Learning opportunities
You have graduated from Vilnius University, but this does not mean that the learning opportunities offered by the University are no longer and will no longer be relevant to you. The widespread concept of lifelong learning encompasses an extremely wide range of learning activities.
After a Bachelor's degree, many students go on to a second cycle (MA) and then to a third cycle (PhD). Besides, it is possible to complete more than one Bachelor's and/or Master's degree programme. If such a long-term commitment is daunting and there is a need for very specific knowledge and competencies, a narrower choice can be made – to study only one or more subjects as an unclassified student. The University also organises many open lectures and workshops each year, in cooperation with its social partners, to enhance professional, general, and career competencies.
Who said, "The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing"? Don't know? Find out about all learning opportunities below.