Faculty of Physics
9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 236 6001
Dean – Prof. Dr Aidas Matijošius
69 teachers (incl. 53 holding research degree), 151 research fellows (incl. 130 holding research degree).
Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics Centre (sui generis Department)
Institute of Chemical Physics
Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology
Laser Research Center
Institute of Applied Electrodynamics and Telecommunications
Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy
• Analysis of Atoms, Subatomic Particles or their Ensembles, Complex Systems Electromagnetic Radiation and Cosmic Objects
• Development, Characterization, and Interdisciplinary Application of Advanced Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices
• Investigation of Novel Organic and Inorganic Functional Materials and Structures
• Laser Physics and Technology
• Solid State Physics and Technology
• Spectrometric Characterization of Materials and Electronic/Molecular Processes
Jovaišaitė Justina. Control of singlet and triplet states in organic intramolecular charge transfer compounds.
Stocka Joanna. Vibrational spectroscopic study of non-aromatic heterocyclic molecular compounds.
Bandzevičiūtė Rimantė. Fiber Based ATR IR Spectroscopy for Cancerous Tissue Diagnostics.
Koncevičiūtė Jurgita. Theoretical Study of Electron-Impact Double and Triple Ionization Using a Multi-Step Approach.
Butkutė Agnė. Fabrication of functional arbitrary shape microstructures from transparent materials using femtosecond laser-induced selective laser etching.
Skliutas Edvinas. Multiscale structuring: investigation of localization and nonlinearity of photopolymerization by varying radiation exposure parameters.
1. 45-th Lithuanian National Physics Conference, October 25-27, 2023, Vilnius,.
2. International summer school „Space Missions: Ground-based Observations and Science Communication“, August 8-18, 2023, Molėtai.
3. International school „Better Inclusion, Better Science, Building Impact in MW-GAIA“, July 3-5, 2023, Vilnius.
4. International meeting „Humboldt Kolleg on Synthetic Quantum Matter“, July 2-6, 2023, Vilnius
1. MONOGRAPH: G. Merkininkaitė, E. Aleksandravičius, S. Varapnickas, D. Gailevičius, S. Šakirzanovas, M. Malinauskas, Multi-Photon 3D Lithography and Calcination for sub-100-nm Additive Manufacturing of Inorganics, Ultrafast Laser Nanostructuring R. Stoain, J. Bonse, eds., pp 787–823 Springer 2023;
2. EU PATENT:- E. Gaubas, T. Čeponis, K. Pūkas, V. Rumbauskas, M. Užgirytė, J. Venius, K. Akelaitis, A. Cicinas, SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR BRACHYTHERAPY PROCEDURE PLANNING AND VERIFICATION, App. No. EP21210650.4, patent No.: EP4186562, patent date 2023-11-29.
3. PERSPECTIVE Article: G. Balčas, M. Malinauskas, M. Farsari, S. Juodkazis, Fabrication of Glass-Ceramic 3D Micro-Opticsby Combining Laser Lithography and Calcination, Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2215230 (2023). [Q1, IF – 19].
3 Saulėtekio av., LT-10257 Vilnius
Phone: +370 5 223 4649
Chair - Dr Aurelijus Rinkevičius
Research professors: A. Rinkevičius.
Researcher: D. Šimelevičius.
Junior scientists: R. Terrell, K. Silius.
Interns (Computer Science): V. Zokaitė.
Doctoral students: N. Chychkalo.
Administrative staff: M. Macijauskas.
• High-energy physics, particle detectors
• Data acquisition systems
• DiHiggs studies
• Drell-Yan studies
• Higgs precision studies
• Machine learning
• Multivariate classifiers (discriminants)
• Semiconductor pixelated particle detectors
• Standard model and Beyond the standard model physics
• Technology transfer for business applications
• Top quark studies
Research Projects
Top-Higgs ( ) studies in decay modes to leptons (including taus) and b quarks with the CMS detector at the LHC
The Higgs precision studies is an important piece of the LHC program. Besides a discovery of the process, further studies must continue. Having more LHC data it becomes possible to pin down individual components of the Higgs processes in an associated production with top quarks. As a result, pinning down the event rates with better precision, studying kinematics are important pieces for the search of new physics.
Main publication:
1. Rinkevicius et al. [CMS], ``Search for CP violation in ttH and tH production in multilepton channels in proton-proton collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV’’, JHEP 07 (2023), 092; doi:10.1007/JHEP07(2023)092.
Studies of the Higgs boson pairs (HH) with the CMS detector at the LHC
The studies of the Higgs boson pairs is key to the last major Higgs mechanism puzzle piece, i.e., the Higgs self-coupling. While the searches in individual channels are still ongoing and may proceed well into the LHC Run 3 and beyond, the final-state combination already allows the first glimpse to the Higgs boson pair properties. In particular, the properties are being analyzed in so-called nonresonant and resonant scenarios, where a significant deviations would be the product of new physics.
Main publications:
1. Carvalho, A. Rinkevicius et al. [CMS], ``Search for Higgs boson pairs decaying to WW*WW*, WW*$\tau\tau$, and $\tau\tau\tau\tau$ in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV,'', JHEP 07 (2023), 095; doi:10.1007/JHEP07(2023)095 [arXiv:2206.10268 [hep-ex]].
2. Carvalho, A. Rinkevicius et al. [CMS], ``Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in final state with two bottom quarks and two tau leptons in proton-proton collisions at s=13~TeV,'' Phys. Lett. B 842 (2023), 137531; doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137531 [arXiv:2206.09401 [hep-ex]].
3. Carvalho, A. Rinkevicius et al. [CMS], ``Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in the four leptons plus two b jets final state in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} $ = 13 TeV,'' JHEP 06 (2023), 130; doi:10.1007/JHEP06(2023)130 [arXiv:2206.10657 [hep-ex]].
Phase-2 Inner Tracker upgrade of the CMS detector at the LHC
In order to cope with challenging High-Luminosity LHC conditions, the CMS detector will undergo major upgrades, called Phase 2. One of the most important CMS subdetectors is the Inner Tracker also known as the Pixel detector. Vilnius U. teams takes an active role in developing and constructing modules in the TEPX part of the CMS Pixel detector.
Central data acquisition system of the CMS detector at the LHC
The Data Acquisition (DAQ) project in CMS is responsible for the infrastructure, read-out of all subdetector back-end electronics, running of the High Level Trigger (HLT) and storage, as well as overall integration. The DAQ project has developed online software frameworks, which are used by the central DAQ, as well as all the subdetectors, as a foundation to implement their DAQ applications.
Main publications:
D. Šimelevičius et al., ``Progress in Design and Testing of the DAQ and Data-Flow Control for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Experiment,'' IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 70, no.6, 914-921 (2023) doi:10.1109/TNS.2023.3244696
International Research Projects
Comprehensive Multiboson Experiment-Theory Action (COMETA) (CA22130). Dr. Aurelijus Rinkevičius. 2023–2027.
Funding Agency: The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Main Coordinators: University of Zurich, University of Bologna
COMETA aims at creating a tightly interconnected scientific community that will bring substantial improvements to this quest, by fostering communication between diverse research groups and enabling the development of dedicated advanced technology. The network involves world-leading experts from theory and experimental HEP groups, as well as artificial intelligence practitioners within and outside academia.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS; France)
Cornell University (USA)
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY; Germany)
ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
Hamburg University (Germany)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT; Germany)
National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, KBFI (Estonia)
Rice University (USA)
Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland)
Princeton University (USA)
Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (India)
Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)
Universitaet Zuerich (Switzerland)
Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
University of Bologna (Italy)
University of Paris-Saclay (France)
Vanderbilt University (USA)
Dr. A. Rinkevičius
• CERN CMS Team Leader for Vilnius University;
• Lithuanian scientific delegate to the CERN Council and Scientific Policy Committee (SPC);
• Member of the CERN Baltic Group (also Science and Technology subgroup leader);
• Coorganizer (Scientific Committee) of the CERN Baltic Conference (CBC2023), https://indico.cern.ch/event/1288731/;
• Member of the CMS collaboration at CERN;
• CMS ttH multilepton group convener;
• Mentor of DeepTech Entrepreneurship MBA program at VU Business School;
• Scientific Board member of Vector Space Biosciences (San Francisco, CA).
1. 2023-03-08 — International Particle Therapy Masterclass;
2. 2023-03-29 — International Particle Physics Masterclass;
3. 2023-09-09 — Lectures at ``Tyrėjų naktis'' science outreach festival.
CERN Baltic Conference 2023 (CBC2023), Riga, Latvia, October 9-11th 2023, https://indico.cern.ch/event/1288731/
3 Saulėtekio ave, LT-10257 VilniusTel. +370 5 223 4544
Head – prof. Darius Abramavičius
Professors: Dr (HP) V. Sablinskas, Dr D. Abramavičius, Dr J. Šulskus, Dr V. Jankauskas Habil. Dr V. Gulbinas, Habil. Dr G. Niaura, Dr J. Čeponkus, Dr K.Genevičius
Associate professors: Dr V. Aleksa, Dr V. Urbonienė, Dr A. Maršalka, Dr O. Rancova, Dr M. Mačernis, Dr, J. Chmeliov, Dr A. Gelžinis, Dr K. Glemža, Dr F. Kuliešius, Dr A. Poškus, Dr M. Viliūnas, Dr N. Nekrašas, Dr R. Maldžius, Dr K. Aidas (part-time), V. Klimavičius.
Assist. Professors: Dr S. Toliautas, Dr R. Platakytė.
Lecturers: Dr G. Sliaužys, R. Bandzevičiūtė, S. Adomavičiūtė, Dr D. Lengvinaitė.
Researchers: Dr A. Gruodis, Dr T. Grigaitis, Dr E. Kamarauskas, Dr J. Nekrasovas, Dr A. Aukštuolis. Dr L. Tumonis, Dr L. Baliulytė
PhD students: S. Adomavičiūtė, J. Stocka, R. Bandzevičiūtė, V. Bubilaitis, R. Čepas, L. Diska, M. Jakučionis, J. Mačytė, A. Mikalčiūtė, J. Franukevičius, D. Palinauskas, R. Garbačauskas
• Development of the theory of open quantum systems and computational approaches of nonlinear spectroscopy of molecular complexes.
• Characterization of the optical responses of molecular complexes of natural and artificial origin at high excitation intensity including exciton annihilation effects.
• Theoretical studies of temperature dependences of the fluorescence kinetics of photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes from plants at different level of aggregation.
• Construction of structure-based theoretical models of excitation energy dynamics in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes.
• Theoretical modeling of molecular properties using molecular dynamics.
• Theoretical modelling of intermolecular structure and NMR properties of bioactive ionic liquids and of their mixtures with traditional solvents.
• Theoretical modelling of thermodynamic properties of drug-like molecules
• SERS analysis of biological fluids, tissues and cells.
• Conformational analysis of cyclic sila- and germa- organic molecules.
• Conformational dynamic and proton tunneling pathways in the molecules and hydrogen bonded complexes studied by the means of computational simulations and low temperature matrix isolation FTIR spectroscopy.
• Fiber ATR based FTIR spectroscopy of cancerous tissues.
• NMR and EPR studies of organic and inorganic compounds of the organized structures in the liquid, solid phases and nano-crystals.
• New functional materials and structures: deposition technologies of new organic, and hybrid materials and structures, investigation of photo-electrical properties of materials, charge carrier transport and recombination.
• Theoretical calculation of angular distributions of bremsstrahlung
• Development of resistojet micro thrusters for nano satellites
Projects Supported by the University Budget
Spectroscopy of hybrid and structured functional materials and coatings for photonic devices and optical sensors. Prof. V. Sablinskas. 2021–2025.
In order to find the structural-energetic correlations of the five- and six-member saturated heterocyclic molecules some specific chemical compounds have been selected for the detailed studies. On the basis of the structure and its composition, including heteroatoms, the following compounds have been chosen: tetrahydrofuran, silicon and germanium based five and six-member ring saturated heterocycles and Si-N sixmember ring neutral clusters.
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) finds its usage in industry applications , can be a precursor in the synthesis of biologically active molecules, or be used as a monomer in polymerization. The small size of the molecule makes it a perfect model of the deoxyribose in the DNA chain. Ring of the tetrahydrofuran molecule can exist in two conformations, as envelope with Cs symmetry and as twisted with C2 symmetry. The low energy barrier between conformers cause the Cs ←→ C2 interconversion (pseudorotation). This process was described for the first time for the cyclopentane molecule. Many mutually exclusive scientific experimental and computational results on the stability of the tetrahydrofuran conformers have sparked lively discussion, considering which conformer is the true global energy minimum structure.
Fluorination effects on molecules containing internal hydrogen bond was examied using matrix isolation vibrational spectroscopy. Fluorination showed clear effect of photodynamic processes in molecules with internal hydrogen bond, and the strength of the hydrogen bond itself. These insights will help to further understand light induced reactions in complicated molecular systems.
Composition and distribution of microplastics in environmental samples was examined by the means of vibrational spectroscopy. For most complicated samples combined approach using infrared microspectroscopy and Raman microspectroscopy was providing most accurate results. However, this approach is the most time consuming one. For the samples where distribution is not important and only plastic detection and identification of chemical composition is needed portable infrared ATR spectrometer performed well, provide possibility for the fast detection and identification of plastics in the environmental samples.
The research of the NMR group is based on the development and application of solid state NMR methods for studying functional materials. The main research projects are the following: i) solid-state NMR spectroscopy of next-generation functional calcium phosphates with applications ranging from innovative medicine to light technologies; ii) NMR studies of new hybrid garnet-perovskite materials that could be used in lighting, sensor technologies or solar energy technologies; iii) solid-state NMR spectroscopy of next-generation bio-compatible polymers.
Main publications:
1. Golubewa, Lena, et al. "Stable and Reusable Lace-like Black Silicon Nanostructures Coated with Nanometer-Thick Gold Films for SERS-Based Sensing." ACS Applied Nano Materials (2023) (impact factor – 6.14). DOI: 1021/acsanm.3c0028
2. J. Stocka, R. Platakytė, D. Hickman, T. Carrigan-Broda, J. Čeponkus, V. Šablinskas, P. Rodziewicz, G.A. Guirgis, Experimental (Raman and IR) and computational (DFT, MP2) studies of the conformational diversity of 1-chloromethyl-1-fluorosilacyclopentane molecule, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1272, 2023, 134125).
3. J. Stocka, R. Platakytė, J. Macyte, V. Šablinskas, P. Rodziewicz, G.A. Guirgis, Influence of heteroatoms and substituents on structural and spectroscopic parameters of saturated six-member ring heterocycles: experimental and theoretical study of 1-methyl-1-germacyclohexane, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023, peer-reviewed.
4. J. Stocka, J. Čeponkus, V. Šablinskas, P. Rodziewicz, G.A. Guirgis, Influence of methyl substituents on the confromational stability of Si3N3(CH3)6 cluster: first principles and FT-IR matrix isolation study, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023, submitted.
5. A. Sholokhova, G. Denafas, J. Ceponkus, R. Kriukiene, Microplastics Release from Conventional Plastics during Real Open Windrow Composting Sustainability, vol. 15, iss. 1 DOI10.3390/su15010758
6. A. Sholokhova; G. Denafas; J. Čeponkus; T. Omelianenko, Microplastics in landfill bodies: abundance, spatial distribution and effect of landfill age, Sustainability, vol. 15, iss. 6 DOI10.3390/su15065017
7. A. Gutiérrez-Quintanilla, M. Chevalier, R. Platakyté, J.Ceponkus & C. Crépin, Revisiting photoisomerization in fluorinated analogues of acetylacetone trapped in cryogenic matrices, The European Physical Journal D, Volume 77, article number 158, (2023
8. D. Griesiute, A. Kizalaite, A. Dubnika, V. Klimavicius, V. Kalendra, V. Tyrpekl, S. H. Cho, T. Goto, T. Sekino, A. Zarkov, A copper-containing analog of the biomineral whitlockite: dissolution–precipitation synthesis, structural and biological properties, Dalton Transactions, https://doi.org/10.1039/D3DT03756H
9. A. Antuzevics, J. Cirulis, G. Krieke, D. Griesiute, A. Beganskiene, A. Kareiva, A. Dubauskas, V. Klimavicius, A. Zarkov, Paramagnetic radiation-induced radicals in calcium pyrophosphate polymorphs, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 310, 128479, (2023).
10. A. Afonina, A. Dubauskas, V. Klimavicius, A. Zarkov, A. Kareiva, I. Grigoraviciute, Phase transformations during the dissolution-precipitation synthesis of magnesium whitlockite nanopowders from gypsum, 49, 23, 38157-38164, (2023).
11. V. Klimavicius, V. Klimkevicius, K. Aidas, S. Balčiūnas, J. Banys, R. Makuska, V. Balevicius, Fine structural features and proton conduction in zwitterionic poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) (PMPC): Multinuclear solid-state NMR, impedance and FTIR spectroscopy study, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 192, 105727, (2023).
12. A. Kizalaite, V. Klimavicius, V. Balevicius, G. Niaura, A.N. Salak, J.C. Yang, S. H. Cho, T. Goto, T. Sekino, A. Zarkov, Dissolution–precipitation synthesis and thermal stability of magnesium whitlockite,, Cryst. Eng. Commm, 25, 30, 4370-4379, (2023).
New functional materials and structures. PROF. K. GENEVIČIUS 2022-2025.
Prof. K. Arlauskas, Dr K. Genevičius 2022-2025.
Characterization of new hole and electron transporting organic semiconducting materials suitable for solar cells and field effect transistor applications (time-of-flight, CELIV, FET techniques). Modeling of charge carriers transport, trapping, and recombination processes in organic and hybrid structures. Development of program BREMS, which calculates single-and double-differential cross sections (DDCS) of electron-atom bremsstrahlung by the relativistic partial-wave (PW) method.
Main publications:
1. R. Maldzius, J. Sidaravicius, T. Lozovski, K. Backfolk, I. Heiskanen. A method to determine thickness and wave height of a thin substrate. Swedish Patent office (PRV) patent No. SE 2151586-1. Available to the public: 2023-06-23. https://tc.prv.se/spd/pdf/UBmulGDXsB43aBxrcFfOrA/SE2151586.A1.pdf
2. Xia, J., Luizys, P., Daskeviciene, M., Xiao, C., Kantminiene, K., Jankauskas, V., Rakstys, K., Kreiza, G., Gao, X. X., Kanda, H., Brooks, K. G., Alwani, I. R., Ain, Q. U., Zou, J., Shao, G., Hu, R., Qiu, Z., Slonopas, A., Asiri, A. M., Zhang, Y., Dyson, P. J., Getautis, V., & Nazeeruddin, M. K. Foldable hole-transporting materials for merging electronic states between defective and perfect perovskite sites. Advanced materials, 35(25), 1-11 (2023). doi:10.1002/adma.202300720
3. Jegorovė, A., Xia, J., Steponaitis, M., Daskeviciene, M., Jankauskas, V., Gruodis, A., Kamarauskas, E., Malinauskas, T., Rakstys, K., Alamry, K. A., Getautis, V., & Nazeeruddin, M. K. Branched fluorenylidene derivatives with low ionization potentials as hole-transporting materials for perovskite colar cells. Chemistry of materials, 35(15), 5914-5923 (2023). doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c00708.
Photophysical properties of trans-stilbene solution in solid polystyrene glass have been studied by absorption and time-resolved fluorescence. At large concentrations, the spectroscopic characteristics become split between the two phases of the sample: single-molecule properties are responsible for absorption, while the micro-crystalline phase dominates in fluorescence. Ab initio and molecular dynamics analyses allowed to characterize permanent twisting of the stilbene molecular structure upon crystallization, which supports spectroscopic phase separation.
Frenkel exciton theory for the entire Q-band of a tightly bound chlorophyll dimer inspired by the photosynthetic reaction center of photosystem II was studied in the broad spectral range. The potential of broadband two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy experiment spanning the Qx and Qy regions to extract the parameters of the model dimer Hamiltonian is examined through theoretical simulations of the experiment. We find that the local nature of Qx excitation enables identification of molecular properties of the delocalized Qy excitons.
Previously proposed thermalization algorithm [M. Jakučionis and D. Abramavičius, Phys. Rev. A 103, 032202 (2021) ] was extended for multiple-Davydov-D2 trial wave function for simulation of relaxation dynamics and spectroscopic signals of open quantum systems using the time-dependent Dirac-Frenkel variational principle. By applying it to the molecular aggregate model, we demonstrate how the thermalization approach significantly reduces the numerical cost of simulations by decreasing the number of oscillators needed to explicitly simulate the aggregate's environment fluctuations while maintaining correspondence to the exact population relaxation dynamics. The thermalization algorithm we present offers the possibility to investigate larger system-bath models than was previously possible using the multiple-Davydov-D2 trial wave function and local heating effects in molecular complexes.
Charge carrier motion and extraction from an archetypical CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPI) perovskite solar cell was theoretically characterized. Photogenerated holes drift across the mesoporous TiO2/perovskite layer during hundreds of picoseconds, while, their extraction into the spiro-OMeTAD hole transporting layer lasts for more than 1 nanosecond, suggesting that the hole extraction is limited by the perovskite/spiro-OMeTAD interface rather than by the hole transport through the perovskite layer.
The transformation of chitin into chitosan was carried out by the substitution of the acetamide functional group for the amine one, and is quantified by the deacetylation degree (DD). In order to determine the DD of the chitin and chitosan samples, the coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) was characterized.
Photoluminescence quenching of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) perovskite in a light-emitting diode (PeLED) architecture was analyzed. Two quenching mechanisms: (a) indirect quenching by slow irreversible or partially reversible material changes that occur gradually under the applied light and electric field and (b) direct quenching by the influence of the electric field on the charge carrier densities, their spatial distributions, and radiative recombination rates were discovered.
Main publications:
1. Renata Karpicz, Gabriele Kareivaite, Mindaugas Macernis, Darius Abramavicius and Leonas Valkunas, Two phases of trans-stilbene in a polystyrene matrix, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 21183
2. Kristina Zakutauskaitė, Mindaugas Mačernis, Hoang H. Nguyen, Jennifer P. Ogilvie, Darius Abramavičius, Extracting the excitonic Hamiltonian of a chlorophyll dimer from broadband two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy, J. Chem. Phys. 158, 015103 (2023),
3. Mantas Jakučionis and Darius Abramavičius, Thermalization of open quantum systems using the multiple-Davydov-D2 variational approach, Phys. Rev. A 107, 062205 (2023)
4. V. Jašinskas, M. Franckevičius, A. Gelžinis, J. Chmeliov, V. Gulbinas, Direct Tracking of Charge Carrier Drift and Extraction from Perovskite Solar Cells by Means of Transient Electroabsorption Spectroscopy, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 5, 317−326, 2023.
5. A. Dementjev, V. Dudoitis, A. Gelzinis, O. Gylienė, R. Binkienė, D. Jasinevičienė, V. Ulevičius, The CARS microscopy application for determination of the deacetylation degree in chitin and chitosan species, J. Raman Spectrosc. 54, 524–531, 2023.
6. R. Gegevičius, K. Elkhouly, M. Franckevičius, J. Chmeliov, I. Goldberg, R. Gehlhaar, W. Qiu, J. Genoe, P. Heremans, V. Gulbinas, “Electric Field-Induced Quenching of MAPbI3 Photoluminescence in PeLED Architecture”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 42784–42791, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c05880.
National research projects
Research Council of Lithuania: Elucidation of the aqueous electrochemical degradation and aging processes in nasicon-type materials: towards insitu nmr. Pi Dr Vytautas klimavičius. 2023 – 2026. S-MIP-23-47
The current shift towards more sustainable energy and materials systems requires significant development in energy conversion and storage technologies based on non-critical materials. Alternative technologies, such as aqueous Na-ion batteries could solve many of the mentioned issues due to their safety, cost and sustainability at the expense of reduced energy density which is less important for stationary power grid stabilisation applications. Project ELEGRANT aims to contribute to the field of sustainable energy conversion. This will be achieved by developing NASICON-structured (Na Super Ionic CONductor) materials for the electrochemical applications. For the successful application of NASICON based materials in technologies such as battery electrode materials, separators for redox flow and seawater batteries, or as insertion hosts for capacitive deionization cells, the understanding of the relation between molecular structure and macroscopic properties is an essential factor. In order to elucidate structure - properties relations, experimental investigations using various techniques are required. Solid-state NMR among other methods has a handful of experimental techniques allowing to reveal fine details on studied materials. It provides information on the molecular level and allows to detect all crystalline and amorphous species in the studied systems which is often an issue for other techniques. Among development of NASICON-based materials for electrochemical applications, project ELEGRANT aims to perform extensive solid state NMR based investigation on these materials which include ex-situ and in-situ approaches employing MAS, MQMAS, REDOR-type, wideline methods. The obtained data will contribute for the application of NASICON-based materials in battery technology as well as the development of solid state NMR methodology for studying such type of functional materials.
Research Council of Lithuania: Development of cross-linkable structures for solar cells (Grant No. S-MIP-22-8). Prof. V. Jankauskas. 2022–2025.
Development of cheap photodetectors, solar cells, photodiodes or other optoelectronic devices is associated with organic and hybrid structures. New cross-linkable hole transporting materials as fluorene, carbazole or triphenylamine derivatives and electron transport naphthalene or perylene derivatives with reactive styrene groups will be investigated. The most promising materials will be used in the fabrication and characterization of multilayer solar cells (bulk heterojunction, perovskite or CZTS) with the focus on efficiency and stability.
Research Council of Lithuania: Modeling of structural and spectroscopic properties of bio-active ionic-liquid materials (Grant No. S-MIP-22-74). Assoc. prof. K. Aidas. 2022-2025
This project is aimed at developing a computational procedure that would allow for accurate prediction of NMR shielding constants of IL systems and thus would provide the means for a well-motivated interpretation of experimental NMR spectra. Our approach is based on the classical molecular dynamics simulations and on the combined quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics models. One of the advantages of proposed computational scheme is due to the fact that different types of intermolecular interactions which govern the physico-chemical properties of ILs can be modelled in an accurate and cost-effective manner. The computational procedure developed in this project will be applied to get important insight into – among other things – ion pairing phenomenon in IL solutions, formation of the so-called water pockets in the IL matrices, and the mechanism behind the increased solubility of drugs in the mixtures of bio-active ILs and water.
Research Council of Lithuania. Evolution of Optical Excitations in Heterogeneous Molecular Compounds (Grant No. SMIP-20-47). Prof. D. Abramavičius. 2020–2023.
Large scale quantum chemistry calculations were performed for Chlorophyll, pheophytin, carotenoid molecules to reveal their electronic ground state and excited state properties. Qy and Qx optical excitations were characterized. Full excitonic Hamiltonian was updated to include Qx optical transitions. It was discovered that Qx transitions can be employed to reveal molecular excitation characteristics by spectroscopically probing wide-band two dimensional coherent electronic spectra. Time dependent variational approach was extended to enable description of local heating effects in molecular aggregates. This allows to reduce the number of phonons in simulations what leads to dramatic increase in efficiency in optical spectroscopy simulations for molecular complexes.
Research Council of Lithuania: „Magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles for SERS analysis of biological surfaces (SM-ARTSERS)“. Managing institution: State Scientific Research Institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology. Partner institution: Vilnius University, Institute of Chemical Physics (2020 – 2023).
Research projects implemented by word-class researcher groups aimed at developing results in line with R&D topics relevant to the economic sectors which could then be commercialized. .
International research projects
Horizon project National Competence Centres in the Framework of EuroHPC — ‘EUROCC‘ (No. 951732 - EUROCC - H2020-JTI-EUROHPC-2019-2). Assoc. Prof. Dr Mindaugas Mačernis, 2020–2022.
Lithuania has become a member of EuroHPC, what opened the possibility for VU to host the Lithuanian national HPC competence center and to be a partner in such projects. Two faculties of VU – faculty of Physics and faculty of Mathematics and Informatics in the field of productive computing started to offer petaflop computing power resources to the Lithuanian scientific community. EuroCC project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 951732.
Digital project „National Competence Centres for High Performance Computing“ (DIGITAL-EUROHPC-JU-2022-NCC-01-01) Assoc. Prof. Dr Mindaugas Mačernis, 2023–2025.
EuroCC project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU). Two faculties of VU – faculty of Physics and faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and three partners (KTU, VilniusTECH and LHMT)in the field of productive computing started to offer petaflop computing power resources to the Lithuanian scientific, public and SMEs community.
Horizon project 01017567 — EGI-ACE — H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2020 / H2020-INFRAEOSC-2020-2 Assoc. Prof. Dr Mindaugas Mačernis, 2023.
Joined the EGI-ACE project faculty of Physics for the 2023 activities.
Other projects
Garnets as self-enhancing systems for dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). PI Dr Vytautas Klimavičius. 2022 – 2023. Msf-jm-5/2022 Vilnius University Science Promotion Fund
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a versatile technique suitable for the study of ceramics, nano-materials, catalysts, perovskites, etc. Unfortunately, its disadvantage is it inherent low sensitivity due to the low energy difference between the energy levels of the nuclear spins. Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation (DNP) is a hyperpolarization technique that overcome low sensitivity issue. DNP-based electron polarization transfers from stable radicals or paramagnetic centers to the nuclei of interest. The radicals are introduced via an organic matrix, which destructively modifies the target system. The project will develop an experimental approach where the target system itself amplifies the DNP signal due to the presence of paramagnetic centers. This would avoid the modification of the target systems. There are few successful attempts to use naturally occurring paramagnetic ions to amplify the DNP signal. These ions are used in garnet-like materials to combine luminescent, magnetic, bio-compatibility properties.
• 2023 Dr Vytautas Klimavicius. EUROMAR 2023, Glasgow, UK.
• 2023 Dr Vytautas Klimavičius. Natural Sciences for Sustainability 2023, Jyväskylä, Finland. Invited presentation
1. Prof. D. Abramavičius participated in research-inductry-policy meeting „Northern Prospects of Quantum“ (https://lino.lmt.lt/en/northern-prospects-of-quantum/) for promoting quantum technologies in Europe and Lithuania in Bruxelles.
2. Dr Vytautas Klimavičius. Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania.
3. Dr Vytautas Klimavičius. Advanced Materials and Technologies 2023, Palanga, Lithuania. Invited presentation
4. Dr Vytautas Klimavičius. 45-th Lithuanian National Physics Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania. Invited presentation
5. Dr Rokas Dobužinskas at Lithuanian Radio and Television, Panorama: Ukraine warned of possible Russian provocations at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, https://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/2000284587/panorama
6. Dr Rokas Dobužinskas at Lithuanian Radio and Television, Laba diena, Lietuva: Hot commentary from the studio immediately after the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant disaster and discussion of the threats to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant https://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/2000280027/laba-diena-lietuva
1. Assoc. Prof. K. Aidas as a member of the expert board for the evaluation of final reports of scientific projects at the Research Council of Lithuania
2. Assoc. Prof. M. Mačernis is assigned as representative of The National Competence Centre of The Republic of Lithuania in the in the EuroHPC Joint EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (20th May 2022, No. -1909)
3. Assoc. Prof. M. Mačernis is Vilnius University representative of Vilnius University RedHat Academy; representative of Vilnius University MATLAB Academy; Representative of the BUX community; Representative and primary contact of the Lithuanian National Competence Centre for HPC (NCC Lithuania); Representative of the Lithuanian National Infrastructure in the EGI Federation - the primary contact person of the EGI federation in Lithuania
4. Prof. J. Šulskus is Vilnius University representative of EuroHPC for Lithuania; Representative of the BUX community; Representative of the Lithuanian National Infrastructure in the EGI Federation - the primary contact person of the EGI community in Lithuania.
5. Prof. Dr Darius Abramavičius is a member of Lithuanian Quantum technologies Association
1. J. Čeponkus - Consultation on possibilities and problams on infrared measurements of lambda/2 and lambda/4 optical coatings using FTIR spectrometers. “Optogama”
2. V. Šablinskas – consultation on the spectral distribution of visibal and thermal radiation in terapeutic devises. „Meldor“
Project funded by European Space Agency (ESA). Development of thermally optimised resistojet for laser ablative cutting fabrication (TORTILAC). Dr L. Tumonis. 2021-2023.
The aim of this project is to develop a thermally optimised resistojet thruster propelled by water and suitable for nanosatellites by using laser ablative cutting fabrication technology. The preliminary design report (PDR) was presented including technical drawings for propulsion unit production. Initial validation tests have been conducted to validate the current design and to test the mechanical compatibility of individual parts. A laboratory model of the resistojet propulsion unit has been prepared for performance tests.
Prof. V. Šablinskas
• member of doctoral Committee for Physics at Vilnius University;
• member of doctoral Committee for Biophysics at Vilnius University;
• member of graduate studies committee “Applied Physics” at Vilnius University.
Emeritus Prof. V. Balevičius
• member of the international advisory board Horizons in Hydrogen Bond Research;
• member of the international advisory board Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter;
• member of the advisory committee International School-Seminar of Galyna Puchkovska on Spectroscopy of Molecules and Crystals.
Assoc. prof. V. Urbonienė
• member of methodological group of Vilnius University STEAM center;
• member of STEAM working group at COIMBRA GROUP.
Prof. J. Čeponkus
• member of Vilnius University Senate
• chairman of graduate studies committee Applied Physics at Vilnius University.
• chairman of graduate studies committee Physics at Vilnius University.
• member of master studies committee “Life and Chemical Physics” at Vilnius University.
• member of graduate studies committee “Optometry” at Vilnius University.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Jevgenij Chmeliov
• member of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
Assoc. Prof. Dr Mindaugas Mačernis
• Vilnius University representative of Vilnius University RedHat Academy.
• Vilnius University representative of Vilnius University MATLAB Academy.
Prof. Dr Darius Abramavičius
• Member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
• Member of Physics Faculty Council at Vilnius University
• Member of Vilnius University Senate
• Vice head of Vilnius University Senate
Dr R. Maldžius
• Organizing committee member of Lithuanian National Physics Conference (LNFK 45), https://www.ff.vu.lt/lnfk-45/komitetai#programinis-komitetas
Prof. Dr K. Genevičius
• Program committee member of Lithuanian National Physics Conference (LNFK 45), https://www.ff.vu.lt/lnfk-45/komitetai#programinis-komitetas
Murdoch University (Australia)
University of Cagliari (Italy)
Stockholm University (Sweden)
Autonomous Metropolitan University, Mexico City (Mexico)
Fiber Optics Company ArtPhotonics (Germany)
MaxIV laboratory at Lund University (Sweden)
College of Charleston (USA)
University of California, Berkeley, and University of California, Irvine (USA)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA)
Queen Mary University, London (UK)
Institute of Physics of Charles University (Czech Republic)
Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany)
Leibnitz institute of Polymer Research in Dresden (Germany)
Technical University of Dresden (Germany)
Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce (Poland)
Wroclav University of Science and Technology (Poland)
Opole University (Poland)
Paris-Saclay University (France)
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan (Poland)
Copenhagen University (Denmark)
Stockholm University (Sweden)
University of Bialystok (Poland)
University of Cagliari (Italy)
Eduard-Zintl Institute for Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, University of Technology
National Institute of Chemistry and Slovenian NMR Centre (SLONMR), Liubljana (Slovenia)
Free University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
Lund University (Sweden)
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)
Riga Technical University (Latvia)
Université Paris-Saclay (France)
N. Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
Optical components company Eksma Optics (Lithuania)
Optical components company Optogama (Lithuania)
Optical components company Altechna (Lithuania)
Agro and food innovation company Art21 (Lithuania)
Innovation company Spektrolabas (Lithuania)
Center of Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
3 Saulėtekio av., LT-10257 Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 223 4483
Head – Prof. Dr Ramūnas Aleksiejūnas
Professors: Dr R. Aleksiejūnas (part-time), Dr K. Jarašiūnas (emeritus), Dr S. A. Juršėnas (part-time), Dr T. Malinauskas (part-time), Dr V. Tamošiūnas, Dr G. Tamulaitis (part-time), Dr R. Tomašiūnas (part-time), Dr J. V. Vaitkus (emeritus), Dr P. Vitta, Dr G. Valušis (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr R. Butkutė (part-time), Dr T. Čeponis (part-time), Dr T. Grinys (part-time), Dr G. Kreiza (part-time), Dr A. Mekys (part-time), Dr J. Mickevičius (part-time), Dr S. Nargelas (part-time), Dr S. Raišys (part-time).
Assistants: D. Banevičius (part-time), Dr L. Deveikis (part-time), Dr M. Kolenda (part-time), Dr R. Komskis (part-time), Dr M. Mackoit-Sinkevičienė (part-time), Dr L. Minkevičius (part-time), Dr A. Novičkovas (part-time), Dr J. Pavlov (part-time), Dr V. Rumbauskas (part-time), Dr A. Vaitkevičius (part-time).
Junior Assistants: V. Čižas (part-time), K. Tulaitė (part-time).
Leading researchers: Dr S. A. Juršėnas (part-time), Dr K. Kazlauskas, Dr G. Tamulaitis (part-time), Dr R. Tomašiūnas (part-time).
Senior research fellows: Dr T. Čeponis (part-time), Dr T. Grinys (part-time), Dr V. Grivickas (part-time), Dr A. Kadys, Dr G. Kreiza (part-time), Dr T. Malinauskas (part-time), Dr S. Miasojedovas, Dr J. Mickevičius (part-time), Dr S. Nargelas (part-time), Dr S. Raišys (part-time), Dr T. Serevičius, Dr P. Ščajev.
Research fellows: Dr K. Badokas, Dr D. Banevičius, Dr P. Baronas, Dr I. Buchovec, Dr L. Deveikis (part-time), Dr D. Dobrovolskas, Dr J. Jovaišaitė, Dr J. Jurkevičius, Dr M. Kolenda, Dr O. Kravcov (part-time), Dr K. Nomeika, Dr A. Novičkovas (part-time), Dr J. Pavlov (part-time), Dr Ž. Podlipskas, Dr E. Radiunas, Dr V. Rumbauskas (part-time), Dr A. Vaitkevičius, Dr Akvilė Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė.
Junior research fellows: K. Aponienė (part-time), Y. Talochka (part-time), K. Tulaitė (part-time), Ž. Vosylius (part-time).
Engineers: Dr P. Adomėnas (part-time), Dr O. Adomėnienė (part-time), M. Dapkevičius, Dr V. Grivickas, Ž. Komičius.
Technicians: S. Bikantienė (part-time), O. Bobrovas (part-time), L. Deltuvytis (part-time), V. Kalcas (part-time), R. Lebionka (part-time), V. Žvinytė (part-time).
Doctoral students: K. Aponienė, D. Berenis, A. M. Majeed, Y. Talochka, K. Tulaitė, Ž. Vosylius, A. Solovjovas.
• Biophotonic light applications, such as greenhouse lighting and medical lighting, and for controlling bacteria biofilms and microfungi in clinics, spacecraft, and the food industry.
• Deep level spectroscopy in wide-band-gap semiconductors GaN and diamond fabricated using different technologies
• Development and research of novel and safe antimicrobial strategies against resilient microbial forms: biofilms, spores.
• Development of GaN-based electrical and optical devices (LEDs, detectors, resonators, SHG generators, etc.)
• Development of infrared radiation-hard detectors
• Dosimetry of large fluence irradiations
• Development of laser-based spectroscopic techniques with temporal, spectral, and spatial resolution for characterization of novel semiconductor materials for optoelectronics
• Development of measurement techniques and instrumentation for the in situ characterization of material and device structures under heavy irradiations by hadrons
• Development of measurement techniques for comprehensive characterization of photo-sensors, particle detectors, light emitting diodes and solar-cells
• Development of phosphor technologies for the niche illumination applications
Intelligent solid-state lighting systems for outdoor lighting
• Development of the new molecular structures of organic and hybrid materials and investigation of their photophysical properties
• Development of the technologies for photonics devices (OLEDs, organic lasers, organic solar cells, organic light converters etc.) of organic and hybrid compounds
• Development of ultrafast scintillation detectors
• Dosimetry systems for radiotherapy
• Epitaxy of GaN and other III-nitride layers and multiple quantum wells by MOCVD technology, growth of different polarity III-nitrides for photonic applications
• Hybrid triplex organic sensors for the detection of a wide range and high-energy radiation
Investigation of native and ionizing radiation induced defects and micro-inhomogeneities in semiconductor materials and device structures
• LED array and system optimization by varying the spectral power composition
• Lighting systems with advanced colour rendition control for general and niche lighting
• materials
• Nondestructive characterization of wide band gap semiconductor
• Novel scintillators for fast detectors of ionizing radiation for future high-luminosity high energy physics experiments and new generation of medical imaging.
• Optimization and application of LEDs and their systems for general and niche applications.
• Performing comprehensive optical, thermal, and electrical characterization and optimization for LEDs and other small-sized light systems.
• Remote epitaxy of III-nitrides via graphene
• Revealing the structure-properties relationship of new molecular derivatives
• Scientific research of solid-state lighting.
• Spectroscopy of perovskite materials
• Synthesis and structure identification of promising organic and hybrid compounds
• Technologies of organic and hybrid photonics devices (OLEDs, lasers, solar cells, light converters etc.)
Projects Supported by the University Budget
Organic and hybrid photonics. Dr K. Kazlauskas 2021-2025.
The project focuses on the synthesis of promising organic and perovskite compounds, their theoretical modelling and application for emitter fabrication. Investigation of new TADF emitters and TADF-OLED devices in terms of their efficiency and lifetime. Fabrication of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) by vacuum deposition and wet-casting methods in oxygen-free atmosphere. Improvement of NIR-to-Vis light upconversion efficiency in the solid films by their smart design. Research of bio-organic compounds and their application in sensors. Application of AFM, SEM and XRD technique for identification of new material structures as well as surface analysis with nanometer resolution. Utilization of ultrafast and steady-state spectroscopy setups for measurements in IR spectral range. Electron paramagnetic resonance (ESR) spectroscopy of hybrid triplex sensors with organic free-radical layers. Spectral analysis of PSD/SSD sensors featuring external read-out.
Main publications:
1. J. Jovaišaitė, P. Baronas, G. Jonusauskas, D. Gudeika, A. Gruodis, J. V. Gražulevičius, and S. Juršėnas, TICT Compounds by Design: Comparison of Two Naphthalimide-π-Dimethylaniline Conjugates of Different Lengths and Ground State Geometries, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 2411 (2023).
2. A. Jozeliu̅naitė, A. Neniškis, A. Bertran, A.M. Bowen, M. Di Valentin, S. Raišys, P. Baronas, K. Kazlauskas, L. Vilčiauskas, and E. Orentas, “Fullerene Complexation in a Hydrogen-Bonded Porphyrin Receptor via Induced-Fit: Cooperative Action of Tautomerization and C–H···π Interactions,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 455–464 (2023).
3. T. Serevičius, R. Skaisgiris, S. Tumkevičius, J. Dodonova-Vaitkūnienė and S. Juršėnas, Understanding the temporal dynamics of thermally activated delayed fluorescence in solid hosts, J. Mater. Chem. C, 11, 12147-12155, (2023).
Development, Investigation and Application of Advanced Semiconductor Structures for Optoelectronics. Prof. Dr R. Tomašiūnas. 2023–2025.
The main focus of the project was to further develop the III-nitrides MOCVD technology to grow nitride epilayers and structures by applying 2D materials, and ALD films. Investigation of gallium nitride epilayer crystal quality improvement by overgrowth of FIB patterned structures. Numerical modeling and experimental investigation of associated localized and free non-equilibrium charge carrier dynamics in nitride semiconductors using luminescence spectroscopy. Characterization of wideband semiconductors by optical absorption and light-induced transient gratings methods. Investigation of photo-galvanomagnetic and transport phenomena.
Further development of high-energy radiation double-response GaN/AlGaN sensor technology and detector architecture. Application of radiation sensors for development of dosimetry systems for radiotherapy. Development of methods for radiation and technology defect spectroscopy.
Further development of optical, thermal, and photoionization spectroscopy of defect states and analysis of charge transfer in semiconductor materials and structures, important for opto- and photoelectrical applications.
Investigation of sensors with internal gain for registration of high energy particles and timing measurements.
Main publications:
1. A. Kadys, J. Mickevičius, K. Badokas, S. Strumskis, E. Vanagas, Ž. Podlipskas, I. Ignatjev, T. Malinauskas. Epitaxial lateral overgrowth of GaN on a laser-patterned graphene mask. Nanomaterials, 13(4), 784, 2023.
2. T. Ceponis, J. Pavlov, A. Kadys, A. Vaitkevicius, E. Gaubas, Luminescence characteristics of the MOCVD GaN structures with chemically etched surfaces, Materials 16 (2023) 3424.
3. T. Ceponis, M. Burkanas, A. Cicinas, L. Deveikis, J. Pavlov, V. Rumbauskas, J. Venius, E. Gaubas, Combined techniques for recovery of radiation damaged detectors, Mat. Sc. Sem. Proc. 168 (2023) 107863.
4. EU Patent - E. Gaubas, T. Čeponis, K. Pūkas, V. Rumbauskas, M. Užgirytė, J. Venius, K. Akelaitis, A. Cicinas, SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR BRACHYTHERAPY PROCEDURE PLANNING AND VERIFICATION, App. No. EP21210650.4, patent No.: EP4186562, patent date 2023-11-29.
Solid-State Lighting Technologies. Dr P. Vitta. 2022–2025.
Solid-state illumination technologies for bacteria control. Recently we investigated the effect of riboflavin- and chlorophyllin-based antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, performed with near-ultraviolet or blue light on the viability of bacterial cells in biofilms and their structural stability, also determining the extent of photoinduced generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species as well as the ability of A. baumannii to form biofilms after the treatment. The efficacy of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy was compared with that of light alone and the role of the photosensitizer type on the photosensitization mechanism was demonstrated.
Development of the inorganic fosfors for solid-state lighting. Recently, the photoluminescence properties of Y3Al3MgSiO12:Cr3+ (YMASG:Cr3+) and Y3Al3MgSiO12: 2%Ce3+, Cr3+ (YMASG:2%Ce3+, Cr3+) were investigated, and the energy transfer from Ce3+ to Cr3+ were examined. All phosphor samples were prepared by our partners by the aqueous sol–gel method. To determine the photoluminescence (PL) properties of YMASG:Cr3+ and YMASG:2%Ce3+, Cr3+, emission and excitation spectra along with reflection spectra were recorded. PL decay measurements were also performed, and PL lifetime values were determined. To check the suitability of synthesized materials to be applied for greenhouse illumination, two prototypes of pcLEDs containing YMASG:Cr3+ and YMASG:Ce3+, Cr3+ phosphors were developed and investigated.
Solid-state solar simulators replicate the spectrum of sunlight and are essential for the research, development, and quality control of photovoltaic devices. The purpose of the research was to explore the optimization of solar simulators based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and hybrid LED-halogen lamp combinations in a series of simulations, by taking into account newly defined criteria of the IEC 60904-9:2020 standard: new spectral ranges, requirements for the so-called A+ class spectrum, spectral coverage, spectral deviation, and spectral mismatch factors. We revealed new ways to configure LED-based solar simulators with just four light source types to achieve A+ class spectrum. Simulations of the current–voltage characteristics of an encapsulated aluminium back-surface field (Al-BSF) Si solar cell were performed using Synopsys TCAD (Technology Computer-Aided Design) software to reveal the expected differences of the open-circuit voltages and the short-circuit currents in a real-life operation scenario. The feasibility of several proposed simulator designs was demonstrated by a series of proof-of-concept experiments.
Main publications:
1. I. Buchovec, E. Vyčaitė, K. Badokas, E. Sužiedelienė, S. Bagdonas. Application of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy for Inactivation of Acinetobacter baumannii Biofilms. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 722 (2023).
2. G. Merkininkaite, A. Zabiliute-Karaliune, T. Jüstel, V. Klimkevicius, S. Sakirzanovas, A. Katelnikovas ” Ce3+→ Cr3+energy transfer in Y3Al3MgSiO12 garnet host and application in horticultural lighting,“ Ceram. Int. 49(11), pp 16796-16808, 2023;
3. Ž. Vosylius, A. Novičkovas, and V. Tamošiūnas, Optimization of LED-Based Solar Simulators for Cadmium Telluride and Microcrystalline Silicon Solar Cells, Energies 16(15), 5741 (2023).
4. Ž. Vosylius, D. Antonovič, A. Novičkovas, E. Gaubas, V. Tamošiūnas, Rational selection of light sources for LED-based solar simulators, Sol Energy, 265, 112064 (2023).
5. R. Stanikunas, A. Soliunas, R. Bliumas, K. Jocbalyte, and A. Novickovas, Differences in color fading and recovery under sustained fixation, J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis, 40(3), pp. A33-A39 (2023).
6. C. Weerasuriya, S.H. Ng; W. Woods, T. Johnstone, P. Vitta, L. Hugrass; S. Juodkazis, Feasibility of Magneto-Encephalography Scan under Color-Tailored Illumination. Appl. Sci. 13, 2988 (2023).
7. D. Lunkevičiūtė, V. Vorobjovas, P. Vitta, & D. Čygas. Research of the Luminance of Asphalt Pavements in Trafficked Areas. Sustainability, 15(3), 2826 (2023).
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania. Vilnius University Excellence Center for Advanced Light Technologies (No. S-A-UEI-23-6) Prof. A.Dubietis. (Prof. R.Tomašiūnas responsible for the Task No.7) 2023-2027.
The Vilnius University Excellence Center for Advanced Light Technologies concentrates human resources, knowledge, and unique laser, photonics, and materials science infrastructure of the Laser Center and of the Photonics and Nanotechnology Institute for developing a sustainable, easily adaptable to new scientific challenges, and open to international and interdisciplinary collaboration platform for fundamental and applied research, where highest level research will be implemented towards integration to CERN and ELI.
Research Council of Lithuania. Vilnius University Excellence Center for Advanced Light Technologies (No. S-A-UEI-23-6) Prof. A. Dubietis. (Dr K. Kazlauskas responsible for the Task No.4) 2023-2027.
The Vilnius University Excellence Center for Advanced Light Technologies concentrates human resources, knowledge, and unique laser, photonics, and materials science infrastructure of the Laser Center and of the Photonics and Nanotechnology Institute for developing a sustainable, easily adaptable to new scientific challenges, and open to international and interdisciplinary collaboration platform for fundamental and applied research, where highest level research will be implemented towards integration to CERN and ELI.
Main publication:
1. L. Naimovičius, E. Radiunas, M. Dapkevičius, P. Bharmoria, K. Moth-Poulsen, and K. Kazlauskas, The Statistical Probability Factor in Triplet Mediated Photon Upconversion: A Case Study with Perylene, J. Mater. Chem. C 11, 14826 (2023).
Research Council of Lithuania. Addressing the lifetime issues of the latest generation OLEDs: analysis and possible solutions (No. S-MIP-21-12). Dr K. Kazlauskas, (2021-2024).
A critical factor restricting the development and commercialization of TADF-OLED technology is a short operational lifetime of blue-emitting devices. Half-lifetime of blue devices typically is in the range of 1-100 hours at a practical luminance of 500-1000 cd/m2. Therefore, the stability of TADF-OLEDs needs to be addressed and improved through the clarification of their degradation mechanisms. In an attempt to contribute to this hot-topic our project is targeted at addressing the lifetime issues of blue TADF-OLEDs in order to improve their further development and commercialization. To address lifetime issues we propose an original multifaceted approach based on: the design of new blue TADF emitters consisting of stable donor/acceptor units (e.g. carbazole, triazine, etc) featuring large RISC and radiative decay rates; optimization of TADF emitter doping concentration in order to broaden emission recombination zone, which is expected to reduce local exciton concentration in the emissive layer, thereby enabling to avoid exciton interaction and quenching in turn promoting device degradation; introduction of Li and Yb dopants into electron injection/transport layers of OLEDs to facilitate charge injection, subsequently reducing its trapping and related detrimental exciton-polaron quenching in OLEDs; finding and using alternative (more compatible and stable) electron/hole injection, transport and host materials with the same TADF emitter in achieving enhanced device stability and lifetime; application of the multiple approaches in sequence for each particular blue TADF emitter is anticipated to eliminate (or at least reduce) device lifetime limiting factors resulting in significantly enhanced device stability. Although most of these approaches were tried with just a few selected TADF emitters, Li- and Yb-doping of electron injection layers have never been attempted for TADF-OLEDs and hence is considered to be novel.
Main publications:
1. D. Banevičius, G. Puidokas, G. Kreiza, S. Juršėnas, E. Orentas, and K. Kazlauskas, Prolonging Blue TADF-OLED Lifetime through Ytterbium Doping of Electron Transport Layer, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 128, 515 (2023).
2. G. Kreiza, D. Banevičius, S. Juršėnas, F. Rodella, P. Strohriegl, and K. Kazlauskas, Ambipolar Hosts for Blue TADF OLEDs: Assessment of the Device Performance and Lifetime, Organic Electronics 120, 106849 (2023).
Research Council of Lithuania. III group nitride epitaxy via graphene on silicon with high ionicity metal oxides for solid-state photonics (No. MIP-23-42). Dr T. Grinys, 2023-2026.
The main goal of the project is to investigate the role of ionicity by performing epitaxy of gallium nitride via graphene on ionic oxides. The potential field of application of the proposed approach is in the fabrication of high-quality III-group nitride layers on foreign substrates. This is possible because of the peculiar electronic properties of the upper interface of graphene if it is placed on a high ionicity crystalline substrate. The graphene has no dangling bonds, therefore it does not screen the potential field of any ionic crystal. We expect to perform patterning and mild chemical treatment of oxides to further increase epitaxial film quality. Our proposed research and technological approach are beyond the concept of the traditional heteroepitaxy where lattice mismatch and the induced strain are critical. Graphene on insulating ionic oxides can act as a transparent 2D electrode combining two semiconductors: Si substrate and GaN epitaxial thin film.
Research Council of Lithuania. Field-compensated InGaN structures as efficient cyan emitters (No. MIP-22-120). Dr R. Aleksiejunas, 2022-2025.
We propose an innovative approach for developing an efficient InGaN-based light emitting diode (LED) operating in the cyan spectral range. The main idea of the project is to compensate the unwanted spontaneous electric field unavoidably emerging in the c-plane structures by using heavily doped interlayers on both sides of the active region. In the field-compensated LEDs thicker quantum wells can be used, which would allow operating the device at lower carrier densities, thus avoiding the negative high-density effects and increasing the efficiency of the device. Early attempts in making the field-compensated LEDs demonstrated the feasibility of such approach, but the obtained efficiency was rather low, most likely due to high densities of point defects.
The problem of point defects in the proposed project will be addressed by employing the pulsed MOCVD regime and additional specially doped superlattice interlayers. Both techniques were shown as promising strategies for decreasing the point defect density. The unique combination of light-induced transient grating, differential transmission and time-resolved cathodoluminescence techniques will be used to study the relation between carrier localization, hole diffusion, nonradiative recombination, and microscopic layer properties. As a result, this project will contribute both to development of efficient LEDs and to the knowledge of intrinsic carrier processes in nitride semiconductors.
Main publications:
1. Y. Talochka, R. Aleksiejūnas, Ž. Podlipskas, J. Mickevičius, and G. Tamulaitis, “Evaluation of ambipolar diffusion coefficient in AlxGa1−xN semiconductor,” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 969, 172475 (2023).
International Research Projects
Horizon 2020 RIA project Advancement and Innovation for Detectors at Accelerators, AIDAinnova, Prof. G. Tamulaitis, 2021 – 2025.
AIDAinnova project, being implemented by CERN and 44 partners from academic, industry and research and technology organisations from 15 European countries, is aimet at providing state-of-the-art upgrades to research infrastructures in order to unfold the scientific potential of detector technologies. WP8 of the large is focused on the development of calorimeters and particle identification detectors for future high energy physics experiments. FNI team participates in implementation of task 8.3 on the light-based detectors with specific emphasis on radiation hardeness ultrafast response of scintillating materials for the detectors of ionizing radiation. FNI team exploits photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence spectroscopies with time resolution in picosecond domain, transiensient absorption technique with time resolution in femtosecond domain, light-indiced transient grating technique and other optical techniques in wide range of temperatures and excitation intensities. Self-activated scintillator PWO and Ce-activated multicomponet garnet- and oxyorthosilicate-type scintillators were under study in 2023.
Main publications:
1. G. Tamulaitis, S. Nargelas, Y. Talochka, A. Vaitkevičius, M. Korjik, V. Mechinsky, R. Paramatti, I. Dafinei, M. Lucchini, E. Auffray, N. Kratochwil, Transient optical absorption technique to test timing properties of LYSO:Ce scintillators for the CMS Barrel Timing Layer, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 206, 110792 (2023).
2. S. Nargelas, A. Solovjovas, Y. Talochka, Ž. Podlipskas, M. Kucera, Z. Lucenicova, G. Tamulaitis, Influence of heavy magnesium codoping on emission decay in Ce-doped multicomponent garnet scintillators, J. Mater. Chem C, 11, 12007-12015 (2023).
Lithuania-Japan bilateral collaboration project. Development of GaN optical microresonators with polarity inversion (GANOMPI). Dr R.Tomašiūnas. 2021–2023.
The research purpose of this project is to develop new GaN optical microresonators with polarity inversion for the VIS and near-IR spectra range.
Main publication:
1. M.Kolenda, A.Kadys, T.Malinauskas, E.Radiunas, R.Ritasalo, R.Tomašiūnas. The importance of nucleation layer for the GaN N-face purity on the annealed Al2O3 layers deposited by atomic layer deposition. Mater. Sci. Engineer. B 284, 115850 (2022).
Lithuania-Latvia-Taivan collaboration project. Molecular Electronics in functionalized Purines: fundamental Study and applications (MEPS) Prof. S.Juršėnas. 2022–2024.
The goal of this interdisciplinary project is to create the multifunctional photosensitive charge/electron/energy transfer systems bearing purine core to produce molecular scale functions for chemical sensing, bio-imaging and photo-catalysis accomplished by an international consortium involving Lithuanian, Latvian and Taiwanese teams.
Main publication:
1. A. Burcevs, A. Sebris, K. Traskovskis, H.-W. Chu, H.-T. Chang, J. Jovaišaitė, S. Juršėnas, M. Turks, and I. Novosjolova, Synthesis of Fluorescent C–C Bonded Triazole-Purine Conjugates, J Fluoresc (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10895-023-03337-6
M-ERA.NET project “Luminescent tagging of documents and the method of their mobile detection based on Hyperspectral Imaging and Artificial Intelligence”, Leader of the Lithuanian part (VU) (2023-2025).
The objective of the LumAI is to develop a novel class of functional materials and the method of their mobile detection that will be used in an innovative document security system. The luminescent powder will be incorporated into ink and printed on paper or polymer film. The activation will be performed by a model of multichannel flash lamp. For detection, smartphone application based on hyperspectral imaging and AI approach will be used.
COST, CA19111 “European Network on Future Generation Optical Wireless Communication Technologies” Dr A. Zabiliūtė-Karaliūnė, Dr P. Vitta. 2020-2024.
Contractual Research
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA). Characterization of materials for UWBG LEAP: Ultra-Wide Bandgap Laser Addressable Photoconductors. Dr V.Grivickas, 2022-2024.
Prescribe technical developments such as the use characterization techniques to gather data on provided samples and the analysis, appropriate material models, interpretation of the results in the context of basic research available for three UWBG materials targeted in these investigations: diamond, Ga2O3, and AlN.
IQE plc (USA department). MOCVD growth of III-N semiconductor layers on Si(100) templates. Dr T. Grinys, 2022-2023.
Development of MOCVD growth technology of III-N semiconductor layers on templates provided by IQE plc. Templates include twisted Sc2O3 on Si and III-N on twisted Sc2O3 on Si grown by MBE. The MOCVD-grown III-N will be characterized by SEM, AFM, and XRD. Target parameters: thickness more than 0.5 um, surface roughness less than 1.5 nm, (0002) XRD RC peak FWHM less than 1 degree.
Small contracts form Lighting industry in Lithuania.
Acros Organics B.V.B.A. (Belgium)
Advinus Therapeutics PVT Ltd. (India)
Aixtron AG (Germany)
Alfa Aesar, Avocado Research Chemicals Ltd. (UK)
Alfa Aesar GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Alkali Metals Ltd. (India)
Apollo Scientific Ltd. (UK)
AppliChem GmbH (Germany)
Arizona State University (USA)
Austin Chemical Company, Inc. (USA)
BCH Research L.L.P. (USA)
BCR GmbH & Co. KG (Germany)
Belarussian State University (Belarus)
Centre of Organic Electronics and Photonics Research, Kyushu University (Japan)
Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)
Chemosyntha N.V. (Belgium)
Chukan Butsu Ltd. (Japan)
CM Fine Chemicals GmbH (Switzerland)
CMS Chemicals Ltd. (UK)
Collaboration on Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders (RD50) at CERN
Crystal Clear Collaboration (RD18) at CERN
CRYTUR, Czech Republic
DKSH Switzerland Ltd. (Switzerland)
Durham University (UK)
Elite Inter-Chem FZC (United Arab Emirates)
Fraunhofer ISC (Germany)
Frinton Laboratories, Inc. (USA)
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Germany)
IMEC (Belgium)
Institute of High Pressure Physics (Poland)
International Centre For Genetic Engineering And Biotechnology (India)
IQE plc (USA)
JSC Ledigma (Lithuania)
JSC Gaudrė (Lithuania)
JSC MKDS (Lithuania)
JSC Tikslioji sintezė (Lithuania)
Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
Kindchem (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. (China)
KISCO Deutschland GmbH (Germany)
KISCO Tokyo Ltd. (Japan)
Korea University (South Korea)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA)
MBraun Inertgas-Systeme GmbH (Germany)
Merck KGaA (Germany)
Mirae Interchem Co. Ltd. (South Corea)
MIT, Nanoelectronics laboratory (USA)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan)
National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS) (Japan)
Niche Materials Ltd. (UK)
Organica Feinchemie GmbH Wolfen (Germany)
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors (Germany)
Panslavia Chemicals LLC (USA)
Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse, France)
Picosun Oy (Finland)
PPW "AWAT" Spolka z o. o (Poland)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy NY, USA)
Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
School of Polymer Science and Engineering University of Southern Mississippi (USA)
Sigma-Aldrich Logistik GmbH (Germany)
Soochow University (Taiwan)
Sumitomo Shoji Chemicals Co. Ltd. (Japan)
Synthon Chemicals GmbH & Co.KG (Germany)
Taiwan National University
TCI Europe NV (Belgium)
TOPGAN (Poland)
Translucent Inc. (USA)
UCB Pharma SA (Belgium)
Ukrorgsyntez Ltd. (Ukraine)
University of Bayreuth (Germany)
University of Bordeaux (France)
CERN-related activities in Physics faculty. 7 research groups of Physics Faculty participate in research and development activities directly linked to CERN. These activities are supported via the Conortium for Particle Physics in Lithuania (director prof. R. Aleksiejūnas) by dedicated funding both from Lithuanian government and Vilnius University.
Dr T. Čeponis
• VU Team Leader at CERN RD50 (Development of Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders) program activities.
Dr V. Grivickas
• vice president of the Lithuanian Materials Research Society (LtMRS), http://www.ltmrs.lt/lt/nariai/.
Prof. S. A. Juršėnas
• member of the Lithuanian Material Research Society (LtMRS),
• Member of the Expert Committee of Natural and Technical Sciences of Research Council of Lithuania
Prof. G. Tamulaitis
• member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences,
• member of the European Physical Society Energy Group,
• member of the Lithuanian Material Research Society (LtMRS),
• Member of All European Academies (ALLEA) Working Group on the ERA
Dr R. Tomašiūnas
• member of the Technical Committee 73 Nanotechnologies, Lithuanian Standards Board;
• member of the Lithuanian Material Research Society (LtMRS),
• editorial board member of the journal Science and Technology Indonesia,
Editorial Team | Science and Technology Indonesia (sciencetechindonesia.com);
1. S. Juršėnas, J. Jovaišaitė, S. Kirshner, S. Raišys, G. Kreiza, P. Baronas, and M. Wagner, Diboraanthracene-doped polymer systems for efficient room temperature afterglow. 14th International Conference on Optical Probes of Organic and Hybrid Semiconductors (OP2023), 10 – 15 September 2023, Como, Italy. (invited)
2. K. Kazlauskas and S. Raišys, Exploring multi-resonant TADF emitters to boost solid-state photon upconversion. 14th International Conference on Optical Probes of Organic and Hybrid Semiconductors (OP2023), 10 – 15 September 2023, Como, Italy. (oral).
1. In 2023 Dr Dovydas Banevičius has become the laureate of "Best dissertation 2022" contest and received acknowledgement from the President of the Republic of Lithuania for successfully developed scientific activity.
1. T. Čeponis, E. Gaubas, J. Vaitkus, Study of the impact of extreme fluences on radiation sensors, 45th Lithuanian National Conference, October 25-27, 2023, Vilnius (Invited talk)
10 Saulėtekio av., LT-10223 Vilnius
Phone: +370 5 236 60 50
Head - Dr Dalia Kaškelytė.
Professors: (HP) Dr A. Dubietis, (HP) Dr G. Valiulis, Dr M. Vengris, Dr S. Bagdonas, Dr M. Malinauskas, Dr A. Matijošius, Habil. Dr V. Sirutkaitis (emeritus), Habil. Dr R. Rotomskis (emeritus), Habil. Dr A. Stabinis (emeritus), Habil. Dr V. Smilgevičius (emeritus), Dr Kęstutis Staliūnas (adjunkto profesorius), Dr Virgilijus Barzda (adjunkto profesorius); Dr Saulius Juodkazis (adjunkto profesorius);
Dr Theodossis A. Theodossiou (adjunkto profesorius);
Leading researchers: Dr A. Varanavičius, (HP) Dr V. Vaičaitis, Dr A. Melninkaitis.
Associate professors: Dr O. Balachninaitė, Dr V. Jarutis, Dr V. Tamulienė, Dr D. Paipulas, Dr R. Butkus, Dr G. Tamošauskas, Dr V. Jukna, Dr J.Vengelis.
Senior research fellows Dr D.Gailevičius, Dr S.Paipulienė.
Research fellows: Dr D. Kaškelytė, Dr A. Kalnaitytė, Dr S. Butkus, Dr R.Budriūnas, Dr M. Grigalavičius, Dr B. Momgaudis
Lecturers: J. Jurkienė.
Engineer: A. Čiburys.
Doctoral students: G. Kontenis, D. Samsonas, D. Buožius, R. Grigutis, L. Rimkus M. Kuliešaitė, M. Plūkys, M. Riauka, D. Stonytė, J. Skruibis, J. Banys, V. Marčiulionytė, E. Atkočaitis, M. Mačiulis, G. Balčas, M. Navickas, I. Lukošiūnas, G. Jansonas, E. Kažukauskas, I. Meškėlaitė, J.Pimpė, E.Aleksandravičius.
• Study of interaction of high power ultrashort light pulses with transparent media.
• Development of effective light frequency converters and light pulse sources with the duration of few optical cycles and stable carrier-envelope phase.
• Study of femtosecond filamentation and supercontinuum generation in transparent dielectrics.
• Development of new technologies for biomedical and industrial applications based on specific interaction of ultrashort light pulses with matter, enabling high precision material processing by surface and bulk modification.
• Development of optical methods of biomedical diagnostics and extension of application areas.
• In vivo and in vitro studies of spectral and photophysical properties of biologically active molecules and nanostructures aiming at optimization of biomedical diagnostics and phototherapy.
• Imaging and spectroscopy of nanoparticles and biological objects for monitoring aquatic ecosystems.
• Nonlinear optics of ultrashort pulses.
• Ultrafast spectroscopy of photoactive molecules, nanostructures and semiconductors.
• Damage in bulk materials and coatings induced by femtosecond pulses.
• Optics characterization including reflection/transmission, scattering as well as absorption and laser-induced optical damage threshold in wide spectral range.
• Peculiarities of ultrafast exciton dynamics at reduced dimension in self-assembled molecular nanostructures and quantum dots.
• Studying ultrafast laser lithography mechanisms and their exploitation towards optical 3D printing
• Laser micro- /nano-scale additive manufacturing of nano-photonic, micro-optical and biomedical structures
• High intensity ultrashort pulse generation by OPCPA systems.
• Time-resolved digital holography.
• Radial/azimuthal polarization beams, Bessel beams and optical vortices.
• Optical and SEM characterization of 3D microstructures.
• Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy research.
• Terahertz radiation generation and time-resolved spectroscopy
• Ultrafastl laser micromachining of dielectrics and metals
1. G. Merkininkaitė, E. Aleksandravičius, S. Varapnickas, D. Gailevičius, S. Šakirzanovas, M. Malinauskas, Multi-Photon 3D Lithography and Calcination for sub-100-nm Additive Manufacturing of Inorganics, Ultrafast Laser Nanostructuring R. Stoain, J. Bonse, eds., pp 787–823 Springer 2023
Publications in top scientific journals
1. REVIEW Article: A. Dubietis, A. Matijošius, Table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers: past and present, Opto-Electronic Advances 6, 220046 (2023). [Q1, IF – 14.1]
2. PERSPECTIVE Article: G. Balčas, M. Malinauskas, M. Farsari, S. Juodkazis, Fabrication of Glass-Ceramic 3D Micro-Opticsby Combining Laser Lithography and Calcination, Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2215230 (2023). [Q1, IF – 19].
3. RESEARCH Article: E. Skliutas, D. Samsonas, A. Čiburys, L. Kontenis, D. Gailevičius, J. Beržins, D. Narbutis, V. Jukna, M. Vengris, S. Juodkazis, M. Malinauskas, X-photon laser direct write 3D nanolithography, Virtual and Physical Prototyping. e222832 (2023) [Q1, IF – 10.6]
Patent applications
1. V. Barzda, G. Kontenis, M. Mačiulis, M. Mažeika, Method for fast determination of ultrastructural parameters using polarimetric second harmonic generation microscopy, European patent application EP22178098.4 (2023).
2. D.Paipulas, V.Jukna, S. Butkus, Method and system for laser processing of elongated thin workpieces using direct laser writing, EP23190876.5 (2023).
1. Scientific program “Parametrika”, version 1.1 published for Windows and Android operating systems: http://web.vu.lt/ff/v.pyragaite/index.php?id=Parametrika. Program author: Dr V. Tamulienė.
Projects Supported by the University Budget
Study of fundamental ultrafast processes in laser and nonlinear optical systems. Lead researcher Prof. A.Dubietis 2022-2026.
The main results achieved in 2023:
The generation of power- and wavelength-scalable few optical cycle pulses remains one of the major challenges in modern laser physics. Over the past decade, the development of table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplificationbased systems was progressing at amazing speed, demonstrating excellent performance characteristics in terms of pulse duration, energy, peak power and repetition rate, which place them at the front line of modern ultrafast laser technology. At present, table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers comprise a unique class of ultrafast light sources, which currently amplify octave-spanning spectra and produce carrier-envelope phase-stable, few optical cycle pulses with multi-gigawatt to multi-terawatt peak powers and multi-watt average powers, with carrier wavelengths spanning a considerable range of the optical spectrum. This article gives an overview on the state of the art of table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers, addressing their relevant scientific and technological aspects, and provides a short outlook of practical applications in the growing field of ultrafast science.
Main publication:
1. A. Dubietis, A. Matijošius, Table-top optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers: past and present, Opto-Electronic Advances 6, 220046 (2023).
This study presents a novel way to increase the energy conversion efficiency of optical parametric amplification by eliminating the idler wave from the interaction using consecutive type-I and type-II amplification processes. By using the aforementioned straightforward approach the wavelength tunable narrow-bandwidth amplification with exceptionally high 40% peak pumpto-signal conversion efficiency and 68% peak pump depletion was achieved in the short-pulse regime, while preserving the beam quality factor of less than 1.4. The same optical layout can also serve as an enhanced idler amplification scheme.
Main publication:
1. G. Jansonas, R. Budriūnas, G. Valiulis, A. Varanavičius, Polarization-based idler elimination: enhancing the efficiency of optical parametric amplification, Optics Express 31, 19794-19803 (2023).
The 3D laser printing of form birefringent structures promises fast prototyping of polarization-sensitive photonic elements. However, achieving the quarter-and half-wave phase retardation levels needed in applications still remains a challenge, especially at visible wavelengths. Thickness of the birefringent region, usually consisting of simple 1D gratings, must be sufficiently large to ensure the required retardance, making the 3D laser-printed gratings prone to mechanical collapse. Here we demonstrate 3D laser-printed mechanically robust form birefringent 3D structures whose thickness and phase retardation can be increased without loss of mechanical stability, and report on the realization of compact self-supporting structures exhibiting quarter-and half-wave phase retardation at visible wavelengths. A work done in collaboration with Shizuoka University (Japan).
Main publication:
1. D. Gailevičius, D. Paipulas, S. Hada, M. Kretkowski, V. Mizeikis, Form birefringent polymeric structures realized by 3D laser printing, Optics Letters 48, 5775-5778 (2023).
The results of comprehensive plasma characterization and diagnostics by analyzing time-resolved absorption spectra of short ultrabroadband (0.1–50 THz) pulses propagated through the test plasma were reported. Spectral analysis of plasma-induced absorption of such THz pulses provides very direct, in situ, high dynamical range, potentially single-shot access to the plasma density, plasma decay time, electron temperature, and ballistic dynamics of the plasma expansion. We have demonstrated a proof-of-principle measurement of plasma created by an intense laser beam. In particular, we showed a reliable measurement of plasma densities from around 1016 to 1020 cm−3. Apart from the plasma parameters, this method allowed us to reconstruct peak intensity inside the plasma spot and to observe a very early stage of plasma evolution after its excitation.
Main publication:
1. V. Vaičaitis, O. Balachninaitė, A. Matijošius, I. Babushkin, and U. Morgner, Direct time-resolved plasma characterization with broadband terahertz light pulses, Phys. Rev. E 107, 015201 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.107.015201
Development of laser technologies for industrial and biomedical applications. Lead researcher Prof. M. Malinauskas 2019-2022.
The main results achieved in 2023:
Developing micro-/nano-scale additive manufacturing of inorganic 3D structures of diverse crystalline phases. Testing of feasibility to produce individual elements below 100 nm features and overall object sizes exceeding 5 mm in dimensions. This can be achieved by combining ultrafast laser 3D nanolithography and subsequent application of thermal post-treatment (calcination) – a novel approach introduced for additive manufacturing of inorganics. The laser made pristine components are preserving their predefined shape and material is converted from hybrid polymer to glass/ceramics/crystalline substance corresponding to its inherent high refractive index and transparency, chemical inert and mechanically robust. This approach enables both realization of complex geometries and required material properties for micro-optical and nanophotonic applications.
A study of wavelength and pulse duration for the laser direct writing 3D multi-photon micro-/nano-lithography. These new experimental data investigate different mechanisms involved in spatio-temporally confined light-matter interaction resulting into the controlled photopolymerization applied for 3D printing. Single-photon, two-photon, three-photon absorption, photo- and avalanche ionization, as well as heat accumulation. We reveal different linear and non-linearinitiation processes being involved. The individual voxel’s shapes and scaling of line widths are studied individually and by optimizing the exposure parameters the final 3D fabricated object can be obtained at very different conditions. The carried out research reveals of various wavelengths can be used for successful 3D nanolithography, though the dynamic fabrication window and laser induced damage thresholds significantly.
Main publications:
1. D. Gonzalez-Hernandez, B. Sanchez-Padilla, D. Gailevičius, S. Chandran Thodika, S. Juodkazis, E. Brasselet, M. Malinauskas, Single-step 3D printing of micro-optics with adjustable refractive index by ultrafast laser nanolithography, Adv. Opt. Mater. (2023).
2. H. Wang, W. Zhang, D. Ladika, H. Yu, D. Gailevicius, H. Wang, C.-F. Pan, P. Nair S, Y. Ke, T. Mori, J. Y. E. Chan, Q. Ruan, M. Farsari, M. Malinauskas, S. Juodkazis, M. Gu, and J. K.W. Yang, Two-photon Polymerization Lithography for Optics and Photonics: Fundamentals, Materials, Technologies, and Applications, Adv. Func. Matter., 2214211 (2023).
3. J. Jeršovaitė, U. Šarachovaitė, I. Matulaitienė, G. Niaura, D. Baltriukienė, M. Malinauskas, Biocompatibility enhancement via post-processing of microporous scaffolds made by optical 3D printer. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 11:1167753 (2023).
4. D. Gailevičius, R. Zvirblis, K. Galvanauskas, G. Bataviciute, M. Malinauskas, Calcination-Enhanced Laser-Induced Damage Threshold of 3D Micro-Optics Made with Laser Multi-Photon Lithography. Photonics, 10, 597 (2023).
5. D. Astrauskytė, K. Galvanauskas, D. Gailevičius, M. Drazdys, M. Malinauskas, L. Grineviciute, Anti-reflective coatings produced by atomic layer deposition for hybrid-polymer 3D micro-optics, Nanomaterials 13(16), 2281 (2023).
6. G. Merkininkaite, D. Gailevicius, L. Staisiunas, E. Ezerskyte, R. Vargalis, M. Malinauskas, S. Sakirzanovas, Additive Manufacturing of Extremely Hard SiOC, SiC, and Si3N4 Ceramic 3D Micro-Structures, Adv. Eng. Mater. 25(17), 2300639 (2023).
The effect of riboflavin- and chlorophyllin-based antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, performed with near-ultraviolet or blue light was investigated on the viability of bacterial cells in biofilms and their structural stability, also determining the extent of photoinduced generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species as well as the ability of A. baumannii to form biofilms after the treatment. The efficacy of the antimicrobial photodynamic therapy was compared with that of light alone and the role of the photosensitizer type on the photosensitization mechanism was shown also demonstrating its potential as an antibacterial treatment or as a preventive measure against biofilm formation.
Main publication:
1. Buchovec I., Vycaite E., Badokas K., Suziedeliene E., Bagdonas S., Application of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy for Inactivation of Acinetobacter baumannii Biofilms, International journal of molecular sciences, 24 (1), 722, 2023, [Q1, IF - 5.6].
The combinatorial effect of radiation and photodynamic therapies are being investigated. The applicability of neutron, proton and alpha particle radiation for radiosensitization and drug excitation is investigated in in vitro and in silico models. Radiation microdosimetry procedures at a single cell level has been established using Geant4 theoretical model.
National Research Projects
Research Council of Lithuania funded project (Research groups projects) “High repetition rate femtosecond filamentation- induced laser-matter interactions in transparent solids“ (FEMTOLAMA) (No. S-MIP-22-40), prof. A. Dubietis (2022-2024).
The main objective of the Project is investigation of accumulation effects that lead to optical degradation and damage induced by high repetition rate femtosecond filamentation in transparent solids over a wide spectral range. Since most of these effects are detrimental to both, characteristics of the broadband ultrashort-pulsed light (supercontinuum) and optical properties of the material itself due to evolving multipulse optical damage, the special emphasis will be given to find optimal operating conditions, where these effects could be eliminated, or at least suppressed to a large extent.
Main publications:
1. R. Grigutis, V. Jukna, G. Tamošauskas, A. Dubietis, Broadband conical third harmonic generation in femtosecond filament-modified fused silica, Optics Letters 48, 506-509 (2023).
2. V. Marčiulionytė, J. Banys, J. Vengelis, R. Grigutis, G. Tamošauskas, A. Dubietis, Low-threshold supercontinuum generation in a homogeneous bulk material at 76 MHz pulse repetition rate, Optics Letters 48, 4609-4612 (2023).
3. R. Grigutis, V. Jukna, G. Tamošauskas, A. Dubietis, Multiple conical odd harmonics from filament-inscribed nanogratings, Photonics Research 11, 1814-1819 (2023).
Research Council of Lithuania funded project (Research groups projects) “Development of high repetition rate tunable wavelength UV-VIS femtosecond laser system“ (HIREPUVIS) (No. S-MIP-23-23), Dr J. Vengelis (2023-2026).
The aim of this project is to develop watt-level average power high repetition rate broadly tunable wavelength UV-VIS femtosecond laser system. This will be accomplished by developing a combined laser setup consisting of laser amplifier, harmonic generator and synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillator. Such system will superceed capabilities of any existing laser or optical parametric generator system used for spectroscopy, nonlinear microscopy and laser micromaching applications in terms of measurement / micromachining speed, versatility, accuracy and efficiency.
European Regional development fund, Research council of Lithuania project „The development of femtosecond laser microprocessing in UV range“ (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0029), Dr D. Paipulas (2020-2023).
The subject of the project is dictated by the current progress in the production of fs laser systems and the resulting bottleneck effect in laser microfabrication tasks, which can be solved through the conversion of radiation to the UV spectral range. In the industry, UV laser processing systems are only applied with longer (ns) pulses and are widely used for marking of transparent materials, but do not have the advantages of fs lasers. Excimer lasers, higher harmonics of Q-switched solid state lasers are one of the basic choices in industrial UV laser processing, but they do not control the thermal effects that affect machining accuracy (the evidence for that is the shrinking market of excimer lasers in polymer processing pushed by TAE-CO2 IR laser systems). Femtosecond micromachining in UV spectral range proposed by this project would allow the benefits of fs pulses to be utilized. There are isolated works in the scientific literature about the advantages of such machining, but they are not focused on industrial laser systems and the opportunities they offer. Only in recent years (Sugioka et al. (2018) DOI: 10.3390/nano8080583, de Michele et al (2019) DOI:10.1364/OME.9.004624) the demonstrations with industrial perspectives emerged. One of the goals of this project is to achieve high surface ablation accuracy with low roughness, which would enable surface DOE formation, which is currently done using lithographic methods (inflexible method) or ion beam cutting (a highly accurate but slow and expensive process). To our knowledge, the technology proposed in the project has not yet been applied for such purposes.
Main publications:
1. T. Bukelis, E. Gaižauskas, O. Balachninaite, D. Paipulas, Femtosecond IR and UV laser induced periodic structures on steel and copper surfaces, Surf. Interfaces, 38, 102869 (2023).
2. Butkutė, R. Sirutkaitis, D. Gailevičius, D. Paipulas, V. Sirutkaitis „ Sapphire Selective Laser Etching Dependence on Radiation Wavelength and Etchant “, Micromachines 14 (1), 7, (2023).
3. E. Kažukauskas, S. Butkus, V. Jukna, D. Paipulas, V. Sirutkaitis, Scanning Algorithm Optimization for Achieving Low-Roughness Surfaces Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses: A Comparative Study, Materials, 16(1), 2788 (2023).
European Regional development fund, Research council of Lithuania project „Development and investigation of novel optical parametric generators: towards subnanosecond pulses“ (01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0004), Dr J. Vengelis (2020-2023). The aim of the project is to develop commercialization ready optical parametric generator technologies for generation of subnanosecond pulses in the VIS and NIR spectral range based on the nonlinear optics methods. Research related to the aim of the project includes investigation of optical parametric generation in the VIS and NIR spectral range in various nonlinear media pumped by subnanosecond pulses and creation of OPG for generation of subnanosecond pulses in this spectral range.
Tunable optical parametric generation in infrared region by subnanosecond pump (520 ps) in PPLN crystal was studied both theoretically and experimentally. The spectrum of the amplified signal as well as its conversion efficiency were measured. In the theoretical research, the quantum-mechanical model for the optical parametrical generation was used. Moreover, optical parametric amplification of the injected laser-diode signal was demonstrated. Here, the classical nonlinear coupling equations were used for the theoretical description. Experimental and theoretical results were in a good agreement.
Widely-tunable optical parametric amplification both in BBO and LBO crystals by subnanosecond pump was demonstrated. As a seed, the supercontinuum pulse was utilized. Classical nonlinear coupling equations were utilized in the theoretical study which also showed wide tuning of the amplified signal spectrum. Pulse temporal scaling of LIDT for anti-reflective coatings deposited on lithium triborate crystals was also investigated.
Main publication:
1. J. Banys, J. Pimpė, O. Balachninaitė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Non-destructive periodic poling quality evaluation of MgO:PPLN and Rb:PPKTP crystals based on crystal translation and parametric light generation, Optik 277, 170686 (2023).
Research council of Lithuania Distinguished Professorship Programme project: “New generation of microchip lasers with integrated photonic microstructures”. Grant No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-17-0016, prof. Kęstutis Staliūnas (ICREA research professor in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain) (2020-2023)
The goal of the project is to form a multidisciplinary team of researchers for development of a new generation of microchip lasers with substantially improved radiation characteristics, such as spatial beam quality, power and brightness. The target is the increase in power and brightness by two orders of magnitude comparing with present state of art.
Microchip lasers are very efficient and compact light sources, of several millimeter size, usually in monolithic design. However, they have a general problem – low spatial quality of the emitted beam, especially in high power regimes. This is why usually microchip lasers are used together with subsequent stages of amplifiers, making the system no more compact, and severely restricting the range of its applications. A standalone compact microchip laser of high emission power and simultaneously of good spatial quality of the beam would be a dream device with new range of applications, like compact portable devices for medicine, for space communication and others. The project proposes a solution, based on new physical mechanisms, to substantially increase the brightness of a laser, by integrating novel photonic meta-structures into its resonator. In the project this new mechanism will be developed, implemented, and prototypes of microchip lasers of a new generation will be build.
To achieve this goal, a chain of multidisciplinary steps is planned: new technique of fabrication of photonic meta-structures is proposed and will be developed; The meta-structures will be integrated into the resonators of microlasers; The performance of the integrated system will be explored and optimized (involving Artificial Intelligence methods for optimization). This will lead to a patentable product for the national, European and world photonic market. This will create a multidisplinary team to work on this project, and for continuity of it.
As an additional activity, active metastructures (with modulated gain and loss) will also be build, and integrated into the laser. This additional activity is based on a novel concept of non-Hermitian management of light - a concept on a frontier of modern photonics science, therefore contains high risk and high reward. This activity is complementary to the main line of the project (developing and integrating passive metastructures), and will ensure the continuity of the scientific part of the project.
Main publications:
1. C. Babayigit, L. Grineviciute, J. Nikitina, S. Melnikas, D. Gailevicius, K. Staliunas, Inverse designed photonic crystals for spatial filtering, Applied Physics Letters 122, 244103 (2023).
2. I. Lukošiūnas, L. Grinevičiūtė, J. Nikitina, D. Gailevičius, K. Staliūnas, Extremely narrow sharply peaked resonances at the edge of the continuum, Physical Review A 107, L061501 (2023).
Programme "University Excellence Initiatives" of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Lithuania under the agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania. „Excellence Centre of Advanced Light Technologies“. Grant No. S-A-UEI-23-6, prof. A. Dubietis (2023-2027).
The objective of the Excellence Centre foresees creating a steady platform for high level fundamental and applied research in the fields of lasers, photonics and material engineering, which is open for international and interdisciplinary collaborations and is self-adapting to global challenges of modern science, providing scientific innovations for Lithuanian high-tech and laser industry and strengthening research connections with CERN and ELI. The main activities of the Excellence Centre are directed: 1) to enhance the leadership and competencies of researchers in extending international collaborations and establishing mutually beneficial partnership with Lithuanian high-tech and laser industry; 2) to initiate new interdisciplinary research directions that connect physical, chemical and medical sciences, delivering new ideas that facilitate continuous development and open prospects for breakthroughs in the future.
Student practical research activities funded by Research Council of Lithuania
Netiesinės sugerties tyrimas vienasluoksnėse optinėse dangose, 2023, student Martynas Keršys, supervisor Dr A.Melninkaitis.
Bioskaidaus PCL-A polimero lazerinio spausdinimo galimybės ir taikymo biomedicininių karkasų gamybai tyrimas, 2023, student Jurga Jeršovaitė, supervisor prof. M. Malinauskas
Fotooksidacinio streso sukeltų fotosintezės pokyčių tyrimas gėlavandeniuose dumbliuose, P-ST-23-111, 2023-2024, student Rasa Miliukaitė, supervisor Dr Agnė Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė
Student EuroPhotonics international master program research activity
High repetition rate supercontinuum generation in KGW crystal, 2022-2023, student: Kawthar Reggui (EuroPhotonics network, 1 year hosting at Vilnius University Laser Research Center), supervisor Prof. A. Dubietis.
Fabrication of 3D nano-optical structures via laser lithography, 2023, student: Eulàlia Puig Vilardell (EuroPhotonics network, 1 year hosting at Vilnius University Laser Research Center), supervisor prof. M. Malinauskas.
Three Europhotonics master students successfully defended their master thesis at Vilnius University (online):
Fariha Binte Rahman (evaluation 9)
Alejandra Araceli Padilla Camargo (evaluation 10)
Kawthar Reggui (evaluation 9).
Defended Master thesis in 2023:
Fariha Binte Rahman (supervisor: Crina Cojocaru, consultant: V. Tamulienė, reviewer: E. Bužavaitė-Vertelienė). Thesis: Building plasmonic crystals from gold nanoimprinted metasurfaces.
Alejandra Araceli Padilla Camargo (supervisor: Juan P. Torres, consultant: V. Jarutis, reviewer: J. Vengelis). Thesis: Absorption spectroscopy with quantum light.
Kawthar Reggui (supervisor: Laura Loi, consultant: A. Dubietis, reviewer: D. Paipulas). Thesis: Surface functionalization of transparent materials by direct laser interference patterning.
Seminars related to the Europhotonics program by Scholars
1. Dr Iurii Gordiienko (National Technical University of Ukraine „Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechic Institute” (Kyiv, Ukraine)) talk “Computer Vision Methods for Optical Flow Navigation and Object Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”
2. Dr Mattia Cipriani (ENEA, Fusion and Technologies for Nuclear Safety Department, C.R. Frascati, Frascati, Italy) talk “Irradiation of 3D printed micro-structures with high-power lasers: An uncharted territory”.
International Research Projects
7FP Project „Integrated European Laser Laboratories V” (LASERLAB-Europe V) (2019-2024).
The Vilnius University represented by Laser Research Centre is member of LASERLAB-EUROPE V was involved in two joint research activities (JRA) - PRImary and SEcondary Sources (PRISES) and Advanced Laser-based Techniques for Imaging and Spectroscopy in material science and biomedicine (ALTIS), networking and providing of the Transnational Access.
With JRA PRISES, LASERLAB-EUROPE invests in frontier laser technology and laser science by focusing on strategic advances that are critical for short-pulse, high-power lasers and their secondary sources of particles and radiation. It is based on three interconnected and strategic objectives where 28 partners jointly pursue, in total, 14 focused tasks.
Vilnius University Laser Research Center is taking part in primary laser source development and metrology by investigating laser-induced damage threshold measurements and aging effect of optical components in high repetition rate lasers as well as in the mid-IR laser development. A laser source based on a commercial Yb:KGW laser and two OPA stages was developed producing <100 fs pulses tunable within 2-3 µm range. The output of tunable OPA was used for measurements of nonlinear refractive index in isotropic as well as non-centrosymmetric optical materials in the available spectral range using a novel interferometric technique.
In the JRA ALTIS, LASERLAB-EUROPE addresses the needs of new and innovative workstations, methodologies and platforms for advanced imaging and spectroscopy in, for example biomedicine, bio- and nano-materials and environmental science. This JRA is based on four interconnected and strategic objectives, where 20 partners jointly pursue, in total, nine focused tasks. Vilnius University Laser Research Center is taking part in platforms for rapid imaging, detection and manipulation of biological samples at the molecular and cellular scale.
VU LRC developed a route for production of high quality and durable micro-optics fabricated by combining laser 3D micro-/nano-lithography and atomic layer deposition techniques. The advanced in additive manufacturing allows laser 3D printing of glass-ceramic micro-optical components. These developments attracts lots of attention from high-tech laser manufacturing industry as well as open access opportunities for multi-disciplinary scientific collaboration. It is already a common topic of interest for scheduling next research visits in order to exploit the recently revealed potential and its applications for imaging in sensing, biomedical, and security sectors.
Transnational access visits:
Visit of professor Ihar Babushkin (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany) was implemented in a frame of the international project LASERLAB-Europe V. The project titled “High repetition rate terahertz pulse generation in air excited by infrared femtosecond laser pulses”.
During the experiment we have performed a terahertz (THz) radiation generation investigation in air by the fundamental and second harmonic of Yb:KGW laser pulses with duration of a few hundred femtoseconds. As a pump source we have used the fundamental and second harmonic (FH and SH, respectively) pulses of the Yb:KGW laser „Pharos“ (Light conversion Ltd) with an output power of up to 6W (central wavelength and beam diameter about 1030 nm and 2 mm (at 1/e2 level), respectively). A laser pulse repetition rate could be tuned between 1 and 200 kHz, and a maximal available single pulse energy at the fundamental frequency for pulse repetition rates equal to or below 6 kHz was 1 mJ. It was found that the spectrum of generated THz pulses spans up to 50 THz, which is comparable to that usually obtained using much shorter Ti:Sapphire laser pulses. Since the achieved energy conversion efficiency (about 10-5) could be further improved by optimizing experimental setup, the obtained results indicate that compact Yb:KGW lasers can be widely used for the broadband THz radiation generation in air and other gases. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the efficient generation of broadband THz radiation from air excited by subpicosecond pulses of Yb:KGW laser. Since the Yb:KGW lasers are less expensive and smaller than usually used femtosecond Ti:Sapphire lasers, our report demonstrates the potential for development of compact low-cost THz sources and systems based on THz emission from laser-created air plasmas. The results are promising and may lead to common scientific publication.
Based on this visit, the manuscript on terahertz generation in air plasma by bichromatic subnanosecond laser pulses was written and submitted to Applied Physics Letters journal. Besides experimental measurements of THz spectra and efficiency, numerical simulations of nonlinear propagation of subnanosecond pulses in air plasma were performed. Broadband (up to 40 THz) and efficient (efficiency more than 10-6) THz and far infrared radiation generation was achieved. The numerical simulations showed that in air plasma the pump pulse duration is locally shorter than the initial one which gives rise to such broadband THz radiation. Moreover, during this visit, attempt to derive Keldysh-type formula for ionization in the bichromatic pump field was started. Such formula would be very useful in the theoretical simulations of THz radiation generation in plasma generated by bichromatic laser pump.
Visit of Dr Nikolaos Semaltianos (University of Thessaloniki, Greece) implemented in a frame of the international project LASERLAB-Europe V. The project titled “Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Nanoparticles Synthesis by Laser
Ablation in Liquids”. The main objectives of the project were to ablate bulk target materials in liquids by laser, measure the optical emission spectra of the laser induced plasma plume, analyze the plume chemistry, determine from the spectra the characteristic plasma plume parameters such as plasma temperature and electron density.
Bulk target materials were laser ablated while immersed in liquids using the femtosecond laser beam (343 nm, 190 fs, 1-6 kHz, 10-100 uJ). The optical emission spectra of the laser induced plasma plumes were collected by an optical fiber which was coupled to an echelle spectrometer built with a gated intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD) camera. The ICCD camera detector was synchronized with the trigger of the laser pulse using a digital delay generator. The time delay of the ICCD was chosen between 2 and 50 ns, gate window between 100 and 200 ns, number of pulses for each shot between 1000 and 6000 (corresponding to the laser pulse repetition rate), and number of accumulations for each shot between 1 and 50. Test experiments were initially performed to optimize the ablation and detection parameters such as laser pulse energy, time delay, gate window, number of pulses, and accumulations to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the measured spectra. Then a series of spectra of the plume emission for different time delays was measured to obtain information about the temporal evolution of the plasma plume emission determined by the plume lifetime. Care was taken to ensure that all spectra were collected soon after starting the ablation (typically within the first minute or earlier) to have the minimum scattering of the ablating laser beam and/or plume light emission by the already produced nanoparticles in the liquid. For comparison, experiments were also performed with the sample in ambient air using the same ablation and detection parameters. Laser ablation of the target in liquids led to the synthesis of nanoparticles in solution and analysis of the spectra is underway to understand the plume chemistry, determine the plume parameters such as plasma temperature and electron density, and correlate the temporal evolution of the plume with physical mechanisms for nanoparticle synthesis.
The results led to a common scientific publication: Semaltianos, Nikolaos G.; Balachninaitė, Ona; Juškėnas, Remigijus; Drabavičius, Audrius; Niaura, Gediminas; Hendry, Euan, “Femtosecond laser ablation of a bulk graphite target in water for polyyne and nanomaterial synthesis”, Applied sciences. Basel : MDPI AG. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 18, art. no. 10388, p. 1-14. DOI: 10.3390/app131810388.
Another publication based on the results is under preparation.
Visit of Dr Ahmed Galmed (Cairo University, Egypt) implemented in a frame of the international project LASERLAB-Europe V. The project was aimed at the study of usage of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) to differentiate between real and fake amber samples. All planned nanosecond LIBS experiments on real and fake amber samples were successfully performed. LIBS spectra of twelve amber samples were investigated in ambient and argon atmospheres. Collected data are under analysis now and we hope to prepare the publication based on the results.
Visit of PhD candidate Dimitra Ladika (University of Crete, Greece) implemented in a frame of the international project LASERLAB-Europe V. The project titled „Determination of the effective order of nonlinear absorption for custom multiphoton based photoresists“. The experiment went well as the data with amplified system (1030/515 nm, 200 kHz) in three pre-polymers was obtained. In this case, the polymerized features were registered both before and after developing in solvent and analyzed. However, we found that pre-polymers were difficult to cure working with oscillator system (1034/517 nm, 75 MHz), resulting in optically nondetectable features before the developing of the sample and no polymerized dots remained on the substrate after developing. Thus, in this case only the concept was tested.
Structural, spectroscopic and electrochemical investigations of photooxidative stress induced changes in fresh-water macroalgae toward the development of a natural environmental biosensor, Joint Research Project between The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Vilnius University, project leader from the Lithuanian part. prof. S. Bagdonas, 2023.06-2025.06.
The scientific visit to the Biological Research Centre, Szeged (BRC), Hungary has been made by Dr A. Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė (VU, LRC) and junior research assistant V. Pupkis (Life Sciences Center, VU). Steady state and kinetic spectroscopic luorescence measurements were performed on chloroplasts extracted from algae and intact microalgae cells at room temperature and in liquid nitrogen to evaluate the effects of applied nanoparticles. The circular dichroism measurements of TPPS4 aggregated structures have been also carried out.
Contractual Research
Outsourcing long term contracts:
1. Characterization of diffractive optical elements and microstructures in transparent materials using profilometer and SEM, Customer – Femtika, 2023.
2. Measurement and inspection of laser induced damage threshold, research of optical elements quality, Customer - Lidaris, 2023.
3. Scientific research is aimed at investigating the peculiarities of the color marking of metal surfaces (dark, light shades), Customer - Light Conversion, 2023.
Outsourcing contracts:
1. Measurement of microfluidics grating height, Customer - DropletGenomics, 2023-01-12
Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Micro-Photonics (H34), John Street, PO Box 218, Hawthorn, Victoria, 3122 Australia.
UPC (Universitat Politechnica de Catalunya), Departament de Fisica i Enginyeria Nuclear, Colom, 11, Terrassa, 08222 Spain
Institut Fresnel-CNRS UMR 7249-Equipe ILM, Escole Centrale Marseille-Aix Marseille Universite, France.
Light Conversion, Ltd., Lithuania
CNISM and Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia, University of Insubria, Via Valleggio 11, 22100 Como, Italy
University of Warsaw, Faculty of physics, Warsaw, Poland.
University of Bordeaux, Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine (LOMA), Talence, France
University of Sheffield, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Institute of Quantum Optics, Leibniz University of Hannover, D30167 Hannover, Germany
Shizuoka University, Research Institute of Electronics, 3-5-1 Johoku, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Japan.
Foundation for Research and Technogology – Hellas, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, 1527 Vasilika Vouton, Heraklion, Greece.
Engineering Research Center of Optical Instrument and System, The Ministry of Education, Shanghai Key Lab of Modern Optical System, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, PR China
Faculty of Science, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Toronto Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Rd North, Mississauga, L5L 1C6, Canada
National Cancer Institute, Baublio 3b, Vilnius, Lithuania
Biological Research Center, Temesvári körút 62, 6726 Szeged, Hungary
Stanford Nano Shared Facilities, Stanford University, 348 Via Pueblo, Stanford, CA 94305-4088, United States, USA
Technical University Delft, Department of Precission and Microsystems Engineering, Delft, The Netherlands
Department of Physics, Montana State University, USA.
California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA.
Norwegian Nuclear Research Centre, Norway
1. Prof. M. Malinauskas, Associate Editor at Opto-Electronics Advances, (2021-2024).
2. Prof. M. Malinauskas, Member in 2 Scientific Committee Member at Photonics West (SPIE), since 2017.
3. Prof. A. Dubietis, Associate Editor of Lithuanina Journal of Physics (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)
4. Dr A.Varanavičius, member of ELI ERIC International Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC)
5. Prof. A.Matijošius, Delegate to the ELI ERIC General Assemblies.
6. Dr V. Jukna, Edditorial board member of Micromachines (MDPI).
7. Dr J. Vengelis, SPIE Vilnius University Student Chapter scientific advisor.
1. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Young researcher scholarship 2022-2023 was awarded to Dr Julius Vengelis.
2. VU Rector’s Prize. For outstanding scientific achievements in 2023. Prof. Audrius Dubietis.
3. VU Rector's Prize for Young scientist’s. For scientific achievements in 2023. Dr Darius Gailevičius.
1. Dr J.Vengelis, member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences - Young Academy.
2. Prof. A. Dubietis, member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
3. Dr O. Balachninaitė, Member of the Access board of the Laserlab-Europe V
4. Prof. V. Sirutkaitis, Member of the HiLASE Facility Access Panel (www.hilase.cz).
5. Dr D.Kaškelytė, Member of the board of Lithuanian Laser Association.
6. Prof. A. Matijošius, Member of the board of Lithuanian Laser Association.
1. Ongoing consultations with “Femtika” regarding developing of ultrafast laser 3D nanoprinting.
2. Consultations with Workshop of Photonics regarding laser 3D polymerization of bioresins R&D experiments.
1. V. Jukna. LRT Keliai mašinos žmonės 2023 04 09:
2. Prof. M. Vengris, Nobelio fizikos premija skirta už atradimus atosekundžių fizikoje: gali užtikrinti ankstyvąją ligų diagnostiką, LRT televizija, laida „Laba diena, Lietuva“, 2023-10-03, Nobelio fizikos premija skirta už atradimus atosekundžių fizikoje: gali užtikrinti ankstyvąją ligų diagnostiką - 2023.10.03 - LRT
3. Prof. M. Vengris, Apie 2023 Nobelio fizikos premiją, LRT Radijas, laida rusų k., 2023-10-03. https://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/2000297015/laida-rusu-kalba
4. Prof. M. Malinauskas, X-photon 3D nanolithography, straipsnis Physics.org internetinėje svetainėje. X-photon 3D nanolithography (phys.org)
5. V. Tamulienė. Video “Optical parametric down-conversion” on personal youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@viktorijatamuliene
6. I. Dumbrytė, D. Narbutis and M. Malinauskas, X-ray tomography and machine learning for tooth microcrack analysis, LaserLab Forum, page 6 (2023); laserlab_nl_34_web.pdf (laserlab-europe.eu)
7. 2023 06 07 - Spalvų pasaulis (Nr. 49) - Dr Agnė Kalnaitytė - 15:00 - VU Fizikos fakulteto 302 lab. (Saulėtekio al. 9, Vilnius, Lietuva).
8. 2023 06 08 - Apšviesk ir nustatyk (Nr. 63) - prof. Dr Saulius Bagdonas - 15:00 - VU Fizikos fakulteto 302 lab. (Saulėtekio al. 9, Vilnius, Lietuva)
9. A.Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė, 2023-10-11: Szeged Biological Research Center (Hungary): invited seminar "The effects of quantum dots on algae Desmodesmus communis: dependence on different growth media"
10. A.Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė, 2023-11-22: In a lecture at the Café Scientifique „Spalvotame kvantinių taškų pasaulyje: nanodalelių nauda ir rizika“ (In the colorful world of quantum dots: the benefits and risks of nanoparticles) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBdKQN-ptvk)
Conference presentations:
1. V. Jukna, Beam shaping of high-energy beams for laser micromachining of transparent materials, SPIE Photonics West, 28 January - 2 February 2023, San Francisco, USA (INVITED)
2. M. Malinauskas, Laser X-photon lithography for micro-/nano-additive manufacturing, Photonics Online Meetup, #POM23, 13-14 November 2023, photonicsonlinemeetup.org. INVITED http://photonicsonlinemeetup.org/events/pom23/
3. M. Malinauskas, X-photon 3D lithography, Lasers in Manufacturing Technical Group, Optica.org, 16-Nov-23, Optica.org. WEBINAR https://www.optica.org/events/webinar/2023/11_november/x-photon_3d_lithography/
4. J. Banys, S. Armalytė, V. Jarutis, O. Balachninaitė, J. Vengelis, Microlaser pumped subnanosecond optical parametric generator based on a fan-out type MgO:PPLN crystal, SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2023, April 24 – 27, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic (ORAL).
5. J. Pimpė, M. Kuliešaitė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Measurement of nonlinear refractive index dispersion in photonic crystal fiber, SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2023, April 24 – 27, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic (ORAL).
6. J. Banys, J. Pimpe, O. Balachninaite, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Non-destructive quality evaluation of periodically poled MgO:PPLN and Rb:PPKTP crystals based on parametric light generation, oral presentation, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 20-24 August, 2023, San Diego, JAV. (ORAL).
7. V. Marciulionyte, J. Banys, J. Vengelis, R. Grigutis, G. Tamošauskas, A. Dubietis, High repetition rate supercontinuum generation in undoped KGW and YVO4 crystals, oral presentation, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 20-24 August, 2023, San Diego, JAV. (ORAL).
8. J. Banys, S. Armalytė, V. Tamulienė, V. Jarutis, J. Vengelis, Energy conversion efficiency improvement of a MgO:PPLN-based subnanosecond optical parametric generator using a supercontinuum seed, CLEO Europe-EQEC, June 26 – 30, 2023, Munich, Germany. (ORAL).
9. S. Bagdonas, A.Kalnaitytė-Vengelienė, A. Gruodis, A.Maršalka, Differences in photoinduced transformations of tetrapyrrolic compounds in the presence of L-ascorbate: influence of medium pH and serum albumin, 20th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Lyon, France, August 27-31, 2023 (ORAL)
Agnė Butkutė “Fabrication of functional arbitrary shape microstructures from transparent materials using femtosecond laser-induced selective laser etching“.
Edvinas Skliutas „Multiscale structuring: investigation of localization and nonlinearity of photopolymerization by varying radiation exposure parameters“
3 Saulėtekio av., LT - 10257 Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 223 4585
Head - Prof. Dr Robertas Grigalaitis
Professors: Habil. Dr J. Banys (part-time), Habil. Dr J. Matukas, Dr R. Grigalaitis, Dr M. Šimėnas, Dr A. Lisauskas, Dr I. Kašalynas, Dr M. Žilinskas (Partnership Professor), Habil. Dr A.F. Orliukas (Professor Emeritus), Habil. Dr J. Grigas (Professor Emeritus).
Associate professors: Dr R. Aleksiejūnas, Dr V. Jonkus, Dr T. Šalkus, Dr E. Kazakevičius, Dr S. Pralgauskaitė, Dr E. Palaimienė Dr V. Kalendra, Dr V. Kavaliukė Dr Š. Svirskas, Dr S. Balčiūnas, Dr E. Stankevičius.
Lecturers: Dr K. Svirskas, Dr S. Daugėla, Dr S. Kazlauskas, Dr I. Zamaraitė.
Chief researchers: Dr A. Kežionis
Research fellows: Dr J. Macutkevič, Dr A. Kežionis, Dr S. Lapinskas, Dr A. Džiaugys, Dr M. Ivanov, Dr A. Bernotas, Dr M. Kinka, Dr J. Glemža, Dr K. Ikamas, Dr A. Plyushch, Dr D. Meisak.
Engineering staff: E. Zdaniauskis, A. Sereika, V. R. Adomaitis, V. Armonavičius, Ž. Logminas, E. Martinaitytė, I. Morkūnaitė, K. Stankevičius, V. Haronin, G. Usevičius, E. Šatkauskas, E. Šlinkšytė, K. R. Truncė, D.Vizbaras.
Doctoral students: G. Usevičius, G. Gorokhov, V. Haronin.
• Broadband dielectric, ultrasonic and electron paramagnetic studies of ferroelectric, multiferroic and related materials, studies of phase transitions and phonon dynamic in single crystals, ceramics, composites, metal-organic structures and liquids.
• Electron paramagnetic resonance of various materials including hybrid compounds, materials for spin-based quantum technologies, and biomacromolecules. Method development for high sensitivity electron paramagnetic resonance applications.
• Low frequency noise characterization and investigation of the charge carrier transport mechanisms in the field-effect transistor-based terahertz detectors fabricated by the Si CMOS and the AlGaN/GaN HEMT technologies, modern laser diodes and light-emitting diodes. Device reliability and quality assessment through the noise correlation analysis and long-term ageing experiments. Also, the devise modelling and design. Noise spectroscopy of novel multiferroic materials (e.g., with carbon nano particles), graphene-based devices.
• Technological processing of solid electrolyte ceramics and films. Broadband impedance spectroscopy of solid electrolytes.
Projects Supported by the University Budget
Broadband Spectroscopy of Innovative Materials. (Prof. Jūras Banys, 2019–2023)
Dielectric and ultrasonic spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance studies of various ferroelectrics, relaxor ferroelectrics, multiferroics, inorganic and hybrid perovskites, formates and composite materials have been carried out. A lot of useful information both from the fundamental point of view as well as for the possible applications in advanced devices and/or technologies was extracted from these investigations. It was shown that with the help of advanced and unique equipment accumulated in the Laboratory of Microwave Spectroscopy a significant contribution to the number topics in physics and technology can be made.
Main publications:
1. L.Curecheriu, T.Sandu, O.Condurache, G.Canu, C.Costa, M.T.Buscaglia, M.Asandulesa, J.Banys, V.Buscaglia, L.Mitoseriu, “Dielectric, ferroelectric and electrocaloric properties of 1%Eu – doped BaZryTi1-yO3 ceramics,” Materials Research Bulletin, 157, 112034 (2023).
2. M.Bleija, O.Platnieks, J.Macutkevic, J.Banys, O.Starkova, L.Grase, S.Gaidukovs, “Poly(Butylene Succinate) Hybrid Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Iron Oxide Nanocomposites: Electromagnetic Shielding and Thermal Properties,” Polymers, 15, 515 (2023).
3. A.Z.Szeremeta, J.Macutkevič, M.Zubko, S.Miga, Š.Svirskas, I.Gruszka, J.Koperski, J.Banys, A.Molak, “Doping influence on structural ferroelectric phase transitions and electrical features of barium calcium titanate,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43, p. 4029 – 4043 (2023).
Development and investigation of nanometric structures employed in telecommunication and imaging systems, their noise characterization. (prof. J. Matukas, 2018-2023)
Comprehensive investigations of materials and devices employed in telecommunication systems have been carried out in a wide range of temperature: low frequency noise characteristics, responsivity of detectors and radiation characteristics of sources were measured and analyzed, charge carrier transport mechanisms and device reliability were evaluated. Single line and continuous spectrum THz recording devices, THz imaging matrices, devices for THz spectroscopy were developed. Devices under investigation were: GaN, Si and graphene-based diodes and transistors for THz detection, GaSb, AlGaAs and GaAsBi semiconductor lasers for near and mid infrared regions, novel composite materials with carbon nanoparticles and graphene-based photodetectors. Analysis of transport properties of the randomly moving electrons in metals was performed.
Main publications:
1. H. Yuan, A. Lisauskas, MD. Thomson, HG. Roskos. „600-GHz Fourier imaging based on heterodyne detection at the 2nd sub-harmonic“, Optics Express, Volume 31, Issue 24, Page 40856-40870, DOI10.1364/OE.487888 (2023)
2. J. Jorudas, D. Seliuta, L. Minkevicius, V. Janonis, L. Subacius, D. Pashnev, S. Pralgauskaite, J. Matukas, K. Ikamas, A. Lisauskas, E. Sermuksnis, A. Simukovic, J. Liberis, V. Kovalevskij, I. Kasalynas. “Terahertz Bow-Tie Diode Based on Asymmetrically Shaped AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures“, Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Volume 63, Issue 4, Page 191-201, DOI10.3952/physics.2023.63.4.1 (2023)
3. S. Armalyte, J. Glemza, V. Jonkus, S. Pralgauskaite, J. Matukas, S. Pukiene, A. Zelioli, E. Dudutiene, A. Naujokaitis, A. Biciunas, B. Cechavicius, R. Butkute. „Low-Frequency Noise Characteristics of (Al, Ga)As and Ga(As, Bi) Quantum Well Structures for NIR Laser Diodes“, Sensors, Volume 23, Issue 4, DOI10.3390/s23042282 (2023)
Investigation of superionic conductors.
Superionic glasses Na3M2(PO4)2F3 with NASICON-like structure were analized by broadband impedance spectroscopy. Their crystallization was studied by applieing distribution of relaxation times technique. The impedance studies of oxygen conductors Yb0.12Sc0.08Zr0.8O2–δ and Mo-doped BaCe0.9Y0.1O3- proton conductors were investigated by means of impedance spectroscopy and these materials have been proved to be good candidates for solid oxide fuel cell applications.
Main publications:
1. E. Kazakevičius, A. Kežionis, M. Nowagiel, T. Płocinski, T.K. Pietrzak, Crystallization of Na3VTi(PO4)2F3 glass: In situ observation of the function of distribution of relaxation times, Journal of Power Sources 580, 233409 (2023).
2. M. Nowagiel, A. Hul, E. Kazakevicius, A. Kežionis, J.E. Garbarczyk, T. K. Pietrzak, Optimization of electrical properties of nanocrystallized Na3M2(PO4)2F3 NASICON-like glasses (M = V, Ti, Fe), Coatings 13, 482 (2023).
3. M. Mosiałek, M.B. Hanif, T. Šalkus, A. Kežionis, E. Kazakevičius, A.F. Orliukas, R.P. Socha, W. Łasocha, M. Dziubaniuk, J. Wyrwa, M. Gregor, M. Motola, Synthesis of Yb and Sc stabilized zirconia electrolyte (Yb0.12Sc0.08Zr0.8O2–δ) for intermediate temperature SOFCs: Microstructural and electrical properties, Ceramics International 49, 15276–15283 (2023).
4. M.B. Hanif, S. Rauf, M. Mosiałek, K. Khan, V. Kavaliukė, A. Kežionis, T. Šalkus, J. Gurgul, D. Medvedev, M. Zimowska, D. Madej, M. Motola, Mo-doped BaCe0.9Y0.1O3- proton-conducting electrolyte at intermediate temperature SOFCs. Part I: Microstructure and electrochemical properties, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48, 37532–37549 (2023).
Other projects
Graphene on silicon for terahertz monolithic integrated circuits (prof. A. Lisauskas, 2022-2023)
The main goal of this project is to develop a methodology to enable the development of compact terahertz radiation sources suitable for practical applications using graphene on silicon technology. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are identified:
1. To simulate a source emitting in the 250-400 GHz band using a commercial silicon/germanium bipolar integrated circuit fabrication technology.
2. Simulate the characteristics of a source with graphene layers.
3. To prepare for production a THz source - a voltage controlled oscillator with bipolar transistors.
4. Develop a technique for the deposition of graphene layers on silicon integrated circuits.
5. Detailed measurements of the frequency characteristics of the prototypes developed.
Main publications:
1. Grigelionis, V. Čižas, M. Karaliūnas, V. Jakštas, K. Ikamas, A. Urbanowicz, M. Treideris, A. Bičiūnas, D. Jokubauskis, R. Butkutė, and L. Minkevičius, “Narrowband Thermal Terahertz Emission from Homoepitaxial GaAs Structures Coupled with Ti/Au Metasurface,” Sensors, Volume 23, Issue 10, 4600 (2023). DOI 10.3390/s23104600.
2. F. Aniel et al., “Terahertz Electronic Devices,” in Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices, M. Rudan, R. Brunetti, and S. Reggiani, Eds., in Springer Handbooks, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023, pp. 807–849, DOI10.1007/978-3-030-79827-7_22.
National Research Projects
Methyl group tunnel coherence in metal-organic frameworks (Dr Mantas Šimėnas, 2022-2024)
Methyl group is a widely ubiquitous in various materials and biomolecules. At relatively high temperature, this group exhibits a stochastic rotation around its C3 symmetry axis, while at sufficiently low temperature it behaves as a quantum rotor. In a symmetric three-well potential, the three localized states become delocalized by the wavefunction overlap enabling rotational tunneling of the group. The delocalized states are separated by the tunnel splitting νt, which exponentially depends on the rotation barrier. Thus, the ability to precisely determine νt provides a highly sensitive probe to study the local chemical environment. This project aims to study this phenomenon with the emphasis on the new MOFs, different paramagnetic centers, structural information which can be obtained, and coupling between the neighboring methyl groups. The project outcome is expected to provide a thorough understanding of this effect opening pathways for interdisciplinary applications and studies in more complicated systems such as proteins.
Main publications:
1. G. Usevičius, A. Eggeling, I. Pocius, V. Kalendra, D. Klose, M. Mączka, A. Pöppl, J. Banys, G. Jeschke, M. Šimėnas. Probing methyl group tunneling in [(CH3)2NH2][Zn(HCOO)3] hybrid perovskite using Co2+ EPR. Molecules 28, 979 (2023).
2. M. Mączka, M. Ptak, A. Gągor, J. K. Zaręba, X. Liang, S. Balčiūnas, O. A. Semenikhin, O. I. Kucheriv, I. A. Gural’skiy, S. Shova, A. Walsh, J. Banys, M. Šimėnas. Phase Transitions, Dielectric Response, and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Aziridinium Lead Halide Perovskites. Chem. Mater. 35, 9725 (2023).
Innovative compact metasurface-based polarization resolved terahertz imaging system with phase-sensitive detection (prof. A. Lisauskas, 2022-2024, Research Council of Lithuania project No. S-MIP-22-76)
Progress in developing various already proven application principles in the terahertz (THz) frequency range and the emergence of new ones depends on the availability of new compact, cheap, broadband, and ultrafast components that enable efficient active and passive control of THz radiation. For example, the dynamical control of the terahertz (THz) radiation is an important task in wireless high-speed communications, spectroscopy, imaging. The proposed project is focused on developing a new type of waveguide coupled devices that employ electrically tunable metasurfaces.
Metamaterial (metasurface)-based approach has already proved to demonstrate enhanced performance in respect to radiation coupling/emission efficiency when employed as an antenna or fast switching of dielectric properties when used as radiation modulation elements. Most of such advances were demonstrated using a quasi-optical coupling scheme, whereas de-facto standard practical microwave and THz systems require waveguide coupling. Furthermore, the implementation will be based on two mainstream semiconductor fabrication technologies: silicon micromachining and complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS), enabling cost-effective utilization in a wide range of cross-field applications.
In this project, we are proposing a pathway for developing a new kind of efficient and cost-effective waveguide-coupled passive (modulators phase-shifters and detectors) and active (radiation sources) components that will utilize tunable metasurface structures tailored for fabrication in commercial CMOS technologies.
Main publications:
1. DB. But, K. Ikamas, C. Kolacinski, A. Chernyadiev, D. Vizbaras, W. Knap, A. Lisauskas. „Sub-terahertz feedback interferometry and imaging with emitters in 130 nm BiCMOS technology“, Scientific Reports, Volume 13, Issue 1, DOI10.1038/s41598-023-43194-8 (2023)
2. DB. But, A. Chernyadiev, K. Ikamas, C. Kolacinski, A. Krysl, HG. Roskos, W. Knap, A. Lisauskas. „Compact terahertz devices based on silicon in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies“, Opto-electronics Review, Volume 31, Issue 2, DOI10.24425/opelre.2023.144599 (2023)
3. J. Vysniauskas, K. Ikamas, D. Vizbaras, A. Lisauskas. „Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic modelling of AlGaN/GaN Transistor-Based THz Detectors“, Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Volume 63, Issue 4, Page 218-232, DOI10.3952/physics.2023.63.4.4 (2023)
Postdoctoral fellowship project „Flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators based on BaTiO3/PDMS composites“ (Dr Darya Meisak, 2022-2024)
The project is devoted to the development of the preparation technology of flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators that convert mechanical vibrations of a wide frequency range (up to 10 MHz) into electricity. The preparation method is supposed to be based on individually selecting the filler concentration and grains size, as well as packaging conditions, which sensitively affect the piezoelectric coefficient of the nanogenerators. A composite system based on polydimethylsiloxane polymer filled with lead-free perovskite-type ferroelectric BaTiO3 nanoparticles of different grain sizes has been taken to test and improve the technology. A systematic study of the dielectric, piezoelectric and ultrasonic properties of the produced materials will enable to control the quality of their synthesis method, but will also provide a comprehensive evaluation of their application potential in the field of mechanical energy harvesting.
Main publications:
1. D. Meisak, M. Kinka, A. Plyushch, J. Macutkevic, A. Zarkov, S. Schaefer, A. Selskis, V. Samulionis, P. Kuzhir, J. Banys, V. Fierro, A. Celzard, Piezoelectric nanogenerators based on BaTiO3/PDMS composites for high-frequency applications. ACS Omega 8(15), 13911-13919 (2023).
International Research Projects
Joint Lithuanian-Latvian-Taiwan cooperation project “Exploring Early Events in the Cold Denatured Apoptotic Bid Protein Using Sensitivity-Enhanced EPR and NMR” (Doc. Vidmantas Kalendra 2023-2025)
The project objective is to explore the biophysical properties of this critical apoptotic Bid protein using a combined approach of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and the recent technological advances in the low-noise microwave amplifiers. Based on our previous finding that Bid in a buffer containing GdnHCl exhibits a reversible cold denaturation behavior above freezing point of water and its structure is extremely sensitive to the presence of glycerol, we plan to perform NMR and EPR measurements to reveal the structural changes in Bid in response to varying concentrations of glycerol. As the cold denaturation is highly reversible, the results are expected to reveal the molecular details concerning the structural substrates that are present along the unfolding pathway, uncovering early events in the cold denaturation. Besides, we plan to investigate the structural and dynamical differences before and after the cleavage of Bid by caspase-8 using NMR and the enhanced cryoprotectant-free EPR techniques. The project results will provide new insights into how a cleavage in an unstructured loop of Bid protein can completely change the function of Bid, turning a cytosolic, inactive Bid into a membrane-associated apoptotic cBid protein. With the knowledge of where the local dynamic or structural changes are induced by the cleavage in Bid that subsequently promote the association with mitochondria, a more efficient strategy for improving the design of BH3-mimetic drugs will be suggested.
Main publication:
1. C.L. Tsai, J.W. Chang, K.Y. Cheng, Y.J. Lan, Y.C. Hsu, Q.D. Lin, T.Y. Chen, O. Shih, C.H. Lin, P.H. Chiang, M. Simenas, V. Kalendra, Y.W. Chiang, C.H. Chen, U.S. Jeng, S.K. Wang, Comprehensive characterization of polyproline trihelix macrocyclic nanoscaffolds for predictive ligand positioning. Nanoscale Adv. (2024) (accepted).
NATO Science for peace and security program project „Globular carbon based structures and metamaterials for enhanced electromagnetic protection” (Dr Jan Macutkevič, 2020-2023)
Project is focused on the development of innovative security-related technologies such as data protection through the production of metasurfaces with enhanced electromagnetic properties: microwave absorption and frequency dispersion, allowing effective guiding and trapping of high-frequency signals. The main goal of the project is to design and implement a new type of artificial magneto-electric materials as a basis for novel applications in radio frequency (RF) and microwave technology. These metasurfaces will be based on the metamaterial approach and will combine the advantages of both electric and magnetic properties in carbon-based magnetic globular structures, leading to multifunctional 2D-structures and to the concept of electromagnetic perfect absorber or wave concentrator.
Main publications:
1. D. Meisak, M. Kinka, A. Plyushch, J. Macutkevič, A. Zarkov, S. Schaefer, A. Selskis, V. Samulionis, P. Kuzhir, J. Banys, V. Fierro, A. Celzard, Piezoelectric nanogenerators based on BaTiO3/PDMS composites for high-frequency applications, ACS Omega 8, 13911-13919 (2023).
2. P. Blyweert, A. Zharov, D. Meisak, A. Plyushch, J. Macutkevič, J. Banys, V. Fierro, A. Celzard, Electromagnetic properties of 3D-printed carbon-BaTiO3 composites, Applied Physics Letters 123, 012903 (2023).
Joint Lithuanian-Latvian-Taiwan cooperation project “Environmentally friendly synthesis of metal-organic frameworks for enzyme encapsulation and energy harvesting” (Dr Martynas Kinka 2021-2023)
The project is aimed at establishing novel environmentally friendly synthesis routes of ZIF and UIO metal organic frameworks (MOFs) and extending their application possibilities in two emerging fields: encapsulation of biological catalysts and energy harvesting.
The project involves development of the water synthetic routes under mild temperature and pH value, synthesis and characterization of MOF materials, application-oriented functionalization, investigation and optimization of their properties, development of bio-friendly processes for the preparation of Enzyme@MOFs, synthesis of MOF/polymer composites and tuning their properties, creation of triboelectric nanogenerator prototypes based on MOF/polymer composites and validation of their performance. For comprehensive research consortium of three members is formed, combining complementary fields of expertise in MOF synthesis (Taiwan), broadband dielectric spectroscopy (Lithuania) and triboelectric material research (Latvia). Successful project implementation is expected to create high impact on both application fields of high scientific and industrial interest.
Main publications:
1. Andris Sutka, Fa-Kuen Shieh, Martynas Kinka, Linards Lapcinskis, Chien-Chun Chang, Phuc Khanh Lam, Kaspars Pudzs and Osvalds Verners. “Triboelectric behaviour of selected MOFs in contact with metals” RSC Adv., 2023, 13, 41 DOI: 10.1039/d2ra06150c
2. Phuc Khanh Lam, Jian-Jie Liao, Miao-Chun Lin, Yu-Hsiu Li, Tsu-Hao Wang, Hsin-Kai Huang, Yu-An Hsu, Hao-Ying Patterson Hsieh, Pu-Yun Kuan, Ching-Tien Chen, Guo-Xiu Hao, Chia-Kuang Tsung, Kevin C.-W. Wu, Andris Šutka, Martynas Kinka, Lien-Yang Chou, and Fa-Kuen Shieh. “Controlled Encapsulation of Gold Nanoparticles into Zr-Metal−Organic Frameworks with Improved Detection Limitation of Volatile Organic Compounds via Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering” Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 14896−14901 doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c01600
HORIZON, Marie Skłodowska-Curie IF “Shaping the future of EPR with cryoprobes and superconducting microresonators (SPECTR)” (Dr Mantas Šimėnas, 2022-2024)
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is a highly powerful tool employed across different disciplines including structural biology, material science, quantum information processing and many others. EPR provides essential information about a local electron spin environment, electronic properties and dynamics of various paramagnetic centers. However, a relatively low sensitivity of a conventional EPR often limits its applicability to study small-volume systems (e.g. single biological cells). Recently, major advances in the EPR sensitivity enhancement have been achieved in the field of quantum information processing using superconducting microresonators and low-noise cryogenic microwave preamplifiers. The full potential of this highly sensitive EPR approach to investigate typical spin systems still remains to be shown, which is critical for its wider application in different scientific disciplines. The main goal of this Marie Skłodowska-Curie project is adaptation of these developments to study conventional spin systems and their application to solve currently EPR-inaccessible intriguing problems in biochemistry. The spin systems to be studied include a miniature amount of spin labels, a single RNA-binding protein droplet and spins in a single bacterium.
Main publication:
1. V. Kalendra, J. Turčak, J. Banys, J. J. L. Morton, M. Šimėnas. X- and Q-band EPR with cryogenic amplifiers independent of sample temperature. J. Magn. Reson. 346, 107356 (2023).
2. V. Kalendra, J. Turčak, G. Usevičius, H. Karas, M. Hulsmann, A. Godt, G. Jeschke, J. Banys, J. J. L. Morton, M. Šimėnas. Q-band cryoprobe. J. Magn. Reson. 356, 107573 (2023).
Dr S. Pralgauskaitė (implementer). Coordination and Support Action project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society (SwafS) programme: „Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research (SPEAR)“ (2020-2023).
Lithuanian-French cooperation programme project “Ionic mobility in mixed oxides containing large multivalent charge carriers” (No. S-LZ-23-4) funded by the Research Council of Lithuania.
New ceramics with perovskite-type structure were investigated in the project. Impedance spectroscopy investigation showed, that large La3+, Pr3+ and Nd3+ ions are mobile in this structure.
Contractual Research
Prof. J. Matukas (leader). Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania project „Calculations, analysis and maintenance of the electromagnetic compatibility by TWViN, STStudio software (agreemnet No. TPS-120000-1180).
Doc. Rimvydas Aleksiejūnas.
GNSS L1+L5 signal recorder-replayer using software-defined radio 2021-2023
Recording and playback device of multiband GNSS L1 and L5 signals using software-defined radio (SDR) equipment has been developed for Teltonika Telematics company. GNSS recording and playback equipment has been tested in both static and dynamic environments using GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BEIDOU satellite signals up to maximum highway speeds. The apparatus allows for in-lab quality testing of GNSS devices during tracking and navigation equipment production process.
• University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
• National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
• National Central University (Taiwan)
• University of Yamanashi (Japan)
• Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
• Univerisity College London (UK)
• ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
• University of Luxembourg
• University of Bologna (Italy)
• Institute of Solid State Physics of University of Latvia (Latvia)
• Europian Communication Office (Denmark)
• Telia Lietuva Group
• Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry (Poland)
• State Agency Spanish National Research Council (Spain)
• National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
• Physikalisches Institut, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University (Germany)
• Center for Terahertz Research and Applications, Institute of High Pressure Physics (Poland)
• Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (Germany)
• Department of Micro and Nanosystems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm)
• Center For Physical Sciences And Technology (Lithuania)
• AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)
• Le Mans University (France)
Ferrite materials investigation as a part of Lithuanian Particle Physics Consortium. Head of the group doc. Vidmantas Kalendra
Group is investigating ferrite material samples which will be used in the CERN Proton Synchrotron machine (PS). The PS is an essential part of the injector chain for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The simulations of the tuner design, including the cavity versus the operating frequency range are very important. For these simulations, it is necessary to know the proper dispersion curve (permeability vs. frequency). The supplier of ferrite samples usually gives a data sheet which is largely insufficient, as it does not provide any information on the dispersion of the material.
Prof. Jūras Banys
• member of the International Advisory Board of ECAPD (European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics)
• member of the International Advisory Board of EMF (European Meeting on Ferroelectrics),
• member of the International Advisory Bboard of IMF (International Meeting on Ferroelectrics)
• member of the IEEE Society
• foreign member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
• correspondent member of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences in Leipzig
• Uzhgorod National University Doctor Honoris Causa
• member of the Lithuanian Physical Society
• member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
• member of CERN Council
• member of the editorial board of Lithuanian Journal of Physics
Dr Mantas Šimėnas
• Lithuanian Young Academy of Sciences
• Member of the International EPR society
• Member of the Lithuanian Physical Society
• Member of the editorial board of Lithuanian Journal of Physics
• Board member of the Lithuanian Quantum Technology Association
Dr S. Pralgauskaitė
• member of the International Advisory Committee of the International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF)
• member of the International Advisory Committee of the International Conference Unsolved Problems on Noise (UPoN)
• member of the Lithuanian Physical Society
Dr Kęstutis Ikamas
• member of the Terahertz-band Communications and Networking panel in NATO Science and Technology Organization
• member of the Lithuanian Physical Society
Prof. Alvydas Lisauskas
• Lithuanian representative in NATO STO Sensors & Electronics Technology Panel
• member of the Lithuanian Physical Society
• member of IEEE
Assoc. Prof. Dr Edvardas Kazekavičius
• Organizing committee LNFK’45 https://www.ff.vu.lt/lnfk-45/komitetai
1. M. Šimėnas. Recent advances in EPR cryoprobes (Invited). EUROMAR2023, 2023 9-13 July, Glasgow, UK.
2. M. Šimėnas. EPR with cryogenic amplifiers independent of sample temperature (Plenary). RSC ESR 56, 2023 27-30 March, Leeds, UK. John Weil Young Investigator Award lecture.
3. Y.Vysochanskii, V.Liubachko, R.Yevych, K.Glukhov, A.Kohutych, V.Hryts, A.Dziaugys, J.Banys, “Joint Influence of the Indium and Cooper Cation Sublattices on the Origin of Ferrielectricity in 2D CuInP2S6,” ISAF-ISIF-PFM Joint Conference, Cleveland, USA, p. 56, 23 - 27 July (2023).
4. I.Zamaraite, A.Dziaugys, Yu.Vysochanskii, J.Banys, “Polarization Switching Phenomena of CuInP2S6 and CuInP2Se6 single crystals,” VI Lithuanian Ukrainian Polish conference, Czestochova, Poland, p. 29, 11 - 15 September (2023).
5. A. Plyushch, D. Meisak, R. Grigalaitis, J. Macutkevič, J. Banys, D. Lewin, V.V. Shvartsman, S. Salamon, H. Wended, D.C. Lupascu, A. Selskis, P.P. Kuzhir, “Phosphate-bonded unsintered magnetoelectrics,” VI Lithuanian Ukrainian Polish conference, Czestochova, Poland, p. 33, 11 - 15 September (2023).
6. J.Banys, Š.Svirskas, M.Dunce, E.Birks, S.Kamba, “Dielectric spectroscopy of NBT-based solid solutions,” VI Lithuanian Ukrainian Polish conference, Czestochova, Poland, p. 15, 11 - 15 September (2023).
7. Š.Svirskas, V.Klimavičius, E.Birks, S.Kamba, M.Deluca, J.Banys, „BaTiO3-based relaxor ferroelectrics,“ VI Lithuanian Ukrainian Polish conference, Czestochova, Poland, p. 16, 11 - 15 September (2023).
8. K. Ikamas, DB. But, D. Vizbaras, C. Kolacinski, A. Lisauskas. „Optimization of substrate-lens-coupled CMOS field-effect transistor detectors for 250 GHz by pixel binning technique“, 48th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), McGill Univ, Montreal, Canada, Sep 17-22, 2023, DOI10.1109/IRMMW-THz57677.2023.10299246
9. R. Pinkrah, J. Glemža, S. Pralgauskaitė, J. Matukas, A. Špokas, A. Bičiūnas, B. Čechavičius, E. Dudutienė, R. Butkutė, „Low frequency spectroscopy, of near-infrared laser diodes“, 26th Int. Conf. Noise and Fluctuations, 17-20 October 2023, Grenoble
10. Tomas Šalkus, Conductivity in solid electrolytes: deviations from Arrhenius law observed by impedance spectroscopy, 15th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport, 18-22 April 2023, Dubrovnik, Croatia, (Invited lecture)
John Weil Young Investigator Award 2023, International EPR(ESR) Society ((M. Šimėnas))
Dr Sandra Pralgauskaitė
• member of the Lithuanian Standards Board
• chair of the Executive Committee of BASNET Forum association.
Prof. Jonas Matukas
• chairman of Telecommunication Committee of Lithuanian Standards Board.
1. Article in press: “Kaip kuriamos 6G technologijos?” https://alkas.lt/2023/06/15/kaip-kuriamos-6g-technologijos/
1. Development of new, high-speed, terahertz detectors for high-resolution THz spectroscopy, development of receivers for THz communication link.
3 Saulėtekio av., LT-10257 Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 223 4636
Director – Prof. Dr Egidijus Anisimovas
Distinguished professor: Habil. Dr G. Juzeliūnas
Professors: Prof. Dr E. Anisimovas, Habil. Dr A. Bartkevičius (affiliated), Habil. Dr R. Karazija (affiliated), Prof. Habil. Dr B. Kaulakys (affiliated), Prof. Dr A. Kučinskas (part-time), Habil. Dr G. Tautvaišienė (part-time), Prof. Dr (HP) V. Vansevičius (part-time).
Research professors: Dr K. Černis, Dr A. Deltuva, Habil. Dr G. Gaigalas, Dr (HP) V. Gontis, Doc. Dr V. Jonauskas, Prof. Dr A. Kučinskas (part-time), Habil. Dr L. Piliugin, Habil. Dr G. Tautvaišienė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr A. Drazdauskas (part-time), Doc. Dr T. Gajdosik, Dr Š. Mikolaitis (part-time), Dr D. Narbutis (part-time), Dr E. Stonkutė (part-time), Dr R. Stonkutė (part-time), Dr K. Zubovas (part-time), Doc. Dr D. Šatkovskienė (affiliated).
Senior researchers: Doc. Dr A. Acus, Dr A. Drazdauskas (part-time), Dr R. Janulis (affiliated), Dr A. Juodagalvis, Dr C. von Essen, Habil. Dr V. Gineitytė (affiliated), Dr H. R. Hamedi, Dr D. Jurčiukonis, Dr R. Juršėnas, Dr R. Karpuškienė, Dr A. Kazlauskas (affiliated), Dr R. Kisielius, Dr L. Kitovienė, Doc. Dr A. Kynienė, Dr A. Kononovičius, Dr S. Kučas (affiliated), Dr Š. Masys, Dr Š. Mikolaitis (part-time), Dr R. Minkevičiūtė, Prof. Dr (HP) E. Norvaišas (affiliated), Dr V. Novičenko, Dr E. Pakštienė, Dr V. Regelskis, Dr P. Rynkun, Dr J. Sperauskas (afiliated), Dr E. Stonkutė (part-time), Dr J. Tamulienė, Dr A. Vektarienė, Dr G. Vektaris (affiliated), Dr J. Zdanavičius.
Assistants: Dr V. Dobrovolskas (part-time).
Researchers: Dr Y. Chorniy, Dr V. Čepas (part-time), Dr V. Dobrovolskas (part-time), Dr V. Dūdėnas, Dr R. Kazakevičius, Dr J. Klevas, Dr V. Kudriašov (part-time), Dr M. Mackoit-Sinkevičienė, Dr M. Maskoliūnas, Dr A. Mekys (part-time), Dr A. Momkauskaitė, Dr V. Mulevičius, Dr D. Semionov (part-time), Dr C. Viscasillas Vázquez.
Junior research fellows/assistants: M. Ambrosch, M. Ambrozas, J. Braver, S. Draukšas, Š. Jacevičius, E. Kolomiecas, M. Račiūnas, S. Raudeliūnas (part-time).
Doctoral students: R. Adomavičienė, M. Ambrosch, M. Ambrozas, V. Bagdonas, B. Bale, J. Braver, S. Draukšas, E. Gvozdiovas, Š. Jacevičius, E. Kolomiecas, J. Koncevičiūtė, E. Ledinauskas, A. Sharma, R. Skorulskienė, A. Vitkus.
• Galactic structure and chemodynamical evolution of stellar populations
• Chemical composition and mixing phenomena in stellar atmospheres
• Convection and non-equilibrium radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres
• Stellar asteroseismology
• Planet hosting stars and exoplanet transits
• Structure and evolution of galaxies
• Search and positional observations of comets and asteroids
• Theoretical atomic spectroscopy
• Algorithms and computer programs for theoretical atomic spectroscopy, plasma physics, astrophysics, and other fields
• Application of quantum mechanics and electrodynamics for transitions in atoms, molecules and molecular complexes
• Interactions of atoms and molecules with electrons and radiation
• Modeling of nanoparticles
• Algebraic techniques for nuclear and particle physics
• Analysis of pp collision data recorded at CERN CMS experiment
• Neutrinos in the extended Standard model
• Scattering processes in few-body nuclear systems
• Quantum optics and ultra-cold atoms
• Bose-Einstein condensates
• Condensed matter systems
• Driven quantum systems
• Complexity and statistical physics
• Physics of socio-economic systems
Projects Supported by the University Budget
Chemical composition of stars and exoplanets, and chemical evolution of the Galaxy. Dr Habil. G. Tautvaišienė. 2021–2025. The main results include investigations of chemical evolution of Mg and Al in the Milky Way with machine learning; origin of neutron-capture elements and the evolution of s- and r-process elements across the Milky Way; searching for Milky Way twins using the radial abundance distribution as a strict criterion, preparations of the ground for 4MOST and WEAVE galactic surveys in chemical evolution investigations of lithium with machine learning.
Main publications:
1. Ambrosch, M., Guiglion, G., Mikolaitis, Š., Chiappini, C., Tautvaišienė, G., Nepal, S., Gilmore, G., Randich, S., Bensby, T., Bayo, A., Bergemann, M., Morbidelli, L., Pancino, E., Sacco, G. G., Smiljanic, R., Zaggia, S., Jofré, P., & Jiménez-Esteban, F. M., The Gaia-ESO Survey: Chemical evolution of Mg and Al in the Milky Way with machine learning, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 672, A46 (2023).
2. Molero, M., Magrini, L., Matteucci, F., Romano, D., Palla, M., Cescutti, G., Viscasillas Vázquez, C., & Spitoni, E., Origin of neutron-capture elements with the Gaia-ESO survey: the evolution of s- and r-process elements across the Milky Way, MNRAS, 523, 2974 (2023).
3. Pilyugin, L. S., Tautvaišienė, G., & Lara-López, M. A., Searching for Milky Way twins: Radial abundance distribution as a strict criterion, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 676, A57 (2023).
Magnetohydrodynamical phenomena and radiative transfer in stellar atmospheres. Prof. Dr A. Kučinskas. 2020–2024. We studied abundances of s-process element Sr in the atmospheres of red giant branch stars of the Galactic globular cluster (GGC) 47 Tuc. We find that Sr abundance is weakly correlated with that of Na. Together with the results of our earlier study of Zr in the same cluster, our findings suggest that the s-process elements have been synthesized by the same polluters that enriched the second population stars with light elements. Potential candidate polluters were discussed.
Main publication:
1. Kolomiecas, E., Kučinskas, A., Klevas, J., Dobrovolskas, V. Abundance of strontium in the Galactic globular cluster 47 Tuc, Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press (2024); doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347936
Stochastic Effects in Stellar Systems. Prof. Dr (HP) V. Vansevičius. 2019–2023. Research activities were carried out in three main directions: i) studies of stochastic star formation history in the dwarf irregular galaxy Leo A; ii) studies of star clusters in the Andromeda galaxy (a new method stochastic cluster classification was developed); iii) studies of active galactic nucleus luminosity histories (a neural network-based approach was proposed).
Main publications:
1. Dumbryte, D. Narbutis, M. Androulidaki, et. al. Teeth Microcracks Research: Towards Multi-Modal Imaging. Bioengineering, Vol. 10 (12), 1354. (2023).
2. D. Samsonas, E. Skliutas, A. Čiburys, L. Kontenis, D. Gailevičius, J. Beržins, D. Narbutis, V. Jukna, M. Vengris, S. Juodkazis, M. Malinauskas. 3D nanopolymerization and damage threshold dependence on laser wavelength and pulse duration. Nanophotonics 12(8), 1537 (2023).
3. E. Skliutas, D. Samsonas, A. Čiburys, L. Kontenis, D. Gailevičius, J. Beržins, D. Narbutis, V. Jukna, M. Vengris, S. Juodkazis, M. Malinauskas. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18(1), e2228324 (2023).
Astrometry and photometry of hazard asteroids. Dr K. Černis. 2023–2027. Twenty-five new asteroids have been discovered. New large Transneptunian object (TNO) 2021 XD7 was observed performing astrometry and photometry in 2023. We published about 6000 astrometric positions of more than 500 asteroids. Kuiper Belt, Near Earth Objects, Main Belt asteroids and comets were observed mainly with the 1.83 m Vatican Observatory telescope (Mt. Graham, Arizona, USA). Four asteroids were named by Gucevičius (453256), Žemaitė (348511), Maskoliūnas (225033) and Birštonas (555128).
Main publications:
1. Černis, K., Boyle, R. P. Astrometric and photometric observations of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) in Mt. Graham Observatory (Code 290). M.P.C. 162028 (2023 Apr. 7).
2. K. Černis, J. Zdanavičius. Astrometric observations of 19 asteroids (90 positions) in Moletai Astronomical Observatory (Code 152). M.P.C. 164852 (2023 Sep. 12).
3. Dalin, P., Suzuki, H., Pertsev, N., Perminov, V., Shevchuk, N., Tsimerinov, E., Zalcik, M., Brausch, J., McEwan, T., McEachran, I., Connors, M., Schofield, I., Dubietis, A., Černis, K., Zadorozhny, A., Solodovnik, A., Lifatova, D., Grønne, J., Hansen, O., Andersen, H., Melnikov, D., Manevich, A., Gusev, N., Romejko, V.: The strong activity of noctilucent clouds at middle latitudes in 2020. Polar Science, Vol. 35, 100920 (2023).
Multielectron processes in complex atomic systems. Dr V. Jonauskas. 2019–2023. Electron-impact ionization was analyzed for all 34 levels of the ground configuration of the Fe2+ ion. The single ionization from levels of the ground configuration of the N+ ion was studied. The systematic theoretical study of the cascaded Auger decay following the 3d → 5p excitation was presented in Kr. The origin of the Kr3+ ions in the cascade is explained by analyzing the influence of the correlation effects. Low-cost methods were tested to evaluate their performance in reproducing the geometries of paramagnetic defects in nanodiamonds. The quasirelativistic approach with transformed radial orbitals was utilized to determine spectroscopic parameters for the W32+ ion.
Main publications:
1. S. Kučas, V. Jonauskas, Time evolution of the Auger cascade for Kr 3d95p, Phys. Rev. A 108, 022810 (2023).
2. Š. Masys, V. Jonauskas, Z. Rinkevicius. Geometries of defects in nanodiamonds optimized with the low-cost methods: How good are they for the electronic g-tensor calculations? Diam. Relat. Mater. 136, 110009 (2023).
3. Kynienė, R. Kisielius, V. Jonauskas, Electron-impact single ionization for the Fe2+ ion, Astronomy & Astrophysics 677, A170 (2023).
Correlation and relativistic effects in complex atoms and ions. Prof. G. Gaigalas. 2020–2024. Configuration state function generators (CSFGs) method has been developed. It was shown how the introduction of CSFGs allow for a substantial reduction of the computational load in RCI calculations. The computational methodology based on CSFGs was implemented in GRASP, it was applied to a number of atomic systems. It demonstrated reductions of CPU time with factors up to 68 for RCI calculations based on GSFG, restrictions on Breit integrals and with a priori condensed expansions compared to ordinary RCI calculations without restrictions on Breit integrals and with full expansions.
Main publications:
1. Y. T. Li, K. Wang, R. Si, M. Godefroid, G. Gaigalas, Ch. Y. Chen, and P. Jönsson, Reducing the computational load – atomic multiconfiguration calculations based on configuration state function generators, Computer Physics Communications, 283, 108562 (2023).
2. K. Hotokezaka, M. Tanaka, D. Kato, and G. Gaigalas, Tellurium emission line in kilonova AT 2017gfo, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 526, L155 - L159 (2023).
3. P. Jönsson, M. Godefroid, G. Gaigalas, J. Ekman, J. Grumer, W. Li, J. Li, T. Brage, I.P. Grant, J. Bieroń, and C. Froese Fischer, An Introduction to Relativistic Theory as Implemented in GRASP, Atoms, 11, 7 (2023).
Theoretical Study of Light Nuclei and Elementary Particles. Dr A. Deltuva. 2021–2025. Explicit formula for arbitrary function was obtained for diagonalizable multivectors of general Cl(p,q) Clifford algebras. Grothendieck ring of the Yangian was studied and new functional relations of transfer matrices were obtained. Singularity structure of the proton-deuteron scattering equations in the momentum-space was investigated.
Main publications:
1. Acus, A. Dargys, "Calculation of the Exponential in Arbitrary Clifford Algebra", p.16-27, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS,volume 13862) Part of the book series: LNCS, Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics and Engineering 7th International Workshop, ENGAGE 2022, Virtual Event, September 12, 2022, Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-30923-6
2. Acus, A. Dargys, "The characteristic polynomial in calculation of exponential and elementary functions in Clifford algebras", Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2023 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mma.9524
Topological and kinetic properties of cold atoms and condensed molecular systems. Habil. Dr G. Juzeliūnas, 2022–2026. The influence of incremental methylene groups on the energetic properties of aromatic nitramines was established. The impact of electromagnetic field of radiation on valine is evaluated. It was demonstrated that atoms interacting with a pair of optical vortices produce a quantized torque on each trapped atom that is directly proportional to the topological charge of the vortex beams. This torque imparts a rotation to the entire ensemble, thereby generating an atomic current flow. Quantum entanglement between a hole spin confined to a semiconductor quantum dot and a photon was investigated.
Main publications:
1. Hamid R. Hamedi and Emmanuel Paspalakis, Harnesing optical vortices to control current flow via quantized torque in coherently prepared multilevel atoms, Optik 291, 171384(2023).
2. Meisam Memarzadeh, Mostafa Sahrai, and Hamid R. Hamedi, Quantum entanglement between a hole spin confined to a semiconductor quantum dot and a photon, The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 75 (2023)
3. Teodora Kirova; Jelena Tamulienė, Numerical studies of the impact of electromagnetic field of radiation on valine, Materials 16, 1814 (2023).
Complex nonlinear phenomena in stochastic physical and social systems. Dr(HP) V. Gontis. 2022–2025. We investigated the power-law distribution of limit order cancellation times in financial markets. The combination of power-law distributions for limit order volumes and cancellation times introduces a novel approach to modeling order disbalance in the financial markets. We have introduced a variant of the voter model with time-dependent herding behavior, demonstrating that despite being a Markov process, it behaves as a long-range memory process similar to the bounded fractional Brownian motion. We have examined the conditions necessary to observe pure 1/f noise in a signal composed of nonoverlapping rectangular pulses: if the gaps are power-law distributed, then the pulses can follow any distribution as long as they are long on average.
Main publications:
1. V. Gontis, Discrete q-Exponential Limit Order Cancellation Time Distribution, Fractal Fract. 7, 581 (2023).
2. R. Kazakevičius, A. Kononovicius. Anomalous diffusion and long-range memory in the scaled voter model. Physical Review E 107: 024106 (2023).
3. Kononovicius, B. Kaulakys. 1/f noise from the sequence of nonoverlapping rectangular pulses. Physical Review E 107: 034117 (2023).
National Research Projects
Optical Control of Ultracold atoms. (Project No. S-MIP-20-36). Research Council of Lithuania. Project leader: Habil. Dr G. Juzeliūnas. 2020–2023. Topological charge pumping was studied in subwavelength Raman lattices. By introducing an adiabatically varied phase in the driving protocol, Thouless pumping was demonstrated in a time crystalline structure. Two-dimensional (2D) optical lattice was proposed and analyzed for ultracold atoms with spatial features below the diffraction limit created by a bichromatic optical standing wave. Subwavelength confinement of a quantum emitter in ladder configuration was analyzed adjacent to a nanostructured plasmonic metasurface.
Main publications:
1. D. Burba, M. Račiūnas, I. B. Spielman and G. Juzeliūnas, Topological charge pumping with subwavelength Raman lattices, Phys. Rev. A 107, 023309 (2023).
2. E. Gvozdiovas, I. B. Spielman and G. Juzeliūnas, Interference-induced anisotropy in a two-dimensional dark-state optical lattice, Phys. Rev. A 107, 033328 (2023).
3. Hamid R. Hamedi, Viktor Novičenko, Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Vassilios Yannopapas and Emmanuel Paspalakis, Subwavelength confinement of a quantum emitter in ladder configuration adjacent to a nanostructured plasmonic metasurface, Physica E 151, 115711(2023).
Spin-orbit coupling for the generation of non-trivial quantum correlations in ultra-cold atomic systems. (Project No. S-LL-21-3). Research Council of Lithuania. 2021-2024. Project leader: Habil. Dr G. Juzeliūnas. Interaction of light with atoms characterized by a larger spin was studied aimed at finding the ways to produce squeezing for such atoms placed in an optical lattice. A publication on this topic is currently under preparation.
Coherent Optical Control of Atomic Systems. (Project No. P-LLT-22-14). Research Council of Lithuania. 2022-2024. Project leader: Habil. Dr G. Juzeliūnas. It was demonstrated that it is possible to generate and control dynamically synthetic Landau levels and robust chiral edge states for neutral dark-state polaritons using electromagnetically induced transparency in our theoretical studies. Azimuthal dependence of electromagnetically induced grating in a double V-type atomic system next to a plasmonic nanostructure allowing to remote distance control of Fraunhofer diffraction patterns. The propagation and generation of matched optical vortices of slow light within a four-level tripod atomic system was investigated.
Main publications:
1. Y.-H. Kuan, S.-Y. Lee, S.-W. Shao, W.-C. Chiang, I-K. Liu, J. Ruseckas, G. Juzeliūnas, Y.-J. Lin, and W.-T. Liao, Synthetic Landau levels and robust chiral edge states for dark-state polaritons in a static and scalable continuum media, Phys. Rev. Research 5, L042029 (2023).
2. S. H. Asadpour, Teodora Kirova, Hamid R. Hamedi, V. Yannopapas and E. Paspalakis, Azimuthal dependence of electromagnetically induced grating in a double V-type atomic system near a plasmonic nanostructure, The European Physical Journal Plus 138, 246 (2023).
3. Hamid R. Hamedi, Ite A. Yu, and Emmanuel Paspalakis, Matched optical vortices of slow light using a tripod coherently prepared scheme, Phys. Rev. A 108, 053719 (2023).
Few-cluster nuclear reactions: towards many-body problem. (Project No. S-MIP-22-72). Research Council of Lithuania. 2022–2025. Project leader: Dr A. Deltuva. Nonlocal optical potentials considering collective degrees of freedom via the core excitation were developed for nucleon interaction with Be-10 and Mg-24. Using rigorous momentum-space integral equations for transition operators, deuteron inelastic scattering and stripping and pickup reactions were studied. The nonlocality effect was shown to improve the consistency in the description of two- and three-cluster reactions.
Main publications:
1. Nonlocal optical potential with core excitation in 10Be(d, p)11Be and 11Be(p,d)10Be reactions. A. Deltuva, D. Jurčiukonis, Phys. Lett. B 840, 137867 (2023).
2. Nonlocal optical potential in inelastic deuteron scattering off 24Mg. A. Deltuva, D. Jurčiukonis, Phys. Rev. C 107, 064602 (2023).
An Investigation of Kilonova Ejecta in Neutron Star Merger. (Project No. S-LJB-23-1). Research Council of Lithuania. 2023–2025. Project leader: Habil. Dr G. Gaigalas. Atomic properties calculations were done for Ge-like sequence: As II, Se III, Br IV, and Kr V. The multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock and RCI methods were used in the present research. We computed the energy levels of 4s24p2, 4s4p3, 4p4, 4s24p{5s, 6s, 5p, 6p, 4d, 5d, 4f}, and 4s4p2{4d, 5s} configurations and E1, M1, and E2 transitions between states of these configurations. The accuracy of transition data was investigated using the quantitative and qualitative evaluation method. We applied our results to astrophysics by constructing the list of M1-type transitions for kilonova.
Chemical elements as clocks for the stellar age determination. (Project No. S-MIP-23-24). Research Council of Lithuania. 2023–2026. Project leader: Habil. Dr G. Tautvaišienė. The project aims to address the emerging chemical-clock method applicability in different Galactic disc radial and vertical locations and stellar populations by investigating Galactic field stars and open stellar clusters. In 2023, we investigated the role of radial migration in open cluster and field star populations using Gaia DR3 data for 40 open clusters and 66 000 main sequence turn-off field stars.
Main publication:
1. Viscasillas Vázquez, C., Magrini, L., Spina, L., Tautvaišienė, G., Van der Swaelmen, M., Randich, S., & Germano Sacco, G., The role of radial migration in open cluster and field star populations with Gaia dr3, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 679, A122 (2023).
The dynamical evolution of open clusters in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way galaxy. (Project No. S-MIP-23-89). Research Council of Lithuania. 2023–2026. Dr J. Zdanavičius. The project aims to understand the Galactic disk's formation and evolution investigating Open clusters in the disruption process. We will use Gaia DR3 astrometry coupled with available Gaia DR3 broadband photometry, Vilnius system photometry, PanSTARRS medium band photometry, and infra-red photometry from 2MASS and UKIRT GPS surveys to search for previously missed clusters members. We observed 10 open clusters with the aim to make the standards of the Vilnius photometric system.
Comparison of neutron capture chemical elements enrichment in Galactic thin and thick disks. (Project No. P-ST-22-124). Research Council of Lithuania (Students' research during the semester). 2022/09/01 – 2023/03/31. Student – Vilius Bagdonas, project supervisor – Habil. Dr Gražina Tautvaišienė. During this project, student Vilius Bagdonas derived abundances of barium, lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium and europium for more than 100 stars in the solar neighbourhood. The results were used to draw conclusions about the evolution of thin and thick Galactic discs.
Action plan of Lithuanian associate membership at CERN 2022 - 2027. Lithuanian Ministry of Education, Science and Sports. Project leader - prof. R. Aleksiejūnas (VU Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies). Project participants, members of the Nuclear and elementary particle physics group: Dr A. Juodagalvis, Dr D. Jurčiukonis, assoc. prof. T. Gajdosik, Dr V. Dūdėnas, PhD students S. Draukšas and M. Ambrozas. Activities at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment focused on the analysis of the proton-proton collision data recorded with the CMS detector and the pixel detector prototype testing software for the Phase-2 CMS upgrade. The data-driven background estimation procedure for the Drell-Yan differential cross-section measurement was scrutinized for Run-2 CMS data selecting the best approach. The dσ/dm measurement analysis approaches the pre-approval stage. Improvements were made to computer software that is used to characterize and calibrate the pixel detector prototype chips. The chip test site preparations started. Remote DAQ and on-site DCS shifts at the CMS detector control center were taken. The On-Shell renormalization scheme for scalars has been defined to all orders in perturbation theory. Zbb couplings in a left-right model and both two- and three-body lepton-flavour-violating decays in the Grimus-Neufeld model were studied. Also, the investigation of oblique parameters and the analysis of the centers of discrete groups as stabilizers of dark matter were undertaken.
Main publications:
1. D. Jurčiukonis and L. Lavoura, The Zb vertex in a left–right model, Nucl. Phys. B 996 (2023) 116373. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2023.116373).
2. D. Jurčiukonis and L. Lavoura, The centers of discrete groups as stabilizers of dark matter, PTEP 2023 (2023) 2, 023B02. (https://doi.org/10.1093/ptep/ptad004).
3. V. Dūdėnas, T. Gajdosik, U. Khasianevich, W. Kotlarski, D. Stöckinger, Box-enhanced charged lepton flavor violation in the Grimus-Neufeld model, Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 5, 055027. (https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.107.055027).
International Research Projects
EUROPLANET2024 – Research Infrastructure. (Project No. 871149). EC Horizon2020 project. 2020 – 2024. Dr Habil. G. Tautvaišienė. We were working within the work packages dedicated to on-ground observations and early careers training and education. Using observations at the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory, exoplanet-hosting stars were investigated as well as transits of exoplanets. We have organized the international summer school „Space missions: ground-based observations and science communication“, August 8-18, 2023 at the Molėtai Observatory. The research course on asteroid observations was organized at the Tartu Observatory in Estonia. The international conference “Europlanet Telescope Network Science Workshop” was organized in Slovakia.
Main publications:
1. Marciniak, A, ... Adomavičienė, R., ... Pakštienė, E., et al. Scaling slowly rotating asteroids with stellar occultations, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 679, A60 (2023).
Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos – Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics (ChETEC-INFRA). (Grant agreement No. 101008324). EC Horizon 2020 project. 2021-2025. Prof. Dr A. Kučinskas. Nuclear astrophysics requires a diverse set of research infrastructures for progress: telescopes for astronomical observations, nuclear laboratories to measure nuclear properties, and supercomputers to compute complex stellar models. ChETEC-INFRA project (https://www.chetec-infra.eu) networks 13 infrastructures from a variety of European countries. Under the umbrella of this project, 3 nights have been provided in 2021 at Molėtai astronomical observatory (MAO) for the international project aimed to study the origins of s-process elements using the MAO VUES spectrograph. A. Kučinskas leads a ChTEC-INFRA Work Package 5 (WP5) “Astronuclear Abundances”. A pilot grid of 1.5D NLTE abundance corrections for Ba has been produced in 2024 and analysis of s-process elements in the first MINCE sample has been accomplished, two papers are in the submission stage.
Main publication:
1. François, P., Cescutti, G., Bonifacio, P., Caffau, E., Monaco, L., Franchini, M., Lombardo, L., Matas Pinto, A. M., Lucertini, F., Spitoni, E., Lallement, R., Sbordone, L., Mucciarelli, A., Spite, M., Hansen, C. J., Di Marcantonio, P., Kučinskas, A., Dobrovolskas, V., Korn, A. J., Valentini, M., Magrini, L., Cristallo, S., Matteucci, F. MINCE II. Neutron capture elements. 2022, Astronomy & Astrophysics, submitted.
International programme Gaia-ESO Spectroscopic Survey (ESO project 188.B-3002). Dr Habil. G. Tautvaišienė. 2012 – 2023. The main results include constraints on the origin of the r-process elements in the Galactic thin-disc population. We found that Eu in the thin disc is predominantly produced by sources with short lifetimes, such as magneto-rotationally driven supernovae. While mapping the shape and evolution of the radial abundance gradients in the Galaxy with open clusters, we determined that the [Fe/H] gradient has a slope of -0.054 dex/kpc. We provided evidence that there are super-metal-rich stars in the Solar vicinity which were relocated from the inner parts of the Galaxy.
Main publications:
1. Van der Swaelmen, M., Viscasillas Vázquez, C., Cescutti, G., Magrini, L., Cristallo, S., Vescovi, D., Randich, S., Tautvaišienė, G., Bagdonas, V., Bensby, T., Bergemann, M., Bragaglia, A., Drazdauskas, A., Jiménez-Esteban, F., Guiglion, G., Korn, A., Masseron, T., Minkeviiūtė, R., Smiljanic, R., Spina, L., Stonkutė, E., & Zaggia, S., The Gaia-ESO survey: Placing constraints on the origin of r-process elements, 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 670, A129.
2. Magrini, L., Viscasillas Vázquez, C., Spina, L., Randich, S., Romano, D., Franciosini, E., Recio-Blanco, A., Nordlander, T., D'Orazi, V., Baratella, M., Smiljanic, R., Dantas, M. L. L., Pasquini, L., Spitoni, E., Casali, G., Van der Swaelmen, M., Bensby, T., Stonkute, E., Feltzing, S., Sacco, G. G., Bragaglia, A., Pancino, E., Heiter, U., Biazzo, K., Gilmore, G., Bergemann, M., Tautvaišienė, G., Worley, C., Hourihane, A., Gonneau, A., & Morbidelli, L., The Gaia-ESO survey: Mapping the shape and evolution of the radial abundance gradients with open clusters, 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 669, A119.
3. Dantas, M. L. L., Smiljanic, R., Boesso, R., Rocha-Pinto, H. J., Magrini, L., Guiglion, G., Tautvaišienė, G., Gilmore, G., Randich, S., Bensby, T., Bragaglia, A., Bergemann, M., Carraro, G., Jofré, P., & Zaggia, S., The Gaia-ESO Survey: Old super-metal-rich visitors from the inner Galaxy, 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 669, A96.
International programme PLATO Science Management. Prof. Dr A. Kučinskas. 2020 – 2027. A long-term partnership has been established in late 2020 between the Stellar Atmosphere Physics (SAP) group at ITPA and the European Space Agency’s science mission “PLATO” Science Management Work Package 120 “Stellar Science”, with prof. Dr A. Kučinskas and Dr J. Klevas becoming the PLATO WP 120 official members. During 2023 the SAP group at ITPA has provided the PLATO Science Management consortium with an extensive grid of 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres of M-type dwarfs which, in cooperation with the PLATO consortium, will be used for the determination of 3D NLTE chemical abundances in the atmospheres of the PLATO target stars. A publication summarizing first scientific results is in preparation, the publication on the entropy calibration across the H-R diagram has been submitted for publication. The M-dwarf grid, first results from adding magnetic fields to the M-dwarf model atmospheres and current model atmosphere computations at Vilnius University were presented in an invited talk at the sixth PLATO WP122 ("Non-seismic parameters and model atmospheres") workshop held in April 25-26th in Liege (Belgium) by A. Kučinskas and J. Klevas.
COST Action CA22113 "Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics". Dr Vidas Regelskis and Dr Vincentas Mulevičius. 2023-2027. This project aims to develop a comprehensive approach for studying strongly-interacting systems in classical and quantum physics by exploiting symmetries, dualities, and the internal consistency of the underlying theories. It will bring together theoretical and mathematical physicists with expertise in quantum field theory, string theory, gravity, geometry and information theory, thus establishing the first network of this kind centered around Europe. The project will involve a number of activities such as conferences, research workshops and summer schools across the participating countries. It is planned that a summer school and a workshop on "Quantum Symmetries and Quantum Topology" will be held in Lithuania in June 2026, provided facility requirements for the meeting are met.
COST Action CA18104 „Revealing the Milky Way with Gaia” (ORIGINS) (https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18104). Action Chair: Nicholas Walton) (28 countries). Dr Š. Mikolaitis, Managing Committee Member, Lead of the Working Group 5. 2019–2023. We organised a workshop "MW-Gaia WG5 School: Better Inclusion, Better Science, Building Impact in MW-GAIA". It was held from July 3 to 5 in cooperation with the Embassy of Spain in Lithuania. Nine lecturers and tutors shared their experience with 43 students from 16 countries on-site and online. Three public events were held: (1) Sara Garcia's (ESA astronaut) talk “Human Spaceflights in the 21st Century” at the Vilnius University Library Scientific Communication and Information Center, on July 4; (2) The meeting with Dr Enrique Pérez-Montero at the Lithuanian Audiosensory Library on June 5; (3) The exhibition "AstrónomAs" at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy from 3 to 10 July.
NSF Collaborative Project AST/2009811 “Fulfilling the Atomic Physics Needs for Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Cosmic Chemical Evolution” PI: Prof. V.P. Kulkarni, Collaborator: R. Kisielius, 2020.09 – 2023.09. The converged data set of oscillator strengths for the key ultraviolet resonant, excited, and fine-structure lines of the P II ion was produced by employing a quasirelativistic Hartree-Fock approximation. Data accuracy was evaluated applying a feed-back from observed astrophysical spectra obtained with the Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer for OB stars and the Very Large Telescope for a quasar.
“Construction of atomic data and plasma modeling toward understanding the origin of heavy elements” (FY2023 NIFS General Collaboration Project, Japan). NIST supervisors: Dr D. Kato, Collaborators: Prof. Dr G. Gaigalas, Dr L. Kitovienė, Dr P. Rynkun. 2023 April 1 to 2024 March 31. Using the atomic data (AD) calculated with HULLAC and GRASP, the absorption coefficient in the kilonova ejecta and light curves of kilonova were calculated and the impact of the accuracy in AD was evaluated. Comparing the experimental data of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy at UEC with theoretical AD, accurate AD for Ce III and La III were developed. Systematic M1 transition data covering all the elements to understand the properties of latetime emission-line spectra of kilonovae were constructed. Using these data, non-LTE calculations of emission line spectra were performed.
International Atomic Energy Agency, “Electron-impact ionization for injected impurities into the plasma” (project No. 26498/SU2213), Dr V. Jonauskas, 2022-2027. Intentional injection of impurities into plasma of the thermonuclear reactors plays an important role in the field of nuclear fusion. This process helps to reduce a potential damage to structural materials composing walls and critical components of the reactors. Nitrogen is one of elements that is used as a seeding impurity in the thermonuclear reactors to reduce power reached by divertor components. Electron impact ionization of nitrogen atom has been theoretically investigated for direct and indirect processes.
Aarhus University (Denmark)
European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN (Switzerland)
Astrophysical Institute Potsdam, Potsdam (Germany)
Landessternwarte Heidelberg, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg (Germany)
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg (Germany)
Darmstadt University, Darmstadt (Germany)
Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Université Paris Diderot (France)
Oslo University, Oslo (Norway)
Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, Trieste (Italy)
Uppsala University Observatory, Uppsala (Sweden)
Odessa National University, Odessa (Ukraine)
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA)
University of Patras (Greece)
National Institute for Fusion Science (Japan)
National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu (Taiwan)
Materials Science and Applied Mathematics, Malmö University, Malmö (Sweden)
University of Lisbon (Portugal)
University of Seville (Spain)
Pisa University & INFN (Italy)
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
University of South Carolina (USA)
Space Telescope Science Institute (USA)
Institute of Electron Physics, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine)
University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
Prof. Dr E. Anisimovas
• chairman of the Council of the Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University;
• board member of the Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Association.
Dr A. Deltuva
• member of the International Faddeev Medal Committee;
• national representative of the European Research Committee for Few-Body Physics.
Dr V. Dobrovolskas
• member of the Lithuanian Astronomical Society;
• member of the European Astronomical Society.
Dr A. Drazdauskas
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU);
Dr K. Černis
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU);
• member of the European Astronomical Society.
Prof. Habil. Dr G. Gaigalas
• council member of CompAS (International collaboration on Computational Atomic Structure) group;
• editorial board member of the journal Atoms;
• member of the Programme Committee, 45th Lithuanian National Conference of Physics, Vilnius, Lithuanian 25-27 October, 2023.
Dr T. Gajdosik
• member of the Austrian Physical Society (OePG);
• member of the CERN Baltic Group coordination team “Study group”.
Dr V. Gontis
• member of the EuroScience association;
• council member of the Lithuanian Scientific Society;
• academic editor of the journal Plos One.
Dr V. Jonauskas
• member of the Lithuanian Physics Society;
• member of The Global Network for the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Plasmas (International Atomic Energy Agency);
• member of the Programme Committee, 45th Lithuanian National Conference of Physics, Vilnius, Lithuanian 25-27 October, 2023.
Dr A. Juodagalvis
• Lithuanian representative in CERN Finance Committee (since 2018);
• member of the Research Group Board of the Lithuanian Particle Physics Consortium (VU, KTU, and LSMU), coordinator of the Consortium activities at CERN CMS experiment (since 2023);
• deputy team leader of the Vilnius University group at the CMS experiment at CERN, Vilnius University representative to the CMS Tracker Institutional Board;
• member of the Programme Committee, 45th Lithuanian National Conference of Physics, Vilnius, Lithuanian 25-27 October, 2023;
• board member of the Lithuanian Physical Society, scientific secretary.
Dr D. Jurčiukonis
• member of the Research Group Board of the Lithuanian Particle Physics Consortium (VU, KTU, and LSMU).
Dr R. Juršėnas
• member of the American Mathematical Society.
Distinguished Professor G. Juzeliūnas
• member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
• Board member of the Lithuanian Physics Society;
• Associated member of the National Center for Theoretical Sciences at the National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan;
• main organiser of the Humboldt Kolleg on Synthetic Quantum Matter, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2-6 July 2023;
• member of the Programme Committee, 45th Lithuanian National Conference of Physics, Vilnius, Lithuanian 25-27 October, 2023;
• member of Programme Committee, 25th International Conference – School on Advanced Materials and Technologies, Palanga, Lithuania, 21 – 25 August 2023;
• academic editor of the journal Plos One.
Dr H. R. Hamedi
• member of Lithuanian Physics Society;
• member of Physics Society of Iran.
Prof. Habil. Dr B. Kaulakys
• member of the Institute of Physics (UK);
• member of the European Physical Society;
• editorial board member of the Lithuanian Journal of Physics;
• editorial board member of the journal Nonlinear Analysis, Modeling and Control;
• vice-president of the Lithuanian Association of Nonlinear Analysts.
Prof. R. Karazija
• member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
• fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK);
• member of the Italian Physical Society.
Dr L. Kitovienė
• member of CompAS (International collaboration on Computational Atomic Structure) group;
Dr A. Kynienė
• President of the Vilnius City Board of the Physics Teachers’ Association;
• member of the Vilnius City Physics Methodical Board;
• team leader of Particle physics outreach group at the VU Experimental nuclear and particle physics centre;
• chairwoman of the physics maturity exam evaluation commission;
• member of the Lithuanian Pupil Physics Olympiad Commission;
• council member of the Lithuanian Scientific Society;
• member of the Programme Committee, 45th Lithuanian National Conference in Physics (Vilnius, Lithuania, October 25-27, 2023);
• member of Lithuanian Physics Society;
• member of The Global Network for the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Plasmas (International Atomic Energy Agency)
Dr J. Klevas
• board member of the Lithuanian Astronomical Society;
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU);
• member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS);
• revisor of the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers.
Prof. A. Kučinskas
• chairperson of the Board of Directors of the International Journal Astronomy and Astrophysics;
• member of the Council of the Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University;
• member of Bachelor study programme committee “Physics”;
• National Contact Point of the International Astronomical Union (IAU);
• National Representative at the European Astronomical Society (EAS);
• president of the Lithuanian Astronomical Society.
Dr M. Mackoit-Sinkevičienė
• Board member of the Lithuanian Physics Society;
• president of the European Physical Society Young Minds section in Vilnius (2016-2022 03 01), elected Member of Action Committee of EPS Young Minds (since 2022);
• representative of Lithuania in World Quantum Day Action Committee (since 2020);
• member of the International Board at IPhO (since 2021);
• member of the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers.
Dr M. Maskoliūnas
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Dr Š. Mikolaitis
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU);
• member of the Organizing Committee, IAU Commission “Stellar Evolution”;
• member of the European Astronomical Society;
• co-chair of Organizing Committee, International school „Better Inclusion, Better Science, Building Impact in MW-GAIA“, July 3-5, 2023, Vilnius.
Dr R. Minkevičiūtė
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Dr D. Narbutis
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Prof. Dr (HP) E. Norvaišas
• member of the Institute of Physics (UK);
• member of the European Physical Society.
Dr E. Pakštienė
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Dr V. Regelskis
• associated member of the Higher Education Academy (HEA);
• member of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society.
Dr P. Rynkun
• member of CompAS (International collaboration on Computational Atomic Structure) group.
Rigonda Skorulskienė
• Board member of the Lithuanian Physics Society;
• board member of the Lithuanian Astronomical Society;
• president of the Physics Teachers' Association of Lithuania;
• Team Chair and Contact Person, IAU NAEC (National astronomy education coordinator) team.
Dr J. Sperauskas
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Dr E. Stonkutė
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
• member of the European Astronomical Society;
• secretary of the Europlanet Society;
• member of the Opticon RadioNet Pilot project time allocation committee.
Dr R. Stonkutė
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Assoc. prof. Dr Dalia Šatkovskienė
• member of Board of Administration (BoA), European Platform of Women Scientists (EPWS);
• President of regional Baltic States association BASNET Forumas;
• Lithuanian Team member of IUPAP working group on Women in Physics (WP5);
• CMC member of COST action CA20137 - Making Early Career Researchers' Voices Heard for Gender Equality, representing the second proposer Vilnius University.
• represents Vilnius University in European Physicists GENERA network.
Dr J. Tamulienė
• Management Committee member of the Lithuanian Physics Society;
• leader of the Professional Union of Vilnius University.
• ETUCE, HERCS board member;
• Guest Editor of Special issue “Trends and Prospects in Advanced Energy Materials”;
• Member of the working group for updating the description of educational science areas.
Dr Habil. G. Tautvaišienė
• President of Commission H1 The Local Universe, International Astronomical Union;
• Steering Committee Member of the Division H Interstellar Matter and Local Universe, International Astronomical Union;
• President of the Lithuanian Physical Society;
• member of the Research Council of Lithuania;
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU);
• International Astronomy Union National Outreach Coordinator;
• founding member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS);
• editorial board member of the “Mol” journal;
• editor-in-chief of the annual astronomical almanac Lietuvos dangus (Sky of Lithuania);
• Chair of the 45th Lithuanian National Conference of Physics, Vilnius, Lithuanian 25-27 October, 2023;
• Chair of the OC of the international summer school „Space missions: ground-based observations and science communication”, August 8-18, 2023, Molėtai Observatory, Lithuania;
• Co-Chair of the international training workshop “Asteroid Investigations”, August 21-25, 2023, Tartu Observatory, Estonia;
• Co-Chair of the international conference “Europlanet Telescope Network Science Workshop”, 19-23 June 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Prof. Dr V. Vansevičius
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU);
• member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS)
• member of the Research Council of Lithuania.
Dr C. Viscasillas Vázquez
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU);
• member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS)
• member of the Lithuanian Astronomical Society;
• member of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA);
• member of the Europlanet Society;
• member of the Science Society of Galicia (SCG);
• National representative of the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE);
• member of the Network for Astronomy School Education (NASE);
• member of the Organizing Committee, International school „Better Inclusion, Better Science, Building Impact in MW-GAIA“, July 3-5, 2023, Vilnius.
• member of the Organizing Committee, International workshop "From Star Clusters to Field Populations: Survived, Destroyed and migrated clusters", November 20-23, 2023, Villa Galileo, Arcetri, Italy.
Dr J. Zdanavičius
• member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Dr K. Zubovas
• member of the Council of the Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University.
1. “Internal Levin-Wen models”, invited talk by V. Mulevičius at Winter Workshop on Topological Order, Universität Tübingen, Germany, 29 November, 2023.
2. Invited talk by G. Tautvaišienė „CNO as key elements in stellar and galactic evolution” at the Nicolaus Copernicus World Congress, 19-21 February, 2023, Torun, Poland.
3. Invited talk by G. Tautvaišienė “Opportunities within the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure” at the European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, 10-14 July, 2023, Krakow, Poland.
4. Invited talks by Arūnas Kučinskas & Jonas Klevas “Vilnius 3D models” at the sixth PLATO WP122 ("Non-seismic parameters and model atmospheres") workshop, 25-26 April, 2023, Liege, Belgium.
5. Invited talk by E. Stonkutė “Europlanet Mentorship programme: past, present and future” at the European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, 10-14 July, 2023, Krakow, Poland.
6. Invited talk by A. Deltuva “Nonlocal interactions for few-body reactions” at the Workshop on the Critical Stability of Few-Body Quantum Systems, ECT, Trento, Italy, 23-27 October, 2023.
1. Habil. Dr G. Tautvaišienė is a member of the Research Council of Lithuania.
2. Prof. Dr V. Vansevičius was a member of the Research Council of Lithuania (until June 2023).
3. Doc. A. Kynienė is the chair of the Assessment of National Physics Maturity Examination Commission, member of the education program redevelopment group, and member of the Vilnius City Physics Methodical Board.
4. R. Skorulskienė - is a member of the Assessment of National Physics Maturity Examination Commission; a member of the education program redevelopment group; a member of working group to renew the teacher training mode.
1. Regular consultations to various Police departments regarding astronomical conditions during the requested time periods when car accidents occurred, A. Kazlauskas.
2. Regular consultations to the general public regarding unusual astronomical events and the identification of suspected extraterrestrial-origin stones, G. Tautvaišienė.
3. Regular school consultations in the field of elementary particle physics, A. Kynienė, A. Acus, A. Juodagalvis, A. Mekys.
1. Annual popular science edition “Lietuvos dangus 2024“, published since 1989 (ISSN 1392-0987), 142 pages in Lithuanian, Responsible editor: Habil. Dr Gražina Tautvaišienė.
2. Traveling exhibition “AstrónomAs” at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy (Vilnius University, Faculty of Physics) Vilnius, Lithuania, July 3-10, 2023, and public seminar of Sara Garcia (ESA astronaut) “Human spaceflights in the 21st century” at the Vilnius University Library Scientific Communication and Information Center (July 4, 2023).
3. Meeting with the professional astronomer Dr Enrique Pérez-Montero at the Lithuanian Audiosensory Library, July 5, 2023. Pérez-Montero is visually impaired and involved with the Spanish National Organization for Blind People (ONCE) where he collaborates to promote astronomy among the visually impaired community.
4. International Conference „The Situation of Young Researchers in the Baltic States: Development or Waste of Future Scientific Potential?” organized by D. Šatkovskienė under the auspices of the speaker of the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas), 23 of December, 2023.
5. In 2023, Dr A. Kononovičius authored a total of 33 posts on the Physics of Risk blog (https://rf.mokslasplius.lt), which is available in English. Among these posts,18 feature interactive content. Typically, these interactive elements were implementations of various econophysical or sociophysical models.