Measurements of damage threshold of optical elements using Inolas SpitLight Hybrid III laser
- Unit: Faculty of Physics
- Keywords: High-energy nanosecond laser, measurements of damage threshold of optical elements, laser induced damage threshold, LIDT, Inolas, Ophir, Spiricon
Measurements can be performed for laser pulse repetition from 1 Hz to 100 KHz and for 1030-1064 nm, 515-532 nm and 343-355 nm laser radiation wavelengths.
The LIDT test station, Inolas SpitLight Hybrid III nanosecond laser with single longitudinal and transversal mode and 2-5 harmonics generation unit and the equipment set for measuring laser radiation temporal, spatial and energetic parameters are used.
Inolas SpitLight Hybrid III laser:
Pulse energy:
≥ 400 mJ @ 1064 nm wavelength,
≥ 190 mJ @ 532 nm wavelength,
≥ 100 mJ @ 355 nm wavelength,
≥ 50 mJ @ 266 nm wavelength,
≥ 8 mJ @ 213 nm.
Pulse duration 8-11 ns, pulse repetition rate 50 Hz, beam size 6 ± 1, divergence < 0.5 mrad.
An equipment set for measuring laser radiation temporal, spatial and energetic parameters is also used. It consists of universal Ophir power meters and thermopile-type power measurement heads, a Spiricon 190-1100 nm spectral range CCD camera, oscilloscopes, and photodiodes.
Application. Measurements of laser induced damage threshold of optical elements.