Centre of Information Technology Development

Sukurta: 02 August 2017

9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. +370 5 236 62 01

DirectorMarijus Jurgutis

VU Centre of Information Technology Development (ITTC) was founded in 1963 as a part of the former Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. In 1980, ITTC was reorganized into a separate VU Department and moved to a purpose-built building in Saulėtekis University Campus. Nowadays, the main trends of ITTC activities are University computer network, IT infrastructure services, and development of information systems.

ITTC staff members are doing their best providing IT services to VU community: managing University backbone network and local networks of central administration and a few other departments, responding to security incidents and taking proactive measures (CERT), managing network and communication services, administering central identity management and authentication systems, operating  data centre, providing IT infrastructure services to the university, adopting and implementing new technologies and service models. University’s user support process is organised by a separate User support section of the Centre, providing first line helpdesk by e-mail, phone and live consultations. All requests are tracked in central IT service desk and ticketing software system, ensuring SLA compliance and analysis of trends.

Software development section specialists are responsible for the implementation and support of the integrated administrative software solutions that automate the processes of the University. In addition to supporting Vilnius University major systems (student administration, staff management, finances, estate management, scientific research), they are also developing and maintaining main internal and external websites, implementing and supporting the Library information services.

Another important role is the involvement in the development and maintenance of the national Career management information system (karjera.lt) and the national scientific research data archive (MIDAS).

The staff members of ITTC are working closely in the state program Information Technologies for Science and Studies (LITMIS). VU Computer Network operates as Technical Centre of LITNET (Lithuanian Academic and Research Computer Network). More than 120 research and education institutions, libraries, other cultural as well as health care institutions are using the facilities of VU Computer Network. These institutions also participate in the sub-program dealing with the formation of the Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT). During several past years the staff of ITTC took part in workshops and conferences in different countries: Germany, Austria, Greece, Latvia, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Spain, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The staff of ITTC has a possibility of improving the competence in information system design and development during their visits to universities of Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Holland, Finland and Norway. ITTC arranged several e-Infrastructure Reflection Group meetings and workshops to define and recommend best practices for the pan-European electronic infrastructure efforts.