
Vilnius University researchers have been the authors of many international patents (Europe, USA, Japan and other). Inventions developed at the university are interdisciplinary so the title and descriptive keywords of the invention, patents and/or patent applications may include several research and technology fields. May you consider licensing opportunities of Vilnius university patents or patent applications, contact the Innovation Office of Science and Innovation Department (.).


A novel RNA-programmable system for targeting polynucleotides

Sukurta: 04 February 2025
Kryptis: Biotechnologijos

The present invention concerns a method for cleaving polynucleotides with an effector complex comprising an RNA and a protein comprising a TnpB protein, and related methods and products.

Inventors: Virginijus Šikšnys, Tautvydas Karvelis.

Jusrisdiction: EP, US, KR, JP. 

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