International Business

Sukurta: 24 November 2020
Padalinys2x Faculty
Business School


Scope of studies and length
210 ECTS credits, 3,5 years


Qualification awarded
Bachelor in Business Management


Application deadline*
1 May / 1 July / 1 August 




Tuition fee per year
3 620€


Start of studies
1 September
City City


The key feature of International Business studies is a strong orientation toward real-life topics and a problem-solving approach, the development of an entrepreneurial mindset, and the growth of analytical and communication skills.

Real-life business. An International Business program has a strong orientation towards real-life – real business stories and problems, real hunting for the best solutions.
Intercultural environment. 2/3 your fellow students come from all over the world. It is a great start to your international network.
Dynamic learning. Here you will get not only knowledge, but also the essential skills from experienced lecturers and business leaders. Weekly class time is typically divided into formal lectures and seminars or tutorials.

The modular International Business program is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to establish, develop, and expand a business under uncertainty through a step-by-step approach.

Key strengths of this study program include:
Entrepreneurship based learning - a focus on developing entrepreneurial mindset and skills, necessary for creating and leading own business.
A modular structure that allows for flexibility and customization of the learning experience.
Problem-based learning (PBL), which allows students to apply the concepts and skills they have learned in a practical and relevant context.
• A focus on sustainable entrepreneurship, which helps students understand the importance of social and environmental responsibility in the business world.
• The opportunity for personalization of study through the ability to choose elective courses and tailor the program to individual interests and goals.

One of the unique features of this program is the incorporation of problem-based projects in the core business creation modules each semester. These modules include entrepreneurship management, sustainable economics, entrepreneurship research, entrepreneurship, and project and business process management. This approach allows students to apply the concepts and skills they have learned in a practical and relevant context, helping them to better understand and retain the study material.

Additionally, students can choose:
• The enrol in a double degree and study for 2 years in a partner university.
• Asian Track: A Chinese language and culture course held in the II-VI semesters; upon the successful completion of the course, a certificate is provided, while a semester is spent at a Chinese university and/or summer school.

Why choose this programme?

  • Real-life business experience: the International Business programme has a strong orientation towards real-life issues, by examining real business stories and problems, and hunting for the best solutions.
  • Intercultural environment: 2/3 of our students come from all over the world, so it’s a great start for your international network.
  • Dynamic learning: you will gain not only knowledge, but also the essential skills from experienced lecturers and business leaders. the weekly class time is typically divided into formal lectures and seminars or tutorials.

What comes after?

  • Destination surveys show that the graduates of our International Business studies programme have good career opportunities in finance and insurance, trade and marketing, human resource management and e-business, as well as private or public business management in general.
  • Many of our programme graduates start their own business ventures.
  • Independent surveys and interviews clearly indicate that employers in different labour markets value students who have completed our International Business programme.

M Louie Khalili 002"Is a pleasure and an honour being a part of the Vilnius University Business School. The international and multicultural atmosphere here has a great impact on the students, motivating and inspiring them to start building professional relations on a global scale. Our International Business programme teaches us the art of mastering global business methods and modules, preparing us for any situation we might encounter in the real world while seeking our future prospective careers."

M. Louie Khalili