Measurements of the laser-induced damage threshold of optical elements with the nanosecond diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser
Sukurta: 27 November 2018
- Unit: Faculty of Physics
- Keywords: Single longitudinal mode nanosecond laser, Nd:YAG, measurements of laser-induced damage threshold of optical elements, LIDT
Measurements are performed with the laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) test station, nanosecond Nd:YAG laser with single longitudinal mode and the equipment set for measuring laser radiation temporal, spatial and energetic parameters.
Laser parameters:
Maximum pulse energy 20 mJ, (20 W average power);
Central wavelength 1064 nm;
Pulse duration < 8 - 11 ns and 1 kHz pulse repetition rate.
Application. Measurements of the laser-induced damage threshold of optical elements.