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Hydrolases and uses thereof

Sukurta: 04 February 2025
Kryptis: Biochemija

The present invention is provided hydrolases originating from prokaryotic, archaea and eukaryotic cells, capable of regioselectively converting N4-acylcytidine, N4-alkylcytidine, N4-carboxycytidine, S4-alkylthiouridine and O4-alkoxyuridine derivatives to uridine derivatives. The present disclosure provides using these polypeptides in the processes: 1) for making chemical uridine derivatives from N4-acylcytidines, N4-alkylcytidines, N4-carboxycytidine, S4-alkylthiouridines and O4-alkoxyuridine compounds; 2) for making pyrimidine compounds such as intermediates in the production active pharmaceutical drugs; 3) for the prodrug activation; 4) in combination with N4-acylcytidines, N4-alkylcytidines, S4-alkylthiouridines and O4-alkoxyuridines for the selection of enzymes.

Inventors: Rolandas Meškys, Nina Urbelienė, Daiva Tauraitė, Matas Tiškus, Viktorija Preitakaitė

Jurisdiction: EP, LT

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