
Vilnius University researchers have been the authors of many international patents (Europe, USA, Japan and other). Inventions developed at the university are interdisciplinary so the title and descriptive keywords of the invention, patents and/or patent applications may include several research and technology fields. May you consider licensing opportunities of Vilnius university patents or patent applications, contact the Innovation Office of Science and Innovation Department (.).


Method for estimation of crystal periodic poling quality

Sukurta: 04 February 2025
Kryptis: Lazeriai

A non-destructive method for estimation of periodically poled crystal poling quality in the whole crystal volume, at small periods, such as significantly smaller than 10 µm, with high precision at periods equal or less than periods of poling of the periodically poled crystal using a nonlinear process based periodic poling quality measurement setup. The method is also applicable to fan-out type periodically poled crystals to estimate periodic poling quality in the whole volume where poling period should be equal.

Inventors: Julius Vengelis, Jonas Banys, Jokūbas Pimpė.

Jurisdiction: EP

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