Tarptautiniai mokslo projektai 2012 m.

Sukurta: 07 gruodžio 2011


Projekto pavadinimas Trukmė Vadovas (-ai)
ES 7-oji bendroji programa
Fundamental and Applied Electromagnetics of Nano-Carbons (FAEMCAR) 2012-2016 Prof. J. Banys (FF)
Nanostructured Efficient White LEDs based on short-period superlattices and Quantum dots. (NEWLED) 2012-2016 Dr. R. Tomašiūnas (TMI)
LASERLAB-EUROPE – The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures III. (LaserLab - Europe III)


Prof. V. Sirutkaitis (FF)
Ultra-thin Conductive Ceramic Mesh to Monitor Stress and Wear on a Steel Surface (MesMesh) 2009-2012 Prof. V. Sirutkaitis (FF)
The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures II (LASERLAB-EUROPE) 2009-2012 Prof. A. P. Piskarskas (FF)
Improving Diagnoses of Mental Retardation in Children in Eastern Europe and Central Asia through Genetic Characterisation and Bioinformatics / Statistics (CHERISH) 2009-2012 Prof. V. Kučinskas (MF)
ShApes, Geometry and Algebra (SAGA) 2008-2012 Doc. R. Krasauskas (MIF)
Compact Ultrafast Laser Sources based on Novel Quantum Dot Structures (FAST-DOT) 2008-2012 Dr. R. Tomašiūnas (TMI)
European Grid Initiative: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe (EGI-InSPIRE) 2010-2014 Prof. A. Juozapavičius (MIF)
Nanodesigning of Atomic and Molecular Quantum Matter (NAME-QUAM-EEU) 2010-2012 Habil. Dr. G. Juzeliūnas (TFAI)
Strengthening and Sustaining the European Perspectives of Molecular Biotechnology in Lithuania (MoBiLI) (2009)-2013 Dr. R. Abraitis (BTI)
Development of novel antiviral drugs against Influenza (FLUCURE) 2010-2014 Dr. G. Žvirblis (BTI)
Metastatic Tumours Facilitated by Hypoxic Tumour Micro-Environments (METOXIA) (2009)-2013 A. Kanopka (BTI)
Training NETwork on Functional Interfaces for SiC (NetFISiC) 2011-2015 Prof. K. Jarašiūnas (TMI)
Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA) 2011-2015 Prof. J. V. Vaitkus (TMI)
Low cost technologies and traditional ingridients for the production of affordable, nutritionally correct foods improving health in population groups at risk of poverty (CHANCE) 2011-2014 Prof. A. J. Abaravičius (MF)
Templated-Assisted Deposition of Functional Materials and Devices (TEMADEP) 2011-2013 Doc. H. Cesiulis (CHF)
Coherent Manipulation of Light and Matter via Interferences of Laser-dressed States (COLIMA) 2011-2014 Prof. G. Juzeliūnas (TFAI)
Nanostructured Lithium Conducting Materials (NANOLICOM) 2011-2014 Prof A. F. Orliukas (FF)
Pro-ecological Restructuring for Job (PRORES) 2011-2015 Doc. V. Jurėnienė (KHF)
Towards construction of a comprehensive map of amyloid-ligand interactions: (-)-Epigallocatechin 3-Gallate and insulin amyloid (EGCG+insulin=) 2011-2015 Dr. V. Smirnovas (BTI
Pan-European Network For The Study And Clinical Management Of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (TB PAN-NET) (2008)-2013 Dr. P. Stakėnas (BTI)
Cooperation agreement for implementation of european fusion development agreement (EFDA) (EURATOM/LEI)   Dr. A. Kupliauskienė (TFAI)
Sarcomere based Signals in Muscle Remodelling (SarcoSi) 2012-2015 Dr. V. Grabauskienė (MF)
Ensuring STABILIty in organic Solar cells (ESTABLIS) 2012-2015 Prof. G. Juška (FF)
ES Informacijos ir komunikacijos technologijų politikos paramos programa (ICT PSP)
Connecting Archaeology and Architecture in European (CARARE) 2010-2013 V. Vaitkevičius (KF)
Decision making for a united higher education (MyUniversity) 2010-2013 N. Bulotaitė (CR)
ES Visuomenės sveikatos programa
Suicide Prevention by Internet and Media Based Mental Health Promotion (SUPREME) 2010-2013 Doc. A. Germanavičius (MF)
Baltijos jūros regiono programa 2007-2013
Climate Change: Impacts, Costs and Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region (BaltCICA) 2009-2012 Doc. E. Rimkus (GMF)
Baltic Organisation and Network of Innovation Transfer Associations (BONITA) 2009-2012 Doc. A. Mitašiūnas (MIF)
Baltic Sea Health Region – Business Acceleration Support and Training Bridging Innovative SMEs and Health Care Organisations to Strenghten BSR Health Economy / BSHR HealthPort (HealthPort) 2010-2013 Dr. D. Matulis (BTI)
logoLietuvos-Šveicarijos programa "Moksliniai tyrimai ir plėtra"

CH-3-ŠMM-01/01: Asimptotiniai uždaviniai ir jų taikymai

2012-2016 Prof. K. Pileckas (MIF)

CH-3-ŠMM-01/02: Šveicarijos-Lietuvos Feroelektrikai: Valdomi vidiniai laukai energijos surinkimui / medicininei diagnostikai / taikymams mikroelektronikoje

2012-2016 Prof. J. Banys (FF)

CH-3-ŠMM-01/03: Kompiuteryje sumodeliuotų fermentų evoliucija panaudojant mikroskysčių technologijas

2012-2016 Prof. A. Janulaitis (BTI)

CH-3-ŠMM-01/04: Unikalūs genomo persitvarkymai esant įgimtiems nervų sistemos raidos sutrikimams: kilmė, genominiai mechanizmai, funkcinės ir klinikinės pasekmės (UNIGENE)

2012-2016 Prof. V. Kučinskas (MF)
Lietuvos ir Prancūzijos dvišalio bendradarbiavimo mokslinių tyrimų ir eksperimentinės plėtros srityje programa "Žiliberas"

Synthèse et caractérisation de céramiques conductrices ioniques utilisables dans des systèmes électrochimiques tout solides

2011-2012 Dr. E. Kazakevičius (FF)
 Etude de la coexistence d'états ferroélectriques et relaxeurs dans des céramiques de structure ttb 2011-2012 Dr. R. Grigalaitis (FF)
Photodynamique moleculaire dans le parahydrogene solide 2011-2012 Dr. J. Čeponkus (FF)

Inference statistique et teoremes limites pour les processus et champs stochastiques

2011-2012 Prof. V. Paulauskas (MIF)

Couches minces (K, Li)(Nb,Ta)O3: synthèse par PI MOCVD et l'application dans les capteurs à base de SAW

2011-2012 Prof. A. Abrutis (CHF)

Séparation et caractérisation de peptides amyloïdes toxiques impliqués dans la maladie d'Alzheimer

2011-2012 Doc. G. Valinčius (BChI)

Méthode d'analyse des modifications de cytosines de l'adn : application en vue d'undiagnostic médica

2011-2012 Prof. S. Klimašauskas (BTI)
Bendra Lietuvos-Baltarusijos mokslinių tyrimų
Изучение отдельных нанослоев слоистых полупроводниковых материалов методами индуцированного поглощения свободными носителями и релаксации фотопроводимости 2011-2012 Dr. V. Grivickas (TMI)
Исследование электронных и тепловых нестационарных процессов в CVD-алмазе различной морфологии оптическими методами 2011-2012 Prof. K. Jarašiūnas (TMI)
Исследование оптических свойств светоизлучающих нитридных гетероструктур выращенных методом МОСVD 2011-2012 Prof. A. Žukauskas (TMI)
Использование легирования германием для увеличения радиационной стойкости приборов на основе кремния 2011-2012 Prof. J. V. Vaitkus (TMI)
Биотопливные ячейки нового поколения на основе модифицированных редокс-ферментов 2011-2012 Prof. R. Ramanavičius (CHF)
Lietuvos-Latvijos-Kinijos (Taivanas) mokslinių tyrimų programa
Nanoscaled functional materials for biotechnological and optical applications 2011-2013 Prof. A. Kareiva (CHF)
One-dimensional Nanostructures of Ternary AlGaN and metal doped- Zinc Oxide with Tuneable Bandgaps: Growth, Characterization and Optical Properties 2011-2013 Prof. K. Jarašiūnas (TMI)
Materials and Processing Development for Advanced Li Ion Batteries 2012 Prof. A. F. Orliukas (FF)

Coherent manipulation of matter by light and light by matter

2012 Prof. G. Juzeliūnas (TFAI)
Europos tarpvyriausybinio bendradarbiavimo programa mokslo ir technologijų srityje (COST)
Antibiotic Transport and Efflux: New Strategies to combat bacterial resistance (ATENS)
2008-(2012) Prof. R. Daugelavičius (GMF)
Self-assembled guanosine structures for molecular electronic devices (MP0802) (2008)-2012 Dr. J. Tamulienė (TFAI)
Composites of Inorganic Nanotubes and Polymers (COINAPO) (MP0902) 2009-2013 Doc. V. Samulionis (FF)
Hypoxia sensing, signalling and adaptation (TD0901) (2009)-2013 A. Kanopka (BTI)
The Transformation of Global Environmental Governance: Risks and Opportunities (TGEG) (IS0802) 2008-2012 Prof. R. Čiegis (KHF)
New drugs for neglected diseases (CM0801) (2008)-2012 Habil. dr. N. Čėnas, Dr. J. Šarlauskas (BChI)
Systems Chemistry (CM0703) (2007)-2012 Dr. A. Tamulis (TFAI)
Cascade Chemoenzymatic Processes - New Synergies Between Chemistry and Biochemistry (CM0701) (2008)-2012 Dr. J. Razumienė, dr. D. Tauraitė (BChI)
Cancer and Control of Genomic Integrity (CANGENIN) (BM0703) 2008-2012 Dr. S. Jarmalaitė (GMF)
Prof. S. Klimašauskas, dr. G. Vilkaitis (BTI)
Next generation cost effective phase change materials for increased energy efficiency in renewable energy systems in buildings (NeCoE-PCM) (TU0802) 2009-2013 Prof. J. Banys, Dr. R. Sobiestijanskas (FF)
Epigenetics: Bench to Bedside (TD0905) 2010-2014 Prof. S. Klimašauskas, dr. V. Petrikaitė (BTI)
Physics of Competition and Conflicts (MP0801) (2008)-2012 Prof. B. Kaulakys, dr. V. Gontis (TFAI)
Chemical Biology with Natural Products (CM0804) (2009)-2013 Dr. D. Tauraitė (BChI)
Dr. D. Matulis (BTI)
Open European Network for High Performance Computing on Complex Environments (IC0805) (2009)-2013 Dr. J. Žilinskas (MII)
Single- and multiphase ferroics and multiferroics with restricted geometries (SIMUFER) (MP0904) 2010-2014 Prof. J. Banys, dr. R. Grigalaitis (FF)
Novel Gain Materials and Devices Based on III-V-N Compounds (MP0805) 2009-2013 Prof. G. Tamulaitis (TMI)
Combining Soft Computing Techniques and Statistical Methods to Improve Data Analysis Solutions (IC0702) (2008)-2012 Dr. O. Kurasova (MII)
The True European Voter: A Strategy For Analysing the Prospects of European Electoral Democracy That Includes the West, the South and the East of the Continent (IS0806) 2009-2013 Doc. A. Ramonaitė (TSPMI)
Rational design of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces: the next step towards advanced functional materials (COST MP1202). 2012-2016 Prof. A. Beganskienė (ChF)
Gender, Science, Technology and Environment (GenderSTE) (TA1201) 2012-2016 Dr. D. Šatkovskienė, dr. A. Kupliauskienė (TFAI)
Developing the Physics and the Scientific Community for Inertial Confinement Fusion at the time of NIF Ignition (MP1208) 2012-2017 Habil. dr. R. Kisielius (TFAI)
Kitos tarptautinės programos
NATO: Carbon nanotubes based comsopite materials for electromagnetic shielding in microwaves 2010-2012 Prof. J. Banys (FF)
Europos gynybos agentūra: Explosive detection – Spectroscopy, Terahertz technology and Radar (E-STAR) 2010-2012 Prof. J. Banys (FF)
NIH grant: Approaches for genomic mapping of 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine, a novel epigenetic mark in mammalian DNA 2010-2012 Habil. dr. S. Klimašauskas (BTI)
CERN: RD50 - Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders   Prof. J. V. Vaitkus (TMI)
CERN: RD39 Collaboration on super-radiation hard cryogenic silicon detectors for LHC and LHC upgrade   Prof. J. V. Vaitkus (TMI)
EUREKA: Acoustic wave application for the analysis of the quality and safety of porous food and non-food matrices (ACOUSTICS) 2011-2013 V. R. Adomaitis (FF)
EURECA: Novel optical measurement technologies and devices for advanced semiconductor diagnostics (Eureca! 4473-OPTICAL DIAGNOSTICS) 2008-2013 K. Jarašiūnas (TMI)
Eurostars: Production effectiveness navigator (pen!6232 PEN) 2011-2014 Prof. G. Dzemyda (MII)
HeHo – Heat Storage in Hot Aquifers (HeHo) 2011-2015 Prof. S. Šliaupa (GMF)
VISBY Programme: Computational Atomic Structure with Applications to Astronomy and Plasma Physics 2010-2013 Habil. dr. G. Gaigalas, L. Radžiūtė (TFAI)
ESO: The Gaia-ESO Spectroscopic survey 2011-2016 Habil. dr. G. Tautvaišienė (TFAI)