Faculty of Philosophy

Sukurta: 09 September 2013

fsf9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 266 7601, fax 266 7600
www http://www.fsf.vu.lt

Dean – Prof. Dr. Arūnas Poviliūnas


80 teachers (72 holding research degree), 6 research fellows (3 holding research degree), 67 doctoral students


Nature, Role and Historical Genesis of Contemporary Philosophy
Psychological Factors of Society, Community and Personality Development
Educational Policy in Lithuania: Coherency Issues within National and Global
Sociological Analysis of Social Structure and Change
Social Work and Development of Social Welfare 


A. Matulaitė. Your body just goes bananas: embodied experience of pregnancy.

L. Kotova. The privatization of social work services.

V. Ivaškaitė-Tamošiūnė. Income redistribution in emerging welfare capitalism in Lithuania.

V. Mikuličiūtė. Factors of military teams performace efficacy.

A. Tonkūnaitė-Thiemann. Profiles of social inequality in Eastern and Central European countries.

A. Jurgaitytė-Avižinienė. The theory of young adults’ experience of the finality of life: striving to live more valuably.

I. Bankauskienė. Prevention of psychoactive substance use and its development assumptions for secondary school in Lithuania.

R. Voronovič. Education of pupils’ cognitive skills through application of virtual and real experiments during chemistry lessons.

V. Venslovaitė. The influence of teacher narrative on the student’s aesthetical perception: a phenomenological perspective of musical expression.

A. Gataliūnas. Subjective well-being of Lithuanian society in the context of European Union countries.

M. Skėrytė-Kazlauskienė. A longitudinal study of emotional problems in adolescents with learning disabilities: the role of individual and interpersonal factors.

R. Bikauskaitė. The problem of normativity in ethics of care.


5th Vilnius trauma psychology conference Psychological Trauma and Suicidal Behaviour in Changing Society

3rd Lithuanian psychological congress Psychology of Health and Well-Being

40th international conference of the ISA RC06 on family research Family and Migration

Conference Social Work – Between Dependency and Autonomy

Education at the Crossroads in the Development of Culture and Man: Insight from Meile Luksiene's Legacy into the Past, Present and Future. Together with Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (Lithuania), Institute of Pedagogy, Wroclaw University (Poland), Baltic Association of Historians of Pedagogy


Leonas Jovaiša: nuo pedagogikos edukologijos link: mokslo studija [Leonas Jovaiša: From Pedagogics to Educology: a Research Study] (Ed.) V. Aramavičiūtė. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2013. (book)

I. Stonkuvienė Augti Lietuvoje: Inkultūracijos apybraižos [Growing Up in Lithuania: Sketches of Enculturation] Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2013. (book) 


9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 266 7605, fax 266 7600

Head – Prof. Dr. Gintautas Valickas


Professors: Prof. Dr. A. Bagdonas, Prof. Dr. G. Valickas.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Bliumas, Dr. L. Bulotaitė, Dr. D. Čekuolienė, Dr. I. Čėsnienė, Dr. G. Gintilienė, Dr. S. Girdzijauskienė, Dr. R. Jusienė, Dr. F. Laugalys, Dr. V. Pakalniškienė, Dr. B. Pociūtė, Dr. R. Stanikūnas, Dr. A. Švegžda.
Lecturers: D. Butkienė, K.Čunichina, Dr. M. Dovydaitienė, K. Dragūnevičius, Dr. A. Kairys, Dr. V. Mikuličiūtė, Dr. V. Navickas, Dr. K. Vanagaitė.
Doctoral students: G. Ambrulaitienė, R. Breidokienė, D. Jančiūrė, I. Juodkūnė J. Kaliatkaitė, V.Jurkuvėnas, A. Lošakevičius, J. Narmontienė, D. Petkevičiūtė-Barysienė, L. Rakickienė, V. Rimienė, J. Stasiukynienė, O. Zamalijeva.


Influence of colour contrast, adaptation and location of stimuli in visual field on colour perception (on colour constancy)
Selection and registration of psychophysical parameters for estimation of effectiveness of human being activity
Procedural justice in criminal and civil proceedings
Development of asocial personality
The problems of psychological functioning of students and teachers in the system of higher education of Lithuania
Development of language and thinking
Intelligence testing with children
Psychopathology of early relationships
Addiction psychology: early detection and intervention
Cognitive development and social cognition in adolescence
Career psychology
Emotion and behavioural problems of Lithuanian schoolchildren


Projects Supported by University Budget

The Investigation of the Static and Dynamic Features Involved in the Cognitive Processes . Dr. R. Stanikūnas. 2011–2015.

Perception of unique hues was studied when viewing a featureless background in a specially designed adaptation chamber. The objective of experiments was to establish how robust the colour system is to prolonged full field adaptation and whether unique hues would change under these extreme conditions. For all observers, adaptation time was longer than readaptation and unique hues remain unchanged once full adaptation had occurred. At the beginning of adaptation perceived saturation increases while lightness decreases. Later on during adaptation process lightness gradually increases while saturation decreases until the neutral point is reached. Temporal process of adaptation is described as the sum of two exponential functions, one for the fast process another for the slow process.

The sound induced flash illusion was investigated under chromatic background. The one flashing colour stimuli presented together with two brief sounds was perceived as two brief flashes.

Main publications:

Stanikunas, R., Kulbokaite, V., Svegzda, A., Vaitkevicius, H., Daugirdiene, A., Bliumas, R., Kulikowski, J.J, Murray, I.J. Full field adaption to unique hues, The 22nd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Winchester, England, July 14–18, 2013.

Psychological Factors and Outcomes of Social Interaction. Prof. Dr. G. Valickas. 2011–2015.

In 2013, two research works were conducted. The first one examined how the participants (n=397) of the hearings of various Lithuanian courts assess law enforcement institutions, their own commitment to obey the law and law enforcement officers, the behaviour of relevant officers, court premises and the staff (excluding judges), as well as proposed modifications in the judicial system.

The second research examined the main psychological factors of homicides: physiological and pathological affect, other emotional states which restrict understanding and control of one’s behaviour, asocial system of behaviour standards and reinforcements, mental disorders, alcoholic intoxication, as well as bias in processing of social information.

Main publications:

Valickas, G., Justickis, V., Vanagaitė, K., Voropaj, K., 2013. Procedūrinis teisingumas ir žmonių pasitikėjimas teisėsaugos pareigūnais bei institucijomis. Monografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 388 p.

Čepas, A., Dobryninas, A., Valickas, G., 2013. Nužudymai Lietuvoje: teisiniai, sociologiniai ir psichologiniai aspektai. Teisės problemos / Mokslo darbai, Nr. 1 (79), 5–42.

Valickas, G., Vanagaitė, K., 2013. Teismo posėdžio dalyvių įstatymų, teisėsaugos institucijų ir pareigūnų elgesio vertinimai. Teisė / Mokslo darbai, Vol. 88, 53–72.

Psychological Well-Being of Students: Learning, Behavior and Health Problems. Dr. L. Bulotaitė. 2011–2015.

There were two tasks of the Project for the year. The first one was to examine features of career commitment and its relations with students’ satisfaction with studies and subjective well-being. 213 students of social sciences of Vilnius University participated in this study. The results show that students’ satisfaction with studies is high enough and positively related to affective career commitment. There is positive correlation between affective career commitment and certain well-being scales: environmental mastery, purpose in life and personal growth. The second task was to compare identity, basic personality dimensions and academic achievement between first-year and final-year students of psychology. Specially designed questionnaire intended to reveal socio-demographic characteristics; also Lithuanian versions of EOMEIS-2 and NEO PI-R were used in the study. The results showed no significant relation between identity dimensions and academic achievement in first-year students. Significant relations between Ideological identity domains (to begin with occupation and philosophical life-style issues) and academic achievement were found in the final-year students. The importance of several personality traits for success at university was also stressed in the research.

Main publications:

Bulotaitė, L., 2013. University students personality variables, related to driving under the influence of Alcohol. 27th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society. EHPS Abstracts, Psychology & Health, 28:sup1., p.179. DOI:10.1080/08870446.2013.810851.

B. Pociute, L. Bulotaite, R. Bliumas. Career Commitment in University Students: the Relations with Well-being and Satisfaction with Studies. 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), Stockholm, 9–12 July 2013.

R. Bliumas, B. Pociute, L. Bulotaite. Identity, Basic Personality Dimensions and Academic Achievement in First-year and Final-year Students of Psychology. 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), Stockholm, 9–12 July 2013.

Test Adaptation and Standardization. Dr. G. Gintilienė. 2011–2015.

The research study intended to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Lithuanian version of the Overexcitability Questionnaire-II (OEQ-II, Falk et al., 1999) was carried out. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed the postulated structure of the OEQ-II and other characteristics of validity provide strong evidence of applying this instrument for measuring overexcitabilites of children and youth. The main findings were presented at the 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology in Lausanne (Switzerland). Together the content validity of Students Style Questionnaire based on item analysis has been investigated in order to develop adequate psychometric properties of this instrument.

Research Council of Lithuania

Moral Responsibility: Attribution Practices and Cognitive Models. Contract No MIP-009/2003/LSS-250000-855. PhD R. Berniūnas. 2013–2015

The aim of this project is to construct a cognitive model of folk attributions of moral responsibility on the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis of factors influencing folk practices of attribution of moral responsibility. In the theoretical part, we will summarize factors influencing moral responsibility attributions as they are described in philosophical, psychological, and anthropological literature. On the basis of this analysis we will construct a cognitive model of folk practices of attribution of moral responsibility. In the empirical part, the cognitive model will be tested in the context of folk attributions of causality, in the context of folk psychological explanations of intentional action, in the context of folk theories of normative structure of the world, and in the context of folk conceptions of free will. Depending on the results of the empirical part, the model will be revised.

Experimental Philosophy as an Empirical Analysis of Folk Conceptual Structures: The Case of 'a Person' . PhD R. Berniūnas (with V. Dranseika). 2012–2013.

Our research idea was to conduct experiments in order to investigate the folk-conceptual structure of 'a person' and related concepts, such as 'agency', 'body', and 'mind'. This should contribute both to analysis of folk concepts in Experimental Philosophy and to relevant research in Personality Psychology, Cognitive Science, and Theoretical Philosophy. The secondary aim of the project is to further the development of Experimental Philosophy in Lithuania.

Psychosocial Antecedents of Student Professional Identity Formation. Contract No MIP-017/2013/LSS-250000-854. Assoc. Prof. B. Pociūtė. 2013–2015

The aim of this project is to analyse the psychosocial antecedents of professional identity formation in the context of educational transitions within a diverse sample of high school, vocational school and undergraduate university/college students. There were three tasks of the Project in 2013 year: theoretical issues of professional identity were examined and conceptual model of research was designed; the research methods were selected; 240 students of high school participated in a pilot study.

Social Perception of Judges’ Behaviour and Image . Contract No MIP-015/2013/LSS-250000-431. Prof. G.Valickas. 2013–2015

In 2013, during the first stage of the research work we reviewed the up-to-date studies related to social perception of courts’ and judges’ behaviour and developed the three research methods: a) the initial variant of the “Perceived image of judges and courts” questionnaire (the preliminary research was conducted which examined the people’s perceived image of judges and courts, n=207); b) the method of the analysis of civil proceedings (we also have trained researchers to analyse the civil court hearings); c) initial variant of the method of the analysis of administrative proceedings.

Personality, Health and Socio-Demographic Dimensions of Psychological Well-Being of Lithuanian Population. Contract No. SIN-11/2010/ LSS-250000-959. Prof. Dr. A. Bagdonas. 2010–2013.

The interrelations between psychological (subjective) well-being and socio-demographic health, personality and other variables were studied. Main research was performed using sample of subjects (1202 individuals), representing demographic structure of Lithuanian population. For analysis different methods of statistical analysis were used. The conception of psychological well-being was proposed as umbrella conception. In parallel with analysis of data on psychological well-being two instruments of psychological assessment were adapted and standardized: 1) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2 – Second edition); 2) Lithuanian Psychological Well-Being Scale. On the basis of results of this and other studies, performed in the Laboratory of Special Psychology, a monograph was written.

Influence of Differences Inmonocular Features on Binoculary Perceived Location of Object in Space. Contract No. MIP-015/2011/ LSS-250000-1220. Prof. Habil. Dr. H.Vaitkevičius. 2011–2013.

We investigated physiological and psychological processes related to binocular vision. In order to estimate quantitatively the relation between these processes we need to simulate processes in visual system. The contemporary models (energy and distributed presentation model) are phenomenological. A vector model of binocular vision was proposed. On the base of the model unknown properties of binocular vision were predicted. Results of psychophysical experiments concerned with the perception of binocular visual space corroborate quantitatively the theoretical predictions.

Main publications:

Geissler, H.-G., Vanagas, V., Svegzda, A., Bliumas, R., Stanikunas, R., Vaitkevicius, H., 2012. Real-time gating of cyclic brain activity: evidence from modulations of binocular rivalry induced by rapid stimulus interruptions. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics, 97–112.

Vaitkevicius, H., Vanagas, V., Svegzda, A., Bliumas, R., Stanikunas, R., Radzeviciene, A., Kulikowski, J.J., 2013. Stimulus flashing modulates dominance duration in binocular rivalry. In: Psychology Research, Vol 3, (2).

Vaitkevicius, H., Matuzevicius, D., Svegzda, A., Viliunas, V., Radzeviciene, A., Bliumas, R., Stanikunas, R., Kulikowski, J.J., 2013. Influence of difference in monocular contrasts on perception of an object in 3-d visual space. Sensory System, 27: 4, 291–305.

Modulated Light Influence on Colour Perception. Contract No MIP-013/2012/ LSS-250000-426. Dr. R. Stanikūnas. 2012–2014.

The temporal sensitivity of human visual system was investigated with flashing colour stimuli under chromatic background. Three stages of temporal discrimination process and a region of uncertainty in temporal discrimination were deduced.

Colour perception induced by Bidwell disk was investigated under chromatic illumination. Three types of colour perception were found: direct perception of stimuli colour, afterimage and the rivalry between perceived stimulus colour and afterimage colour.

Perception of unique hues was studied when viewing a featureless background in a specially designed adaptation chamber. During adaptation process lightness gradually increases while saturation decreases until the neutral point is reached. Temporal process of adaptation is described as the sum of two exponential functions, one for the fast process another for the slow process.

Main publications:

R. Stanikunas, V. Kulbokaite, A. Svegzda, H. Vaitkevicius, A. Daugirdiene, R. Bliumas, J.J. Kulikowski, I.J. Murray. Full field adaption to unique hues. The 22nd Symposium of the International Colour Vision Society, Winchester, England, July 14–18, 2013.

Svegzda, A., Stanikunas, R., Daugirdiene, A., Vaitkevicius, H., Bliumas, R., Kulbokaite, V., Novickovas, A., 2013. Colour perception induced by Bidwell disk under chromatic illumination. Perception 42 ECVP Abstract Supplement, p. 110. http://www.perceptionweb.com/abstract.cgi?id=v130612

Stanikunas, R., Svegzda, A., Saveikyte, L., Vaitkevicius, H., Bliumas, R., Daugirdiene, A., Kulbokaite, V., 2012. Temporal discrimination of flashing colour stimuli under chromatic background. Perception 41 ECVP Abstract Supplement, p. 89. http://www.perceptionweb.com/abstract.cgi?id=v120673

Early Development of Self-regulatory Skills. Contract No MIP-014/2012/ LSS-250000-427. Dr. R. Jusienė. 2012–2014.

Aim of project is to study longitudinally development of preschoolers’ self-regulation. The period covers the main stage of research – testing children’s cognitive and self-regulatory skills and evaluation of children’s adaptive behaviour and social environment. Over 200 children and their parents participate in this study. Some results of the study are presented in an article submitted to peer-reviewed scientific journal with high IF, at European Conference on Developmental Psychology in Switzerland and at the Congress of Lithuanian Psychologists.

Main publications:

Breidokienė, R., Jusienė, R., 2013. Savireguliacijos sunkumų ir psichosocialinės aplinkos veiksnių sąsajos ankstyvoje vaikystėje. Jaunųjų mokslininkų psichologų darbai, Nr.1, 18–26.

Breidokienė, R., Jusienė, R., 2012. Savireguliacija ankstyvoje vaikystėje: sampratos problematika. Psichologija, Vol. 46, 27–44. Available from: http://www.leidykla.eu/fileadmin/Psichologija/2012_46/27-44.pdf

Delineating the Moral Domain: a Study in Cross-Cultural Moral Psychology . Contract No. SF-PD-2012-12-31-0394. Supervisor Prof. G. Valickas. 2013–2015.

The aim of this project is to get a clearer conception of the moral domain. E. Turiel and colleagues developed an account of everyday moral judgments that dominated in moral psychology for couple of decades. They suggested that people make a clear distinction between two types of social domains – the moral domain and the conventional domain. But recent criticism exposed certain methodological shortcomings and challenged the universality of this distinction. Critics argue that many people in other cultures or of different socio-economic background might conceptualize the moral domain differently. This is an empirical question that will be tested in Mongolia and Lithuania, this way providing some cross-cultural evidence to further the debate.

Ordered Research Projects

Identification of Gifted School Children: Adaptation and Use of Psychological Tests.(VP1-2.3- ŠMM-06-K-01-004). Dr. I. Žukauskaitė. 2011–2013.

The aim of the project was to adapt Berlin Structure of Intelligence Test for Youth for Lithuanian population: Assessment of Talent and Giftedness (BIS-HB) and Test for Creative Thinking: Drawing Production (TCT-DP). Lithuanian versions of BIS-HB and TC-DP test manuals were published including data of representative sample of Lithuanian children aged from 12 to 16 years. 224 psychologists working in pedagogical psychological services and schools were trained to use these instruments. Research data of the project were presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology (Cape Town, 2012), 3rd Lithuanian Congress of Psychology (Vilnius, 2013) and 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (Lausanne, 2013).


Child Development Centre (Lithuania)
Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester (UK) 


Prof. A. Bagdonas –

  • editorial Board Executive Secretary of the journal Psichologija(Psychology), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/psichologija/;
  • member of Lithuanian Neurobiological Association;
  • member of General Education Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.

Prof. G. Valickas –

Assoc. Prof. F. Laugalys –

Assoc. Prof. B. Pociūtė –

Assoc. Prof. L. Bulotaitė –

Assoc. Prof. R. Bliumas –

  • member of the of Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • international affiliate of the American Psychological Association, www.apa.org/.

Assoc. Prof. G. Gintilienė –

  • member of ISSBD, www.issbd.org/;
  • member of the International Study Group on Special Education Needs;
  • Board member of the Lithuanian Psychological Association, www.lps.vu.lt/;
  • member of Certification Commission of School Psychologists under the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • affiliate member International School Psychology Association, www.ispaweb.org/ .

Assoc. Prof. D. Čekuolienė –

  • member of Society for Research of Child Development (SRCD), www.srcd.org/ ;
  • President of the Family Counseling Society;
  • member of the Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/.

Assoc. Prof. I. Čėsnienė –

Assoc. Prof. S. Girdzijauskienė –

Assoc. Prof. R. Jusienė –

Dr. A. Kairys –

Dr. V. Pakalniškienė –

Dr. K. Vanagaitė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Criminology.

Assoc. Prof. R. Stanikūnas –


9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 266 7625

Head – Prof. Dr. Lilija Duoblienė


Professors: Habil. Dr. V. Aramavičiūtė, Habil. Dr. V. Targamadzė, Habil. Dr. R. Želvys, Prof. Dr. L. Duoblienė.
Associate professors: Dr. T. Bulajeva, Dr. I. Stonkuvienė, Dr. T. Butvilas.
Lecturers: V. Būdienė (part-time), K. Kaminskas (part-time), dr. V. Venslovaitė (part-time), dr. R. Voronovič (part-time).
Doctoral students: C. Barbierato R. Bartaševičius, S. Bieliūnė, S. Kairė, S. Kontrimienė, Š. Nagrockaitė, O. Iljina, D. Ilevičienė, V. Žilionė.


9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Research assistant: Dr. L. Duoblienė. 


Transformations of education policy in Lithuania
Research of curriculum development
Educational management in Lithuania
Sustainability in education
Studies of Lithuanian educational heritage
Dialogue between cultures in education
Problem of personal identity
Globalization and localization in education
Philosophy of education
Higher education
Child’s socialization
Gender differences in education and science
Education culture 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Educational Policy in Lithuania: Coherency Issues within National and Global. 2010–2014.

The main aim of the research in 2013 was the analysis of changes in Lithuanian education policy and management while implementing the EU and Lithuanian strategic goals. Some data of theoretical and empirical research were presented in the monograph Education as Enculturation (to be published) by Irena Stonkuvienė.

Several research papers written by Tatjana Bulajeva, Lilija Duoblienė, Irena Stonkuvienė, Vilija Targamadzė, Rimantas Želvys and analyzing issues of education policy and culture were published in Lithuanian, foreign and international educational journals. The co-authored book, dedicated to prominent Lithuanian educator Professor Leonas Jovaiša was published.

The staff of the Education Department presented their research findings at different national/ international conferences held in Lithuania and foreign countries (Latvia, Portugal, Sweden).

Main publications:

Bulajeva, T., 2013. Tarptautiškumo politikos iššūkiai Lietuvos aukštajam mokslui: konkurencija vs bendradarbiavimas. Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, Vol. 30, 104113.

Duoblienė, L., 2013. Phenomenological versus instructional approach to curriculum formation for sustainable development: a Lithuanian case study. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, Sage Publications, Vol. 7, No. 1, 3949.

Stonkuvienė, I., 2013. Education in culture and education for culture. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, Issue 14a, 315 326.

National Research Projects

Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA).The research methodology of higher education studies politics. Exploratory research. Researcher’s team member and co-autor of the research study Complex analysis of the change of Lithuania’s studies politics 2009-2011. Assoc. Prof. T. Bulajeva.

International Research Projects

TEMPUS. Development and Introduction of Multilingual Teacher Education Programs at Universities of Georgia and Ukraine (DIMTEGU). Contract No 530360-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-GE-TEMPUS-JPCR. The coordinator of the project is Ivane Javakhishvili, Tbilisi State University, Georgia. VU – partner (coordinator Prof. V. Targamadzė). 2012–2015.

Children's Rights Erasmus Academic Network. Application number 527696-LLP-1-2012-1-DE-ERASMUS-ENW. The coordinator of the project is Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. VU – partner (coordinator Assoc. Prof. T. Butvilas). 20122015.


Bristol University (UK)
Twente University (The Netherlands)
University of Latvia (Latvia)
University of Haifa (Israel)
University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)


Prof. V. Aramavičiūtė – 

  • member of the Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science, http://www.lkma.lt/.

Assoc. Prof. T. Bulajeva –

Assoc. Prof. T. Butvilas –

  • Board member of National Childhood Researchers Association (Lithuania) http://navatyra.lt/?page_id=214;
  • member of International Childhood and Youth Research Network (ICYRNet), Nicosia, Cyprus, http://www.icyrnet.net/index.php?page=individuals;
  • member of Children Rights Erasmus Academic Network (CREAN), Berlin, Germany. 

Prof. L. Duoblienė –

Assoc. Prof. I. Stonkuvienė –

  • editor-in-chief of the journal Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/acta-paedagogica-vilnensia ;
  • member of ISCHE (International Standing Conference for the History of Education) http://www.ische.org/.\;
  • member of the Baltic Association of Educational Historians, http://www.baltichistorians.lu.lv/;
  • editorial board member of the journal IJGE: International Journal of Global Education; http://www.ijge.net/ojs/index.php/ijge/about/editorialTeam.
  • editorial board member of the journal International Journal of New Trends in Arts, Sports & Science Education (IJTASE), http://www.ijtase.net/ojs/index.php/IJTASE/about/editorialTeam.
  • member of organizing committee and member of reviewing committee of international standing conference for the History of Education ISCHE 35 - Education and Power: Historical Perspectives, Riga; 21–24 August, 2013.

Prof. V. Targamadzė –

  • international PISTA, IMSCI Conferences Reviewer (USA, Florida) since 2006;
  • member of Program Committee of the 10th international conference on Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications PISTA 2012, Florida, USA;
  • editorial board member of journal Socialinis ugdymas (Social Education) http://www.leidykla.vpu.lt/files/redakcija_1392-9569.pdf;
  • editorial board member of journal Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/acta-paedagogica-vilnensia/redakcine-kolegija.

Prof. R. Želvys –


9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 266 7617, fax 266 7600

Head – Prof. Dr. Albinas Plėšnys


Professors: Habil. Dr. Emeritus E. Nekrašas, Dr. A. Plėšnys, Habil. Dr. Emeritus A. Šliogeris.
Associate professors: Dr. M. Gutauskas, Dr. L. Jakavonytė, Dr. S. Jankauskas, Dr. A. Mickevičius, Dr. N. Milerius, Dr. K. Sabolius.
Lecturers: Dr. J. Čiurlionis, V. Gustas, V. Pivorius, dr. M. Stoškus, J. Tuleikytė.
Doctoral students: A. Dovydėnas, V. Gustas, A. Kaziliūnaitė, J. Kučinskas, E. Rimkus, J. Tuleikytė, L. Valantiejūtė.


General trends in the development of philosophy and specific manifestations of these trends at the turn of the Millennia
Changes in the role of philosophy during the transition from the classical to postmodern informational civilization, focusing on the changes in the methods and modes of philosophical reflection
History of positivist philosophy, focusing on relations between positivist and pragmatist philosophy
The problem of value-neutrality of science in philosophy of science, sociology of science and analytical metaethics
The fundamental structure of Western metaphysics
Historical change of the fundamental structure of Western metaphysics
The impact of metaphysics on the rise of modern natural science
Metaphysical elements in modern science
Philosophical reflection of everyday world
Philosophy of cinema
Practical philosophy with special consideration given to ecological ethics
The problem of dialogue in the hermeneutical philosophy
The ontology of language
Language as fundamental philosophical problem
Philosophical poetics in contemporary philosophy
Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein
The place of philosophy in the process of globalization
Methodical problems in the teaching of philosophy at secondary and higher schools
Local and global culture
Philosophy of Martin Heidegger
The place of local cultures in the process of globalization
Natural and artificial language


Projects Supported by University Budget

Analysis of the Impact of Globalization Processes upon Culture. Prof. A. Šliogeris, Assoc. Prof. K. Dubnikas, Prof. A. Plėšnys. 2009–2014.

The main research titles accomplished in 2013: analysis of commercial and non-commercial apocalypse genre cinema, phenomenological research of imagination, examination the role of cultural industries to produce, classify, and implant dreams.

Main publications:

Milerius, N., 2013. The Deconstruction of Apocalypse Genre Cinema in Kurosawa’s Rashomon. Problemos, Issue 83, 145–158.

Sabolius, K., 2012. Furiuos Sleep: Imagination and Phenomenology. Vilnius: University of Vilnius, 279 p.

Sabolius, K., 2013. Escaping the Dream of the Other. Problemos, Issue 83, 159–172.

National Research Projects 

Research Council of Lithuania. Innovative Practices of Imagination: Art and Philosophy. Contract No. MIP-086-2013/LSS-250000-1443. Assoc. Prof. K. Sabolius. 20132014.

This project aims at analyzing the most innovative cases of imagination use developed by worldwide renowned today’s artists. The analysis of various artistic activities will provide a background for a new model of imaginative theory and practice. Based on the discoveries of famous artists as well as on current philosophical discourses, the project will develop an original practical methodology, allowing the emancipating cultivation of imagination and the discovery of strategies for fostering creativity.


Novosibirsk Institute of Economics, Psychology and Law (Russia)
European Humanities University, Vilnius (Lithuania)


Assoc. Prof. M. Gutauskas

  • editorial board member of the journal Religija ir kultūra (Religion and Culture);
  • board member of the Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology. 

Assoc. Prof. L. Jakavonytė

Assoc. Prof. K. Sabolius

  • member of the Lithuanian Philosophical Society;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology.

Assoc. Prof. A. Mickevičius

  • member of the Lithuanian Philosophical Society.

Assoc. Prof. N. Milerius

  • board member of the Lithuanian Philosophical Society.

Prof. E. Nekrašas

Prof. A. Plėšnys

Prof. A. Šliogeris


9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 266 7617

Head – Prof. Dr. Marius Povilas Šaulauskas


Professors: Dr. M. P. Šaulauskas, Dr. A. Jokubaitis (part-time), Dr. V. Radžvilas (part-time), Habil. Dr. Emeritus V. B. Pšibilskis.
Associate professors: Dr. J. Dagys, Dr. K. Dubnikas (part-time), Dr. N. Kardelis, Dr. N. Radavičienė, Dr. L. Šabajevaitė.
Lecturers: J. Bujokas, V. Dranseika (part-time), M. Gilaitis, L. Jokubaitis, Dr. K. Kirtiklis (part-time), M. Kubilius, Dr. D. Viliūnas.
Doctoral students: J. Bujokas, M. Burnytė, D. Caturianas, M. Gilaitis, L. Jokubaitis, G. Kurlavičiūtė, M. Markuckas, T. N. Mickevičius, V. Petuška, V. Silius, I. Straukaitė, I. Vasilionytė, J. Žalgirytė. 


Philosophy in classical and modern civilizations
Modern – postmodern controversy
Information society studies
Analytical philosophy and hermeneutics
Postmodern philosophy
Social and political philosophy
Contemporary Christian philosophy
Religion studies 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Methodological Research on the Historical and Contemporary Development of Philosophical Discourse. Prof. M. P. Šaulauskas. 2011–2015.

The main research titles accomplished in 2013: metaphilosophical underpinnings of early modern epistemology and contemporary methodological controversies; recent development and the current stance of Lithuanian philosophy; fundamental issues of contemporary philosophy of mind.

Main publications:

Dagys, J., 2012. The Controversy of Psychophysical Reduction and Its Methodological Implications. Problemos, Issue: Supplement, 22 36.

Šaulauskas, M. P., 2013. Bifurcating Foundationalism of the Philosophical Modernity IN PECTORE: Persistent Lability of the HYPOKEIMENON-ATOMON Jointure. Problemos, Issue 83, 721.

Kabelka, G., 2013. The Post-Soviet Transformation of Lithuanian Philosophy: Trends, Disciplines, Productivity. Problemos, Issue 83, 22 34.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Publication of the Scholarly Philosophical Journal Problemos. Contract No. LIT-7-44/LSS-250000-432. Assoc. Prof. N. Radavičienė. 20132015.

Project results in 2013: 2 vol, 170 copies (83, 84, – 33,3 author sheets) published. The Journal included in DBs: Arts and Humanities Citation Index (Web of Science, Thomson Reuters list), Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Humanities International Complete, Humanities International Index (EBSCO list), The Philosopher’s Index (OCLC list), CEEOL.

Research Council of Lithuania (the project is funded by The National Lithuanian studies development programme for 20092015). Translation of Classical Works in Philosophy into Lithuanian: Student Workshop. Contract No. LIT-6-16/LSS-250000-154. Lect. Dr. K. Kirtiklis, lect. V. Dranseika. 20132015.

The workshop is run by young philosophers experienced in translation, a professional translator, and subject consultants who read lectures and provide help in solving practical problems of translation. In the year 2013 the excerpts from "Definitiones" by Pseudo-Plato and "A System of synthetic philosophy" by H. Spencer were translated. Translation is forthcoming in the Problemos.

Research Council of Lithuania. Moral Responsibility: Attribution Practices and Cognitive Models. Contract No. MIP-009/2013/LSS-25000-855. Lect. V. Dranseika. 2013–2014.

The aim of this project is to construct a cognitive model of folk attributions of moral responsibility on the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis of factors influencing folk practices of attribution of moral responsibility. Empirical studies are being designed at the moment. Results are expected to be published in 2014 2015.

Research Council of Lithuania. Experimental Philosophy as Empirical Analysis of Folk Conceptual Structures: the Case of ‘a person’. Contract No. PRO-08/2012/LSS-250000-2653. Lect. V. Dranseika. 2012–2013.

Research idea was to conduct experiments in order to investigate the folk-conceptual structure of ‘a person’ and related concepts, such as ‘agency’, ‘body’, and ‘mind’. Six empirical studies were conducted in 2013 on Lithuanian participants and results were submitted to a peer-reviewed journal Philosophical Psychology. The manuscript is currently under review: Berniunas R. & Dranseika V. (ms) Folk Concepts of Person and Identity: a Response to Nichols and Bruno.


Institute of Philosophy at the Nikolaus Copernicus University, Torun (Poland)
Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy, Cracow (Poland)
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (Poland)
Novosibirsk Institute of Economics, Psychology and Law (Russia)
European Humanitarian University, Vilnius (Lithuania)


Assoc. Prof. J. Dagys

V. Dranseika

Assoc. Prof. K. Dubnikas

  • expert of the Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, http://www.skvc.lt.

Assoc. Prof. N. Kardelis

  • vice-President of the Lithuanian Philosophical Society.

K. Kirtiklis

Assoc. Prof. N. Radavičienė

V. Silius, doctoral student

Prof. M. P. Šaulauskas

director of the Centre for Information Society Studies, Vilnius University, http://www.infovi.vu.lt/mps/index.html;


9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 266 7605, fax 266 7600

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Danutė Gailienė


Professors: Habil. Dr. D. Gailienė, Dr. R. Kočiūnas, Dr. G. Gudaitė.
Associate professors: Dr. D. Bagdžiūnienė, Dr. R. Barkauskienė, Dr. R. Bieliauskaitė, Dr. E. Kazlauskas, Dr. V. Lepeška, Dr. R. Sargautytė.
Senior assistants: Dr. J. Lazauskaitė – Zabielskė, Dr. P. Skruibis, Dr. I. Žukauskaitė, Dr. N. Grigutytė, Dr. R. Rekašiūtė-Balsienė.
Doctoral students: I. Bieliauskienė, I. Dulinskaitė, V. Domanskaitė-Gota, I. Griauslienė, R. Garckija, A. Grušauskaitė, L. Gudaitienė, B. Jakubkaitė, A. Jurgaitytė-Avižinienė, I. Laukienė, V. Klimaitė, J. Lozovska, A. Matulaitė-Horwood, I. Povilaitienė, M. Skerytė-Kazlauskienė, I. Vaskelienė, R. Tomkevičienė, J. Šalaj, M. Tvarijonavičius.


Investigation of the DSH (deliberate self-harm) and effects of long lasting traumatisation

Research in existential-phenomenological psychology and psychotherapy in cross cultural context

Developmental psychopathology

Work and organizational characteristics as antecedents of employee work motivation, attitudes toward work and organization, citizenship and in role behaviour, job insecurity


Projects Supported by University Budget

Psychological Disfunction and Experience of Extreme Stress: Psychosocial Background, Psychodinamics and Coping. Prof. D. Gailienė. 20112015.

Results of investigation of psychological responses to stressful life situations (e.g., pregnancy, traumatic experience of the family member) were analysed and published. Data on attitudes towards suicide survivals and social support were collected.

Projects, Programmes, Issues Supported by Research Council of Lithuania

Organizational Citizenship Behaviour in the Context of Work Motivation in Lithuanian Organizations. Contract No SIN-05/2012/ LSS-250000-619. Dr. D. Bagdžiūnienė. 20122013.

The aim of the study was to analyse the phenomenon of employee organizational citizenship behaviour in the context of work motivation in Lithuanian organizations. OCB is defined as discretionary behaviour that is neither formally requested nor directly rewarded by formal motivation system but is functional to the operation of an organization. During the year 2013 the final version of Lithuanian scale of OCB was prepared, the quantitative research model of OCB, its antecedents and consequences at individual, group and organization levels was developed and research data were gathered in a sample of more than 800 employees. A wide variety of results was found during the analysis of research data, namely, job satisfaction, intrinsic work motivation, job demands, burnout, organizational commitment and other characteristics of work and work motivation were related to and predicted OCB. The research findings were disseminated to national and international scientific society, as well as practitioners.

Main publications:

Bagdžiūnienė, D., Urbanavičiūtė, I., Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, J., 2013. Darbuotojų pilietiškas elgesys organizacijoje: lietuviško klausimyno kai kurios psichometrinės charakteristikos. Psichologija, Vol. 47, 7–23.

D. Bagdžiūnienė, J. Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, I. Urbanavičiūtė. Attitudes as antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour of Lithuanian employees. 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), May 22nd–25th, 2013, Münster, Germany.

I. Urbanavičiūtė, D. Bagdžiūnienė, J. Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė. The Relationship between Organizational Justice and Citizenship Behavior: the Social Identity Perspective; the Role of Job Satisfaction and Burnout in the Relationship between Work Characteristics and OCB. The 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden, 913 July, 2013.

Psychosocial Factors of Psychological Well-Being in the Context of Psychotraumatology . Contract No SIN-01/2012/ LSS-250000-621. Dr. E. Kazlauskas. 20122013.

Instrument measuring psychological well-being and cognitions of social changes were developed. Psychological well-being was significantly correlated with acceptance of social changes, but relationship between well-being and trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress was not significant.

Psychological Effects and Coping of Extreme Trauma and Social Transformations. Contract No Nr. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-02-023/ LSS-250000-2257. Prof. D. Gailienė. 20122015.

Exploratory studies and methodological designs were composed for 3 tasks of the Project: to analyze factors of traumatic experiences, mental health and coping in different age groups; links between unresolved traumas and suicide risk; traumatic experiences and coping factors of specific social and ethnic groups. Scientists took part at 4 international conferences and made 3 presentations. National conference Psychological Trauma and Suicidal Behavior in Volatile Society was organized in March 2013.

Psychological Difficulties Dynamics in Childhood: Personality Traits, Attachment and Mentalization. Contract No MIP-016/2012/ LSS-250000-428. Dr. R. Barkauskienė. 20122014.

The aim of the study is to reveal the developmental trajectories of psychological difficulties in childhood as related to child’s personality traits and attachment and parental mentalization. The study includes three measurements. In the year 2013, the second phase of data collection was completed. The data on child’s attachment and parental mentalization are in the coding process. Data analysis from the first measurement was carried out in terms of personality traits dimensions and structure and their link to psychological difficulties levels in diverse groups under study.

Main publications:

Grauslienė, I., Barkauskienė, R., 2013. Lietuviškosios Hierarchinio vaiko asmenybės aprašo (HiPIC) versijos psichometrinės savybės. Psichologija, Vol. 47, 2443.

Grauslienė, I., Barkauskienė, R., 2013. Vaikų, turinčių aktyvumo ir dėmesio sunkumų, asmenybės bruožai: raiška ir prognostinės galimybės. Jaunųjų mokslininkų psichologų darbai, Nr. 2, 108112.

Psychological Job Insecurity: Its Dimensions and Individual and Organizational Outcomes. Contract No MIP-015/2012/ LSS-250000-429. Dr. Dalia Bagdžiūnienė. 20122014.

The main aim of this project is to investigate the phenomenon of psychological job insecurity (a perceived threat of losing one’s job and/or certain favourable job features), its main dimensions and outcomes at individual and organizational levels. In 2013, the project activities were focused on the methodological work, pilot survey design, implementation of the pilot survey. Main results: two job insecurity dimensions (qualitative and quantitative job insecurity) were distinguished; job insecurity was found to be related to decreased job satisfaction and organizational commitment; employability, career exploration, and career uncertainty were found to partly play a role in the extent of job insecurity effects. The conceptual model based on pilot study results was updated and the second phase of the study was organized.

Main publications:

I. Urbanavičiūtė, D. Bagdžiūnienė, J. Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė. The role of career development factors in job insecurity perceptions. 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), May 22nd–25th, 2013, Münster, Germany.

J. Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, I.Urbanavičiūtė, D.Bagdžiūnienė. The relationship between job insecurity and employee attitudes: The moderating role of overall justice. 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), May 22nd–25th, 2013, Münster, Germany.

Vilnius BEPP Efficacy Study: Comparison with Internet-Based Psychotraumatology Program. Contract No MIP-011/2012/ LSS-250000-425. Dr. E. Kazlauskas. 20122014.

Pilot study of the Vilnius study on the effectiveness of a Brief Eclectic Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (BEPP) was conducted. We found a significant reduction of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms after the BEPP treatment. Positive effects of BEPP intervention were not only the changes in posttraumatic stress reactions, but also included the increase of subjective well-being, better functioning, and the decline of problems and destructive tendencies. Study results indicated the effectiveness of BEPP treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder in Lithuanian sample.

Main publications:

Kazlauskas, E., Mažulytė, E., Želvienė, P., Dovydaitienė, M., Skruibis, P., 2013. Trumpalaikės eklektinės potrauminio streso psichoterapijos veiksmingumas: Vilniaus BEPP studijos žvalgomojo tyrimo rezultatai. Sveikatos mokslai, Vol. 23, Nr. 5, 2328, print/2335-867X online.

Kazlauskas E., 2013. Veiksmingi psichologinės pagalbos būdai psichotraumatologijoje. Psichologija. Vilniaus universitetas. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, Vol. 47, 102115.

Effectiveness in Psychotherapy: Analysis of Personality Change and the Underlying Factors. Contract No MIP-107/2012/ LSS-250000-2150. Prof. G. Gudaitė. 20122014.

100 participants took part in the quantitative research and 38, in qualitative one: retrospective research of psychotherapy effectiveness and longitudinal study of psychotherapy process. 5 presentations were made at international conferences and 6 at national ones. 2 articles were printed:Aggression in Psychotherapy: Qualitative Analysis of Motivation of Clients’ Aggressive Reactions and Formation of Therapeutic Alliance in Relation with Clients’ Age and Developmental Characteristics.


Oslo University (Norway)
Umea University (Sweden)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
University of Trondheim (Norway)
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)


Prof. D. Gailienė –

Prof. G. Gudaitė –

  • member of Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology, www.iaap.org/;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of AP;
  • board member of the Lithuanian Society of Psychotherapy;
  • board member of Lithuanian Association of Gestalt Therapy.

Prof. R. Kočiūnas –

Assoc. Prof. R. Bieliauskaitė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Individual Psychology;
  • member of the Board of Experts of the Inspector of Journalists’ Ethics.

Assoc. Prof. D. Bagdžiūnienė –

Assoc. Prof. R. Sargautytė –

Assoc. Prof. E. Kazlauskas –

Assoc. Prof. R. Barkauskienė –

  • member of Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • National Representative at EFPA Standing Committee of Ethics;
  • member of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, www.iarld.com;
  • member of International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, www.issbd.org;
  • member of Lithuanian Dyslexia Association;
  • representative from Lithuania in the Psychotherapy Committee of European Federation of Psychological Assotiations, http://www.efpa.eu/.

Dr. I. Žukauskaitė –

J. Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė –

  • member of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, www.eawop.org;
  • Board Member of Baltic Area Alliance Board at European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology;
  • member of International Society for Justice Research, www.isjr.org;
  • member of the Lithuanian Psychological Association, www.lps.vu.lt/;
  • Chair of Organizational Psychology Committee at Lithuanian Psychological Association;
  • member of Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers.


9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 266 7610,

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolita Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė 


Professors: Dr. B. Gruževskis (part-time), Dr. R. Lazutka (part-time), Dr. L. Žalimienė.
Associate professors: Dr. J. Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė, Dr. V. Gevorgianienė Dr. E. I. Laumenskaitė (part-time), Dr. V. Lepeškienė (part-time), Dr. D. Skučienė, Dr. E. Šumskienė, Dr. B. Švedaitė-Sakalauskė.
Lecturers: Dr. E. Dunajevas, Dr. L. Gvaldaitė, Dr. V. Ivaškaitė-Tamošiūnė, V. Jakutienė, Dr. J. Mataitytė-Diržienė, U. L. Orlova (part-time), Dr. D. Petružytė, E. Ruschhoff, L. Šumskaitė, A. Vareikytė.
Senior assistants: D. Beliukevičiūtė, T. Kukuraitis, T. Kurapkaitis.
Doctoral students: V. Ivaškaitė-Tamošiūnė, T. Jasiukevičiūtė, L. Kotova, S. Krutulienė, D. Mažeikaitė, J. Navickė, L. U. Orlova, A. Tonkūnaitė-Thiemann, S. Šabanovas, L. Šumskaitė.


Development of social services in Lithuania
Analysis of social policy, social security, pensions
Social support for vulnerable people
Social rehabilitation and integration
Social inclusion
Community development and empowerment
Social prevention and work in dealing with family problems
Rehabilitation and integration of drug and alcohol users
Social and cultural integration of disabled
Dealing with consequences of migration
Intercultural learning and communication
History of social work
Integration into labour market
Labour market policy
Evaluation of the effectiveness of programs and services
Risk factors of young people’s successful socialization
Promoting factors of youth participation
Human rights
Stigma, stereotypes and discrimination
Policy of mental health
Developmental cooperation and education in social work
Motivation, identity, development of social work profession
Power relations in social work 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Searching for Effective Social Work Strategies How to Organize Social Services under Conditions of Welfare Pliuralism. Dr. L. Žalimienė. 2011–2014.

In 2013 problems of social integration and solutions of those problems were examined by improving Lithuanian social assistance system, and employing different empowering strategies in social work practices. Rural social economic problems were analyzed as a barrier for development of rural cohesion. It was explored how people with mental disorders were represented by mass media, what was and what could be a role of mass media in reduction of stigma of people with mental disorders and enhancement of their integration. Practical recommendations for correct representation of people with mental disorders were produced. It has been participated in research organized by Ministry of Education and Science; the research examined professional skills of specialists of early prevention agencies in 10 different cities. Results of those researches were published in two scientific papers and one teaching aid.

Main publications:

Jasiukevičiūtė T., 2013. The Progress of Alcohol Addiction and Identity in Biographical Stories: From Identity Management to „Alcoholic Madness“. In: Visuomenės sveikata / Public Health, Nr. 3 (62).

Žalimienė, L., Gevorgianienė, V., 2013. Hindrances to Social Cohesion in Lithuanian Society: the Picture of Rural Area in Post-communist Period. Journal of US-China Public Administration, Vol.10, No.2, 184–200.

Šumskienė, E., Mataitytė-Diržienė, J., 2013. From Myths to Reality: Mental Health Portrayal in Media. Teaching aid for social work and journalism students. Vilnius: Vilnius University, 68 p.

Modernization of Labour Market and Social Welfare Systems . Dr. R. Lazutka. 2009–2014.

Research on social welfare benefits has exposed their more important role in redistributing income than taxes. Fiscal consolidation measures taken by the Government of Lithuania during the economic crises in 2009 have brought shift to income-tested social assistance from some contributory and categorical benefits in income protection policy. Research on services in Lithuanian psychiatric hospitals showed that the main requirements for the service of patients’ trust person are personal psychiatric experience, the ability to establish supportive relationship, and the independence.

Main publications:

Lazutka, R., Poviliūnas, A., 2013. Assessment of the Implementation of the European Commission Recommendation on Active Inclusion. In: A Study of National Policies: Country Report - Lithuania. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 46 p.

Ivaškaitė-Tamošiūnė, V. Redistribution in the Theories of Welfare State Development. STEPP. Nr.6., 64–73.

Šumskienė, E., 2013. Giving a Voice to Individuals with Psychosocial Disabilities. In: Services of Patients’ Trust Person in Lithuanian Psychiatric Hospitals. Revista de Asistenţă Socială, (4). < http://www.swreview.ro/index.pl/giving_a_voice_to_individuals_with_psychosocial_disabilities_services_of_patients_trust_person_in_lithuanian_psychiatric_hospitals  >

National Research Projects

Benefits in Cash and in Kind: Dilemas of Creating Optimal Model of Social Assistance . Contract No SIN-15/2012/LSS-250000-1446). Dr. L. Žalimienė. 2012–2013.

The aim of the project was to provide the optimal model of social assistance for the special conditions of Lithuania, in order to increase the efficiency and accuracy of social support system. There are residuals of paternalistic philosophy of care in post-communist Lithuania; this is why the activating social policy and empowerment strategies are needed. National and local social support systems of EU countries and post-communist Lithuania have been analyzed and evaluated applying the theoretical approach of neo institutionalism. The project is important for improvement of social policy because it aims at presenting recommendations how national and local government bodies could construct the optimal structure of social support system.

Results of the research were presented by two presentations given at the national seminar for various agents of Lithuanian social policy and by two presentations at international conferences: Žalimienė L. Social Assistance in Cash or in Kind? Dilemma between Autonomy and Paternalism. In international conference for Academic Disciplines. 22–25 October, 2013, Roma; and Dunajevas E. Theoretical Framework of Social Policy Analyses. 5–9 November , 2013, London.

Challenges of Implementation of Mental Health Policy in Lithuania . Contract No SIN-16/2012/LSS-250000-1384. Dr. D. Pūras. 2012–2013.

Results of the research were delivered by two presentations. The first one wasThe Role of Trustee of Patient’s Changing Power Relationships in Mental Health Hospitals (E. Šumskienė) at an international conference Social Work and Power on 8 November, 2013, at Vilnius University. The second one Mental Health: Discourse of Mass Media and Policy (E. Šumskienė ir G. Šumskas) was presented at a national conference Academic Discussion about Mental Health Policy in Lithuania. The results were published in an article: Šumskienė E., 2013. Giving a Voice to Individuals with Psychosocial Disabilities: Services of Patients’ Trust Person in Lithuanian Psychiatric Hospitals. Revista de Asistenţă Socială, (4).

Social Work – Between Dependency and Autonomy . Contract No SIN-04/2012/ LSS-250000-620). Dr. B. Švedaitė. 2012–2013.

Qualitative research of social workers and managers of social work institutions about their relations with power/authority was accomplished during the second project year. Qualitative data was analysed using methodology of grounded theory (A. Strauss ir J. Corbin version). On the basis of the results from qualitative analysis an instrument for survey of social workers was developed. Representative national survey of social workers (sample size was 966) was carried out. The aim of the survey was to investigate how social workers relate to authority, how they perceive and react to the authority. International conference Social Work and Power was held at Vilnius University on 8 November. The main results of the research were presented during the conference, and there were 30 other presentations given at 2 plenary sessions and 4 workshops.


Hanze University Groningen, University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing, Dresden (Germany)
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (United Kingdom)
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy)
Lithuanian Social Research Centre (Lithuania)


Prof. B. Gruževskis –

  • Chairman (Prezes) of the Association of the Polish Scholars in the Lithuania Stowarzyszenie Naukowców Polaków Litwy (SNPL)), http://snpl.lt/~bogr/;
  • council member of the Lithuanian Social Research Centre, http://www.dsti.lt/darbuot.html;
  • editorial board member of the journal Socialinis darbas (Social Work), http://www.mruni.eu/lt/mokslo_darbai/sd/redaktoriu_kolegija;
  • editorial board member of the journal Human Resources Management (Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi), Academy of Sciences of Poland, http://zzl.ipiss.com.pl;
  • editorial board member of the journal Verslo ir teisės aktualijos (ssues of Business and Law) http://www.ttvam.lt/lt/moksline-veikla/leidiniai/mokslo-darbai/verslo-ir-teises-aktualijos/redaktoriu-kolegija .

Prof. R. Lazutka –

Prof. L. Žalimienė –

Assoc. Prof. J. Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė –

Assoc. Prof. V. Gevorgianienė –

Assoc. Prof. I. E. Laumenskaitė

Assoc. Prof. V. Lepeškienė –

Assoc. Prof. D. Skučienė

Assoc. Prof. E. Šumskienė

Assoc. Prof. B. Švedaitė- Sakalauskė –

E. Dunajevas

V. Ivaškaitė-Tamošiūnė

V. Jakutienė –

L. Gvaldaitė –

D. Petružytė

A. Vareikytė –

  • member of Laws Preparation Groups in the Seimas and Government of the Republic of Lithuania, www.lrs.lt;
  • Board Member of the Lithuanian Red Cross Society, http://www.redcross.lt.

D. Beliukevičiūtė –


9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 266 7626

Head – Prof. Dr. Arūnas Poviliūnas 


Professors: Dr. A. Dobryninas, Dr. I. Juozeliūnienė, Habil. Dr. A. Matulionis, Habil. Dr. Z. Norkus, Dr. A. Poviliūnas, Dr. A. Valantiejus.
Associate professor: Dr. R. Žiliukaitė.
Senior assistant: Dr. L. Žilinskienė.
Assistants: Dr. A. Pocienė, V. Jonikova.
Doctoral students: J. Andrijevskis, D. Čiupailaitė, A. Girkontaitė, R. Juras, L. Kanapienienė, M. Pivoriūtė, M. Šupa, V. Urbonaitė, A. Vaikšnytė, L. Varnauskaitė.


Analysis of theoretical discourses (social constructivism, theories of (post)modernity, critical theory, criminological discourses)
Sociology of education
Sociology of deviations and crime
Rural and urban sociology
Sociology of communities and rural community development
Sociology of science
Sociology of professions
Sociology of youthTheoretical and empirical issues in the research on family
Corruption and anti-corruption activity
Policy analysis of social inclusion
Social economy
Role of mass media in contemporary society
Post communist social transformation in Lithuania in the comparative perspective
Social theory of Max Weber
Methodology of comparative historical sociological research
Rational choice approach in sociology
Comparative historical sociological imperiology 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Sociological Discourses, Social Control and Time Structures. Prof. A. Poviliūnas. 2012–2016.

Research in the field of the history of sociology and analysis of the theoretical discourse was continued. The issues of migration and family life were analyzed. Members of the department were participating in the research programmes of criminology and deviance. The Lithuanian social policy and social policy discourse were critically analyzed. The problem of rationality in sociology was analyzed.

Main publications:

Lazutka, R., Poviliūnas, A., 2013. Assessment of the Implementation of the European Commission Recommendation on Active Inclusion. In: A Study of National Policies: country report - Lithuania. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, p. 46

Rapolienė, G., 2013. Is old age stigma? In: ESA 2013: 11th European sociological association conference: abstract book, Torino, Italy, 28th 31st August 2013. Torino, p. 54.

Valantiejus, A., 2013. Racionalumo problema sociologijoje (I). [The Problem of Rationality in Sociology] Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas. Vilnius : Vilniaus universitetas, Nr. 1, 1552.

National Research Projects

Reception of Criminal Justice in Society. Contract No VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-049. Prof. A. Dobryninas. 20112014.

Content analysis of Lithuanian media: (1) Continuation of the monitoring of TV presentations of Criminal Justice issues; (2) Analysis of the internet portal “lrytas.lt” presentations of Criminal Justice issues in 20112012 years; 30 semi-structural interviews with Criminal Justice experts, “well-informed citizens” (politicians, journalist, etc.), public leaders; continuation of the analysis of previous results of the survey on public attitude towards Criminal Justice (2012); analysis of resent publications on the problems of the perception of Criminal Justice in society.

Research results have been presented at: The Stockholm Criminological Symposium (Stockholm, June, 2013): Dobryninas, A. Perception and Evaluation of Criminal Justice Institutions: Lithuanian Case.

13th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology (Budapest, 47 September, 2013): Dobryninas, A., Merkevičius R.Perception of Criminal Justice in Society: Professional vs Public Discourses; Česnienė, I., Giedraitis, V. Macroeconomic Factors and the Perception of Criminal Justice in Society: the Role of Shadow Economies (poster).

National conference of the Lithuanian Sociological Society (1112 October, 2013): Dobryninas, A. Problems of the Reception of Criminal Justice.

Main publications:

Dobryninas, A., Česnienė, I., Giedraitis, V., 2013. Macroeconomic Factors and the Perception of Criminal Justice in Society: the Role of Shadow Economies. Lietuvos kriminologijos studijos/Lithuanian Criminological Studies, Vol. 1.

Giedraitis, V.R., Čėsnienė, I., 2013. Macroeconomic factors and the perception of criminal justice in

society: the role of shadow economies. Beyond punitiveness : crime and crime control in Europe in comparative

perspective : European society of criminology annual conference 2013, 4-7 September, 2013, Budapest. , p. 905.

Dobryninas, A., Dobrynina, M., Česnienė, I, Giedraitis, V., Merkevičius, R., 2012. On Perceptions of Criminal Justice in Society. Sociology: Mintis ir veiksmas, Vol. 2(31), 222238.

Two Decades of Independence: Kaunas (19181940) and Vilnius (19902012) Republics of Lithuania from the Viewpoint of Comparative Historical Sociology. Contract No VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-010. Prof. Z. Norkus. 20112014.

The historical statistical data about the economic, social and political development of Lithuania in 19181940 and selected countries of interwar Eastern Europe were collected, analyzed and compared with those about Lithuania since 1990 and selected post-communist parties. Main finding of the analysis was the persistence of Lithuania’s semi-peripheric world-systemic position during the third and fifth Kondratieff waves of global economic changes despite the fundamental transformation of its social class structure and the consolidation of liberal democracy due to its membership in European Union.

The findings of the research in progress were presented at the 11th conference of European Sociological Association Crisis, Critique and Change in Turin, August 2831 (two presentations), international conference Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Time of Horodlo Union in Cracow, September 2021, 3rd Lithuanian national historical congress From Political History to the Politics of History in Šiauliai, September 2629 (two presentations), national sociological conference Sociological Imagination and Its Politics in Klaipėda, October 1112, 45th annual convention Revolution of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies in Boston, November 2124.

Main publications:

Norkus Z., 2013. When the Kondratieff Winter Comes: an Exploration of the Recent Economic Crisis from a Long Wave Theory Perspective. In: Przestrzeń Społeczna/SocialSpace, Nr. 1(5), 4769, http://socialspacejournal.eu/Pi%C4%85ty%20numer/Zenonas%20Norkus%20-%20KondratieffWinter.pdf.

Norkus Z., 2013. Lietuvos visuomenės klasinės sudėties kaita 1923–2009 metais: trys pjūviai neovėberiškosios socialinės istorijos požiūriu [The Change of the Class Structure of Lithuanian Society in 1923-2009: Three Cross-Sections From the Viewpoint of the Neo-Weberian Social History].Lietuvos istorijos studijos, Nr. 31, 966, http://www.if.vu.lt/dokumentai/LIS/LietuvosIstorijosStudijosNo31.pdf .

Norkus Z., 2013. Kodėl tarpukario Lietuva neteko Vilniaus, o dabartinė – atsiliko nuo Estijos? Why Interwar Lithuania Did Lose Vilnius and Contemporary Lithuania Lags Behind Estonia]? Politologija, Nr. 2 (70), 363, http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/component/jdownloads/finish/94/873.

Emigration and Family: Challenges, Family Resources, Ways of Coping with Difficulties. Contract No VAT-39/2012/ LSS-250000-643. Prof. I. Juozeliūnienė. 20122014.

A quantitative pilot research using international research instrument VOC-IR was conducted in four target groups, amounting to 120 interviews in total. Lithuanian VOC-IR research instruments for four target groups were constructed and implemented in a two-stage quantitative research of Lithuanian families. During the first stage a quantitative national representative survey of the Lithuanian population (total of 1,016 respondents) was carried out, during the second stage the total of 1,003 respondents were surveyed in target groups of three generations families. Data sets are being prepared and submitted to the centralized database of the international VOC-IR research in Germany. Data analysis has been performed on issues of migration experience, migration related problems, conceptualization and social reception of migrant families, three generation family solidarity, family networks and family memory.

Main publications:

Juozeliūnienė, I., 2013. Migraciją patiriančių šeimų sociologinio tyrimo metmenys [The Outline of Sociological Research of Families in Migration]. Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas, Vol. 1 (32), 5388.

Juozeliūnienė, I., 2013. The Development of the Outline for Migrant Family Research: the Case of Lithuania. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, special issue Family and Migration, NovemberDecember, Calgary: University of Calgary, Vol. 44, No. 6, 749763.

Juozeliūnienė, I., Trost, J., 2013. Guest Editors’ Comments. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, special issue Family and Migration, NovemberDecember, Calgary: University of Calgary, Vol. 44, No. 6, 667669.

Fostering of the of Lithuanian Sociology’s Tradition in the Journal Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas (Sociology. Thought and Action). Contract No LIT-13031. Prof. A. Valantiejus. 20132015.

Postdoctoral internship Deteritorisation of Ethnic and National Identity: the Cases of Periphery and Migration. Postdoctoral student D. Daukšas. Supervisor A. Valantiejus. Contract No VP1-3.1-ŠMM-01-V-01-001

Projects Supported by European Social Fund Agency

Internationalization in the Studies of Sociology and Criminology. Contract No VP1-2.2.-ŠMM-07-K-02-053/LSS-250000-2507. Prof. A. Poviliūnas. 20112013.

The aim of the project is to increase the number of courses taught in English in the BA programme in Sociology and MA programme in Sociology and Criminology.


Department of Sociology, University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
Department of Social Psychology, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Department of Sociology, Eastern Caroline University (USA)
Political Science and Sociology, National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
Oslo University College (Norway)


Prof. A. Dobryninas –

  • member of Steering Committee of European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control;
  • editorial board member of the journal Sociologija (Sociology), http://www.ku.lt/sociologija/;
  • editorial board member of the Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia.

Prof. I. Juozeliūnienė –

  • member of the Family Research Committee (RC 06) of the International Sociological Association (ISA);
  • member of the Nordic Family Research Network (NFRN).

Prof. A. Matulionis –

  • member-expert of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • member-expert of the Latvian Academy of Sciences;
  • editorial board member of the journal Filosofija. Sociologija (Philosophy, Sociology), http://www.lmaleidykla.lt/filosofijasociologija/2010/3/;
  • editorial board member of the journal Socialiniai mokslai (Social Sciences);
  • editorial board member of the journal Sociologija (Sociology), http://www.ku.lt/sociologija/;
  • member of the International Sociological Association (ISA).

Prof. Z. Norkus –

Prof. A. Poviliūnas –

Prof. A. Valantiejus –

Assoc. Prof. R. Žiliukaitė –