Research Professor (Research on protein structures)

Sukurta: 04 January 2025


Research Professor (Research on protein structures)

Life Sciences Center, Institute of Biotechnology.

The date of the call for the competition: 06 January 2025.

Deadline for document submission: 05 February 2025 (local time zone UTC+2).

Research professor of Vilnius University is an internationally recognised leader in their science field; it is the highest position in research at the university. The research professor’s responsibilities include organising and performing scientific research and/or experimental development activities, as well as disseminating its results at national and international levels, training researchers, providing expert recommendations, and educating the society at large.

Description and responsibilities of the position:

It is expected that the research professor will perform scientific research of international and high national level individually (and/or in a team with other researchers) in the field of (structural biology and bacterial antiviral defence systems) and will publish the results of their research (Q1/Q2 quartile peer-reviewed international scientific journals). The research professor will submit proposals for research project funding and will implement the projects; convene teams of researchers and lead them; supervise doctoral dissertations, postdoctoral interns and final theses of students, when necessary. As an expert in their field, the research professor will provide insights and recommendations to society, when necessary. They will maintain professional relations with their colleagues abroad and will take an active part in national and international associations in their field. They will implement other functions assigned to a research professor related to research, methodological and organisational activity, as provided for in the legal acts of the University.

Required qualifications:

Doctoral degree in biochemistry.

Supervision of at least one successfully defended doctoral dissertation or postdoctoral intern.

Experience in structural analysis of macromolecules (X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy).

Experience in studies on antivirus defence systems.

Description of Mandatory Competences for the Career Stages of Researchers at Higher Education and Research Institutions HERE.

Description of other required qualifications is available HERE.

In case the candidates are of equal standing, the following will be considered an advantage:

Working experience in structural biology (publications, number of determined structures).

Quality of scientific publications and author’s input into them.

Experience in leading scientific projects.

The selection of candidates will be held on the basis of qualitative expert evaluation and, when necessary, in other ways. A more detailed description of the procedure for holding recruiting competitions is available HERE.

Starting at: 01 September 2025, duration of contract –5 years.

Workload: 1 full-time post.

Official salary: 3920 EUR (before tax).

Candidates shall submit the following documents:

Description of academic activities in English together with a list of publications (when completing the Activity Plan section, please prepare an activity plan that would be aligned with the priorities of the Vilnius University Strategic Plan and the action plan of the Life Sciences Center).  

Curriculum Vitae.

Certified copies of qualification documents and diplomas (not applicable to current Vilnius University employees).

List of determined protein/complex structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) structural databases.

All documents shall be submitted to , with ‘Research professor (Research on protein structures)’ in the subject line.