
Sukurta: 24 November 2020
Padalinys2x Faculty
Chemistry and Geosciences


Scope of studies and length
120 ECTS credits, 2 years


Qualification awarded
Master in Physical Sciences


Application deadline*
1 May / 1 July 




Tuition fee per year
5 538 € 


Start of studies
01 September
City City


*Tuition fee is subject to change

The Geology programme is designed to prepare highly qualified universal professionals, whose intellectual and practical skills match the requirements of modern geosciences and knowledge-based technologies. The graduates will be able: to demonstrate and apply a comprehensive geological knowledge and understanding, and to effectively apply it in scientific investigations and practical activities; to critically analyse and systematically evaluate information and data; to develop and implement research innovations in areas related to the geosciences in complex environmental research and in areas involving various types of economic development; to independently solve geological problems in the context of modern science achievements; and to compete in the national and international labour market.


Why choose this programme?

  • The programme introduces students to the processes involved in scientific research and provides them with the knowledge and skills needed for a career as a professional geologist, hydrogeologist or engineer geologist.
  • Both theoretical knowledge and practical skills are applied to real geological problems, so that a suitable foundation is provided for work in the different branches of geology or a multidisciplinary area involving environmental protection, geotechnical engineering, or another field which directly or indirectly relates to geological problems.

What comes after?

  • Our graduates may choose to pursue a career at enterprises, research and state institutions dealing with scientific and practical geological activities and investigations, as well as the exploration of natural resources, environmental research, regulations, exploitation and the protection of underground resources, and territorial planning.
  • Some of our students continue their studies at a higher (doctoral) level in Geology and the other natural sciences, in Lithuania and abroad.

"I decided to study geology with a desire to know the unknown. At the time, I had no clue where and what I will do after my studies. While studying geology, I received not only knowledge but the desire to learn and seek answers. I felt that I am part of that small community of geologists, and this was influenced by professors and lecturers who accepted me and helped to change and to become a true naturalist. Studies help the formation of a new view of the earth. You begin to understand how the earth is functioning and how closely some processes are connected even it does not look like this at first glance. Textbooks were important but it was only one side of a coin. The second was a practical fieldwork. Understanding how to collect and later analyse field material is paramount. Besides, it was a lot of fun as well."

Paulius Aleksa, graduate from Lithuania