English Philology

Sukurta: 24 November 2020
Padalinys2x Faculty
Faculty of Philology


Scope of studies and length
240 ECTS credits, 4 years


Qualification awarded
Bachelor in Humanities


Application deadline*
1 May / 1 July 




Tuition fee per year
4 050 €

EU/EFTA students can apply for a state-funded places


Start of studies
1 September
City City


This programme offers students the solid written and spoken communication skills required for workplace success in English (C1–C2), as well as the fundamentals of English linguistics, literature and the culture of English-speaking countries. The curriculum includes a diverse range of course units that are designed to help students develop their language skills, including the advanced writing, speaking and research skills needed to become successful. Our students acquire a range of soft skills by cultivating their analytical and critical thinking, problem-solving and rhetorical abilities, while also gaining a knowledge of culture and history, which will allow them to understand the complex modern world of today.


Why choose this programme?

  • The distinctive feature of the English Philology programme is its flexibility, as it offers the opportunity for students to individualise their studies in a way that best suits their interests and abilities.
  • The programme allows students: 1) to specialise in different aspects of English linguistics, literature and culture; 2) to choose a minor study programme in a different field/ subject offered at Vilnius University; or 3) to combine the different courses of their main field with the general university courses offered at Vilnius University.

What comes after?

A degree in English Philology can lead to a successful career in a wide variety of fields:

  • Our graduates work in translation, public relations, journalism, teaching, research, literary and film criticism, content editing, marketing, law and economics, while working for foreign embassies, government and European Union institutions, etc.
  • An English major can also work as a private tutor or a secondary school teacher, provided he/she holds a professional teacher’s qualification, which can be acquired after completing a Minor or a post-Diploma study programme in the subject of Pedagogy (ESL).