International and European Law

Sukurta: 24 November 2020
Faculty of Law


Scope of studies and length
90 ECTS credits, 1,5 year


Qualification awarded
Master in Law 


Application deadline*
1 May / 1 July 




Tuition fee per year
4 500 €


Start of studies
1 September
City City


Scholarships are available for applicants from Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan

The purpose of the International and European Law study programme is to train legal experts and legal service professionals with a comprehensive and profound knowledge of the international, international-regional and European legal norms that influence the most important areas of national legal systems, as well as the development, interpretation and application practices of these legal norms. Students will also gain the following abilities: to identify, analyse and solve complex problems related to law-making and legal applications in the contexts of international and European law; to apply their acquired knowledge in professional practice innovatively and integrally, in order to settle the disputes and legal conflicts that arise in an international environment; to possess a critical approach and the skills to carry out independent research and provide suggestions based on scientific analyses.

The programme continues for three semesters (1.5 years, 90 ECTS). At the beginning of their studies, each student chooses the track he or she is interested in, according to three options:

  • International Law and Human Rights
  • Tech Law
  • Business Law

Why choose this programme?

  • The VU Faculty of Law is the oldest and most prestigious law school in Lithuania.
  • The programme is designed with the most relevant and up-to-date courses in three different tracks (International and Human Rights; Tech Law; and Business Law).
  • Students are entitled to participate in international conferences and other academic events.
  • Courses are taught by outstanding professors from all over Europe.

What comes after?

  • The qualification enables graduates to be legal experts (advisers) in both public and private entities, to be engaged as problem analysts or researchers in academic institutions, as well as to work in all the major legal professions in national and international, governmental and non-governmental organisations and companies.
  • The possibility of holding an office in the regulated professions (judges, solicitors, prosecutors, civil servants, etc.) will depend on the qualification requirements applicable in a particular country and the recognition of foreign studies.
  • Graduates of the programme will be able to pursue an academic career in Lithuania and abroad, by continuing their postgraduate studies in a PhD programme in social sciences.

"I chose Vilnius University because of its’ long time history and because of the knowledge that the university delivers a good quality of education. As a bachelor I always wanted to continue my studies in the field of International and European Law and Vilnius University was one of the best giving me this opportunity. Studying in a different country in a different language was a challenge for me. But after a very small period of time it became easier to study because of the friendly staff that helped me through tough situations."

Elene Tevzadze, student from Georgia

Maria Kaplina„International and European Law programme was for sure a great decision that I made. Fulfilling program, professional professors from Lithuania and as well from abroad, a diverse environment in the group, and a flexible schedule that I appreciated a lot. I would surely recommend this Master degree Programme for future international students. The environment was friendly, and I learned a lot of knowledge that I am using right now in my career."

Maria Kaplina, student from Ukraine

Maria Kaplina„Having studied the International and European Law programme at Vilnius University represented a great challenge for me, but I can assure that it has been the best decision I could have made. It has not only increased my knowledge in the academic field, but at the same time I had an amazing personal growth interacting with a society and culture totally different from my country and continent."

Irving Gabriel Lopez, student from Mexico