Y. Wang, an alumna of the first international dentistry studies: "Skills developed at VU are valued not only in Europe, but also all over the world"

Sukurta: 07 October 2020

the graduation speechThe study programs of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University (VU) annually attract not only great interest from Lithuanians, but also foreign students. This is the path chosen by Yu Wang, a student from one of the largest cities in China, who chose the VU Faculty of Medicine to study dentistry. According to her, these studies allowed to get to know the country, its people and culture and provided skills and knowledge that are valued both in Europe and around the world.

“I came back home after graduation with great knowledge, high grades and high skills and am currently working in my home city as a general dentist. Recently I have attended some professional trainings, learning how to operate a dental clinic,” Y. Wang explains, as she is currently preparing for her license exam.

According to the alumna, the study period at VU was an interesting and challenging trip that she dreamed of since school. "In China, at the end of the first year of school, we must choose our future field of study: humanities or sciences. That means we have to decide and start thinking about our future profession,” Y. Wang explains. Although she considered many different jobs, she could not imagine herself doing anything else except being a doctor.

“Honestly, previously, I did not know too much about Lithuania. Until one friend of mine, who was studying medicine in Kaunas at that time, highly recommended me to study at Vilnius University,” she says. After getting to know the country, the capital of Lithuanian and university better, Y. Wang decided to choose dentistry studies at VU.

“As far as I know, at that time, we were going to be the first international dentistry students’ group at Vilnius University. It was a big challenge to be among the first ones to take the course since no senior would be able to give us advice. But I like challenges and exploring new thing, that is why it seemed like a cool thing to do and to be able to leave our footprints in the great history of University,” Y. Wang remembers.

VU alumna says that studies were a challenge, but always brought joy and a lot of experience. In her opinion, the best part of the study process was the practical classes – the students had many hands on activities and opportunities to treat patients: “I always think that you cannot become a real dentist until you actually see the teeth. Learning by doing is the best and the fastest way to learn new things and keep the knowledge in long term memory”.

Y. Wang feels thankful to her professors, who helped a lot during the studies: “They are erudites and always showed us their full kindness and patience. Especially my prosthodontic professor, Dr Rolandas Pletkus, I learned a lot from him. He always treated students like equals and opened the door of the prosthodontics world to me. That is why I decided to be a prosthodontist in the future. I always want to say a sincere ‘thank you’ to him”.

VU MF alumna still remembers her last exam and the final graduation ceremony: “My friends and family came from China on the day of the diploma award ceremony and I made the final speech representing the international dentistry students’ life. My parents told me they were proud of me, and I was proud of myself”, Y. Wang shares.

According to her, the students of the Faculty of Medicine constantly receive the latest knowledge, are progressively trained to become the best doctors and not only in terms of qualifications: “Good doctors are humble doctors, willing to listen to their patients and use all resources: medical, human, social, and spiritual, that should contribute to their patients' healing.” She is trying to be such a doctor all the time.

Yu Wang emphasizes that the most important ability she had gained at VU is the ability to continuously study by herself, to think independently, not to lose curiosity to new knowledge and new techniques. In her further future, she would like to open her own dental clinic.