries (Chech Republic)
Prof. D. Kalibatienė –
- internist-consultant and head of the Department of Internal Diseases at Vilnius Clinical Hospital;
- member of the Interuniversity Committee for Nursing Studies and Research;
- member of the Council of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine);
- editorial board member of the journal Sveikatos mokslai (Health Sciences),http://sena.sam.lt;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Gastroenterology, http://www.gastroenterologija.lt/;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Internists;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Palliative Medicine, http://www.paliatyvipagalba.lt/.
- board member of the Society of Lithuanian Nurses with University Education, http://www.lusd.lt/;
- member of the self-assessment work group of Nursing Studies programmes;
- member of Nursing Bachelor’s and Master’s degree final thesis Defending Committee.
Prof. V. Gaigalaitė –
- member of Lithuanian Society of Neurology;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Stroke;
- editorial board member of the journal Slauga. Mokslas ir praktika, http://www.sdtsc.lt/index.php?id=285.
Prof. R. Emužytė –
- President of Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- chair of the Organizing Committee of the National Conference of Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- chair of National board of experts for Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- National representative of EAACI Education and Training Committee – Paediatric Allergology (ETC–PA);
- National representative of European ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) Committee;
- National representative of WHO Collaborating Centre ;
- editorial board member of the journals: Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija (Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology), www.pulmonologija.lt; Alergologija ir klinikinė imunologija (Allergology and Clinical Immunology);
Alergia astma immunologia (Allergy Asthma Immunology), www.mediton.pl/PL/czasopisma/alergia-astma-immunologia; Pediatrija (Paediatrics), www.idejugrupe.lt.
Assoc. Prof. V. Ožeraitienė –
- Gastroenterologist at the Centro Poliklinika, Vilnius;
- Internist at Vilnius Clinical Hospital, Department of Abdominal Surgery;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Gastroenterology, http://www.gastroenterologija.lt/;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of General Practitioners, http://gydytojas.blogspot.com/;
- member of Nursing Bachelor’s and Master’s degree final thesis Defending Committee;
- the Responsible Secretary of work Committee for the defence of the Masters work;
- editorial board member of the journal Slauga. Mokslas ir praktika,
Assoc. Prof. A. Gradauskas –
- Vice-president of Vilnius Association of Surgeons;
- Board member of the Lithuanian Association of Minimally Invasive Surgery,
Dr. A. Mikaliūkštienė –
- director of the Centre of Nursing Studies at Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos;
- member of the Lithuanian University Education Nursing Society Board, http://www.lusd.lt/;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Palliative Medicine, http://www.paliatyvipagalba.lt/;
- member of the self-assement work group of Nursing Studies programmes;
- member of Nursing Bachelor’s’s degree final thesis Defending Committee;
- editorial board member of the journal Sveikatos mokslai (Health Sciences);
- editorial board member of the journal Slauga: mokslas ir praktika.
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius
Tel. 236 5307, fax 236 52 11
Head – Academician Prof. Habil. Dr. Aleksandras Laucevičius
Professors: Dr. A. Aidietis, Dr. A. Kibarskis, Habil. Dr. A. Laucevičius, Dr. G. Marinskis, Dr. Ž. Petrulionienė, Dr. P. Šerpytis.
Associate professors: Dr. S. Aidietienė, Dr. E. Berūkštis, Dr. R. Karalius, Dr. B. Petrauskienė, Dr. K. Ručinskas, Dr. A. Rudys, Dr. R. Steponėnienė, Dr. V. Tarutis, Dr. G. L. Vilkevičius.
Lecturers: Dr. J. Barysienė (part-time), Dr. G. Davidavičius (part-time), Dr. M. Gutauskas (part-time), Dr. P. Jurkuvėnas (part-time), Dr. R. Kūgienė (part-time), Dr. J. Misiūra, Dr. S. Sudikas (part-time), Dr. R. Sudikienė (part-time), Dr. R. Vaitkevičius (part-time), G. Zuozienė (part-time).
Research fellows: Dr. B. Abraitienė Dr. J. Badarienė (part-time), Dr. I. Butkuvienė, Dr. J. Čelutkienė (part-time), Dr. A. Čypienė (part-time), Dr. R. Čypienė, K. Drėgūnas, Dr. S. Glaveckaitė, Dr. V. Grabauskienė, Dr. A. Grebelis, Dr. L. Gumbienė, Habil. Dr. L. Ivaškevičienė, Dr. L. Jurgauskienė, Dr. G. Kalinauskas, Dr. Ž. Katliorienė (part-time), Dr. V. Lebetkevičius, Dr. D. Liekienė, Dr. R. Malickaitė, Dr. G. Nogienė, Dr. G. Norkūnas, R. Puronaitė, E. Rinkūnienė, Dr. L. Ryliškytė, Dr. P. Semėnienė, A. Simanavičienė, Dr. R. Sipavičius (part-time), Dr. M. Sučila, Dr. B. Vaišnytė (part-time), Dr. A. Valaika, B. Valatkaitė, Dr. D. Zakarkaitė (part-time), Abraitis V.
Assistants: K. Bagdonas (part-time), V. Bilkis (part-time), A. Dailydkienė (part-time), Dr. R. D. Kairevičiūtė (part-time), R. Katliorius (part-time), G. Navickas (part-time), R. Peldžius, T. Tamošiūnas.
Doctoral students: A. Aliachmed, A. Baranauskas, A. Berukštis, L. Bezuška, G. Burneikaitė, V. Janušauskas, S. Kutkienė, E. Lycholip, A. Lipnevičius, R. Navickas, A. Navickienė, G. Račkauskas, V. Rudienė, S. Solovjova, A. Zorinas.
Investigation of arterial wall functional and structural disorders in atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome
Primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Development of high risk strategy in prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Fundamental and clinical research in cardiac arrhythmias. Improvement of methods of complex treatment of atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmia
Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation (MAZE procedures, minimal invasive thoracoscopic surgery)
esynchronization therapy in heart failure
Complex multi imaging assessment of left and right ventricular function in coronary artery disease, hypertension and heart failure
Myocardial regeneration therapy by cardiac pulse wave therapy in coronary heart disease
Congenital heart disease cardiac surgery in infants
New possibilities of hybrid (interventional and surgical) and minimally invasive technologies in cardiovascular medicine
Investigation of vascular dysplasias
Investigation of endothelial function in the patients with acute peripheral arterial disease
Introduction of intraoperative angiography and analysis of the results
Projects Supported by University Budget
Prevention of Atherosclerosis, Diagnosis and Treatment of Induced Diseases. Prof. A. Laucevičius 2014–2019.
During 2014, protocol of the study was agreed on and bioethics committee permission granted. The study will analyse cardiovascular risk of the investigated cohort(~2000 patients) using the commonly validated and widely available risk stratification models, the second part (between 250-500 patients) will concentrate on novel potential biomarkers, including the microRNA while investigating on any additional predictive value for cardiovascular outcomes within the high CVD risk group with metabolic syndrome.
VULSK cardiovascular department did not have a methodology and facilities to biobank blood samples for further microRNA testing, 2014 methodology was defined essential setup was installed and 300 samples have already been biobanked.
Main publications:
Scuteri, A., Cunha, P.G., Rosei, E.A., Badarienė, J., Bekaer,t S., Cockcroft, J.R., Cotter, J., Cucca, F., De Buyzere, M.L., De Mayer, T., Ferrucci, L., Franco, O., Gale, N., Gillebert, T.C., Langlois, M., Laucevičius, A., Laurent, S., Mattace, Raso F.U., Morrell, C.H., Muiesan, M.L., Munnery, M.M., Navickas, R., Oliveira, P., Orru', M., Pilia, M.G., Rietzschel, E.R., Ryliskytė, L., et al. 2014. Arterial stiffness and influences of the metabolic syndrome: A cross-countries study. Atherosclerosis, vol. 233(2), 654–660.
Laucevičius, A., Rinkūnienė, E., Petrulionienė, Ž., Puronaitė, R., Kasiulevičius, V., Jatužis, D., Ryliškytė, L., Badarienė, J., Čypienė, A., Navickas, R., Kizlaitis, R., Gustienė, O., Šlapikas, R. 2014. Prevalence of high-risk profile in middle-aged subjects with arterial hypertension: a nationwide survey. Blood Pressure, vol. 23(5), 281–287.
Laucevičius, A., Rinkūnienė, E., Skujaitė, A., Petrulionienė, Ž., Puronaitė, R., Dženkevičiūtė, V., Kasiulevičius, V., Jatužis, D., Ryliškytė, L., Šlapikas, R. 2014. Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in Lithuanian middle-aged subjects participating in the primary prevention program, analysis of the period 2009–2012. Blood Pressure, vol. 30, 1–7.
New Technologies for Management of Structural Heart Diseases and Arrhythmias. Prof. Dr. A. Aidietis, Assoc. Prof. K. Ručinskas. 2014–2019.
The minimally invasive valve surgery program was continually developed and mitral valve was repaired using Neochord DS-1000 system for sixteen patients. Transapical aortic valve implantation was performed for 7 patients (including TAVI for aortic valve insuficiency). New method of paravalvular leak closure using transapical beating heart approach was used for 3 patients. Results of the procedures were published in scientific literature.
Main publications:
Rucinskas, K., Janusauskas, V., Zakarkaite, D., Aidietiene, S., Samalavicius R., Speziali, G., Aidietis, A. 2014. Off pump transapical implantation of artificial chordae to correct mitral regurgitation. Single centre experience. Early results. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, vol. 147 (1), 95–99.
Davidavicius, G., Rucinskas, K., Drasutiene, A., Samalavicius, R., Bilkis, V., Zakarkaite, D., Aidietis, A. 2014. A hybrid approach for transcatheter paravalvular leak closure of mitral prosthesis in high risk patients through transapical access. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, vol. 148 (5), 1965–1969.
Maneikiene, V.V., Vajauskas, D., Aidietis, A., Tamošiūnas, A.E., Ručinskas, K., Skiauterytė, E., Marinskis, G. 2014. Prognostic value of cardiac iodine-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine imaging in patients with indications for cardiac resynchronization therapy. Acta Medica Lituanica, vol. 21 (2), 81–90.
Improvement and Evaluation of Congenital Heart Disease Surgery. Assoc. Prof. V. Tarutis. 2014–2019.
The results of the surgical treatment of the d - Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA) in Vilnius university heart surgery centre where analyzed. During the period between 1977 to 2013 years the 102 patients underwent surgical TGA repair. In 1977– 2001 the prevalent surgery was Senning type repair, 36 pts. were operated and the early intrahospital mortality was 58.3%. In 2002–2007, 32 pts. underwent ASO type repair, the early intrahospital mortality was 9.4%. During the 2008–2013 year period 34 pts. underwent ASO type repair with the early intrahospital mortality of 1 pt. (2.9%).The normal coronary arrangement was in 24 pts. (70.6%). 2 pts. had intramural coronaries, 1 of them died due to coronary insufficiency straight after discontinuation of cardiopulmonary bypass. In all other 9 pts. with anomalous coronary arrangement they were successfully translocated to neoaortic root. The last period results - 97% successful repair of TGA are comparable with the results in EACTS paediatric database - 96% successful repair in European centres of congenital heart surgery. The main conclusion of our analysis is that even in small to moderate caseload pediatric heart surgery centre the surgery for complex congenital heart defects is possible with excellent results when the learning curve period is passed.
Main publications:
Jonavičius, K., Lipnevičius, A., Lebetkevičius, V., Sirvydis, V., Tarutis, V. 2014. Stambiųjų kraujagyslių transpozicija: Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės Santariškių klinikų širdies chirurgijos centro pastarųjų penkerių metų patirtis. Lietuvos chirurgija, vol. 13(1), 31–38.
Gumbienė, L., Rudienė, V., Dranenkienė, A., Karalius, R., Tarutis, V. 2014. Surgical correction of Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) in elderly. Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska, vol. 4, 391–396.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. Evaluation of the Novel Arterial Markers Considering the Predicted Impairment of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function and the Monitoring of its Progression. (VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K). Prof. A.Laucevičius. 2013–2015.
Based on clinical outcomes and markers dynamics during the observation period, were investigated prognostic markers of value in order to further increase the amount of patients and monitoring time. We want to determine whether the lesion of arteries in patients with arterial hypertension (with or without metabolic syndrome) is the marker of early left ventricular diastolic dysfunction.
Main publications:
Ryliskyte, L., Celutkiene, J., Puronaite, R., Badariene, J., Solovjova, S., Navickas, R., Petraviciute, M., Kondrotaite, S., Skubaite, A., Laucevičius, A. 2014. Aortic stiffness is an independent determinant of left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in metabolic syndrome patients. 61st annual conference of the Israel Heart Society in the Association with the Israel Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 30 April–1 May 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Ghent University Hospital, Ghent (Belgium)
Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht (the Netherlands)
Southampton University Hospital, Wessex Cardiothoracic Centre (England)
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Physicians, Pittsburgh (USA)
Prof. A. Laucevičius –
- member of American College of Cardiology (FACC);
- fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC);
- member and fellow of North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (NASPE);
- member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (full member), http://www.ktl.mii.lt/LMA/;
- member of the Council of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Cardiology;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicina (Lithuania), http://medicina.kmu.lt/editor-l.htm;
- editorial board member of the journal Seminars in Cardiovascular Medicine,http://www.seminarsincardiology.com/archive-issues.php ;
- editorial board member of the journal Internistas (Internist);
- editorial board member of the journal Mediterranean Journal of Pacing and Electrophysiology (MESPE);
- editorial board member of the journal Journal of Human Hypertension;
- editorial board member of the journal Blood Pressure, Europace (ESC);
- editorial board member of the journal Cardiology Management;
- editorial board member of the journal Cardiology Journal (Folia Cardiologica).
Prof. Dr. A. Aidietis –
- board member of Lithuanian Heart Association;
- Chairman of Heart Rhythm workgroup at Lithuanian Society of Cardiology;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons;
- member of Scandinavian Association for Thoracic Surgery;
- editorial board member of the journal Seminars in Cardiovascular Medicine,http://www.seminarsincardiology.com/archive-issues.php.
Prof. Dr. A. Kibarskis –
- vice-president of Baltic Association of Interventional Cardiology;
- editorial board member of the journal Gydymo menas (Art of Treatment);
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), www.mtp.lt.
Prof. Dr. G. Marinskis –
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Seminars in Cardiovascular Medicine,http://www.seminarsincardiology.com/archive-issues.php;
- President of Lithuanian Society of Cardiology;
- President of organizing committees of the „4th Baltic Heart Failure meeting” and 12th International conference „Arrhythmia Lithuania 2014”;
- member of the Credentials committee;
- board member of Lithuanian Heart Association;
- European Society of Cardiology - Member of Fellowship Committee;
- European Heart Rhythm Association - Member of Nomination Committee.
Prof. Dr. Ž. Petrulionienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Seminars in Cardiovascular Medicine,http://www.seminarsincardiology.com/archive-issues.php;
- editor of chapter Cardiologic Seminarsof the journal Internistas (Internist);
- President of Lithuanian Heart Association;
- member of the European Society of Cardiology;
- Chairman of Prevention and Rehabilitation workgroup at Lithuanian Society of Cardiology.
Prof. Dr. P. Šerpytis –
- President of organizing committees of the 4th Meeting on Intensive and Invasive Cardiology;
- Chairman of Intensive Cardiac Care workgroup at Lithuanian Society of Cardiology;
- member of the European Society of Cardiology.
Assoc. Prof. A. Aidietienė –
- board member of Lithuanian Heart Association;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Cardiology;
- member of the European Society of Cardiology.
Doc. V. Grabauskienė –
- National coordinator of Euro Heart Survey Programme (ESC), http://www.escardio.org/initiatives/ehs/structure/ehscoord.htm;
- fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC), http://www.escardio.org/bodies/membership;
- member of the European Association of Echocardiography (EAE) of the ESC, http://www.escardio.org/bodies/associations/EAE;
- member of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC, http://www.escardio.org/bodies/associations/HFA;
- member of the American Society of Echocardiography;
- UEMS (European Union of Medical Specialist) Diploma of European Cardiologist Nr.52546, http://www.uems.net;
- member of the European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine (EPMA);
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons.
Assoc. Prof. A. Grebelis –
- member of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons;
- member of the Society of Lithuanian Surgeons;
- member of Scandinavian Association for Thoracic Surgery.
Assoc. Prof. R. Karalius –
- member of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons;
- member of the Society of Lithuanian Surgeons;
- member of the Society of Cardiology of Lithuania;
- member of the European Society of Cardiology;
- member of Scandinavian Association for Thoracic Surgery.
Assoc. Prof. V. Tarutis –
- President of organizing committees of the International Conference “Progress of cardiac surgery in Lithuania and in neighborhood” dedicated to the first open heart operation in Lithuania;
- member of Scandinavian Association for Thoracic Surgery;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons.
Assoc. Prof.G. Vilkevičius –
- editorial board member of the journal “Przegland Flebologiczny“;
- editorial board member of the journal “Flebologija“;
- member of European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology;
- member of Lithuanian society for vascular surgery;
- vice-president of Lithuanian society for phlebology;
- member of Lithuanian Association of Ultrasound Diagnostics.
Dr. J. Čelutkienė –
- Chairman of Heart Failure workgroup at Lithuanian Society of Cardiology.
Dr. L. Gumbienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Pediatric Cardiology;
- member of local organizing committee of National 2nd conference “Pulmonary hypertension“. 8 November 2013 Vilnius.
Dr. Ž. Katliorienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Pediatric Cardiology.
Dr. D. Liekienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Pediatric Cardiology.
Dr. R. Malickaitė –
- board member of Lithuanian Society for Immunology;
- board member of Lithuanian Society for Alergology and Clinical Immunology.
Dr. R. Sipavičius –
- editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos chirurgija (Lithuanian Surgery),http://www.chirurgija.lt/;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons.
Lecturer Dr. J. Misiūra –
- member of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons;
- member of the ESC Working Group of Heart Failure.
Dr. S. Sudikas –
- member of Lithuanian Society of Vascular Surgery;
- member of Society of Vilnius surgeons;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Surgeons.
Dr. M. Sučila –
- member of Lithuanian Society of Vascular Surgery;
- member of Society of Vilnius surgeons;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Surgeons.
Dr. B. Vaišnytė –
- member of Lithuanian Society of Vascular Surgery;
- member of Society of Vilnius surgeons;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Surgeons.
Assoc. Prof.B. Abraitienė, Prof. Dr. A. Aidietis, Assoc. Prof.E. Berūkštis, Assoc. Prof.V. Grabauskienė, Assoc. Prof.L. Ivaškevičienė, Prof.A. Kibarskis, Prof. Dr. G. Marinskis, LecturerJ. Misiūra, Assoc. Prof. B. Petrauskienė, assoc. Prof.A. Rudys, Assoc. Prof.R. Steponėnienė, Dr. J. Čelutkienė, Dr. A. Čypienė, Dr. R. Čypienė, Dr. D. Liekienė, Dr. P. Semėnienė, Prof.P. Šerpytis –
- members of European Society of Cardiology;
- members of Lithuanian Heart Association;
- members of Lithuanian Society of Cardiology.
Assoc. Prof. L. Ivaškevičienė, Dr. R. Čypienė, Dr. G. Kalinauskas, Dr. V. Lebetkevičius, Dr. D. Liekienė, Dr. R. Malickaitė, Dr. G.Nogienė, Dr. G. Norkūnas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Ručinskas, Dr. P. Semėnienė, Dr. A. Valaika, Dr. I. Butkuvienė, A. Zorinas -
- members of Lithuanian Society of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeons.
Dr. G. Norkūnas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Ručinskas –
- members of Scandinavian Society of Thoracic Surgery.
4 Santariškių, LT- 08406 Vilnius
Tel. 249 2414
Fax 272 0368
Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Vytautas Usonis
Professors: Habil. Dr. V. Usonis, Habil. Dr. A. Valiulis, Dr. N. Drazdienė, Dr. A. Jankauskienė, Habil. Dr. Emeritus A. Raugalė.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Čerkauskienė, Dr. S. Dumčius, Dr. J. Grikinienė, Dr. O. Kinčinienė Dr. I. Narkevičiūtė, Dr. V. Panavienė, Dr. L. Ragelienė, Dr. O. Rudzevičienė, Dr. V. Urbonas, Dr. R. Vankevičienė, Dr. V. Žilinskaitė.
Lecturers: Dr. R. Kemežys, Dr. G. Kleinotienė, Dr. S. Petraitienė, Dr. R. Samaitienė, Dr. J. Rascon.
Chief research fellow: Habil. Dr. V. Usonis.
Senior research fellows: Dr. R. Ėmužytė, Dr. R. Firantienė.
Junior research fellows: Dr. B. Skerlienė, V. Lukošienė, R. Morkūnienė, I.Stancevičienė.
Doctoral students: G. Bernotavičius, S. Burokienė, I. Ivaškevičienė, R. Ivaškevičius, A. Jagelavičienė, D. Montvilaitė, S. Rusonienė, R. Selvestravičius, G. Vaitkevičienė, V. Bilius.
Health care of mother and child: physiological and social aspects and research of natural development of the child
Studies of functional development of organs and systems of newborns and children
Studies of neonatal pathology and perinatal mortality in Lithuania
Studies of chronic inflammation in paediatric pulmonology (asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD) and elaboration of markers of early diagnostics of chronic diseases in children
Development of the methods of diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of acute and chronic infectious, immune, allergic, metabolic, haematologic and oncohaematologic diseases
Studies of immunoprophylaxis and vaccination
Diagnostics and treatment of inherited metabolic diseases
Diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of children’s abuse and trauma
Diagnostics and surgical treatment of inborn anomalies
Projects Supported by University Budget
Regulation of Causes and Outcomes of Children's Diseases, Traumas and Inborn Anomalies. Prof. V. Usonis. 2014–2018.
The population-based long-term treatment results of childhood ALL in Lithuania during 1992–2012 were analyzed. Cure rates of childhood ALL in Lithuania are improving steadily and are now approaching those reported by the largest international study groups. The natural fate of iron overload (IO) following transfusions of packed red blood cells (PRBCs) in children treated for cancer and nonmalignant disorders according to the intensity level of their treatment was assesed. Protection against varicella in naive children administered one dose of varicella vaccine or two doses of measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV) was assessed. The study was done in ten European countries with endemic varicella. The results supported the implementation of two-dose varicella vaccination on a short course, to ensure optimum protection from all forms of varicella disease. New expert panel-derived criteria to define late onset neonatal sepsis (LOS) and characterize the current management and antibiotic susceptibility of LOS-causing organisms in Europe was evaluated. Relevant literature from searches of PubMed, CINAHL, and recent guidelines was reviewed with the aim to provide practical guidelines for the management of children and adolescents with Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE).
Main publications:
Rascon, J., Ragelienė, L., Stankevičienė, S., Palionis, D., Tamošiūnas, A. E., Valevičienė, N. R., Žvirblis, T. 2014. An assessment of iron overload in children treated for cancer and nonmalignant hematologic disorders. European Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 173, iss. 9, 1137–1146.
Prymula, R., Bergsaker, M. R., Esposito, S., Gothefors, L., Man, S., Snegova, N., Štefkovičova, M., Usonis, V., Wysocki, J., Douha, M., Vassilev, V., Nicholson, O., Innis, B., Willems, P. 2014. Protection against varicella with two doses of combined measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine versus one dose of monovalent varicella vaccine: a multicentre, observer-blind, randomised, controlle. Lancet, 6736 p.
Lutsar, I., Chazallon, C., Calò Carducci, F. I., Trafojer, U., Abdelkader, B., Meiffredy de Cabre, V., Esposito, S., Giaquinto, C., Heath, P.T., Ilmoja, M-L., Katragkou, A., Lascoux, C., Metsvaht, T., Mitsiakos, G., Netzer, E., Pugni, L., Roilides, E., Saidi, Y., Sarafidis, K., Sharland, M., Usonis, V., Aboulker J-P. 2014. Current management of late onset neonatal bacterial sepsis in five European countries. European Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 173, iss. 8, 997–1004.
Prof. Habil Dr. Emeritus A. Raugalė –
- member of the Council of Vilnius Paediatric Society;
- editor-in-chief of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- editorial board member of the journal Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija (Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology).
Prof. N. Drazdienė –
- editor-in-chief of the journal Lietuvos akušerija ir ginekologija (Lithuanian Obstetrics and Gynaecology);
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- editorial board member of the journal Sveikata (Health);
- editorial board member of the journal Akušerijos ir ginekologijos ultragarsinė diagnostika (Ultrasound Diagnostics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology);
- president of Vilnius Paediatric Society;
- vicepresident of Vilnius Medical Society;
- vicepresident of Lithuanian Neonatology Association;
- member of the Council of Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- member of the European Association on Perinatal Medicine;
- expert of the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation;
- president of Lithuanian section of Deutsch-Baltische Arztegesellschaft;
- member of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine (EAPM).
Prof. A. Jankauskienė –
- president of Lithuanian Society for Paediatric Nephrology;
- member of Lithuanian Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association;
- member of International Paediatric Nephrology Association;
- member of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology;
- member of International Paediatric Hypertension Association;
- member of Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine);
- President of the national conference Peritoneal Dialysis, March, 2013;
- President of the national conference Diagnostics, Complications and Treatment of Urinary Tract nfections, October 10, 2013.
Prof. V. Usonis –
- teaching staff member of Paediatric Infectious Diseases Programme of the Department for continuing education of University of Oxford;
- member of Central European Vaccination Advisory Group (CEVAG);
- expert on vaccine-related issues at the European Disease Control Centre (ECDC);
- vice-President and a board member of the Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- Chairman of the Lithuanian Paediatric Society Committee on Immunisation;
- Board member on the National Board of Immunisation of Lithuania;
- Chairman of Lithuanian Committee for Poliomyelitis Eradication Certification;
- editorial board member of the Paediatric Infectious Disease Journal;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine);
- editorial board member of the journal Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija (Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology);
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- Chairman of Baltic Immunoprophylaxis Association (BALTIPA);
- Chairman of the Conferences of Baltic Immunoprophylaxis Association 2014;
- President of the international conference Vilnius Course 2014; October, 2014;
Prof. A. Valiulis –
- President of the Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- Lithuanian Delegate in European Academy of Paediatrics (CESP);
- Lithuanian Delegate in European Paediatric Association (UNEPSA);
- President of the Lithuanian Paediatric Respiratory Society;
- Vice-chairman of the Committee of Mother and Child of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- editor-in-Chief of the Index Copernicus journal (Impact factor 3.94) Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija ( Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology);
- editorial board member of ISI journal (Impact factor 2.77) Paediatric Respiratory Reviews;
- national Coordinator of WHO project Global Alliance Against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD);
- member of Strategic Paediatric Alliance for the Future Health of Children in Europe (EAP-EPA-ECPCP);
- President of seminar PASS Seminar of Commission of Standards of Care in Pulmonology and Allergology, January 18, 2014;
- President of seminar PASS Seminar of Commission of Standards of Care in Pulmonology and Allergology, September20, 2014.
- President of international conference 19th Vilnius International Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology Conference- School, April 18-19,2014;
- President of national conference Annual Meeting of Lithuanian Paediatric Society Health of Lithuanian Child 2014, May 09, 2014;
- President of national conference Annual Meeting of Lithuanian ERS (European Respiratory Society) Association, June 06-07, 2014;
- President of IPOKRaTES international course Paediatric Asthama: Proved, Innovative, Provocative, October 09-11, 2014;
- President of nationalconference devoted to World COPD Day Autumn of Pulmonology and Allergology 2014, October 14, 2014.
Dr. R. Čerkauskienė –
- Vice-president of Lithuanian Society for Paediatric Nephrology;
- member of Lithuanian Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association;
- member of International Pediatric Nephrology Association;
- member of Vilnius Paediatric Society;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine).
Assoc. Prof. S. Dumčius –
- member of the European Respiratory Society;
- member of the European Cystic Fibrosis Association;
- editorial board member of the journal Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija (Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology).
Dr. R. Ėmužytė –
- editorial board member of the journal Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija (Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology);
- editorial board member of the journal Alergologija ir klinikinė imunologija (Allergology and Clinical Immunology);
- editorial board member of the journal Medinfo;
- international editorial board member of the journal Alergia astma immunologia (Allergy Asthma Immunology) (Poland);
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- Lithuanian representative in European Training Committee of Paediatric Allergology;
- president of the Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- chair of National board of experts for Allergology and Clinical Immunology;
- national representative of European ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) Committee;
- Chairman of the national conference Allergology and Clinical Imunology – 2014.
Dr. R. Firantienė –
- member of the Council of Lithuanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology.
Dr. J. Grikinienė –
- member of Lithuanian Association of Neurology;
- member of Lithuanian Paediatric Neurology Society;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Epileptology;
- member of Lithuanian Paediatric Society.
Dr. R. Kemežys –
- editorial board member of the journal Baltic Endocrinology,
- member of the Council of Lithuanian Endocrine Society;
- member of Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- member of Paediatric Endocrinology Association;
- member of International Growth Hormone Research Society (GRS);
- member of the European Federation of Endocrine Societies (EFES);
- member of International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD).
Dr. O. Kinčinienė –
- president of the Lithuanian Paediatric Cardiology Society;
- deputy editor of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics).
Assoc. Prof. I. Narkevičiūtė –
- member of the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID);
- member of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID);
- member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS);
- member of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID);
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- member of the journal Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija (Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology).
Assoc. Prof. V. Panavienė –
- member of Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PRES);
- national representative in the PRES Training and Education Committee;
- member of Paediatric Rheumatology International Trial Organisation (PRINTO);
- member of the Council of Lithuanian Rheumatology Association;
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- editorial board member of the journal Reumatologija (Rheumatology).
Assoc. Prof. L. Ragelienė –
- President of Baltic Society for Pediatric Oncology and Haematology;
- board member of European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP);
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Haematology;
- member of the International Society of Haematology;
- member of Society of Paediatric Oncology of Northern Countries;
- member of Baltic Haemophilia Council;
- member of World Federation of Haemophilia;
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics).
Dr. O. Rudzevičienė –
- member of the European Academy of Paediatrics (CESP Delegates: Lithuania);
- member of the Council of Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- deputy chairman of the peer review board of the journal Vaikų pulmonologija ir alergologija (Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology);
- Chairman of the national conference Update of Paediatric Allergology2014, October, 2014.
Dr. B. Skerlienė –
- member of Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SSIEM);
- member of the Baltic Metabolic Group;
- member of Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- member of Vilnius Paediatric Society;
- member of Lithuanian Paediatric Cardiology Society;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition;
- member of Lithuanian Rheumatology Association;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and Neurosonology;
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- international editorial board member of the journal Medycyna Środowiskowa(Environmental Medicine) (Poland).
Dr. V. Urbonas –
- member and representative of the Baltic countries of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN);
- President of the Lithuanian Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition;
- Vice-president of the Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- consultant as paediatric gastroenterologist at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania;
- member of the peer review board of the ESPGHAN conferences (European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition);
- member of the peer review board of the UEGW conferences (United European Gastroenterology Week);
- editorial board member of the journal Gastroenterologija (Gastroenterology);
- Chairman ofthe national conferenceof LithuanianSociety for Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition What’s New in Children’s Gastroenterology; national conference Paediatric Gastroenterology Summer School; national conference Chidren’s Liver and Pancreas Diseases.
Dr. R. Vankevičienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics);
- member of the Council of Vilnius Paediatric Society;
- member of the Council of Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- member of Lithuanian Paediatric Cardiology Society.
Dr. V. Žilinskaitė –
- President of the Lithuanian Paediatric Intensive Care Society;
- member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine;
- editorial board member of the journal Pediatrija (Paediatrics).
I. Ivaškevičienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- executive secretary of Baltic Immunoprophylaxis Association;
- member of the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID);
- member of the Young ESPID (European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases) Society;
- member of Central European Vaccination Advisory Group (CEVAG).
R. Ivaškevičius –
- member of the Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- member of Baltic Immunoprophylaxis Association;
- member of the European Respiratory Society (ERS).
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius
Tel. / fax: 236 5075
Head – Prof. Dr. Virginijus Šapoka
Professors: Dr. V. Šapoka, Dr. V. Kasiulevičius, Dr. V. Alekna , Dr. L. Griškevičius, Dr. N. Samalavičius, Dr. V. Ostapenko (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. V. Urbanavičius, Dr. E. Mišeikytė Kaubrienė, Dr. V. Dženkevičiūtė.
Lecturers: S. Grigonis, Dr. A. Abraitienė, Dr. V. Pečeliūnas. Dr. A. Marcijonienė (part-time), Dr. L.Vencevičienė (part-time), Dr. K. Simanauskas (part-time).
Assistants: A. Slobinas (part-time), S. Tulytė (part-time), L.Vaitkevičiūtė (part-time), D. Diglys (part-time), N. Burokienė (part-time).
Doctoral students: K. Simanauskas, A. Bleizgys, V. Rudaitis, V. Andrejevaitė , R. Aškinis, A. Krasauskas, A. Urbanavičiūtė, R. Gaidamovič, N. Lachej.
Etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment of diseases: fundamental and clinical research, innovative technologies
Early diagnostics and prevention of non-infection diseases in family practice and in gerontology
Biomarker research in haematology and oncology
Projects Supported by University Budget
Early Diagnostics and Prevention of Non-Infection Diseases in Family Practice. Prof. V. Šapoka, Prof. V. Kasiulevičius. 2013–2018.
Associations between seasonal changes in serum levels of vitamin D and soluble endothelial cell adhesion molecules in young men
Conclusions of the research:
- Serum vitamin D levels in young apparently healthy men demonstrated clear seasonality: mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at the warm season were almost two-folds higher in comparison to the cold season. More than one-third of the young apparently healthy men had low vitamin D at both seasons.
- Serum levels of soluble P-selectin in young apparently healthy men were found to have remarkable seasonal changes: mean soluble P-selectin levels at the warm season were significantly higher in comparison to the cold season.
- No clear seasonality has been found for serum levels of soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and soluble E-selectin. The changes in levels of all these three soluble cell adhesion molecules in men of the first study year were quite different from those in men of the second study year.
- Significant seasonal relationships of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels with serum levels of two soluble cell adhesion molecules have been found: inverse associations with soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 at the warm season and direct associations – with soluble P-selectin at the cold season.
- Current smokers had higher serum soluble E-selectin and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 levels, and anthropometric parameters – indicators of overweight and obesity – directly correlated with soluble E-selectin levels. An increase of C-reactive protein levels has been found and is associated with higher levels of both these two soluble cell adhesion molecules.
Association between anxiety disorders and the biomarkers of atherosclerosis, hemostasis, cardiovascular function in the population of the high cardiovascular risk smokers
In 2014 the evaluation of 257 high cardiovascular risk men who all met the criteria of being 40-55 years old, smokers and diagnosed with metabolic syndrome in primary care has been finished. 62 men (24 %) were diagnosed with at least one anxiety disorder (anxiety +). We have described the prevalence of traditional atherosclerosis risk factors, tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive substances risk, readiness and motivation to quit smoking. The biomarkers of atherothrombosis and vascular function tests were tested and then retrospectively compared between two groups: anxiety + and anxiety -. Due to complicated and slow procurement process we were not able to have final results of specific and very sensitive inflammatory biomarkers (IL-6, IL-10, leptin) up till now. We expect them to be ready by the end of December of 2014. The preliminary results of comparative study did not show any significant associations for atherosclerosis markers, lipoprotein atherogenicity, platelet functional activity, endothelium and arterial structural parameters between groups.
The aim of study was to establish diabetes mellitus (DM) mortality reasons and it trends in Lithuania in 2010. Data sources were collected from Lithuanian Statistical Department and Hygiene Institute. The mortality rates were calculated for 100.000 inhabitants of Lithuania. The results show that the mortality rates continue to grow among patients with DM in Lithuania and overall mortality in 2010 was 75 cases/100,000 inhabitants compared to 48 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in 2002. In 2002 the death rate from cardiovascular disease accounted for 57% of the deaths from diabetes mellitus, stroke -19%, cancer- 8% in 2010 DM mortality increased to 75 / 100,000. In 2010 the death rate from cardiovascular disease accounted 51% of the deaths from diabetes mellitus, stroke - 15%, cancer - 11%. DM patients are at increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, stroke, and renal disease, sepsis, and mortality rate from cancer of various origins is more in the general population (17% of the general population, as compared to diabetic group, 11%).
The purpose of the research is to evaluate causes, clinical features, disease complications and therapeutic outcomes of patients with acromegaly treated in Vilnius university hospital Santariškių klinikos, centre of Endocrinology. Research protocol has been prepared and approved by Vilnius regional ethics committee. It involves retrospective data review and prospective follow-up of the patients with acromegaly. 44 patients with acromegaly were enrolled in the study. Retrospective data were reviewed and summarized.
The relationship between lean mass, fat mass, bone mineral content, bone mineral density, muscle strength, walking and balance in elderly was identified.
The data of 173 persons was analyzed. Total body fat mass, percentage body fat, lean mass, percentage lean mass, bone mineral content and bone mineral density were measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (iDXA, GE Lunar, USA). Muscle strength was assessed by handgrip strength which was measured using a Presision handheld dynamometer (Druck, Germany). All subjects were instructed to maintain a sitting position, arms down by the side, and holding the dynamometer in the dominant hand without squeezing the arm against the body. Subjects were allowed to perform three trials, and the mean measurement was taken for analysis. Assessment of physical performance: 4 meter walking test, balance test and five repeated chair stand test were used to measure physical performance. Walking test was performed measuring subject‘s usual walking time over a 4-m course (in sec). Balance was examined by subject’s ability to stand with the feet together in side-by-side, semi-tandem and tandem positions and time to rise from a chair and return to the seated position five times.
It was found that the smallest handgrip strength was in the group of men and women aged 80 years and above as compared to other age groups. Walking time and five repeated chair stands test time were significantly longer in the group of men and women aged 80 years and above as compared to the group of men and women aged 60–69. In men and women, balance test time was significantly shorter in the group of 80 year and older, as compared to other age groups.
The associations between body components, muscle strength and physical performance were evaluated by Pearson correlation analysis. It was found that muscle strength was positively related to lean mass in men and in women aged 60–69 years.
Main publications:
Schveigert, D., Cicėnas, S., Bublevic, J., Aškinis, R., Šapoka, V., Didžiapetrienė, J. 2014. The role of genetic and other biomarkers in NSCLC prognosis. Central European Journal of Medicine, 382–390 .
Deksnytė, A., Aranauskas, R., Kasiulevičius, V., Šapoka, V., Palinauskiatė, K., Gaidamovicz, R. 2014. Parameters of ante-mortem delirium. Psychiatr. Pol., vol. 48(1), 145–155.
Didziapetriene, J., Smailyte, G., Bublevic, J., Kazbariene, B., Kasiulevicius,V., Stukas, R. 2014. Relationship of MDA plasma concentrations to long-term survival of breast cancer patients. Tumori, vol. 100(3), 333–337.
2. Biomarker Research in Hematology and Oncology. Prof. L. Griškevičius. 2013–2018.
Population analysis of biomarkers of leukemia.
BRCA1/2 mutation spectrum and its prognostic significance for progression-free and overallsurvival in advanced ovariancancer.
The scientific thesis was to determine prognostic significance of the BRCA1/2 genes mutations on progression-free and overall patient survival in advanced ovarian cancer.
We evaluated the BRCA1/2 genes mutation spectrum and frequency in cases of advanced ovarian cancer, determined the founder mutation in cases of advanced ovarian cancer, and analyzed the prognostic significance of clinical and genetic factors on progression-free and overall survival.
The results: in advanced ovarian cancer the BRCA1/2 mutation frequency was 51.4%. Eight different BRCA1/2 genes mutations have been detected. Three most frequent BRCA 1/2 mutations represented 89.2 % from all 8 BRCA 1/2 mutations. Among all determined BRCA1/2 genes mutations BRCA1 4035delA or founder mutation was most frequent. It amounted to 63.6%. In advanced ovarian cancer, non-optimal cytoreduction, patients’ older age and the absence of BRCA1/2 mutations were statistically significantly predictive of shorter PFS. Only non-optimal cytoreduction was significantly associated with shorter OS.
A population based genetic SNPa analysis of CNAs in 66 young adult has been performed. ALL patients were evaluated and their prognostic significance with regard to event free and overall survival was determined.
Optimization of thyroid cancer diagnostics.
The data were collected to compare the needed amount of cytological material for the assessment of thyroid nodules by the method of THIN PREP and conventional cytology in 2012-2013.
Results: Clinical-practical recommendations for the ultrasound assessment of thyroid nodules and ultrasound-guided thyroid biopsy were prepared. The Recommendations were published in the article "Skydliaukės mazgų ištyrimas ir gydymas: ekspertų rekomendacijos" Lietuvos Endokrinologija.
Evaluation of lung cancer (IB-IIIA stage) and predictive markers (ER,HER-2,ROS-1) before treatment
Clinical trial protocol was carried out according to the plan: successfully collected data for analysis (36 patients are included), performed an interim analysis (planned to write an article), received financing for genetic tests.
Also 2 abstracts (related to PhD topic) and 3 articles (not related to PhD topic) have been published. PhD student participates in 3 international researches. PhD student has participated in 11 International and Lithuanian conferences and seminars. 2 reports on interim results (1 oral, 1 poster), both related to PhD topic, and 2 (both oral) not related to PhD topic have been presented in International conferences.
8 females were included to clinical trial for predictive markers investigation (ER, HER-2, ROS-1).
Main publications:
Rudaitis, V., Zvirblis, T., Kanopiene, D., Janulynaite, D., Griskevicius, L., Janavicius, R. 2014. BRCA1/2 mutation status is an independent factor of improved survival for advanced (stage III-IV) ovarian cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer, vol. 24(8), 1395–400, doi: 10.1097/IGC.0000000000000247.
Janavičius, R., Rudaitis, V., Mickys, U., Elsakov, P., Griškevičius, L. 2014. Comprehensive BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutational profile in Lithuania. Cancer Genet, vol. 207(5), 195–205, doi: 10.1016/j.cancergen.2014.05.002. Epub 2014 May 10.
Bogdanova, N., Togo, A.V., Ratajska, M., Kluźniak, W., Takhirova, Z., Tarp, T., Prokofyev, D., Bermisheva, M., Yanus, G.A., Gorodnova, T.V., Sokolenko, A.P., Kuźniacka, A., Podolak, A., Stukan, M., Wokołorczyk, D., Gronwald, J., Vasilevska, D., Rudaitis, V., Runnebaum, I.B., Dürst, M., Park-Simon, T.W., Hillemanns, P., Antonenkova, N., Khusnutdinova, E., Limon, J., Lubinski, J., Cybulski, C., Imyanitov, E., Dörk, T. 2014. Prevalence of the BLM nonsense mutation, p.Q548X, in ovarian cancer patients from Central and Eastern Europe. Fam Cancer. 2014 Sep 3. [Epub ahead of print]
Prof. V. Šapoka –
- board member of International and European Society of Internal Medicine;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Internistas (Internist);
- president of the Lithuanian Evidence-Based Medicine Society;
- board member of the journals Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), Geriatrija (Geriatrics) and Lietuvos bendrosios praktikos gydytojas (General Practitioner of Lithuania),;
- Vilnius University Senate member.
Assoc. Prof. V. Urbanavičius –
- member of the Eurodiabetes Index 2014 Committee;
- editorial board member of the journals Lietuvos endokrinologija (Endocrinology of Lithuania), Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine), Diabetes Review and Internistas (Internist);
- member of the organizing committees of endocrinological conferences;
- member of the European Association of Study of Diabetes.
Prof. V. Kasiulevičius –
- president of the Lithuanian Society of General Practitioners;
- editor of the journal Internistas(Internist);
- direct member of the World Organization of Family Physicians and General Practitioners (WONCA);
- head of Lithuanian delegation of the UEMO (European Society of General Practitioner).
Prof. V. Alekna-
- President of the Lithuanian Osteoporosis Foundation;
- vice- President of the Lithuanian Society of Gerontologists and Geriatrists;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Gerontologija (Gerontology).
21/27 M.K. Čiurlionio, LT-03101 Vilnius
Tel. 239 8732, 239 8738
Fax 239 8738
Head – Prof. Dr. Rimantas Stukas
Professors: Dr. R. Stukas, Dr. G. Šurkienė, Dr. J. Dadonienė, Dr. K. Žagminas, Dr. A. Germanavičius, Habil. Dr. A. Juozulynas.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Astrauskienė (part-time), Dr. R. Čepulis, Dr. E. Gefenas (part-time), Dr. M. Jakubauskienė, Dr. V. Jurkuvėnas (part-time), Dr. V. Giedraitis, Dr. J. Kairys (part-time), Dr. V. Miežutavičiūtė, Dr. A. Urbelis, Dr. S. Vainauskas.
Lecturers: Dr. G. Andrulionis (part-time), Dr. L. Ašoklienė (part-time), Dr. R. Bartkevičiūtė (part-time), Dr. A. Bagdonavičius (part-time), A. Barzda (part-time), R. Baranauskienė (part-time), Dr. A. Beržanskytė, D. Brogienė (part-time), Dr. M. Butikis, A. Čekanauskaitė (part-time), Dr. N. Goštautautė-Mittun (part-time), R. Janonienė (part-time), Dr. L. Murauskienė (part-time), Dr. E. Peičius (part-time), Dr. R. Sketerskienė (part-time), Dr. L. Stundžė (part-time), Dr. A. Juodaitė – Račkauskienė (part-time), Dr. R. Vaitkienė (part-time), Z. Javtokas (part-time), Dr. R. Jankauskas (part-time), Dr. J. Stanislavovienė, V. Jaeck (part-time).
Research fellows: Dr. A. Dervinytė-Bongarzoni (part-time), A. Žalnora, D. Austys (part-time), M. Baranauskas (part-time), Dr. A.Valiulis (part-time).
Assistants: L. Paškevičius (part-time), I. Paukštytė (part-time), N. Kuprevičienė (part-time), V. Taminskienė, J. Lekstutienė (part-time) , V. Dobrovolskij (part-time), N. Dambrauskaitė (part-time), I. Kušeliauskaitė (part-time), Paulius Stravinskas (part-time).
Doctoral students: V. Dobrovolskij, A. Žalnora, N. Kuprevičienė, D. Austys, V. Andreikėnaitė, I. Tamulaitytė - Morozovienė, V. Taminskienė, I. Pačiauskaitė, A. Černovas, O. Ubartienė.
Environmental and social factors and public health
History of medicine
Epidemiology of non-infectious and infectious diseases
Scientific basis of health care management
Assessment of health care activities and biostatistics
Health and quality of life
Medical ethics
Projects Supported by University Budget
Assessment of Health Risk Factors and Sense of Coherence of Elderly People. Prof. R. Stukas. 2014–2018.
A questionnaire-based survey of the elderly was continued. Two articles in peer reviewed journals were published. On a basis of this study poster presentation at scientific conference was presented.
Main publications:
Cernovas, A., Mastaviciute, A., Tamulaitiene, M., Stukas, R and Alekna, V. 2014. The association between fear of falling, physical activity and functional independence in institutionalized older adults. Gerontologija (accepted).
Černovas, A., Mastavičiūtė, A., Tamulaitienė, M., Stukas, R., Alekna, V. 2014. Senyvo amžiaus asmenų, gyvenančių glaudžioje bendruomenėje, griuvimų baimės sąsajos su fiziniu aktyvumu ir funkciniu savarankiškumu. Gerontologija, (accepted).
Prevalence Study on Unintentional Domestic Injuries among Pre-School Children. Prof. G. Šurkienė. 2014–2018.
Questionnaire was prepared and were given to parents/carers of preschool child‘s from 26 Lithuania municipalities. Survey was done anonymously. 1505 respondents were questioned.
Main publications:
Račaitė, J., Šurkienė, G., Laukaitienė, A. 2014. Prevalence of Home Injuries among Pre-school Children. Visuomenės sveikata, nr. 1, 108–113.
Ethical Aspects of Biomedical Reasearch with Human. Assoc. Prof. E. Gefenas. 2009–2015.
The aim of the project was to analyze ethical and legal aspects of biomedical research with human biological materials. Deliverables: ammendment of the Bibliography on Bioethics. Issues of research biological materials were dealt with during seminar on 17th–24th of August in Vilnius.
Main publications:
Strosberg, M., Gefenas, E., Famenka, A. 2014. Research ethics review: identifying public policy and program gaps. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, vol. 9(2), 3–11.
International Science Programmes, Projects and Contracts
Education in Research Ethics: Central / Eastern Europe. Assoc. Prof. E. Gefenas. 2004–2017.
In 2014 our Department continued collaboration with Union Graduate College Bioethics Program (USA) in implementation of the project Advanced Certificate Program: Research Ethics in Central and Eastern Europe. On the 17th – 24th of August the proseminar of Advanced Certificate Program: E-Education in Research Ethics: Central and Eastern Europe was held in Vilnius.
Lancaster University (UK)
Universidad de Deusto (Spain)
University of Verona (Italy)
Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary)
Ministry of Health (Lithuania)
Prof. R. Stukas –
- head of the scientific committee of novel food of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Lithuania;
- editorial board member of the journal Visuomenės sveikata (Public Health);
- member of the National Health Board.
Prof. G. Šurkienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Visuomenės sveikata (Public Health);
- editorial board member of the journal Sveikatos mokslai (Health Sciences);
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Hygienists and Epidemiologists;
- Chair of the Committee for Doctoral studies at Vilnius University in Public Health Areas.
Prof. J. Dadonienė –
- board member of Lithuanian Rheumatologist Association;
- board member of Lithuanian Arthritis Association (patient organization);
- member of European Network for Vasculitis Research (EUVAS);
- member of organizing committee for the annual conference Vilnius Seminars in Rheumatology;
- member of organizing commitee of World Arthritis Day.
Assoc. Prof. E. Gefenas –
- co-director of the Advanced Certificate Program in Research Ethics in Central and Eastern Europe;
- vice-chair of the Council of Europe Steering Committee on Bioethics (CDBI);
- member of the bureau of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (ESPMH);
- member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Bioethics (IAB);
- member of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT);
- member of the advisory editorial board of the journals Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy: A European Journal, (Springer);
- international advisory board member of the journal Medical Humanities, (BMJ Publishing Group).
Assoc. Prof. A. Germanavičius –
- member of European Association of Psychiatrists;
- board member of the European Network for Mental Health Service Research and Evaluation (ENMESH);
- member of the Committee on History of Psychiatry, World Federation of Biological Psychiatry;
- member of the Working Group in the History of Medicine, Brook University, Oxford, UK;
- member of Lithuanian Psychiatric Association (LPA);
- president of Lithuanian Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicina (Medicine);
- editorial board member of the journal Sveikatos Mokslai (Health Sciences);
- editorial board member of the journal Biologinė psichiatrija ir psichofarmakologija (Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology);
- chair of expert task force for Vilnius city mental health care policy (2011–2013);
- members of committee for strategic planning of mental health care development in Lithuania 2008 –2013 at the Ministry of Health.
Assoc. Prof. V. Jurkuvėnas –
- editorial board member of the journal Visuomenės sveikata (Public Health).
Assoc. Prof. V. Miežutavičiūtė –
- member of the International Society for the History of Medicine;
- member of the Association of the History of Medicine of the Baltic States.
Assoc. Prof. A. Urbelis –
- member of the State Consulting Commission of State Plant Protection Service;
- member of work environment hygienic care development programme of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Lithuania.
Assoc. Prof. S. Vainauskas –
- expert of the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation.
Prof. K. Žagminas –
- editorial board member of the journal Visuomenės sveikata (Public Health);
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice in Medicine);
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Hygienists and Epidemiologists;
- member of the Lithuanian Association for Infectious Diseases.
A. Čekanauskaitė –
- member of the Lithuanian Bioethics Society;
- member of the Board of the Foundation for Patient Safety, Innovations and Quality.
M. Veniūtė –
- member of the Lithuanian Bioethics Society;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers.
Prof. A. Juozulynas –
- editorial board member of the journal Visuomenės sveikata (Public Health);
- editorial board member of the journal Gerontologija (Gerontology);
- editorial board member of the journal Medicinos teorija ir praktika (Theory and Practice Medicine);
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Sveikatos mokslai (Health Sciences);
- editorial board member of the journal Acta medica Lithuanica;
- honorary doctor of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
Dr. A. Beržanskytė –
- national epidemiologist from Lithuania for European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network (EARS).
Dr. V. Giedraitis –
- coordinator, Erasmus Mundus Regional Health Master program;
- editorial board member of the Journal of World-Systems Research;
- managing editor of the journal Ekonomika (Economics).
Prof. A. Valiulis –
- president of Lithuanian Paediatric Society;
- president of Lithuanian Paediatric Respiratory Society;
- member of Executive Board of European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP-UEMS);
- member of Executive Committee of European Confederation of Primary Care Paediatricians;
- chairman of EAP Committee of Inequalities and Harmonization of Child Health Care in Europe;
- chairman of Lithuanian Alliance Against Chronic Lung Diseases (GARD-Lithuania);
- vice-chairman of Mother and Child Health Commission and Member of Allergologic Commission of Lithuanian Academy Sciences;
- national coordinator in Strategic Pediatric Alliance for the Future Health of Children in Europe;
- national delegate of Global Asthma Initiative (GINA) and Global Allergic Rhinitis Initiative (ARIA);
- chairman of Advisory Board of Lithuanian Council of Asthma Clubs;
- chief executive of IPOKRaTES Lithuania Fund;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Paediatric Pulmonology and Allergology (Index Copernicus);
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Lithuanian Paediatric Chronicle;
- editorial board member of the Paediatric Respiratory Reviews(ISI 2.676),Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska, Pediatria Polska, Russian Paediatric Journal;
- chairman of Vilnius International Paediatric Pulmonology Conference – School (19 annual international conferences of Paediatric Asthma, Pneumonia, CF, TB and Orphan Lung Diseases; more than 8000 trained doctors);
- chairman of 4 Biannual Lithuanian National Asthma Congresses;
- chairman of 3 Lithuanian Congresses on Paediatric Pulmonology;
- chairman of 2 international conferences on Human Ecology;
- honorary fellow of British Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health;
- member of Commissions of Rare Diseases, Immunoprophylaxis, Mother & Child, Suckling, Human Resources, Accessibility of Health Service of Lithuanian Ministry of Health;
- chief Paediatrician of Vilnius City, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania.
Assoc. Prof. J. Kairys –
- editorial board member of the journal Sveikatos mokslai (Health Sciences);
- board member of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Lithuania.
Dr. R. Vaitkienė –
- member of the Administrative Commission for the Coordination of Social Security Systems at the European Commision;
- member of the Coalition of Non-governmental Organizations and Experts I Can Live.
Dr. R. Jankauskas –
- editorial board chair of the journal Visuomenės sveikata (Public Health).
R. Baranauskienė –
- Comission Expert Group on Rare Diseases;
- associated partners Health Authorities representative in Orphanet Europe Joint Action;
- vice-chairman of the organizing committee for the international conference The National Activities Related to Rare Diseases;
- scientific committee member of the international conference The National Activities Related to Rare Diseases.
R. Bartkevičiūtė-
- member of Food Safety and Quality Commission of Agricultural and Forest Sciences Department of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- public consultant of the Minister of Health of Lithuania;
- member of the working group on Mother and Child HEALTH Problems under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania;
- member of Lithuanian Breastfeeding Committee.
R. Barzda-
- member of Food Safety and Quality Commission of Agricultural and Forest Sciences Department of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- representative of Republic of Lithuania in Codex Alimentarius Commis.
2 Santariškių, LT-08661 Vilnius
Tel. 250 1798, 250 1794
Head – Prof. Dr. Algirdas Utkus
Professors: Habil. Dr. V. Kučinskas (part-time), Dr. L. Cimbalistienė (part-time), Dr. A. Utkus (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. A. Jakaitienė (part-time), Dr. J. Kasnauskienė (part-time).
Lecturers: Dr. L. Ambrozaitytė (part-time), Dr. E. Benušienė (part-time), Dr. A. Molytė (part-time), Dr. V. Šliužas (part-time).
Research fellows: Dr. Ž. Čiuladaitė (part-time), Dr. I. Domarkienė, Dr. V. Ginevičienė (part-time), Dr. A. Matulevičienė (part-time), Dr. A. Morkūnienė (part-time), Dr. E. Pranckevičienė (part-time), Dr. E. Preikšaitienė (part-time), Dr. J. Songailienė (part-time), Dr. J. Sušinskas (part-time), Dr. I. Uktverytė, B. Aleksiūnienė (part-time), J. Arasimavičius (part-time), I. Baškirova, B. Burnytė (part-time), Š. Germanas (part-time), R. Meškienė, V. Mikštienė (part-time), A. Pranculis, T. Rančelis, B. Tumienė (part-time).
Assistant: A. Skučaitė (part-time).
Biologist investigator: A. Urnikytė.
Doctoral students: I. Domarkienė, I. Uktverytė, A. Pranculis, T. Rančelis, V. Mikštienė, B. Tumienė, B. Aleksiūnienė, B. Burnytė, A. Urnikytė.
Population genetics of Lithuania
Genomics of ntellectual disability
Genetic basis of imprinting disorders
Projects Supported by University Budget
Diversity of Human Genome, its Origin and Phenotypical Realization. Prof. Dr. A. Utkus. 2014–2018.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. Genetic Diversity of the Population of Lithuania and Changes of its Genetic Structure Related with Evolution and Common Diseases (LITGEN). (No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-013). Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Kučinskas. 2011–2015.
Whole exome sequencing was performed for 114 individuals from 6 ethnolinguistic groups of Lithuania. One trio (proband and both parents) were whole genome sequenced – for the first time in Lithuania. Results of the LITGEN project has been presented in thesis, poster and oral presentations, scientific articles and one article in popular press. The end of LITGEN project is in March, 2015. The final conference will overview main results gained through the year 2011-2015 of array-genotyping, whole exome and whole genome sequencing, genotyping using mtDNA and Y chromosome genetic markers, biochemical phenotyping results as well as genotype-phenotype correlations.
Main publications:
Gusev, A., Hong Lee, S., Trynka G., Finucane, H., Bjarni J., Kučinskas, V., Kučinskienė, Z. A. et. al. 2014. Partitioning heritability of regulatory and cell-type-specific variants across 11 common diseases. The American Journal of Human Genetics 95, p. 535–552, November 6, 2014.
Lazaridis, I., Patterson, N., Mittnik, A., Renaud, G., Mallick, S., Kirsanow, K., Kučinskas, V., Uktverytė, I. et al. 2014. Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans. Nature, vol. 513, no. 7518, 409–413.
Ripke, S., Neale, B. M., Corvin, A., Walters, James T. R., Farh, Kai-How, Kučinskas, V. et. al. 2014. (Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium), Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci. Nature, vol. 511, 421–427-4687.
International Research Projects
Unique Genome Variants in Congenital Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Origin, Genomic Mechanisms, Functional and Clinical Consequences (UNIGENE). (No. CH-3-ŠMM-01/04). Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Kučinskas. 2012–2016.
The clinical data and sample collection of 147 patients (i.e. 132 families) with neurodevelopmental disorders and their family members recruited according to the standardized selection criteria was organized and controlled in 2014. The molecular genetic analysis using array-based comparative genomic hybridization (60K) was performed for 36 patients. Clinically significant changes were identified for 12 patients (part of the results is published). Next generation sequencing research using whole exome and genome sequencing approach for affected individuals and their parents was started.
Main publications:
Preikšaitienė, E. et al. 2014. Recurrent foetal syndromic spina bifida associated with 3q26.1-qter duplication and 5p13.33-pter deletion due to familial balanced rearrangement. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology [Epub ahead of print 2014].
Čiuladaitė, Ž., Preikšaitienė, E., Utkus, A., Kučinskas, V. 2014. Relatives with opposite chromosome constitutions, rec(10)dup(10p)inv(10)(p15.1q26.12) and rec(10)dup(10q)inv(10)(p15.1q26.12), due to a familial pericentric inversion. Cytogenet Genome Res, vol. 144, 109–113. Publisched online: November 15, 2014.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics (Lithuania)
National Cancer Institute (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Olympic Sports Centre (Lithuania)
University of Lausanne (Swiss Confederation)
Prof. Dr. A. Utkus –
- editorial board member of the journal Laboratorinė medicina (Laboratory Medicine), http://www.llmd.ip.lt/lm;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- President of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics,
- http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- editorial board member of the journal Sveikatos mokslai (Lietuva);
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics (board member of Education Committee of ESHG), www.eshg.org;
- board member of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania;
- member of the Lithuanian National Committee on Biomedical Ethics, http://www.sam.lt/bioetika/.
Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Kučinskas –
- member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, http://lma.lt/intranetas/index.php?m=profile&user=309;
- editorial board member of the journal Laboratorinė medicina (Laboratory Medicine), http://www.llmd.ip.lt/lm/;
- editorial board member of the Journal of Applied Genetics (Poland), http://www.jay.au.poznan.pl/JAG/;
- editorial board member of the journal Medicina (Medicine);
- editorial board member of the journal Medical Genetics (Russia);
- editorial council member of the hournal Acta medica Lituanica;
- editorial board member of the Balkan Journal of Medical Genetisc (Makedonija);
- consultant on medical genetics, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania;
- board member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics (board member of Education Committee of ESHG), www.eshg.org;
- member of the American Society of Human Genetics, www.ashg.org;
- member of Human Genome Organization (HUGO).
Prof. Dr. L. Cimbalistienė –
- member of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SSIEM), http://www.ssiem.org;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics (chairperson of Committee of Financial Supervisory Commission), http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
- member of the Lithuanian Doctors’ Union, http://www.lgs.lt/.
Dr. J. Kasnauskienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
- board member of Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine.
Dr. E. Pranckevičienė –
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org.
Dr. E. Benušienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics (chairperson of Committee of Professional Competence and Ethics), http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm.
Dr A. Jakaitienė –
- member of Lithuanian Mathematical Society, http://www.mif.vu.lt/lmd/index.html;
- member of Lithuanian Statistical Society, http://www.statistikusajunga.lt/.
Dr. A. Matulevičienė –
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
- member of the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP), http://www.emea.europa.eu/htms/general/contacts/COMP/COMP_members.html;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, (board member of the Committee of Financial Supervisory Commission), http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Doctors;
Dr. A. Morkūnienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics (chairperson of Committee of Professional Competence and Ethics), http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
Dr. J. Sušinskas –
- member of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, http://www.mif.vu.lt/lmd/index.html.
Dr. J. Songailienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Laboratory Medicine;
- member of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (SSIEM), http://www.ssiem.org;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
- National representative of Lithuania in ERNDIM/EuroGenTest (ERNDIM- European Research Network for Evaluation and Improvement of Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Inherited Disorders of Metabolism; EuroGentest - EU-funded Network of Excellence), http://www.erndim.unibas.ch.
Dr. V. Ginevičienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, https://www.eshg.org/;
- member of the European College of Sport Science, http://www.ecss.mobi/;
- member of the Baltic Sport Science Society, www.leu.lt/download/6594/bsss_sutartis.pdf;
- member of the Lithuanian Federationof Sports Medicine, http://www.lsmf.lt/.
Dr. V. Šliužas –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org.
Dr. L. Ambrozaitytė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, (board member of Committee of Professional Competence and Ethics), http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
- member of the American Society of Human Genetics;
- COST Action BM1208 (European Network for Human Congenital Imprinting Disorders) group member.
Dr. I. Domarkienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org.
Dr. A. Molytė –
- member of the Lithuanian Computer Society, http://www.liks.lt.
Dr. Ž. Čiuladaitė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
- National scholarship program of the World Federation of Scientists, http://www.federationofscientists.org/;
- Sophie Valentina Ambroza 2014 Science Prize for achievements in the development of medical education in the Faculty of Medicine and Science in the international space.
Dr. E. Preikšaitienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
- National scholarship program of the World Federation of Scientists, http://www.federationofscientists.org/;
- Prize of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences for Research of Young Scientists, 2014, www.lma.lt.
Dr. I. Uktverytė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org.
B. Aleksiūnienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
B. Burnytė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the Society for Studies of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, SSIEM, http://www.ssiem.org;
- Orphanet information scientist, http://www.orpha.net.
V. Mikštienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org.
R. Meškienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org.
Pranculis –
- member of the European Society of Human Genetics, www.eshg.org;
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm.
Tumienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics, http://www.geneticahumana.lt/LZGD/organizacija.htm;
- member of the Society for Studies of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, SSIEM, http://www.ssiem.org;
- board member of Baltic Metabolic Group, http://www.ssiem.org;
- member of Lithuanian Child Neurology Association, www.neuroseminarai.lt;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Epileptology;
- member of Lithuanian Society of Neurosciences, www.neuromokslai.lt;
- Orphanet information scientist, www.orpha.net.
A. Skučaitė –
- member of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, http://www.mif.vu.lt/lmd/index.html.