Faculty of Communication
9 Saulėtekio, LT-01222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6101, fax 236 6104
Dean – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrius Vaišnys
58 teachers (44 holding research degree), 21 doctoral students.
- Department of Museology
- Institute of Book and Documentation Science
- Institute of Creative Medias
- Institute of Information and Communication
- Institute of Journalism
- Institute of Library and Information Science
- Media Research Laboratory
Information and Communication in Traditional and Network Society
Generating and Communicating Heritage
I. Girnienė. Knowledge management factors promoting the creation of innovations.
I. Kapleris. Digital media expression in communication of Lithuanian museums.
T. Petreikis. Culture of the Regional Book according to the Samogitian Book of 1905–1944.
A. Vernickaitė. Information behaviour of members of parliament and its determinants.
International Book Science conference Book Culture of the life-time of Kristijonas Donelaitis in the multicultural society of Prussia
International conference Communication and Information Sciencesin Network Society: Experience and Insights. II
International conference Crisis in Film and Visual Media
National conference Lithuanian writers’ libraries and their faiths
National conference Readings of V. Birziska. 2014: The expression of personality: from XVIII century librarians to XXI age bloggers
Atkočiūnienė, Z.; Janiūnienė, E., 2014. Informacijos valdymas viešajame sektoriuje: monografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 343 p.
Knygotyra (Book Science). Vilnius University. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2014, vol. 62. 315 p.; vol. 63. 374 p.
Vaišnys, A, 2014. Vieši Seimo ryšiai su visuomene: monografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 388 p.
9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 219 32 90
Fax 236 6104
Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rimvydas Laužikas
Professor: Dr. Pieter van Mensch.
Associate professors: Dr. N. Keršytė, Dr. R. Laužikas Dr. A. Puškorius.
Lecturer: Dr. Ž. Būčys, M. Kelpša.
Research fellow: Dr. V. Vaitkevičius.
Doctoral students: I. Kapleris, M. Kelpša, I. Vosyliūtė, D. Armakauskaitė, N. Charapan, T. Žižiūnas.
Theoretical museoloy
History of museums and museology in Lithuania
Digitization of cultural heritage
Information and communication of cultural heritage
Preservation and conservation of movable heritage
Projects Supported by University Budget
The Social Role of the Production and Communication of Museality in a Changing World. Prof. Pieter van Mensch, Assoc. Prof. R. Laužikas. 2013–2017.
Aims of the project are to investigate: the production of museality as a form of social capital in a participatory culture; the interaction between the professional museological infrastructure and its stakeholders in the process of musealisation and the role of heritage in cultural dialogue and social communication in a globalizing world.
Main publications:
Laužikas, R. 2014. Church orientations in Central and Eastern Europe. In Clive L.N. Ruggles (ed.). Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy. New York : Springer New York, 1727–1732.
Kapleris, I. 2014. Dalyvaujamojo muziejaus paradigma virtualioje Lietuvos muziejų komunikacijoje. Informacijos mokslai, vol. 68, 77–99.
Vaitkevičius, V. 2014. Pažįstamas ir nepažįstamas Balys Buračas: 1936 m. ekspedicijos užrašai. Tautosakos darbai, vol. 47, 248–252.
International Research Projects
LoCloud (Local Content in the Europeana Cloud). Funded under the European Commission’s ICT Policy Support Programme. 2013–2016.
Main scientific results in 2014 (Department of Museology as partner): creating know-how and applied knowledge in fields of Cloud Computing usage for small and medium-sized institutions; interoperability of historical geography in heritage information systems and creating historical place names and controlled vocabularies micro services for small and medium-sized institutions.
Europeana Food and Drink. Funded under the European Commission’s ICT Policy Support Programme. 2013–2016.
Main scientific results in 2014 (Department of Museology as partner): providing digital content related to the Lithuanian food culture, national food and beverage production traditions, dining customs, as well as most characteristic recipes that represents the region; contributions in development of commercial applications and participation in the ‘Learning Track’ to review the effectiveness, viability and impact of different models of delivery and revenue-sharing; contribution to the modeling of end-user requirements and behaviors.
Reinvardt Academy, Amsterdam School of Arts, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
2Culture Associates, London (United Kingdom)
Collection Trust, London (United Kingdom)
University of York, York (United Kingdom)
Cyprus institute, Nicosia (Cyprus)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Keršytė –
- deputy editor-in-Chief of Acta Museologica Lithuanica, http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/en/journals/acta-museologica-lithuanica/about-the-journal.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Laužikas –
- editor-in-Chief of Acta Museologica Lithuanica, http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/en/journals/acta-museologica-lithuanica/about-the-journal.
Prof. Dr. P. van Mensch –
- editorial board member of Museologica Brunensia (Brno, Czech Republic), http://www.mendelmuseum.muni.cz/en/editorial-board/.
Dr. V. Vaitkevičius –
- editorial board member of Lietuvos archeologija (Lithuanian Archaeology), http://www.istorija.lt/la/redkolegija.html;
- editorial board member of Liaudies kultūra (Folk Culture),http://www.llkc.lt/index.php?4068947815.
9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6111, 236 6112, 236 6116
Fax 203 6104
Head - Prof. Dr. Aušra Navickienė
Professors: Habil. Dr. D. Kaunas (part-time), Dr. O. Janonis (affiliated), Dr. E. Macevičiūtė (part-time), Dr. R. Misiūnas, Dr. A. Navickienė.
Associate professors: Dr. N. Bliūdžiuvienė (part-time), Dr. A. Braziūnienė.
Lecturers: Dr. R. Cicėnienė (part-time), M. Dautartienė (part-time), A. Grigorjevas (part-time), Dr. A. Gudinavičius (part-time), D. Kontrimavičienė (part-time), Dr. I. Liepaitė (part-time), Dr. D. Lukšaitė (part-time), Dr. T. Petreikis, Dr. D. Zovienė (part-time).
Research fellows: Dr. A. Braziūnienė (part-time)
Doctoral students: I. Kažuro, K. Tolkačevskis, A. Urbanavičiūtė.
Media publishing and advertising, digital publishing, e-reading
History, theory and methodology of book science
History, theory and methodology of archivistics and documentation science
Manuscript and printed heritage
Projects Supported by University Budget
Fundamental and Applied Research of Documentary Media. Prof. Dr. A. Navickienė. 2011–2015.
The aim of the project is to analyse traditional and digital media, their role and pecularities in traditional and network societies. Main research results in 2014 were: 15 articles were published in volumes of a scholarly journal Knygotyra (Book Science) and in other research periodicals in Lithuanian and collection of pre-rewied articles Underground publishing and the public sphere: transnational perspectives (Wien); inter-institutional scholarly contacts were intensively developed while preparing research publications and organizing the international Book Science conference Book culture of the life-time of Kristijonas Donelaitis in the multicultural society of Prussia and international Communications and Information Sciences conference Communication and Information Sciences in Network Society: Experience and Insights.II; doctoral dissertation by Tomas Petreikis Culture of the Regional Book According to the Samogitian Book of 1905‒1944 was defended.
Main publications:
Cicėnienė, R., 2014. Rankraštinė knyga ‒ istorijos šaltinis: vieno LDK kodekso istorija. Knygotyra, vol. 63, 99–128.
Kaunas, D., 2014. Martyno Jankaus leidybinė veikla iki spaustuvės įkūrimo (1879–1889). Knygotyra, vol. 62, 245–272.
Pacevičius, A., Navickienė, A., 2014. Repressive censorship, underground publishing, and the distribution of Lithuanian books in the northwest region of the Russian Empire (1795–1904). In Jan. C. Behrends, Thomas Lindenberger (eds.), Underground publishing and the public sphere: transnational perspectives. Wien: Lit Verlag, 75–95. (Series: Wiener Studien zur Zeitgeschichte. Bd. 6.)
National Research Projects
Lithuanian Council for Culture. E-books Publishing Survey of Lithuanian Publishers Dr. A. Gudinavičius. June–December, 2014.
A team of Lithuanian researchers (Dr. A. Gudinavičius [project manager], prof. dr. (HP) E. Macevičiūtė and Dr. A. Šuminas) has conducted a survey of Lithuanian publishers. The project was done in coordination with international research group under European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) action Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation. The main goal was to increase understanding of the situation of e-books production in Lithuania. The results showed that the publishers do not expect rapid and significant growth of e-book market in Lithuania in the nearest future. The biggest hindrance to the growth is a small size of the market and the lack of export market for Lithuanian e-books. The demand of users for portable and convenient format and the use of new technologies in educational system are two biggest drivers in the development of e-book production. On the other hand, the user preference for traditional printed book is seen as one of the barriers for further development. In order to present project results a public event was organized Digital publishing in Lithuania: to be or not to be? followed with a lot of information on TV, radio and internet (project website: http://www.leidyba.kf.vu.lt/SLST/).
Research Council of Lithuania. The National Lithuanian studies development programme for 2009 –2015. The research resultsdissemination project Publishing of Vilnius University Research Journal Knygotyra (Book Science) (Nr. LIT-7-41). Prof. Habil. Dr. D. Kaunas. 2013–2015.
The aim of the project is to ensure uninterrupted publishing of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science) and its functioning in the space of social sciences and humanities. In the year 2014 two volumes 62 and 63 of Knygotyra (Book Science) were published.
Main publications:
Knygotyra (Book Science). Vilnius University. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2014, vol. 62, 315 p.
Knygotyra (Book Science) Vilnius University. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2014, vol. 63, 374 p.
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania. Support for the scientific event: Book culture of the life-time of Kristijonas Donelaitis in the multicultural society of Prussia (Vilnius, 25–26 September)(Nr. ISA 14/4/ LSS-160000-252). Prof. Habil. Dr. D. Kaunas.
The International Book Science conference together with the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences was organized on 25–26 of September 2014 and research articles based on the conferences presentations will be published in the special volume of a scholarly journal Knygotyra (Book Science) of the year 2015.
International Research Projects
7BP. COST Action IS1404 E-READ. Evolution of Reading in the Age of Digitization. 2014–2018.Dr Anne Mangen (University of Stavanger, Norway).
The goal of this Action is to improve scientific understanding of the implications of digitization, hence helping individuals, disciplines, societies and sectors across Europe to cope optimally with the effects. Based on a multidimensional, integrative model of reading, and combining paradigms from experimental sciences with perspectives (e.g., diachronic) from the humanities, the Action develops new research paradigms and metrics for assessing the impact of digitization on reading. These metrics enable the development of evidence-based knowledge of paper and screen reading, and provide guidance for practitioners, policy makers, publishers and designers.
Researchers of the institute took part at the Action Management Committee, developed research of digital media, as well as submitted a project to the Research Council of Lithuania (the goal of that project is to indentify the features of digital media contributing to the reading skills and text comprehension of Lithuania youth in relation to reading aims and situations).
University of Latvia (Latvia)
University of Stavanger (Norway)
University of Tallinn (Estonia)
University of Wroclaw (Poland)
University of Zadar (Croatia)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Bliūdžiuvienė –
- chairperson of LST/TC 47 Information and Documentation, http://www.lsd.lt/standards/tb.php?tbid=50;
- member of Lithuania and European Union institutions and bodies terminology Forum (LTF), http://ec.europa.eu/translation/lithuanian/ltf/documents_lt.htm;
- chairperson of the editorial board of the Lithuanian National Retrospective Bibliography;
- board member of Archivists’ Association, http://archyvarai.org/?page_id=2;
- member of the Organization Committee of international conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights: II, http://www.conference.kf.vu.lt/?page_id=165&lang=en;
- Award of the Lithuanian Standarts Board the deserving standardization employee plague, http://www.kf.vu.lt/studijos/95-naujienos/mokslo-naujienos/1002-apdovanota-n-bliudziuviene;http://www.lsd.lt/typo_new/index.php?id=203&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=473&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=147&cHash=6d1d52ab2e&type=98.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Braziūnienė –
- board member of the book series Fontes historiae Universitatis Vilnensis;
- executive secretary of the editorial board of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/knygotyra/apie-zurnala;
- member of the Nordic-Baltic-Russian Network on the History of Books, Libraries and Reading (HIBOLIRE), http://www.helsinki.fi/historia/hibolire/;
- member of the Organization Committee of international Book Science conference Book culture of the life-time of Kristijonas Donelaitis in the multicultural society of Prussia,http://www.ibsc.kf.vu.lt/;
- member of the Organization Committee of national conference Lithuanian writers libraries and their faiths;
- member of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP), http://www.sharpweb.org/.
Dr. R. Cicėnienė –
- board member of The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences journal Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka;
- board member of the Consortium of the Lithuanian Academic Libraries for the Maintenance and Development of an Information Infrastructure for Scientific and Studies, http://www.labt.lt/Konsorciumas/;
- member of National Committee of UNESCO Memory of the World programme.
Prof. Dr. O. Janonis –
- board member of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science), http://www.leidykla.eu/mokslo-darbai/knygotyra//;
- board member of Martynas Mažvydas National Library journal Bibliografija (Bibliography);
- vice-chairman of the editorial board of the Lithuanian National Retrospective Bibliography.
Prof. Habil. Dr. D. Kaunas –
- vice-president of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- member of Leibniz-Societät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e. V. (Germany);
- chairman of the Research Council of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- research council member of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania;
- board member of the Vilnius University Library;
- board member of the book series Fontes historiae Universitatis Vilnensis;
- editorial board member of the Lithuanian National Retrospective Bibliography;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science), http://www.leidykla.eu/mokslo-darbai/knygotyra/;
- member of the international editorial board of the proceedings of the Department of Information and Library Studies of Latvia University Information and Society;
- member and a secretary of the Commission for Lithuanian Science Awards;
- chairman of the Organization Committee of international Book Science conference Book culture of the life-time of Kristijonas Donelaitis in the multicultural society of Prussia, http://www.ibsc.kf.vu.lt;
- member of the Organization Committee of national conference Lithuanian writers libraries and their faiths, http://www.baranauskas.lt/file/Konferencijos_programa_2014_06_13_14_1.pdf ;
- Award from the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania for the development of the programme of the commemoration of the 300th birth anniversary of Kristijonas Donelaitis, http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_show?p_r=4445&p_d=143103&p_k=1;
- Certificate of appreciation from Algirdas Butkevičius, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania, for significant contribution to the commemoration of Kristijonas Donelaitis’ anniversary in both Lithuania and abroad, http://www.kf.vu.lt/studijos/studentams/bakalauras/95-naujienos/mokslo-naujienos/1361-padeka.
Dr. I. Liepaitė –
- chairperson of the Organization Committee of national conference Lithuanian writers libraries and their faiths, http://www.kf.vu.lt/naujienos/mokslas/1189-moksline-konferencija-anyksciuose.
Prof. Dr. E. Macevičiūtė –
- editorial board member of the Serials Librarian (USA);
- deputy editor-in-Chief, regional editor, reviews editor of Information Research (UK), http://informationr.net/ir;
- board member of the Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication;
- editorial board member of the journal Svensk biblioteksforskning;
- editorial board member of the journal Problems (Problemos);
- editorial member of the journal Informacijos mokslai (Information Sciences);
- deputy editor-in-Chief of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science), http://www.leidykla.eu/mokslo-darbai/knygotyra/;
- secretary of the permanent committee of the international conference Behaviour (ISIC), http://informationr.net/isic/papers.html.
Prof. Dr. A. Navickienė –
- deputy editor-in-Chief of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science), www.leidykla.eu/mokslo-darbai/knygotyra/;
- board member of the Nordic-Baltic-Russian Network on the History of Books, Libraries and Reading (HIBOLIRE), a multinational and multidisciplinary network of scholars in the fields of book history, history of libraries and history of reading, http://www.helsinki.fi/historia/hibolire/hibolire_members.html;
- member of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP), http://www.sharpweb.org/;
- member of the Organization Committee of international conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights: II, http://www.conference.kf.vu.lt/?page_id=165&lang=en;
- member of the Organization Committee of national conference Lithuanian writers libraries and their faiths;
- member of the board for analysing actual question of cultural heritage of the Department of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
Dr. T. Petreikis –
- executive secretary of the serial publication Žemaičių kultūros savastys.
Dr. D. Zovienė –
- member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association, http://www.ldsajunga.lt;
- member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA), http://www.aica.lt
9 Saulėtekio, 1st building
215, 216 rooms
Tel. 236 6113
Fax. 236 6104
Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Renata Šukaitytė
Professor: Dr. A.Vaišnys.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Bitinaitė- Širvinskienė, Dr. M. Petrikas, Dr. R. Repšienė, Dr. R. Šukaitytė.
Lecturers: R. Kregždaitė. Dr. M. Kvedaravičius.
Doctoral students: A. Dabrovolskas, R. Stonytė.
Lithuanian and European Cinema
Visual Culture and Media
Projects Supported by University Budget
Interdisciplinary Research of Lithuanian and Global Cinema and Visual Culture. Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Šukaitytė. 2014–2018.
The Institute implemented interdisciplinary research in the areas of cinema, digital media and visual culture. During the year 2014 theoretical and applied cinema research was carried out in which a great attention is given to the analysis of the social, political, aesthetic and institutional phenomena of Lithuanian and European post 1989’s cinema; theoretical and experimental research of visual culture and media was carried out from the aesthetic, institutional, technological and political angles; an international conference Crisis in Film and Visual Media was organised.
Main publications:
Šukaitytė, R. 2014. The apparitions of a day gone by and a stasis of the present in films by Šarūnas Bartas. In Giukin, L., Falkowska, J. (comp.) Small cinemas in global markets: genres, identities, narratives, Lexington Books, 107–120.
University of Lodz (Poland)
University of Central Lancashire (UK)
Tallinn University (Estonia)
University of Latvia (Latvia)
University of Warsaw (Poland)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Petrikas –
- member of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS);
- member of the International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR / FIRT);
- member of the Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Bitinaitė- Širvinskienė –
- member of the Union Internationale de la Marionnette (UNIMA).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Šukaitytė –
- editorial board member of the journal Studies in Eastern European Cinema;
- editorial board member of the journal Baltic Screen Media Review, http://publications.tlu.ee/index.php/bsmr/about/editorialTeam;
- member of the European Network for Cinem and Media Studies(NECS).
9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6119
Fax 236 6104
Head - Prof. Dr. Zenona Atkočiūnienė
Professors: Dr. Z. Atkočiūnienė, Dr. M. Stonkienė.
Associate proffessors: Dr. P. Abarius, Dr. B. Grebliauskienė, Dr. E. Janiūnienė, Dr. R. Matkevičienė, Dr. A. Mikalauskienė.
Lecturers: Dr. A. Budrevičius, Dr. M. Grigaliūnas, Dr. R. Pranaitis, Dr. S. Preidys, Dr. D. Siudikienė, Dr. L. Stundžė, Dr. I. Girnienė, J. Gribovskis, A. Kasparavičius, K. Petrauskis, G. Plepytė-Davidavičienė, R. Valančius.
Research fellows: Dr. N. Ambrusevič (part-time), Dr. B. Aleksandravičiūtė (part-time), Dr. S. Jastiuginas (part-time), Dr. J. Vizgirdaitė (part-time),Dr. A. Šuminas (part-time), A. Alijošiūtė (part-time), D. Baliūnas (part-time), D. Bankauskaitė (part-time), A. Bubnelis (part-time), G. Drukteinis (part-time),J. Gužaitė – Kvintus (part-time),V. Juchnaitė Przepiorka (part-time),V. Laučius (part-time),D. Lialytė (part-time),L. Lileika (part-time),L. Lobanova (part-time),D. Paršonis (part-time), S. Raišytė (part-time), D. Šeibakas (part-time),M. Šupa (part-time),A. Burbaitė (part-time).
Doctoral students: E. Nabažaitė, L. Kocienė, K. Jakutytė-Ancienė, L. Tamutienė.
Developing fundamental research on communication and information theory, information interaction in society and knowledge society
Examination the efficiency of human communication processes and the impact of information technologies on the change of knowledge society
Projects Supported by University Budget
Analysis of Changes in Knowledge Society. Prof. Dr. Z. Atkočiūnienė. 2012–2016.
The purpose of the research was to examine the efficiency of human communication processes and the impact of information technologies on the change of knowledge society. The theme of the research was pursued by carrying out theoretical and applied research on organisational communication, public relations, mass media, information and knowledge management, information and communication law and information technologies. In 2014 national scientific conference Information and communication theory’s and practice’s expression was organised under research goals.
Main publications:
Atkočiūnienė, Z., Girnienė, I. 2014. Knowledge management in Lithuanian innovative business organizations. Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 1193–1201.
Girnienė, I. 2014. Žinių valdymo įtaka nuolatiniam inovacijų kūrimui: atvejo analizė. Informacijos mokslai, vol. 68, 44–62.
Stundžė, L. 2014. Moterų sakytinė istorija: komunikacinis aspektas. Informacijos mokslai, vol. 68, 63–76.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. Information Management in the Public Sector of Lithuania: Critical Analysis and the Perspectives of the Changes (MIP-12117). Prof. Dr. Z. Atkočiūnienė. 2012–2014.
The aim of the project was to define theoretical paradigm of information management, analyse and evaluate the situation of information management, establish informational activity maturity levels and foresee directions and models for information management in the Lithuanian public sector by considering environment changes of the institutional peculiarities.
Main publications:
Atkočiūnienė, Z., Janiūnienė, E., 2014. Informacijos valdymas viešajame sektoriuje,monografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 343 p.
Atkočiūnienė, Z., Plepytė-Davidavičienė, G., Janiūnienė, E. 2014. Informacijos valdymo Lietuvos Respublikos ministerijose kritinė analizė. Informacijos mokslai, vol. 67, 7–25.
Grigaliūnas, M. 2014. Oficialiosios vertybinės ES nuostatos dėl savanorystės ir jų santykis su savanoriškos veiklos įstatymuose Lietuvoje ir Belgijoje įtvirtintais savanorystės konceptais. Regional formation and development studies, no. 1, 86–99.
Ministry of Education and Science. The EU Structural Assistance for Lithuania for Research Journals. Prof. Dr. Z. Atkočiūnienė. 2011–2014.
In the year 2014 two volumes 67 and 68 of journal Informacijos mokslai (Information Sciences) were published.
Main publications:
Informacijos mokslai (Information Sciences). Vilnius University. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2014, vol. 67, 170 p.
Informacijos mokslai (Information Sciences) Vilnius University. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2014, vol. 68, 162 p.
Minsk Institute of Management (Belarus)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (Ukraine)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Prof. Dr. Z. Atkočiūnienė –
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Informacijos mokslai (Information Sciences), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/informacijos-mokslai/redakcine-kolegija;
- member of the Research Council of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- board member of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences journal Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka;
- member of the Organizing Commitee of international conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights. II, http://www.conference.kf.vu.lt/?page_id=165.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. B. Grebliauskienė -
- member of the Organizing Commitee of international conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights, http://www.conference.kf.vu.lt/?page_id=165 .
Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Janiūnienė –
- member of the Organizing Commitee of international conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights. II, http://www.conference.kf.vu.lt/?page_id=165;
Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Matkevičienė –
- executive Secretary of the journal Informacijos mokslai (Information Sciences). http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/informacijos-mokslai/redakcine-kolegija.
Prof. Dr. M. Stonkienė –
- editorial board member of the journal Informacijos mokslai (Information Sciences), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/informacijos-mokslai/redakcine-kolegija.
Lect. Dr. L. Stundžė –
- editorial board member of the journal Lyčių studijos ir tyrimai (Gender studies and research).
11 Bernardinų, LT-01124 Vilnius
Tel. 219 3040, 2193041
Fax: 219 3039
Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deimantas Jastramskis
Professors: Dr. I. Matonytė, Dr. A. Vaišnys, Dr. Ž. Pečiulis.
Associate professors: Dr. D. Jastramskis, Dr. M. Martišius.
Lecturers: D. Donauskaitė, Dr. A. Gudauskas, Dr. A. Juodytė, D. Kutraitė-Giedraitienė, Dr. A. Mažylė.
Doctoral students: M. Bražiūnas, V. Denisenko, J. Matačinskaitė, M. Savickas.
Information policy
History and development of mass media
Journalism ethics
Journalism theory and practise
Media effects
Media management
New and traditional media
Projects Supported by University Budget
Transformation of Lithuanian Media in the Convergence Circumstances. Assoc. Prof. D. Jastramskis. 2012–2016.
The aim of the project is to analyze the modern media, mass media and journalism which is related with the modern technology, dissemination of information and the change of public awareness. The members of the group are working on the topic focused on changes in traditional journalism in the context of media convergence; the situation of journalist and journalism in today’s mass media system (mass media ownership; the journalist-owner relationship; content construction and production; traditionalism and innovation in journalism; technological revolution; change in audience needs).
Main publications:
Jastramskis, D. 2014. Factors of limitation of media freedom in Lithuania.Informacijos mokslai, vol. 67, 120–135.
Pečiulis, Ž. 2014. Journalism 2.0. Revolution or Evolution? Informacijos mokslai, vol. 68, 100–112.
Vaišnys, A. 2014. Vieši Seimo ryšiai su visuomene: monografija. Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 388 p.
European Communication Research and Education Association
Baltic Association of Media Research (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland)
Dr. A. Gudauskas –
- member of the Organizing Committee of the international conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights. II, http://www.conference.kf.vu.lt/?lang=en.
- member of the Organizing Committee of the international conference Crisis in Film and Visual Media, http://www.filmconference.kf.vu.lt/.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Jastramskis –
- member of the Organizing Committee of the international conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights. II, http://www.conference.kf.vu.lt/?lang=en;
- editorial board member of the journal Žurnalistikos tyrimai (Journalism Research), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/zurnalistikos-tyrimai/redakcine-kolegija.
Dr. A. Juodytė –
- scientific editor of the journal Žurnalistikos tyrimai (Journalism Research), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/zurnalistikos-tyrimai/redakcine-kolegija.
Dr. J. Mažylė –
- editorial board member of the journal Žurnalistikos tyrimai (Journalism Research), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/zurnalistikos-tyrimai/redakcine-kolegija.
Prof. Dr. Ž. Pečiulis –
- editorial board member of the journal Žurnalistikos tyrimai (Journalism Research), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/zurnalistikos-tyrimai/redakcine-kolegija;
- editorial board member of the journal Santalka (Coactivity), http://www.cpc.vgtu.lt/index.php/cpc/pages/view/editorial_board.
Prof. Dr. A. Vaišnys –
- chairman of the Organizing Committee of the international conference Communication and information sciences in network society: experience and insights. II, http://www.conference.kf.vu.lt/?lang=en;
- editor–in-Chief of the journal Žurnalistikos tyrimai (Journalism Research), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/zurnalistikos-tyrimai/redakcine-kolegija;
- chairman of the editorial board of the journal Studies of Parliament, http://www.parlamentostudijos.lt/Redakcija.htm;
- chairman of the Science Council of the National Library;
- scientific board member of the journal Kultura-Media-Teologia, http://www.kmt.uksw.edu.pl/kultura-media-teologia-tekst.
9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6109, 236 6110
Fax 236 6104
Head – Prof. Dr. Arvydas Pacevičius
Professor: Dr. A. Pacevičius.
Associate professors: Dr. Z. Manžuch, Dr. A. Pečeliūnaitė, Dr. M. Prokopčik (part-time), Dr. V. Mozūraitė†, Dr. R. Varnienė-Janssen (part-time).
Lecturers: Dr. V. Grigas (part-time), Dr. R. Januševičienė (part-time), Dr. S. Jokūbauskienė (part-time), Dr. S. Petraitytė (part-time), Dr. J. Rudžionienė, V. Stancelis (part-time).
Doctoral students: L. Juchnevič, E. Sėdaitytė, A. Valinčiūtė, A. Vernickaitė.
Heritage and memory communication
History of museums, libraries and archives
Digitisation of heritage, standardisation of digitisation and use of computer based methods and tools for heritage research
Management of libraries
Projects Supported by University Budget
Information Management in Archives, Libraries and Museums. Prof. Dr. A. Pacevičius. 2009–2014.
The main research theme of the Institute for the period 2014 was information management in archives, libraries and museums. In the year 2014, integral research on the information management memory and information institutions was conducted with respect to the historical, methodological, theoretical and didactic aspects. The most important topics of the research were: the history of archives, libraries, and museums (Dr. A. Pacevičius); the digitisation of heritage and using computer-based methods and tools for heritage and information research (Dr. Z. Manžuch, Dr. R. Varnienė-Janssen, Dr. A. Pečeliūnaitė, Dr. A. Pacevičius, V. Stancelis); the management of libraries (Dr. J. Rudžionienė, Dr. Z. Manžuch, Dr. M. Prokopčik, Dr. V. Grigas, Dr. S. Petraitytė, Dr. V. Mozūraitė†, Dr. S. Jokūbauskienė, lect. A. Vernickaitė, L. Juchnevič). During the period, twenty publications were published.
Main publications:
Pacevičius, A., Navickienė, A. 2014. Repressive censorship, underground publishing, and the distribution of Lithuanian books in the northwest region of the Russian Empire (1795–1904). In Jan. C. Behrends, Thomas Lindenberger (eds.) Underground publishing and the public sphere: transnational perspectives. Wien: Lit Verlag, 75–95. (Series: Wiener Studien zur Zeitgeschichte. Bd. 6.)
Pečeliūnaitė, A. 2014. Lietuvos akademinių bibliotekų elektroninių katalogų naudotojai. Knygotyra, vol. 63, 189–215.
Petraitytė, S. 2014. Framing of academic libraries’ roles in the strategic documents of universities: a map of factors and agents. Advances in library administration and organization. Monographic series. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, vol. 32, 107–146.
National Research Projects
Lithuanian Council for Culture. Vilniaus viešosios bibliotekos dienoraštis, 1910–1911. Prof. Dr. A. Pacevičius. 2014.
The aim of the project was to publish historical source Vilniaus viešosios bibliotekos dienoraštis, 1910–1911 (the book is currently in press).
Lithuanian Council for Culture. Butlerio kelionės į Italiją ir Vokietiją 1779–1780 metais dienoraštis. Prof. Dr. A. Pacevičius. 2014.
During the project, historical source was translated from Polish to Lithuanian.
Jagiellonian University, Cracow (Poland)
Lithuanian Library for the Blind (Lithuania)
Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland)
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania (Lithuania)
Vilnius County Adomas Mickevicius Public Library (Lithuania)
Assoc. Prof. Z. Manžuch–
- editorial board member of the journal LIBER Quarterly, liber.library.uu.nl;
- vice chair of the Library Council functioning under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania;
- board member of the Programme Committee of the International Conference Digital Libraries, 2014, http://www.city.ac.uk/digital-libraries-2014/organisation.
Prof. A. Pacevičius–
- editorial board member of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science), www.leidykla.vu.lt/mokslo-darbai/knygotyra/;
- editorial board member of the journal Roczniki Biblioteczne;
- editorial board member of the journal Archiwa-Kancelarie-Zbiory;
- member of the Lithuanian Archives Abroad Working Group of the Baltic Heritage Network (BaltHerNet), www.balther.net;
- member of the Nordic Baltic-Russian Network on the History of Books, Libraries and Reading (HIBOLIRE), www.helsinki.fi/historia/hibolire/hibolire_members.html.
Dr. J. Rudžionienė–
- editorial board member of the journal Knyžnica, http://revija-knjiznica.zbds-zveza.si/index.html;
- member of European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) Standing and Programme Committees, http://www.ecil2013.org/index.php/home;
- member of the Lithuanian Standards Board Technical Committee TK 47 Information and Documentation, http://alpha.lsd.lt/;
- board member of the Library Board of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, http://www.leu.lt/lt/leu_naujienos/universiteto-naujienos/leu_biblioteka_taryba.html;
- board member of the Programme Committee of the 5th International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World, http://imcw2014.bilgiyonetimi.net/programme-committee/.
Doc. R. Varnienė-Janssen –
- editorial board member of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science), www.leidykla.vu.lt/mokslo-darbai/knygotyra/;
- editorial board member of the journal Parlamento studijos (Studies of Parliamentary), www.parlamentostudijos.lt;
- research editor of the journal Bibliografija (Bibliography);
- member of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL), www.cerl.org/web/;
- committee member of IFLA Bibliography section.
9 Saulėtekio, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6105, fax 236 6104
Head - Dr. Andrius Šuminas
Professors: Habil. Dr. D. Kaunas (part-time), Dr. P. van Mensch (part-time).
Lecturer: Dr. A. Šuminas.
Research fellows: Dr. A. Gudinavičius (part-time), Dr. K. Kirtiklis (part-time).
Interactive and traditional media
Media convergence and transformation
Social media and social networking
Projects Supported by University Budget
Fundamental and Applied Research of Interactive Media. Dr. A. Šuminas. 2014–2017.
The purpose of the research is to explore interactive media characteristics and application forms; examine the importance of interactive media to networking society; analyze traditional and new media development and convergence.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. Research on Increasing the Attractiveness and Optimizing Virtual Access of Lithuanian National Museums. Prof. Dr. Pieter van Mensch. 2013–2014.
The aim of the project was to determine the virtual access usage pattern of Lithuanian national museums in order to understand the social networking of these museums and the creation mechanism of the experience economy values added in virtual environment.
During the research project eye-tracking technology and equipment was used for the first time in the museum studies in Lithuania. The project research results and the generation of scientific knowledge produced recommendations on virtual museum access optimization enabling Lithuanian museums to improve their virtual access user interfaces, to make museum more attractive to visitors and to increase the total value of our country’s cultural and creative industries.
Main publications:
Šuminas, A. 2014. Lietuvos nacionalinių muziejų komunikacijos organizavimo ir vykdymo problematika. Informacijos mokslai, nr. 69, 144–158.
Gudinavičius, A., Šuminas, A. 2014. User experience evaluation aspects of Lithuanian National Museums Websites. Social technologies’14: conference proceedings, 1–18. (online).
Lithuanian Council for Culture. E-books Publishing Survey of Lithuanian Publishers Dr. A. Gudinavičius. June–December, 2014.
A team of Lithuanian researchers have conducted a survey of Lithuanian publishers. The project was done in coordination with international research group under European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) action Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation. The main goal was to increase understanding of the situation of e-books production in Lithuania. The results showed than the publishers do not expect rapid and significant growth of e-book market in Lithuania in the nearest future. The biggest hindrance to the growth is a small size of the market and the lack of export market for Lithuanian e-books. The demand of users for portable and convenient format and the use of new technologies in educational system are two biggest drivers in the development of e-book production. On the other hand, the user preference for traditional printed book is seen as one of the barriers for further development. In order to present project results a public event Digital publishing in Lithuania: to be or not to be? was organized followed with a lot of information on TV, radio and internet (project website: http://www.leidyba.kf.vu.lt/SLST/).
Warsaw University (Poland)
Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
University of Boras (Sweden)
Prof. Habil. Dr. D. Kaunas –
- vice-president of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- member of Leibniz-Societät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin e. V. (Germany);
- chairman of the Research Council of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
- research council member of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania;
- board member of the Vilnius University Library;
- board member of the book series Fontes historiae Universitatis Vilnensis;
- editorial board member of the Lithuanian National Retrospective Bibliography;
- editor-in-Chief of the journal Knygotyra (Book Science), http://www.leidykla.eu/mokslo-darbai/knygotyra/;
- member of the international editorial board of the proceedings of the Department of Information and Library Studies of Latvia University Information and Society;
- member and a secretary of the Commission for Lithuanian Science Awards;
- chairman of the Organization Committee of international Book Science conference Book culture of the life-time of Kristijonas Donelaitis in the multicultural society of Prussia, http://www.ibsc.kf.vu.lt;
- member of the Organization Committee of national conference Lithuanian writers libraries and their faiths;
- Award from the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania for the development of the programme of the commemoration of the 300th birth anniversary of Kristijonas Donelaitis, http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_show?p_r=4445&p_d=143103&p_k=1;
- Certificate of appreciation from Algirdas Butkevičius, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania, for significant contribution to the commemoration of Kristijonas Donelaitis’ anniversary in both Lithuania and abroad, http://www.kf.vu.lt/studijos/studentams/bakalauras/95-naujienos/mokslo-naujienos/1361-padeka.
Prof. Dr. P. van Mensch –
- editorial board member of Museologica Brunensia (Brno, Czech Republic), http://www.mendelmuseum.muni.cz/en/editorial-board/.
Dr. A. Šuminas –
- editorial board member of the journal Parlamento studijos (Parlamentary studies);
- editorial board member of the journal Agora;
- editorial board member of the journal Journal of comperative politics.