Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics

Sukurta: 25 November 2020
Padalinys2x Faculty
Faculty of Physics


Scope of studies and length
120 ECTS credits, 2 years


Qualification awarded
Master in Physical Sciences


Application deadline*
1 May / 1 July 




Tuition fee per year
6 100 € for non-EU students
5 538 € for EU students


Start of studies
1 September
City City


During the four semesters of their studies, students will have hands-on instruction in parallel computing methods for scientific applications, computational optimisation approaches and artificial intelligence as compulsory courses. In addition, they can choose from a range of theoretical physics and astrophysics courses, which include mathematical modelling, non-local mathematical physics, physical kinetics, spectrometry, data mining, star atmospheres, advanced statistical physics, response theory, cosmology, quantum theory of atoms and molecules, quantum information, low-temperature physics, quantum thermodynamics and the physics of galaxies. For, every semester students join research groups for practice and for gaining experience in research.


Why choose this programme?

  • The present technologies of multi-scale supercomputing involve a broad range of problems, which require specialists with an original and creative mindset reinforced by the scientific theoretical tools of material science. Our programme is designed to prepare such specialists.
  • This is achieved by learning the latest “unfinished” subjects of theoretical physics and by practising scientific research interfaced with supercomputing and emerging quantum computing.

What comes after?

  • Our graduates are welcomed in strategical positions in various companies, including roles relating to data mining and analysis, decision-making and optimisation.
  • Positions in financial organisations, public administration and international businesses.
  • Some of our students join academic and research institutions worldwide, for a guaranteed career in an academic area.
  • Software development in R&D companies.