Faculty of History

Sukurta: 29 August 2013

if7 Universiteto, LT-01513
Tel. 268 7281, fax 268 7282
www http://www.if.vu.lt

Dean – Prof. Dr. Rimvydas Petrauskas


51 teachers (46 holding research degree), 5 research fellows (1 holding research degree), 41 doctoral students.



History of Lithuania: Sources, Historiography, Heritage, Memory

Prehistory and Archaeology of Lithuania


R. Kačkutė. Social analysis of the Roman Iron Age societies in the Baltic Sea region.

E. Keidošiūtė. Catholic missions and Jewish conversions in Lithuania: transformations of the phenomena in the 19th c. and the first half of the 20th c.

I. Zakšauskienė. Western radio broadcasts to Soviet Lithuania 1950–1990.


International conference Dukes Radvilos. The Most Famous Lithuanian Grand Duchy Noble Kin (in cooperation with the National Museum the Royal Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, Lithuanian Institute of History, www.valdovurumai.lt/de/besucherseite/veranstaltungen/international-scientific-conference-dukes-radvilos-the-most-famous-lithuanian-grand-duchy-noble-kin#.VnOHtzayWY.

8th international conference Readings of Jonas Puzinas: Revision of Early Prehistoric Sites: Verifying Old Material, Creating New Theories, www.if.vu.lt/naujienos/renginiai/675-tarptautine-moksline-konferencija-jono-puzino-skaitymai.

International conference Population Displacement in Lithuania and Europe: From World War One to World War Two, www.if.vu.lt/dokumentai/renginiai/GDPKPL-programa-LT-EN.pdf.

International conference Joachim Lelewel Readings: Past, Historian’s Craft and Society in XIX–XXI c.

International conference (in cooperation with Confucius Institute at Vilnius University) Human-environment Relations: Memories, Narratives and Practices in Siberia and China, www.if.vu.lt/naujienos/renginiai/600-ii-oji-tarptautine-antropologu-konferencija-human-environment-relations-memories-narratives-and-practices-in-siberia-and-china.

International conference (in cooperation with The Wroblewski  Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences) Manuscripts of Lithuanian Tatars – National Treasure (dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Ivan Lutskevich Kitab), http://www.mab.lt/assets/files/dokumentai/konferencijos/2015-Konferencijos_programa.pdf.


10 scientific books (monograph, articles collections, etc.) were published.

6 international scientific conferences were organised.

National grants for 9 new scientific projects were successfully received.

8 scientific projects were successfully implemented and completed.



7 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7297

Head – Prof. Dr. Rimvydas Petrauskas


Professors: Dr. R. Petrauskas (part-time), Dr. I. Valikonytė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. V. Dolinskas (part-time), Dr. L. Jovaiša, Dr. J. Karpavičienė (part-time), Dr. S. Pamerneckis (part-time), Dr. E. Saviščevas.
Lecturers: M. Jakulis (part-time), Dr. T. Čelkis, Dr. V. Volungevičius.
Junior researchers: M. Jakulis (part-time), L. Steponavičienė (part-time), N. Šlimienė, S. Viskantaitė-Saviščevienė.
Doctoral students: B. Balčiūnaitė, N. Dambrauskaitė, R. Dediala, V. Gudaitė, A. Jurkevičius, M. Klovas, M. Kvizikevičiūtė, V. Liepuonius, T. Vaitkus, T. Zarankaitė.


History of Lithuania: sources, historiography, heritage, memory

Society of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (henceforth the GDL) in the 14th–16th centuries

Research and publication of the 1st Lithuanian Statute (1529) and the Lithuanian Metrica (the so-called Court Record Books of the 1st half of the 16th century)

History of the GDL in the 2nd half of the 18th century

Woman’s status in the GDL in the 16th century

Life of Christian churches and religions in the GDL in the 16th–18th centuries


National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Legal Consciousness of Noblemen of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Norms and Reality (No. LIT-7-3). Prof. I. Valikonytė. 2013–2015.

The Court Record Book no 254/40 of the Lithuanian Metrica was published in 2015. This book is currently held at the Russian State Archive of Early Acts (Moscow), funds no. 389, archival unit no. 254. The material available in this Ruler Sigismund Augustus’s court book shows not only the conception of the justice executed by the Ruler, but it also reveals developments of the court processes and legal norms during the preparation of the Second Lithuanian Statute (1566) and the pre-reform justice mechanism during the middle of the XVI century.

Main publications:

Lietuvos Metrika (1559–1563). 40-oji Teismų bylų knyga (Lithuanian Metrica. Court Record Book no 264/40). Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2015.

Lietuvos Statutas ir Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės bajoriškoji visuomenė [straipsnių rinkinys] (Lithuanian Statute and Noble Society of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania [articles collection]). Eds. I. Valikonytė, L. Steponavičienė. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2015.

Research Council of Lithuania. 16th–19th Century Cartographical Manuscript Plans of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lands (No. LIT-9-4). Dr. T. Čelkis. 2015.

Manuscripts of the 16th–19th centuries, maps of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania which are stored in the Manuscript Department of the Vilnius University Library are examined during the project. One hundred manuscript maps are studied, diplomatic inventory of each map is prepared, toponyms and hydronyms are clarified; another research sector – research of historical information found in the maps, historical cartography as documental material of historical geography and historical landscape of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The result is scientific source publication consisting of two parts: research of history of cartography of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Lithuanian and English languages) and publication of manuscript maps.

Main publication:

Žvilgsnis į Lietuvos Didžiąją Kunigaikštystę iš paukščio skrydžio: XVI–XIX a. rankraštiniai kartografijos šaltiniai (Bird’s-Eye View of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Manuscript Cartography Sources of the 16th-19th Century). Prepared by T. Čelkis, V. Karpova-Čelkienė. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2015.


Lithuanian Institute of History (Lithuania)

National Museum the Royal Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Lithuania)


Prof. R. Petrauskas –

Prof. I. Valikonytė –

Assoc. Prof. J. Karpavičienė –

  • deputy chairman and member of the commission of the projectThe Saxon-Magdeburgian Law as a Cultural Link between the Legal Orders of Eastern and Central Europe ( Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig).

Dr. L. Jovaiša –

  • academician of the Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science, www.lkma.lt/index.php?id=19;
  • editor-in-chief of the journal Bažnyčios istorijos studijos (Studies in Church History), www.lkma.lt/index.php?id=111;
  • editorial board member of the journal Fontes Historiae Lituaniae;
  • editorial board member of the journal Lietuvių katalikų mokslo akademijos metraštis (Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science Annuals, www.lkma.lt/index.php?id=105;
  • editorial board member of the journal Religinės kultūros paveldo studijos (Studies in Cultural Heritage of Religions);
  • editorial board member of the journal Studia Franciscana Lithuanica.



7 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7284

Head – Prof. Dr. Albinas Kuncevičius


Professors: Dr. A. Kuncevičius, Habil. Dr. M. Michelbertas (professor emeritus).
Associate professors: Dr. A. Luchtanas, Dr. A. Merkevičius, Dr. G. Vėlius.
Lecturers: Dr. G. Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė Keen (part-time), Dr. J. Poškienė (part-time), Dr. E. Šatavičius, R. Nemickienė (part-time).
Doctoral students: S. Ardavičiūūtė-Ramanauskienė, R. Augustinavičius, D. Baltramiejūnaitė, M. Grikpėdis, Š. Jatautis, I. Kaminskaitė, J. Kozakaitė, K. Minkevičius, L. Muradian, G. Petrauskas, G. Gudaitienė, V. Suncovas, A. Žilinskaitė.


Material and spiritual culture of the Baltic tribes

Burial rites, household tools and weapons and ornaments of  Lithuania’s inhabitants

Data collection on Baltic tribes’ settlements, buildings, defence fortifications and cultural ties with neighbours and more distant European tribes and nations


National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Origins of the Lithuanian State According to the Data of Dubingiai Microregion Research (No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-037). Prof. A. Kuncevičius. 2011–2015.

In 2015 all project’s research results were organized in the scientific monography (text and illustrations) and were prepared for publication.

Main publication:

Kuncevičius, A., Laužikas, R., Jankauskas, R., Augustinavičius, R., Šmigelskas R. 2015. Dubingių mikroregionas ir Lietuvos valstybės ištakos (The Origins of Lithuanian Commonwealth according to the Dubingiai Microregion Research Data). Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.

Contractual Research

Archaeological research of planned Šiauliai North East road (CC Kelprojektas)

Archaeological research of St. Trinity Church crypt at Vilnius Basilian Monastery (Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture)


Institute of Archaeology University of Wrocław (Poland)

State Cultural Rezerve of Kernavė (Lithuania)

University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

University of Latvia (Latvia)

University of Tartu (Estonia)


Prof. A. Kuncevičius –

Assoc. Prof. A. Luchtanas –

Prof. emeritus M. Michelbertas –

Assoc. Prof. A. Merkevičius –

Dr. J. Poškienė –

  • member of the 2nd Assessment Council for Immovable Cultural Heritage (Department of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture).

R. Nemickienė –

  • editorial board member of the journal Interarchaeologia.

Assoc. Prof. G. Vėlius –



7 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7286

Head – Prof. Dr. Zenonas Butkus


Professors: Dr. Z. Butkus.
Associate professors: Dr. D. Bukelevičiūtė, Dr. A. Jakubčionis, Dr. S. Kaubrys, Dr. R. Kraujelis (part-time), Dr. A. Streikus.
Lecturers: Dr. A. Abromaitis (part-time), Dr. K. Burinskaitė (part-time), Dr. N. Černiauskas, Dr. R. Gaidis, A. Grodis (part-time), Dr. V. Klumbys (part-time), Dr. T. Vaiseta (part-time).
Senior assistants: A. Narbutas (part-time), Dr. I. Zakšauskienė (part-time).
Research fellows: A. Grodis (part-time).
Doctoral students: S. Černevičiūtė, M. Ėmužis, E. Jasiūnaitė, M. Kareniauskaitė, K. Kilinskas, D. Noreika, G. Sviderskytė.


Research on Lithuanian international relations in the 1920s–1930s

Research on political, social and cultural life in Lithuania during the interwar period

Problems of the national and religious minorities in Lithuania and Klaipėda district

Soviet occupation and re-occupation of Lithuania

Anti-Soviet resistance in Lithuania: armed and passive resistance

Soviet Lithuania and western countries during the Cold War

Catholic Church in Soviet Lithuania

Cultural life in Soviet Lithuania

Research on history studies modernizing


National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Baltic States between the Third Reich and the Third Rome (No. LIT-14153). Prof. Z. Butkus. 2014–2015.

In 2015 the preparation of the scientific monographs was carried out. The report Die lettisch-litauischen Beziehungen in der Zwischenkriegszeit was presented at the 68th Congress of the Baltic historians in Göttingen (Germany).

Main publication: 

Butkus, Z. 2015. Baltijos šalių reakcija į pirmuosius nacių valdžios veiksmus Vokietijoje 1933 metais. Nežinomas baltijiečių priešiškumas naciams (The Baltic Reaction to the Early Policies of the Nazi Government in Germany in 1933). Lietuvos valstybingumo branda ir trapumas 1918–1940 metais. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, p. 111–124.

Research Council of Lithuania. Formation of Modern Social Structure in Lithuania, 1918-1940 (No. MIP-14327). Prof. Z. Butkus. 2014–2016.

During 2015 the unpublished historical material was accumulated and analysed, as well as historiography summarised. Three scientific papers were prepared. Assoc. Prof. D. Bukelevičiūtė presented scientific reports at international conferences in Konstanz and Marburg.

Main publications:

Kasperavičius, A. P. 2015. Agrarinės reformos procesas nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje ir jos visuomenė (The Process of Agrarian Reform in the Interwar Lithuania ant the Society). Lietuvos istorijos studijos (Studies of Lithuania’s History), vol. 36, p. 47–68.

Butkus, Z., Černiauskas, N. 2015. Krizė keičia Lietuvą: 1931–1935 metų pokyčiai valstybėje ir visuomenėje (Crisis Changes Lithuania: Changes in the Society and the State in 1931–1935). Lietuvos istorijos studijos (Studies of Lithuania’s History), vol. 36, p. 69–89.

Research Council of Lithuania. Population Displacement and its Political and Cultural Legacies in the 20th Century Lithuania (No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-014). Dr. T. Balkelis. 2013–2015.

Summarising of the scientific activities was carried out while executing the project: the collective monography and scientific papers were prepared and published. The international scientific conference Population Displacement in Lithuania and Europe: From World War One to World War Two was organised.

Main publications:

Population Displacement in Lithuania in the 20th Century: Experiences, Identities and Legacies. Eds. T. Balkelis, V. Davoliūtė. Vilnius: Vilniaus dailės akademija, 2015.

Richter, K. 2015. Go with the hare’s ticket. Mobility and territorial policies in Ober Ost (1915–1918). First World War Studies, vol. 6, iss. 2.

Research Council of Lithuania. ‘Lithuanians and Poles’(1887). J. Šliūpas’ Position and Visions of Statehood at the End of 19th c. (No. LIT-8-83). Assoc. Prof. A. Vyšniauskas. 2014–2015.

During 2015 the preparation was completed and the book ‘Lithuanians and Poles’ (1887). J. Šliūpas’ Position and Visions of Statehood at the End of 19th c. was published.

Main publication:

Lithuanians and Poles’ (1887). J. Šliūpas’ Position and Visions of Statehood at the End of 19th c. Prepared by A. Vyšniauskas. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2015.

Research Council of Lithuania. Political Censorship in Soviet Lithuania (No. MIP-15026). Assoc. Prof. A. Streikus. 2015–2016.

According to the plan of the research the historiographical analysis of the theme was performed as well as published sources were analysed.

Research Council of Lithuania. The Publication of the Book ‘The Maturity and Fragility of Lithuanian Statehood (1918–1940)’ ( No. LIT-9-16). Assoc. Prof. A. Vyšniauskas. 2015.

During 2015 the collection of articles The Maturity and Fragility of Lithuanian Statehood (1918–1940) was published. The articles were prepared on the base of the reports of the scientific conference, which took place in Vilnius in 2013.

Main publication:

Lietuvos valstybingumo branda ir trapumas 1918–1940 metais (The Maturity and Fragility of Lithuanian Statehood (1918–1940)). Ed. A. Vyšniauskas. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2015.

Research Council of Lithuania. Memorials and Cultural Memories of World War II in Lithuania: Ideological Trends and Governing Capabilities (No. REP-6/2015). Assoc. Prof.  A. Jakubčionis. 2015–2016.

The purpose of the project is to analyze the World War II soviet soldiers’ memorial objects and to present effective methods of historical, cultural and legal evaluation of these objects.


Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)

Genocide and Resistance Research Center (Lithuania)

Lithuanian Special Archives (Lithuania)

Lithuanian State Historical Archives (Lithuania)

Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (Lithuania)


Prof. Z. Butkus –

Assoc. Prof. D. Bukelevičiūtė –

Assoc. Prof. A. Jakubčionis –

  • member of the research group of the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania;
  • editorial board member of the journal Genocidas ir rezistencija (Genocide and Resistance), http://genocid.lt/centras/lt/1199/a.

Assoc. Prof. S. Kaubrys –

Assoc. Prof. A. Streikus –



7 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7288

Head – Prof. Dr. Alfredas Bumblauskas


Professors: Habil. Dr. T. Bairašauskaite (part-time), Dr. A. Bumblauskas, Dr. R. Čepaitienė (part-time), Habil. Dr. E. Gudavičius (emeritus).
Associate professors: Dr. D. Brandišauskas (part-time), Dr. M. Drėmaitė, Dr. G. Kirkienė, Dr. E. Raila, Dr. D. Staliūnas (part-time), Dr. N. Šepetys, Dr. R. Šermukšnytė, Dr. A. Švedas, Dr. J. Verbickienė.
Lecturers: Dr. N. Babinskas (part-time), Dr. B. Gailius (part-time), Dr. A. Gieda, Dr. S. Kulevičius (part-time), Dr. J. Poškienė (part-time), Dr. L. Skurvydaitė (part-time), Dr. A. Vasiliauskas (part-time).
Assistant: D. Vitkauskaitė.
Senior researcher: Dr. D. Brandišauskas (part-time).
Junior researcher: Dr. I. Leonavičiuūtė.
Doctoral students: A. Dambrauskas, V. Janušauskaitė, K. Kuodytė-Mažuknienė, V. Kurienė, R. Lakačauskaitė-Kaminskienė, A. Naudžiūnienė, A. Petrauskienė, M. Ramonaitė, D. Sakalauskas, V. Starikovičius, S. Stasiulis, M. Šiupšinskas.


Theoretical, methodological and historiographical problems of history

History of Lithuanian culture

Theoretical and didactical aspects of history of Lithuanian culture

Historical culture and forms of cultural identity of Lithuanian society

Individual and collective forms of historical memory

Cultural heritage studies

Studies of Lithuanian ethnic and confessional minorities

Everyday life and domestic history

Functions of history in the contemporary society


National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Historical Demographic Studies and their Application to the Jewish Censuses of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-03-050). Assoc. Prof.  J. Verbickienė. 2013–2015.

The results of this project during 2015 are: publication of a monograph, publication of the data base on Jewish family demography (in general more than 19 000 persons), publication of several articles and presentation at an international conference.

Main publication:

The Census of Lithuanian Jewry in 1764–65 and Historical Family Demography. Structures, Categories and Contexts. Verbickienė, J. (ed.). Krakow-Budapest: Austeria Klezmerhojs sp.z.o.o., 2015.

Research Council of Lithuania. Merchants in Vilnius in the 19th Century: Legal Situation, Activity and Social Identity (No. MIP-14161). Dr. A. Ambrulevičiūtė. 2014–2016.

The assignment in 2014–2015 was to write three research papers, and to prepare two historical sources (The list of Vilnius Christian Merchants between 18001898 and The list of Vilnius Jewish Merchants between 18621898).

Main publication:

Ambrulevičiūtė. A. Нелегальные коммерческие практики виленского купечества в 1824–1862 г. Гарадзенскi соцыум: чалавек у прасторы города, 2015, с. 181–195.

Research Council of Lithuania. Jonas Basanavičius: Personality, Ideas, Contexts (No. MIP-032/2015). Assoc. Prof. E. Raila. 2015–2018.

The aim of the project is to prepare a manuscript of the publication devoted to the biography of Jonas Basanavičius (1851–1927). This project aims at presenting a solid synthetic biography of Jonas Basanavičius’ personality taking into account and pointing out not just one of his activities but trying to comprehend his personality as a biographical entity. During 2015 the historical sources were collected.

Research Council of Lithuania. Compilation of the Collection of Articles by E. Gudavičius and their Translation into Polish (No. LIT-9-17). Dr. I. Leonavičiūtė, Assoc. Prof. A. Švedas. 2015.

The aim of this project is to compile a collection of scientific works by Gudavičius, to prepare the texts for publication and translation into Polish. The book would be released by a prestigious academic publishing house in Poland (towards the end of 2016). The collection of scientific works would be Polish audience-oriented, as the research conducted by Gudavičius is of relevance to the historians’ community in this country.

Research Council of Lithuania. Publication of the Monograph ‘Industrial Architecture and Modernization in Lithuania in 19181940’ (No. BS-170000361). Assoc. Prof. M. Drėmaitė. 2015.

The monograph is being published in Lithuanian with an extensive English summary.

Main publication:

Drėmaitė. M. 2015. Pramonės architektūra ir modernizacija Lietuvoje 1918–1940 (Industrial Architecture and Modernization in Lithuania in 1918–1940). Vilnius: LAPAS.

Other projects

Establishing the Research and Teaching Field at Vilnius University (Grant No. 086/14). Assoc. Prof. J. Verbickienė. 2014–2017.

The main goal of the project is to establish and develop Jewish Studies at the Faculty of History (University of Vilnius). It will focus on expanding and defining subjects of the field, making them more available for students and laying grounds for the future research projects. The project will open ways to promote young scholars’ research and career progress providing a chance to continue with their training as young lecturers and remain engaged in the field by specializing in the study of history and culture of the East European Jews with special focus on the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the history of Lithuanian Jewry and its specificities.


Department of Cultural Heritage (Lithuania)
European Humanities University (Lithuania)
Institute of Ukrainian History (Ukraine)
Polish Institute in Vilnius (Lithuania)
Vilnius Yidish Institute (Lithuania)


Prof. T. Bairašauskaitė –

Prof. A. Bumblauskas –

Prof. emeritus E. Gudavičius –

  • member of the Russian Science Academy of Humanities in St. Petersburg.

Assoc. Prof. D. Brandišauskas –

  • member of the scientific board of international conference Sociology of Culture: Experiences and New Paradigms (Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts);
  • honorary research fellow, Department of Anthropology in Aberdeen University (Scotland);
  • associated research fellow, European Centre for the Arctic, University of Versailles (France);
  • member of Association of the Young Polar Scientist;
  • member of International Association for the Arctic Social Sciences;
  • editorial board member of the journal Lithuanian Journal of Anthropology, www.anthropology.lt/site/apie-zurnala.

Assoc. Prof. M. Drėmaitė –

Assoc. Prof. R. Šermukšnytė –

Assoc. Prof. A. Švedas –

Dr. N. Babinskas –

  • member of the Romanian Association for Nordic and Baltic countries;
  • member of the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH);
  • editorial board member of the journal Valahian Journal of Historical Studies, www.valahianjournal.info/board.htm.



7 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7293

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grigorijus Potašenko


Associate professor: Dr. G. Potašenko.
Lecturer: Dr. L. Lempertienė (part-time).


Region’s stateless minority cultures (cultures that do not benefit from the moral and material support of a “home country” anywhere): Yiddish, Old Believers, Tatars, Karaimes, Roma Multicultural studies


National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Icon Painter Ivan Michailov: Life and Work (No. LIT-9-10). Assoc. Prof. G. Potašenko. 2015.

The main result of the project is the monography Icon Painter Ivan Mikhailov: Life and Work in Russian. Elaborate and detailed study of Ivan Mikhailov’s life and work reveals Lithuanian Orthodox icon painting tradition features in the 20th century. This work highlights the Vilnius icon painting school identity as well. Ivan Mikhailov was and in some sense still is the central figure of Vilnius icon painting school.


The Centre for Studies of the Culture and History of East European Jews (Lithuania)

Institute of Social Research (Lithuania)

Vilnius Yiddish Institute (Lithuania)


Assoc. Prof. G. Potašenko –

  • member of Old Believers Research Commission of the International Committee of Slavists.

Dr. L. Lempertienė –                        

  • member of the academic board of Centre for the university teaching of Jewish studies SEFER;
  • bibliographer of the collection of books in the Hebrew language published in Lithuania in 1759–1900 (stored in Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania).