
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics

Sukurta: 01 August 2017

miiAkademijos 4, LT-08663 Vilnius
Tel. 210 9300, fax 272 9209

Director – Prof. Dr. Habil. Gintautas Dzemyda


46 research fellows (incl. 42 holding research degree), 54 doctoral students.






Integrated Development of Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies for the Knowledge Society Advanced Products and Services


A. Skučaitė. Investigation of the spectrum for Sturm-Liouville problem with a nonlocal integral condition.
V. Jančauskas. Evaluating the Performance of Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms.
M. Kurmis. Development of heterogeneous services integration capabilities for changing topology vehicular communication networks.


7th international doctoral consortium Informatics Engineering Education Research
8th international seminar Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems


Akademijos 4, LT-08663 Vilnius
Tel. 210 9732

Head - Prof. Dr. Valentina Dagienė


Chief research fellow: Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė.
Senior reseach fellow: Dr. J. Kurilov.
Affiliated senior research fellows: Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Grigas, Dr. L. Markauskaitė.
Research fellows: Dr. T. Jevsikova, Dr. A. Juškevičienė.
Junior reseach fellows: Dr. E. Jasutė.
Specialists: V. Dagys, Dr. B. Skūpas, Dr. J. Skūpienė, G. Stupurienė, L. Vinikienė.
Doctoral students: G. Beresnevičius, A. Berniukevičius, V. Dvareckienė, V.  Dolgopolovas, D.  Gudonienė, I. Krikun, G. Stupurienė, L. Vinikienė.


Application of intelligent technologies in education
Computer science education
Computing engineering education research
Personalised learning
Software localisation
Technology enhanced learning


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research on Intelligent Technologies Application for Teaching, Learning and Cultural Environment. Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė. 2015–2019.

The following solutions, methodologies et were created: engineering solutions for improving teaching and learning by implementing intelligent technologies; the personalised learning methods and activities as well as ontologies to teach and learn informatics engineering; the personalised engineering solutions for mobile learning; the e-learning recommendations based on semantic web; the methodologies to evaluate the quality of distance learning courses and learning object repositories; the computational thinking operational model; research on its application in general education and in informatics competition "Bebras".

Main publications:

Kurilov, J., Vinogradova, I. Kubilinskienė, S. 2016. New MCEQLS fuzzy AHP methodology for evaluating learning repositories: a tool for technological development of economy. Technological and Economic Development of Economy. Vilnius; London: Technika ; Routledge-Taylor & Francis group, vol. 22, no 1, p. 142–155.

Kurilov, J. 2016. Evaluation of quality and personalisation of VR/AR/MR learning systems. Behaviour & Information Technology. Oxford: Taylor & Francis, vol. 35, no. 11, p. 998–1007.

Jasutė, E., Kubilinskienė, S., Juškevičienė, A., Kurilov, J. 2016. Personalised learning methods and activities for computer engineering education. International Journal of Engineering Education. Dublin: Tempus Publications, vol. 32, no. 3, Part A, p. 1078–1086

Kurilov, J., Dagienė, V. 2016. Computational thinking skills and adaptation quality of virtual learning environments for learning informatics. International Journal of Engineering Education. Dublin: Tempus Publications, vol. 32, no 4, p. 1596–1603.

International Research Project

F7-Science-In-Society-2012-1: Mathematics and Science for Life – MaScil. Consortium Agreement for the Project Mascil 2013-06-12 Nr. 320.693, Coordinator: Pädago¬gische Hoch¬schule Freiburg (Germany), Partners: Austria, Greece, Netherlands, Spain, Lithuania, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Norway, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey.

International Projects

Erasmus+ KA2 Intercultural Learning in Mathematics and Science: Initial Teacher Education (IncluSMe), 2016-1-DE01-KA203-002910. Coordinator: Pädago¬gische Hoch¬schule Freiburg (German). Partners: Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden.

Erasmus+ CBHE Structuring Cooperation in Doctoral Research, Transferrable Skills Training, and Academic Writing Instruction in Ukraine's Regions / DocHub, Project N: 8 574064-EPP-1-2016-1- LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. Coordinator: Vilnius University (Lithuania). Partners: France, Finland, Sweden, Ukraine.

Nordplus Horizontal NordNICE: Nordplus Network of Innovative Computing Education (No. NPHZ 2015/1053).  Coordinator: Vilnius University IMI (Lithuania). Partners: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden.


Aalto University (Finland)
University of Eastern Finland of Joensuu and Kuopio (Finland)
Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany)
Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
Lithuanian Computer Society (Lithuania)


Prof. V. Dagienė –

  • editor-in-Chief of the journal Informatics in Education, (Thomson Reuters Web of Science Core Collection);
  • editor of the journal Olympiads in Informatics (Scopus);
  • coordinator of the Nordplus Network on Innovative Computing Education;
  • representative of Lithuania in Education Committee TC3 under the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP);
  • member of Steering Committee of International Olympiads in Informatics.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Kurilov –

 Dr. T. Jevsikova –

  • member of International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) TC3 WG 3.1 (Informatics for Secondary Education).


Akademijos 4, LT-08663 Vilnius
Tel. 210 9734E-mail:

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Artūras Štikonas


Chief research fellow: Dr. A. Štikonas.
Professor Emeritus: Mifodijus Sapagovas.   
Senior research fellow: Dr. S. Rutkauskas.
Research fellow: Dr. R. Čiupaila.
Research fellows: G. Paukštaitė, Dr. J. Novickij.
Doctoral student: K. Skučaitė-Bingelė.


Differential equations and applications
Investigation of the spectrum and boundary value problems for differential and difference operators with nonlocal conditions
Investigation of degenerate at line elliptic equation


Projects Supported by University Budget

Boundary Value Problems with Nonlocal Conditions and Boundary Value Problems for Singular Elliptic Operators. Supervisor A. Štikonas. 2016–2018.

The Dirichlet type boundary value problem for elliptical equation in the cylindrical area, equation is degenerating in cylinder axis was investigated. The existence and uniqueness of the solution is proved in a class of smooth function.
The convergence of an iterative method for finite difference scheme approximating two-dimensional elliptic equation with variable coefficients and integral boundary conditions was investigated.
The generalized Green’s function for the m-order linear discrete problems with m nonlocal conditions was considered.

Main publications:

Rutkauskas, S. 2016. Exact solutions of Dirichlet type problem to elliptic equation, which type degenerates at the axis of cylinder. I, Boundary Value Probl., 183, doi: 10.1186/s13661-016-0690-8.

Rutkauskas, S. 2016. Exact solutions of Dirichlet type problem to elliptic equation, which type degenerates at the axis of cylinder. II, Boundary Value Problems,182, doi: 10.1186/s13661-016-0691-7.

Sapagovas, M., Štikonienė, O., Čiupaila, R., Jokšienė, Ž. 2016. Convergence of iterative methods for elliptic equations with integral boundary conditions. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 118, p. 1–14.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Investigation of Stationary Problems with Nonlocal Conditions, Numerical Analysis and Applications (No. MIP-047/2014). A. Štikonas. 2014–2016.


Belarus State University, Minsk (Belarus)


Prof. Dr. A. Štikonas –

  • deputy editor-in-Chief of the journal Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control;
  • editorial board member of the journal Mathematical Modelling and Analysis;
  • editorial board member of the Lithuanian Mathematical Journal.

M. Sapagovas –

  • editorial board member of the Lithuanian Mathematical Journal;
  • editorial board member of  the journal Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control.

S. Rutkauskas –

  • editorial board member of  the Lithuanian Mathematical Journal;
  • associate editor of the journal Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. Proc. of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society, Ser. A and Ser. B;
  • editorial board member of  the journal Mathematical Modelling and Analysis.


Akademijos str. 4, LT-08663 Vilnius
Tel.  210 9731

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Kęstutis Kubilius


Chief research fellows: Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Dubickas, Prof. Habil. Dr. K. Kubilius, Prof. Habil. Dr. E. Manstavičius, Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Norvaiša, Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Leipus, Prof. Habil. Dr. J. K. Sunklodas, Prof. Habil. Dr. D. Surgailis.
Affiliated chief research fellows: Prof. Dr. L. Giraitis, Prof. Dr. J. J. Mačys, Prof. Dr. R. Mikulevičius.
Senior research fellows: Prof. Dr. A. Astrauskas, Prof. Dr. O. Januškevičienė, Prof. Dr. S. Norvidas, Prof. Dr. M. Radavičius, Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Rudzkis. Prof. Dr. M. Vaičiulis.
Research fellows: Dr.  A. Čiginas, Dr. D. Dzindzalieta, Dr. V. Kurauskas, Dr.V. Skorniakov.
Specialists: Š. Dirmeikis, I. Grublytė, V. Pilipauskaitė, R. Šimėnas, J. Zinkevičienė.
Doctoral students: V. Butkus, L. Dreižienė, Š. Germanas, M. Lapėnaitė-Gedvilė, R. Užupytė, I. Grublytė, V. Pilipauskaitė, A. Škarnulis, Š. Dirmeikis.


Statistical inference for long memory processes
Statistical hypothesis testing  
Heavy tails, aggregation, random fields
Self-similar processes, Levy processes, rough paths
Concrete functional calculus
Random Hamiltonians
Finite population statistics and statistical analysis of data
Extremal problems in harmonic analysis
Random graphs
Discrete mathematics


Projects Supported by University Budget

Asymptotic Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Statistics. Prof. Habil. Dr. K. Kubilius. 2013–2016.

Projects supported by the Research Council  of Lithuania

Existence of Solutions of Stochastic Differential Equations and Estimation of Parameters SDL (no. MIP-048/2014) Prof. Habil. Dr. K. Kubilius. 2014–2016.

Properties of random fiels and their relation to extreme value theory for eigenvalues of the Anderson Hamiltonian and Anderson parabolic model localization properties were considered.
At observation of a large number of AR(1) time series with random autocorrelation coefficient by methods of nonparametric statistics the distribution of this coefficient was estimated and consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator was proved.

Main publication:

Astrauskas, A. 2016. From extreme values of i.i.d. random fields to extreme eigenvalues of finite-volume Anderson Hamiltonian. Probability Surveys, vol. 13, p. 156–244.


Prof. K. Kubilius –

Prof. A. Dubickas –

Prof. R. Leipus

Prof. E. Manstavičius –

Prof. R. Norvaiša –

Prof. S. Norvidas –

Assoc. Prof. M. Radavičius –

Prof. R. Rudzkis –

Prof. D. Surgailis


Akademijos 4, LT-08663 Vilnius
Tel. 210 9304

Head – Prof. Dr. Julius Žilinskas


Chief research fellows: Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas, Prof. Habil. Dr. K. Kazlauskas.
Senior research fellows: Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Pupeikis, Dr. R. Paulavičius.
Affiliated research fellows: Prof. Habil. Dr. Adolfas Laimutis Telksnys.
Research fellows: Dr. A. Lančinskas, Dr. G. Korvel, Dr. G. Tamulevičius.
Junior research fellow: G. Gimbutienė.
Doctoral students: D. Eringis, G. Graževičius, R. Kriauzienė, I. Meržvinskaitė, R. Smaliukas, L. Stripinis, E. Zikarienė.


Random processes analysis and recognition
Optimization and high-performance computing


Project Supported by University Budget

Analysis, Recognition, Optimization, and Control of Non-Linear Systems and Signals with Complex Structure. Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas. 2014–2016.

Optimization algorithms for speech models, engineering structures, location and other problems. Analysis of the information protection methods and cryptanalysis strength enhancement. Identification and management methods algorithms of self-regulation of nonlinear systems, consisting of a linear block and static nonlinearity combinations, analysis by the way of computer simulation.
The main results achieved were: proposed and investigated optimization algorithms; proposed and investigated an algorithm for the design of the substitution tables of the block cipher systems; the fast Fourier transform procedure modified in order to calculate the spectrum values in real time applications, when in a fixed period a small portion of old observations is changed by a new one; a harmonic generator applied for Lithuanian vowel synthesis; an autoregressive model based speech analysis applied for spectral estimation, evaluation of phonation process and vocal fold functionality.

Main publications:

Korvel, G., Šimonytė, V., Slivinskas, V. 2016. A phoneme harmonic generator. Informacinės technologijos ir valdymas (Information Technology and Control), vol. 45(1), p. 7–12.

Kazlauskas, K., Pupeikis, R. 2016. Advanced Methods for Short Signal Spectrum Estimation. Shaker Verlag, Aachen. Herzogenrath, Maastricht : Shaker Verlag, 150 p.

Paulavičius, R., J. Žilinskas J. 2016. Advantages of simplicial partitioning for Lipschitz optimization problems with linear constraints. Optimization Letters, vol. 10(2), p. 237–246, doi:10.1007/s11590-014-0772-4.

National Research Project

Research Council of Lithuania. Creation and Development of Algorithms for Global Optimization (No. MIP-051/2014). Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas. 2014–2016.

The aim of the project is to create and develop global optimization algorithms. Statistical, heuristic, and deterministic algorithms, their hybrids and parallel versions are developed and investigated in this project. We aim to investigate which algorithms on which problems perform better and propose recommendations for solution of practical optimization problems.

International Research Projects

COST action Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks TD1207 Member of Managing Committee Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas. 2013–2017.

 Energy Production and Distribution (EP&D) is among the biggest challenges of our time, since energy is a scarce resource whose efficient production and fair distribution is associated with many technical, economical, political and ethical issues like environmental protection and people health. EP&D networks have rapidly increased their size and complexity, e.g. with the introduction and interconnection of markets within the EU. Thus, there is an increasing need of systems supporting the operational, regulatory and design decisions through a highly inter-disciplinary approach, where experts of all the concerned fields contribute to the definition of appropriate mathematical models. This is particularly challenging because these models require the simultaneous use of many different mathematical optimization tools and the verification by experts of the underlying engineering and financial issues.

COST action Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS) IC1305. Member of Managing Committee Dr. A. Lančinskas. 2014–2018.

Ultrascale systems are envisioned as large-scale complex systems joining parallel and distributed computing systems that will be two to three orders of magnitude larger that today’s systems. The EU is already funding large scale computing systems research, but it is not coordinated across researchers, leading to duplications and inefficiencies. The goal of the NESUS Action is to establish an open European research network targeting sustainable solutions for ultrascale computing aiming at cross fertilization among HPC, large scale distributed systems, and big data management. The network will contribute to glue disparate researchers working across different areas and provide a meeting ground for researchers in these separate areas to exchange ideas, to identify synergies, and to pursue common activities in research topics such as sustainable software solutions (applications and system software stack), data management, energy efficiency, and resilience. Some of the most active research groups of the world in this area are members of this proposal. This Action will increase the value of these groups at the European-level by reducing duplication of efforts and providing a more holistic view to all researchers, it will promote the leadership of Europe, and it will increase their impact on science, economy, and society.

COST action Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice (ImAppNIO) CA15140. Member of Managing Committee Dr. A. Lančinskas. 2016–2020.
Nature-inspired search and optimisation heuristics are easy to implement and apply to new problems. However, in order to achieve good performance it is usually necessary to adjust them to the problem at hand. Theoretical foundations for the understanding of such approaches have been built very successfully in the past 20 years but there is a huge disconnect between the theoretical basis and practical applications. The development of powerful analytical tools, significant insights in general limitations of different types of nature-inspired optimisation methods and the development of more practically relevant perspectives for theoretical analysis have brought impressive advances to the theory-side of the field. However, so far impact on the application-side has been limited and few people in the diverse potential application areas have benefitted from these advances.
The main objective of the COST Action is to bridge this gap and improve the applicability of all kinds of nature-inspired optimisation methods. It aims at making theoretical insights more accessible and practical by creating a platform where theoreticians and practitioners can meet and exchange insights, ideas and needs; by developing robust guidelines and practical support for application development based on theoretical insights; by developing theoretical frameworks driven by actual needs arising from practical applications; by training Early Career Investigators in a theory of nature-inspired optimisation methods that clearly aims at practical applications; by broadening participation in the ongoing research of how to develop and apply robust nature-inspired optimisation methods in different application areas.


Hospital Kauno klinikos of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)
Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių klinikos (Lithuania)
CC Algoritmų sistemos (Lithuania)
CC Inogama (Lithuania)
Universidad de Almería (Spain)
Universidad de Murcia (Spain)
Università della Calabria (Italy)


Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas –

Prof. Habil. Dr. A. L. Telksnys –

Prof. Habil. Dr. K. Kazlauskas –

  • member of Lithuanian Computer Society,;
  • member of Lithuanian Mathematical Society,;
  • reviewer of international journals:  
    IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing; IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems; Informatica; Information Technology and Control.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Pupeikis –

Dr. G. Tamulevičius –

Dr. A. Lančinskas –

  • affiliate member of European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC),;
  • member of management committee of COST action IC1305 Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS);
  • reviewer of international journals:
    Journal of Global Optimization; Central European Journal of Computer Science; Central European Journal of Engineering; Informatica; Optimization Letters; Baltic Journal of Modern Computing

Dr. R. Paulavičius –

  • affiliate member of European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC),
  • reviewer of international journals:
    Journal of Global Optimization; Optimization Letters; Information Technology and Control; Central European Journal of Computer Science; Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation; Informatica

Dr. G. Korvel –

  • member of Lithuanian Computer Society,;
  • member of Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers.;
  • reviewer of international journal Information Technology and Control.


Akademijos 4, LT-08663 Vilnius
Tel. 210 9340, fax 272 9209

Head – Prof. Dr. Saulius Gudas


Chief research fellows: Prof. Dr. S. Gudas, Prof. Dr. D. Dzemydienė (part-time).
Research fellows: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Lupeikienė, Dr. S. Maskeliūnas.
Junior research fellow: Dr. J. Miliauskaitė, Dr. H. Giedra.
Chief specialist: Prof. Dr. A. Čaplinskas.
Assistant research fellow: L. Paliulionienė.
Doctoral students: A. Miliauskas, A. Šaikūnas, A. Valatavičius, E. Žulkas, M. Jusis, R. Savukynas.

Sector of Mathematical Logic

Research fellows: Dr. R. Alonderis, Assoc. Prof. Dr.  J. Sakalauskaitė.
Affiliated chief research fellow:  Prof. Habil. Dr. S. Jukna.
Affiliated senior research fellows:  Assoc. Prof. Habil. Dr.  R. Pliuškevičius, Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Pliuškevičienė.


Information system engineering:
-    Theoretical foundations
-    Model driven development
Software engineering:
-    Software service engineering
-    Computer-aided software engineering
Knowledge-based systems
Mathematical Logic:
-    Proof theory of non-classical logics
-    Automated deduction
-    Decision procedures
-    Boolean function complexity
-    Lower bounds


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research of Software Engineering Methods Arrangement with Semantic Modelling Methods of Business Management. Construction of Calculi And Solving Procedures for Modal Logics and Lower Bounds of Complexity for Discrete Optimisation Problems. Prof. Dr. S. Gudas. 2015–2017.

An internal modeling paradigm is defined and used for model-driven enterprise software development technique, which begins with the semantic modeling of causal dependencies of business management activities from the self-managed systems viewpoint. The key concepts of management transaction and management functional dependency ensure the integrity of data, knowledge and goals modeling at business management level. Two frameworks are deployed for internal modeling: Detailed supply chain model (DTGM) is helpful for identification of the management transactions, and Elementary management cycle is effective for specification of goal-driven management information transformations.

First general lower bounds for tropical (min,+) and (max,+) circuits solving non-homogeneous optimization problems are obtained. Previously known lower bounds held only in the case of homogeneous problems. The first truly-exponential lower bound for tropical circuits is found. General lower bounds for counting arithmetic (+,x) circuits are obtained. Previously only a lower bound for one problem was known: counting the number of perfect matchings in bipartite graphs. A proof is provided that the classical Bellman-Ford shortest path dynamic programming algorithm is optimal. The powers of tropical and counting circuit are proved to be incomparable.

Main publications:

Gudas, S., Lopata, A. 2016. Towards internal modelling of the information systems application domain. Informatica, vol. 27, no. 1, p. 1–29.

Gudas, S. 2016. Information systems engineering and knowledge-based enterprise modelling: towards foundations of theory. In: Androniki Kavoura et al. (eds.), Strategic Innovative Marketing, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, p. 481–497.

Jukna, S. 2016. Lower bounds for monotone counting circuits. Discrete Applied Mathematics (Elsevier), vol. 213, p. 139–-152.

Jukna, S., Schnitger, G. 2016. On the optimality of Bellman-Ford-Moore shortest path algorithm. Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier), vol. 628, p. 101–109.


University of Latvia (Latvia)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
University of Maribor (Slovenia)
University of Geneva (Switzerland)
University of Frankfurt (Germany)


Prof. Dr. S. Gudas –

Prof. Dr. A. Čaplinskas –

Prof. Dr. D. Dzemydienė –

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Lupeikienė –

Dr. S. Maskeliūnas –

Prof. Habil. Dr. S. Jukna –

Assoc. Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Pliuškevičius –



Akademijos 4, LT-08663 Vilnius
Tel.  210 9300

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Gintautas Dzemyda


Chief research fellows: Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Dzemyda, Prof. Habil. Dr. L. Sakalauskas, Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Žilinskas, Prof. Habil. Dr. R. Želvys, Assoc. Prof. Dr. O. Kurasova.
Senior research fellows:  Prof.  Dr. S. Minkevičius, Dr. V. Marcinkevičius, Dr. D. Ettore Otera, Dr. A. Jakaitienė, Prof. Dr. D. Plikynas.
Affiliated research fellows: Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Garliauskas, Dr. A. Mockus, Dr. S. Steišūnas, Prof. Habil. Dr. J. Mockus, Prof. Dr. A. Pakštas.
Research fellows: Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Belov, Dr. J. Bernatavičienė, Dr. J. Gordevičius, Dr. R. Karbauskaitė, Dr. V. Medvedev, Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Treigys, Dr. E. Filatovas.
Junior research fellows: Dr. A. Rapečka, T. Grigalis, K. Koncevičius, M. Sabaliauskas.
Specialists and engineering staff: V. Tiešis, Dr. L. Ringienė, Dr. G. Jakimauskas, A. Ušpurienė, P. Gibas, V. Dulskis, A. Krikščiūnas.
Doctoral students: L. Ališauskas, M. J. Bilinskas, D. Bykovas, A. Daranda, A. Gimbutas, G. Gimbutienė, A. A. Haidari, G. Jakštas, V. Jakštys, J. Jucevičius, R. Jurevičius, A. Jurgelevičius, D. Kavaliauskas, J. Kurilova, M. Morkūnas, K. Paulauskienė, N. Pozniak, R. Rybnikovė, G. Stabingis, D. Stumbrienė, D. Tamašauskas, J. Tichonov, J. Venskus, J. Zubova.


Analysis of large data sets
Artificial neural networks
Creation and computational realization of complex simulation models in epidemiology, education, economics, and energy supply systems and of various other origins with uncertainty
Data mining
Deep learning
Development of decision support systems
Geometric group theory, geometric topology, finite groups
Global optimization methods
Multi-objective optimization
Image analysis, feature detection, image reconstruction, medical image processing
Internet data mining
Local optimization methods
Medical data analysis and decision support
Multiple criteria decision support
Operations research
Optimal control applications
Parallel computing
Queueing theory
Statistical simulation
Stochastic programming
Visualization of multidimensional data
Swarm intelligence
Web service development


Projects Supported by University Budget

Optimal Solutions in Data Mining Tasks. Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Dzemyda. 2014–2016.

New methods for non-convex multi-objective optimization were developed; one of publications of these results is among 1% highly cited WOS publications of 2016.
Semi-automatic algorithm for Doppler spectrum image analysis for grading aortic valve stenosis severity, a new method for detection of the road pothole contour in raster images were proposed.
The fractal-based methods for estimation of the intrinsic dimensionality of multidimensional data are examined.
A preference-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with stochastic local search was developed and investigated.
Several decidability results in 3-dimensional topology were proved, in particular for finite simplicial 3-complexes with a finite fundamental group.

Main publications:

Žilinskas, A., Zhigljavsky, A.2016. Branch and probability bound methods in multi-objective optimization. Optimization Letters, vol. 10, iss.  2, p. 341–353.

Niakšu, O., Balčiūnaitė, G., Kizlaitis, R. J., Treigys, P. 2016. Semi-automation of Doppler spectrum image analysis for grading aortic valve stenosis severity. Methods of information in medicine. Stuttgart: Schattauer GmbH, vol. 55, iss. 1, p. 23–30.

Filatovas, E., Lančinskas, A., Kurasova, O., Žilinskas, J. 2016. A preference-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm R-NSGA-II with stochastic local search. Central European Journal of Operations Research. Heidelberg: Springer, first on line, p. 1–20.

Application of Statistical Simulation and Stochastic Programming to Big Data Mining. Prof. Habil. Dr. L. Sakalauskas. 2016–2018.

Linear and nonlinear stochastic programming methods and algorithms were developed, applied to processing and analysis of big data.
Big data interpolation methods were developed by using fractional Euclidean distance matrices.

Main publications:

Minkevičius, S., Dolgopolovas, V., Sakalauskas, L. 2016. A law of the iterated logarithm for the sojourn time process in queues in series. Methodology and computing in applied probability. New York: Springer New York LLC, vol. 18, no 1, p. 37–57.

Jakimauskas, G., Sakalauskas, L., 2016. Note on the singularity of the Poisson–gamma model. Statistics and probability letters. Amsterdam: Elsevier, vol. 114, p. 86–92.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Lithuanian Education System Status and its Influencing Factors Modeling (No. MIP-024/2015). Dr. A. Jakaitienė. 2015–2017.

The project has two main goals: the international PISA survey data analysis and education system monitoring index construction. In 2016 we applied multilevel linear regression for the comparison of countries educational stratification approaches and compared the education systems of the Baltic countries and three „old“ EU member states (UK, Germany and Finland) using the distinction along different types of welfare states according OECD PISA 2012 survey data. Moreover, we constructed a composite indicator for the education monitoring through following five stages: data treatment, data normalization, weighting, aggregation and comparing the indices. At the first stage we used single imputation for missing data. All indicators were treated as the profit type - “the larger the better". At the second stage we standardized data by subtracting the mean of the data and dividing by the standard deviation. At the data weighting stage we used two different methodologies in order to compare how the different approaches affect the results. The first one is principal components analysis and the second one is the application of data envelopment analysis known as the “benefit of the doubt” approach.

Research Council of Lithuania. Groups of Geometry and Topology (No. MIP-046/2014). Dr. D. E. Otera. 2014–2016.

The main aim of the Project concerns the study of the geometry of discrete groups, from the topological viewpoint at infinity. Project’s main topics were the asymptotic topology of manifolds and geometric invariants of groups.

Main publications:

D.E. Otera. 2016. Topological tameness conditions of spaces and groups. Results and developments. Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, vol. 56, n. 3, 357–376.

D.E. Otera. 2016. An application of Poenaru’s zipping theory. Indagationes Mathematicae, New Series, vol. 27, no. 4, p. 1003–1012.

D.E. Otera, F. G. Russo. 2016. On topological filtrations of groups. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, vol. 72, no. 2, p. 218–223.

Research Council of Lithuania. Identification of Epigenetic Markers for Early Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer (No. MIP-043/2014). Dr. J. Gordevičius. 2014–2016.

In this project we propose to perform data analysis of epigenetic profiles in blood circulating DNA to detect epigenetic biomarkers for early CRC diagnosis. Our goal is to apply novel algorithmic methods that will reveal epigenetic aberrations in extended regions when comparing cancer patients to controls. The detected regions will be used to train machine learning algorithms and to build and evaluate an early diagnostic CRC classifier. The bioinformatics analysis conducted in this project may provide novel, non-invasive markers, with the potential for translation into clinical practice.

International Research Projects

COST action Big Data Era in Sky and Earth Observation TD1403 Member of Managing Committee Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olga Kurasova. 2014–2018,

COST action High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet) IC1406 Member of Managing Committee Dr. Viktor Medvedev 2014–2018,

COST action A New Network of European BioImage Analysts to Advance Life Science Imaging (NEUBIAS) CA15124. Member of Managing Committee Dr. Povilas Treigys. 2016–020,

COST action Open Multiscale Systems Medicine CA15120. Member of Managing Committee Dr. J. Bernatavičienė. 2016–2020,


University College London (UK)
Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre (Poland)
Middle East Technical University, Ankara (Turkey)
National Cancer Institute (Lithuania)
Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos (Lithuania)
Maribor University (Brumen)


Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Dzemyda –

Prof. Habil. Dr. L. Sakalauskas –

Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Žilinskas –

Prof. Habil. Dr. J. Mockus –

Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Belovas –

Assoc. Prof. Dr. O. Kurasova –

Dr. J. Bernatavičienė –

Dr. E. Filatovas –

Dr. R. Karbauskaitė –

Dr. V. Marcinkevičius –

Dr. V. Medvedev –

Dr. D. Otera –

V. Tiešis –