X-ray diffractometer (XRD) Bruker D8 Advance
Sukurta: 22 November 2018
- Unit: Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences
- Keywords: X-ray diffractometer, XRD, Bruker, Advance, diffraction analysis, reflectometric studies, XRR
- Responsible person: Valentina Plaušinaitienė, +370 5 219 3171, ; Simas Šakirzanovas, , +370 5 219 3190
Diffractometer goniometer: vertical Theta / 2Theta or Theta / Theta; Bragg-Brentan and the source of parallel ray geometry with Cu Kα.
There are two detectors available: scintillation or LYNXEYE.
Sample holders: standard powder, xyz table, sliding corner holder, oven with controlled atmosphere and temperature (50-1000C).
Application. X-ray diffraction analysis of various samples (surface or powder). Analysis of sample crystalline structure, reflectometric studies (XRR), surface texture analysis, phase transformation studies. Analysis of the obtained data, analysis of the texture with the formation of poles.