Junior laboratory technician Izaokas Sadovas (1916–1941) was born in Kaunas where he finished Kaunas 2nd private Jewish gymnasium and became a student at Vytautas Magnus University. He studied at the Department of Physics and Chemistry of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Having taken time out to do compulsory military service, he graduated at the end of 1940. On 16 December 1940, he was offered a job as a junior laboratory technician at the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Vilnius University. In his motivational letter for the job, he wrote: ‘I passed all the examinations exclusively with good and excellent grades. I have always dreamed of doing research and I am ready not to spare myself at work.’ Izaokas Sadovas was dismissed from his job on 22 June 1941 when on the basis of the order of the Department of Higher Education of the Board of Education, which was subordinate to the Nazis, all Jewish teachers and researchers were dismissed from work. When the war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union broke out, he was conscripted and killed in action in the summer or autumn of 1941.