VU Šiauliai Academy: More Opportunities for Researchers and Students, New Study Models

Sukurta: 22 December 2020

2W4C8721Following the affiliation of Šiauliai University by Vilnius University to take place on 1 January 2021, VU Šiauliai Academy (VU ŠA) will emerge in Šiauliai. This scientific union will not only open new opportunities for students and researchers but will also provide access to science and education in northern Lithuania and help to solve an issue relevant to the entire country related to training pedagogues. VU Vice-Rector for Studies Dr Valdas Jaskūnas talks about the new pedagogy centre, studies at VU ŠA and new study methods.

New study models – to meet the local need

According to Dr Jaskūnas, currently Šiauliai University, which will soon become VU ŠA, is a scientific institution that serves the whole of northern Lithuania, which is a unique feature of the institution that needs to be strengthened. Therefore, the implementation of a unique study model in Šiauliai is being considered, with a focus on more flexible studies than that provided by an ordinary university.

“It is a model designed to meet the needs of the local labour market, with the purpose of strengthening the region’s potential. It may not be suitable for Vilnius or Kaunas, but it is very useful for Šiauliai, taking into account the experience, work and tendencies of this institution. There are a number of students in Šiauliai who retrain after acquiring additional knowledge, especially by choosing pedagogy studies. The local labour market also shows an interest – people who need additional qualifications due to their job prospects choose studies,” says Dr Jaskūnas. 

“One of the elements of a unique study model, according to Dr Jaskūnas, could be a focus on distance learning. By strengthening the methodological and technological potential, distance learning could be pursued not only in times of global pandemic: “VU ŠA is a higher education centre that accommodates the whole northern region, therefore such a model with the possibility of distance learning can be useful for students who are not physically based in Šiauliai.” 

Will have more opportunities to offer

Dr Jaskūnas says that VU ŠA students will have a wider choice of study programmes, especially speaking about general university study (BUS) subjects, which are offered in the form of distance learning, and due to the pandemic, more programmes will be adapted for distance learning in the future: “VU ŠA students will be able to choose the subjects taught by lecturers from Vilnius or Kaunas, not to mention that the access of students and researchers to VU information resources and digital library sources will increase considerably.”

In addition, researchers will have the opportunity to participate in the activities and projects of the Arqus Alliance and other international partner networks of which VU is a member, carry out more interdisciplinary research, join and initiate research teams involving researchers in various fields, receive the necessary assistance and institutional support in execution and implementation of projects. “Support resources at VU are incomparably larger and VU has accumulated extremely diverse high-level competencies, which are needed by researchers in project and research activities. All this will be possible following the affiliation by VU.”

In his words, non-academic staff will face changes as well – by joining a larger organization, career and competence development opportunities within the institution will expand. In addition, ŠA will gradually move to a system of equal pay and teaching load.

“The system cannot be transformed overnight, but systemic changes are being implemented consistently. Based on the available data on the remuneration and workload of Šiauliai University employees, we can suggest that both academic and non-academic employees have quite good conditions at VU. Therefore, in the long run, we are going to make sure that these conditions are equal, no matter in which city the university unit operates,” points out Dr Jaskūnas.

Will solve problems relevant to the whole country

According to Dr Jaskūnas, Šiauliai University has a long tradition of teacher training. This good practice will empower VU to address societal concerns related to teacher education and all the challenges that schools face today.

“By having two teacher training centres in Vilnius and Šiauliai, we can employ more diverse models. Šiauliai University has been conducting studies in a parallel way, while at VU we usually train teachers in a consecutive way in professional pedagogical and minor study programmes. This variety of models is very important to ensure that teachers are trained in as many different ways as possible – not only after completing bachelor’s, bachelor’s and master’s studies, but also after completing professional pedagogical bachelor’s or related studies,” alleges Dr Jaskūnas.

He does not rule out the possibility that in the future, with state-level support a decision could be made not to require a teacher’s qualification to work as a teacher: “A teacher can come to school out of a vocation, guided by desire. And when you start working, you would receive help from a school, state or university and acquire the required qualification of a teacher in parallel. Such models are used in neighbouring Estonia as well. They help to attract motivated people who can become inspiring teachers.”

Dr Jaskūnas says that Lithuania has the potential to train teachers according to such a model. In addition, it would allow a qualified specialist, say a physics graduate, to acquire the missing pedagogical competencies while working at the school. 

Proven study programmes will be offered 

Students who have started their studies at Šiauliai University will continue them at VU in Šiauliai, and those who are still planning their studies will be able to choose from all three study cycles – bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral study programmes. According to Dr Jaskūnas, the VU ŠA study portfolio has been advanced and is constantly being improved, but the aim is to increase trust in university studies and attract more interested students to VU ŠA every year. 

“In the future, we plan to review certain study programmes and strengthen some areas, such as information technology studies. We have strong information technology centres in Vilnius and Kaunas, so we can apply good practices in Šiauliai as well. This is how new programmes can emerge, with the help of colleagues from Vilnius or Kaunas,” points out Dr Jaskūnas, speaking about perspectives. 

In 2021, there will be no significant changes in the offer of study programmes for VU ŠA applicants, but a lot of attention will be paid to the quality of the study process and strengthening of academic potential in order to achieve smooth and outstanding changes in the future.