Innovative Enterprises

Sukurta: 17 September 2018

Vilnius University encourages the members of academic community to establish companies for the development of R&D solutions that were created when performing R&D activities at Vilnius University.

May you consider establishing innovative enterprise to commercialize R&D based idea, contact the Innovation Office of Science and Innovation Department (). Innovation Office provides consultations on:

  • intellectual property protection and management,
  • licensing of technologies,
  • start-up team formation,
  • partner search,
  • raising of investments and funding,
  • innovative business development,
  • science-business collaboration issues.

The following are innovative enterprises established by researchers and/or students of Vilnius University:


MB „Pjezomaterija“

    Commercialises research results in the fields of piezoelectric and other multifunctional materials, as well as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). The main activities include R&D and innovation activities, encompassing:
  • Design and modelling of microelectromechanical systems using finite element methods and specialized software (Ansys, COMSOL Multiphysics, etc.);
  • Synthesis and characterisation of lead-free piezoelectric materials (ceramics);
  • Execution of contract R&D work and provision of related consulting services.

MB „Digital heritage“

  • The company develops modern software that will help to effectively protect cultural heritage by proactively and accurately determining damage to these objects. Carries out digitization of a wide range of cultural and natural heritage using a wide variety of modern 3D/AI/UAV technology and tools.

MB „Billoka“

  • The company develops a mobile app that performs personalised food analysis based on shopping receipt and suggests healthier alternatives.

MB „SuitU technologies“

  • The company provides personal style advice using artificial intelligence capabilities.

MB „Seqvision“

  • The company offers full-length plasmid DNA sequencing services.

MB „Femta“

  • The company manufactures portable systems for laser cleaning and provides laser and plasma cutting and laser cleaning services.

MB „Platformina“

  • develops fluorescence microscopy-based platforms for nucleic acid protein research at the level of single molecules
  • searches for new proteins or other biomolecules and surface modification methods to improve the characteristics of the fluorescence microscopy-based platforms
  • performs fluorescence microscopy-based studies of nucleic acid proteins at the level of single molecules

UAB ,,Emocinis balansas" (Mindletic)

  • employee mental health analytics and digital solution for improving resilience, predicting & preventing emotional imbalance.

MB „Optimalistai“

  • develops innovative tools based on operations research methods;
  • develops a smart full cargo transportation planning system.

UAB „Biomatter Designs“

  • designs new biomolecules currently not existing in nature at the interface of synthetic biology and artificial intelligence.

MB „BebrasLT“

  • promotes informatics and computational thinking.

UAB „CasZyme“

  • develops CRISPR technology based molecular tools and searchers for new Cas proteins that could be used as new generation molecular tools for gene editing.

UAB „Ledakis“

  • creates and produces compact integrated lights for bicycles.

UAB „NanoAvionika“

  • a nanosatellite mission integrator focused on delivering new generation satellite buses and propulsion systems for the satellite applications market.

UAB „Bioanalizės sistemos“

  • produces multi-functional biosensor devices.

Platelet BioGenesis Inc

  • produces scalable, pluripotent stem cell-derived (donor-independent) human platelets.

UAB „ThermoPharma Baltic“

  • develops novel chemical entities as drug candidates.

UAB „Ledigma“

  • designs, develops and produces smart lighting control systems.

UAB „Lidaris“

  • provides services and consultations to companies and research centers, that develop optics and laser systems as well as those who sell or buy large amount of optics.

UAB „IMD technologies“

  • develops biocatalytic technologies and produces biopolyol and epoxidized oil from natural materials.

UAB „Femtika“

  • supplies tools and technologies enabling true 3D laser fabrication, with custom design components in micro- and sub micro scale.

UAB „Profarma“

  • develops added value biopharmaceuticals and generic pharmaceuticals.

UAB „Baltymas“

  • develops and optimizes recombinant yeast-expressed proteins.

MB „Sekos“

  • works with Hantavirus proteins application in diagnosis.

UAB „Eteronas“

  • produces flat masked satellite antenna

UAB „Lokacijos sistemos“

  • develops and provides innovative customer in-door and outdoor tracking and queue management solutions.

UAB „Nomads“

  • develops agronomic traits and plant-expressed biopharmaceuticals.