Jadwiga Bernadetta Gileweska (1915–?) was born in Krasnystaw, Poland. From 1929 to 1935, she studied at Sarnai H. Senkevičius State Gymnasium. From 1936 to 1939, Gileveska was a student at the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Stefan Batory University. On 19 September 1940, she applied to continue her studies but was not accepted. On 18 October 1940, Gileveska filed a repeated application to study but was again denied the opportunity due to the lack of vacancies in the Chemistry Department. On 1 November 1940, after repeated applications, she was finally accepted to study. In accordance with the resolution of the Board of Education of 1942, Gileveska was expelled from the university. No further information on the fate of Jadvyga Bernardeta Gileveska is known.