Requirements for the documents
Albania | Algeria I Armenia | Azerbaijan | Bangladesh | Belarus | Cameroon | China | Denmark | Egypt | Estonia | Finland | France | Georgia | Germany | Ghana | Greece | India | Israel | Iran | Ireland | Italy | Japan | Kazakhstan | Kyrgyzstan | Latvia | Lebanon | Moldova | Morocco | Nepal | Netherlands | Nigeria | Norway | Pakistan | Philippines | Poland | Russia | South Korea | Spain | Sri Lanka | Sweden | Tajikistan | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Ukraine | United Kingdom | United States | Uzbekistan
International and Cross Border Education: GED Testing | International Baccalaureate | UK School Qualifications
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Diploma of State Matura Examination Certificate (Diplomë e Maturës Shteteröre).
- State Matura Certificate (Certifikatë Maturës Shtetërore).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Baccalauréat de lEnseignement Secondaire , الثانوي التعليم بكالوريا شهادة ).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Licence).
- Academic Transcripts (relevé de notes).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Complete Secondary General Education (Mijnakarg Yndhanur Krtoutian Attestat).
- Results of the Unified State Examination (Единые госэкзамены) for admission to higher education institutions in Armenia.
! When the State entrance examinations are not taken or passed, the University applies a knowledge and ability test to determine the person's preparation to study in the selected program.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Tam orta təhsil haqqżnda attestat).
- Official results of the state examination for admission to higher education institutions in Azerbaijan organised by TQDK (minimum score 200 out of 700) or documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution.
! When the State entrance examinations are not taken or passed, the University applies a knowledge and ability test to determine the person's preparation to study in the selected program.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakalavr Diplomu).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Higher Secondary School Certificate.
- Academic Transcript of the Higher Secondary School Certificate.
- Secondary School Certificate.
- Academic Transcript of the Secondary School Certificate.
! Only applicants with a final GPA 4.50 or higher (academic programs) and final CGPA 3.50 or higher (technical programs) qualify for university studies at Vilnius University.
! Alim Examinations do not grant access to Bachelor‘s level programmes at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bachelor of Science/ Arts (Honours)).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
! Only applicants with a final CGPA 3.00 or higher qualify for university studies at Vilnius University.
! Bachelor (Pass) 3 years duration programmes do not grant access to Master‘s level programmes at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Aтэстат аб агульнай сярэдняй адукацыi).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Дыплом аб вышэйшай адукацыі).
- Diploma Supplement (Приложение к диплому).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (At least 4 exams passed with the grade C or higher).
- General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (At least 2 exams passed with the grade E or higher).
- The official statement of the General Certificate of Education (ordinary and advanced levels) posted directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania by Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board in a sealed and stamped envelope. Digital copies are also acceptable during the admissions period and can be sent directly to Vilnius University’s Admission Team () from the official institutional email address.
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Baccalaureat de l’Enseignement Secondaire).
- Transcript of Results (Releve de Notes).
- Confirmation of Results from the Office du Baccalauréat posted directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania Lithuania by Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board in a sealed and stamped envelope.Digital copies are also acceptable during the admissions period and can be sent directly to Vilnius University’s Admission Team () from the official institutional email address.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bachelor/ Licence)
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript
! Degrees classified as Third Class Honours do not grant access to Master‘s level programmes at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Senior Secondary School Graduation Certificate issued jointly by the school and local department of education.
- Academic transcript for the last three years issued by the school.
- Verification report in English for the Huikao or the new Academic Proficiency Test (Xueye Shuiping Ceshi/Kaoshi) results issued by Center for Student Services and Development (CSSD) (
- Verification report in English for the Chinese National University Entrance Examination (GaoKao) issued by Center for Student Services and Development (CSSD) (
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Degree Certificate/ Bachelor Diploma ((Xueshi (Xuewei (学士学位)).
- Graduation Certificate (benke, 本科) .
- Academic Transcript.
- Verification reports in English for the degree certificate and academic transcript issued by the Center for Student Services and Development (CSSD)
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Secondary School Leaving Examination Certificate (Bevis for Studentereksamen or Bevis for Højere Teknisk Eksamen or Bevis for Højere forberedelseseksamen or Higher Commercial Examination Bevis for Højere handelseksamen).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma.
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of General Secondary Education (Thanawiyya al-A’aamaI).
- Official results of the Final National Examination (minimum score of 65%) issued in English by the Ministry of Education or Regional Governorate.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (applicants must have achieved a grade no lower than "Good").
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
! All education documents issued in Egypt should be legalized by the Lithuanian Embassy in Egypt.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus).
- Transcript of Grades (Hinneteleht).
- State Examination Certificate (Riigieksamitunnistus).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakalaureus).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- General Upper Secondary Certificate (Lukion päättötodistus).
- Matriculation Examination Certificate (Ylioppilastutkintotodistus).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Diplôme du Baccalauréat).
- Transcript of Grades (Relevé de Notes).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Licence).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript (Relevé de Notes et Résultats).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Secondary School diploma (Sashualo Skolis Atestati) or General Education Diploma (Sruli zogadi Ganatlebis Atestati).
- Results of the Unified National Examinations (Ertiani Erovnuli Gamocdebi) or documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution.
! When the State entrance examinations are not taken or passed, the University applies a knowledge and ability test to determine the person's preparation to study in the selected program.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakalavris diplomi).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of General University Entrance Qualification (Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakkalaureus/ Bachelor Diplom) or Diplom (Fachhochschulen (FH)-Grad). .
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC) issued by the West African Examination Council (At least 6 subjects must be passed with the result C6 or higher. Mathematics, English language and Social studies/ Integrated science subjects must be evaluated no less than C6).
- Result Checker Card’s serial number and pin code for us to be able to check your examination results online at
- Documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one academic year (Polytechnic/ University/ Institute). Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania by Applicant‘s previous university in a sealed and stamped envelope. Digital copies are also acceptable during the admissions period and can be sent directly to Vilnius University’s Admission Team () from the official institutional email address.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma.
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript. Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania in a sealed and stamped envelope. Digital copies are also acceptable during the admissions period and can be sent directly to Vilnius University’s Admission Team () from the official institutional email address.
! Higher National Diploma and Degrees classified as Third Class Honours do not grant access to Master‘s level programmes at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (ΑΠΟΛΥΤΗΡΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΟΥ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ).
- Official results of the state examination for admission (Pan-hellenic exams), which are listed in the certificate of access to higher education ΒΕΒΑΙΩΣΗ ΠΡΟΣΒΑΣΗΣ (Vevaiosi Prosvasis).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Secondary School Examination Certificate (Standard X) with mark sheet.
- Apostilled Senior Secondary Examination Certificate (Standard XII) with mark sheet.
! Only applicants with a final course grade higher than 50% qualify for university studies at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Apostilled Bachelor Diploma or Provisional Certificate awarded by the University and not the College.
- Apostilled Consolidated Mark Sheet/ Transcript of Records (may be awarded by the College).
! Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (Except for Bachelor of Science (Honours)) do not grant access to Master‘s level programmes at Vilnius University. These qualifications focus on general education and are not research oriented.
! Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Business Administration (3 year duration programmes) and Bachelor of Computer Applications do not grant access to Master‘s level programmes at Vilnius University. These qualifications focus on professional training and are not research oriented.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Completion of Secondary School Studies (Teudat bagrut (תעודת בגרות).
- Results of the final state examination. At least 7 subjects passed with a total of at least 20 units including at least one subject of 5 units.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- For school graduates from 2000 to 2019: Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education (motevasteh) + pre-university education qualification (peeshdaneshgahe)
- For school graduates from 2019: Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education (motevasteh).
- Transcript of Results.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Kashenasi).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Leaving Certificate (Provisional Certificates are accepted only for current graduates).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bachelor (Honours)).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Diploma (Diploma di superamento dell’esame di stato conclusivo). From school year 2020/2021 - Diploma di Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di istruzione secondaria superiore.
- Results of the final examination (Certifica Esame di Stato). From school year 2020/2021 - Curriculum dello Studente. As per the Ministerial Decree n. 88 of the Ministry of Education dated 6 August 2020, each student is awarded the “Curriculum dello Studente”.
- A document issued by the school and providing information on the following:
- detailed grades of the final examination (grades by subjects)
- marks obtained at the end of the last year of schooling (e.g. Pagella scolastica)
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Laurea).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- High School Certificate of Graduation (高等学校 卒業証明書, kotogakko sotsugyoshomeisho).
- Transcript of results. An official academic transcript must be sent to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania by the School in a sealed and stamped envelope.
- Results of the state examination for admission to higher education institutions (Center Test) (if any).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Completed Secondary Education (Аттeстат жалпы орта білім туралы).
- Жалпы орта білім туралыаттeстатка косымша.
- Results of the Unified National Testing (Ұлттық бірыңғай тестілеу Сертификат) or Results of Complex Testing (Кешенді тестілеу Сертификат).
! When the State entrance examinations are not taken or passed, the University applies a knowledge and ability test to determine the person's preparation to study in the selected program.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Бакалавр).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Completed Secondary Education (Жалпы орто билим женунде аттестат or аттестат о среднем (полном) образовании).
- Appendix (жетишкен бааларынын жыйынтык).
- Results of the National Test (Жалпы республикалык тестирлөө/Общее тестирование) organized by Центр оценки в образовании и методов обучения.
! When the State entrance examinations are not taken or passed, the University applies a knowledge and ability test to determine the person's preparation to study in the selected program.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of General Secondary Education (Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību).
- Report card (Sekmju izraksts).
- Results of State Examination (Vispārējās vidējās izglītības sertifikāts).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bakalaura diploms).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Lebanese Baccalauréat).
- Transcript of Results.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma.
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Diplomǎ de Bacalaureat).
- Transcript of Results.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Attestation du Baccalauréat).
- Transcript of Results (Relevé de Notes du Baccalauréat).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Licence d'Études Fondamentales)
- Official Academic Transcript (Relevé de Notes). Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania in a sealed and stamped envelope. Digital copies are also acceptable during the admissions period and can be sent directly to Vilnius University’s Admission Team () from the official institutional email address.
! Licence Professionnelle qualification does not grant access to Master‘s level programmes at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Original Higher Secondary Examination Certificate attested by the National Examinations Board (NEB) and legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal.
- Original Higher Secondary Examination Academic Transcript attested by the National Examinations Board (NEB) and legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal.
- School Leaving Certificate.
- School Leaving Education Academic Transcript.
! Only applicants with a final course grade higher than 50% qualify for university studies at Vilnius University. Please note that education documents issued in Nepal must be attested by the National Examinations Board (NEB) and legalised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (HBO) diploma).
- Transcript of results (Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs cijferlijst).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma awarded by a Research University (Universiteiten).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
! Bachelor Diploma awarded by the university of applied sciences (Hogescholen) does not grant direct access to Master‘s level studies at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- West African Senior School Certificate (WAEC) issued by the West African Examination Council or Senior School Certificate (NECO) issued by the National Examination Council. At least 5 subjects must be passed with the result C6 or higher. Both Mathematics and English language must be evaluated no less than C6.
- Scratch Card serial number and pin code for us to be able to check your examination results online. Your results have to be available at , or
- Documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one academic year (Polytechnic/ University/ Institute). Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania in a sealed and stamped envelope. Digital copies are also acceptable during the admissions period and can be sent directly to Vilnius University’s Admission Team () from the official institutional email address.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma.
- Official Academic Transcript. Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania in a sealed and stamped envelope. Digital copies are also acceptable during the admissions period and can be sent directly to Vilnius University’s Admission Team () from the official institutional email address.
! Ordinary National Diploma, Higher National Diploma and Degrees classified as Third Class Honours do not grant access to Master‘s level programmes at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Vitnemål for videregående opplæring).
- Transcript of Results.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma.
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Higher Secondary School Examination Certificate.
- Higher Secondary School Examination Certificate Statement of Marks.
- Secondary School Examination Certificate.
- Secondary School Examination Certificate Statement of Marks.
! Only applicants who attained 75 % or higher total marks qualify for university studies at Vilnius University. Please note that all education documents must be attested by the Interboard Committee of Chairman (IBCC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma.
- Full Academic Transcript. Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania in a sealed and stamped envelope. Digital copies are also acceptable during the admissions period and can be sent directly to Vilnius University’s Admission Team () from the official institutional email address.
! Only applicants with a final CGPA 3.00 (or 75 % of overall study results) or higher qualify for university studies at Vilnius University. Please note that all education documents issued in Pakistan must be attested by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Diploma supplemented with an Authentication Certificate issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs.
- Secondary Student's Permanent Record (Form 137-A) supplemented with an Authentication Certificate issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Maturity (Świadectwo Dojrzałości).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma.
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Аттестат о среднем (полном) образовании).
- Appendix to the attestat.
- Results of Unified State Examination issued by the school (Свидетельство о результатах единого государственного экзамена (ЕГЭ)).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Бакалавр).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- High School Certificate (고등학교 졸업장, Godeung Hakgyo Jolupjang).
- Academic Transcript issued in English and sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania by the school in a sealed and stamped envelope.
- Results of the Korean College Scholastic Ability Test (if you have not taken the test, you should notify us).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma.
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript. An Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania in a sealed and stamped envelope.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Título de Bachiller).
- Result of National Examination (Prueba de Acceso a la Universidad) (if taken).
- Academic Certificate (Historial Académico de Bachillerato/Certificación official).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Título de Graduado).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (at least 6 exams passed).
- General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (at least 3 exams passed with the grade S or higher).
- Official statements of General Certificates of Education (Ordinary Level and Advanced Level) posted directly to Vilnius University, Universiteto 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania by the Department of Examinations in a sealed and stamped envelope.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
1. Higher Education Preparatory Diploma (Examensbevis).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Kandidatexamen/ Konstnärlig kandidatexamen).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Completed Secondary Education (Шаходатнома дар бораи тахсилоти миёнаиумумй).
- Appendix (табели чамъбасти бахохои азхудкунй).
- Official results of the centralized examination for admission to higher education institutions in Tajikistan organised by National Testing Centre (Маркази миллии тестӣ).
! When the State entrance examinations are not taken or passed, the University applies a knowledge and ability test to determine the person's preparation to study in the selected program.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- High School Diploma (Lise Diplomasi).
- Academic transcript indicating results of the last 4 years of secondary education.
- Results of taken YKS (from 2018), YGS and/or LYS examinations or previously organised centralised admission examinations or documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Lisans Diplomasi).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Secondary Education (Şahadatnama orta blim hakynda).
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Certificate of Complete General Secondary Education (Cвідоцтвo про здобуття повної загальної середньої освіти / Aтeстат прo повну загальну серeдню освiту).
- Appendix to the certificate (Додаток до атестата).
- Results of taken ЗНО/NMT examination ( зовнішнє незалежне оцінювання/національний мультипредметний тест) or documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Бакалавр/ Спецiалiст).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level (A Level)) issued by a recognized examination board (AQA, Cambridge Assessment of International Education, Pearson Edexcel GCE).
! Qualification awarded after completion of 2 years Advanced Level programme. At least 2 Advanced Level exams must be passed in order to apply to Vilnius University (the minimum acceptable grade is D).
- Scottish Qualifications Certificate with at least 4 passed Scottish Highers/ Scottish Advanced Highers exams (SCOTLAND).
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bachelor (Honours)).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript.
! Degrees classified as "3rd Class Honours", "Ordinary" or "Pass" do not grant access to Master‘s level programmes at Vilnius University.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- High School Diploma.
- Transcript of results. An official academic transcript must be sent by a school to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania in a sealed and stamped envelope.
- SAT, ACT, or AP examination results or documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution.
Applicants for Master’s degree programmes:
- Bachelor Diploma (Bachelor (Honours)).
- Diploma Supplement/ Academic Transcript. An Official Academic Transcript (certified true copy) must be sent directly to Vilnius University Office of International Admissions, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513, Vilnius, Lithuania in a sealed and stamped envelope.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Akademik litsey diplomi).
- Results of taken and passed Kirish Imtakhoni examination or documents attesting post-secondary education of at least one year at a higher education institution.
! When the State entrance examinations are not taken or passed, the University applies a knowledge and ability test to determine the person's preparation to study in the selected program.
International and Cross Border Education
! If you obtained your secondary education in a secondary school that is following the British, American or French curriculum (education system) please see qualification and document requirements for the United Kingdom, United States or France.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- High School Equivalency Credential awarded after passing the GED test (The minimum acceptable score is 165).
- Official GED Transcript.
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- International Baccalaureate Diploma.
- International Baccalaureate programme results certificate.
- The login details for checking the examination results online at
Applicants for Bachelor’s degree programmes:
- General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Levels.
! At least 2 Advanced Level exams must be passed in order to apply to Vilnius University (the minimum acceptable grade is D).