Henė Gendlerytė (1915–?) was born in Šėta, Kėdainiai County. In 1933, she graduated from the private “Javne” Jewish Girls’ Gymnasium in Kaunas and entered the Biology Department at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Vytautas Magnus University as an unclassified student. In 1936, Gendlerytė filed an application to enter the Economics Department at the Faculty of Law of Vytautas Magnus University and was accepted. In 1940, she applied to study at the Economics Department at the Faculty of Economics of Vilnius University. On 7 March 1941, by a resolution of the Senate of Vilnius University, Gendlerytė was expelled from the university for providing false information in her application for a scholarship. No further information on the fate of Gendlerytė is known.