Vadyba (anglų k.)
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Studijų kryptis (šaka) Vadyba |
Kvalifikacinis laipsnis Verslo vadybos bakalauras |
Trukmė 4 metai |
Studijų forma
Studijų programos kreditai
Metinė studijų kaina įstojus į valstybės nefinansuojamą vietą
3 660 EUR
Studijų programos tikslas – parengti verslo vadybos specialistus, gebančius kurti ir valdyti savo verslus, dirbti verslo įmonėse ir viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose, suteikti verslo strategijų kūrimo, strateginio organizacijų valdymo, verslo derybų, personalo valdymo, rinkodaros, rinkos tyrimų, apskaitos ir finansų žinių, kurios yra šiuolaikinio verslo sėkmės pagrindas.
Programa yra vykdoma anglų kalba.
Kodėl ši programa?
![]() I am very grateful for the academic as well as personal encounters that accompanied my studies and all the skills that I am able to showcase and use in the current stage of my life. If someone was to ask me if I would change anything about the decision to become a student at Vilnius University, I would have never done so. Even now, after roughly a year since graduation, I look back and have a feeling of nostalgia related to my study experience. If a high level of education, great communication with the faculty and future opportunities are the characteristics you are looking for, Vilnius University should certainly be central to your framework of consideration. As a bonus, you will have a chance to build long-lasting connections, enjoy the international community and the experiences that come with it.“ Oksana Romanyshyn (Ukraine), Cum Laude graduate of the Management programme, Marketing and global business branch
„It was my immense fortune to be a part of Vilnius University. Not only have I gained knowledge on various areas in Management, but I made friends from all around the world. I also established my leadership qualities, problem-solving and communication skills. I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the faculty for their efforts that helped me gain knowledge to become a better professional, as well as for their guidance and support in finding my passions. Even though Lithuania is a relatively small country, it is blooming with opportunities to grow. It can be said without a shadow of a doubt that you will always find interesting things to do while studying here. All in all, it was a life-changing experience that made my life infinitely better.“
Yeva Shchudlak (Ukraine), student of the Management programme, Business management branch. |