Facility of ultrashort pulses research
- Unit: Faculty of Physics
- Keywords: Ultrashort pulses, Ti:sapphire amplifier, femtosecond laser system, CCD camera, Spectra Physics, Andor
- Responsible person: Prof. Audrius Dubietis, tel. 8 5 2366075,
Facility is suitable for analysis of ultrashort pulses and light beams self-action processes in transparent materials.
Facility consists of:
I. Spectra Physics Ti:sapphire femtosecond system with noncollinear parametric amplifier and ultrashort pulses IR radiation source. Central wavelength of the amplified pulses is 800 nm, maximum pulse repetition rate 1 kHz, pulse duration 130 fs. Pulse energy at 1kHz repetition rate is 3 mJ. Noncollinear parametric amplifier generates <20 fs radiation in 550-750 nm spectral range. Ultrashort pulses IR source generates < 20 fs pulses in 2 m range.
II. Diagnostic complex, which consists of: high dynamic range Andor CCD camera, pulses duration meter Grenouille and unique set of diagnostic for space-time and spectral characteristics.
This set allows to record the spatial distribution of radiation in 300-1100 nm spectral range. Pulse duration in visible and IR spectral range and spectral characteristics in 200-2500 nm can be measured.