Michlė Landmanaitė was born on 3 July 1919 in Jonava. In 1935, at the age of sixteen, she was admitted to the fifth form of the Kaunas Third State Gymnasium, where she chose intensively-taught mathematics and natural sciences. In 1939, she passed her gymnasium graduation examinations, and that same year became a student of chemistry in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Vilnius University. She moved from Kaunas to Vilnius where she lived on Pylimo Street. On 19 September 1941, Michlė Landmanaitė was expelled from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Vilnius University on the basis of the Order of 17 September 1941 of the Higher Education Department of the Board of Education, which was subordinate to the Nazis. There is no information on the fate of Michlė and her family.