Mečislovas Lizaitis was born into a family of farmers in Auksučiai village, Grinkiškis rural district, Kėdainiai county. After primary school he continued education at Krakiai gymnasium. He later moved to Šeduva gymnasium which he finished in 1946 and became a student at the Faculty of Economics of Vilnius University. Mečislovas Lizaitis was active in the faculty’s amateur art activities, organised the faculty’s student choir, was its choir master and accompanist. He was respected by the students and teachers of the faculty. However, in March 1949, together with his father and sister he was deported to Irkutsk region. An intercession by the faculty’s administration on behalf of Lizaitis did not help: he returned from exile in as late as 1967. Very likely he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Irkutsk University. When Mečislovas returned to Lithuania, he worked in various enterprises and described his experience in his doctoral thesis about customer service, which he defended in 1974.