
Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences

Sukurta: 27 June 2019

chf24 Naugarduko, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 219 3101 

Dean – Prof. Dr. Aldona Beganskienė



Institute of Chemistry
Institute of Geosciences


121 teachers (incl. 113 holding research degree), 21 research fellows (incl. 14 holding research degree), 82 doctoral students.


24 Naugarduko, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 233 0987, 219 3100, 219 3101, 219 3102, 219 3105

Director – Prof. Habil. Dr. Aivaras Kareiva


Department of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
Deapartment of Applied Chemistry
Department of Inorganic Chemistry
Department of Organic Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Department of Polymer Chemistry


Synthesis and Investigation of Novel Materials and Nanostructures, Development of Analysis Methods


S. Mačiulytė. Synthesis and study of polyurethane urea microcapsules with immobilized α-amylase.
L. Pavasaryte. Investigation of luminescent and structural properties of lanthanide aluminium garnets synthesized by sol-gel method.
S. Butkute. Synthesis and characterization of novel luminescent materials: typical oxide phosphors and possible inert host lattices.
O. Opuchovic. Sustainable chemistry approach to obtain multifunctional iron-based inorganic compounds.
E. Grazenaite. Inorganic green pigments: Investigation of historical and synthesis of novel pigments by sol-gel method.
P. Radzevičius. Synthesis and investigation of multiblock copolymers and their anionic brush derivatives.
A. Nicolenko. Electrodeposition of Fe-W alloys from environmentally friendly electrolyte and their characterization.
L. Dedelaitė. π-π compounds in the formation of gold nanostructured sensors.
A. Popov. Investigation of colloidal solutions consisting of polymer and metal nanoparticles.
T. Javorskis. Application of 1,2-oxetazidines and 1,5,2,6-dithiadiazocanes in the synthesis of N, O- and N, S-heterocycles.


4th international conference Oxygenalia2018
International conference EcoBalt2018


A. Kareiva, I. Grigoraviciute-Puroniene, O. Opuchovic, D. Karoblis, A. Pakalniskis, Z. Stankeviciute and A. Zarkov. Multicomponent Metal Oxide Systems for Optical and Magnetic Applications. 12th international conference on Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies FM&NT-2018. Riga, Latvia, October 2–5.

A. Pakalniskis, O. Opuchovic, D. V. Karpinsky, A. Zarkov, R. Skaudzius and A. Kareiva. On the synthesis and characterization of bismuth ferrites. International conference Electroceramics XVI, Hasselt, Belgium, July 9–12.

O. Opuchovic, A. Salak, J.-L. Rehspringer and A. Kareiva. Synthesis and characterization of mixed-metal iron containing garnets. The European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2018 E-MRS, Strasbourg, France, June 18–22.

R. Skaudzius, E. Garskaite and A. Kareiva. 3D SEM Analysis of Nanostructured Materials prior to Morphological Characterization of Adipose Tissue. 14th international Ceramics Congress CIMTEC 2018, Perugia, Italy, June 4–8.

A. Zarkov, P. Usinskas, G. Niaura, Z. Stankeviciute, S. Tautkus and A. Kareiva. Sol-gel processing of calcium hydroxyapatite thin films: Influence of different substrates and processing techniques. 19th international symposium on Eco-Materials Processing and Design, Jaipur, India, February 19–24.


Prof. A. Ramanavičienė. Vilnius University Rector’s Award.
Prof. E. Orentas. Member of Lithuanian Youth Academy of Sciences.
Dr. A. Zarkov. Fulbright Fellowship for 9 months at Georgetown University, USA.


24 Naugarduko, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 219 3117, 219 31 14

Head - Prof. Dr. Stasys Tautkus


Professors: Habil. Dr. A. Padarauskas, Dr. A. Ramanavičienė, Dr. S. Tautkus, Dr. V. Vičkačkaitė.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Kaušaitė-Minkštimienė, Dr. A. Katelnikovas, Dr. V. Olšauskaitė, Dr. E. Naujalis (part-time).
Assistant: A. Žarkov.
Junior assistants: V. Poškus (part-time), A. Žilionis (part-time).
Doctoral students: I. Baškirova, B. Bugelytė, L. Glumbokaitė, M. Janulevičius, A. Popov, V. Poškus, L. Sinušaitė, A. Žilionis, J. Grigorjevaitė.


Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Plant analysis
Novel microextraction techniques for gas chromatographic analysis
Development of biosensors and immunosensors
Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES); sol-gel chemistry
Determination of trace elements using atomic absorption spectrometric, atomic emission spectrometric and spectrophotometric metods
Photochemical synthesis of metal oxide particles
Up-conversion phosphors for bio-imaging
Rare earth and transition metal doped phosphors
Hydrothermal synthesis of luminescent nanoparticles


Projects Supported by University Budget

Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Investigation of Organic and Bioorganic Compounds. Prof. A. Padarauskas, Assoc. Prof. V. Olšauskaitė.

The chromatographic determination of anionic, cationic and neutral analytes on bare silica stationary phase in hydrophilic interaction chromatography mode has been developed. The effect of various parameters on the peak shapes of small polar compounds in hydrophilic interaction chromatography on the two stationary phases (bare silica and amide-bonded silica) was described. The overloading behaviour of charged acidic (acetylsalicylic acid and nicotinic acid) and basic (creatinine and 1-ethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium) solutes was investigated on two stationary phases (bare silica and amide-bonded silica) in the hydrophilic interaction chromatography separation mode at three mobile phase pH values (3.0, 5.0 and 7.0).

Main publication:

Baskirova, I., Olsauskaite, V., Padarauskas, A. 2018. Overloading study of ionized compounds in hydrophilic interaction chromatography. Chemija, vol. 29(4), p. 263–271.

Application of Nanomaterials in the Design of Optical and Electrochemical Biosensors. Prof. A. Ramanavičienė, Assoc. Prof. A. Kaušaitė-Minkštimienė.

A newly developed amperometric glucose biosensor based on graphite rod (GR) working electrode modified with biocomposite consisting of poly (pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid) (PCPy) particles and enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) was investigated. The PCPy particles were synthesized by chemical oxidative polymerization technique using H2O2 as initiator of polymerization reaction and modified covalently with the GOx (PCPy-GOx) after activation of carboxyl groups located on the particles surface with a mixture of N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). Then the PCPy-GOx biocomposite was dispersed in a buffer solution containing a certain amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA). The resulting biocomposite suspension was adsorbed the on GR electrode surface with subsequent solvent airing and chemical cross-linking of the proteins with glutaraldehyde vapour (GR/PCPy-GOx). It was determined that the current response of the GR/PCPy-GOx electrodes to glucose measured at +300mV vs Cl reference electrode was influenced by the duration of the PCPy particles synthesis, pH of the GOx solution used for the PCPy particles modification and the amount of immobilized PCPy-GOx biocomposite. Chemical synthesis of the conducting polymer polypyrrole induced by [Fe(CN)(6)](3-) is reported. Reaction kinetics was characterized spectrophotometrically.

Main publications:

Kausaite-Minkstimiene, A., Glumbokaite, L., Ramanaviciene, A., Dauksaite, E., Ramanavicius, A. 2018. An amperometric glucose biosensor based on poly (Pyrrole-2-Carboxylic Acid)/glucose oxidase biocomposite. Elctroanalysis, vol. 30(8), p. 1634–1644.

Andriukonis, E., Ramanaviciene, A., Ramanavicius, A. 2018. Synthesis of polypyrrole induced by [Fe(CN)(6)](3-) and redox cycling of [Fe(CN)(6)](4-)/[Fe(CN)(6)](3-). Polymers, vol. 10(7), Art. nr. 749.

Gas Chromatography. Prof. V. Vičkačkaitė.

Headspace gas chromatographic analysis is suggested for the determination of acetic and propionic acids in aqueous media. Derivatization of the acids was accomplished by tributyl borate. The derivatization and headspace extraction were coupled into a single step. Analytical characteristics of the suggested technique at the optimized derivatization/headspace extraction conditions were determined. The technique was applied for the analysis of bakery products, ketchup, tomato paste and kefir. A home-made silica-based silver ion solid-phase extraction (Ag+-SPE) system for the fractionation and subsequent gas chromatographic analysis of trans fatty acids in human adipose tissue is developed and examined.

Main publication:

Bugelyte, B., Jonkute, R., Vickackaite, V. 2018. Determination of some short chain carboxylic acids in food by headspace gas chromatography. Chemija, vol. 29(3), p. 193–197.

Investigation of Instrumental Methods of Analysis of Environmental, Industrial, Biological and Cultural Heritage Objects. Prof. S. Tautkus.

GDC powders with Gd content of 10, 15 and 20 mol% were synthesized by aqueous sol-gel and sol-gel combustion methods using glycerol as complexing agent and fuel. The phase purity and structural features of obtained powders were evaluated using X-ray diffraction analysis and Raman spectroscopy. These studies confirmed that crystallization of GDC occurs into cubic fluorite-type crystal structure. Morphological features as well as optical properties of GDC powders were determined to be strongly dependent on the synthesis method. To confirm chemical composition of prepared samples, spectrophotometric approach for the determination of Ce and Gd in GDC samples was suggested. Relative standard deviation values for Ce and Gd were in the range of 1.5-4.1 and 2.0-5.6%, respectively. The obtained results demonstrated that the suggested analytical procedure can be successfully used for the analysis of GDC specimens with high accuracy.

Main publication:

Zarkov, A., Mikoliunaite, L., Katelnikovas, A., Tautkus, S., Kareiva, A. 2018. Preparation by different methods and analytical characterization of gadolinium-doped ceria. Chemical Papers, vol. 72(1), p. 129–138.

Rare Earth and Transition Metal Doped Phosphors. Assoc. Prof. A. Katelnikovas.

The structural evolution between the monoclinic (layered-perovskite) and cubic (pyrochlore) structures is studied for the complete series of La2-xErxTi2O7 synthetized by solid-state reaction. A partial solid solution with layered perovskite structure is achieved until x=0.10. The luminescence properties of these oxides show a low quantum efficiency and the concentration quenching is observed for x=0.10. However, La1.9Er0.1Ti2O7 oxide exhibits interesting UpConversion (UC) properties at multiple excitation wavelengths (784, 808 and 980 nm). Laser power studies have demonstrated a two-photon upconversion process for 808 and 980 nm excitations. Moreover, the measurement of the lifetimes on the F-4(9/2) -> I-4(15/2) and S-4(3/2) -> I-4(15/2) transitions makes it possible to identify an Energy Transfer (ET) mechanism. Photochemically synthesized CeO2 nanoparticles were applied as photoactive compounds in order to generate formation of metallic silver nanoparticles. Irradiation of deaerated CeO2 suspensions in the presence of Ag+ resulted in the rise of a strong surface plasmon resonance band with a maximum at 393-422 nm in the absorption spectra of the solutions, indicating formation of small metallic silver particles. Faster formation of Ag nanoparticles with the lower amount of silver precursor being required was observed when ethanol was introduced to the reaction solution before the irradiation. This implies that oxidative reactions can be strongly suppressed in deaerated ethanol containing solutions with respect to the pure aqueous media.

Main publications:

Bayart, A., Szczepanski, F., Blach, J.F., Rousseau, J., Katelnikovas, A., Saitzek, S. 2018. Upconversion luminescence properties and thermal quenching mechanisms in the layered perovskite La1.9Er0.1Ti2O7 towards an application as optical temperature sensor. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 744, p. 516–527.

Raudonyte-Svirbutaviciene, E., Neagu, A., Vickackaite, V., Jasulaitiene, V., Zarkov, A., Tai, C.W., Katelnikovas, A. 2018. Two-step photochemical inorganic approach to the synthesis of Ag-CeO2 nanoheterostructures and their photocatalytic activity on tributyltin degradation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry, vol. 351, p. 29–41.

Synthesis, Characterization and Analysis of Functional Materials. Dr. A. Žarkov.

Novel synthetic approach for preparation of single phase porous SnO2 thin films with controllable grain size and porosity has been developed. The entire process requires neither organic solvents nor addition of any complexing agent. The thin films were deposited using the spin coating technique from an aqueous solution prepared by dissolving tin(II) oxalate in hydrogen peroxide. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the deposited films are single-phase and their crystallite size increases as the annealing temperature is increased from 300 to 800 degrees C. It was also found that the films exhibit a preferred (110) orientation of the crystallites. Magnetic properties of new multiferroic BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3 perovskite which exists in two different orthorhombic polymorphs, the antipolar Pnma and the polar Ima2, were studied using a SQUID-magnetometer technique in magnetic fields up to 50 kOe in the temperature range of 5-300 K. Both polymorphs show a weak ferromagnetic component below the Neel temperature, T-N similar to 220 K.

Main publication:

Zarkov, A., Stanulis, A., Mikoliunaite, L., Salak, A.N., Kareiva, A. 2018. Organic-free synthesis of nanostructured SnO2 thin films by chemical solution deposition. Thin Solid Films, vol. 649, p. 219–224.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Synthesis and Investigation of Novel Luminescent Anti‐Counterfeiting Pigments (S-MIP-17-48/LSS-610000-1216). Assoc. Prof. A. Katelnikovas. 2017–2019.

During the first year of the project the pilot synthesis of the estimated target materials are performed and the best preparation conditions are evaluated.

Research Council of Lithuania. Research of High-value Emission in Polymorphic Molybdates and Volframates (09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-03-0071). Assoc. Prof. A. Katelnikovas. 2017–2018.

The aim of the project is to investigate polymorphic tungstates and molybdates as suitable host matrixes for upconversion luminescent materials.

Research Council of Lithuania. Investigation of Luminescent Properties of Layered Perovskites and Pyrochlore Structure. (S-LZ-17-04/LSS-610000-2007). Assoc. Prof. A. Katelnikovas. 2017–2018.

The aim of the project is to investigate the layered perovskite materials as host matrixes for lanthanide doping yielding down- and upconverting luminescent materials.

Research Council of Lithuania. Electrochromic/Electrochemical Gas Sensor. Prof. A. Ramanavičienė. 2017–2018.

The aim of this project is to design innovative sensor for electrochromic/electrochemical determination of CO2 and NH3. Electrochemically generated layers of electrochromic conducting polymers and copolymers are applied in order to increase the selectivity and sensitivity of developed sensors.

Contractual Research

UAB Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics (Lithuania)
UAB Elme metalas (Lithuania)


Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics (Lithuania)
Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
State Research Institute Centre for Innovative Medicine (Lithuania)
Malmo University (Sweeden)
Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
Tailorlux GmbH (Germany)
Monpellier University Institute of Membranes (France)


Prof. A. Padarauskas

  • editorial board member of the journal Chemija (Chemistry).



24 Naugarduko, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 2193176

Head - Prof. Dr. Rimantas Raudonis


Professors: Dr. R. Raudonis, Dr. S. Šakirzanovas (part time), Dr. J. Senvaitienė (part time).
Associate professors: Dr. E. Garškaitė, Dr. A. Žalga, Dr. L. Vilčiauskas.
Lecturers: Dr. Kiuberis, Dr. Ž. Stankevičiūtė, Dr. R. Voronovič (part time).
Research fellows: Dr. E. Garškaitė (part time), Dr. S. Šakirzanovas (part time).
Doctoral students: Y. Barushka, J. Raudonienė, D. Baziulytė, A. Pulmanas, P. Ušinskas, L. Alinauskas, R. Golubevas, G. Gaidamavičienė, G. Medvikytė, A. Lyskoit, G. Merkininkaitė.


Film and powder synthesis by wet chemistry methods; surfaces and interfaces; nanostructural materials; sol-gel chemistry
Ceramics/bioceramics, biocomposites
Luminescent materials for solid state lighting, upconverting materials for theranostics
Solid state materials.Synthesis and investigation of different metal molybdates, vanadates, tungstates and phosphates


Projects Supported by University Budget

Ceramics/Bioceramics, Biocomposites. Dr. E. Garškaitė.

Tungsten trioxide (WO3) and molybdenum-doped tungsten trioxide (WO3:Mo) films were deposited on stainless steel surface by a chemical aqueous solution approach using dip-coating technique. The deposited 5, 10 and 15-layer films were homogeneous and continuous. The surface morphology and crystallinity of the produced films were dependent on the metal cation species and concentration of PVA in the solution. FE-SEM analysis revealed the formation of textured WO3 film surfaces having spike-like nanostructures. The values of the static water contact angle measured on the film surface showed that deposited WO3 films can exhibit both hydrophilic and hydrophobic nature, while WO3:Mo films showed hydrophilic behavior. Tribological properties of the deposited films were evaluated in deionized water. All three coatings retained a lubricating layer much better than original steel, demonstrating major reduction in friction and wear. Particularly effective were PVA-free WO3 films, whose friction coefficient stayed under 0.2 for over 2000 cycles. Excellent tribological, hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties along with simple deposition methods suggest very promising potential of WO3 and WO3:Mo coatings in industrial applications.

Main publicatuion:

Raudoniene, J., Laurikenas, A., Kaba, M.M., Sahin, G., Morkan, A.U., Brazinskiene, D., Asadauskas, S., Seidu, R., Kareiva, A., Garskaite, E. 2018. Textured WO3 and WO3:Mo films deposited from chemical solution on stainless steel. Thin Solid Films, vol. 653, p. 179–187.

Synthesis of Calcium Phosphates by Sol-Gel Method. Ž. Stankevičiūtė.

Beta-Tricalcium phosphate (beta-Ca-3(PO4)(2), beta-TCP) powders were synthesized using wet polymeric precipitation method for the first time to our best knowledge. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis showed the formation of almost single a Ca-deficient hydroxyapatite (CDHA) phase of a poor crystallinity already at room temperature. With continuously increasing the calcination temperature up to 800 degrees C the crystalline beta-TCP was obtained as the main phase. It was demonstrated that infrared spectroscopy is very effective method to characterize the formation of beta-Ca-3(PO4)(2). The SEM results showed that beta-Ca-3(PO4)(2) solids were homogeneous having a small particle size distribution. The (beta-TCP powders consisted of spherical particles varying in size from 100 to 300 nm.

Upconverting Nanoparticle Synthesis. Study of Optical Properties and Biocompatibility of Na(Gd/Y)F4 Nanoparticles. Prof. S. Šakirzanovas.

We explore a possibility to apply ultrafast 3D laser nanolithography followed by heating to acquire ceramic 3D structures down to micro-/nano-dimension. Laser fabrication is employed for the production of initial 3D structures with varying (ranging within hundreds of nm) feature sizes out of hybrid organic-inorganic material SZ2080. Then, a post-fabrication heating at different temperatures up to 1500 degrees C in an air atmosphere facilitates metal-organic framework decomposition, which results in the glass-ceramic hybrid material. Additionally, annealing procedure densifies the obtained objects providing an extra route for size control. As we show, this can be applied to bulk and free-form objects. We uncover that the geometric downscaling can reach up to 40%, while the aspect ratio of single features, as well as filling ratio of the whole object, remains the same regardless of volume/surface-area ratio. The structures proved to be qualitatively resistant to dry etching, hinting at significantly increased resiliency. Finally, Raman spectrum and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were performed in order to uncover undergoing chemical processes during heat-treatment in order to determine the composition of material obtained. Revealed physical and chemical properties prove the proposed approach paving a route towards 3D opto-structuring of ceramics at the nanoscale for diverse photonic, micro fluidic and biomedical applications.

Main publication:

Varapnickas, S., Baziulyte-Paulaviciene, D., Jonusauskas, L., Sakirzanovas, S., Malinauskas, M. 2018. Local temperature measurement during ultrafast laser 3D nanolithography writing. Laser-Based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XII, Klotzbach, U., Washio, K., Kling, R. (eds). Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 10520, Art. nr. UNSP 105201I.

Synthesis and Investigation of Different Metal Molybdates, Vanadates, Tungstates and Phosphates. Assoc. Prof. A. Žalga.

Nano- and micro-sized La2Mo2O9 ceramics have been successfully synthesized by an aqueous sol-gel synthesis method using a tartaric acid as a ligand. Thermal analysis of both as-prepared La-Mo-O tartrate gel precursor and La2Mo2O9 double oxide heat-treated at different temperatures was performed. The high-temperature phase transition from alpha to beta-phases was additionally investigated by broadband high-temperature impedance spectroscopy techniques. The alpha a dagger" beta phase transition was characterized by monitoring the conductivity and a transfer of heat with respect to temperature. The crystalline phase stability of monoclinic La2Mo2O9 compound was confirmed by x-ray diffraction measurements, while the dense nanoscale surface composed of the particles, ranging from 50 to 100 mu m, was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.

Main publication:

Zalga, A., Gaidamaviciene, G., Gricius, Z., Uzpurvyte, E., Gadeikis, J., Diktanaite, A., Barre, M., Salkus, T., Kezionis, A., Kazakevicius, E. 2018. Aqueous sol-gel synthesis, thermoanalytical study and electrical properties of La2Mo2O9. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, vol. 132(3), p. 1499–1511.

Investigation of Paintings in Works of Art and Artists' Palettes. Lekt. Dr. J. Kiuberis.

Red pigments and binding media used in ancient manuscripts for rubrication and illumination were investigated. The commercial compounds were analysed with the aim to create a short data library which could be used for the characterization of different model compositions of red pigments and dyes. Finally, these analytical data will be used for the identification of specimens obtained from ancient manuscripts. The red pigments and binding media were characterized using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and thermal (TG/DSC) analysis techniques.

Main publication:

Ciuladiene, A., Luckute, A., Kiuberis, J., Kareiva, A. 2018. Investigation of the chemical composition of red pigments and binding media. Chemija, vol. 29(4), p. 243–255.

Basic Investigation of Sodium and Lithium Ion Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems Using Structural Analysis, Electrochemical and Molecular Modeling Techniques. Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Vilčiauskas.

Li1+xTi2O4 spinel structures are used as model systems to study the complex environment of electrode/electrolyte interfaces in lithium-ion batteries. The lithiation pathways and the potential dependence of delithiation on the corresponding Li1+xTi2O4 surfaces were explored using the density functional theory. Low-index surfaces are found to be highly reactive, with Li forming a fully lithiated phase (Li2Ti2O4) before more Li can penetrate farther into the bulk. The calculated activation energies for the formation of Li2Ti2O4 at the surface are found to be much lower than those for Li diffusion through LiTi2O4, suggesting that a two-phase lithiation process takes place during cycling. Additionally, the delithiation reaction mechanism in Li2Ti2O4 is studied by evaluating the free energies for Li+ transfer to an ethylene carbonate electrolyte by employing a Born-Haber thermodynamic cycle. The effects of an applied (external) potential are effectively incorporated into the thermodynamic cycle and provides the means to calibrate the bias potential to the experimentally known scale. Finally, the effects of an applied electrode potential are studied on the Li2Ti2O4 delithiation energetic pathways in various environments, emphasizing the different contributions to the charge-transfer energetics in these electrode materials.

Main publication:

Stauffer, S.K., Vilciauskas, L. 2018. Computational study of chemical and electrochemical intercalation of Li Into Li1+xTi2O4 spinel structures. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 122(14), p. 7779–7789.

Contractual Research

Tailorlux GmbH (Germany)
Laser Research Center (Lithuania)


Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT), Jena, Germany (Dr. Vladimir Sivakov),
National Cancer Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania (Prof. Ričardas Rotomskis)


National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Construction of Composite Bone Scaffold Material and in Vivo Evaluation of Biocompatibility and Osteopromotion (No MIP-046/2015, executing institution VU, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Odontology). Assoc. Prof. E. Garškaitė, Asist. Prof. Ž. Stankevičiūtė. 2015–2018.



24 Naugarduko, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 219 3110

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Aivaras Kareiva


Professors: Habil. Dr. J. Barkauskas, Habil. Dr. A. Beganskienė, Habil. Dr. A. Kareiva, Dr. R. Pauliukaitė (part-time), Dr. A. Selskis (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. V. Kubilius, Dr. V. Plaušinaitienė (part time), Dr. R. Skaudžius.
Lecturers: Dr. I. Grigoravičiūtė-Puronienė, Dr. M. Misevičius, Dr. J. Dakševič
Research fellows: Dr. V. Plaušinaitienė (part time), A. Laurikėnas (part time).
Assistants: J. Pilipavičius (part-time), A. Laurikėnas (part-time).
Doctoral students: L. Pavasarytė, M. Liubinienė, V. Jonauskė, E. Gražėnaitė, D. Sokol, M. Skruodienė, A. Ežerskytė-Misevičienė, O. Opuchovič, A. Laurikėnas, A. Smalenskaitė, R. Diliautas, M. Kučinskienė, A. Afonina, D. Budrevičius.


Developments of metal-organic chemical vapour deposition technique for oxide films
Transparent conducting oxides
Dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials
Superconducting, magnetic and magnetoresistant materials
Sol-gel processing of luminescent and biomaterials
Conservation and restoration chemistry
Synthesis, investigation and application of carbon nanomaterials
Synthesis of nanoparticles of metal, semiconductors and upconversion nanoparticles for biomedical and optic applications
New materials and procedures for conservation and preservation of cultural heritage
Synthesis, investigation and application of lanthanide doped garnets
Hybrid surface formation by plasma polymerization


Projects Supported by University Budget

New Functional Materials and Chemical Compounds: Synthesis, Self-Order and Investigation of Properties:

Carbon Chemistry. Prof. J. Barkauskas, Dr. J. Gaidukevič.

The nanocomposite coatings made using graphene oxide (GO) and six different organic dyes were used to produce the laser-induced graphene (LIG) coatings by means of near infrared picosecond laser irradiation. The coatings were investigated by means of contact angle measurement with three liquids (1-bromonaphtalene, glycerol and water), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. It was found that the more hydrophilic is the precursor surface the more hydrophobic LIG surface is produced after the laser treatment. Contact angle values obtained on LIG produced from pure GO reached 143 degrees. FTIR spectra have shown that the interaction between GO and dye molecules is realized through the nitrogen atoms. Raman spectra have shown that the best quality LIG coating is obtained using a GO-neutral red nanocomposite precursor. A correlation among contact angle, Raman spectra and topological indices of dye molecules were found, and will serve for the further investigation of the mechanism of LIG production and development of low-defect coatings.

Main publications:

Trusovas, R., Niaura, G., Gaidukevic, J., Malisauskaite, I., Barkauskas, J. 2018. Graphene oxide-dye nanocomposites: effect of molecular structure on the quality of laser-induced graphene. Nanotechnology, vol. 29(44), Art. nr. 445704.

Gaidukevic, J., Pauliukaite, R., Niaura, G., Matulaitiene, I., Opuchovic, O., Radzevic, A., Astromskas, G., Bukauskas, V., Barkauskas, J. 2018. Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide with adjustable microstructure using regioselective reduction in the melt of boric acid: relationship between structural properties and electrochemical performance. Nanomaterials, vol. 8(11), Art. nr. 889.

Synthesis and Application of Nanomaterials. Prof. A. Beganskienė.

Surfactants are one of the materials recommended for the cleaning of movable cultural properties. These substances are widespread in other fields - medicine, cosmetics, household appliance industry, etc. Quaternary ammonium compounds are particularly prevalent due to their cleansing and disinfectant properties. Initial studies have shown that surfactants, including quaternary ammonium compounds, have a positive effect on preserved/restored cultural properties. Using relatively low concentrations of aqueous solutions of these substances, it is possible to obtain sufficiently good results to wash out from the restoration of the document or textiles dirt, acidification of the object and colour changes that cause aging and decomposition processes - hydrolysis and oxidation. The chromium-doped (0-20 mol% of Cr3+) garnet structure materials Y3Ga5O12 (YGG) and Gd3Sc2Ga3O12 (GSGG) were synthesized via aqueous sol-gel combustion (SGC) method.

Main publications:

Liubiniene, M., Kupciunaite, J., Beganskiene, A. 2018. Study of the influence of surfactants on the paper properties and degradation. Chemija, vol. 29(3), p. 157–165.

Butkute, S., Gaigalas, E., Beganskiene, A., Ivanauskas, F., Ramanauskas, R., Kareiva, A. 2018. Sol-gel combustion synthesis of high-quality chromium-doped mixed-metal garnets Y3Ga5O12 and Gd3Sc2Ga3O12. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 739, p. 504–509.

Synthesis of Bioceramic Materials. Dr. I. Grigoravičiūtė-Puronienė.

An aqueous sol-gel chemistry route based on phosphoric acid as the phosphorus precursor, calcium acetate monohydrate and lanthanide (III) oxides as source of calcium and lanthanide ions, respectively, have been used to prepare lanthanide-substituted calcium hydroxyapatite (CHAp: Ln(3+)) powders.

Synthesis of Functional Oxide Layers and Multilayers using the MOCVD Method, Studies and Applications. Assoc. Prof. V. Plaušinaitienė, Assoc. Prof. V. Kubilius.

We have successfully prepared and structurally characterized five novel tin(IV) heteroleptic N,O-beta-heteroarylalkenolates containing -CF3 groups. The synthetic route used reactions of Sn(OtBu)(4) with 3,3,3-trifluoro(pyridin-2-yl)propen-2-ol (PyTFPH), 3,3,3-trifluoro(dimethyl-1,3-oxazol-2-yl)propen-2-ol (DMOTFPH), and 3,3,3-trifluoro(1,3-benzthiazol-2-yl)propen-2-ol (BTTFPH) in dry aprotic solvents leading to elimination of tert-butanol and formation of Sn(OtBu)(2)(PyTFP)(2) (1), Sn(OtBu)(2)(DMOTFP)(2) (2), and Sn(OtBu)(2)(BTTFP)(2) (3). The chelating ligands employed a bidentate N boolean AND O donor set. The reactivity of OtBu groups in the obtained Sn(OtBu)(2)(N boolean AND O)(2) complexes was further investigated in reactions with fluorinated alcohols, 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFEH) and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFPH). Two complexes Sn(TFE)(2)(DMOTFP)(2) (4) and Sn(HFP)(2)(PyTFP)(2) (5) were obtained and structurally characterized. Thermal behavior of complexes 1-5 was studied by thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (TG/DSC). The most volatile compounds Sn(OtBu)(2)(PyTFP)(2) (1) and Sn(OtBu)(2)(DMOTFP)(2) (2) were chosen and tested in a PI-MOCVD process for the SnO2 growth on sapphire-C substrates. Film growth rates at different temperatures (500-900 degrees C), crystalline quality, surface roughness, transparency in UV/Vis-mid-IR spectral ranges have been investigated. The results showed that these two compounds are suitable precursors for MOCVD deposition of high quality SnO2 films. Fabricated films displayed good response to CO and NO2 in chemo-resistive gas sensing measurements. The results of fabrication of nanostructured La1-x Sr (x) MnO3 films grown by pulsed injection metalorganic chemical vapour deposition technique onto special disordered glass-ceramics substrate are obtained.

Main publications:

Podhorsky, J., Murauskas, T., Hegemann, C., Graf, D., Fischer, T., Babiak, M., Pinkas, J., Plausinaitiene, V., Mathur, S., Abrutis, A., Moravec, Z. 2018. Preparation of heteroleptic tin(IV) N,O-beta-heteroarylalkenolate complexes and their properties as PI-MOCVD precursors for SnO2 deposition. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Issue 46, p. 5027–5035.

Zurauskiene, N., Balevicius, S., Stankevic, V., Kersulis, S., Klimantavicius, J., Plausinaitiene, V., Kubilius, V., Skapas, M., Juskenas, R., Navickas, R. 2018. Magnetoresistive properties of thin nanostructured manganite films grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition onto glass-ceramics substrates. Journal of Materials Science, vol. 53(18), p. 12996–13009.

Synthesis and Characterization of Luminescent Materials. Assoc. Prof. R. Skaudžius.

Mg-3/Al-1 and Mg3Al1-xTbx layered double hydroxides (LDHs) intercalated with terephthalate anion were synthesized using sol-gel method. The obtained materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy (FLS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Tb3+ substitution effects in the Mg3Al1-xTbx LDHs were investigated by changing the Tb3+ concentration in the cation layers. The study indicates that the organic guest-terephthalate in the interlayer spacing of the LDH host influences the luminescence of the hybrid inorganic-organic materials. Terbium Tb3+ and europium Eu3+ metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based on 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid (TFBDC) were synthesized by precipitation and diffusion controlled precipitation methods.

Main publications:

Smalenskaite, A., Salak, A.N., Ferreira, M.G.S., Skaudzius, R., Kareiva, A. 2018. Sol-gel synthesis and characterization of hybrid inorganic-organic Tb(III)-terephthalate containing layered double hydroxides. Optical Materials, vol. 80, p. 186–196.

Laurikenas, A., Katelnikovas, A., Skaudzius, R., Kareiva, A. 2018. Synthesis and characterization of Tb3+ and Eu3+ metal-organic frameworks with TFBDC2- linkers. Optical Materials, vol. 83, p. 363–369.

Development of Sol-Gel Synthesis Method for the Preparation of Mixed-Metal Oxides. Prof. A. Kareiva.

Cobalt chromite based pigments CoCr(2-x)Ln(x)O(4) (Ln=Tm3+ and Yb3+) with different substitutional level of lanthanide (x=0-0.5) have been synthesized using aqueous sol gel synthetic approach. The XRD analysis revealed that single phase spinel was obtained only with low content of lanthanide ions (x=0.01-0.04). The sol gel derived powders with higher concentration of lanthanide (x=0.05-0.2) contained minor amount of orthochromite phase. At the highest substitutional level (x >= 0.2) the perovskite phase became the main crystalline phase. The colour of obtained pigments and corresponding ceramic glazes were analogous. Depending on the dominant phase, the colour varied from bluish-green (prevailing spinel phase) to dark brownish green (the main perovskite phase). This study proved that the replacement of chromium ions by thulium and ytterbium was successful at low content of lanthanides influencing the shade of pigment and corresponding glazes. Sm3+-Doped and Eu3+/Sm3+-co-doped yttrium aluminium garnets (YAG) have been synthesized by an environmentally friendly sol-gel method.

Main publications:

Grazenaite, E., Jasulaitiene, V., Ramanauskas, R., Kareiva, A. 2018. Sol-gel synthesis, characterization and application of lanthanide-doped cobalt chromites (CoCr(2-x)Ln(x)O(4); Ln=Tm3+ and Yb3+). Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol. 38(9), p. 3361–3368.

Pavasaryte, L., Katelnikovas, A., Klimavicius, V. Balevicius, V., Momot, A., Van Bael, M., Hardy, A., Kareiva, A. 2018. Eu3+-Doped Y3-xSmxAl5O12 garnet: synthesis and structural investigation. New Journal of Chemistry, vol. 42(3), p. 2278–2287.

National Research Projects

National Research Programme Healthy ageing. Project of Research Council of Lithuania 3D SEM ‐ A New Tool for Targeted Characterization of Adipose Tissue and Determination of Early Prognostic Factors of Metabolic Diseases (SEMAT) (SEN-16014). Prof. A. Kareiva. 2016–2018.

LITHUANIA-FRANCE Cooperation Project Synthesis of Magnetic Nanomaterials Using Environmently Benign Sol-Gel Method and Application in Medicine (MAGNA) (TAP LZ-17-009). 2017–2018.

International Research Projects

HORIZON 2020 MSCA-RISE-2014: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) project TUMOCS: TUneable Multiferroics Based on Oxygen Octahedral Structures. Prof. A. Kareiva. 2014–2018.

HORIZON 2020 MSCA-RISE-2017: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) project TransFerr: Transition Metal Oxides with Metastable Phases: a Way Towards Superior Ferroic Properties. 2017–2021.


University of Franche-Comté, FEMTO-ST Institute, Besancon (France)
Universite de Loraine, Supelec, Labor. Materiaux Optiques, Photonique et Systemes, Metz (France)
Vilnius Gediminas Tech Univ, Dept Phys (Lithuania)
Inst Semicond Phys, Ctr Phys Sci & Technol (Lithuania)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Charles University of Prague (Czech Republic)
Department of Chemistry, University of Applied Sciences, Muenster (Germany)
Paul Scherrer Institut, FEMTO-SLS, Villigen (Switzerland)
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius (Lithuania)
National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech) (Taiwan, R.O.C.)
University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)


Prof. A. Kareiva

  • member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • deputy editor of the journal Chemija (Chemistry);
  • editorial board member of the Current Inorganic Chemistry;
  • guest editor for Special Issue Mixed Metal Oxides of Inorganics;
  • editorial board member of the Eurasian Journal of Physics and Functional Materials;
  • editorial board member of the Coatings;
  • guest editor for Special Issue Sol-Gel Synthesis of Materials of Materials;
  • editorial board member of Materials.



24 Naugarduko, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 219 3197

Head - Prof. Dr. Edvinas Orentas


Professors: Dr. I. Čikotienė (part-time), Dr. V. Masevicius, Dr. E. Orentas (part-time), Habil. Dr. S. Tumkevičius, Dr. A. Zilinskas.
Professor Emeritus Habil. Dr. P. Vainilavičius.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Brukštus, Dr. J. Dodonova Dr. V. Jakubkienė, Dr. R. Vaitkus.
Assistants: Dr. Karpaviciene, Dr. G. Petraityte (part-time), Dr. S. Visniakova (part-time).
Lecturers: Dr. J. Bucevicius, Dr. Karpaviciene (part-time).
Research fellows: Dr. R. Buksnaitiene, Dr. E. Orentas (part-time), Dr. G. Petraityte (part-time). 
Doctoral students: T. Javorskis (part-time), M. Jonusis, K. Karpavičius, A. Neniskis, V. Vaitkevicius, A. Urbanaite, R. V. Urbonas, I. Fiodorova.


Metal-catalyzed organic reactions
Heterocyclic chemistry
Design, synthesis and transformations of novel nitrogen, oxygen and/or sulphur heterocycles, their functional derivatives and structural analogs of natural compounds
Design, synthesis and characterization of AdoMet analogues
Enantioselective synthesis of polycyclic molecules
Chiroptical properties
Self-assembly of organic molecules
Synthesis of supramolecular structures based on chiral bicyclic frameworks fused with heteroaromatic fragments
Light-emitting organic materials
Charge-transporting organic materials
Biological activity of organic compounds
Crystal engineering
X-ray diffraction
NMR, FTIR, Raman, UV, CD spectroscopy of organic compounds
Quantum chemical methods


Projects Supported by University Budget

Synthesis of Functional Heteroaromatic Materials and Investigation of Their Optical and Biological Properties. Prof. S. Tumkevičius, Assoc. Prof. J. Dodonova, Assoc. Prof. V. Jakubkienė, Dr. J. Bucevičius.

Utilization of "dark'' triplet states is a key task for design of novel emissive organic compounds. Thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) and room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) are two promising pathways to employ triplet excitons and reach high internal quantum efficiencies. In this paper we present a series of carbazole-pyrimidine cored compounds, showing RTP and TADF. A specific energy level scheme was shown to promote intersystem crossing and RTP in carbazole-pyrimidine derivatives with phosphorescence quantum yield values of up to 0.07 in rigid Zeonex films. The modification of the acceptor core with 2-methylthio and dimethylamine fragments allowed us to reduce the singlet-triplet energy gap, enhance the rISC (reverse intersystem crossing) rate and obtain high intensity TADF with a fluorescence quantum yield of up to 0.32. Time resolved fluorescence analysis revealed the presence of conformational disorder of the donor-acceptor core governing TADF properties in solid films. Despite apparent similarity, two isotopomers of acetonitrile (ACN-h(3) and ACN-d(3)) show unexpected differences in their structural and dynamic properties. These differences cannot be fully understood within the usual isotope effect and therefore called as unresolved casus. Sensing the solvent properties, the H-bond dynamics of picolinic acid N-oxide (PANO) in ACN was studied using H-1 and O-17 NMR. Several overlapping factors, like the presence of micro-traces of water, liquid-liquid equilibrium, effect of ionic ingredient, etc., which may cause the observed anomalies in the dependences of PANO chemical shift and signal width on temperature, were analyzed.

Main publications:

Serevicius, T., Buciunas, T., Bucevicius, J., Dodonova, J., Tumkevicius, S., Kazlauskas, K., Jursenas, S. 2018. Room temperature phosphorescence vs. thermally activated delayed fluorescence in carbazole-pyrimidine cored compounds. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol. 6(41), p. 11128–11136.

Marsalka, A., Dagys, L., Jakubkiene, V., Tumkevicius, S., Balevicius, V. 2018. H-1 and O-17 NMR study of H-bond dynamics in picolinic acid N-oxide solutions in acetonitrile-h(3) and acetonitrile-d(3): Novel aspects of old casus. Chemical Physics, vol. 513, p. 17–22.

Synthesis and Investigation of Novel Heterocycles Fused with Fragments of Bridge-Head Hydrocarbons. Prof. A. Zilinskas.

The influence of different chemical composition and physical properties of olive oils on their tribological performance and corrosion protection has been investigated. The chemical composition was determined by means of IR, H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. The investigated olive oils show small quantitative and qualitative differences between each other (the amount of free fatty acids and the composition of fatty acids in triglycerides). The spectroscopic data let us unambiguously determine in general that the main fatty acids in oils are saturated palmitic and/or stearic acids, unsaturated oleic and linoleic acids except linolenic acid.

Main publication:

Cesiulis, H., Zilinskas, A., Padgurskas, J., Kreivaitis, R., Rukuiza, R. 2018. Chemical, electrochemical and tribological study of various olive oils and their behaviour on steel. Chemija, vol. 29(1), p. 17–27.

Research on Synthesis and Functionalization of Pyrimidine Based Heterocyclic Compounds. Heterocyclization Reactions. Prof. V. Masevicius.

S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent 2'-O-methylation of the 3'-terminal nucleotide plays important roles in biogenesis of eukaryotic small non-coding RNAs, such as siRNAs, miRNAs and Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs). Here we demonstrate that, in contrast to Mg2+/Mn2+-dependent plant and bacterial homologues, the Drosophila DmHen1 and human HsHEN1 piRNA methyltransferases require cobalt cations for their enzymatic activity in vitro. We also show for the first time the capacity of the animal Hen1 to catalyse the transfer of a variety of extended chemical groups from synthetic analogues of the AdoMet cofactor onto a wide range (22-80 nt) of single-stranded RNAs permitting their 3'-terminal functionalization and labelling. Moreover, we provide evidence that deletion of a small C-terminal region of the DmHen1 protein further increases its modification efficiency and abolishes a modest 3'-terminal nucleotide bias observed for the full-length protein. Finally, we show that fluorophore-tagged ssRNA molecules are successfully detected in fluorescence resonance energy transfer assays both individually and in a total RNA mixture.

Main publication:

Mickute, M., Nainyte, M., Vasiliauskaite, L., Plotnikova, A., Masevicius, V., Klimasauskas, S., Vilkaitis, G. 2018. Animal Hen1 2 '-O- methyltransferases as tools for 3 '-terminal functionalization and labelling of single-stranded RNAs. Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 46(17), Art. nr. e104.

Supramolecular Chemistry in the Design of Functional Materials. Search for Novel Photochemical Reactions and their Application in Synthesis. Prof. E. Orentas.

A new strategy towards tubular hydrogen-bonded polymers based on the self-assembly of isocytosine tautomers in orthogonal directions is proposed and experimentally verified, including by H-1 fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR. The molecular tubes obtained possess large internal diameter and tailor-made outer functionalities rendering them potential candidates for a number of applications.

Main publication:

Neniskis, A., Rackauskaite, D., Shi, Q., Robertson, A.J., Marsh, A., Ulcinas, A., Valiokas, R., Brown, S.P., Warnmark, K., Orentas, E. 2018. A tautoleptic approach to chiral hydrogen-bonded supramolecular tubular polymers with large cavity. Chemistry-A European Journal, vol. 24(53), p. 14028–14033.

Study of Cyclodextrin Complexation Processes. Assoc. Prof. R. Vaitkus.

The electroless deposition and galvanic displacement methods were used for the fabrication of cobalt-boron (CoB) catalysts modified with small amounts of platinum crystallites in the range of 9.8 to 14.4 mu g(pt), cm(-2). The prepared catalysts were studied as the anode materials for direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide (NaBH4/H2O2) fuel cells at temperatures of 25-55 degrees C.

Main publication:

Balciunaite, A., Sukackiene, Z., Tamasauskaite-Tamasiunaite, L., Vaitkus, R., Norkus, E. 2018. Application of platinum-cobalt-boron as the anode material for sodium borohydride-hydrogen peroxide fuel cells. Chemija, vol. 29(4), p. 227–233.


Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
Lund University (Sweden)
La Laguna University (Spain)
Jyvaskyla University (Finland)
d’Artois university (France)


Prof. S. Tumkevicius

  • editorial board member of the journal Chemija (Chemistry)



24 Naugarduko, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 233 7517, 219 3114

Head - Prof. Habil. Dr. Arūnas Ramanavičius


Professors: Habil. Dr. A. Ramanavičius (part-time), Dr. H. Cesiulis, Habil. Dr. A. Malinauskas (part-time), Habil. Dr. R. Ramanauskas (part-time)
Associated professors: Dr. D. Plaušinaitis, Dr. A. Valiūnienė.
Lecturers: Dr. L. Mikoliūnaitė, Dr. I. Plikusienė.
Research fellows: Habil. Dr. A. Ramanavičius (part-time).
Doctoral students: E. Vernickaitė, A. Nicolenco, A. Rekertaitė, L. Dedelaitė, P. Genys, L. Sinkevičius, E. Andriukonis, Š. Žukauskas, D. Jukneleivičius, R. Levinas, M. Vainorius, A. Kisieliūtė, T. Sabirovas, D. Balčiūnas, G. Medvikytė.


Biofuel cells
Scanning electrochemical microscopy
Surface plasmon resonance
Investigation of the electrodeposition and properties of obtained tungsten- and molybdenum-containing alloys
Metals and alloys electrodeposition
Corrosion of metals and alloys
Template-assisted deposition
Electrooxidation of cyanides
Electrochemical treatment of titanium, tungsten


Projects Supported by University Budget

Electrochemical Methods in Biosensors. Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Ramanavičius, Dr. I. Plikusienė, Dr. L. Mikoliūnaitė.

Al2O3/ZnO nanolaminates were evaluated for possible application in the design of optical immunosensors. Total internal reflection ellipsometry (TIRE) was utilized to study the optical response during the formation of a bovine serum albumin (BSA) based monolayer on the surface of Al2O3/ZnO nanolaminates, which were pre-modified with a N-(3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) layer. The influence of the thicknesses of Al2O3 and ZnO layers on the performance of Al2O3/ZnO nanolaminate based structures has been assessed. The metabolism of yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) was utilized for the synthesis of the conducting polymer - polypyrrole (Ppy).Yeast cells were modified in situ by synthesized Ppy. The Ppy was formed in the cell wall by redox-cycling of [Fe(CN)(6)](3-/4-), performed by the yeast cells. Fluorescence microscopy, enzymatic digestions, atomic force microscopy and isotope ratio mass spectroscopy were applied to determine both the polymerization reaction itself and the polymer location in yeast cells. Ppy formation resulted in enhanced resistance to lytic enzymes, significant increase of elasticity and alteration of other mechanical cell wall properties evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The suggested method of polymer synthesis allows the introduction of polypyrrole structures within the cell wall, which is build up from polymers consisting of carbohydrates. This cell wall modification strategy could increase the usefulness of yeast as an alternative energy source in biofuel cells, and in cell based biosensors.

Main publications:

Balevicius, Z., Paulauskas, A., Plikusiene, I., Mikoliunaite, L., Bechelany, M., Popov, A., Ramanavicius, A., Ramanaviciene, A. 2018. Towards the application of Al2O3/ZnO nanolaminates in immunosensors: total internal reflection spectroscopic ellipsometry based evaluation of BSA immobilization. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, vol. 6(32), p. 8778–8783.

Andriukonis, E., Stirke, A., Garbaras, A., Mikoliunaite, L., Ramanaviciene, A., Remeikis, V., Thornton, B., Ramanavicius, A. 2018. Yeast-assisted synthesis of polypyrrole: Quantification and influence on the mechanical properties of the cell wall. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, vol. 164, p. 224–231.

Electrochemical Nanostructuring and Anodizing of Tungsten and Ferrous Metals and their Alloys. Prof. Dr. H. Cesiulis.

Among W alloys, Fe-W has seen much attention recently, due to the need of moving toward the design of environmentally friendly materials. Coatings with 4, 16 and 24 at.% of W were electrodeposited from an environmental friendly Fe(III)-based glycolate-citrate bath. The samples were annealed in vacuum at different temperatures up to 800 degrees C. Different crystalline phases are formed upon annealing: alpha-Fe, Fe2W, Fe3W3C, Fe6W6C, and FeWO4. Their grain size and distribution within the coating was studied by means of Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) technique. The effect of annealing on the mechanical properties of the coatings was analyzed performing nanoindentation measurements. The results show a considerable increase of the hardness followed by a rapid decrease at higher temperatures. The highest hardness value, i.e. 16.5 GPa, is measured for the sample with 24 at.% of W after annealing at 600 degrees C owing to the precipitation of alpha-Fe crystallites. This study indicates the possibility to substantially increase the hardness of electrodeposited Fe-W coatings by optimization of the annealing treatment.

Main publication:

Mulone, A., Nicolenco, A., Fornell, J., Pellicer, E., Tsyntsaru, N., Cesiulis, H., Sort, J., Klement, U. 2018. Enhanced mechanical properties and microstructural modifications in electrodeposited Fe-W alloys through controlled heat treatments. Surface & Coatings Technology, vol. 350, p. 20–30.

Electrochemical Oxidation of Cyanide Solutions using Nanostructured Anodes. Assoc. Prof. A. Valiūnienė.

Hybrid bilayer lipid membrane (hBLM) was assembled on a mechanically polished metallurgical titanium plate. Hydrophobic molecular anchors needed for phospholipid overlayers were obtained by silanization of the Ti surface with octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS). The formation of hBLM was accomplished by fusion of the multilamellar vesicles containing of 1, 2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) and cholesterol (Chol) at molar % ratio 60/40. The fusion process was monitored in real-time by the dynamic fast Fourier transformation (FFT) electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. We found that the repetitive regeneration of hBLM can be performed up to 4 times with no major loss of the electrochemical properties. Also, we showed that the electric barrier function of hBLMs is disrupted by phospholipase A(2) (PLA2) - an enzyme, which hydrolyzes the fatty acid bonds at sn2 position in membrane phospholipids. Such effect may be used to design biosensors sensitive to both concentration and activity of the membrane damaging proteins, and possibly other agents.

Main publication:

Sabirovas, T., Valiuniene, A., Valincius, G. 2018. Mechanically polished titanium surface for immobilization of hybrid bilayer membrane. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 165(10), p. G109–G115.

Layer Formation and Investigation by Electrochemical and Quartz Microscopic Methods. Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Plaušinatis.

Study focused on measurement of lanthanides in surface water (SW) and ground water (GW) samples from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Results showed that the total lanthanide concentration in SW ranges from 500 to 1100 ng L-1 and is about 10 times lower than the GW concentration. The normalized patterns of lanthanide concentrations increase from lighter elements to heavier lanthanides. Concurrently, concentration anomalies of Ce, Eu, and Er are visible. The Er anomaly is the most noticeable and exceeds the theoretical calculation by about 13 times. The Ce and Eu anomalies are likely related to the variety of oxidation states of these elements. Meanwhile, the cause of the Er anomaly is not completely clear, but is likely related to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident, since increased concentrations correlate with the distribution of contamination in the zone. Cs-137 activity measurements partially confirm this hypothesis. Simultaneously, there is a relationship between the positive Er anomaly and increase in U-235 concentrations. However, there is no reliable information in the literature that indicates that Er was used in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant before the reactor accident.

Main publication:

Plausinaitis, D., Prokopchik, A., Karaliunas, A., Bohdan, L., Balashevska, Y. 2018. Erbium concentration anomaly as an indicator of nuclear activity: Focus on Natural waters in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 621, p. 1626–1632.


Prof. A. Ramanavicius

  • editorial board member of the journal Chemija (Chemistry).



24 Naugarduko, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 219 3113, 219 3227

Head - Prof. Dr. Ričardas Makuška


Professors: Dr. R. Makuška, Dr. S. Budrienė.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Vareikis, Dr. T. Kochanė, Dr. K. Radzevičius (part time).
Assistant professors: Dr. A. Bočkuvienė, Dr. J. Jonikaitė-Švėgždienė, Dr. V. Klimkevičius
Research fellow: Dr. T. Krivorotova.
Doctoral students: S. Mačiulytė, P. Radzevičius, M. Steponavičiūtė.


Synthesis and modification of polymers
Controlled radical polymerization
Polyelectrolytes from natural and synthetic building blocks
Amphiphilic and charge-carrying brush polymers
Cationic polymers for gene transfection
Polymeric carriers for bioactive compounds
Immobilization of biocatalysts onto polymeric carriers
Encapsulation of hydrophilic and lipophilic materials within polymeric shells


Projects Supported by University Budget

Ionogenic Brush Polymers for Nanotechnology. Prof. R. Makuška.

Diblock brush copolymers synthesized by chain extension had higher dispersity compared to that of the homopolymers, and the copolymers with the longest PEO chains contained a fraction of the “died” chains. Synthesis of diblock brush copolymers by “one pot” RAFT polymerization was preferential over polymerization with isolation of the first block. Novel highly branched cationic polymers containing different amount of disulfide linkages were less cytotoxic compared with PHPI, and they were able to disintegrate and release DNA following the treatment with reducing agent DTT.

Synthesis and Modification of Polymers for Biotechnology. Prof. S. Budrienė.

Encapsulation of water-soluble materials has been carried out by varying molar ratio of PVA and APTES, reaction time and temperature. Structure of the polyurethane shell of the microcapsules has been proven by FT-IR spectra and chemical analytical methods. Properties of PUU microcapsules and their application for immobilization of maltogenase were studied.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Multiblock Polymers and Their Brush Derivatives (No MIP-054/2015). Prof. R. Makuška. 2015–2018.

Research Council of Lithuania. Soft Tissue Engineering: from Cell to Artificial Tissue (No SEN-13/2015, project partner, executing institution VU, Institute of Biochemistry). Prof. S. Budrienė, Assoc. Prof. T. Kochanė. 2015–2018.

Contractual Research

UAB Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics. Prof. R. Makuška.
UAB Optolita. Prof. R. Makuška.


Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics (Lithuania)
Institute of Biochemistry, Life Sciences Centre, Vilnius University (Lithuania)
Centre for Physical Sciences and Technology (Lithuania)
Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology (Switzerland)


Prof. R. Makuška

  • member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • editorial board member of the journal Chemija (Chemistry).


Prof. A. Ramanavičienė. Vilnius University Rector’s Award.
Prof. E. Orentas. Member of Lithuanian Youth Academy of Sciences.
Dr. A. Zarkov. Fulbright Fellowship for 9 months at Georgetown University, USA.


Prof. A. Kareiva - member of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Prof. R. Makuška – member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Prof. A. Kareiva - member of FTMC Research Council
Prof. A. Ramanavičius - board member of the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology
Dr. V. Olšauskaitė - Representative of chemical and biological agents in the workplace, Lithuanian Standards Board


Lithuanian Art Museum, Restoration Centre,
State Labour Inspectorate,
Customs of Respublic of Lithuania, Custom Laboratory,
Lithuanian Standards Board
Lithuanian Chemical Teachers’ Association.


Prof. A. Žilinskas. Participation in National TV Popular Science Discusions – 5 times.
Lectures and Laboratory activity for High School Students – 28.
Dr. J. Kiuberis. State Labour Inspectorate Discusion on labor protection issues (Video).
Prof. H. Cesiulis. Mokslininkai kuria technologiją, leisiančią Lietuvai sutaupyti milijonus eurų.
Assoc. Prof. A. Katelnikovas, Lietuvos chemikai kuria medžiagas, apsaugančias nuo klastotojų



21/27 M. K. Čiurlionio, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 239 8268

Director – Prof. Dr. Egidijus Rimkus



Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics
Department of Geography and Land Management
Department of Geology and Mineralogy
Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology
Departmant of Hydrology and Climatology


Geographical differentiation of Lithuania’s territory in terms of state development and territorial planning 
Changes in ecosystems and climate, conservation of the environment and the use of natural resources


National conference CartoCon 2018
Workshop Adaptation to Climate Change: from Governmental Policy to Local Level


Spiridonov A. Stankevič R., Samsonė J., Brazauskas A., Meidla M., Ainsaar L., Radzevičius S. 2018. Cross recurrence plot analyses of conodont community turnover – a model free, continuous, high-resolution correlation tool. Opening Meeting IGCP 652 - Reading Time in Paleozoic Sedimentary Rock, Bremen (Germany), 12–19 September.

Kilpys J., Rimkus E., Pipiraitė S. Creating a cloud-free MODIS snow cover product using spatial and temporal interpolation and temperature thresholds. 31st Nordic Meteorological Meeting. Reykjavík (Iceland), June 18–20.

Stonevičius E., Grendaitė D. , Karosienė J., Savadova K., Kasperovičienė J. 2018. Chlorophyll - a concentration retrieval in eutrophic lakes in Lithuania from Sentinel-2 data. 17th Biennial Conference ERB2018 Innovative monitoring techniques and modelling approaches for analysing hydrological processes in small basins. Darmstadt (Germany), September 11–14.

Kažys J., Šidlauskaite L., Valiukas D. 2018. Future climate conditions for summer roads in Lithuania. 19th Internation Road Weather Conference (SIRWEC2018). Smolenice, Slovakia, 29 May–1 June.

Rinkevičiūtė S., Spiridonov A., Radzevičius S., Garbaras A. 2018. The impact of the Mulde bioevent (Lower Silurian) on Ostracod ecological Dynamics. 5th International Paleontological Congress, Paris (France), July 9–13.


The best publication of the year 2017 at the Vilnius University. Spiridonov A, Stankevič R, Gečas T, Šilinskas T, Brazauskas A, Meidla T, Ainsaar L, Musteikis M, Radzevičius S. 2017 . Integrated record of Ludlow (Upper Silurian) oceanic geobioevents - coordination of changes in conodont, and brachiopod faunas, and stable isotopes. Gondwana Research, vol. 51, p. 272–288.



21/27 M.K.Čiurlionio, LT-03101 Vilnius
Tel. 239 82 96

Head - Prof. Habil. Dr. Algimantas Česnulevičius


Professors: Dr. G. Beconytė, Habil. Dr. A. Česnulevičius.
Associate professor: Dr. A. Bautrėnas.
Assistant professors: Dr. A. Balčiūnas (part-time), Dr. L.Bevainis, Dr. D. Ovodas (part-time) Dr. K. Papšys (part-time).
Research fellows: V. Krikščiūnienė, N. Mačiulevičiūtė-Turlienė (part-time), V. Markevičius, R. Svilienė, L .Šutinienė (part-time), G. Šutinys.
Doctoral students: D. J. Budrevičius, D. Gudelis, N. Mačiulevičiūtė-Turlienė, R. Skapaitė, L. Šutinienė, D. Vasiliauskas.


Methods of cartographic visualization
Unmanned aircraft vehicles using for dynamic surface research
History of Lithuanian cartography
Mapping of natural, social and economic phenomena of Lithuanian territory


Projects Supported by University Budget

Cartographic Modelling of Lithuanian Natural and Social Phenomenon. Prof. A. Česnulevičius. 2015–2020.

Spatial data of social and economic phenomenon was analyzed and completed for National Atlas of Lithuania. Demographic, fertility-mortality, migratory, labour and unemployment, health and public health status, education of the population, economic activity of the population, mineral extraction, industry, domestic and foreign trade, finance, agriculture and forestry, service, transport, communications phenomena, its spatial dispersion and intensity were investigated.

Main publicatios:

Morkūnaitė, R., Bautrėnas, A., Česnulevičius, A., Dobrotin, N., Baubinienė A., Jankauskaitė, M., Kalesnikas, A., Mačiulevičiūtė-Turlienė, N., 2018. Geological Quarterly, vol. 62(1), p. 38–47.

Česnulevičius, A., Bautrėnas, A., Bevainis, L., Ovodas, D., Papšys, K. 2018. Applicability of unmanned aerial vehicles in research on Aeolian processes. Pure and Applied Geophysics, vol. 175(9), p. 3179–3191.


State Enterprise GIS-Centras (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Cartographic Society
Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Development, Departments of Physical Geography and Geomatics and Information Systems (Poland)


Prof. G. Beconytė

  • associated editor of the Journal of Maps;
  • editorial board member of Geodesy and Cartography;
  • co-chair of the scientific committee of the national conference CartoCon 2018;
  • organizer of the international workshop Visual Analytics and Its Problems.

Prof. A. Česnulevičius

  • editorial board member of Geodesy and Cartography;
  • editorial board member of Polish Cartographic Review;
  • editorial board member of Baltica;
  • editorial board member of Geology, Geography.

Dr. L. Bevainis

  • co-chair of the scientific committee of the national conference CartoCon 2018.


Prof. G. Beconytė. Member of United Nations group of experts on geographical names.


Prof. G.Beconytė. Evaluation of the Commission for Geographic Information Science (GIScience) for Austrian Academy of Sciences
Prof. G. Beconytė. Information management for the Lithuanian spatial information portal. Client: Ministry of Agriculture
Prof. G. Beconytė. Information management for the GPNS network of Lithuania (LitPOS). Client: Ministry of Agriculture
Prof. G.Beconytė, Prof. A.Česnulevičius. Consulting on spatial information terminology and geographical names. Client: State Commission for Lithuanian language; Department for Standardisation


Prof. G. Beconytė. Map gallery TV broadcast.
Prof. G. Beconytė. Flora and fauna in Lithuanian place names. Talk at the 19th meeting of Baltic Division of the United Nations group of experts on geographical names. Vilnius, May 21–24.
Dr. L. Bevainis. Report on PhenoloGIT final project: area data analysis and mobile learning in schools. GIT, Mobile Technologies, and Phenomenon in European Schools: Current Situation. June 27, Vilnius.
Prof. L. Bevainis. Lecture and leadership in practice for summer course teachers. Bridge over the Nemunas with Drone and Photogrammetric Equipment, June 16, Panemuniai Regional Park.
A. Bautrėnas, N. Maciulevičiūtė-Turlienė. Change of the dunes of the Curonian Spit. Public lecture. Directorate of the Curonian Spit National Park. Nida.



21/27 M.K.Čiurlionio, LT-03101 Vilnius
Tel. 268 8287

Head – Prof. Dr. Darijus Veteikis


Professors: Dr. D. Krupickaitė, Dr. J. Mačiulytė (part time), Dr. D. Burneika (part-time), Dr. V. Daugirdas (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. M. Dumbliauskienė, Dr. R. Prapiestienė, Dr. F. Kavoliutė, Dr. R. Šimanauskienė, Dr. R. Tučas, Dr. R. Skorupskas, Dr. J. Volungevičius.
Assistants: Dr. L. Jukna, Dr. M. Jankauskaitė (part-time), Dr. S. Šabanovas (part-time), Dr. G. Godienė (part-time).
Lecturer: V. Bezaras (part-time).
Doctoral students: A. Jasinavičiūtė, A. Lukoševičienė, G. Tuskaitė.


Remote sensing and spatial analysis of landscape, biotopes and soils
History and monitoring of landscapes
Land use change analysis
Spatial analysis of political, social and economical processes
Prognoses of spatial changes of society
Urban geography
Migration studies
Rural geography
Optimization of land management and strategic planning
Geographical groundings of regional policy
Medical and health geography
Electoral geography
Mapping and visualization of geographical processes


Projects Supported by University Budget

Study of Lithuanian Landscape and Political, Cultural, Social and Economical Territorial Structure in the Context of Optimization of the Country’s Spatial Organization and Planning. Prof. D. Veteikis. 2016–2020.

Physical geographical research of the department focused on: 1) soil evolution and anthropogenization studies, mapping of the soils of Curonian Spit and 2) studies of the bogs based on remote sensing data (Terra MODIS images). Landscape research aimed to find out the main trends in land use change in Lithuania, comparing to the main trajectories in Europe as well as analysis of landscape optimisation on national and settlement level. Human geographical research focused on 1) social, demographic, and economic diversification of rural territories in Lithuania and France, 2) optimisation of electoral territorial units and electoral studies, 3) demographic structure and its change trajectories in Lithuanian regions, 4) regional manifestation of population policy, 5) impact of gated settlements and communities, 6) evaluation of condition of heritage objects in protected areas.

Main publications:

Taminskas, J., Linkevičienė, R., Šimanauskienė, R., Jukna, L., Kibirkštis, G., Tamkevičiūtė, M. 2018. Climate change and water table fluctuation: Implications for raised bog surface variability. Geomorphology, vol. 304, p. 40–49.

Chevalier P., Mačiulytė J., Dedeire M., Razafimahefa L. 2018. Action local et développement rural: diversité des formes d‘appropriation du programme européen LEADER en France et en Lituanie. Géographie, économie, société, n2, vol. 20, p. 247–275.

Axenov, K., Krupickaitė, D., Morachevskaya, K., Zinovyev, A. 2018. Retail sprawl in post-Soviet urban residential communities: Case studies of Saint-Petersburg and Vilnius. Moravian Geographical Reports, vol. 26(3), p. 210–219.

National Research Projects

European innovation partnership project. Remote Sensing of Soil and Consulting. Dr. R. Skorupskas. 2018–2020.

The aim of this study is to support creation of new technologies for agriculture employing remote sensing from aerial photography to assess physical features of the arable layer of the soil (granulometric composition, aggregated structures, density, water capacity) as well as degree of erosion and percentage of organic matter.

Post-doctoral studies project. Analysis of the Stakeholder Priorities in the Assessment of Urban Ecosystem Services Demand (Vilnius city case study). Dr. I. Misiūnė. Prof. D. Veteikis. 2018–2019.

This interdisciplinary project will contribute to the achievement of the goals set in the EU and national documents, related to the sustainable urban development and preservation of biodiversity, including ecosystems services it provides. The aim of this project is to assess the demand for urban ecosystems services (ES) through the perceptions and priorities of the stakeholders. To achieve the main aim the conceptual framework will be built on the ES cascade model and applied for the case study of the selected urban ecosystem services in Vilnius city.

International Research Projects

COST activity. Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality. Prof. D. Veteikis. 2014–2018.

The main objective of the Action is to develop a better understanding of how European landscape protection/management and renewable energy deployment can be reconciled to contribute socio-environmentally to the sustainable transformation of energy systems. This Action investigates the inter-relationships between renewable energy production and landscape quality, and the role of public participation for the acceptance of renewable energy systems (

Project of “Gilibert” programme European Village: Analysis of Differences between Lithuanian and French Rural Development. Dr. J. Mačiulytė. 2016–2018.

The aim of the research is to analyse the development of European rural territories and basing on the dynamics of these days, the diversification of social and economic functions in Lithuania and France. The rural societies of the countries surveyed have a very different historical rural context, but are currently participating in a joint European Union project whose rules influence the development of their society and territory.

Main publication:

Dedeire M., Mačiulytė J. 2018. Territoires ruraux et développement local en Lituanie: une reconstitution des identités locales par un « recyclage » du patrimoine rural. Bulletin de la société géographique de Liège, vol. 70, p. 59–72. 


Lithuanian Social Research Centre (Lithuania)
Nature Research Centre (Lithuania)
Montpellier III University (France)
Bamberg University (Germany)
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)


Prof. P. Kavaliauskas (emeritus)

Prof. D. Burneika

Prof. D. Veteikis


Prof. D. Krupickaitė. Member of the committee for preparation of the strategy project for demography, migration and integration policy and its monitoring

Prof. D. Krupickaitė. Member of the committee Toponyms of the other languages at State Commission of the Lithuanian Language

Assoc. Prof. R. Skorupskas, Dr. G. Godienė. Members of the committee (Ministry of Environment) for evaluation of the projects in landscape architecture competition

Dr. G. Godienė. Member of the committee for the Greenery law change


Ministry of Environment
Lithuanian Standards Board


R. Skorupskas. Popular lectures on perspectives of drone use for geographical research
J. Volungevičius. Popular lectures on soil quality and erosion issues
R. Tučas. 20+ interviews, discussions, radio and TV broadcasts on demography, electorial regions and Parliament elections
G. Godienė. Popular lectures, discussion panels on landscape, landscape change, geographical communication, public excursions
D. Krupickaitė, D. Burneika, S. Šabanovas, J. Mačiulytė, F. Kavoliutė, D. Veteikis. Interviews on various social-geographical issues



21/27 M.K.Čiurlionio, LT-03101 Vilnius

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrej Spiridonov


Professors: Dr. S. Radzevičius, Dr. P. Šinkūnas.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Spiridonov, Dr. D. Kaminskas, Dr. A. Brazauskas, Dr. G. Skridlaitė (part-time).
Assistant professors: Dr. L. Balakauskas, Dr. A. Čečys, Dr. N. Dobrotin (part-time), Dr. J. Lazauskienė (part-time). 
Lecturer: Dr. A. Kleišmantas (part-time). 
Research fellows: Dr. I. Bagdanavičiūtė (part-time), Dr. E. Rudnickaitė (part-time), Dr. G. Vaikutienė.
Doctoral students: A. Chichon-Pupienis, V. Kirkliauskaitė, G. Martinkutė, Ž. Stankevičius, T. Gečas, E. Šinkūnė, D. Dankina, A. Ekleris, M. Grendaitė, M. Jankovska, S. Lozovskis, J. Samsonė, A. Zans.


The stages of metamorphism in the crystalline basement of southern and south-western Lithuania
High resolution integrated stratigraphic scale for Lithuanian Ludlow
The features of the carbonate sedimentation of Silurian period
The evolutionary - ecological response of the Cretaceous foraminifera to the Cenomanian/Turonian global anoxic event
Determination of the palaeogeographic conditions and regularities of formation of glacial and non-glacial deposits, which are characteristic of different periods of the Quaternary period


Projects Supported by University Budget

Geodynamic, Climatic and Biotic Earth System Evolution in the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic Eons Subthemes: The Impact of the Earth System on Evolutionary Radiations, Species Extinction and Ecosystem Reorganization. Assoc. Prof. A. Spiridonov.

During this year the group performed thorough paleoecological study of the upper Wenlock and Ludlow conodont assemblages in the Silurian Baltic Basin. The conodont data formed the basis for testing newly developed algorithms for the correlation of geological sections based on the recurrence patters of paleocommunities. Results were presented in the IGCP 652 annual conference.

Main publications:

Venckutė-Aleksienė, A., Spiridonov, A.., Garbaras, A, Radzevičius, S. 2018. Integrated foraminifera and δ13C stratigraphy across the Cenomanian-Turonian event interval in the eastern Baltic (Lithuania). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, vol. 111, p. 341–352.

Spiridonov, A. 2018. Prum’s aesthetic theory of evolution: beauty happens and it can change a great many things. Biosemiotics,

Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Systems in the Baltic Sedimentation Pool. Assoc. Prof. D. Kaminskas.

New research project Peculiarities of the formation of the sedimentary environments of the Lower Palaeozoic shaley succession of Lithuania proposed for financing. A research project on the oil bearing potential and its relation to the sedimentary paleonvironments of the Western Lithuania is in the completion. The results of the project could be applied for the studies of the similar sedimentary basins worldwide.

Pleistocene Paleogeography of the Ice Age and Interglacial Ages. Prof. P. Šinkūnas.

New project which will aim toward explaining late Pleistocene to Holocene biotal colonization patterns of sand dunes in the central north Europe just started. Ichnofossil samples are documented, and sedimentological works await their turn.

Main publications:

Indrulionis, A., Palaitis Ž., Šinkūnas, P., Mokrik, R. 2018. Numerical modelling of vertical boreholce heat exchangers performance under Lithuanian Quaternary conditions. Baltica, 31(2), 146-153 pp.

Andronikov, A.V., Andronikova, I.E., Subetto, D.A. and Rudnickaitė, E. 2018. Geochemical records of paleocontamination in late pleistocene lake sediments in West Flanders (Belgium). Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, vol. 100(2), p. 204–220.

Mesoproterozoic Magmatic and Ore Complexes in Lithuanian Crystalline Basement and Surrounding Regions. Assoc. Prof. G. Skridlaitė.

Volcanites from the Polish – Lithuanian part of the East European crystalline basement were studied for their metamorphic histories. The reheating stages of the crystalline crust were determined and tied to the Danopolonian orogeny.

Late Silurian Bioevents. Prof. S. Radzevičius.

A study on the stable carbon isotopes and graptolite diversity in the Bardo ravine in the Holly Cross Mountains is completed and submitted for the scientific review. The comprehensive stratocladistic study of Pristiograptines in under way.

Main publication:

Hints, L., Harper, D.A. and Paškevičius, J. 2018. Diversity and biostratigraphic utility of Ordovician brachiopods in the East Baltic. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 67(3), p.176–191.

National Research Projects

Development and Application of Classification and Regression Trees for the Spatial Studies of Paleontological Material. Supervisor A. Spiridonov; Student L. Daumantas.

Student project which is headed toward development of the comprehensive methodology for the characterization of regional differences in statistical predictive patters as applied to the paleobiological/paleoecological problems.

Study of Morphology of Modern and Silurian Seed Shrimps (Ostracoda). Supervisor S. Radzevičius; Student S. Rinkevičiūtė. 

Student project, which explored Ostracode soft tissue and hard tissue relations in the modern organism as possible analogues for the interpretation of skeletal features of ancient remains.

Testing Gradualism of Extintions in the Silurian Graptolites Using Confidence Interval Approach. Supervisor S. Radzevičius; Student: R. Stankevič. 

In this project graptolite extinction patterns are tested against two competing hypotheses of a) gradual extinction due to prolonged stress, and b) sudden pulse-like extinction pattern using stratigraphical confidence interval approach.

International Research Projects

DAINA Project. Ichnological and Sedimentological Evidence of Late Glacial and Holocene Environmental Changes in the Eastern Part of the European Sand Belt. 2018–current.

IGCP 653: The onset of the Great Ordovician Biodiversity Event (2016–current)
[New PhD Project on Ordovician-Silurian brachiopods started]

IGCP-652: Reading geologic time in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks: the need for an integrated stratigraphy (2017–current)


Wroclaw University (Poland)
Nature Research Centre (Lithuania)
Helsinki University (Finland)
Jagiellonian university, Krakow (Poland)
University of Tartu (Estonia)


Prof. S. Radzevičius

  • editorial board member of Geologija, Geografija, Geological Quarterly.

Prof. emeritus G. Motuza Matuzevičius

  • editorial board member of the journal Geologija, Geografija.

Assoc. Prof. D. Kaminskas

  • editor-in-chief and reviewer of the journal Geologija, Geografija.

Prof. Dr. P. Šinkūnas

  • editorial board member of the journal Geologija, Geografija;
  • editorial board member of the journal Baltica;
  • editorial board member of the journal Geologijos akiračiai.


Prof. emeritus G. Motuza Matuzevičius –

  • honourable member of the Geological Society of Lithuania;
  • foreign member of the Polish Academy of Art and Sciences;
  • member of the European Geoscience Union;
  • member of the Lithuanian Geothermal Association.

Assoc. Prof. A. Brazauskas

  • member of the Geological Society of Lithuania;
  • member of the Lithuanian Commission on Silurian Stratigraphy.

Dr. J. Lazauskienė

  • member of the Geological Society of Lithuania;
  • secretary of the Lithuanian Commission on Silurian Stratigraphy;
  • expert consultant for the Lithuanian Science and Encyclopedia Publishing;
  • expert consultant for the Lithuanian National Geography.

Prof. S. Radzevičius

  • corresponding member of the International Subcomision on Silurian Stratigraphy;
  • head of the Lithuanian Comission on Stratigraphy;
  • member of the Lithuanian National Geological Committee;
  • member of the Geological Society of Lithuania;
  • participant of the International Geosciences Programme (IGSP) Project 503;
  • member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG).

Prof. P. Šinkūnas

  • chairman of the Lithuanian National INQUA Committee;
  • chairman of Lithuanian National Committee of Geologists (IUGS);
  • member of the Geological Society of Lithuania;
  • member of the Lithuanian Geographical Society.

Assoc. Prof. A. Spiridonov

  • member of the Geological Society of Lithuania;
  • member of International Palaeontological Association;
  • member of the Paleontological Society;
  • member of Pander Society (an international association of palaeontologists and stratigraphers with a common interest in the study of conodonts);
  • participant of the International Geosciences Programme (IGSP) Projects 653 and 652.


Assoc. Prof. A. Spiridonov. Geologijos poreikis didžiulis bet mes jo sugebame nepastebėti. Geologijos akiračiai, vol. 1, p. 36–38.
E. Rudnickaitė. More than 400 excursions (more than 8000 visitors) in the Museum of Geology (special exhibition of mammoth skeleton).



21/27 Čiurlionio, LT-03225 Vilnius
Tel. 239 82 78

Head - Prof. Habil. Dr. Robert Mokrik


Professor: Habil. Dr. Robert Mokrik.
Associate professors: Dr. S. Gadeikis, Dr. S. Gadeikytė, Dr. P. Klizas, Dr. K. Jokšas (part-time), Dr. G. Žaržojus.
Lecturers: Dr. V. Jakimavičiutė Maselienė (part-time), Dr. J. Arustienė (part-time).
Research fellows: Dr. V. Jakimavičiutė Maselienė (part-time).
Doctoral students: V. Samalavičius, I. Lekstutytė .


Assessment of groundwater resources of the Quaternary aquifer system
Baltic artesian basin groundwater flow formation
Regional mathematical flow modeling of pre-quaternary aquifer systems
Isotopes and geochemistry of the groundwater
Investigation of engineering geological conditions of urbanized territories and technogenic loading influence to the geo-environment
Geotechnical properties of natural and filled soils


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research of the Geoenvironment Changes, Protection and Resources Use. Prof. R. Mokrik.

Investigation of environmental isotopes and noble gases in groundwater of the Baltic Artesian Basin: determination of trace and major elements of groundwater using ICP spectrometric and ion chromatography methods; assessment of groundwater environmental isotopic ages by radioactive isotopes radiocarbon-14, tritium and noble gas isotope ratios of He 4. Modeling of groundwater flow and mass transport processes using MT3D codes GROUNDWATER VISTAS v 6. Solving heat conduction processes according to mesh less numerical scheme as a radial basic function. Engineering geological investigation of soil physical-mechanical properties by static loading, dynamical penetration tests and using laboratory and field tests methods.

International Research Projects

IAEA (Vienna) project CRP F33022 item No. 20467/R0: Integrated Studies of Crustal Permeability Based on Environmental Isotopes, Noble Gases Data and Shallow-Deep Groundwater Mass-Transport Modelling in the Surrounding Area of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. 2016–2019.

Further technical cooperation with Tallinn Technological University Isotopes Laboratory in the partners project Groundwater flow history, global palaeoclimate signals and anthropogenic influence in the Baltic Artesian Basin: A synthesis of numerical models and hydrogeochemical data – research program project of the Estonian Research Council 2014–2019 (prof. R. Vaikmae group).

Research outputs are related with investigations and paper preparation in the field of hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes (radiocarbon, tritium, stable isotopes and noble gases) of the deep groundwater for age’s assessment in the Baltic artesian basin.

Contractual Research

Contractual research of soil and ground geotechnical parameters for soil and rocks physical-mechanical properties of urbanistic sites with Limited stock companies Fugro Baltic, Geoinžinerija, Kelprojektas, Sweco Lietuva, Geologijos projektavimo centras.


IAEA, Vienna (Lithuania)
Nature Research Centre (Lithuania)
Tallinn Technical University (Estonia)
Bern University (Swiss)
Heidelberg University (Germany)


Prof. R. Mokrik

  • editorial board member of the journal Geologija. Geografija (Geology, Geography).

Dr. G. Žaržojus

  • editorial board member of the journal Geologija. Geografija (Geology, Geography).



21/27 M. K. Čiurlionio, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 239 8292

Head – Prof. Dr. Egidijus Rimkus


Professors: Dr. A. Bukantis, Dr. E. Rimkus, Dr. G. Valiuškevičius.
Associate professors: Dr. G. Stankūnavičius, Dr. J. Kažys, Dr. D. Pupienis, Dr. E. Stonevičius.
Assistant professor: Dr. R. Linkevičienė (part-time).
Lecturer: Dr. J. Liukaitytė (part-time).
Doctoral students: L. Šidlauskaitė, J. Kilpys, V. Vilčinska, D. Karlonienė, V. Mačiulytė, A. Dubikaltienė, I. Marcinonienė, D. Grendaitė.


Indices of climate change in Lithuania and the response of hydrosphere to the long-term climate fluctuations
Extreme climatic phenomena, climatic resources dynamics and forecasting
Regional anthropogenic climate changes, climate change impact on environment and economy
Change and modeling of deposits and morphology of sea shore
Applied and road meteorology, human biometeorology
Use of satellite information for the assessment of hydroclimatic resources


Projects Supported by University Budget

Regional Analysis of Climate and Water Resources. 2014–2018.

Use of Satellite Information for the Assessment of Hydroclimatic Resources. Prof. E. Rimkus.

The main research task is to develop new algorithms and methods to determine snow water equivalent, freshwater ice parameters and soil moisture from Sentinel-1 SAR. The ground based freshwater ice, snow cover and soil moisture observations have declined in number over last decades. Satellite remote sensing with large spatial coverage and frequent revisit time might be the most robust replacement of in situ measurements of snow and freshwater ice cover parameters. Up to date satellite information provides new assessment capabilities of environment condition.

Main publications:

Jaagus J., Briede A., Rimkus E., Sepp M. 2018. Changes in precipitation regime in the Baltic countries in 1966–2015. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, vol. 131(1–2), p. 433–443.

Stonevicius E., Stankunavicius G., Rimkus E. 2018. Continentality and oceanity in the mid and high latitudes of the northern hemisphere and their links to atmospheric circulation. Advances in Meteorology, Article ID 5746191, p. 12,

Study of the Natural and Social Effects of Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region. Prof. A. Bukantis.

The purpose of the present project was to investigate the potential impact of climate change on nutrient (total nitrogen and total phosphorus) loads from four large-scale river catchments in Lithuania. The impact on nitrogen and phosphorus was chosen because they are the main nutrients responsible for the eutrophication of surface waters including the Baltic Sea. The results indicate a decreasing trend in the stream flow and nutrient loads in most of the studied Lithuanian rivers under the projected climate change.

Main publication:

Basharin, D., Stankūnavičius, G. 2018: The long-term 20th century re-analysis features over the North Atlantic-Eurasia region. Boreal Environment Research, vol. 23, p. 139–148.

Investigations of the Effects of Environmental Change on Inland Water Systems. Prof. G. Valiuškevičius.

In 2018, the long-term impact of climate change on the hydrological regime of Lithuanian inland water objects was analyzed. The detailed analysis of the floods in the lower reaches and the delta of the Nemunas River was performed. The study examined the conditions which predetermine the formation of dangerous floods and the probability of their recurrence in the 20th century. Fluctuations of the water table in the Čepkeliai bog have been studied as an additional indicator of the long-term climate change impact.

Main publications:

Taminskas, J., Linkevičienė, R., Šimanauskienė, R., Jukna, L., Kibirkštis, G., Tamkevičiūtė, M. 2018. Climate change and water table fluctuation: Implications for raised bog surface variability. Geomorphology, vol. 304, p. 40–49.

Valiuškevičius, G., Stonevičius, E., Stankūnavičius, G., Brastovickytė-Stankevič, J. 2018. Severe floods in Nemunas River Delta. Baltica, vol. 31(2), p. 89–99.

Stonevičius, E., Valiuškevičius, G. 2018. Identification of significant flood areas in Lithuania. Water resources, 45(1): 27-23.

Sea Coast Litho-Morpholgy Dynamic and Modeling. Assoc. Prof. D. Pupienis.

The main results obtained during 2018 have extended the knowledge about the lithological anomalies, as well impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on the distribution of sands of different grain size along the southeastern Baltic Sea three spits on the sandy beaches. The integrated approach of dune investigations offered an estimate of the rates of sand accumulation and key phases of aeolian dynamics during both stormy and calm periods, as well as helped extend the record of dune evolution to mid-Holocene.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania: Impact Assessment of Climate Change and Other Abiotic Environmental Factors on Aquatic Ecosystems. A. Bukantis. 2015–2018.

The aim of this study is to evaluate changes of environmental factors (water temperature, hydrological regime and water quality elements) and their impact on aquatic animal diversity and productivity, and carry out an integrated impact assessment according to the multi‐annual data and climate scenarios. Three river basins and the Curonian Lagoon have been chosen as research objects.

Main publications:

Šarauskienė, D., Akstinas, V., Kriaučiūnienė, J., Jakimavičius, D., Bukantis, A., Kažys, J., Povilaitis, A., Ložys, L., Kesminas, V., Virbickas, T., Pliuraitė, V. 2018. Projection of Lithuanian river runoff, temperature and their extremes under climate change. Hydrology Research, vol. 49(2), p. 344–362.

Stonevičus, E., Rimkus, E., Kažys, J., Bukantis, A., Kriaučiūnienė, J., Akstinas, V., Jakimavičius, D., Povilaitis, A., Ložys, L., Kesminas, V., Virbickas, T., Pliūraitė, V. 2018. Recent aridity trends and future projections in the Nemunas River basin. Climate Research, vol. 75, p. 143–154. 

Povilaitis, A., Widen-Nilsson, E., Sarauskiene, D., Kriauciuniene, J., Jakimavicius, D., Bukantis, A., Kazys, J., Lozys, L., Kesminas, V., Virbickas, T., Pliuraite V. 2018. Potential impact of climate change on nutrient loads in Lithuanian rivers. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 17(9), p. 2229–2240.

International Research Projects

COST activity: A European Network for a Harmonised Monitoring of Snow for the Benefit of Climate Change Scenarios, Hydrology and Numerical Weather Prediction. E. Rimkus. 2014–2018.

European research teams have developed different snow measurement practices, instrumentation, algorithms and data assimilation techniques customised to their purposes. However, they lack harmonised approaches, validation and methodologies. The Action co-ordinate efforts to address these issues, through establishing harmonized monitoring practices, enhancing the use of observations by promoting new observing strategies, bringing together different communities, facilitating data transfer, upgrading and enlarging knowledge through networking, exchange and training, and linking them to activities in international agencies and global networks.

Main publication:

Rimkus, E., Briede, A., Jaagus, J., Stonevicius, E., Kilpys, J., Viru, B. 2018. Snow-cover regime in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and its relationship to climatic and geographical factors in 1961–2015. Boreal Environment Research, vol. 23, p. 193–208.

COST activity: Natural Flood Retention on Private Land. G. Stankūnavičius. 2017–2020.

Climate change increases the frequency and intensity of future flood events, leading to higher costs of flood damages and increasing the public demand for protective measures. Traditional flood protection measures, mainly based on grey infrastructure (i.e. dikes, dams, etc.), are not sufficient to cope with dynamic flood risk alone. Nature-based solutions such as Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM) are promising options to mitigate flood risks as a complement to grey infrastructure. These types of measures not only serve to reduce risk, they also provide additional ecosystem services including increased biodiversity and recreation opportunities. However, a common characteristic of green infrastructure measures is that they often claim more land than traditional methods.

Contractual Research

Ministry of Agriculture Definition of Extreme Meteorological Event Long Rainy Period. E. Rimkus (project leader), E. Stonevicius, V. Mačiulytė. 2018.


Temple University (USA)
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (EC Joint Research Centre)
Nature Research Centre (Lithuania)
Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Energy Institute (Lithuania)


Prof. A. Bukantis

Prof. E. Rimkus

Prof. G. Valiuškevičius

  • member of the Nordic Hydrological Association,

Dr. E. Kažys

Dr. E. Stonevičius

Dr. R. Linkevičienė


Prof. A. Bukantis. Member of National Committee on Climate Change.
Dr. J. Liukaitytė. Member of Interservice Working Group on Heat Effects Prevention.


Ministry of Environment
Ministry of Agriculture
Lithuanian Geografy Teachers Association
Lithuanian Standards board
JSC Grinda


A. Bukantis, E. Rimkus, J. Kilpys. Three radio lectures about meteorology and climate on National Radio
J. Kažys. Video podcast How does the climate change? in broadcast Scientific soup 44
J. Kilpys. The broadcast on national TV about climate change, the environment and the efforts of everybody